A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Working capital management and capital budgeting assignment

I was able to compare a couple of my calculations with a few answers in the back of the book and while my answers did not match exactly they were awfully close to the correct answers. For questions 5-6A students were instructed to formulate answers for the present value of an annuity.

Compare brave new world and fahrenheit 451 on utopias essay sample

Of all their common factors, those that stand out most would have to be: first, the outlawed reading of books; second, the superficial preservation of beauty and happiness; and third, the theme of the protagonist as being a loner or an outcast from society because of his differences in beliefs as opposed to the norm. →

José protacio rizal mercado y alonzo realonda essay sample

Rizal believed that the only justification for national liberation and self-government is the restoration of the dignity of the people, saying " Why independence, if the slaves of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow?" The general consensus among Rizal scholars is that his execution by the Spanish government ignited the Philippine Revolution. From Heidelberg, →

Law test with answers essay sample

Command School The philosophers of the Command School of jurisprudence believe that the law is a set of rules developed, communicated, and enforced by the ruling party rather than a reflection of the society's morality, history, logic, or sociology.f. The paperwork that is filed with the court to initiate and respond to a lawsuit is →

Trailer of memoirs of a geisha essay sample

Trailers are not thought of simply as bits and pieces of the actual movie, but as a condensed version which transmits the essence of the movie to the audience without actually revealing the whole ' heart' of the story. The trailer of ' Memoirs of a Geisha' has manipulated both colour and sound in the →


Evangelicals do not necessarily attend the church though most are said to have had profound conviction in Christ and the doctrine of salvation by grace and if their count is combined with the number of believers who are basically parishioners, roughly about 33% enter into divorce whereas among the atheists and agnostics, 30% are reported →

Does religion cause war

Religion as defined by Random House Dictionary states that religion is, " a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, or the practice of religious beliefs". Each form of religion is similar in the sense that the belief is a religion and a way of life.

Jose marti: cuban patriot by richard butler gray

The first part of the book is dedicated to Jose Marti's biography and methodically exposes his political, economic and social views. Part Three of the book deals with influence Marti is still exerting as a symbol and us of his ideas to gain popular support for some political action.

International business

International Business International Business An analysis of International business in terms of regional trade blocs International Business 2 " International business is a term used to collectively describe topics relating to the operations of firms with interests in multiple countries. But the small local companies are unanimously opposing the entry of MNC's because of their →

The domestic business environment of china

However since not all parts of China are infested by instability and issues of business environment, such as corruption and bribery in Guanxi according to Dunfee and Warren, it is best to determine the movement in the domestic business environment of China by exploring the important aspects affecting the business climate. Economic Environment The economic →

Effective organizing

In the course of the session, one of the leaders asked why the same people who conducted and participated in interesting, useful, and productive meetings in the context of citizens' organizations that often lasted three or more hours, were not well-planned, and often led to little action or progress. The congregation is not in the →

The emerging issue of cr ystal methamphetamine essay

Indicative of this, in July of 2005, the Assembly of First Nations f 2 As a result o this resolution, the AFN has identified the n eed for the development of a First Nations National Task Force on Crystal Meth to deve lop a Strategic Action Plan to Address the Emerging issue of Crystal Meth →

Oil/gas pipelines: opportunities and challenges

This was evident in three world oil crises in 1973, 1979, and a brief one in 1990, which reversed the flow ofmoney, making the oil-producing countries in the Middle East the vital force that could change the direction of the future of the world. Retrieved 29 June 2007.http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/oil/.

Philosophy plato& personal opinion

The start of the essay will be devoted to deciphering the ethics and ideals of Socrates' philosophy and describing the three key components being Socratic method, irony and ethos as well as how they are engrained with Socrates' belief that, " the unexamined life is not worth living. Questioning is the key to understanding and →

Kings speech rhetorical analysis

This phrase appeals to pathos, evoking a sense of pride in his people, and reassuring them that England can and will win the war. Rhetorically, The Kings Speech is a masterpiece; transporting audiences back to pre-war England and telling them an emotional tale of a King finding his voice.

Avianca flight 52: a case study on human error

The crash of Avianca Flight 52 was the largest rescue operation in New York prior to 9/11. The Flight Engineer failed to communicate the urgency of the low fuel situation to the pilot and co-pilot after they passed the point of no return and had to remain committed to JFK by not having enough fuel →

Romeo and juliet died of human action and not fate

Romeo killed Tybalt, true it was self defense but due to the choices of others previous to their encounter it was the last straw for the Prince who immediately banish Romeo even if he knew Romeo was a good person. Romeos banishment is what leads to the desperate plans of both Romeo and Juliet.

Gene luen yang and toni morrison, on the triumvirate of identity

This is the Monkey King's identity crisis, he is a monkey, but because of how the other deities think of monkeys, he does not want to be one. We see the Monkey King is told he is less because he is a monkey, so he wants to become what others consider the ideal, a great →

Misconduct apology letter-plagiarism essay examples

When doing this, I always thought am not plagiarizing, until I recently learnt that there is no way I can use other people's production without crediting the source of the work I have used. But now after knowing that plagiarism is more than copying and borrowing from others work but an act of fraud which →

The compass of pleasure by david j. linden | review

The electrodes were placed in positions that stimulated the medial forebrain bundle, the axons that excite the dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area. He explained that the scientific definition of addiction is actually rooted in the brain'sinabilityto experience pleasure and that the dark side of pleasure is addiction.

Ophthalmoplegic migraine & paediatric oculomotor schwannoma

1998,[5] found focal thickening of the nerve in non-contrast studies, and further thickening was present on the contrast-enhanced images in the area of the exit zone of the nerve in the inter peduncular cistern. Kawasaki et al, 1999 [11] reported a case of the coexistence of OM and ipsilateral 3rd nerve schwannoma.

Development of chapel design

Stage 1 Preparation and Brief The Chapel in Cuddesdon Oxfordshire was born out of a RIBA Competition commissioned in 2009 by the Ripon Theological College and the Sisters of Begbroke a small community of nuns' that reside in the grounds of the college to replace an existing smaller chapel on the campus. At the entrance →

External auditor of shuffle ltd

At the year-end stock list count, the assorted classs of stock lists are printed off the system and the measures of stock lists really counted are inserted manually by the counters, for later comparing with the computerised quantity. Required Explain why stock list rating and the year-end stock list count are of import to the →

How far is it possible to feel sympathy for laura and not hedda

Throughout both plays of " Hedda Gabler" and " The Father" one may feel that Laura and Hedda are both evil, manipulative characters, however in certain ways one may also sense that one character is seen to be more sinful than the other character." The Father" is a play about relationships, between a married couple, →


Each invoice that did not match the purchase order had to be forwarded by post and authorised and that lead to a cumbersome chasing process". Jim Palm headed the team that stepped in to examine the situation and see if there were any viable solutions to the problem.

Electronic media assignment

USES: Electronic media are ubiquitous in most of the developed world. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Electronic Media Abstract Since the early 1960s research evidence has been accumulating that suggests that exposure to violence in television, movies, video games, cell phones, and on the internet increases the risk of violent behavior on the viewer's part just →

New deal assignment

The ultimate goal of the separation of public aid and social Insurance was that social policy must either effectively incorporate social and cultural values that relate to the evaluation of Individuals or use programs to create common social and political Interests among large groups of dissimilar people. The separation of social insurance and public aid →

Motivation document for master degree essay sample

I wish to pursue Masters in the Art with specialization in Fine Art/ product development at either DHL universities not only to stand as a role model for my fellow Zimbabwean sisters who believe that the field of fine art is a field for men but also to broaden the knowledge I already have in →

The myth of the latin woman: stereotypes essay sample

These media types highlight the positive and the negative features of every race in the country, together with the ethnic origin of immigrants and half-blooded Americans. Half of the truth is presented by the media most of the time and it results in a distortion of the image and the degrading morality of the ethnicity.


My personal view of the gas chamber in question is that it had purposely been reconstructed to conceal the truth of what happened in the chamber during the war. According to Piper, the gas chamber had been reconstructed after the war, with modifications which were meant to conceal the true picture of the chamber.

Scientific method in psychology

The results of the research should help in the development of a theory. Research in psychology enables the psychologist to interact with the environment and gain the capacity to know how humans behave and think.

A kuwaiti national studying in the united kingdom

A Kuwaiti national studying in the United Kingdom Activity Undertaken: I realized that in the UK, advancement in academic pursuits encourage equality and open communication, more than they do in Kuwait. What I learned: The nice thing about studying in a new culture, requiring specific writing style is that I get to be acquainted →

In what ways were racial tensions intensified in the south during the jackson era how did the political parties respond explain why

" The Jackson's Era" In chapter 4 of A Short History of the United s, Remini describes a series of events and changes that occurred during Jackson's tenure. The changes that occurred during this time include; the agrarian revolution in the southern states, which led to increased slavery especially in the cotton farms, and the →

Bus unit 3 final submission

And then the author effectively shifts the discussion to the disadvantages of international trade for workers, that is, if workplace conditions become unhealthy, unjust, and oppressive. However, the essay failed to explain the other side of international trade, which is its benefits to workers, especially to those living in underdeveloped countries.

Electronic business

Running Head: Electronic Business Electronic Business [Institute's Electronic Business Electronic business or E-Business as itis widely known is the process of employing information technology to business. An example would be e-commerce business risk that entails the threat of adverse effect of e-business strategy on the good will of the company.

Poem discussion

Jane responds by rejecting the idea promoted by the Bishop and asserts that human life should be a balanced composition of spirituality and physical forms of love. Jane responds in this way since she disagrees with the Bishop and is confident that the Bishop's idea of life is lacking important considerations.

Cambodia college essay

On my blog, I recently wrote about the impact of Cambodia's urban development on traffic congestion and the challenges of keeping up with the rising number of drivers. In response to my blog, Vithoureakborndidh asked, " How can Cambodians address road safety issues with more drivers on the road and respect the law? " The →

Syntactic stylistic devices

SYNTACTIC STYLISTIC DEVICES The sentence, as a unit of a certain level, is a sequence of relatively independent lexical and phrasal units, and what differentiates a sentence from a word is the fact that the sentence structure is changeable; it does have any constant length: it can be shortened or extended, complete or incomplete, simple, →

The voting rights act of 1965

Section 2 of the Act, which closely followed the language of the 15th amendment, applied a nationwide prohibition against the denial or abridgment of the right to vote on the literacy tests on a nationwide basis. Back to top The 1982 Amendments Congress renewed in 1982 the special provisions of the Act, triggered by coverage →

Essay about life span development

This paper will define the development of humans throughout the lifep and describe the characteristics of the lifep perspective. As the unborn child enters the world theenvironmentin which the child exists begins to influence the child's development.

Global refining margins will remain low environmental sciences essay

The low cycle apparently ended in 2004 and growth is expected to continue in 2005, according to the Petroleum Economist, with a return on assets in the vicinity of 14%. In 2005, the decrease in the ratio of the price of olefins and benzene to that of naphtha illustrated the penalizing effect of the trend →

Understanding human behaviour through reductionist approach

Reductionism can be defined as being the idea that a complex system, such as human behaviour, is nothing more than the sum of its parts and that a description of the system can be reduced to descriptions of the individual components. Many of the main approaches in psychology tend to take a reductionist approach when →

Importances of shipping on indian economy

It is helpful for the port because it acts as an extended arm of the port and the regular activities like stuffing and destuffing of containers can be done at the C.F.S. The goods received at ports are brought to CFS and stacked in CFS after verification of the seal by Customs Officers.C.F.

Protein purification using affinity chromatography

The introduction of the affinity tags allows us to purify the proteins using affinity chromatography by taking advantage of the interaction associated with the metal ions and the protein molecules. 5 mL of Ni-NTA Agarose to the minicolumn and wash with 10 mL of DI water.

All the pretty horses

The billiard game that Don Hector plays with John Grady offers him great insight into the character and disposition of the man. Through the game, Don Hector comes to a realization of John Grady's strong interest in Mexico, people, lifestyle and mysteries.

Zappers final assignment

Acquisition Capo's strategy for acquisition is to aim to prospect customers by: Word of Mouth The best policy for acquire a client trust is thru a good referral, this fact is exponential when applied to e-commerce Excellence in Customer Service Achieved by an easy contact either thru the website and most importantly thru the call →

Samsung media strategy

A lot of people are using internet service, and it has high potential to attract customers. Currently, television of media selection is the most suitable advertising among other kind of elections, because, although advertising is high cost and short time exposure to people, but it has the largest potential customer compare to other.

Grading physical education

When it comes down to the final point, issuing grades in P.E.based upon skill and performance is improper. It is therefore my strong opinion that students in P.E.classes should not be graded upon their skill and performance.

One hundred years of solitude essay

The author combines the reality of history and the gift of magic in the story. It is patterned in the rising Columbia in its independence from Spain and the experiences of the author's family and himself.

We take nothing by conquest, thank god essay sample

With the Indians of the east subdued, the nation turned its attention to the Mexican holdings of Texas, California, New Mexico, Colorado and other areas that would form the eventual U.S. As the newspapers of the day called for the completion of the Manifest Destiny policy, several members of the of the U.S.

Political science

Political Science Affiliation Political Science Scientific theory refers to a summarized hypothesis or a collection of hypothesis that have been backed up with more than one tests, in cases where there is ample evidence to support a hypothesis, it graduates to being referred to as a theory in the scientific method and thus can be →

Jovita critical self-analysis paper

This being the chief goal, I had aimed as well to monitor my attitude and discipline in the process so as to figure the level of priority I could be capable of treating a fitness routine. I learned to contemplate on the essence of setting realistic goals and on how to keep track of the →

Thomas jefferson

The third President of the United s, the main propounder of the Declaration of Independence, and one of America's greatest founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson had a vision of America that was thought to be idealist in his lifetime. But though a few of his ideas about how America should be and how it should be →

Success story: japanese-american style

The advantages of the model minority strategy include the respect for authority reinforced in the churches of the Japanese-Americans, and has a meaningful link to the original culture. However, for the other Asian Americans, the effectiveness of the Japanese acquired through the minority model will not lessen within a period of a lifetime.

Battles of world war ii

However, the annihilation of the German sixth Army at Stalingrad not only dealt a heavy blow to Hitler's crusade in the East but also heralded the premeditated turning point of the Second World War, and has turn out to be to be acknowledged as one of the utmost military catastrophe of all time. New York: →

American history and civil rights movement

Whilst he was a senator, in the 1950s, his position on civil rights was clear, especially when he passed the Civil Rights Act in 1960, he wanted to end racial discrimination". What approach did he take concerning Civil Rights as President, and what were his motives?" Johnson came to office following the tragic assassination of →

Spiritual truth in literature of shusaku endo

But he is not handing her a copy of the Bible and telling her she should read it. He is more of a believer that the human spirit is powerful and can do almost anything.

An undergraduate at boston university

I have my own set of objectives and somehow I feel that Boston University can accomplish all the objectives in the course of satisfying my requirements. Eventually it can be said that with a numerous subject options, proficient faculty and unique extra curriculum features Boston University has become the most ideal choice for me, where →

Tech theatre college

Learning the procedure and getting acquainted with the people were many of the first things I did. It helped create the well-rounded person that I am today and hope I will make a great contribution to our society.

Timber framing essay

The top plate takes the load from the roof structure and transfers it into the vertical studs and these transfer the loads to the bottom plate. In order to reduce the size of the studs and plates it is common to ensure that the studs are located directly under each rafter or truss so that →

Planning of growth and long term employment

What this means is that, while top management and the members of the board may be taking a more tangential view of profitability, there is someone in the organization looking at the price of goods in the marketplace, the cost of making goods on the factory floor, and the inventory of finished goods in the →

Cert iv business admin

What constraints might Impact on the calculation and use of these resources? What constraints might impact on the acquisition and use of these resources?

Why lance armstrong was shunned

Lance accepted his reticule about being not able to compete anymore, as Hester did her punishment of having to wear the A. Just as Hester has to wear the A for eternity, Lance is not able to participate in his passion for the rest of his life, therefore they are both sentenced to their punishment →

Furman selz

On one hand, the people of Farman Sell were put-off by the bureaucratic style and on the other hand, the firm enjoyed being under the umbrella of a big brand. Following the 'Black Monday' of 1987, the financial services sector was badly hit and even though the performance of Farman Sell was above average, Xerox →

Dietary supplements and consumer behaviour psychology essay

Dietary Supplement is any product which is designed to supplement the diet and that bears one of the following ingredients: a vitamin, a mineral, an herb, an amino acid, or a weight loss supplement. According to the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act of 1994 of the United States, Dietary Supplements is defined as a →

The development of multisensory integration in humans psychology essay

Understanding how multisensory integration develops in children and how it assists them to understand the ambiguous information in the environment is now a question at the forefront of Science. Humans and animals are hardwired with a sophisticated and unique multisensory system which enhances their understanding of the environment that they live in and allows the →

Broiler cockerel production in semi intensive system

The desire of every poultry farmer is to produce large quantity of meat and eggs throughout the year irrespective of the environmental conditions.which explains why the production of laying cockerels is not given much importance. This has resulted in the development of the poultry sector as an integrated industry with the private companies being involved →

“antigone” and “the outsider”

In the context of " Antigone" and " The Outsider", we see areal nobility' in the characters Antigone and Meursault. Therefore, in the modern definition of nobility, as shown by the anti-heroes Antigone and Meursault, scorn is a crucial ingredient.

Mona lisa smile review

In the post-war era, Katherine expects that her students, the best and the brightest in the arrival, however, Katherine discovers that the environment at the prestigious institution is steeped in conformity. The daughter of a Wellesley alumna who is as involved in the college as she is in her daughter's life, Betty, regards Katherine's challenge →

Payward to help mt. gox liquidation

Gox Exchange to investigate the immense loss of hundreds of thousands of Bitcoins. The companies informed on Wednesday that Payward will assist management of the process to pay back of the creditors.

Fmcg sector

Financial analysis can be done in the identification of weaknesses and strengths of the firm or industry by establishing a good relationship between loss and profit account and the items contained in the balance sheet. In the current world, it is impossible to conduct business activities without the use of cash.

Architects create constructions that would render their individualism

In the article Louis Sullivan: Growth of the Idea, Boudreaux puts forward the assumption that ornament was the chief characteristic of the building defining its function and practical usage. Further in the article, the author have provided a comparative analysis of Auditorium, his earlier work, and the Bank, a more mature architecture to show the →

To write like a transcendentalist

I started this essay feeling envy toward Emerson's, Thoreau's, and Whitman's capacity for original, inventive, and insightful work and in my effort to write in their style, I had nothing to show but a blank page and a feeling of defeat. The answer is simple: if I truly wanted to commemorate the likes of Emerson →

Mission impossible

Wednesday on January 23, 2013 at 0600 in Phoenix, Arizona I had no idea what to expect and because of that, I was a little nervous. As I walked around helping the kids understand their scores and setting goals for what their scores would look like this year, I realized how fortunate I was in →

Letter free essay sample

The first reason I believe Where the red fern grows should be included in the literary canon is it shows love can power through everything. As you can see, Where the red fern grows is deserving of the literary canon because It's a very emotional book.

Irony in”the lottery” assignment

The reader expects the lottery to be a celebration of some sort because Jackson describes the setting details the activities of the townspeople, and refers to the lottery itself in terms that belie the outcome of the event. In the way that the black box is described and the series of events, from the list →

Water pollution solutions assignment

Many tests will have to be preformed that will harm innocent animals and contribute to the increasing water population. In order to control the amount of pollution that fertilizers and such produce, it will have to come at a cost.

The cold war: a report assignment

The Rivalry for dominance over the post-war world actually began prior to World War 2 between the U.S. At the same time, however, both the United States and the USSR did much to prevent the Cold War from escalating to a higher level, as both countries knew how devastating a nuclear war would be to →

Family assistance plan essay

One of the byproducts of the Family Assistance Plan is the aid known as The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. In order to be eligible to receive the additional monthly income the Health and Human Services Commission " Looks at a family's income and compares it with the amount the family pays for basic needs".

Energy transformation essay sample

Heat transfer is the way heat moves through matter to change the temperature of other objects. The next type of heat transfer is convection.

Locus of control and conformity essay sample

However, the researchers noticed through the conduct of the study that the data presented and the demographic characteristics correlated with the locus of control of the respondents are insufficient. Despite of the doctrine of the separation of the church and state in the 1987 Philippine constitution, religion play a major role in the ideological and →

Corporate social responsibilty essay sample

The meaning of CSR given by the European Communities is " a concept whereby companies integrate social & environmental concerns in the business operations & their interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis" This underlines the importance of getting it right in the overall view of an organisation to all stakeholders. It can be →

Organizational theory design and change

The core competencies that give an organization competitive advantage are the skills displayed in the value creation activities. The very skills are fundamentally the core competencies of an organization and give it competitive advantage.

Why is supply chain integration important to organizations

This means that it is important for an organization to follow the above for areas during supply chain integration to be efficient and effective. In addition, integration of supply chain activities enables an organization to manage its inventory more efficiently and effectively.

Gaining business and entrepreneurship concepts

The degree of in finance grants me the power to pursue master's courses and become a starting point for my career in the field of business. Not only do I want to have a master's degree but also I want to match the learning at the graduate school of knowledge and experience I have gained →

Why courage matters: the way to a braver life (study questions)

4) McCain's decision to stay behind with his fellow soldiers brought him physical harm and included the risk of death, so in terms of physical courage, he is a brave man who physically suffered from his valiant act. He preserved the virtues of camaraderie and constancy through his moral courage.


Visual Visual tools can enhance and aid James in teaching, as then he can invite the students to participate in the lecture, which would keep them alert to the auditory environment as well. This would make her feel close to the class and the community, and would also make her more engaged with the students.

Filmore enterprises essay

According to the attachment, we can see that the figures of economy of T-bill are all the same, which means no matter what the state of economy is, it will not be affected; The beta coefficient is 0 and because of it is independent of the changable economy, T-bill surely promise completely risk-free returns.b. Check →

Sulfur clock essay

In the lab we used thiosulfate and as we increased the amount of it, the less seconds it took for the reaction occur. From this we learned that the flask with the most thiosulfate would have the fastest reaction.

Traidos – college essay

This is the most reasonable premise because, Roche was not supposed to infringe the rights of prisoners. It does not qualify because it does not meet the minimum standards of ethics set up by the same bank.

Amazon kindle case study

It will clearly define the dependent and independent variables of the study, state the null and alternative hypotheses, and the methodology used to test the hypotheses. The samples that are selected and produced are described, including the methodology used to collect the data and a description of the survey instruments.

Who am i?

From the " demonic possessions" of yesteryear to the sensationalized cases of today, DID is one of the most recognized yet controversial mental disorders in modern society. Despite the debate and alternatives, most DID proponents believe that the disorder is a prime example of the diathesis-stressmodel.

Darwin destroyed the concept of human specialness

It is the ability to see beauty in a sunset on a savannah, to hear the splendour in Tchaikovskys The Nutcracker, to read great works of literature and be able to travel the universe with our imaginations. Our ability to understand the universe and our position in it is one of the glories of the →