- Positive Effects of Technology on youth
Everyone has seen the moody, withdrawn kid with music blasting out of his white ear plugs, or the girl rapidly testing on her phone. The youth of today are constantly engrossed at technological advancements e. G. Cell phones, laptops, Pods, Pads. Etc. Technology has dramatically changed the way we live, affecting everyone; taking Its hardest hits on young ones. Technology has Its good points but not everyone uses It In the right way. It depends on each Individual.
Negative Effects of Technology
Technology Is sometimes a negative Influence on us because It separates Individuals from reality. The Pod Is one example; by putting In your ear plugs and occupying yourself with music while In public, you are disconnecting yourself from the real world. Another negative effect of technology Is that we begin to lose out on our family time. One who Is totally engrossed In modern technological devices would start to slowly drift away from his family and friends, making them his second priority. Another negative effect is that we become too dependent on these gadgets. Sing the internet on our computers or laptops is the most common factor. We simply cannot live without them. Our school projects, essays etc. Are done through research from the internet. Although the use of ‘ copy and paste’ makes things easier for us, it makes us lazy. To do so is illegal yet many of us don’t realism this. This is known as plagiarism. Another very big necessity for every teenager out there is the Blackberry or the phone. If you don’t have one you are considered as being a ‘ looser’. This results in peer pressure.
A teenager will then demand it from their parents no matter what the cost is Just to be categorized as one of the ‘ awesome’ people. The youth of today would give up anything for technological gadgets, especially cell phones. I once heard a teenager say, “ I’d rather give up my kidney than my phone. So, teenagers would basically give up their lives for their phones. Technology also has its advantages or benefits. Cell phones reunite people. You get to know more people as well as stay in touch with friends and family who live abroad.
Positive Effects of Technology on youth
Technology makes communication easier. You can get your message across to a friend or relative via an email or text message in a matter of seconds. Teenagers can stay in contact with their parents when they’re out with their friends. When there Is an emergency, we can call our parents or the police for help. Technology Is not that bad after all. It has its positive and negative effects on youth today. In the end, It depends on how we choose to use It. Effects of Modern Technology on Youth By Establishment engrossed at technological advancements e. . Cell phones, laptops, pods, pads. Etc. Technology has dramatically changed the way we live, affecting everyone; taking its hardest hits on young ones. Technology has its good points but not everyone uses it in the right way. It depends on each individual. Technology is sometimes a negative influence on us because it separates individuals from reality. The pod is one example; by putting in your ear plugs and occupying yourself with music while in genealogy is that we begin to lose out on our family time.
One who is totally engrossed in modern technological devices would start to slowly drift away from his we become too dependent on these gadgets. Using the internet on our computers or many of us don’t realism this. This is known as plagiarism. Another very big necessity for every teenager out there is the Blackberry or the phone. If you don’t have one you is an emergency, we can call our parents or the police for help. Technology is not that bad after all. It has its positive and negative effects on youth today. In the end, it depends on how we choose to use it.