A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Has feminism achieved its goals?

The second section turns to socialist feminism that believes that the only way feminist goals can be achieved is with the overthrow of the capitalist system and that of patriarchy. Added to this, they have the belief that society should not be organised by gender, but as Mill puts it: according to the ' principle β†’

Personal theoretical perspective and emerging counseling style psychology essay

The development of an effective counselor in regards to addictions depends on the presence of attitudes, reflecting openness to alternative approaches, appreciation of diversity, and most importantly the willingness to change. My passion for the addiction field and seeing the success of the family and individuals is evident in my work and I feel contributes β†’

Defining the concept of terrorism

Box 1: Definitions on terrorism Terrorism is a ' process of terror' having three elements: the act or threat of violence, the emotional reaction to extreme fear on the part of the victims or potential victims, and the social effects that follow the violence and the consequent fear.' Political terrorism' is a sustained policy involving β†’

Funding for space exploration philosophy essay

The United States government uses an excess of funds to explore outer space in an attempt to find other forms of intelligent life, they use too much tax money that can be put to better use, and many of the astronauts are at risk due to human spaceflight. Back in the 1960's, when planning to β†’

Premarital sex and promiscuity

According to Punzo on Premarital sex, it is for two people to have engaged in a sexual contact/intercourse without having the full commitment but on the other hand, promiscuity according to Elliston it is to have sex with many different people without having any commitment. Usually a married couple would be seen as only one β†’

Is le petit prince a story for children?

Firstly, the narrator's primary role is to describe the Little Prince's odyssey to the reader, and so our story does not have to know who the narrator is. On the whole, the book is an expose of adult desires and a celebration of the innocence and curious nature of children.

History of the crisis in the balkans history essay

I believe that nationalism in Europe led to the illustrious Arm Race of Europe which created tension between European countries which led to my second factor the crises in the Balkans where nationalism was at its strongest because of the Serbs lust of independence and finally The death of the heir to the Austrian Hungarian β†’

The history of western theatre

Of course the use of masks and platforms reduced the movement of the actors in-fact the " actors" were not originally an aspect of Grecian theatre at all, and were only developed by playwrights in the late 400's. The Roman love or gore and spectacle combined with the Christian suppression of theatre led to a β†’


This guide takes the form a comprehensive Code of Ethics for the organization, and is a means to this end. Each member of A-Z Universal, including executives, managers, and workforce personnel will have signed and dated documented proof of receipt of this Code of Ethics and the policy handbook.

Chapter 10

LANs often are used to share resources such as printers, large hard disks, and programsMAN High-speed network that connects local area networks in a metropolitan area such as a city or town and handles the bulk of communications activity across that regionWAN Type of network that covers a large geographic area, such as a city, β†’

The in his message to the united nations

The period between the late 1950s and 1960s was, in retrospect, the " golden age" in the annals of the United Nations. The United States' frustration over the manner of handling United Nations affairs was reflected in a law passed by Congress which limited the United States payments to the UN and its specialised agencies β†’

Case study qwe

To all intents and reposes, it has become a part of the national patrimony.[6] Petitioner also argues that since 51% of the shares of the MUCH carries with it the ownership of the business of the hotel which is owned by respondent SSL, a government-owned and controlled corporation, ten note Dustless AT respondent s Dealing β†’

Case study on mutual fund

The Challenge The bank's customer service representatives, who promoted utual fund products to their customers, traditionally relied on research and reports from many different sources, but were frustrated with the inconsistency of information they were getting and with the length of time it took to produce reports for their customers. In addition, VAULT recommended that β†’

Reliquaries analysis

The cover of the reliquaries had narrative scenes of the life of the saints which in contained inside. Christian beliefs in power of relics, the remains of the holy persons or the objects the holy people used.

Supply and demand simulation

The decrease in rental price of the apartments greatly affected the demand for the quantity of the available apartments. The resolution in this case would have to be the one that would have the supply and demand rise.

Btec business assignment

I PIP Evaluate the external corporate I communications of an existing product or I I Service issues I business I MIM Analyses the legal, ethical and liberation issues in relation to the useless I PIP Explain the legal and ethical I line relation to the use of I I information. Outline electronic and non-electronic I β†’

The relationship between advertising industry and media assignment

History of Advertising The first advertising was oral, In ancient times used by barkers In the marketplace shouting the wares of merchants. The growth of advertising can be described as fantastic from the end of the war in 1945 to the late sass.

Mrs. bentley case essay

Bentley, the protagonist of the novel " As for Me and My House" by Sinclair Ross.Mrs. Bentley is the wife of the local clergyman in Horizon, in the Saskatchwan region of Canada.


It is the most popular sport in the world, played in over 200 countries enjoyed by trillions of fans for which all you need is a field of open space, a ball and a group of soccer lovers. What is common to both forms of soccer -association football, and American football is the fact that β†’


She helped in fighting for women to have a place in higher education within the United States through her involvement in developing and equipping the kitchen laboratory and cooking lectures in Kansas City. She also helped in expanding the discipline of home economics and enhanced women's education in higher learning.

The iat demonstration tests

When I think of prejudice my mind automatically goes to racism and homophobia, but the links about genocide, anti-semitism and stigmatization were definitely interesting. Overall, there is a lot of value although I would have liked to have more information about treatment of disabled people, people with mental illness and those from other " sexualities" β†’

Analysis of citizen kane

The Citizen Kane: An Analysis of the Movie Introduction The movie Citizen Cane depicts a scene of comedy, mystery and suspense and with touch of classics. The Citizen Kane film was tagged by many as sophisticated, fresh, and a classic, masterpiece, and ' over-fictional'.

Octavian by m.t. anderson

Octavian The book is divided into two volumes; The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume I: The Pox Party and The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, Traitor to the Nation, Volume II: The Kingdom on the Waves. When he goes inside this new world he comes to realize that even though β†’

History of childcare in the united states

History of childcare in the United States History of childcare in the United States dates back to the 19th century when the first organizations were established to consider children's plight. The ICC then advocated for a bill to ensure children's welfare but the bill was rejected in 1959.

What are some of the ways in which the theme of doubling structures chesnutts novel, the marrow of tradition what is the author getting at by using this device

Device of Double Structure and Its Purpose An in-depth or a detailed study of the novel would easily launch the readers to the contention, that the novel " The Marrow of Tradition" is a close and a successful blend of sociology, history and art. Conclusion The novel, " The Marrow of Tradition" is a novel β†’

Overweight, underweight, and obesity

The fat settles on the outer lining of the heart, which leaves little room for the heart's activities. Similarly, the fat in the body builds the lining of arteries and veins.

Master of science degree in entrepreneurship in applied technologies

I worked as a teaching assistant from the middle of 2008 until King Saud University awarded me a scholarship to pursue higher education through my master degree in the U.S.with a bachelor degree in Business Administrative in Quantitative Methods as a theoretical background. As I was reviewing the University of South Florida's program for the β†’


The issues ethics for these accountants' suits maintaining accurate details of company resources, liabilities and also profits without succumbing to the demands placed on them by managing department or officers in a corporate, disreputable accountant may possibly and easily alter a company's' financial report and change numbers to paint bogus picture of the company's successes. β†’

Studymode hillton s transformation essay

Hillton's emerging corporate civilization and its artefacts: Directors are hired from outside and are ' qualified professionals'. This procedure has likely happened with the inside workers that antecedently had less senior status and are more motivated to conform to the emerging set of cultural values as being set out by the new directors and ' β†’

Current status and applications of biotechnology in the malaysian food industry.

The term " biotechnology" refers to the use of living organisms or their products to modify human health and the human environment.' Food biotechnology' is a process scientists use to enhance the production, nutritional value, safety, and taste of foods. The application of biotechnological processes in the production and modification of foods and food ingredients β†’

The study of history

First of all, we have to admit that the history is consist of the big shot and the groups of people and their behaviors etc. It is merely the study of the previous record of history written by our ancestors.

Why countervailing duty is so important economics essay

The phase-out of the export-quota system from the beginning of 2005 has raised the competitiveness matter of the Bangladesh RMG industry as a top main concern topic. It was a long-pending command of the Indian manufacturers to impose the duty on Bangladesh garments claiming that the decision was badly throbbing their wellbeing by rendering their β†’

Article 21 of the constitution of india after maneka gandhi’s case

The 2nd factor was the turbulent and disorderly period of common violence that gripped Northern India as a result of the partition of Muslim Pakistan from Hindu India, which led the of the Indian Constitution to remove the due process clause from their draft constitution for the defense of individual liberty. The petitioner challenged the β†’

About kennedys presidency

When he was discharged from the Navy for medical reasons after being awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, along with the Purple Heart, Kennedy was thrust into politics by his father who had made it his goal to have one of his sons be the first Roman-Catholic president of the United States. He also β†’

Ceres and persephone in β€˜the pomegranate’ and β€˜the bistro styx’

The tale continues on to display the search for the prolonged search for her dear daughter and the emotional turmoil that ensues from this abrupt situation." The Pomegranate" and " The Bistro Styx" illustrate the complex mother-daughter relationship between a modern day Ceres and Persephone; while both poems depict the struggle of a mother accepting β†’

Personality and intelligence concepts are closely related psychology essay

Personality describes a set of character traits that are measurable, and it is the supreme of the inmate psychology of a living being. Intelligence on the other hand, is one of supporting elements of personality, and it supports components of personality thus sometimes considered part of the personality.

Addressing a potential multiple relationship violation

Further, Younggren, Boisvert, and Boness point out a significant difference between the part of the clinical practitioner and a forensic practitioner has to do with the clinician's efforts to establish a therapeutic alliance while the forensic practitioner's primary goal is the review of data and assessment tools that inform " legal, contractual and administrative matters". β†’

Russian standard vodka strategies for global markets

The report presents a brief overview of the brand equity concept of the Russian Standards and the reasons behind its success story, discusses the horizontal brand diffusion in terms, and also debates over the possibility of launching Russian Standard in US and whether it needs to change its strategies to attract the customers. Whereas, the β†’

Climate change in the cradle of civilization history essay

Clay as follow; " The fertile crescent refers to an ancient area of fertile soil and important rivers stretching in an arc from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates. And the reason behind the occurrence of first " civilizations" in Fertile Crescent is the agricultural production that fed by the rain.

The tragic story of the donner party

Aside from the fact the Donner-Reed party decided to take the path less traveled by the party also had a couple other disadvantages that led to the tragic event. The Donner Party was unable to successfully migrate to California due to some major reasons which were that this particular party may have lacked in experience β†’

Impact of legislation on early years practice education essay

Legislation has been put in place to ensure that children are given the best possible start in life and that they are given the opportunities for them to reach their full potential. Child centred settings must ensure that they are fully aware of the content of relevant legislation regarding equality and inclusion that enables children β†’

Why is studying abroad important?

Studying abroad is considered as the most effective and suitable for an individual's lives as it will provide tremendous self-development, increase possibilities for career opportunities, and cultural and custom experience. Above all, it is essential to study overseas because of the resulting life experience you will acquire.

Effects of international trade on the chinese economy

The aim of this essay is to explain, why it is important for countries to trade, when and how China fully opened to international trade, and what are the benefits they have and problems they are coming across after opening to international trade. So the ' open door' policy refers to the set of policies β†’

Urban planning interview

Yesterday the American Planning Association proudly released the results of a recent poll entitled Planning in America: Perceptions and Priorities, which it commissioned indicating that Americans are overwhelmingly supportive of community planning. Some of the results are beyond obvious - such as the fact that 77% of Americans " agree that communities that plan for β†’

Public administration and democratic governance

NOTE The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or β†’

Nominee on which the work is done by

While engaging in the processof mobilizing and distributing the hard-earned saving of their customers andinvesting the same savings in the companies through the investment is obviouslyassociated with some form of risk but indeed now has gained positive image inthe eyes of the investors, and hence the financial institution to match theinterest of the company and β†’

Racial if everyone associated with this specific belief

A wide group of people are fearful since they do not have anyone to turn to because even officers find them as a threat to society." Racial profiling practices...undermine our nation's commitment to religious freedom and equal protection under the law". With the ability to freely practices a religion, these should not have be the β†’

Marketing skin care product assignment

The best way to market to these women is through the internet and magazines. According to the woman we surveyed they were happy with the way the product works as well as the reasonable price." GloW' is available for all skin types and nationalities.

Medical ethics assignment

Doctors In this case want to benefits the people so that they could decrease the mistake which probably will make by medical student; however people want to decrease the mistake but they could not accept the way that doctors will use. Meyers and other doctors believe that practicing in person who Just dead is a β†’

Cadbury marketing essay sample

The popular chocolate, Toblerone is also now available in the Indian market.b) Competitors: Competitors in Chocolate Market: Turnover of Rs. The Times of India.] According to National Confectioners Association, India is the fastest growing chocolate market.[3] [Source, National Confectioners Association, USA].

Bipolar disorder in silver linings playbook

The film taught me the symptoms and treatment options for bipolar disorder, and I felt empathy for Pat and Tiffany because they are trying hard to manage their illness by accepting it as part of who they are and developing strategies to be more in control of their behaviors. The major disorder in the movie β†’

Paper 2

The Chinese Zodiacs Astrology has been around for quite some time already; the usage of stars and other celestial bodies to predict the future and to show a glimpse of what the behavior of the person would be like. Chinese Zodiacs has traditionally been used by the Chinese to count time the lunar year and β†’

Underlying issues of why teenage girls are having sex so early

However, even though many factors have been blamed for this reality, it is the belief of this researcher that the media is ultimately to blame for the reality of the seemingly ever-increasing sexualization of young girls. Wollek, T.M.

Fresh set of challenges

My goal is to obtain a position in corporate American post-graduation in which I can implement the analytical, critical and social skills I have acquired. I firmly believe that my academic education along with engagement at a local restaurant is critical towards my pursuit to obtain my education that not only will harness my growth β†’

Classs design-project presentations

The assignment took much longer to study and develop the concepts than recapitulate them in the final presentation, Such an extensive research sufficiently educated the students in their respective subjects. I personally believe that there should be more of similar assignments as they are a big treat to the students in class.

The power of circumstance in the tragedy of romeo and juliet

Firstly, Romeo and Juliet are the victims of events that Friar Lawrence and members of the Capulet and Montague households create. Romeo's exile follows the deaths of both Mercutio and Tybalt, resulting in Romeo's ignorance of the plan that Friar Lawrence and Juliet concoct, thus ending the lives of both Romeo and Juliet.

Research on fashion retail management flashcard

In order to achieve this goal, they have developed a comprehensive understanding of their needs, strive to win the confidence of the consumer and offer best in class products with affordable prices.* We will be in the forefront of fashion and our services by anticipating and exceeding the expectations of the customers.* Our leadership will β†’

There is an invisible force social work essay

Influence, it is generally believed that the others willing to accept a change the way that others are willing to accept, and the ability to change the thinking and actions of others. Influence or a control over the people willing to accept, and power and influence is not mandatory, it is to play a role β†’

Good essay about lightness

Calvino has the notion that literature is a transformation of ideas while lightness is a transformative power. Modern life is too demanding, and people need a sense of lightness to help then reduce the weight they experience in their daily endeavors.

Key principles of evaluation science

While statistical conclusion validity is a measure of how reasonable a research or experimental conclusion is, construct validity, another type of validity, is the degree to which a test measures what it claims it is measuring. If one were to assess the construct validity of that study, one might evaluate, based on research, the overlap β†’

Assessment of personal character and beliefs in nursing

All individuals have dispositions, beliefs and values but the registered nursing codes of ethics require professionals to focus on the needs of their patients and to guarantee that their own value judgments do not hinder care provision and delivery. Knowing what my values and belief are is only the beginning of processes for a great β†’

Internal and external analysis of volvo

The micro environment is which explains the internal environment of the company and which tells the position of the company in all the terms of the business and hence this gives an idea of the current position of the company. Safety of both the environment and driving is the main strength of the Volvo cars, β†’

Aaron swartz: the personality of a young internet trailblazer

Several of the people he considered to be his peers were quite surprised to discover that Aaron was a young teenager, as they considered him to be in some ways immature, but never questioned his intelligence and knowledge of difficult programming languages and computing concepts. Aaron in many ways was unwilling to change the behavior β†’

Literature review of the puritan dilemma

The charter for the Massachusetts Bay Colony company did not specify a place for the member of the company to meet? The charter for the Massachusetts Bay Colony company did not specify a place for the member of the company to meet?

Types of neighbourhoods: exam revision

It is noteworthy to note that Jacobs considers these to be the ideal take on what a neighborhood to have in order to not be dependent on economics and that these three types of neighborhoods enable people to come together in unity and harmony and that is when the neighborhood is most successful. Both Kunstler β†’

Consumerism and culture: designing brands

Design is the new currency for commodities of the next generation and must be tailored to meet the ever-changing cultural and demographic pattern of consumers. The emotional side of the brand and the personality help people connect to the brands.

All but my life

She was not able to share the times spent with the friends she made during the hardships of the Holocaust. Soon Gerda and the rest of the girls are sent to another concentration camp called Marzdorf in September of 1943.

The dismissed under rule 2, order xvii

The Article 122 is applicable to such cases as the following: It applies to dismissal of suit for appearance under Order IX Rule 9 of the Civil Procedure Code. Article 122 is not applicable for the following situations: It does not apply to an application for restoration of an application filed under Rule 9 Order β†’

Module a: comparative study of texts and context

Through the context, us as readers are able to establish an understanding of the time period, the writer and the purpose of the text. Austen heavily conveys her ideas of the importance of love and security in relationships in order to bring happiness- contradicting the attitudes of her time.

Classical worlds and their gender systems

The difference between the Mediterranean and China was that in the Mediterranean, especially in the Greek/Roman, society women had more political and economic power. A similarity between the Mediterranean and China was that women dominated the household and had informal emotional power over the men in the family.

Teachers and deans

Yeah, we need to get it done on time, but you do not always have our tests and homework graded and handed back to us on time. Why is it acceptable for you to " have had a lot to do and not get around to it", but its not okay for us?

Paragraph writing assignment

Then I will start my Pre-writing, by organizing my thoughts in an outline form, to help identify my topic sentence, important facts, ideas and a conclusion for my essay. From there, I will step in my writing process is editing.

Criminal justice assignment

Is the criminal conduct and motive involved in a crime of attempted murder any less serious than the commission of the crime of murder? Is the crime of conspiracy more serious than the crimes of attempt and solicitation?

A day without media essay sample

By way of this challenge I learned different variables such as my media consumption habits, my most used sources, what were the psychological effects, and the difficulty of finding activities to consume the time I use for social media. Without media I am lifeless, and this assignment almost brought me to my death.

Massachusetts board of pharmacy

The Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy The Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy provides a professional rules and regulations in stressing the essentiality of valid and highest degree of practise by pharmacist. The Board strives to find out whether the pharmacists are having the required educational qualifications as per the professional norms and whether the consumers are given β†’

Controversial statements in psychology

Most of the times, a mental health problem is also seen as disturbing or distressful state of mind that will interfere with the normal functioning of an individual. Psychologist's states in their research that a lot of obsession cause increases the stress level in an individual thus leading to a mental health problem.

Read waiting for lefty in waiting for lefty and other plays (odets)

533612 The " Dramatic Action" In " Waiting for Lefty and Other Plays" the " dramatic action" of the story was a huge political consequence that took place in America during 1935. Parallels between Steinbeck and the Communist Manifesto and WFL In the ' Grapes of Wrath' Steinbeck's political views are clearly evident by way β†’


The main difference between technology driven and innovative driven companies is that technology driven companies use new and faster technology to operate their organizations. Additionally, the other difference between organizations that are technology driven and innovative driven is that technology driven organization tries to come up with better means to serve their customers.

Liberal arts to education

Martha Nussbaum is of the view that the educational sector has changed into less involving and character-oriented syllabuses. This I agree to and follow in the fact that the education sector and curriculum needs to be reinvented to include liberal arts and real situations.

Technology and crime

One of the reasons might be that we all have been prone to the nuisance caused by any of these crimes at least once, as almost everyone these days has access to the computer and the internet. But at the same time no one can deny that technology has elevated crime rates and has even β†’

Multiculturalism and assimilation

He claims that it is our surroundings that define who we are, culturally, and because of the fact that America is a melting pot of many cultures, it is difficult to define who we are. It is not the job of the teacher to tell him that he is Mexican but to tell him that β†’

American romanticism –

American Romanticism Romanticism originates from the Germany of the 1770s and from that time on it has captured the rest of Europe and from about the 1820s America, as well. The Norton Antology Of American Literature.

Compare and contrast poems essay

The other difference is the first poem is about a men talking about his journey and his pony, and the second poem is about this lady and her death story alone. The first poem also did not elaborate much about the poet feeling compared to the second one.

Plato’s ideal city

The guardians of the city are placed in the gold category, the auxiliaries in the silver, and the farmers and craftsmen are in the bronze/iron category. The farmers and craftsmen are considered to be in the bronze/iron category, they are the producers of the city.

Company and product analysis of the tata nano

Tata Nano is not just the accomplishment of Ratan Tata's promise to middle class Indian's, but Indian's promise to the world and a crystal clear proclamation that the coming days the world has to look into India to see innovation, determination and technical of domination. The Tata Nano car is priced Rs 1 lakh US β†’

Custom made apparel and individualized service at lands end

For example, the existing and new competitors like Amazon and Sears could threaten its brand' name and position in marketplace and the appropriate use of IT to sustain its competitive of advantage in the light of up coming new technologies and trends. It is very useful to collect the information the organization needs about the β†’

Drug absorbed administration

The most important process that influences bioavailability of the drug is absorption and the necessity of creating and using suitable models that can predict the in vivo absorption profile of a drug is absolutely critical in achieving the desired reduction in cost associated with the pharmaceutical development process. The main factors affecting dissolution of a β†’

Impact of smes on economic development

In the previous chapter we examined a complete picture of M&A in the theory of banking and at offering economic evaluation and strategic analyses of the process, also high lighting the performance of commercial banks in post consolidation period in Nigeria. Finally we will compare this credit availability to SMEs before consolidation and after consolidation β†’

Tantrums and anxiety in early childhood

Please be forewarned " Tantrums and Anxiety in Early Childhood: A Pilot Study" Written by Gina Mireault and Jessica Trahan According to the authors of " Tantrums and Anxiety in Early Childhood: A Pilot Study," the anxiety of children could have a significant relationship with the tantrums, as well as be factor that cause them. β†’

Importance of accounting in the hospitality industry

From an organizational point of view, the process of financial management is associated with financial planning and financial control. Financial accounts describe the performance of a business over a specific period and the state of affairs at the end of that period.

Left/right brain & learning style characteristics

Describe 3-4 characteristics of left-brained individualLeft Brain 1.in sequence 2.step by step 3.stuff on time 4.in orderDescribe 3-4 characteristics of right-brained individualRight Brain 1.go with the flow 2.extended response 3.spontaneous ONLEFT/RIGHT BRAIN & LEARNING STYLE CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. Right Brain 1.discuss, draw, write the major concept first before learning it 2.encourage the use β†’

Negative effects of communication technology

As a consequence, the ability to concentrate is significantly eroded and this issue affects Individuals' works in negative way. Another one is the addiction which leads to mental problems and less attention.


For instance, her grandmother's death was a great tragedy, but she got through it rationally, and she adapted very well to the Tanabe's and their kindness. At the beginning of this book Mikage is very guarded and lonely, but as the book progresses she becomes less guarded and more open to people who care about β†’