A-Grade Essay Samples for Free


This historical description acts as a warning both to the current and future generations on the consequences of war. In conclusion, this book gives an insightful analysis of the end of the World War II.

Global trends, global funds and delivery bottlenecks of aids

Other factors that have contributed to the global spread of the disease is through the recent surge in tattoo and piercing parlors where equipment infected with the virus could contribute to the spread of HIV. Countries such as Brazil have been successful in HIV prevention with the aid of non-governmental organizations and strong programs that →

Critical account on ethical practice

Ideas expressed in the light of theory of Consequentialism, which is also known as consequence-based-ethics, declare the point that the rightness or wrongness of any particular action on the basis of ethics depends on the nature of consequence of that particular action. Likewise, the entire class would have got disturbed, the students might have reacted →

Current economy and the great depresson

Current Economy and the Great Depression The Great Depression of 1929 was one of the worst economic periods in the world. The economic downturn soon spread to the rest of the world due to the relationship of the US with the Europe's economy in the post World War 1 period.

Coca cola and pepsi

The tale of Pepsi-Cola was shaped in the late nineties by pharmacist Caleb Bradham, & Frito-Lay Inc was created by the 1961 joining of the Frito Company, establish by Elmer Dolin in 1932, & the H W Lay Company, found by Herman W Lay, also in 1932. The company gave in to protests & returned →

Editorial: cognition across the psychiatric disorder spectrum: from mental health to clinical diagnosis

Three key sections will be explored: schizotypy as a construct, including theoretical and methodological considerations when assessing schizotypy; a comprehensive review of dopaminergic contributions to schizotypy; and, several empirical research studies exploring cognition and symptomatology across the schizophrenia and schizotypy spectrum. The categorical approach is based on a disease model of mental illness and considers →

Editorial: disorders of circadian rhythms

This E-Book comprises state-of the-art Reviews, Original Research and Perspective contributions that feature current advancements in the molecular mechanisms and the impact of gene-environment interactions of circadian rhythms in diverse pathologies. The effects of seasonal changes of the light-dark cycle and gene polymorphisms of the core clock machinery on the behavior of patients affected by →

Federalism and the perspectives of democracy politics essay

In countries in which different nations live with their various features the development of democracy, politics and economy reflex in their political life, so that respecting nations and ethnics' rights is included in the constitutional law. With respect to relative and classic democracy in which the will of majority is dominant, however, sovereignty is in →

The importance of partisanship and the young vote politics essay

In today's elections, a significant role is played by young voters, so the consideration of partisanship and the young vote is critical to the success of any campaign strategy. The relationship between the candidate and his party with the public is vital to the campaign.

Risk of lung cancer among chromium workers

The combination of any of these two factors put the organism in danger in a way that it builds oxidative stress, creates hormonal imbalance, changes the order of chemical reaction, controls the rate of metabolism, alters the oxidation reduction process, and influences the biochemistry of metabolites etc. Generally it is focused on the chromium exposure →

A wrinkle in time chapter 8

In response, what does he warn them he will do? He will send them to ITCharles says everything on Camazotz is in order.

Song lyrics – the graceful way of love expression

Unlike the Western European culture, in China in the 11-12 century the popular prelude to the love act was usually signing. The more of verses by Chou Pang-Yen are " A Visit to the House of Ch'in", " Spring in the House of Jade", " Longing for the Sountland".

Setting some themes

The estimation of intrinsic value based on the two elements, which are the future performance and the discount factor. The two most common indicators to measure the fund's performance were the regenerate of annual growth rate of net asset value assuming reinvestment the total return on investment) and the absolute dollar today of an investment →

Arts: our (disappearing) natural resource

When money is tight and with a recession in full swing, money always seems to be tight and school board members are up for re-election, it is almost pre-ordained that the arts take the brunt of the bullet. Take away the arts, and you take away a teenager's only means to express themselves in their →

Technology advances assignment

This paper explores the advancements in technology and focuses on how it relates to the lives of college students and businesses. As technology evolves into the 21st century, it encompasses the daily lives of most people, particularly the college realm to the business world.

Interpret marketing trends and developments assignment

As a result the analysis was conducted that most of the students preferred Fiji in category 1 while category 2 the students preferred Malaysia that has the highest percentage of students followed by Vietnam and Philippines as their hub destination. Background From this report It will be Investigated by the following elements of regional analysis →

Australia park lands shut the cbd, melbourne is

Among the various picture sites and landmarks you will be able to visit in Australia square measure Ayers Rock and therefore the state capital theater.whereas these spots square measure are very modish with tourists, the variety of traveler attractions in Australia. Cable Beach is found in Broome in Western Australia and is taken into account →

Fast food essay essay sample

The busy life is one of the top reasons of eating fast food the modern. And with the students, who still not have a job to earn money and depend on their family, the cheaper choice when eating fast food is one of best way for they can save money.

Shoeless joe/field of dreams essay sample

The movie was mostly the same as the book except that there were a few major differences, a few things were added to the movie, and the emotion was different between the book and the movie. There was one thing that was added to the movie that made a huge impact on the outcome of →

Impact of social networks on children and adolescents

Impact Of Social Networks On Children And Adolescents What you think the main idea of the readingis, and WHY you think that is the main idea Kari Henly wrote the article entitled " Schoolchildren Are Not Ready for Social Networking" with the purpose of presenting the main idea that children and adolescents are not →

Socrates discourse

In the very beginning of his apology, Socrates does away with an immediate rancor against his oppressors, by declaring the charges attributed to him as the outcome of a timeless conflict of ideas and values, thereby elevating his trial to a level much above the task of meting out justice to a common convict. In →

A functionalist perspective on prison sociology

Crime can take to societal alteration, say the functionalists, because the being of offense proves to the people in society that the authorities does non excessively command the citizens. One illustration the writer uses is merely the difference in footings that use the word white and black and the difference in the intensions of these →

The history of winchester and his firearms flashcard

The three most important parts of Winchester are the life of Oliver Winchester, the creations of Oliver Winchester, and the guns that won the West. When Winchester died in 1880, he willed the ownership of the Company to his only son, William Winchester, who later died in March of the next year of tuberculosis.

Business and the economy essay

Contaminated cargoes of PCB would have to be transported to the treatment plant on the road sea and air, any accidents in these situations would be disastrous and puts the British people and wildlife in a precarious situation.11. National Government Brings in Codes of Practice and in some cases Legislation such as Environmental Protection Act →

Money an economic activity exam 2

Treasury Secretary B) The FDIC C) The Comptroller of the Currency D) The FOMC 3) The Federal Reserve Bank of ________ plays a special role in the Federal Reserve System because it houses the open market desk. 12) ______ A) vault cash; excess reserves B) excess reserves; required reserves C) excess reserves; borrowed reserves D) →

Gen y in the workforce case study analysis

Since Sarah was not giving him the feedback he thought he would get he bypassed her and went to the CEO Sam Smithstone. Josh felt that Sarah did not understand him or his ideas.

British vita plc financial statements analysis

Sometimes they are given a part of the company's share, in order to nurture the sense of ownership and to create caring attention towards the company's welfare. The familiar issue arises regarding to the relationship between the directors and the shareholders is known as the Agency issue.

How steinbeck presents the character of curley’s wife

She is Curley's possession and is used in the novel to show his masculinity and that she is trapped in a loveless marriage. This is shown when Curley orders her to go back to the house and he treats her as a possession.

Not all perfectionists are as they are assessed: an investigation of the psychometric properties of the perfectionism inventory in the teaching profession

The main advantage of using the PI over the utilization of the existing scales was that it reduced the redundancy resulted from the overlapping concepts of these scales, while providing a comprehensive assessment of perfectionism. Therefore, the perfectionistic tendencies described above " come with the job" in the case of teachers, and this could have →

John f kennedy profile of president

Well as the president I have decided for the betterment of America I am going to sign the limited nuclear test-ban treaty with the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. It is an honor of mine to announce the fact that my goal is to have a landing man on the moon before the joint →

Is the internet destroying tv media essay

But there is much difference betwixt the television and the newspaper industry, news can be read on the internet, no doubt the fashion shows, dramas, films are all available on the internet but to see all that on the television, has its own charm. As on the internet mini games are available and besides this →

The brand image of tata motors

The lesser the noise the better is the objective of the organization achieved. Tata Motors' JLR division reported strong growth in realization and profit in 1Q FY11, driven by an improvement in the global economy and the success of its new products.

Stability seen in brave new world

Religion, which is the way one sees creation and life, is also gone."...in the world of Huxley, human beings are limited in...mental abilities to meet the needs of government". The society in Brave New World does have a good side to it: there is no war, and very little diseases.

Strategies for entrepreneurship and change management

It corresponds with the revolution and changes in the state of health of the population and of the society. Entrepreneurship is essential in any situation as it could help in promoting and improving the well-being of the person and of the society as the whole.

Woodrow wilson’s 14 points

The stipulation is that in the case of the German colonies the title is to be determined after the conclusion of the war by " impartial adjustment" based on certain principles. The only problem raised here is in the word " restored." The restoration is to be in kind or how the amount of the →

Bit – first publicly traded bitcoin fund

Bitcoin Investment Trust seems ready to become the first publicly traded bitcoin fund. The Bitcoin Investment Trust was launched as a private fund for accredited investors in 2013.

Chemical dependency case study

Chemical dependencyis the physical and psychological dependency of the human organism on the mood-altering substances, like alcohol, psychotropic drugs, etc. The problem of chemical dependency is quite urgent nowadays, because millions of people all over the world prefer escaping from the reality with the help of various psychotropic and mood-altering substances.

The german states: the reformation

A series of crop failures and the religious and social upheaval caused by the Protestant Reformation as well as the cracks in peasant society already caused by the Great Schism provided the spark needed to set fire to that resentment and begin a more widespread rebellion. Peasants had begun to question the clergy already, and →

Pros and cons of globalization assignment

Globalization is helping in increasing the standard of living of the evolving world; and at the same time is helping to reduce poverty. Example of the pros and cons of globalization The Philippines is one of the countries in Asia that has been affected by the contradictions of globalization.

How has music changed since the middle ages assignment

During the Middle Ages music was still popular to have but there were not many genres, the most common kind of music during the middle ages was flute. Music has change immensely since the middle ages because of the invention of new musical instruments and new musical genres.

Cold war dbq assignment

In addition, when Germany was broken up among the four countries of France, Great Britain, the United States of America, and the Soviet union, the Soviet Union had the most land Of all. The majority of the responsibility for the Cold War lies in the hands Of the Soviet Union, and only minimally the United →

Contrast media in intravenous urogram biology essay

Contraindications that should be known by the radiographers before any process is as nephritic gripes, nephritic concretion, abdominal hurting, abdominal surgery at the latest, after the patient gave birth, and the replacing of the kidney. This is due to resuscitate a patient of any effects after the trial.

Entropy impact in other fields besides of engineering

Entropy in Business s 25th April Entropy in Business Entropy is defined by the American Heritage Science Dictionary as randomness or a measure of disorder in a closed system. Bureaucratic organizations are the opposite of this because they function as a mechanistic and closed system that is subject to entropy.

Social work paper on walmart

The presence of a Wal-Mart has a great impact in the community. Wal-Mart and the local economies".

Regional econmic

Submitted] Economic Implication of Open Spaces The purchase of open spaces and conversion to natural area systems was a response to the growing infringement of suburban development and ranch conversion of landscapes that are causing losses in biological diversity and agricultural production. The presence of wildlife presents a more interesting experience for the individual and →

Movie sicko

Movie Sicko of Affiliate The revelations by Michael Moore in the documentary Sicko brings into perspective the sickening and repulsive realities of an American health care system that is bent on maximizing profits at the expense of the health of millions of Americans. According to Straub, one of the important factors in the provision of →

President lincolns second inaugural address

Delivered on March 4, 1865, Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address abounds in the use of the rhetorical and stylistic elements which catch the attention of the ears as well as the minds of the listeners. In short, President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address is a spectacular example of how a powerful speech adorned with rhetorical and stylistic →

Dependent and independent variables

The independent variable, in this case, is the presence of a Greek system on campus. Hypothesis statement: The presence of a Greek system on campus increases alcohol consumption in college students.

Adult dev slp2

Secondly, when an individual enters into adulthood, they have captured huge amount of experience and information and this experience is of high value to them as this experience shapes their beliefs, norms and values. If teachers underestimate the experience of adult learners and start teaching them through their own experience like they teach children, adults →


In 2010, W filed for appeal against the ruling of the court of appeal on the matter. It is, therefore, prudent for the effect of the appeal to occur in 2011 in the financials of M.

Modern times racism essay

The Many Costs of Racism is a vivid account of the mental, physical health and economic effects of everyday racism for Black Americans and of racism's high costs for all Americans. Time has merely changed the intensity of the racial tension, but it has done nothing for the effects the children feel and the the →

Gay rights persuasive speech

The reason that homosexuals choose to marry is due to the fact that marriage is not mainly about benefit, orrespect, but mainly about love andfamily; the same reason that heterosexuals choose to marry. Lots of people thinks that same-sex marriage is one of the reasons that and that it supposedly wrecks the balance between traditional →

Nonsampling or systematic errors

The error that occurs because the sampling frame is not representative of the population is called the selection error. Nonresponse Error: Even if our sampling frame and, consequently, the sample are representative of the population, nonresponse error may occur because many of the people included in the sample did not respond to the survey.

Department of media and communications film studies essay

Plagiarism is an attempt to gain advantage by the representation of another person's work, without acknowledgement of the source, as the student's own for the purposes of satisfying formal assessment requirements.1.the use in a student's own work of more than a single phrase from another person's work without the use of quotation marks and acknowledgement →

Finding behavioral and network indicators of brain vulnerability

We review the pattern of appearance of these irregularities and show that they both appear in correlation with psychopathological symptoms and are predicative of psychopathology; thus they can serve as valuable behavioral indicators of a vulnerable state. Thus, irregularities in sensory, motor, and regulation processes can be viewed as co-arising with the loss of robustness →

Challenges of psychiatry drug development and the role of human pharmacology models in early development—a drug developer’s perspective

The author of this article presents a perspective on the underlying causes of the low probability of success in clinical development of CIAS treatment, and how human pharmacology models used during phase 1 clinical development can support decision making and mitigate risk for later stage clinical development of CIAS treatment. The probability of success in →

Micrornas and natural compounds mediated regulation of tgf signaling in prostate cancer

During the early stages of development, the TGF- signaling plays a constructive role and facilitates differentiation and development of cells; however, with the passage of time, TGF- signaling plays a destructive role through promulgation of metastasis and invasiveness in various tissues. The differentiation of the PCa cells is affected by the defected AR signaling which →

Genetic diversity of astrovirus in children from a birth cohort in nepal

Many studies reported diarrhea caused by various viruses but less information is available about human astrovirus causing gastroenteritis in The stool samples used in this study were collected from June 2010 through February 2015 under the protocol titled " Etiology, Risk Factors, and Interactions of Enteric Infection and Malnutrition and the Consequences for Child Health →

Khrushchev and kennedy

Kennedy is revered as being one of the most beloved presidents in American History, the blatant reality of his term in office is that of a counterproductive and increasingly immature presidency as shown from his foreign relations and internal command of the military during the hottest part of the cold war. Perhaps one of the →

The futility of existence in albert camus’s “l’hote”

His works have a sense of attachment, a reverence for the conflicted land; Camus writes in " The Guest": " This is the way the region was, cruel to live in, even without men... Today, Camus is still highly praised for the works that he deemed " unworthy" of a Nobel Prize.

Sample essay on authored by timothy everton and reviewed by lindsay egginton

The introduction helps in giving insight on the issue to be discussed while, on the other hand, the conclusion reiterates the issues discussed throughout the text. The response to the question on the alternative for poor housing was that the residents could make use of a housing voucher to get a place to stay in →

Chapter 2 literature review 2.1 environmental quality in malaysia

Concern for the environment is perceived to be important in encouraging consumer to participate in green program and also buying a green product. Furthermore, if ordinary product is more expensive compared to a green product, consumers might have intention to buy green products because of the benefit and the cost.

Behavioural viewpoint of management theories commerce essay

The main thing is to select the right workers for job those have ability to do that work.after that tained the workers and provide them proper incentives. Classical management theory mainly covers to increase the productivity of a company in the cheapest way whereas in Behavioural viewpoint the focuses is not only on the productivity →

Text to text comparison

The two songs I chose to compare are Love Story by Taylor Swift, a country singing girl whose songs are all about love and Check Yes Juliet by We the Kings, a more alternative band composed of men whose songs are not always about love. In Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings, the band →

Love versus lust

In order to compensate for the absent love of a father, Ursula embraced the role of a mother over all the Buendia offspring. Throughout the novel, Marquez uses his characters as a way to expose the importance of the human need for love.

Racial bias in the criminal justice system assignment

A new report issued by a coalition of civil rights organizations calls the " massively and pervasively biased" treatment on blacks and Hispanics by the US police and courts the major civil rights problem of the twenty-first century entitled " Justice on Trial: Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System." The study finds that →

Identity within and without: hermann hesse’ sidhhartha essay sample

With his friend Govinda he decides to follow the path of the ascetics and adopt the life of a wanderer in search of the truth, with no worldly possessions beyond simple clothes and a bowl for food. Siddhartha quickly adapts to the ascetic way of life of the Samanas, and then he and Govinda are →

Lurking in the shadows

I am relaxed, away for a few days from any responsibility save peering into nature from the back porch of my grandfather's cabin; the doe and the fawn, meanwhile quiver at and dart suspicious glances at the mere change in the direction of the wind, the flutter of a bird's wings overhead, or the aforementioned →

Analysis of terror attack in the usa

One of the lessons from this lecture is that the surviving victims of the terror attack were emotionally affected by the events. During this period of time, Behrman argues that she was able to reflect on the events, and as each year passed, she was able to heal.

Astro consumer behavior

Astro created a lot of channels to attract more subscribers and one of it is Astro on Demand. Due to this ASTRO is still currently the only satellite TV in Malaysia, this causes the monopolization of the market and no imminent competitor.

Netflix case study essay

The beauty of online distribution is that as soon as a digital copy of a title is catalogued, you have unlimited copies of that title to rent or sell forever. Also, no need to worry about the availability of the next Netflix movie in the queue, or the timing of the postal delivery of the →

Written report: prolonged immobilization

Number of sarcomeres in parallel is reduced contributing to the reduction of muscle fiber PCSA v. Decreased formation of oxidative muscle fiber types I and IIa, the main factors in reduction of endurance and fitness d.

Impact of a data classification standard: user domain

The user domain can be configured to internal use only and only the IT Department can grant access privilege for Remote Access Point. A LAN domain requires strong security and access controls, since the biggest threat to this domain is un-authorized access to anything on the network.

Gravitactic orientation of euglena gracilis —a sensitive endpoint for ecotoxicological assessment of water pollutants

Due to factors like rapid increase in population, urbanization, industrialization and huge consumption of water in industry and agriculture, an immense stress on the quantity and quality of the available freshwater has been developed. In many countries the increasing usage of water in multiple sectors coupled with decreasing availability has adversely affected the quality of →

Analysis of “the fall of the house of usher”

This gothic style of writing that Poe is known for is precisely presented in, The Fall of the House of Usher, within Poe's extensive use of a darkened setting, the use of underlying physical and mental illnesses, surreal imagery, and symbolism that both represented the gothic writing style and the historical context of the mid-nineteenth →

Religious turmoil in mississippi burning

The churches became the center of black society, and the white power structure of the time began to see the threat these churches presented. But it is the truth of the time.

The confucian concept of ren philosophy essay

These translations reflect the two senses in which Confucius used the word " Ren," that is, " Ren of affection," and " Ren of virtue". Although the relation between " Ren of affection" and " Ren of virtue" is subject to different interpretations, one aspect of this concept is certain: a person cannot have the →

Direct proof indirect proof contradiction philosophy essay

In the field of information technology, logic have been used for a long time and the emergence of Mathematical logic is in the mid-19th century as a subfield of mathematics which is free from traditional study of logic. The history of logic is the study of the development of the science of valid inference.

The nursing and midwifery council nursing essay

Thompson et al stated that communication is one of the fundamental aspects in nursing The consultant was informed of the patient's decision to change her mind on the operation and responds stating that ' We will have to proceed'. In this instance, the nurse faces the ethical dilemma of standing up to the consultant and →

Performance related pay provides individuals with economic rewards

By means of weighting on competiveness, efficiency, in addition to delivering assessable base line consequences, the tendency designed for almost every company is to bind no less than a little part of their employees pay to the workers in addition to the company's performance. In other terms performance associated pay be able to be used →

The princely state of travancore history essay

While the present paper does not rigorously examine the factors that played a major role in giving new standards for both social institutions and thereby individual identities in the region, it examines the various forms of historical perplexities in the light of the development of the plantation economy[5]and modern education, the two important forces of →

Music and how it effects academic performance

There is a relationship between pop music and students' academic performance at LSE. There is a positive relationship between academic performance of the students and music.


Architects could use existing sustainable technology in agriculture the hydroponics and aquaplane to designing the vertical farms. Enhance the use of urban space- optimism 4.

Management of foreign exchange risk, therefore, was

The effect of exchange rate fluctuations on imports, exports, assets and liabilities of a corporation, denominated in foreign currencies, is termed as translation risk. In countries where corporations are required under law to prepare consolidated statements of accounts the investments in foreign subsidiaries would have to be re-valued at the prevailing exchange rate, which is →

L-suleimany the human language has been around

Sigismund is of the opinion that this first lisping, or babbling consists in the production of syllables with only two sounds, of which the consonant is most often the first; that the first consonants distinctly pronounced are the labials. A child will imitate the words we use or sounds they hear and add them to →

Poverty in a conflict perspectives view assignment

People in poor communities are unable to stay in school because they have to make a choice of either going to school or going to work and providing for themselves and their family. The crime rates are much higher in the poorer areas because there is a lack of opportunities to improve economic status and →

Taoism vs confucianism essay sample

In writing this selection, Lao Tzu's main concerns were to emphasize the understanding the way of the universe and using that understanding for self-preservation. Some of the passages of the Tao Te Ching seem to be addressed to a ruler, advising how to ensure the survival of a kingdom in a time of political upheaval.