Essay, 2 pages (250 words)

Growing numbers of blacks are immigrating to the united states (especially to the critical thinking sample

Critical Thinking

The growing numbers of Blacks immigrating into the US has a potential to change the perception of African-Americans in the US. This could go in two directions. First of all, there is a rising concern about illegal immigrants into the US, especially from the Latin American regions. If this be the case, then it is likely that the growing numbers of African Americans in the US could be associated with illegal immigration. As such, there will be greater prejudice against the African Americans. Everyone would be looked at suspiciously.
On the other hand, of the immigrations be legal, there is a possibility that the position of the African Americans in the land could greatly improve. Their numbers would grow, thereby asserting their position and presence in the land. They would infiltrate into many of the institutions in the land and be active in propelling the economy of the land. In the long run, the respect and dignity for the Blacks in America would greatly improve.
In terms of the social construction of race, there is a possibility that there would be major restructuring. As it stands, the Blacks in the land are seen as a problematic race. They rank low on the social ladders and are thought to be trouble makers and drug peddlers. An increase in their numbers could either worsen or disregard these perceptions. Again, this is dependent on how the immigrants handle themselves and how they make their living in the US. Based on this, it is arguable that the effect that the mass immigrations have could go either way. It is all dependent on the immigrants themselves because the society will tag them in accordance to what they do.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Growing numbers of blacks are immigrating to the united states (especially to the critical thinking sample'. 14 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 14). Growing numbers of blacks are immigrating to the united states (especially to the critical thinking sample. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/growing-numbers-of-blacks-are-immigrating-to-the-united-states-especially-to-the-critical-thinking-sample/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Growing numbers of blacks are immigrating to the united states (especially to the critical thinking sample." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/growing-numbers-of-blacks-are-immigrating-to-the-united-states-especially-to-the-critical-thinking-sample/.

1. AssignBuster. "Growing numbers of blacks are immigrating to the united states (especially to the critical thinking sample." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/growing-numbers-of-blacks-are-immigrating-to-the-united-states-especially-to-the-critical-thinking-sample/.


AssignBuster. "Growing numbers of blacks are immigrating to the united states (especially to the critical thinking sample." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/growing-numbers-of-blacks-are-immigrating-to-the-united-states-especially-to-the-critical-thinking-sample/.

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"Growing numbers of blacks are immigrating to the united states (especially to the critical thinking sample." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/growing-numbers-of-blacks-are-immigrating-to-the-united-states-especially-to-the-critical-thinking-sample/.

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