A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Is migrant domestic labour a modern form of slavery?

In a capitalist system, the reproduction of both the means of production and the forces of production must be ensured, otherwise production will cease and the system will flounder. In addition, for many countries the 1980s saw the demise of the social contract as a result of neoliberalism, privatisation, and the fall of the welfare →

Nursing shortages: effect of patient care

And while the United Kingdom is the focus for the examination of the question " Do nursing shortages affect patient care within an acute setting?" with the exception of the importation of nurses as a historical solution, the foundational issues are almost identical in Canada, France, the United States and other industrialized nations. The foundation →

Knowledge management implementation in sirim berhad management essay

Therefore, there is a need to explore in details the awareness of knowledge management and knowledge management practices in order to investigate the success of knowledge management implementation in the organizations. As an indication for any organizations that need to develop and implement the knowledge management in their organizations.

How stalin became the leader of the soviet history essay

The purpose of this paper is to examine how Stalin became the sole leader of the Soviet Union while he was regarded to the Politburo as a minor player who had no chance of defeating Trotsky. Vladimir Lenin, leader of the former Bolshevik Party and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, died on the →

Depository system in india security system for investors economics essay

A depository participant is defined in section 2 of the Depositories Act, 1996 as ' participant means a person registered as such under sub-section of section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992.' An application for the grant of certificate of registration as Depository Participant is made to the Board Form →

High performance liquid chromatography experiment

Normal Phase Chromatography: In normal phase chromatography, the stationary phase is more polar then the mobile phase, and the mobile phase is a mixture of organic solvents with out added water and the column packing is either an inorganic adsorbent are a polar bonded phase on a silica support. Reverse Phase Chromatography: In reverse-phase chromatography, →

Small company financial statement example

Apart from laying down the objectives and scope of the audit the audit plan will need to provide for time planning, the criteria for choosing transactions and items for audit scrutiny, the audit methodology to be followed, the required audit tests, and the allocation of manpower resources. While audit tests are mainly framed in accordance →

The sermon on the mount

The ' Sermon on the Mount' is a consolidation of the teachings of Jesus Christ and is presented in the Gospel of St. The ' Sermon on the Mount' contains the following parts - beatitudes, metaphors of salt and light, an exposition of the law, a discourse on ostentation, the Lord's Prayer, and discourses on →

Gsm description to understand the technology

The MS is the operation and maintenance related part of the network and is needed for the control of the whole GSM network. However, without the SIMI - the " network brains" of the MS - the ME is of little value for the user.

Job enlargement and enrichment

Job enlargement and enrichment are two methods by which tasks are added to an employee's job. Job enlargement involves change of labor division by increasing the number of duties performed in a particular job.

Jesus ex­ample, and acknowledged as one of

In his own time, he was regarded as a preacher of extra-ordinary doctrine by all except a handful of followers, and was at last hounded to death by his own people. Except by a few followers, like the philosopher Plato, Socrates was regarded by the Athenians as either a fool or a pestilent nuisance, and →

In and delete all those data points

The central unit of data in TensorFlow is the tensor. For the implementation, I randomlyshuffle valid dataset I have used the pickle file svhn_multi which I created bypreprocessing the data from the original SVHN dataset.

He of human aggression, that the beginnings

Leacock gives a matter- of-fact explanation of the Force Theory when he says that " historically it means that government is the outcome of human aggression, that the beginnings of the State are to be sought in the capture and enslavement of man by man, in the conquest and subjugation of feebler tribes, and generally →

Memorex telex

The speed of Scala 5. Our relationship with Scala will continue to grow as we develop a competitive business strategy, and we have the confidence in knowing that Scala 5.

Transition to college

Even though my high school teachers have adequately prepared me for this challenge, I have not yet had to completely depend on myself to learn class information; however, in college this will not be the case. I have very high expectations for myself, now and for the future, and I plan to educate myself as →

I am not a number

The real question is, are these tests really all they are made out to be? In the classroom kids are told to " take your time" and " do your best", but, when it comes to the ACT and SAT or other standardized tests, it's " get through it as fast as possible and do →

Free primary education in kenya assignment

According to the Kenyan government, education is " A long term objective to provide basic quality education to enhance Kenyans ability to preserve and utilize the environment for productive and sustainable livelihoods, to develop quality of the human race; to realize the universal access to education and training for all including the disadvantaged and the →

Karl marx assignment

Karl Marx Essay " The history of all hither to existing society is the history of the class strung?', has a special meaning. In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx looked at it as the proletariat dominating the means of production when the bourgeoisie became ' unfit to rule'.

Return to learning assignment

In Part 1, background details to the subject area are provided and the broad aims of the module are set out. In this part the module learning outcomes, the themes and topics to be explored are explained along with the learning supports to be used.

Are you a good communicator assignment

Even though I have the perception to understand the qualities of a good communicator. The best training and development would be to read and write to become more adept to the written skills of communication.

Bernoullis principle essay sample

This is because the top of a wing is curved and the bottom is flat.* The air molecules traveling over the top, or the curved surface of the wing, have to move faster to reach the end of the airplane wing as they are traveling a longer distance and must reach the end of the →

The you-centered approach to business writing essay sample

Because I have experienced the difference between the I-centered and the you-centered approaches to business writing, as an accountant it is especially important for me to follow the principle that I have admired as opposed to the cold and calculating approach. I would like my business writing to give the impression that I am essentially →

Market imperative and popular culture

Market Imperative and Popular culture What do we understand by the term popular culture Is the punk culture, the rap music thing or simply the mainstream culture The fact is that popular culture refers to the elements of culture which are prevalent in a society. That popular culture is the culture of the masses.


From historical accounts, it has been revealed that traces of bioterrorism could have occurred in the 1990s, specifically in the latter part of 1992 when the following incidences were noted: " the epidemic of over 400, 000 cases of waterborne cryptosporidiosis in Milwaukee, the outbreak of severe, unexplained acute respiratory disease now known as hantavirus →

Reno v. american civil liberties union, 521 u.s. 844 (1997)

American Civil Liberties Union," the court of Supreme upheld a previous lower court decision that the CDA violated two existing provisions of the constitution. Individuals who assist in commission of obscenity crimes are also liable under the federal laws of obscenity.


Richard starts by giving the outline of the article, which clearly guides the reader and every section of the article is well written and thus the reader does not get confused. The outline makes the article easier to read and understand about the international aid ideas a fact that makes the article interesting and keeps →

The age of reagan

Reagan was one President who attempted to restore the moral values and ethical standards in Americans. In http://www.vlib.us.

The criteria that you used to choose each site

It is also lacking in reference to dates of the creation of the information and authorship of the articles within the site. 24, November 2008 " Using the Internet to Find Health Information".


Question 2 From the video clip, we learn that the world has had deficiency of enough energy supply and perhaps the idea of ocean power could be a solution. Optimal power absorption dictates that the rate of kinetic energy radiated from the device be equal to the energy absorption rate and the primary converter feels →

Selective laser melting of iron

This is as a result of the presence of a contamination layer of oxide on the surfaces of steel melt. In addition to this, the brittleness of SLM manufactured high carbon content steel is increased by the formation of complex interfacial carbides at grain boundaries.

Data mining ethical concerns

Moreover, gathering of information for internal use of the organization is not even the biggest concern; this information is also sold to other organizations. This is also without the consent and/or awareness of the customers themselves.

John taylor vs howling wolf essay

When looking at the two images of John Taylor and Howling Wolf's views on the way the treaty signing of 1867 happened we can begin to see the way both represented their own view. From the face of this man with the object he looks like he is handing the pen off to a man →

How strong was henry vii’s position on the throne in 1485

Therefore, once he was King, Henry owed very little in the way of patronage to his nobles. Henry's generosity, like his lenience was a manoeuvre to inspire loyalty and encourage the nobility to work towards the success of his reign.

Extramarital sex essay

The reason I believe this is because everyone on the affair has agreed on it, and are allowing each other to engage in the intercourse. Some couples may find that doing this improves their relationship, and as long as there is honesty I do not see anything wrong with it.

Tda 2.8 1.1 health and safety essay

3 Describe how health and safety is monitored in the setting and how staff are made aware of risks and hazards The school health and safety representative carries out safety checks on a regular basis. Any risks to safety are identified and rectified immediately or the area placed out of bounds until the risk is →

Business environment test questions argumentative essay

Business environment Business environment is defined as the external and internal factors that influence business decisions and that are uncontrollable in nature. For financial markets, they are complex markets that allow investors to buy and sell shares in stocks of companies or the bond market.

Powderhouse productions

One of the major challenges for engineering today is to develop infrastructure that is able to withstand the forces of nature without creating an impact of the naturalenvironmentand at the same to support the growth of cities and industries. The double deck motorway tunnel has a length of 4 kilometers and links the Kuala Lumpur-Seremban →

Bowen theory: emotional cutoff. retrieved

Bowen refers to this as an individual's manner of managing many of his critically unresolved issues that he has had with his direct personalfamilyor his family of origin. I was fortunate enough that these days my spouse is a fierce watchdog over my tendencies and helped me overcome my disconnectedness which had started to threaten →

Explore the social and political factors

That the duty of the local education authority should be one as to develop the spiritual, moral, mental and physical development of the community, that of school. The development of the National curriculum was overseen by two new advisory bodies, the National Curriculum council and the school Examination and Assessment Council.

Trapped – creative writing

I stumbled to the close, mauve wall, and followed it to the door. I struggled to lift the knife with my weakened arms.

Group paper analysis: the effects of culture in patient-provider interaction

According to Betancourt et al, in a culturally competent health care system, the significance of culture and implementation of services to properly meet culturally necessity needs are integrated within and focuses on the health beliefs for different cultures and specific treatment for different patient populations. In order to reduce the threats which are the discrepancies →

Vocabulary booster german english

English Deutsch Erklarung UNIT 18 Beispiele Market leader Marktfuhrer someone or something that is winning during a race or other situation where people are competing A company's sales expressed as a percentage of the total market Short-term tactics designed to stimulate stronger sales of a product The situation in which there is only one seller →

360 degree feedback

It is clear that using 360-degree feedback can necessarily improve labors' job performance as long the evaluations are delivered honestly, openly, and objectively to the targets in every aspect of management including superiors and subordinates. Process of 360-feedback Robert Garbett et al.suggest several recommendations to optimize the usefulness of the process in preparing 360-degree feedback: →


As a teacher I will have a responsibility to prepare for lessons and to make sure that the learners have been fully inducted and introduced to each other by the activity of an icebreaker. Before any lesson I need to prepare a positive environment, treating all my learners equally and I have the right skills →

Homework assignment

I believe that homework is important to all grades as it not only helps to review and expand on what we are being taught but it also prepares new information we will need In upcoming classes or activities I believe that homework, even for kinder garden Is Important and beneficial. Homework Is Important even more →

The manufacturing trade industry economics essay

Socialism is a political and economic system which advocates collective or governmental ownership and the administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals and business firms carry on the production and exchange of goods and services through a complex network of prices and market.

Foundation stage curriculum in design and technology

The Foundation Stage Curriculum could be considered to be the basis for all other learning throughout a child's life, and as such a thorough grounding in teaching and learning Knowledge and Understanding of the World, should provide a sound basis for teaching Design and Technology in other phases of the Primary school, as this quote →

A report on the akij group

All the corporate offices of the Group are housed in the Akij Chamber, an 11-storied building, located at Dilkusha commercial area, one of the busiest business hubs of the Dhaka City, the capital of Bangladesh. From the process of bale breaking to the packaging of yarn, everything is done with automation and state-of-the-art technology.

Should euthanasia be legalised?

The present author not concerned with cases such as these but rather the controversial nature of the range of entities which have the right and the content of the right in different circumstances: those for which the European Convention makes no provision. Furthermore, the right of a person to commit suicide is recognised by some →

Analysis of generic and branded drugs

The cost of a branded drug is very high as the company tries to recover the money invested in the research, development and marketing of the drug. A generic drug is said to be a bioequivalent of the branded drug and does not have a patent by it self and is manufactured and marketed only →

Effect of president visits on the economy

The becoming vital and security connections in the middle of China and Pakistan, highlighted amid the visit, served the reason for provincial solidness. The choice to improve Pakistan-China vital and security collaboration, thusly, would help in fortifying soundness in South Asia.

The american corrections system criminology essay

In the organizational structure of the American Correctional System, the Department of justice has the overall mandate of overseeing the operations of the whole system. In a number of private prisons, only basic first aid facilities and over the counter drugs are available to prisoners.

Political systems of tribes

The second part explores the reasons behind the strength of the tribes and the last part probes the reasons behind the reluctance of tribes towards the policies of the state to detribalize them. In order to understand the reasons behind the coexistence of the tribe as a political system with the current political system of →

Cause and effect essay on eating disorders

Quite early on my Mom pleaded with me to go and see someone, but for a long time I was in denial and did not really think I had a massive problem. If I was not eating very much and I was spending all of my time worrying about my weight, then I did not →

The piano lesson

The trauma at the heart of this family history is precisely the traffic in human flesh echoed in the song, the sale of the totemic figures depicted on the piano's legs. The Ghosts of the Yellow Dog, the ghosts of Willie and Berniece's murdered father and his hobo companions, and the ghost of Sutter lurking →

Human although we accomplish many tasks at the

The less time we engage in these patterns of mind, the more we are likely to lose them all. For example, we are able to read emails and clear items from our ever growing to-do lists in a matter of seconds.

Plasma international cge case

The Sunday headline in the Tampa, Florida, newspaper read: " Blood Sales Result in Exorbitant Profits for Local Firm." The story went on to relate how the Plasma International Company, headquartered in Tampa, Florida, purchased blood in underdeveloped countries for as little as 15 cents a pint and resold the blood to hospitals in the →

The importance of nature

The way to capture romantic writing is through shunning the artificiality of civilization and seeking unspoiled nature, championing individual freedom and the worth of the individual, contemplating nature's beauty as a path to spiritual and moral development, finding beauty and truth in exotic locales, the supernatural realm, and the inner world of the imagination, and →

Chaucer’s trustworthy, women were to be vain, shallow

Shakespeare is in a sense the least philosophical of the two poets, for the ideas seem to grow out of character and situation, and not action out of abstract ideas. Here we are given a detailed explanation of exactly who the Wife of Bath is, her mindset and viewpoint she lets to be controlled by →

Practical issues are the most important – sociology essay sample

A practical issue influencing choice of topic may be the inaccessibility of certain situations to the researcher as this can restrict what topics they are able to study. Theoretical issues can also be considered more important in influencing the choice of methods as we have to consider the validity of the method and which allows →

Ms. martinez case study

Due to insufficient number of staff, health care in nursing home could not be patient centered, another element that is recommended for improvement. It was not possible at the same time to care for all 15 patients that I was responsible for in nursing home.

The criminal justice system

Having clearly defined the difference of the two crimes based upon the description of offenses, it is safe to say that one would much rather be accused of a misdemeanor rather than a felony. Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-the-most-common-types-of-misdemeanor-cases.htm N.A.

Fair trade is coffee curing poverty

The assessment of problems of fair trade is not well explained. The assessment does not adequately state the successes of fair trade, and this makes it hard to point out its deficiencies.

Database normalization and child essay

In order for normalization to occur the environment needs to be prepared in the following manner: 1) Order of the whole classroom 2) Materials and the surroundings of the classroom need to be aesthetically pleasing 3) There needs to be control of error in the materials used 4) Teacher guided 5) Freedom with limitations 6) →

Roper vs. simmons

Simmons was one of the few cases in almost two decades to address whether it's constitutional under the eighth and fourteenth amendments to execute a juvenile offender who was over the age of fifteen but under the age of eighteen when he/she committed a capital crime. Around nine months after the crime was committed when →

Rizal, my hero

He is a remarkable one and I am not, but through reading and discovering more of him I learned that he did not consider himself as a very noble person but he did what he can do in this country. I may not be like him that has done many things in this country, through →

Pharmacia & upjohn case study

The dilemma that Monkiewicz faces is whether or not the increase in sales were due to the buzz marketing campaign they implemented the previous year or if other advertising and promotional campaigns were the sole reason for the increase in sales. Mankiewicz is looking for in his advertising campaign, which that they have used in →

Marijuana legalization outline

The Legalization ofMarijuanaThesis Statement: The legalization of marijuana in the United States would create a drastic change by forming a more productive society through all of the positive uses of cannabis, physically, economically, and socially.I. THC is the main chemical The amount can be regulated It determines the strength of the high A.

The internet will soon make store based retailing obsolete

Finally in order to assess the issue properly the most important factor that must be taken into consideration is actually the nature of the goods the retailer is offering and willingness of the consumer to alter established habits of traditional store-based shopping. Moving further on I have linked them to the three aspects of the →

Human trafficking

I decided to pursue the question, What happens to the victims of human trafficking upon being discovered To find the answer to my question, I decided to research the internet to learn more about this topic. In this case, the girl was given the choice to either return to Egypt or remain in U.

Eagle electronics assignment

The company plans to spend approximately E 500 millions over the coming years to fund the capacity addition, which will enhance the production capacity of the company. Events in product market that could influence the share price of the Eagles Electronics Stiff competition from other producers could limit the selling capacity of he company.

Mayan religion and their kings influence upon it religion essay

There will be neither glory nor grandeur in our creation and formation until the human being is made, man is formed.[...] First the earth was formed, the mountains and the valleys; the currents of water were divided, the rivulets were running freely between the hills, and the water was separated when the high mountains appeared. →

Critically analyse communication factors concerning nurses

This manifests that while there is abundance in the study of cultural standpoints on the disclosure of the diagnosis and in the study of how culture affects the communication process, there is little study on the cultural influences on the interrelationship of patients and health care providers. Age, Race, Ethnicity and Communication Communication problems may →

The impact of fashion

There is one area where most of the part has not succumbed to the temptations of the Western mode of dress that is the clothing of women in traditional and Eastern societies. Fashion symbols are accepted as long as it does not hurt people around and when we think about fashion and identity it is →

Adam smiths contributions to economic theory economics essay

Smith's theory of wages was a form of the Iron Law of Wages which held that wages are by and large equal to the subsistence level of wages. In this sense, Smith may be considered a pioneer of the modern economic approach to politics.

Explain and describe what a limiting factor is

For example, when sales demand excess the productivity capacity, the company do not have enough resources to produce the product, the scarce resource will be the factor that restricts the company's activities. Contribution per unit of output RM 24 RM 20 RM 12 Machine hours required per unit of output 6 hours 2 hours 1 →

Deforestation and its effects

The escalation in logging activities in the country was influenced both by the rapid increase in its population and the rise in lumber requirements of developed countries. One of the immediate effects of deforestation in Indonesia was the loss of its wildlife species.

Performance appraisal and performance management system commerce essay

The focal point of the public presentation assessment is mensurating and bettering the existent public presentation of the employee and besides the future potency of the employee. To supply a model to the company for systematic planning of Performance Objectives at the beginning of the twelvemonth.

Child development theories, change unit

Initiative is a sense of ambition and responsibility which is developed from the parent's support of their sense of purpose. Vygotsky: The Zone of Proximal DevelopmentIs the range of tasks that are too difficult for the child to master alone, but can be learned with guidance/assistance of adults.

Valuation and characteristic of bonds and stocks

The coupon interest rate is the stated rate of interest on a bond. A fixed-rate bond will sell at par when its coupon interest rate is equal to the going rate of interest, rd.

Business model generation

To create a good business model, entrepreneurs and business experts are advised to have a clear understanding of what a business model is. According to the strategic management theory, a business model can be defined as a plan for a business approach to be applied in an organization's systems.

Lady who you are.this is proved through the

The protagonist, Joan Foster, is plagued by the memories and results of her mother's mental and emotional abuse. By the end of the novel Joan has gone through so much growth and change that she is finally happy with the person she is, and is done putting up false pretenses to be the person people →

The leadership

They include leader-member relations which is the degree of confidence that the subordinates have in the leader as well as the loyalty that is shown to the leader and his or her effectiveness, task structure which is the degree to which the responsibilities of the followers are routine and position power whereby power is inherent →

This i believe essay

I hold it, and feel the hexagonal shape, and feel the weight of the words I can create. And I found it in the form of gel pens.

Effects of sex and violence in the media assignment

Not only does media empower Mickey and Mallory Knox's destructive behavior, but also the power the media has on the general public with its ability to influence the group's emotions. In this film, not only did media influence the actions of Mickey and Mallory, but it also instilled a mindset within its viewers that what →

Samantha communitycommunity in my own understanding, community is

A people group at the end of the day have diverse kinds of creaturesthat exist in a region for their wellspring of nourishment and can receive withtheir environment. Type II it is the decrease of feedingactivity of a predator because there is a constant supply of prey and thepredator does not have to spend time →


Running Head MARKETING MARKETING The success of MacDonald's in 2007 is caused by its new policy in marketing and management aimed to improve quality of food and service delivery. It is part of the " state of the art" and " other things being equal" statements.

Laws and regulation relating to the kentucky board of embalmers and funeral directors

and number] in format: 12 May 2002] LAWS AND REGULATION RELATING TO THE KENTUCKY BOARD OF EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS The laws and regulations outlined by the Kentucky Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors is very explanative in regards to the requirements to fulfill including the apprenticeship period and advises that in no way will →

Teaching practice

Teaching Practice For the sake of positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement, the teaching practice that could be provided is in the form of giving extra marks for the good deeds and making the child do the same work again or even lower grades after he has been warned once. This means that the positive and →

Is a government ban on human cloning wrong

Attempting to clone a human being involves too many risks, and there is nothing to say that any attempt at human cloning will be a success, which makes any safety risks having been undergone in vain. The risks of trying to better humanity, science, and technology through human cloning are not worth the results that →

Future of the internet essay

During my ICT lesson we discussed the growth of the internet and what has caused the internet to grow, they have played major role in the growth of the internet and I believe with out these factors the internet would not be what it is today. All of the above have played a major factor →

Do you agree with the view that by essay

The fact that although the woman was supposed to be the domestic goddess of the house, and the main person who took care of the children, women did still not have custody of their children were they to get a divorce from their husband. The source states that women were the ' safe sex' and →