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Good essay about need and related to the class introduction to law enforcement. write a brief

Introduction to Law Enforcement

Law enforcement is the legal process of ensuring that laws and legislations of a state or a country are protected and persons who go against the constitutional requirements are charged and if found guilty are punished. The current world situations in respect to uprising push for human rights and humanity has resulted in law enforcement drawing several meanings just beyond punishing the culprits. On a legal argument, law enforcement includes protecting the legislations of an institution or state and as well protecting the rights of accused. This to some extent of legal argument means persons accused of white-washing a legal obligation must also be given maximum protection of the very law abused.


Law enforcement is a duty legally ordained to an organized national or state Law Enforcement Agency. Within the law enforcement agency are qualified law enforcement officers. This are persons with high qualification and experience in matters of security and integrity. The efficiency of Law enforcement agencies also greatly depends on the History of Law enforcement in that given states (Hess, Kären, and Christine 46). Most law enforcement agencies are the police department, federal police, military force, secret police and the Judiciary. These agencies have got a distinct jurisdictional boundaries with which they operate to minimize menace of security overlap.
Law enforcement also encompasses judicial interpretation of the manner in which it is done. This includes crime, criminal intelligence and detection, criminal law and interpretation (Doerner and William 23). In some states, enforcement does not necessitate ensuring that the laws are obeyed as given but much of it will be the lawful argument of an action being termed as criminal (Hess, Kären, and Christine 59). It hence means the judiciary is an important participant in the law enforcement. Therefore as a law student, the aim of this coverage will not only be in considering who does what or offences who, but it opens to a wide field of argument that brings together all the participants in the field and the very role they play in ensuring that the legal framework of an institution or a state is admitted in the sense of its fairness.
Law is an act of fairness (Doerner and William 67). William argues that law enforcement is not sensibly a corrective measure as his earlier fellow detectives had put it but rather an act of displeasure on the law enforcement agency. William argues that law enforcement is a societal concern and duty just as the process of enforcing law involves everyone. This therefore means Law enforcement is a general concern . However, the only legal body assigned that responsible of ensuring that law is enforced is the state is the law enforcement agency. This argument gives the reason why mob justice has been sighted by the law enforcement agencies as the unlawful.


Law enforcement on equal grounds is affected by a number of issues such as police accountability, improper training of law enforcement agencies, police brutality as a way of trying to protect the rights of the accused, corruption by law enforcement agencies, public security , public responsibility, controlling of riots and unlawful demonstrations, human right activism and judicial involvement. Law enforcement therefore implies the whole process involved to eliminate criminology.

Work cited

Doerner, William G. Introduction to Law Enforcement: An Insider’s View. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co, 2007. Print.
Hess, Kären M, and Christine M. H. Orthmann. Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.
Hess, Kären M, Christine M. H. Orthmann, and Henry L. Cho. Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar/Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

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AssignBuster. "Good essay about need and related to the class introduction to law enforcement. write a brief." May 8, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/good-essay-about-need-and-related-to-the-class-introduction-to-law-enforcement-write-a-brief/.

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"Good essay about need and related to the class introduction to law enforcement. write a brief." AssignBuster, 8 May 2022, assignbuster.com/good-essay-about-need-and-related-to-the-class-introduction-to-law-enforcement-write-a-brief/.

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