A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

It ‘callus’ and suspension of free cells

A mass of regenerated cells in culture medium is called ' callus' and suspension of free cells of callus in a liquid medium is known as ' suspension culture'. Embryos of appropriate stage are removed from the seed and are transferred to the culture medium.

Case study on intercultural communication

Intercultural communicationis the experience of the communication of the representatives of different countries. The importance of intercultural communication is simply evident when one travels abroad to have a good rest and has awkward moments based on the specific world view and customs of the native people.

The neurotic schoolboy

I suppose it peculiar that the moment she evacuates the room my brother falls asleep again and the rest of the morning evolves into a period of disappointment and rage. What inconvenience have I done to thee to be confined and restrained to the intellectual potency of a seven year old?

Sun bright egg salad

I ran down stairs knowing today was the day that my mom makes the egg salad. It's not the easiest task because it can prick me in the finger.

Nursing patients notes essay sample

Describe the role of the following hormones in the formation of urine, specifically explain the stimulus for their release, actions and whether or not dilute/concentrated urine results): ADH ADH has an antidiuretic action that prevents the production of dilute urine. Formation of urine = in the DCT and collecting ducts, water movement out of the →

World history, 1500 ad to the present

The primary outcome of this movement was the establishment of Protestantism in Europe and the splintering of the Christian faith into many different factions. From the earliest years of the African slave trade in the 15th century, Portugal took a leading role in the spread of slaves from their native continent to Europe and to →

Strategic briefing paper

Strategic briefing paper Euro Disney The theme park Euro Disney, a Walt Disney Co subsidiary and Europe's top tourist attraction by visitor numbers and quantity of employees, has stated about the falling of its attendance and hotel occupancy in the current year. Analyzing the history of Euro Disney, one can draw connections between the financial →

The role of pride in santiago’s plight

Santiago says: " It is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. For him, it is the only way to avoid new mockery and suffering.

Top 10 characteristics of a multicultural school environment

Thirdly, the school needs to have an open and inclusive policy for those who are ethnic minorities because they would be feeling pressured about their position in school and society as a whole. Second to last, students should critically think about the strengths and weaknesses of their own culture by applying theoretical skills.

Textual integrity in hamlet essay

It is through analysis of these ideas that an appreciation of the texts significance and its importance to responders is evidenced, resulting in an appreciation of the play irrespective of time. Shakespeare challenges the significance of appearance through the constant distinction between appearance and reality by the unprecedented use of the aside and the soliloquy.

The mind-body issue in science

The generally held accepted view of the mind is that the mind arises from the activity of the brain. Although the available data may support Penfield's conclusion, there are still some interesting, intriguing and difficult questions to answer such as, " What is the realm of consciousness and the mind," " How does consciousness and →

Discuss the main issues in defining and measuring intelligence.

Proponents of uni-factor theories of intelligence draw upon the phenomenon of the positive manifold as support for the concept. Amongst the earliest challenge to Spearman's unitary concept of intelligence was Louis Thurstone's Theory of Primary Mental Abilities.

Critcal study of foreign direct investments (fdi) within the indian retail sector

The changes and reforms made in the policies related to the FDI's and also liberalization on the restrictions which were laid on FDI's by the government was with an intention of developing the employment status for the improvement of the nation's economy. 2 Objectives: The research further is carried on with the following objectives To →

Macroeconomics homework answer assignment

Part 2 problem 1: Discuss an example of your economic decision which was influenced by the economic variables of government spending. Your work should identify the following: The main objective of your decision, spending) that influenced your decision, 3.

Broad based action empowerment business essay

In the era of King in the management of Sainsbury as the CEO, many things that led to the well being of the company were realized and performed. It was the duty of King to create a sense of true urgency by making sure that, the people are focused towards the realization of the goals →

Farm animal genetic and genomic resources from an agroecological perspective

At the population scale, one possibility is to increase the number of breeds in use, or to produce new composite populations, as done for the Creole cattle in the French West Indies. The first one is the monitoring of genetic diversity at any scale, and more particularly at the herd level: genotyping animals within a →

Comparing “osama” and “a thousand splendid suns”

Mariam's upbringing shaped her in a way that caused her to accept her own oppression, until she realized that she did not have to respond in this manner. Osama's response to oppression is very different than both Mariam's and Laila's, due to the circumstances of her childhood.

The green concept in the hotel industry

However, there has been awareness both for the research arena and people since decades in the protection of the environment, and the need to safeguard the natural resources for the future generation. The hotel sector is said to be one of the most energy and water intensive sectors in the tourism industry.

Understanding of how the counselling works sociology essay

Counselling has been defined by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy as " talking therapy," which " involves a contractual arrangement between the therapist and the client where they meet, in privacy and confidence, to explore a difficulty or distress the client may be experiencing". It works through the development of a therapeutic relationship →

Domestic violence

Not everyone knows they are in a domestic violence, the victims are manipulated into thinking it is a sign of compassion and love. Calling you names, insulting you or continually criticizing you, refusing to trust you and acting jealous or possessive, and or trying to isolate you from family or friends are the first warning →

Low employee motivation: causes and effects

The problem of low employee motivation is a vital issue for a company, although the company itself might be largely blamed for the causes of low employee motivation, but its consequences can affect both the company as a whole and its individual employees. That is to say, in a wrongly directed organization, most low employee →

Describe three economic problems facing president obama in the first 120 days

Among the various economic problems Obama currently faces today are the sky-rocketing national debt, the falling US dollar, and the global economic recession that's plaguing the country and most of the industrialized world. The next economic problem that Obama needs to address is the falling value of the US dollar.

Rosseau’s influence on laugier

Rosseau's greatest influence on Laugier is the theory of the natural man. Laugier asserted that the principles of architecture, like those of the other arts, are based on nature and the process of nature influences architectural rules.

Leisure, the day to their employer. some of

The modern man should certainly spend a part of his time in viewing the television, in going for an evening walk, in visiting places for a change or any other pastime to suit his temperament and fancy. No doubt, there are a number of labour saving devices in the modern world like the pressure cooker, →

California law on violent video games

It's not the government's responsibility to keep their children from violent video games it's the parent's responsibility. The first reason I think that this law should be thrown out is that it's the parent's responsibility to keep the kids from violent video games.

Globalization and translation assignment

GLOBALIZATION AND TRANSLATION GLOBALIZATION AND TRANSLATION Two fundamental features of Globalization are crucial for the overcoming of spatial barriers and for the crossing of knowledge and information, thus resulting in the mobility of people and objects; and a proper contact between different linguistic communities. Globality is manifested not only in the creation of supra-territorial spaces →

Important law enforcement facts assignment

Immigration and Naturalization Service agents and inspectors facilitate the entry of legal visitors and immigrants to the U.S.and detain and deport those arriving illegally. Private detectives and investigators use many means to determine the facts in a variety of matters.

The importance of kennedys writings

It is necessary to admit that the purpose of that speech was to contradict allegations and accusations that Catholics may have divided loyalty and may be subjected to orders from the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. To sum up it is necessary to mention that John Kennedy was a well-known and famous figure in the →

Title vii of the civil rights act of 1964

Companies need to have a recruitment policy in place that need to be such that workers are recruited on the suitability of their function and not with any bias that can be seen as discriminating against the other candidates on the basis of color, sex, religion or national origin of the candidates. In a similar →

Alexander the great

Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was one of the most successful conquerors of the ancient history; he was the king of one of the largest empires of history and remained invincible during his lifetime. Alexander always remained in search of events to prove his valor and strength as a warrior in the battlefield and →

Tobias wolffs that room

The beaver killed by Dwight is symbolic of the life that awaits Jack. Symbolism is evident in the interactions between Jack and Rosemary, and Jack and Dwight.

Cultural partial influences

According to the Confucian work dynamism dimension: the relationship existing between the societal members determines the community's stability and the major prototype of all the social institution is the household. Character creation will help the learner to get in a position of expressing the social, political autonomy of the community and creating a good relationship →

Neurobehavioural science

ScienceDaily, 29 Jun.2011.http://www.sciencedaily.com/relea ses/2011/06/110623130336.htm This article provides an overview of the study by UT Southwestern Medical Center in which the researchers tried to ascertain the link between hunger hormone ghlerin and increased intake of high calorie and high fat foods in times of stress. This article helps to explain the cause of increased eating and →

1: the entrepreneur

Karl Icant is one of the leading economic agents in the market. The motivation, therefore, related to the ability to influence the market to support its policies and demands.

Summary of discourse theory and practice: the multivoicedness of meaning

James Wertsch pointed out that mediated action has various implications and conveys a lot of meaning from the one who owns the meaning to the receiver. Human communication in the English language has a preferred framework such as the transfer of thoughts from one person to another, through the words and text as conveyed by →

Marketing uk tourism analysis flashcard

0 Examine the Importance of marketing within the company and consider the part It has played in the overall success of the company Marketing has been the main tool of Visit Britain agency. It is also stated by AMA as " the process of planning and execution the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of teas, →

Organizational structure and culture essay sample

The intent of this paper is to place the type of organisational construction used in my installation.depict how that construction creates an environment of support for patient-centered attention.usage of information systems within the civilization and construction of the bureau.usage of decision-making ability.place informal and formal coverage lines every bit good as who the existent leaders →

Modern quotes:

Massie 'The people of Petrograd were cold and hungry a dangerous combination for Nicholas' - Historian Chris Trueman 'The growing influence of Gregory Rasputin over the Romanov's did a great deal to damage the royal family' - Historian Chris Trueman 'Rasputin brought huge disrepute on the Romanov's' - Historian Chris Trueman ' There was the →

Editorial: on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine of skin and its appendages

Editorial on the Research Topic On Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine of Skin and Its Appendages This Frontiers research topic, on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine of skin and its appendages, covers mainly cellular, molecular, and engineering aspects of the pathology, repair, and/or regeneration of skin after wound induction. As it is impossible, in this →

A feminist study of the house of mirth: lily bart as art and artist

In this passage of Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth, Selden's description of Lily Bart clearly exposes the image that her environment has shaped of her. Educated at a young age about the shortage of opportunities for a woman of her status, Lily is immediately forced into the acceptance of her position in society as →

A view of adultery and its lasting effects philosophy essay

This essay is about adultery and some of the things that happens to people who are the victims of it. Out of everyone adultery effects, the spouse or spouses' who are having adultery committed against them as well as the children who are involved with the families will sadly take the brunt of the pain →

Culture and socioeconomic data of school and community

In this paper, I will discuss the culture and socioeconomic data of our school and community, school achievements, ethics of care and multicultural commitments on our campus. According to Owens and Ennis " teacher education programs and professional development programs fail to address ethics of care and the importance of its impact on the educational →

Educational systems of japan and the assignment

In other words, parents play a extremely vital role in promoting academic excellence and the student is in-cultured to believe that anything less than the best in school is a failure not only to themselves, but to their parents. They take tough courses and work hard in school, partly to win the approval of the →

Ecco case assignment

This increase can be primarily attributed to the reduction in the Group's inventories and a reduction in the consolidated total investments which were unusually high in 2008 due to the expansion of production capacity. As we know, the main objective of the group is to be leaders in the footwear market, win the favor and →

Climate about 8 pieces of evidence of climate

The rate in the last two decades is nearly double that of the last century.7. PART CGo to: http://climate.nasa.gov/quizzes/index.cfm and try at least 2 of the quizzes.

Land law essay sample

But the usual elements for adverse possession are exclusivity in the possession of the land, the possession of the property must be open and hostile to the owner, there is a time period of continuous occupancy that must be met before the title can be transferred, some states require you pay taxes on the land →

Why study abroad

Learning theories or studying about a culture in school may be enough for knowledge purposes however, immersing a person's life in another culture gives a deeper understanding of what is learned inside the four corners of the classroom. For a Languages student for instance, he may come to know about the dialects of the country →

Ec390.1.1 childrens literature lesson 6

Even though the learners have the opportunity to make choices, this is monitored from a pool of options which is in the teacher's custody. Wrong choice made a material written in ungrammatical language for example, the child learns to be keen in making wiser choices in future and this is reinforced by constructive criticism from →

Reforms that influenced american living

The following essay will examine the many social and economic influences that shaped the new housing developments as well as what effects the ' modern' bungalow style housing had on the American family. In Christine Frederick's article " Putting the American Woman and Her Home on a Business Basis " she points out how the →

Paint your wagon

Another aspect of the frontier era that the movie offers a window to is in the area of Politics and social tolerance. This is demonstrated through the character of Elizabeth.

Essay summary of the department of homeland security

Although the primary purpose and very reason of DHS existent is securing the homeland, DHS is also in the forefront in providing assistance to people during natural calamities and disasters. With the huge effort and major help the agency has provided and will provide in the near future it is important to understand the plan →

Global management practices with a focus economics essay

The industry consists of a number of stakeholders such as the customers, staff, owners, and the community that the management has to serve in different ways. Its location in in East Asia makes it the second largest country in land coverage as well as the third largest in terms of the total area in the →

Comparison of two political ads politics essay

We will look at a few examples of political ads and attempt to understand the extent of how the approach taken in ads development has changed and how it affect both the voters' decision and candidates themselves, and perhaps the underlying intention behind. In addition, we also realized that the percentage gap of negative ads →

Carbon nanotubes

Single-walled nanotubes are still very expensive to produce, around $1500 per gram as of 2000, and the development of more affordable synthesis techniques is vital to the future of carbon nanotechnology. Consequently, all the properties of the carbon nanotubes relative to those of typical semiconductors are extremelyanisotropic and tunable.

Innovation at procter and gamble

Strategic Innovation Management Innovation at Procter and Gamble How P&G Tripled Its Innovation Success Rate In recent years, innovation is the significant topic that many companies have to concern because they create and develop new ideas of innovation to improve their performance and compete with competitors. Besides, P&G launched a new program that called Connect →

Sydney 2000 olympics

Project scope management includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required and only the work required, to complete the project successfully [1]. Project scope management is critical to the success of the Sydney 2000 Olympics games for the following reasons: 1.

My future plan

When I study this major, I need to do presentations, term papers, and research papers for my study. After I finish study and get the degree from University, I will take internship in Burma for one or two years.

Huburt watches case study

In order to achieve the positioning of the market, Hubble intended to compete with its competitors to gain market share. Conclusion Hubble has a clear positioning that is the high-end luxury watch market.

Business studies

Another benefit of removing 2 management levels is that the decision making process is much easier and faster the reason it empowers the workforce is because they feel that they are being listened to by higher levels and also that they are more in the loop when it comes to making decisions that will affect →

Hulu case info

To do this, the Hulu team considers all the technology they can offer and what inconveniences they can diminish with their services. In addition to the variety and easy use customers always want, Hulu has also been able to cut commercials/ads away from their services.

The pen is mightier

Language is a vital part of the world because it is not only practical, but necessary; it is not only good, but beautiful. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well.

Characterization through multiple perspectives

To portray the multiple sides of a character that make him or her realistic and rounded, Egan chose to tell the main character of her novel through the perspectives of many interconnected characters. Egan gathers sympathy for Sasha by showing the many sides of her, and how she is a troubled woman with a strong →

Consultant scenario assignment

Role Identification In order to gain a full understanding of the issue and formulate resolutions, the consulting team focuses of the following areas: Fund Coordinator After years of consulting experience, one of the major causes of poor entrance dates to academic institutions is lack of financial aid opportunities for undeserved families. The responsibilities of the →

Do animals, besides which the animals are

You might see zoos like some sort of an artificial environment for the animals, but in my opinion, it is horrible for animals to be kept in zoos as animals are supposed to stay out in the wild where they can enjoy their lives. There are good zoos which will provide great care and protection →

Columbine shooting essay sample

1 Federal law regarding purchase and use of guns Provided that federal law and the laws of both the dealer's and purchaser's states and localities are complied with: An individual 21 years of age or older may acquire a handgun from a dealer federally licensed to sell firearms in the individual's state of residence. 2 →


In the research paper, I will argue that the increasing fire outbreak cases in America are as a result of poor or lack of effective measures vital in preventing and dealing with fire outbreak cases. I am particularly aware that it is unethical to utilize someone else's work and ideas as my own as this →

Attributes and attitudes of successful women

It is important for women all over the world to step out of the confines of home and the entanglements of domestic chores into the realm of entrepreneurship, business and leadership. This paper discusses the attributes and attitudes that women should possess in order to succeed in the corporate world.

Different types of memories

Psychology: Memory When dealing with psychology, and talking about memory, it means the process in that allows information to be, stored, retrieved and encoded. When talking of Prospective memory, I remember my appointment when I was supposed to have an interview on December 3rd 2007 at noon.

Enhancing cognition in older adults

The authors of this study examined a program directed towards improving cognition in older adults, which in turn was found to increase the openness of the participants to new experiences. The results were very encouraging as the authors of this study believe that the program helped the participants to become confident of their reasoning abilities →

United states v. ziegler

The court argued " Because Ziegler had a reasonable expectation of privacy in his office, any search of that space and the items located therein must comply with the Fourth Amendment". United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Soci-cultural issues in education

Task: Socio-Cultural Issues in Education The past favored the approval of the theory of individuals' natural rights in the historical American society. The current America leaders focus on the enlightenment principles of the human rights as stated in the constitutions.

Self fulfilling prophecy essay

History of the concept Merton's concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy stems from the Thomas theorem, which states that " If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."[2] According to Thomas, people react not only to the situations they are in, but also, and often primarily, to the way they perceive the →

Amazon contingency theory case study

As a company leading in innovation it is a necessity that there are people employed with Amazon that are going to enhance the moral of the company. One repetitive pro to that many current employees said that there is to working at Amazon.com is that it's one of the leading tech companies with new technologies →

Marlee matlin – deaf actress, cultural icon essay

The one fact about Marlee that makes me admire her is that at the tender age of 18 months, she had a bout with Roseola, a form of German measles, which left her totally deaf in her right ear and 80% deaf in her left ear. She was the youngest member of her family and →

Business organisations – set questions and answers

The house would have to be designed to suit the satisfaction of the customers buying the place. This would help Laing homes know were to improve next time and how to do it, so the customer can be left leaving in a happy home.

How an individual’s health affects the entire family’s function?

The thesis in this paper is that family functioning has an important impact on the health of individual members, as the individual depends on the family for support and protection from the larger social unit, the society; on the other hand, individual health can put enormous strain on the functioning of the family, primarily through →

Interactions between 2d materials and living matter: a review on graphene and hexagonal boron nitride coatings

This expression usually describes several mechanisms that arise from the contact of the cellular membrane with the edge of a graphene flake: physical insertion of the sharp edges in the membrane and subsequent extraction of phospholipids; protein protein bonding disruption, due to the lipophilic nature of graphene sheets that favorably enter the hydrophobic interface between →

Price of freedom: an analysis of the motivations of different tennessee williams characters with respect to aristotelian definitions of character and the struggle between duty and desire

As taxing as this struggle may be for the two men, as characters, it is a blessing in Aristotelian terms, as the pull between duty and desire defines Tom and John as proper characters according to Aristotle's definitions as enumerated in Poetics, which are that a full character must be good, proper, true to life, →

Faux pas: the french theatre academy’s probable rejection of hamlet

Aristotle would have been wholly unaccustomed to this form of storytelling, as Greek tragedies often had a very late point of attack, and what's more, it is likely the French academy would have censored Hamlet on the grounds that the play spans more than one day in the life of the Prince of Denmark. The →

Romantic relationship and young adulthood psychology essay

Therefore the factors related to relationship and break up distress are likely to affect men and women in different manners. Thus on the basis of the above mentioned researches, it can be indicated that there is a significant difference in the way male and female react to break up of their romantic relationships.

Effects of low health literacy

This essay will draw on examples of primary health care strategies employed in Australian communities and various methods for improving health literacy that can be actioned by health professionals and the wider health system. The concept of health literacy can be defined as the capacity of individuals to understand, access and apply health related information →

Unethical marketing in the food industry marketing essay

The marketing departments of the businesses in the food industry seem to be ideal to blame when it comes to the responsibility for the well being of the consumer. The main goal of this paper is to discuss the responsibility of the businesses in avoiding unethical marketing and, to a certain extent, to take care →

Campylobacter jejuni health essay

Campylobacter jejuni is one of a family of bacteria known as Campylobacteriaceae that collectively are responsible for a significant number of reported cases of gastroenteritis in the UK. Therefore, detection of campylobacter in a stool sample is the mainstay of diagnosis, though a negative sample cannot exclude the presence of campylobacter.

Marzano formative assessment

Timing of the interpretation and the purpose for which the information is usedWhat 2 criteria are used to determine if the assessment outcome is formative or summative? Formative scores are to show growth or lack of and summative score is level at the end of learningWhy does averaging formative scores not equal a summative score?

Unable dependent on drugs and cannot survive

As a result, the population of the country has become vulnerable to drugs. A major portion of the drugs available in India is smuggled from Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Traditions apparent: “although the villagers had forgotten the

In " The Lottery", the author of the story was constantly exposing the fact that the people of the town barely remembered anything about the lottery. By the lack of history within story and by the narrator bring to light things that they remembered as vague rituals they have discarded such as: " toneless chants" →

Case study anxiety answer sheet

The second criteria of having difficulty controlling the worry is exhibited in Titan's own admission that she rises SSI the time and this causes her to smoke, eat and drink excessively to deal with the worry. The Socio-cultural Perspective might explain Titan's GAD comes from the loss of her husband.

Case study – topic

He was not on- duty when driving the company vehicle, therefore, the time driving from job to his home is not considered as overtime.C. Therefore, as the solution to propose to Roy, the employer of Top-Notch Mechanical hall ask Roy to provide evidence to prove that during the time he drove the company pickup to →


The rules of the game also specify the shape of the ball and material from which it should be made from. The game has a total of five sets, and the fifth set is sometimes played to fifteen points.

Saving a life

You need communication skills in any workplace but mostly when you are a neurosurgeon because you are going to be having patients that you are talking to and they need to be able to understand you clearly when you are speaking to them. Benefits Although you have to have a lot of skills to be →

Assignment: capitalism and economy assignment

Thus you are tasked to put together the details of the foreign country and its economic yester:- A detailed research paper is required on the following issues:- Explain how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively Assess the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organizations and their activities Evaluate the impact of competition →

Forms of government assignment

The protection of its inhabitants, the administration of Justice, and the advancement of the physical, economic, social and cultural well-being of the people Is highly significant. It is in which the final authority is in the hands of a single person without regard to the source of his election, nature, or duration of his tenure.