A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

A believer of evidentialism philosophy essay

It is ironic that at the time people refused to accept a theory that was and is true due to an ingrained set of beliefs that could not be similarly proved. Yet his theory in today's day and age is considered to be true as it has substantial evidence to it thereby stating the fact →

Editorial: bifidobacteria and their role in the human gut microbiota

Furthermore, thanks to recent discoveries about the microbial diversity of the human gut, we have started to achieve detailed insights about the composition of the bifidobacterial communities in this complex ecosystem and to understand the intricate relationship with their host as well as with the other members of the gut microbiota. The 21 articles comprising →

Editorial: regulation of endurance performance: new frontiers

The systems that ultimately limit performance of the task are hotly contested, and may depend on a variety of factors including the type of task, the environment, external influences, training status of the individual and a host of psychological constructs. To explore new frontiers, we welcomed the submission of original research, review and perspective articles →

Cognitive metaphysics

Quine proposed his famous criterion of ontological commitment " to be is to be the value of a variable," which states that we are ontologically committed to the entities that are in the range of the existential quantifier in the logical formulations of our best scientific theories. I will introduce the term cognitive metaphysics 4 →

Covid-19 migration policy measures for international students and graduate job searchers: a lost round in the battle for brains

Migration policies have been adjusted to facilitate the international students to remain, search for jobs and stimulate innovation and the economies of the home nations of their alma mater. I identify three patterns of response to COVID-19: Firstly, a policy and discourse of continued welcome and facilitation of international students, seen in for example in →

The four deadly sins of implicit attitude research

For example, responses may or may not be fast and efficient, respondents may or may not be aware of the purpose of the measure, may or may not intend particular outcomes on the measure, and may or may not be able to intentionally alter responses on the measure. This suggests that the evaluations resulting from →

The salem witch trial and its role in history

The Salem Witch Trials were a landmark event in the history of the United States that left a lasting impression and impact on this nation. Scholars and historians have attempted to pinpoint the specific cause of these witch trials, but still much speculation exists as to the for sure root of the cause.

Essay on i think, therefore i am. explain and assess descartes famous argument known

Therefore, Descartes concludes that for an individual to conclude that despite the burning the material, it remains the wax, it important that an individual involves the comprehension of the mind. Therefore, basing his arguments on deduction as opposed to perception, Descartes developed the statement " I think, therefore I am" to prove that thinking is →

History of islam in america

The Muslims in America originate from different backgrounds, and this makes Islam one of the most racially diverse religious group in the USA. Most Americans argue that Muslims in the country are disadvantaged and that being a Muslim in the country hurts one's chances of advancing in American society.

Coca cola entering chinas market marketing essay

Human Resources: Coca-Cola Company is not one in the same as the Coca-Cola bottlers, which are the majority of the whole business model. Conclusion: Overall, Coca-Cola has been and for a long time will be a very successful company in China and the rest of the world.

Fidel castro, the new prime minister of cuba

Kennedy proposed the creation of the Alliance for Progress, an organization dedicated to satisfying " the basic needs of the American people". Much of the capital produced and goods exported from Cuba and Latin American ended up in the hands of the United States.

Internal control paper

Running Head: INTERNAL CONTROL AND ANALYSIS Internal Control and Analysis Paper Yvonne Dunbar, Renate Jimerson, Lisa Quezada, and Robert Rinker ACC 539 Accounting for Managerial Decision Making University of Phoenix September 19, 2009 Internal Controls " Internal Controls are an integral part of an organization's financial and business policies and procedures, they consist of the →

Literary analysis for “the necklace”

The conflict the Loisel's face between paying off the debt and the characterization of Mathilde, contributed to the overall theme of the story. The conflict between the Loisel's having to pay off the debt contributed to the theme.

Driving and using your cell phone.

One reason people should not use their cell phones while driving is that it endangers your life and the people around you. In conclusion, people should not use cell phones while driving because you can get hurt, like I was.and you could end up having to pay serious money.

The qualities of an american

A significant amount of Americans have become oblivious to the importance of dedication and do not put in the work required to fully utilize their opportunities. The first American colonists volunteered to settle the new world in an attempt to start a new life where they could create without the limitations of their native government.

The heroes’ quest essay

The Heroes' Quest Two of the most widely admired characters of literature were John Grady Cole from the story All Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy and Sir Gawain from the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by J.R.R. His journey in search of the Green Chapel to complete the mission, as he tied to →

Mother challenge

I had a planned trip to Toronto Canada and felt that since I did not have cell phone coverage for the area and roaming charges are very expensive, so I chose that time to exist without texting. I rarely actually talk on the phone and my daily schedule is so hectic that I do not →

Child development

NOTE: Do more than summarize the concepts of the two approaches, here you must explain concretely how each would explain the problem of fear of the dark and how the perspectives would differ. A psychoanalyst would probably have the young four-year-old recount how the dark made the young child felt internally, and explore " feelings", →

Discussion-module 11

The Islamic World system led to the transfer of knowledge to Spain and Portugal. The lawyer Ibn Battuta symbolized the Islamic World system as he travelled across the globe to meet the demand for Islamic judges in Africa and India.

Euthyphros true and false

Euthyphro's True and False 1_False_ When Euthyphro tells Socrates that " Justice is what all the gods love," Socrates disagrees with this because he believes it to be false. This is false because it is explained that only wisdom is given by gods and not that one has to possess a lot of knowledge →

Larry king live

The problems on the Larry King Live Show have to do with the north of Gaza, Israel, Bill Richardson resigning as Obama's secretary of Commerce and a huge bill that the Democrats want Obama to sign that would be the biggest spending bill in American history. The other commentator on Larry King Live was James →

Thurgood marshall analysis essay

He achieved national recognition for his civil rights achievements as a lawyer and later as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Justice Marshall received many awards and citations for his outstanding contributions to the field of civil rights.

Inequality among bpl families in aonla tehsil economics

The major aim of the present survey is to cognize the inequality position of BPL households in footings income and outgo in Aonla Tehsil. In the present survey an effort has been made to show a brief description of the income distribution of the selected families and caput of family.

Jack the ripper essay

The police had learnt the worth of footprints in the early nineteenth century and the standard method in detective work was to go after suspicious characters. The activities of Jack the Ripper were reported daily in the newspapers, as were inquiries and methods in use by the police.

Hoffman discount drugs, inc essay

The second alternatives of transfer ownership with guarantee that Excello would purchase equipment with ten year useful life as the sale implies that Excello would have to recognize a liability to Data System in the amount of the revenue. Meaning to say, first Excello needs to transfer the ownership to Data System for the revenue →

Windsor coursework

Like for example Windsor is a rich area because the tourist spend a lot of money and the council use the money to develop the area. Tourist must have been told or seen in a brochure the attractions of windsor and were here to view it them selves.

Basic concepts of a business system

The purpose of a business system, for instance, is to earn profits through provision of goods and services to the society.2. Thus, a department is a sub? system of a company, which may be a sub-system of a conglomerate, which is a sub-system of the national economy as a whole, which is a sub-system of →

Theodore roosevelt’s contributions to america

Theodore Roosevelt was one of the very few American presidents who genuinely offered the people he led hope for their future by living up to and promoting the promise of the American Dream as evidenced by the many policies he implemented while in office. By showing off the naval power in the Great White Fleet, →

Processes of globalization are causing increasing cultural convergence media essay

Interaction of the people, organizations and the most importantly among the governments of the nations is called the process of globalization. The process is determined by trade between the two nations, investment in their businesses and through the information technology and has some effects on the culture, environment, political and economic development of the country →

Panera bread company case study

When present situation of the company is analyzed strategically, we come across a fact that its present market position is concrete in nature, but it still lack a product line that could be offered to all the segments of the market. Like, it has already established market of the company which specifically defines customers that →

Setting up a joint venture in china

This critical study will be carried by tempting to achieve the following objectives: Identify the motives and determinants of FDI, focusing on market-seeking joint-ventures in China Identify the environmental regulations that facilitate or slow JVs down in China Identify the barriers to JVs in China and the main causes of failure Identify the key success →

Russian religious thought in the 19th century

The three Ober-Procurator's during this period that will be focused on in this paper all used their position as a means to try to suppress the voices of those wanting to change or critique both the Russian Orthodox Church and the government, and this suppression led to civil unrest and distrust in the church. The →

Impact of offshore outsourcing on us economy

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyse the topic of the American business practice of outsourcing jobs offshore. Outsourcing overseas may save companies money, but in the end, it places them in a negative light and indicates their lack of interest in protecting and enhancing America and the American economy.

Reflection upon role play experience for communication

To therefore reflect upon some of the challenges that the simulation brought to our team, and how we could resolve them, it could be said that effective delegation and time management seemed to hamper us. In conclusion, to reflect upon the role I have undertaken during the group simulation project, it can be maintained that →

Loan proposal

She was 27 years old and she graduated in the course of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Management at Ramona Massage's Technological University in Masonic. We will offer different kinds of breads for the children's and elderly.

Half fall at our place and we

To reach our goals in life we have to choose apathway. To acquire the position of manager in a company, one always starts with a trainee.

Tort law case essay sample

The driver owes the duty of care to child, mother and father. Advice given in social/informal occasion will not amount to duty of care, as it is not reasonable to rely on the advice, no reliance too.

Corporate finance overview

Therefore, the expected rate of return estimated for the Ford as a company is appropriate for this particular project. Because it is a start-up company, it is hard to precisely estimate the required rate of return on its projects.4.

A beautiful mind a film by ron howard (2001)

" A Beautiful Mind" a film by Ron Howard The movie has its basing in 1947, at Princeton The main character is Nash John, and his main rival, Hansen Martin. After treatment, Nash is able to deal more effectively with his hallucination, and is eventually offered a teaching position by his former rival Hansen, now →

Resource materials for a british library

In relation to the history of English as a discipline, The London Magazine will be a good investment in the library. In as much the resource is historical; the resource will help learners to relate to the origin of the English language in a more fun and educative way.

Jared diamond on agriculture review

This is connected to the fact that Diamond's focus is on the broad course of history, not the complex picture of the globalised world. The emphasis placed on the physical attributes of the world makes the validity of claims all the more important; the factual evidence is essentially both the means and ends of Diamond's →

Linking gender differences and their effects

The purpose of the literature reappraisal is to measure the bing literature on the Linkage between Gender Gaps which tends to Gender Bias which tends to Gender Discrimination which tends to Gender Abuse to derive a better apprehension of the capable country that is the significance of linkage by utilizing some specific techniques. The methodological →

How is the field of international relations gendered

Masculinity and Femininity are the characteristics which are taught by socialisation to Men and Women which are constructed in opposition to each other and are manifested in behaviours and attitudes, such as the masculine trait of rationality opposing the feminine trait of emotional. Here Enloe articulates how women hold an integral role to the structure →

Reducing business costs flashcard

Workplace wellness services basically mean providing services to the employees of an organization which are meant not only to cure their illness and addiction problems but also to prevent from them in the future. These services actually reduce the health-care costs of the business since employees have a healthier life-style and work culture so they →

Sap – scm software application

Supply Chain planning and collaboration: this will help in bringing together the existing practices of the company and simulate the entire process in the supply chain. The supply chain is not only limited to the process of spotting the right vendor, but also involves logistics, transportation and connects the entire operation with the real-time planning →

The economic concepts in the production possibilities frontier

The alternative A shows that the production is seven thousand tons of food and 0 million meters of clothing, while alternative B shows that production is 6 thousand tons of food and 33 million meters of clothing, and so on. At this stage of discussion, it can be deduced that the change in production of →

The era of the common man

The Era of the Common ManThe Jacksonian period from 1824 to 1848 began a new era of change and growth, which is celebrated as the era of the? common man? The birth of the Whig party and the development of the Democrat party opened a broader world for the common man, and gave him the →

Case report: ambient sensor signals as digital biomarkers for early signs of heart failure decompensation

Sensor-based symptoms' assessment can be used in the hospital and in the homes of patients at risk for cardiovascular diseases to monitor physiological parameters and the current activities of daily living. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential of modern sensor technology to get timely information about emergencies such as falls and →

Integrating concepts of physiological and behavioral resistance to parasites

For the sake of simplicity and drawing connections to the previous literature, I will limit the scope of " behavioral resistance" in this review to pre-contact behavioral resistance, and " physiological resistance" to post-contact physiological resistance. However, because behavioral resistance commonly acts before contact between the host and the parasite, the costs of resistance may →

Species diversity of the pleurostomatid ciliate genus amphileptus (ciliophora, haptoria), with notes on the taxonomy and molecular phylogeny of three species

Amphileptus is generally defined by the following combination of characters: a single anterior suture formed by the right somatic kineties; the presence of two rows of perioral kineties [three rows were detected in a single species, A.yuianus, by Lin et al; molecular data are needed to confirm its generic classification]; extrusomes not distributed along the →

Rites of passage of the spartan youth

The aim of this paper is to investigate the role of rites of passage in the socialization of Spartan youth. It is concluded that the Spartans incorporated a system of rites of passage in their educational programme with the aim to achieving the greatest levels of socialization of their youth, both boys and girls, the →

Issue of nursing powerlessness

I will then elaborate, analyse and revise how the issues of powerlessness, job satisfaction and psychological and physiological effects on my well-being manifested themselves during and after this experience, followed by providing some new perspective and identifying and elaborating recommendations for future revision of my practice. While evaluating the usefulness of my then approach and →

The impact of recession on car industry

By the figure the total value of the car sales show that with the end of 2010 the market will be running smooth and by 2013 the market will be in profitable state." In current prices, car sales will fall in value between 2008 and 2011 with recovery in 2012-13". The costs of the cars →

The reciprocating pump engineering essay

The mechanical energy is been converted in to the pressure energy and takes place due to the suction of the liquid into the cylinder in which the piston is having a reciprocating motion. It is been known so as in the particular design the pump rod is a direct extension of the piston rod in →

Difference between formal and effective incidence of tax economics essay

The formal incidence and effective incidence of a tax will often be different owing to the potential for the tax burden to be passed on through the operation of the price mechanism. The effect of the imposition of a National Insurance contribution tax on employees is to shift the labour supply curve downwards, as the →

The impact of routing and storage policies on warehouse efficiency

The main objectives of this paper are: evaluate various routing heuristics and an optimal routine in a volume-based and random storage environment; compare the performance of volume-based storage to random storage; and examine the impact of travel speed and picking rates on routing and storage policy performance. These factors include the demand pattern of the →

Social problems created by gambling

Majority of the crimes committed are thefts of chips, attempting to cheat or cheating and impersonating another person to gain entry to the casino. The Casino Regulatory Authority was established to enforce the CCA and National Council on Problem Gambling was formed subsequently to address the problem caused by gambling and educating the public on →

Evolution of japanese values after 1945

One of the most important values that are taught in the Japanese family is honor and loyalty. As a conclusion, conventional values and moral standards such as loyalty, discipline and harmony of the group are passed on to the Japanese population through family and education.

Business administration

The purpose of this assignment Is to give you an opportunity to conduct an Interview with a manager to enable you to have a better understanding of a manager's day-to- day responsibilities. You will need to turn in your questions in the Appendix of your paper.

The importance of information technology auditing

IT auditing allows the auditors to provide a more effective financial audit because it provides the auditor with the processes and information that the client used to prepare the statements. An IT auditor would use this assertion to prove that the Information used in the systems Is legitimate and that there are controls In place →

The floating currency. this means that the value

The Australian Exchange RateBy: Dontae SmithIntroduction: What factors affect the demand and supply of Australian dollars in the foreign exchange markets? Exchange Rate: The rate at which one unit of domestic currency is exchanged for a given amount of foreign currency A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE AUSTRALIAN DOLLARUntil 1971, the Australian dollar was pegged to →

Ada case study

The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex The harasser can be he victim's supervisor, an agent of the employer, a supervisor in another area, a co- Knower, or a non-employee The victim does not have to be the person harassed but could be anyone affected by the offensive conduct Unlawful sexual →

Employment at will doctrine assignment

To limit the liability and impact on the company as a COO, I would simply arrange a workshop on the code of ethics and conduct for the individuals working in the company. Being an internal issue within the company, as a COO I will talk to Jim in person and issue a letter to him →

Convence a family member life is better now than 50 years ago essay sample

The fact that our president is an African-American and his opponent in the primaries was a woman is symbolic of this evolvement. Although we have not found a cure for aids or cancer the modernization of medical knowledge has enable companies to make medicine that are lifesaving and medication to help relieve symptoms.

What do you understand by the notion of an invented tradition essay sample

The catalyst for the outbreak of revolution in Ireland in the Easter Rising of 1916 was twofold, firstly the desire to drive the British Empire from Irish soil, and secondly to establish, or as the Nationalists may say, resurrect an independent Irish state. Some of the cultural symbols chosen by the Nationalists that corresponded with →

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs)

Therefore studies have been carried out on laboratory animals such as rats, mice and rhesus monkey and analysis carried out in order to find out the effect of the chemicals and how this in effect can possibly affect humans. In contrast, this kind of experiments cannot be carried on human beings thus results to the →


The good news is that if we cannot depend on our own judgment and we are mistrustful of the reassurances of our friends, it has been established that people have the inherent capability to alter how others perceive the way they look simply in the way they present themselves." When you are convinced you look →

Addressing professional challenges

Forensic Psychology Forensic Psychology Forensic Psychology is the link between the justice system and psychology. Psychology and law: The state of the discipline.

Italy profolio

Legislative Branch of Government in Italy The legislature is composed of the lower house, which is the chamber of deputies and the upper house comprising of senate. The Executive Branch of Government in Italy This is composed of the President, Council of Ministers and the Civil Service.

The process of goal setting

The importance of measuring the goals it is to know the actual progress that is made during the achievement of the goals. In the setting of goals, time is directly proportional to the success achieved in the long run.

The drugs problem in modern society

I am particularly interested in knowing the answers to the following questions so that I can gain a clear understanding of the topic to be able to make informed and realistic claims about the subject. Another viable method I will use to get information about this problem is direct observation of the behavior of youths →

Multicultrual teaching

Teachers in these educational institutes need to be culturally competent in order to cater to the needs of a diverse population of student. Teachers themselves need to be empathetic towards their students and learn about the cultures of different students and teach them accordingly.

Wk 2 discussion questions

I remember that in grade school I was a not a good math student. The kindness my teacher used, and her unwavering firmness in insisting I learn these math facts, was a great support to me as I progressed through the year.

8 tips for making your business travel worth the hassle

After a few flights, take time to reflect on what's working for you and what is not, so you can make adjustments. Pop the hood, test the radio and use your driving time to get a really good feel for whether it's the car for you.

Collaborative care in nsclc; the role of early palliative care

As well we will briefly address the rationale for an increased awareness of recent advances in lung cancer care among the various specialties involved in the assessment of patients with lung cancer and the need to establish a cohesive network for ongoing communication and collaboration. Clearly, our ultimate goal is to improve the diagnosis and →

Commentary: perceived social support and health-related quality of life in aya cancer survivors and controls

A commentary on Perceived social support and health-related quality of life in AYA cancer survivors and controls by Tremolada, M, Bonichini, S, Basso, G, and Pillon, M. In this commentary we examine using qualitative narratives as a beneficial complementary method to investigate the reasons attributed by AYA survivors to their perceived lack of social support →

Less is more/more diverse: on the communicative utility of linguistic conventionalization

Naturally, the method of defining and analyzing the topology of words in a vector space determines which kinds of distributional behaviours we are able to observe. The overall increase of distances between words is a reflection of the increase in types over time in the Royal Society Corpus, on the one hand, and, as we →

Co-morbidities to vestibular impairments—some concomitant disorders in young and older adults

To be included the patients had to be adult, conceding to be a part of the study, being able to understand and communicate, and fill out the required questionnaires. The patients answered two questionnaires, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory questionnaire and a custom-made questionnaire detailing the properties of pain, dizziness, and occurrence of trauma/accident, considered by →

Pay issues for collegiate athletes

The NCAA does not fully understand the competitive drive and grit that these players have grown to have over their lifetime of playing these sports because they are not around the athletes enough to understand the daily trials and tribulations of a collegiate athlete. The NCAA and the universities collect billions of dollars off of →

Literature review on compensation and benefits

Here, the overview of the relationship between the compensation and benefits and the job satisfaction among the university staff will be discussed in the well-manner. The objectives of this study are as following: To explore the influence of compensation and benefits towards job satisfaction among University staff To examines the awareness of the importance of →

Condition of india before arrival of british history essay

In 1765, The East India Company received the right of " Diwani" in Bengal, they were able to control the trade, and they prevent textile owner to sell their goods to Dutch and French. The British also moved to rearrange the proportions of native to European soldiers present in India.

Contextual factors of the classroom

Space Contextual Factors of the Classroom, School, and Community and How They Affect the Teaching and Learning Process Many people think that there are not many contextual factors within the teaching profession. Teachers need to realize that not all students are on the same level, and that instruction should be differentiated to meet the needs →

Factors influencing the success or failure of small business

Another constraint that led to the failure of this firm was with credit conditions and access to credit. Another constraint faced by Jason Fast Foods that led to its failure was with regards to growth and development and the competitiveness of the operative industry.

Concepts and definitions in economics

Supply and demand Supply and demand are perhaps one of the most fundamental concepts of economics and it is the backbone of a market economy. The correlation between price and how much of a good or service is supplied to the market is known as the supply relationship.

Biodiversity and environmental governance: role of mass media

As we celebrate 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity, a sad realization dawns that even amongst the educated the term biodiversity suffers from a lack of absolute clarity. It is a measure of the health of biological systems Industrialization has caused a major dent in biodiversity due to loss of plant and animal habitat.

Surgical face mask in modern operating room

The surgical face mask has become an integral part of the uniform for theatre personnel since introduction in an attempt to reduce the rate of the chemical wound infections, it is only recently that people have asked if the masks do actually protect the patient from infection in the operating theatre. However, when the theory →

Works of hidegard of bingen

The main objective of this paper is to discuss the life and works of Hidegard of Bingen. The paper also outlines the history of still life flower painting, women artists' contribution to this art, the history of tulip mania in the 17th century as well as several prominent female artists of the 18th century, for →

Era of american reforms

Before and after the civil war the most of the ideas of the Enlightenment became the basics for further democratic tracts. The exploration of the new territories began.

Labelling theory

The main aim of this paper is to apply the social psychological theory to the show by explaining how to understand the character of an individual. For instance, in the show, Joan Carol is labelled as the den mother meaning that she is someone who is unofficial and she relies a lot on her friends →

The scarce, and men and animals gasp

The ground is baked and parched, the air is like the blast of a furnace, in many places water is scarce, and men and animals gasp and pant in the heat. And the mosquitoes, bred by the million in the standing pools, bring malarial fever with them.

Define groupthink

In groupthink the urge to remain loyal to the team and maintain cohesion makes the team members to desist from raising alternative solutions or controversial issues. Therefore the ' in-group' greatly overrates their decision-making abilities, and excessively downplays the decision-making ability of the ' out-group' or opponents.

Assignment prompt

Answer 2)" August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury falls in the genre of science fiction but if one delve deep into the plot of the text and try to gaze behind the apparent presentation of the story, it is not easy to find the symbolic interpretation of the story. Bradbury wanted →

Comparing the different learning theories and creating a class lecture to discuss one of the learning theories in detail

Learning of the of the Learning is the complete process of obtaining information and data, updating previous information obtained at an earlier point in time and using these bits and pieces of information to make decisions and obtain more information. While on the other hand, in classical conditioning only one stimulus is used to conduct →