A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Review: occurrence and distribution of galanin in the physiological and inflammatory states in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract

Due to the large number of described physiological functions of GAL in the gastrointestinal tract, there is a growing interest in the role of GAL in the development of gastrointestinal diseases. Due to the incoming reports on the protective effect of GAL, the collection of the latest data indicating the involvement of the GAL in →

Example of historic living city literature review

Hence, it also involves a monitoring of urban development or the evolution of urban areas to In response to this problem, the International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites, also known as The Venice Charter, constitutes a set of objectives and practices for the protection, conservation, and restoration of historic urban →

Journal of psychology

Myth #3: Low Self-Esteem Is a Major Cause of Psychological Problems The importance and role of self-esteem has long been a vital component in pop psychology, and is seen as a prime causality of unhealthy behaviours, including violence, depression, anxiety, and alcoholism. For example, Nathaniel Branden stated in his book The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, →

Correlations of gratitude and forgiveness psychology essay

According to Adetunji & Adesida, men may interpret expressions of gratitude as a sign of vulnerability and weakness, which is believe to threaten their masculinity and social reputation. The psychology of forgiveness: History, conceptual issues, and overview.In M.E.

Impact of information technology on the military

The aim of this paper is to explain the impact of information technology to the Royal Armour Corps and does it giving any advantages to the corps. Without the importance of information technology awareness, we will always take it for granted and not looking this as a major threat.

Spa target market and consumer base

This chain reaction is the one of the goals that the company wants to develop by streamlining all aspects of business through the focus on treating the consumer right and special. The concentration on this theme would not just help in creating a consumer base but also respond to the thrust of the business which →

Traffic light controller using microprocessor

The second part is the traffic light controller interface board, which consist of 36 LED's in which 20 LED's are used for vehicle traffic and they are connected to 20 port lines of 8255 through Buffer. Design of a microprocessor system to control traffic lights.

High school won’t be the best four years of your life, and that’s o.k.

We have all heard it or some version of it before: " Enjoy high school, they are the best four years of your life!" Well, what if I told you the person telling you that was wrong? This means that, should you live to that age and spend the best four years in high school, →

Reading responds

Response April 25, Response Response to Starlinda's post The constitution grants people rights and freedom such as freedom of association and freedom of speech but these are limited to the extent that they should not interfere with rights and freedoms of other people. Possible unstable psychological condition among some members of the LGBTQ population could →

Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy: Introduction: Comparison and contrast of East and West It was the fifth day of the fourth month of their third year in USA when Sonakshi Sharma, the 15 year old daughter of Mithlesh Sharma and Mumta Sharma suddenly started to feel dizzy and caught a vomit. Mumta and Mithlesh let go of it →

Children car seat injury in abudahbi (program plan)

In addition to this, The National reported that a study of car accidents in Al Ain reported that about 98 percent of passengers involved in a car accident did not wear seat belts and no one used a child safety restraint in the car. The law in Abu Dhabi.[Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 July 2014].

Dental hygienists essay

Dental Hygienists also have the opportunity for caring, and dedicating their time to Individuals to help Impact the overall health of the society. Dental Hygienists are always needed in the field of dentistry.

Operations and strategy analysis

Once the firm has determined which customers it wants to serve, it must develop its competitive priorities, or the capabilities and strengths that the firm must possess to meet customer demand. Because of the soundness of their long-range planning process, world-class producers confidently invest in all areas of their business for the long haul: personnel →

Bridging multiple levels of exploration: towards a neuroengineering-based approach to physiological and pathological problems in neuroscience

In neuroengineering the use of computational neuroscience is explicit and aimed at consolidating quantitative tools for the reverse engineering of molecular, synaptic and cellular bases of neural systems. A general example of the leading role of neuroengineering in novel approaches to neuroscience is that of the microelectromechanical systems, which exploits the technologies used by the →

Book review the communist manifesto sociology essay

The Manifesto is split into four sections but the overall aim of the book is an attempt to explain the ideologies and goals of the Communist party. The first section of the manifesto is based on the Communists theories of history and of the relationship between the bourgeois and the proletariat in a capitalist society.

How to use bitcoins?

1 How to buy Bitcoins Wallet Bitcoin are stored in a wallet, which would be the equivalent of a bank account in the fiat currency world. 3 How to spend Bitcoins There are more and more products and services you can buy using bitcoin.

I bravely adopted this new ground-breaking technology early-on

This report ties in well with the report by because they bothexplore the factors that influence purchasing decisions and what wasexperienced by users who bravely adopted this new ground-breaking technologyearly-on using the methods of survey and interviews. This also ties in wellwith what I wish to enlist in my paper about the top few concerns →

Money is the ruler

The pirates' main goal is to get the treasure, and the leader of the pirates is the cook named Long John Silver. Money influences the moralsof a person and is the driving force for one's actions in life.

Ode to autumn summary assignment

To swell the gourd and plumb the hazel shells with a sweet kernel; the softer, usually edible part contained in the shell off nut or the stone f a fruit: the body of a seed within its husk or integuments: a whole seed grain, as of wheat or corn: the pit or seed of a →

The meant to protect the people of

Pennsylvania is unique in the fact thatthey have the State Supreme Court, and under that they have two courts, thesuperior court and the commonwealth court. TheBill of Rights is the first 10 amendments of the US Constitution, and they arerights that are meant to protect the people of the United States and limit thepower of →

Usa history essay sample

How did each of the following contribute to the success of the American Revolution? Britian was fighting at the end of a long communication line.

Pinnel’s case and promissory estoppel essay sample

However, in Khoury's & Yamouni's views, the court modified the doctrine of consideration and never revoked the rule in 200-300 years were because there was too much uncertainty in the future and the court was forced not to follow the doctrine. In the Pinnel's Case, the court held that Cole had to pay the outstanding →

Document examiners essay sample

The third one is that the examiner should be given a pen and paper that is just like the paper of the document. Some of the newer copiers they have a fourth option and that usually is to be able to send email through the machine.

Navbharat times branding essay sample

The design of the supplement and the photographs published guarantee maximum eye balls and according to many surveys, it is the first page most of the readers turn to when they start reading the newspaper.5. The supplement also informs the readers about the seminars being held in different parts of the city and about the →

Parenting and socialization

As Emily's teacher has noticed her socializing problems and been trying to help by talking to Samantha, there is a scope for Samantha to take up a more proactive role with the help of the teacher to positively influence Emily's socializing skills. As there is nobody present to intervene in a positive manner, the aggressiveness →

Business ethics

The truth of the subject is that the female gender has been plagued by the domestic ideology, the belief that the public sphere belongs to the male gender while the domestic sphere belongs to the female gender. According to Eagley and Carli, the problem of barriers to the top positions in both politics and in →

Educational validity of business gaming simulation

This involves the explanations for writing the paper, the reviews of different scholars and also examines the findings of the study. The review of the study conducted by Stainton, Johnson, and Borodzicz shows that the content of the study is correlated to the title of the article.

Treading grapes by martha bennett stiles

Itshould be noted that Martha Bennett Stiles's " Treading Grapes" examines the official and unofficial uses of public and private spaces in order to illuminate some of the problems of poverty. The author of the short story has also mentioned that Rebecca moved to several places along with her son in order to get a →

Educating and disciplining children or students

The sentiment expressed by the members of the public saw the civil rights attorney taking matters to court by using the state for negligence and biases. Segregation has been rampant at the state of Minnesota and the meeting was called to iron out the integration plan and set remedies to address the issues.

Government motivations in influencing fdi

Therefore it is no surprise in the past two decades we have seen the growth of world FDI stock to GDP raise from 5% to 16% and also the amount of transnational parent firms raise from 7000 to 40, 000 This essay will look at the motivations behind government motivations to control and influence FDI →

Corporate social responsibility in crh plc business essay

CRH is committed to the highest standards of environmental management in all its activities and proactively face the challenges of climate change. CRH responses to the challenges of climate change in the cement and other activities are discussed and detailed information on the environmental performance of the Group is presented and discussed.

Scientific frontiers in the management of coral reefs

The "-omics" provide tools and data that can be applied to identify specific cause-and-effect relationships between stressors and organismal responses, determine genotypic diversity within a population, levels of connectivity among reef populations, measure the effectiveness of mitigation and management efforts, and provide insight into the potential resilience of reef communities to both local and global →

Innovation systems in tourism

The aim of the study is to scrutinize how the innovation system in tourism can promote tourism firms and extend an attractor-based tourism innovation system in the destination. The purpose of the research is how the tourism innovation system may promote the development of tourism firms.

Gender inequality in politics and the workplace

Following this point, there are different areas that have exhibited gender inequality in the society and need to be addressed as a way of reducing the gender gap between men and women in the society. In connection to this point, the health accessibility by women is limited as compared to that of men across the →

Communication and relationship building in patient care

A practitioner needs to have good communication skills so that they can take the background of the patient and be able to explain and give information correctly, explore the patients current situation, discuss and negotiate options such as treatment plans, convey precise data to associates and present their co-workers with the patients' case. In this →

Components of culture

The Components of Culture - Although culture vary, they all have five common components: a) Symbols b) Language c) Values d) Beliefs e) Norms A) Symbols - Anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share culture - Example: Tattoos Not understanding the symbols of a culture leaves a person feeling lost and →

Consumer behaviour

Another study described shows associations between social values and the use of natural foods The method is split into four sections; the convenience sample is described followed by the structured interview methods used to obtain the values, attitudes and behaviours of women shoppers relating to food issues. To overcome this problem the age range of →

The of dollars in a campaign to

How can the government consider 18 year olds not mature to make decisions and yet at this age they are considered adults? If these young adults are not allowed to consume alcohol by virtue of their age, then they should also not be allowed to be drafted in to the military.

Tesco annual report 2010

As we grow, our customers increasingly look to Tesco to take the lead in these areas and we are. The Tesco team is now 472, 000 strong and we remain united by our goal to improve the shopping trip for our customers.

The art of reading

I flipped through the purposefully torn pages of the third book of the series, the words taking me on an adventure to the peaks of slippery slopes, the sites of murders, and the ruins of burnt down mansions. Memories of reading these books are significant to me because they transport me to a period in →

Define pest analysis to reduce business risks

Economic factors These factors affect the ways a firm creates and manages money. But even if you are a Mom and Pop store, technology is still a factor in your business.

Marines at iwo jima essay sample

The use of tunneling by the Japanese protected them from the firepower of the Americans. He never fired on the American's as they landed to lure them deeper into the island that is when the Japanese would start their defense of Iwo Jima.

Recognition of procurement functions in an organisation essay sample

2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The Public Procurement Act of 2004 established the National Public Procurement Authority which is the regulatory body for all public procurement in the country. The procurement process in North America usually begins with the review of an organisation's spend portfolio, and the development of appropriate strategies, and proceeds right the →

Analyse three poems essay sample

This poem is very different compared to " Havisham" & " Hitcher" because they are about, people who want to be free and letting go of their past but yet " The man he killed" is about war. Havisham" & " Hitcher" are similar because Carol Ann Duffy & Simon Armitage put in language which →

Quadratic equations and prime numbers

Set the left side of the equation equal to the positive square root of the number on the right side and solve for x. Set the left side of the equation equal to the negative square root of the number on the right side and solve for x.

Columbia business school mba application

Even if there is a very similar case to the one I have read about in my books, the solution and cause given in the book may be different. This learning is stored in a person and should be logically connected and to attain the answers I need in real life.

Nathaniel hawthorne

Hawthorne was a profoundly Christian Nathanial Hawthorne was a profoundly Christian for several reasons. All of this proves that Nathanial Hawthorne was a Christian writer.

Myth vs legend vs science fiction

Incidentally, Vlad Tepes was also known as Vlad Dracula or roughly translated as " Son of the dragon" whose father was a member of the Order of the Dragon which is a knightly order who defended the land from the Ottoman Turks. The standard lore of the vampires is that they feed on the blood →

Dream place essay

Watermarks can represent information, such as the ID of the recipient and the time and place of delivery, which are transparently embedded into the content, by slightly changing the pixel values of the video frame, for example. Our study shows that the code-based strategy has the advantage of low mutational complexity, but the embedding-based scheme →

Social class is dead

Major changes in the organisation of society include the internalisation of capital, the decline in manual labour, the move to a service economy, the greater involvement of women in the labour force and transition of the citizen from producer to consumer. The biggest player of all of these is the collapse of the manufacturing industry →

Achilles phoenix essay

My firm opinion is the Homer has drawn the line Phoenix Achilles to deliver a very important message: it was down to demonstrate that the feelings of the son, although a ' foster' one', always dominate over the rest of the feelings, sentiments and reflections and the violation of the father's advices always lead to →

Female genital mutilation narrative essay

Similar article: Corporate Communications She mentions examples of people living in countries in which FGM is illegal that are opposed to FGM, and fought for their children's right to choice and consent, though it is the cultural norm. To summarize, Nussbaum's position on FGM is plain and simple: FGM is a problem and that something →

Meditation worksheet

The basis for attaining an experience in raja yoga meditation in to understand the self and the mind. Meditation allows one's mind to open up to a peaceful place and it allows the stress to flow right out and it does have the power to heal the mind and soul.

Communication is misunderstood

However, when itcame to the next day, the guy that responsible for collecting document told methat two of the documents had major updates and need to reprint. I asked him when he got theupdated paper, and it turned out the paper were sent before the time I print.

Two step hierarchical regression analyses health and social care essay

Secondly, participation in some of the activities was significantly associated with self-esteem, and there were gender differences as to what activities proved to be significant in association with self-esteem. This study was conducted in order to examine Korean young elderly's social participation status and how it is associated with the participants' self-esteem.

Rethinking the role of sham tms

The problems associated with the clicking sound of the TMS coil and skin stimulation were already recognized in the early days of TMS, leading to a strong awareness of the need for control conditions in TMS research. As a consequence, a sham TMS pulse produces a clicking sound that is very similar to an active →

Editorial: the molecular pathology of cognitive decline: focus on metals

The series of articles in this special edition reflect much of the current thinking in regards to the role of metals in aging and neurodegeneration, and highlight the deep involvement of metal ions in critical pathways that may contribute to onset/progression of neurological disease. Opazo et al.provide an overview of the role of copper in →

Astragaloside iv improves high-fat diet–induced hepatic steatosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease rats by regulating inflammatory factors level via tlr4/nf-κb signaling pathway

Studies had indicated that TLR4 signaling pathway was one of the key factors in the pathogenesis of different chronic liver diseases including NAFLD and was associated with the progression of NASH. After 12 weeks, three rats of the model group were randomly selected to confirm the successful modeling of NAFLD by liver histopathological examination and →

World famous witch trails in massachusetts

In May of 1692 until October 1692, girls in the Salem Massachusetts area started to claim that they had been possessed by the devil and accused older women as the ones who put the curse on them. The doctor in salem told the reverend and his family this was definitely a work of something supernatural.

The reality of the immigrant american dream in dinaw mengestu’s the beautiful things that heaven bears

Due to the violence he saw before leaving Ethiopia, Sepha is " unable to enact the linear trajectory epitomized by his new homeland's grand narrative: the American dream," making him the perfect narrator for a story centralizing around immigration American dream, which surpasses promises of upward-mobility and white-picket-fences to include a life better than the →

Types of learning theories and learning styles

The purpose of this essay is to outline the episode of learning that I have been involved, I am going to discuss how different types of learning theories and learning styles informed to develop my knowledge, it also reflect and evaluate the type of strategies that has been used within the episode of learning and →

Language analysis of film: directive illocutionary acts

The Directive Illocutionary Act is asking and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker asks to the hearer about condition. The Directive Illocutionary Act is asking and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker asks →

Mycetoma control and prevention

The disease is endemic to tropical and subtropical regions known as the ' mycetoma belt' which stretch between 30 N and 15 S of the equator. The pain characterized in the late stages of disease is related to the nerve damage associated with the tissue damage, expansion of the bone and vasoconstriction to the infected →

Little albert experiment

Not showing any signs of fear or rage from Albert, Watson then proceeded to discover if pairing the loud noise with the touch of the animals and sight of the other objects could condition the emotional response of fear or rage, he wanted know if this fear transferred and how long the fear lasted. Watson →

In these models from others is the focus

In the field of education, the terms instructional leadership and transformational leadership have emerged as two of the most frequently studied models of school leadership and become more popular. According to Burns, the transformational style creates significant change in the life of people and organizations.

Retention strategy

Employees are one of the assets to an organization that helps organization growth in the future and success in the usiness. Retention strategy is a challenge to organization and is the critical to the long-term growth and success of the business.

Nothing can compare

She does not have enough money to buy the chain for the watch Jim had already possessed, but she wanted to get the chain so badly that she was desperate for the money. So she sold her hair to get the money to purchase the chain.

Essay on hogwarts: the best college of them all

When I think about it, Hogwarts was always my first conception of what a college might be like. It would be a dream come true to be able to enroll in the best school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Marketing scenario assignment

Leader in quality, performance and technological innovation Product lines Carton sealing and industrial tapes Specialized adhesives Other packaging products SKI tape Manufactured using patented technology and a brand name for pressure sensitive carton sealing tape Every high tensile strength and sheer resistance Positioning High Price K Products Low Quality High Quality ' pack Tensile New →


This is evident from the association with the steps. The procedural information in this manual is useful.

Violation of constitutional rights

Violation of Constitutional Rights and citation The case is about the violation of constitutional rights Debbie Ricci was denied to express her political views in her place of work despite them having some rules which restrict the workers from engaging themselves in politics. Decision The district board and the superintendent violated her rights by firing →

Marketing assignment

[Your full full June 17, Consumer to Business and B2B Before going into the discussion regarding C2B and B2B marketing, let us a get a better understanding of what these terms actually are. The major difference between C2B and B2B is the types of parties involved in both modes of transactions.

W7 case study

Professional s of ethics are very important to ensure that marketing is done in a professional manner that is ethical and helps marketers make the correct choices. In order for a marketer to do a good job and get the product or service where it needs to be in terms of sales, it is important →

Ways of finance essay

There are is good thing to overdrafts as well the advantages are quick way of getting money, if you have a high overdraft you will be able to pay a bill of 1, 500 and not worry about cheques bouncing if you have a draft of 5, 000 the bank will pay out to the →

Sales planning and operations business

First explained about the personal merchandising to back up the personal mix and analysis the function of the gross revenues squad within the selling scheme. The company wants to streamline the gross revenues channel and spread out the concern operations to accomplish the organisation ' s corporate aim.

Pros and cons of genetic engineering in plants analysis

I The problem of resistance to Bet oxen and other toxins engineered into crops can be countered by planting suitably sized ' refuges' of a non-GM variety of the crop at suitable intervals within the crop. I Putting the Bet toxin gene in the crop exposes the pest to the toxin for longer, thus allowing →

Sexual theme in sula by toni morrison essay

The mall source of conflict In Usual comes from the immunity's strong sexual standards for men and women, which sets Usual apart from Nell, her family, and the community of Medallion. When Usual, the independent and promiscuous protagonist falls in love for the first mime with Ajax, she looses her " masculinity' by conforming to →

Business admin essay

On reaching the complex, I was surprised to see that the Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation had actually developed the land in terms of markers, and signboards, compared to what I had seen on my last visit. There are certain factors which affect functioning of Political environment considerably, the major oil refining and marketing →

John hick essay

Secondly, that there is a less likelihood of God being evil than he is all good and finally that there is an equal likelihood of God being all good as he is all evil. From the three points clear in the " Problem from Evil," in which it is recognized that; God is omnipotent, all →

Key points presented by philosophers in the 17th century

However, despite of all the disappointments brought about by the human government to the society through the threads of history, philosophers from the olden times up until the present era still believes that the human society could not exist in an organized manner without the existence of a concrete government in authority. To him, government →

Marx and weber within religion

Most of the Marxian thought on the sociological aspects of religion is reflected in the quite a few opening paragraphs of his " Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right: Introduction". Marx's starts his essay " Contribution to a Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right" with such words; " For Germany the criticism →

Is it a good idea to cultivate lucid dreaming?

This is even more important to highlight that there is a tendency in scientific and lay publications toward encouraging LD and not mentioning the possible side effects of LD training methods. In this opinion paper, we draw the attention to the possible adverse effect of LD on sleep and health.

Engineering a synthetic pathway for gentisate in pseudomonas chlororaphis p3

Besides, hydroxybenzoic acids play essential roles in microbial metabolism by serving as intermediates of the degradation of the aromatic compounds and contributing to the synthesis of various valuable secondary metabolites. In consistent with the synthetic process, at the early logarithmic growth phase, different concentrations of 3-HBA and GA were supplemented into the medium at a →

Enhancing flood hazard assessments in coastal louisiana through coupled hydrologic and surge processes

We aim to address the fundamental issues of compound flooding and the delineation of coastal flood zones by defining regions where both rainfall that produces antecedent runoff and rainfall within the TC-driven storm surge overlap via the development of a coupled hydrologic and hydrodynamic model to enable more comprehensive enhanced flood zone assessments. The landscape →

Modes of seduction as political discourse in aphra behn’s “oroonoko”

Seduction, both sexual and deceptive, is prevalent in Behn's Oroonoko, with the king's failed seduction of Imoinda, the false promises of the slave-traders, and perhaps most significantly, the narrator's own seduction of the reader; indeed making the ' story of seduction' a ' mode of seduction.' If indeed Ballaster's statement is true, it implies that →

Ethnicity affects identity

Identity enables us to see ourselves as others see us, and as humans, we tend to imagine what it is like to be someone else, many television programmes show individuals trying to impersonate others by copying their voice and mannerism, so this clearly shows that the impersonator knows that they are different from the character →