A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Resolution and reconciliation in “the joy luck club”

In the mother-daughter relationship of Lindo and Waverly, it is generational differences which lead to the misunderstandings, but the reconciliation is reached when Waverly realizes her mother a linguistically and culturally poor speaker has always had her own best interests at heart. She is encouraged by the members of the Joy Luck Club to complete β†’

The relation between roderick usher and the family mansion

His widely known works are The Pit and the Pendulum, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Black Cat, The Raven and The Fall of the House of Usher. His sickness, a " constitutional and a family evil", the curse and the fate of the Usher race, " an effect, which the physique of the gray walls and β†’

Gender construction and nature in l.m. montgomery’s anne of green gables

When Anne becomes upset about the prospect of Dianna Barrie getting married one day, Marilla tries to hold her laughter in, but cannot, and she collapses in a chair, laughing at Anne's childlike anxiety. Before Anne goes off to Queen's College, Marilla gives her a dress, not one of the plain ones she usually makes, β†’

The governors and the governed in middleton’s renaissance plays: michelmas term, a game at chess, and others

This sentiment mirrors the Country Wench's father's statement and further portrays Middleton's belief in the corruption of the city and its ability to infuse it's tenants with injustice. A Game of Chess pushed the constructs of theatre and clearly depicted Thomas Middleton's drive to comment on his political and social surroundings through drama.

Good a balanced life essay example

As far as my opinion regarding a balanced life is concerned, I believe it simply means that I could manage the different elements in my life without feeling my mind and heart in a constant struggle to stabilize. It is particularly important for me to achieve a balanced life.

Merger of lehman brothers and barclays

And would also discuss a few of the challenges the management of the new organisation faced at the time of the integration. This report will discuss why and how the companies use Mergers and acquisition as a positive growth strategy, the most common reasons for the failures of mergers and acquisition, important role of managers β†’

Effects of high gas prices

Effects of high gas prices First, the daily increase in the price of gas translates to an eventual increase in the prices of basic commodities such as food, clothing and raw materials, since these products are moved into superstores or malls with the use of various means of transportation. It has been noted that the β†’

Riordan manufacturing

Techniques Fault Tree Analysis and Event tree Analysis is a couple of the other risk identification ethods that could help with Riordan's Supervisor training program. In the Riordan case the use of a chart that could display where the management has to understand where faults can be identified.

Normally, jurisdictions: industrial design rights are called design

The word patent originates from the Latin ' pattered', which means " to lay open", and more direct as a shortened version of the term letters patent, which originally denote an open for public reading royal decree granting exclusive rights to a person Definition of patent The term patent usually refers to an exclusive right β†’

Case study – barceloneta market, spain

The project meant a chance to go back to the neighbourhood in an interested manner; it was no longer a trip down there for fun, to discover its people, its bars, its smell.ut rather a survey of the place with the object of identifying what would enable us to reveal its qualities and to describe β†’

Contrappasso dante assignment

To determine the punishment of the damned Dante draws on medieval legal tradition and the practice of the law of his time. The guardian of the second circle, Minis, the legendary King of Crete, confesses the damned, applies the divine inactions and distributes them in the various circles of hell, grabbing them with his tail β†’

Marketing assignment

To save expenses, most of Sass's counters were located in the stores on the tests with many people, and in this way, SASS spared the admittance fare and commission deducted by department stores, with a lot of customers patronizing.' fit sold all articles of different brands at the same counter, SASS would save a considerable β†’

David irving

Born in the troubled times of the World War II he was inclined towards the views of Hitler and developed a negative attitude towards the Jews. His works depict the same and have attracted a lot of criticism from various quarters of the society.

Lewin’s leadership styles

Even in the course of the communication, I would want a lot of the discussion to focus on me. Even if I delegate, I will monitor the delivery of the work closely to ensure that the work is delivered in a manner that I would have delivered it if I worked on it personally.

National day in u.a.e

Facts about the UAE The UAE is a Middle Eastern federation of seven states situated in the southeast of the Arabian peninsula in the southwest Asia on the Arabian Gulf, bordering, Oman and Saudi Arabia, from tribally organized peninsula. Today the National Day celebration is a mark of our union and the great accomplishments of β†’

Abraham lincoln, charleston debate

Abraham Lincoln Charleston Debate The Lincoln and Douglas debates of 1858 came at a time when slavery and social equality were contentious issues in the country. At the time of the debate, the country was divided into two parts; the north that opposed slavery and the south that opposed any measures to abolish it.

Acdamic skill

Research is regulated to get at the truth of a subject. The main purpose of this paper is for customer surveys to getting the price of the iPhone to a more detailed study of the iPhone business strategy.

James rachels, the challenge of cultural relativism

This factor indicates that the moral progress in human beings has not advanced which explains the practice of the colonial culture in the current democratic era. This is a cultural practice in both the modern and the traditional cultures.

Capm & dcfm

The basic aim of CAPM is to analyze and evaluate the connection between the risk faced by an investor and the return desired by the investor. The investor is to be compensated for the riskiness of the venture and the time for which he has been deprived of his invested money i.e.the time value of β†’

International investments

The Indian stock market has been in existence for 135 years, and I believe it has stayed in the industry for so long because of the trust and confidence of investors. Investment in the Indian debt securities, I believe, is a good investment because according to BSE, the Indian debt market is one of the β†’

Cultural observation project

I know I have to do something to make a difference in the lives of young people. I know that God will answer my prayers and this will begin to make a difference in the lives of young people everywhere.

Happy valentines day essay

Karen hung her coat in the dim hallway and opened the door to the living room. She darted her eyes to the door, and then slowly gazed back to what was in the closet.

Is the world heading for a global recession

Global recession is the sharp deterioration of economic health of the countries, namely: a plummet of manufacturing, bankruptcy of enterprises, a big rise of of unemployment and finally the decrease in the standard of living, well-being of the population. World financial crisis and then an economic crisis will result of decrease in world gross national β†’

Servant leadership and sacrificial succession theology religion flashcard

The first addresses the Generation Y quandary, and discusses a figure of important factors and patterns that have contributed to the current leading sequence crisis in both corporations and in churches, reasoning for a reimagining of the constructs of Servant Leadership through Sacrificial Succession. In both the corporate universe and the universe of the church β†’

“bowling for columbine” movie review

Also mentioned in the movie is how Marilyn Manson had to do with the Columbine death but because of the lack of information on how Marilyn Manson was not the blame for Columbine and also how every time a gun related crime happened, the president of the NRA would present a gun intervention in the β†’

The effect of ghrelin on neural responses to high calorie foods

When hungry, the desire to eat may be triggered by visual cues of food, leading to increased activity in the vmPFC and reduced activity in the dlPFC. There is a lack of research assessing the effect of ghrelin on cognitive responses of pleasantness, reward and inhibitory control to rewarding food cues in satiated healthy participants β†’

How uk government can solve the skills shortage

In a survey carried out by North Scotland Skills Forum have found that there is a shortage of skills and access to training in the Highlands and islands. Over skilled Even though this argument has been about the skills shortage in the UK workforce, there are is another side to this story, which shows that β†’

Analysis of the political assassination of margaret thatcher history essay

Whilst Deng's resignation is a natural outcome of his old age and his wish to retire, Thatcher's, on the other hand, was the outcome of a series of incidents that marked as the political assassination of the Iron Lady. Her demise to the European Community, the poll tax and the Trafalgar Riot, the deteriorated economy, β†’

Effective instructional strategies for adult learners

The pedagogy model required the instructor to be in control of the learning and was the main focus of Knowles coined the term andragogy to describe " a core set of principles of adult learning to build a more effective learning process for adults". The six principles of andragogy are: The learner's need to know; β†’

The impact of education

The reason for such an increase in government investment in education lies in the belief that education has a direct impact on the economic growth of the country. For example, they find that the effect of primary and secondary education on the economic growth of developing countries is more significant than that of tertiary education, β†’

Designing lesson plan

19, the year of 2005 states that the planning for instructional process covers the syllabus and the lesson plan containing the purpose, learning materials, methodology, the learning resources and the evaluation. Based on the ministry regulation, number 41, year 2007, the process standard, it was explained that a Lesson plan is the elaboration of syllabus β†’

Organic fuel for a growing disaster

The purpose of the argument in " Organic Fuel for a Growing Disaster" is to convince people that organic food is not any better than regular food, and that obsession with organic food will only lead to a food disaster. The first three premises of the argument counter the belief that organic food is better, β†’

Case study: deutsche allgemeinversicherung

Through the involvement of all departments of the company, these errors can be analyzed, and information can be acquired on specific sectors of the company In need of help. Once a target is set, it would be important for each branch of the company to identify which documents are most radical.

Christina gold

The main reason was to allow Western Union bring their services to the market more effectively hence making them more accessible to the global consumers. There was need to change from the domestic and international market plan to a global marketing plan.

To what extent were the crusades successful?

The Crusades was an attempt by the Roman Catholic Church to regain the Holy Lands from the Muslims. The Crusades afterwards were only successful to the Third Crusade because the original crusades had a clear, organized, religious-based purpose, and later crusades outright failed due to ineptitude and greed.

The effects of hurricane katrina

According to the article " The New York Times" there was more than 1, 700 people were killed and hundreds of thousands of others displaced. There are charities that continue to aid the victims of Katrina.

Sociology and social care assignment

By completing a range of activities you will develop an understanding of the diverse nature of the people who are receiving care and some Of the ethical issues that can arise in health and social care settings. To achieve a pass grade, the evidence must show that you are able to: To achieve a merit β†’

Mahnoor military. simply put, if agreed, it would

Mahnoor GulNATODelegate ofAfghanistanTopic: Future of NATO in Afghanistan Honorable chairand fellow delegates, The nationof Afghanistan is set to discuss one of the most critical decisions in thecountry's modern history, a decision that will impact the lives of ourgeneration and the generations to come. Turning Afghanistan from an economic wastelandto a thriving country is the goal β†’

Effectiveness of communication arts’ audio-visual presentation essay sample

The researchers will also include pictures of past events headed by the department to support the testimonials of the Dean and President of the Communication Arts department. Petty and Cacioppo " The Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion is a theory that delves into the processes in which people respond to persuasion" As practical persuaders, the β†’

Living arrangments

However, there is also no one around to do your laundry for you or to cook dinner for you and make sure there is food in the house, all of which is normally taken care of when you live at home. When you live on your own in a single apartment, you have all the β†’

Virginia state local government

WHAT LEGISLATORS CAN DO ABOUT THE VIRGINIA DIVIDE Current news events over the Internet show that there is a widening rift among the residents of both the northern and southernmost counties of the state of Virginia. For one, Virginians on both sides of the so-called Virginia Divide, saw the people on the other part of β†’

Assignment example

The infant can walk between 9 to 12 months Sleeps for about 17 hours in a day, relates with maturation of brain and learning Infant becomes alert about the age of three months The first two years of life are a sensitive period of growth. Caressing and talking to the infant is encouraged to enhance β†’

Learning team reflection – 460

LEARNING TEAM REFLECTION-460 Environmental Psychology and Human Behavior Significantly, human behavior is oneof the core aspects in environmental psychology as it relates to the physical environment in many ways; however, the communication and interaction among people is not primary in this branch of psychology. Moreover, now I have the anxiety of applying environmental psychology for β†’

The disease model

Evaluation and validity of the disease model In order to align ourselves and come up with a solution as whether alcoholism is a disease or not it is important first that we understand the concept and definition of a disease. While relating this concept to alcoholism we can therefore conclude that alcoholism can be categorized β†’

Americas courts and the criminal justice system

This effect of the criminal rules of justice is apparent since the rules limit the nature or kind of evidence that courts may accept and the purpose for which the evidence may be used. Despite their perceived power-reduction effects, there are criminal rules of evidence that actually empower the courts.

Cases of plagiarism and its consequences

Dorris Kearns Goodwin, a well known historian and professor in Harvard University, had been accused of plagiarism for her novel " The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys" which was released in 1987. Also, it was detected that only the last edition of her book contained a thanksgiving paragraph for Taggart's in the preface although nothing was β†’

American foundation for the blind

American Foundation for the Blind The American Foundation for the Blind emerged in 1921 founded by a philanthropist M.C. The mission statement of the American Foundation for the Blind is " to remove barriers, create solutions, and expand possibilities so people with vision loss can achieve their full potential".

Degree in professional accounting from mccombs school of business

Degree in Professional Accounting from McCombs School of Business As I am going to complete my graduation degree soon, I am planning further to pursue a master degree in the field of professional accounting from McCombs School of Business. The faculty of this business school is very much talented and highly qualified and I β†’

Sleep stages

You are to describe in detail each sleep stage, three sleep disorders, and why sleep is necessary. A sleep characterized by slow brain Stage 3 waves, with greater peaks and valleys in the wave pattern than stage 2 The deepest stage of sleep which we are Stage 4 the least responsive.

Structure of business cycle

Business Cycle; GDP Growth, Inflation and Unemployment Business Cycle This refers to the fluctuations in economic activities especially in production over a certain period of time usually months and to some extent years. From December 2007 to date, the US economy has been in a recession due to low economic activities and the global financial β†’

The efficacy of malunggay

Alternative: There is a significant difference of the Malunggay leaves and the control in increasing the platelet count of the albino mice. The scope of the study is limited to the extraction of Malunggay leaves and administration of the extract in mice in different doses.

Rn resume

Observes patient's records and reports. Maintains records reflecting patient condition, medication and treatment.

Effect of online privacy information on purchasing behavior

The risk of misusing this information can be lower if online merchants adopt fair information policy; through this policy the risk of leaking customer's information can be lower by limiting the collection of personal data to the relevancy of transaction. It will be three steps: any information with regard to the adoption of fair information β†’

Partial molar property

The easiest partial molar property to visualize is the partial molar volume, vj of a substance j the contribution j makes to the total volume of a mixture.we can see that although 1 mol of a substance has a characteristics volume when it is pure, 1 mol of that substance can make different contributions to β†’

Competitive analysis of the nigerian telecoms industry

Political: Nigeria is in the middle of an election that has attracted so much interest initial signs indicate the process will be fairest in the history of the country and could lead to emergence of a more stable, progressive democracy. Legal and Regulatory The main law governing the Nigerian telecoms industry is the Nigerian Communications β†’

Role of epigenetic as a force in evolution

The role of epigenetics as a force in evolution is its ability for individuals to evolve to rapid changes in their environment, aided by the interaction between epigenetic mechanisms and the environment. Conclusion The role of epigenetics as a force in evolution is that it enables an organism to adapt and evolve quickly to rapidly β†’

Cultural: research and reyes professor sen

As I started the research process, my investigative question was: Does our cultural identity create conflict within our society? 4. After I completed my paper, my claim has changed to: Whether it's the religion, race or disability of our cultural identity, they are able to create conflict in our society.6.

Knowledge management by dissertationplanet.co.uk

Everyone Is aware of the Importance of the Internet In the world of mass media. For some, it is the media room after the press, radio and television and for all has come a real media phenomenon, since it represents an important revolution in the way of transmitting and receiving Information and in the scope β†’

Banco filipino case analysis

The bank mismanaged the money of the depositors, they spent lavishly and currently has unpaid loans to the bank itself and the central bank. Although the bank acquired a lot of assets, Banco Filipino's debt exceeded its assets by P8.billion and it was no longer able to settle its obligations as they fall due.

Health psychology: stress and well being assignment

There are three stages; alarm and mobilization when the stressor is realized, resistance or the attempt to cope, and if coping was not adequate, exhaustion and the onset of negative consequences. The third dimension of well being is security, which is defined as " the belief that membership in a role is stable and likely β†’

Mass media and its influence in shaping ideas assignment

We cannot deny the enormity of the power and Influence of the media in shaping the flow of thinking of our society. Thinking of how great is the influence of media in determining the current mindset of society; media thus should be honest and trustworthy in carrying any Issue or theme Into the community.

Ford marketing mix assignment

Ford's Consumer Oriented Sale Promotions Rebates Rebates are a reduction in the amount to be paid or a return of a paid amount on a product. Premiums are a win/win for Ford and its customers: People like to get free things and compared to the price of a vehicle, a $50 gift card or $29 β†’

Introduction bullying= is saying or writing mean things.

Jealousy or FrustrationWhen a person picks onsomeone for always being the first to raise their hand in class, or getting thebest grade on tests and ruining the curve, or even picking up many of thepromotions at work, the bully is probably jealous or frustrated with the personthey are bullying.4. The easiest way to stop bullying β†’

Relationships between man and woman often prove challenging

The relationship between men and women can be very difficult and can be very difficult for both the men as well as the women to understand and keep up to. Words in the poem like ' Wistlessness and listlessness' in the poem and lines like ' and the women calling', brings out the sadness and β†’

Ec430 curriculum development 7

EC430 Curriculum Development Assignment 7 25 February This paper will serve to answer questions in regards to similarities between Black English, non-English or bilingual speakers in the classroom, the attitudes and techniques that can be used to encourage these children to learn, what teachers can do to encourage the involvement of the family, and the β†’

The handmaid’s tale

The word " Ceremony" refers to a formal act such as a wedding, the fact that the author capitalised it re-enforces it's importance and consequently the impression of a positive and joyful occasion. However the end of the sentence " goes as usual" instals a dull feeling to the phrase, giving the " Ceremony" a β†’

The history of structural engineering dates

Structures are designed, with the aim to accomplish the desired functions f creation, ensuring the visualization of all the loads that could be applied on the structures, and adequate safety of structures.* What Is Structural engineering Is a specialty of engineering 00 that deals with the design and analysis of structures used to support loads β†’

The negative effects of the media on the modern day criminal justice system

The question asked today is how the criminal justice system can avoid the media interference and secure a fair and impartial trial for the defendants, without compromising either the media's First Amendment rights or the defendants' Sixth Amendment rights as given by the Constitution. However, there is a chance that the media's negative influence could β†’

Culture in the middle ages

The ancient art produced by the Egyptians was related to religion as they were very religious people and their art reflected different Gods and situations experienced by Gods. They used their art to depict great events such as wars and victories of emperors.

Confucious essay

Various people viewed the character and condition of Greeks in the Ottoman Empire during the Greek movement for independence in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. In it he writes, the facts of how the Turks beat the Greek nation.


Last Samurai is based on the Japanese history during the end of the 18th century and the start of the 19th century. The movie shows how desperate the Samurais became to preserve Japanese culture during the era of globalization in Japan and the struggle between thousand year old traditions of a Samurai soldier using a β†’

Digital camera

Majority of users do not understand their digital cameras and the author, Thom Hogan, wrote the article to help these millions of people to get to know how a digital camera works and it is often not wise to rely on the adverts or express warranty a manufacturer claims, as more often than not, those β†’

Hardship suffered by smuggled and trafficked victims law european essay

There are those who are regular migrants who stay often the expiry of their visa and so their status is changed from regular to irregular.[11]Although Illegal migration amounts to small proportion of the total migration and the consideration of illegal migrants as criminals and carriers of infectious diseases is unfounded, it is often considered as β†’

Best museums in the world cultural studies essay

The arrangement of these museums differs from one site to another, but all of them had the Le Louvre, Paris as the best museum in the world. The museum was founded in 1800 to exhibit the collections of the Dutchstadtholders.

Psychological models which explain suicidal thoughts and behaviours

The model is therefore limited as the focus is on the identification of the underlying pathology despite the recognition that pathology alone is not a sufficient explanation for suicidal behaviour. Recognising that not all depressive patients are suicidal, it implicates the role of entrapment and hopelessness in exacerbating feelings of defeat and depression in the β†’

Belbins team roles theory in classroom activity

I am supposed to identify my own behaviour with that of the leadership behaviour so that this study will give me an proposal in the direction of the encouragement of real life experience and the absorption of leadership theories it tells that working in group will fetches us to have a have a significant memorandum β†’

Illegal aliens and the us economy

In retrospect, the conclusion of Davila is that it is important to continue to encourage those who want to come to the U.S.to do so legally and continue to contribute to our economy. S, it is questionable that the use of fencing and other approaches will achieve an end to this because the economic pressures β†’

Educational settings and my place in them

But when looking at the results, this reflects on the pupils in the first instance and then on the school as a whole but only finally on the actual reason. Not only does this create a wouldeception' but it also encourages the schools and universities to use this to their advantage.I.e.they feel the need to β†’

Book siddhartha and movie the razors edge

When he and Govinda leave Govinda tells Siddhartha of Gotama and they go to see him. As he talks with the man he realizes he is wise, and they go to a temple in the mountains.

Research it. violence in sports is defined

Smith feels that these steps may help in the fight against violence in sports and will help " build a new brand of sport". Smith explains what a true definition of violence in sports is and questions if society wants to end it.

Responsiveness increase the responsiveness by focusing on

To Increase the responsiveness byfocusing on reducing the cycle inventory or by cutting the cycle time. They can seek distributors of theirproducts that are located closer to their stores in order to increase the grocery'scommitment to responsiveness and time dedication.

Industry analysis – mcdonalds

Within the restaurant industry, the quick service restaurants sector, or better known as fast-food restaurants, are classified as " Perfectly Competitive" along the Industry Competitive Structure below. However, with increasing food costs to restaurants and the poor economic conditions facing many of the world's economies, the ability to increase promotional spends has been stressed.

The problems faced by teenager in joint family

The leader or authority figure in most families is the parent, which is why a new step parent is not predetermined to have a negative effect on the teen. There is just the fact that the situation is too complex and there are too many variables to say that a teen will have problems if β†’

Killer bee

The program of Hamilton's spelling bee writes, " The spelling bee is a highly worthwhile scholastic challenge". Do you know how to spell the word raspberry?" as a contestant in Hamilton's spelling bee, I was surprised that I was asked this question after the previous competitor was quizzed with the word lackadaisical.

Verble & non verble communication assignment

Culture refers to a group of people or society that has the share the same norm and values.3. For the people in a group or society to interact with one another, communication is necessary.

When data analysis in order to develop

The data is ina way self-reported, since the student teachers are part of our schoolcommunity and work with the teachers involved in the study. This causes the data to be selective and telescoping1.

Summary and response

The riddle of the Zoot suit is about determining whether the Zoot suit and other cultural habits of working class African Americans, like Malcolm X, during World War II had a hidden meaning. The use of Malcolm X to examine the riddle of Zoot by the author is an interesting choice.

Parental spanking

Therefore, spanking is an appropriate form of punishment to discipline a naughty child and it is a legal, socially-tolerated, and biblically-supported means of disciplining the child. In conclusion, the act of spanking affirms parental discipline and it is an appropriate means to discipline a child with misconduct.

Questions and answers

The Enron Scandal The Enron Scandal In what ways did the leadership at Enron fail? The Board is at fault for permitting the suspension of Enron's own code of conduct to permit the conflicts of interest inherent in the off-books corporations.

Annotated bibliography example

The author of the book The Agricultural Revolution in Prehistory is one of the widely known archeological researchers. Europe, 1648-1815: From the old regime to the age of revolution.