A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

What is the educational relevance of vygotskys theory

An example of the use of language, a cultural development, is the use of private speech to aid learning. The ZPD is described as the area between the childs current development level and the level of development that the child could achieve.

Whole foods strategy management

Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market." I strongly suggest that the company stays on this path, and keeps focus on the quality of the food they offer in their stores. Whole Foods is in a strong market, and they have proven that they have the upper hand in the organic food β†’

Great gatsby by f. scott fitzgearld

The pursuit has been morphed into a tainted method instead of a noble cause because the dream has corrupted people's values, ruined people's happiness, and has been heightened by social pressure. In the book, Fitzgerald portrays how the dream has ruined people's happiness through the character Daisy.

Crisis no.1 writing review

Paine used to diction to try to strengthen the minds of the American people. Thomas Paine to logic to persuade the reader that fighting back is the best course of action.

Harlem renaissance assignment

As a result of the movement, African Americans were able to move on to rater heights in the realm of art, experience some sense of interracial relations which they had not before and they were able to build from this arts driven movement into a full-fledged Civil Rights movement." The major political theme of the β†’

Business law module assignment

This is applicable when the promissory makes a promise that lacks consideration, and intends r should reasonably expect that the promise will rely on the promise and in fact does, and that the enforcement of the promise is the only way to avoid injustice. Cheshire claimed the oral contract was not binding because it was β†’

A thousand splendid suns reivew assignment

The audience can identify that Macbeth is a significant character of high estate because he is already Thane of Glacis, and is well respected by the king of Scotland. Since Macbeth is a character of high estate and evokes pity and fear for the audience, he is the tragic hero in Macbeth.

Marketing techniques used in marketin products in barclays plc and diabetes uk assignment

The four main growth strategies are: market penetration is where the company increases its sales of existing products or services such as current accounts, loans etc to more customers in the market.market development is where the company grows in its total market by selling its existing products and services to new targeted customers.product development is β†’

The climax, plot, characters, etc. tthe author of

He is so disturbed that he confesses and tells the police where to find the bodyThe story " grandfather and his little grandson" is about an old man who lived with his son, his daughter-in-law and his grandson. The couple did not want to take care of him, and did not like when the old β†’

The cardiovascular system: blood pressure regulation essay sample

Using up and down arrows, show the effect of increased blood pressure on the impulses sent to the brain, the effect on the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems and the resulting change in blood pressure. As a result of these changes in the PNS and SNS, list two effects on the heart and one on β†’

Renaissance men: cellini and pitti essay sample

In his essay " The Development of the Individual," Jacob Burckhardt analyzes the dramatic transformation of thought that distinguishes the Renaissance philosophy of self-perception from that of the Medieval man. As Pitti later recounts the story of how, after having become embroiled in a feud with the Viscount de Monlev, the King of France took β†’

Why divorce acure and how to avoid it- how to deal with conflict

Just because the family arranges a marriage and hopes for the best does not mean that the two are going to be compatible with one another. It is easy to see that in order to deal with the conflict surrounding divorce, the marriage needs to be initiated between two individuals that are in love.

Explain the concepts listed below. use your own words to explain, but cite scholarly sources to support your statements

Cultural competence enables patients and doctors to discuss the health concerns in a manner that is respectful and patient leading to positive health outcomes. A healthcare provider must therefore be aware of all the negative perceptions of the patient toward the illness and based on this, they are able to break the news to the β†’

Power of one iii

Inclusion of the varied perceptions of the society members in the evaluation and elucidation of information will generate additional practicable blueprints and accurate interpretation of the data. In addition, this will lead to the eradication of the eminent social problems and teenage pregnancy.

Best age to marry essay

To my mind, there is no best age to marry. I cannot think there is a best age to marry, because I do not even think getting married is an obligation.

History of chili con carne essay

The " San Antonio Chili Stand", in operation at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago, helped people from other parts of the country taste and appreciate chili. Vegetarian chili, also known as chili sin carne, chili without meat, acquired wide popularity in the U.S.during the 1960s and 1970s with the rise of vegetarianism.

An absolutely ordinary rainbow by β€˜les murray

In the first stanza of the poem Murray uses imagery to paint a picture in the readers mind of a busy city coming to a halt, ' Pitt Street is baked up for almost half a mile.' At the end of the stanza Murray again uses imagery to make the readers see a man crying. β†’

Compare and jane austen’s portrayal of women love

I will answer the title question of comparing and contrasting the two stories, by discussing the role of women in both stories, the importance of money, the meaning of marriage, the attitude of romantic love and sex, and finally, the author's views on love and marriage and how they reveal them in the novels. This β†’

Bmis 280 quizzes 1-10 westbrook

Which of the following is the hope for the future of mission work in Hindu societies according to Richard? Which of the following is NOT one of the principles of holistic Christian transformational development as given in the chapter by Voorhies?

Computers: nonverbal communications 13704

It must be noted, however, that even though the rate at which people come on and stay on the Net is increasing, and shows no signs of slowing, MUDs have remained as one of the least-frequented portions of the Internet. As the number and extent of the uses of computer mediated communication have grown exponentially β†’

Bring the dynamite

Three areas to examine are; the effect on the coral reefs or ocean floors, the effect on the marine life, and ways to prevent further damage. The damage to the reef itself strips away the home to much of the underwater life, leaving the organisms vulnerable.".

Answer the following:

Answer the following: 1.where do Suemi and her family live? -Her Family Lives in the Mexican State Of Yucatan, in A small village of Dzitya, located near the capital of the Yucatan state.2. Describe the ruins that Suemi and her family visited.-The ruins her family visits is dedicated to all the people in her past β†’

How to capture 360-degree video like a pro

The splash- and dust-resistant is a much-needed Goldilocks option: It's smaller than a baseball and mixes pro-level HD video with a consumer-friendly price point, and footage is instantly editable. Do not be mistaken: A decent 360-degree camera for the masses is a big deal especially when new YouTube and Facebook features also let viewers explore β†’

Personal response to cold comfort farm

I thought that a reoccurring theme in the novel was shown in the way in which Flora got people to look beyond their horizons and imagine a more realistic lifestyle. I have used a thorn twig these fifty years and more, and what was good enough then is good enough now.'" Seeing the logical and β†’

Informal essay

The second difference between my Chinese writing and English writing is the method of organizing compositions. From my personal experiences of learning and writing in English, I can see what an influential rolecultureplays in writing in a second language.

Pay for time not worked

Lastly, another aspect of " non-productive time" which can be reduced Is the minutes on the coffee break. It is Just a matter of presenting it to the employees in a manner in which they understand is needed for the company and beneficial.

Montessori method narrative essay

Montessori, for the deprived children blossomed under this freedom, and the possibility of doing work suited to their needs. SocialResponsibility: Montessori children tend to be quite sensitive to the rights and needs of others.

The second world war abraham maslow business essay

This research focuses on the impact motivation has on job performance, the paper will be looking at motivating and demotivating factors on employees of the banking sector in Saudi Arabia and also relevant suggestions for organisations to put in place to be able to gain a competitive advantage in the global market. The purpose of β†’

Ibsen’s portrayal of women

The manner in which the behavior of married couples was dictated by society is explored by Ibsen in A Doll's House, partly through Torvald's blind determination to adhere to the right set of rules. Like Jorgen, he revels in the idea of his wife being preoccupied by her maternal instinct, as in the eyes of β†’

Rhetorical comparison of wollstonecraft and douglass

Because women of Wollstonecraft's time were thought of as irrational, Wollstonecraft purposely leaves out the pathos, or the emotional appeal of her argument, in order to prove to her audience that women can detach from emotion and be rational thinkers. By stating that lack of education is the cause of women's behavior, Wollstonecraft presents a β†’

Aberrance in two poems by robert browning

Using historical figures as models for his critiques against the present, Browning mastered the art of the monologue and soliloquy, two styles of poetry especially useful in critiquing the character traits of his contemporaries. Browning's indictment against officials in the Anglican Church can be found through the aberrance of his narrators in " The Bishop β†’

The love jesus christ gave to me

And it is because of his selfless love that I think of my faith in Him as the act of holding out my hand in the darkness and allowing Him to hold me as I walk through life. That is what happened to me, and I got the greatest gift and surprise in my life, β†’

Rankin and richard avedon comparison

This was the start of a very busy and fulfilled photography career for Avedon which went on until his death in 2004 at the age of 81. Rankin produced the image in colour unlike Avedon s original that was black and white.

Contribute to the development of sociology philosophy essay

Example of events that gave contribution in development of sociology, the invention of antibiotic in medicine field, invention of computer, invention of lamp, and some related. With Invention of the computer, it might reduce the mistakes to the lowest level and it produce the accurate answers within the short period.

Is astrology a pseudoscience?

Here, I am going to illustrate the many different points which distinguished philosophers such as Michael Radner, Densie Radner and Paul Thagard have made on what is a pseudoscience to evaluate astrology, which is the study of how the heavenly bodies such as the planets and the constellations affect us and instead offer that Astrology β†’

How does a submarine work

To rise, air is forced into the ballast tanks, pushing the water out.by David Garrison Submarines are a mixture of metal, air, and water. The combination of water and metal, with just a little bit of air in the centre for the crew to breathe, is more dense than the surrounding ocean water, and so β†’

The big bang theory essay

And on the religious side you would need to refer to the Bible more specifically the book of Genesis and the book of Mathew and the book of Revelations. The book of Genesis speaks of the creation of the earth but the book that speaks of the end of the earth is the book of β†’

Introduction document that can legally prove that

In order for such contracts to satisfy the statute of frauds, there must be a signed document which can reasonably identify the subject of the contract, outline that a contract has been entered into by two or more parties, state with reasonable certainty the essential terms of the contract and should also be signed by β†’

He indian national congress shared the aspirations of

Hume felt that the chief cause for the growing tension between the British Government and the Indian people was lack of proper machinery to throw the view of the people. With the passing of time the Moderates woke up that Economic exploitation and impoverishment of the country and perpetuation of the poverty became perpetual part β†’

What is cohort study: types, study design and examples

The design of a cohort study is the best of the results of a scientific method for learning risk factors. After the collection of information, the subjects are observed at a certain time, on the fact that scientists reveal the connection between the way of life and the development of the disease.

Theological (christian) formation

The term is used to define an implicit or explicit set of rules that molds a person's perspectives, affects the way he sees and shapes his view of the world In a Christian life, all Christian must come to a point where they have to make a decision between what is and what seems to β†’

Girls are better at school than boys

This is one of the many reasons girls are better than boys at school It's time to understand that girls can be better at school than boys and that when girls while underestimating girls, How we can do better than boys. These are just many of the reasons why girls are better at school than β†’

Marketing management assignment

The concept of operating of Masters Home Improvement is " The stores are designed with you in mind". And the primary message of Masters Home Improvement is to change customer behavior from other stores to Masters Home Improvement to eave more.

History of advertising assignment

In 1472 the first advertisement was printed as a handbill in English. The first ever ad that was placed was by a Monarch in a newspaper- Charles II, in the Mercuric Publics in 1660.

Health disparity and structural violence essay sample

According to the assigned article, " Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes," narratives tell the story of the interconnectedness between fear and health. There was a prominent theory regarding fear and the financial burdens of illness, many individuals were not seeking " preventative health care" and β†’

Temperature inversion essay sample

Explain why the dew point temperature provides a better indication of the actual amount of water vapor in the air than the relative humidity.5. This is because winter night are less likely to be windy so the cool air and the warm air will not mix.


This is one of those moments that redefined the status of the country as one of the biggest economic powerhouses of the world. Works Cited Adams, M.C.C.

Enemies of the cross and the qur’an the end of the soul

Interestingly, even though it might be assumed that liberalism, and by extension liberal ideology, has had a standard and normative effect upon interpretations of Islam or Christianity, the fact the matter is that Christianity has fared far worse as compared to Islam with regards to the overall level of impact that it is felt based β†’

Gun control in the us

An important reason for the control of guns is due to the number of healthy lives that are lost due to violence using guns. Suicide is another problem that claims the lives of the healthy generation in the United States and the globe at large.

Mkt 220 analysis essay

New vehicles and stereo equipment would be most likely marketed through retailer channel structures because retailers are large and can buy large quantities of these products directly from the manufacturer. Lastly, candy bars, Tupperware, and non-fiction books are most likely to be marketed through wholesaler channels because this channel structure is the one commonly used β†’

Terms are implied into contracts on many occasions essay

12 of the Act states that the seller has the right to sell the goods i.e.has the title to the goods. Another term implied by the Sale of Goods Act 1979 is that the bulk corresponds with the sample in terms of quality.S.

Shaquille t. sailsman

Haile Selassie I is regarded by Rastafarians as the God of the black race. According to www.iconn.org, the holy herb, or known to most as marijuana or ganja, is used in all major Rastafarian celebrations to enhance feelings of peace and community, aid meditation and inspire religious visions.

Binomial distributions in public health

According to Gerstman, a binomial event is that which has only two outcomes, and therefore if the probability for one of the outcomes is known, then the probability that the other outcome will occur is simply the difference of the known probability from 1. Villeneuve states that the binomial distribution can be used " to β†’

Need and respect

Respect takes a number of forms: Respect for other people, respect for people's property, and perhaps most importantly, respect for oneself. If you want others to give you respect, you must first learn how to give respect yourself.

The cpd certification service

Planning is part of the school based CPD cycle, which is developed annually by the CPD stakeholders of every educational institution preceded by prioritizing the issue identified by the analysis process. Each institution should develop an annual CPD plan on the bases of the issues identified by the need analysis process.

Deviance and social control critical essay

Control theory is a view of conformity and deviance that stresses the social bond between society and individuals. The look into the functionalist perspective has a lot to do with the perspective of the people and how they look at things.

Why new zealand?

However, in New Zealand, as a part of your student experience, you will be encouraged to participate in local events, take part in cultural sports activities like Rugby, go on a break to some of the most serene beaches in the entire world. Here's a list of the best ranked universities University of Auckland: This β†’

Is the women’s national basketball association disappearing?

Right after the WNBA season ends, the Russian league starts, and when the Russian league ends, the WNBA season begins." The maximum WNBA salary is $109, 000, while in Russia, the median American salary is $350, 000". The rationale behind a player's choice to play overseas rather than in the WNBA and not both is β†’

Imprinting and human attachment behaviours

P15 Just the ability to recognise the mother is apparently not sufficient to constitute the formation of an attachment bond as Schaffer and Callender demonstrated when examining the reaction of infants to hospitalisation. Harlow also demonstrated the attachment of infant monkeys to their surrogate mothers in other experiments.

The concept of the triple bottom line

It highlighted that the corporation need to taking into account all need of the corporation's shareholders, stakeholders, employees, customers, governments, business partners, local community and the public For environmental bottom line, the corporation should consider their impact on the environment. It ensure that the organization of the operating license of the key factors, and to β†’

Solutions for the water deficit

The fourth reason of the shortage is lack of rainfall and this affect negatively on the storage of groundwater because; rain is the first source of the groundwater the rain Nourishes the water storage. Aquifer storage and recovery is the re-injection of potable water back into an aquifer for later recovery and use.

Career development is a continuous process career education essay

Twenty or so years ago in the ' old' world of work there was emphasis on the following: making a career choice for a long-term career; concern with only one career theme; hierarchical progression; having a career and job for life; loyalty to one company and employer; benefits and a pension in recognition of loyalty. β†’

Occupational health and safety management systems (ohsms)

An Occupational Health and Safety Management System may be defined as " a series of processes which provide a framework, for managing occupational health and safety responsibilities so that they become more efficient and more integrated into overall business operations, around which good performance can be established and maintained and which will support the development β†’

Trace elements in the human body

It is evident that the trace elements are present in the human body in very minute quantity, and if the processes of supply and demand are interrupted due to any reason for example, the intake of these elements is not sustained up to an adequate amount, or the metabolic disorder fails to absorb these elements β†’

Campus safety

The incident at Virginia Tech left parents and the public in general baffled and at the same time worried over the safety of students in campus. This is in recognition of the need for safety within campus and a bearing that it has on academics.

Man as a rational being

One of the most famous of these is Aristotle's definition of man; Aristotle defined man as being a rational animal. Aristotle's definition of man is fairly accurate because man has some unique characteristics which makes them rational and are specific only to them.

Pro-illegal immigration paper

Although the numbers from such neighboring countries are greater because they are in closer proximity to the United States, they are not the only immigrants illegally entering the country. Cons of illegal immigration include a higher unemployment rate among Americans, overcrowding in schools and hospitals, and the burden that immigrants become when they use services β†’

Engineering economy: generating clean energy at home

I will conduct two scenarios, the first one is that I sell my current car and purchase the Ionians Leaf and solar panels, the second one will be I keep everything the same with my current car. The car takes a long time to pay for itself, and also the life span of the solar β†’

Events reported by the media since 9/11

In exploring these issues the essay endorses the view that the media post 9/11 became weapons of mass hysteria used by the State to create fear in the population rendering the population liable to manipulation. The information given by the media tends to be selected and shaped in ways that support the world-views and interests β†’

Copland’s lincoln portrait

The main theme in the dialogue from Lincoln Portrait is democracy, and how important it is in peoples' lives. By teaching me about the necessity of emotion in music and how important democracy is, this piece of music has influenced me.

Authentic music assignment

Truly authentic music is that which is not influenced by anything but the musician, and is created to express whatever the musician wishes, as does the artist Billy Joel. Truly authentic music is that which is not influenced by anything but the musician, and is created to express whatever the musician wishes, as does the β†’

Authoratarian and totalitarian dictators assignment

Despite the general validity of some of these objections, and even if one harbours doubts about the universal explanatory power of this schema, I suggest that the totalitarian/ authoritarian dichotomy remains a powerful and effective tool to highlight and compare distinctive features of Castro's Cuba and Stroessner's Paraguay. As the personification of the state, party β†’

You from modern-day usa from ancient rome

If you are wonderingwhat that means they are both one of the strongest forces of their time, forexample US is one of the wealthiest countries and rarely losses wars. This is kind of similarity but at the sametime it's a difference If you think about certain things that are differentthis could be one.

Slip or trip? essay sample

At the door she informed her friends that Arthur had slipped and fell on the stairs when he was coming down for another drink, and that she thought he was dead. If he was going down the stairs it would not have been in that hand.

Actors and acting

Actors and Acting In the world of film making, the story telling is done through the actions of the actors. The role as he portrayed it and the overall acting in the film has set the standard for all other interpretations of the film in modern times and none can ever hold a candle to β†’

Why should we stop worrying and learn to love wk3 assignment

The shooting of peaceful movie goers at the midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises, brings to mind the fact that our security and peace of mind as a people are constantly under threat from people wishing to do us harm for no apparent reason. That is because the events that happen in our daily β†’

Irony in the necklace and the lottery

In both The Necklace and The Lottery, there is situational irony. In both The Necklace and The Lottery, there is situational irony.

Newspaper boy

The higher the level of service required by the customer the higher is the cost. MONITORING AND CONTROL OF PDM The objective of PDM is: Getting the right goods to the right place at the right time for the least cost.

Cars demand and supply essay

The quantity of cars demand for that certain producer decreased and Toyota compelled to reconsider how to sell/market its products to rebuild the trust of its customers. At the start of a model that will introduce for the following year the recently model car is in high demand, whereas model for the previous years is β†’

Marconi invention of wireless telegraphy

The node in a mesh web are closely working together in order to supply infinitely connexion, alternate way and fast convergence of the web in the instance of node or nexus fails. Wireless mesh routers are devices which forward traffic from one node to another and normally organize the anchor of the mesh web and β†’

Case study – cialis – ready to market essay

With such success, marketers and executives at Cialis had to concentrate on its time constraint growing everyday and the team had to map out their strategy in order to succeed quickly and effectively in order to expose to the world to the new and preferred product of Cialis. Many opportunities to expand to different market β†’

A case study using the process model innovation

Then, in order to gain better understanding on innovation management and structure of Siemens the process innovation model, which covers the key aspects of the challenge, will be thoroughly explained and applied to the company. The provided analysis helped to gain better understanding of innovation management in Siemens and highlighted the resources and capabilities importance β†’

Effects of video games to the academic performance

Statement of the Purpose This study aims to present the effects of playing video games on the academic performance of the second year students of Miraculous Medal School. Identify the specific effects of video games to the academic performance of the second year students.2.

Scarlet letter:bewilderment at essay

It applies to Arthur Dimmesdale in a literal way; he clearly is not the man that he appears to be, and the guilt that goes along with such deception consumes him and, in the end, is the cause for his demise. Both Hester and Arthur struggled with the question of whether or not what they β†’

Colonial peru: history takes a dramatic turn

Francisco Noguerol's first marriage demonstrates the importance of the dowry and is an example of the " arranged marriage" that was rampant during those times. The leading position of bigamy can be explained by the great distance, the lengthy separations, and the difficulties in communicating that made the New World a likely setting for the β†’

The brief economic description of nigeria economics essay

Provide the enabling legal, fiscal and monitory environment for the private sector to become the effective engine of growth and development in the economy. A provision of N170 billion was made for personnel emoluments to make up for the observed under funding in public service.

Jane eyre: model feminist in the eyes of wollstonecraft?

Fifty years before the publication of Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, Mary Wollstonecraft released The Vindication of the Rights of Women, a predominate piece of feminist philosophy, and one of the first of its kind. She pays special attention to the power of education to change this pattern for the better, stating that if given the β†’

Psychology essays – perspective on personality

Goldberg and Rosolack have shown that psychoticism as measured by the P-scale in the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire is a blend of agreeableness and conscientiousness. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire: An examination of the factorial similarity of P, E, N and L across 34 countries.

Organisation of the petroleum exporting countries (opec)

A few studies argued that OPEC did not fit the cartel model but this part of the literature is underdeveloped because of the widespread assumption that OPEC is a cartel. The intention of this is to highlight the difference between OPEC and the others.

Benefits of parent education programmes

Sub-point 1: The authors of the academic paper Facilitators and Barriers to Engagement in Parenting Programs: A Qualitative Systematic Review point out in the article that " Parenting programs are short-term interventions to promote changes in the behavior of parents that result in improved relationships with their children and changes in child behavior" and aim β†’

Innovation for tesco

But the technology management of Tesco thought that we should have to introduce an innovation which could be in the form of technology as well as which can reduce the staff, time and cost of the organization and which also can provide the good and efficient services to attract the customers, so after a long β†’

Peak expiratory flow rate (pefr) in lung diseases

In general, the taller or younger the individual, the higher is his PEFR Normal males have a higher PEFR than normal females of the same age and height. The diurnal variation in PEFR is a good measure of asthma activity and is of help in the longer-term assessment of the patient's disease and its response β†’

Adidas future plan

The name is expected to change to " Adidas AG" in May 2006 following the acquisition of Reebok.adidas started in India in 1996 as a Joint venture with Magnum Trading, with adidas holding 80 per cent stake. Currently out of the 13 subsidiaries in Asia, India is ranked number 7 and the management believes it β†’


A Reflective Journal essay The course is very interesting and exciting in the sense that it starts with acknowledging the reliable traditional custodians and owners of the land on which the whole tourism business is done. Toddlers and Teenagers essay Human development is a process that begins from the time of birth to adulthood.