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Good discovery of physical items of evidence report example

Discovery laws in the Tennessee state have faced some changes in the past two decades comparing it with that of North Carolina. There have been lots of discoveries in criminal felony law for instance comparing North Carolina case mostly personal effects even including phone messages and photos must be turned in for a case prosecution which is not much same as in the Tennessee County which goes even deeper to other personal effects. The following are the other alterations as the two states are compared. Law enforcement Officer will probably stamp together with Bates Stamp numbers. You do not need to purchase a Bates Stamp. You should use your computer. If student does not have bates stamp, student should start each document inside Microsoft word along with create headers where a number can be inserted in to the top, right hand corner of the page for pictures, it should not be stamped at the top and a clear, self-adhesive label in the back of the photo is fixed. Then stamping the label once a service is stamped, usually do not under any instances add any information with it. DA will complete a DA discovery Certification, will deliver discovery all of which will serve a Get Reciprocal Discovery around the defendant or the defendant’s attorney
Nonetheless, today stamp must keep an original and give da a copy defendant together with several charges through different officers inside of one agency will probably stamp as regular, then give replicates to da. In the event the numbers stamped usually are identical, da will note on each page which set of discovery belongs to each office where discovery of physical items of evidence is done. DA will contact them regarding accused or attorney viewing components of physical evidence maintained by or maybe evidence custodian. When opening a bag or box containing a service of physical evidence, must reduce bag or box along a new seam. Leo should never cut existing
Compare and contrast your state’s discovery law to North Carolina general statute section 15a-501. research the discovery laws in your state. What is discoverable in a criminal felony case? For example, under North Carolina general statute section 15a-501, all materials, including photos, notes, phone messages, etc., must be turned over to the state for prosecution of each felony case. Each state is different.
Defendant with several charges from different officers within one agency will stamp as usual, then give copies to da. If the numbers stamped are identical, da will note on each page which set of discovery belongs to each officer

DA will contact regarding defendant or attorney viewing items of physical evidence maintained by or evidence custodian. When opening a bag or box containing an item of physical evidence must cut bag or box along a new seam. Leo must not cut existing evidence seal. If a confidential informant is used to obtain information in the investigation of a felony, must give the DA written notice of that fact and must stamp that notice as part of the original file. The written notice should not contain any identifying information but should merely state that a confidential informant was used to obtain information. When a confidential informant was used to obtain information that served as a basis for obtaining a search warrant in this case. Example: a confidential informant was used to obtain information regarding defendant’s whereabouts that led to an arrest in this case.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Good discovery of physical items of evidence report example'. 15 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 15). Good discovery of physical items of evidence report example. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/good-discovery-of-physical-items-of-evidence-report-example/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Good discovery of physical items of evidence report example." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-discovery-of-physical-items-of-evidence-report-example/.

1. AssignBuster. "Good discovery of physical items of evidence report example." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-discovery-of-physical-items-of-evidence-report-example/.


AssignBuster. "Good discovery of physical items of evidence report example." November 15, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/good-discovery-of-physical-items-of-evidence-report-example/.

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"Good discovery of physical items of evidence report example." AssignBuster, 15 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/good-discovery-of-physical-items-of-evidence-report-example/.

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