A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

History of the hotel industry tourism essay

The following are some of the world organisations representing the tourism and travel industry: i) World Tourism Organisation The is one of the United Nations agencies, which is accountable for the advancement of responsible and sustainable tourism. Being the Word leading organization in the tourism sector, UNWTO promotes tourism as a mean for economic growth, →

Environment and strategy: hong kong ocean park

This report is about Ocean Park of Hong Kong one of the largest amusement ocean park in the Orient and even in the world. Due to high threat of rivalry, Ocean Park is implementing different plans and activities such as redevelopment and introduction of new attractions in order to catch the attention of the visitors →

Biblical criticism paper on the book of james religion essay

From the middle of the third century, patristic authors cited the Epistle as written by James the Just, a relation of Jesus and first Bishop of Jerusalem Not numbered among the Twelve Apostles, unless he is identified as James the Less, James was nonetheless a very important figure: Paul described him as " the brother →

Psychosis: causes and treatments

Delusions of guilt and unworthiness are self-critical and may lead to delusions in which the patient believes that they are bad or evil and have ruined their family or have committed a sin that is unforgivable. Anxiety and Depression: an impact on the content of delusions and hallucinations The rates of depression and anxiety have →

Malaria: causes, prevention and treatments

The malaria parasite is a member of the apicomplexa they are characterized by a set of organelles. In the parasites nucleus there is a gene called virulence which encodes a protein on the surface of the parasite to allow it to enter the blood cells where it can turn off and on to hide.

Construction methodology of laying a sewerage pipes

The first thing to construct drains is a ground plan of the site, showing the location of the whole of the sanitary appliances from which the wastewater to the position of the sewer. The construction of the area and gardens will be constructing by the contractors that will install the plants and tender the flowers, →

Euthanasia and life

Euthanasia is about giving people the right to choose how they want to live and die, saves money in medical bills, and it also stops the person from having a bad quality of life. Since it is not their life and they are not in your situation, they cannot make that kind of decision for →

Case study on school management system

School management is the complex of decisions, solutions, actions and policies which regulate the organization of the school, its educational process and the rights and duties of students and teachers. Moreover, a free example case study on school management system will be useful for everyone who has problems with the organization of his paper.

Criminal justice policy process assignment

Recently there has been research and evidence that rehabilitative programs are proactive in operating programs that have transitioned individuals from jail to secure care programs that can then transition criminal individuals to a productive and normative lifestyle once they complete such a program. Using these alternatives to incarceration can benefit the budget and allows nonviolent →

Presbyopia and progressive powered lenses essay sample

Also, presbyopia is a state of the eye that occurs when the eye is loosing the ability to focus on close up objects and it occurs on people after the age of 40 years due to the gradual and progressive age related loss of accommodation. When the measurements for the occupational lens are taken, a →

The development of the brassiere essay sample

The softening of women's dress silhouettes and the reduction in the weight and bulk of their clothing helped pave the way for the acceptance of brassieres. The case for the brassiere was furthered by the expansion of women's work, recreation, and public roles.

The impact of violence in music on children essay sample

Well on the off chance that you think rap music affects individuals; you are not the only one, and this violence in music essay is going to analyse it. It is absolutely bumbling to accuse rap music of America's issues and ought not to be utilized as a " cop out" for the main problems →


of Summary of Plato's Euthyphro The central discussion focuses on the debate regarding the definition of piety and impiety. So Euthyphro gives his second response, which states that piety is what is dear to the gods, and impiety is that which is not.

Why divorce rates have went up in the prospective of conflict theory

Why Divorce Rates Have Went up in the Prospective of Conflict Theory Why Divorce Rates have Increased in the Prospective of Conflict Theory In the early 1900's, there were few divorce cases in the United States as illustrated by the collected figures. This is mostly due to garnering of resources in the family.

Martin luther the great reformer by j.a. morrison

Morrison's work, ' Martin Luther, The Great Reformer', is a life history of Martin Luther King and how he was brought up in a catholic residence, but always differed with the Catholic way of belief and opinion. Morrison has a way of portraying Martin Luther's description of his family that his father was a poor →

Designing learning and development activities

In adult learning theories and Andragogical learning phenomena, the most effective way of adult learning is self-directed and experiential learning, where a participant can experience the problem first hand and propose a solution for it whether it be in a training or on-job experience. The culture and environment of the organization can impact the training, →

Managing organization cultural

It is the culture of the workplace which actually motivates the employees to perform.* Every organization must have set guidelines for the employees to the work accordingly. It is the culture of the organization which makes the individuals a successful professional.

How does hardy present rhoda and gertrude in the withered arm essay

On the night of Gertrude's wound, Rhoda and Gertrude had the same dream that they were both in a strange place but the image of Gertrude that Rhoda had gathered from her son the specific information she wanted from spying on Gertrude. She used her memory and created an image in her head of Gertrude.' →

Se habla espanol by tanya maria barrientos essay

Barrientos is a Guatemalan born Latina that was brought to the United States as a kid.but failed to place with her beginnings and saw herself as an American miss who struggled as an grownup to recover her individuality and credence as a Latino adult female. In her early mid-twentiess.she embraced her civilization and background although →

Discussion board essay

Job informs the reader of his love for God and His commandments in 23: 12 when he states, " l have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread." The Hebrew word for blameless is Hayes typically used to define obey or →

Communication management is a basic tool social work essay

It is the ability to communicate effectively to carry out thoughts and visions of the organisation to the people. Company seek the employees input in the day-to-day activities, for instant at my work place to plan for the activity that the children are going to do throughout the day.

Analysis of how it feels to be colored me

How It Feels to Be Colored Me by Zora Neale Hurston shares about how she never felt different until she was sent to a school in Jacksonville, a white community. Furthermore, Hurston delivers imagery throughout the passage by demonstrating the uses of feel and sense to lead to the finding of herself.

Good example of technology argumentative essay

The objective of this paper is to assess the social and psychological impacts of the technology on the human lives. Because of the wide-spread interjection of technology in human lives, the various interpretation and uses of technology are coming into the picture.

Sports essays – handball teams championships

The Greece played the " Urania Game" and the in the Roman Empire the Harpastron was a popular game. The end of the confusing ruling made the Nazi-Party in 1934 with the consolidation of the institutional powers of the different sport organizations.

Reflection on incident in radiography clinical placement

Basically, reflection is the assessing process of individual activity and ability to get brief feedback from the path he/she has travelled and found out how to travel the rest of the path and helps individual to reach the ideal goal. The second part of the cycle refers to the emotions and feelings of the individual →

Market and business analysis of camille bloch

The Singapore economy is active free-market economy and the per-capita income of Singapore also is the highest in ASEAN. For Camille Bloch chocolate company, there are many direct and indirect competitors in Singapore.

Globalization and privatization

And the introduction of internet in the daily operation of such financial banks have made the transaction all the more beneficial for all the concerned parties be it the valued customers, the commercial bank, government or the monetary authority be it the media. The leading four banks of the United Kingdom have the following facilities →

Key points of adam smith david ricardo economics essay

The earliest classical economist adopted the description of the economic side of affairs in terms of wealth, but developments narrowed down the concept of wealth to the idea of material wealth of mankind. He explains the labor theory of value that the relative price of two goods is determined by the ratio of the quantities →

Version 2 valuation

Valuation is of necessity because it will help attendees to comprehend the following: understand why a number of monetary executives/analysts heavily depend on the valuation heuristics other than textbook techniques, which accentuate intrinsic value; depict the major heuristics that are mainly used by analyst/monetary executives to compute values; spot the prejudices that are likely to →

Teva pharmaceutical: global strategy

The fact that many immigrants from Europe -In the beginning of twentieth century- with remarkable knowledge in the pharmaceutical Industry allowed many local physicians to acquire the know-how of the business and the specialized skills to develop a domestic market In Israel. The company emerged first: thanks to the knowledge taken from immigrants, and second, →

Christopher marlowe, playwright extraordinaire

Marlowe's life story is rather obscured by history, thanks in part to the poor record-keeping practices of the day, in part to the low social status of playwrights, and in part to the slander of him by those who disapproved of his work, particularly Puritans. However, Marlowe did not encounter as much legal trouble as →

School free essay example

So with a little more funding we can put technology, and learning, in the hands of the students. There are a lot of problems facing the public school systems, I have named off two, but both of which I believe to be fairly prominent.

Informative speech assignment essay sample

The purpose of the presentation should be to inform the audience. 3) A printed copy of your PowerPoint presentation to the instructor on the day of your presentation; if you do not provide a hardcopy, you forfeit 20 points.

Marketing strategy of ufone essay sample

At the end of the research it was established that there is a significant difference between the attention of humorous and serious appeals. The objective of this research is to establish whether there is a significant difference between the attention of products when serious and comic appeals are used for the audience of television in →

Warning: watching television can be hazardous to well being

All in all, the physiological and psychological impact of watching television remains to be at the negative perspective. The physiological and psychological impact of watching television remains to be at the negative perspective.

West indian literature

of the of the Concerned 12 June 2009 West Indian Literature This is a comparative analysis of the two poems written by Eric Roach, which are ' Caribbean Coronation Verse' and ' For the Peasant People of the Islands'. While the ' Caribbean Coronation Verse' is an ironical tirade against the colonial atrocities and plunder, →

Biodegradable plastics from potato starch

Most plastics are a combination of other organic and inorganic compounds; 20% of the content of a plastic is composed of additives. Potato starch is the only component of potatoes that can be used to make biodegradable plastics.

Love should grow up like a wild iris in the fields

Susan Griffins poem" Love Should Grow Up Like a Wild Iris in the Fields", gives the ideal meaning of what love should be vs.the reality of what love is. Griffin introduces the poem by contrasting the wild iris to the development of love.

Obligations-and-contracts philippine reviewer

Negative obligation not to do QuickTime and a TIFF decompressor WHEN OBLIGATION TO DELIVER ARISES GENERAL RULE: From the time of the perfection of the contract EXCEPTIONS a.when the parties made a stipulation as regards the right of the creditor to the fruits of the thing b.when the obligation is subject to a suspensive condition →

Occupational safety and health administration analysis

The Postal Service agency is the only quasi-government body under the responsibility of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Employees and employers of this sector have agreed to cooperate with OSHA in order to prevent amputation hazards in the industry.

Chem 31.1 notes

Why is the chromatogram developed in an essentially closed system? - The chromatogram is developed in a closed system in order to prevent the solvent to evaporate. In 1-dimensional chromatography it is hard to distinguish the similar compounds because only one solvent is used unlike in 2-dimensional where in 2 solvents are used to separate →

Misconceptions of a tenth-century muslim traveler

In his essay, the author regarded the sail to the sea of Oman as the most dangerous, saying, " I do not know of one more dangerous than that of the Zanj". Also, Mas'udi used the term Zanj to refer to all the people in Oman, but this is not proper because the word has →

Gandhi the educator

For decades he edited several newspapers including Harijan in Gujarati, in Hindi and in the English language; Indian Opinion while in South Africa and, Young India, in English, and Navajivan, a Gujarati monthly, on his return to India. It was Gandhiji, who in 1937 first recognized the interconnectedness of the eight curricular forces and questioned →

Statistics course notes

In the context of this course, the definition of " Statistics" is mainly about the study of the theory and applications of the scientific methods dealing all about the data and making sound decisions on this. It is necessary to know the level of measurement used to measure a variable because this will help in →

The introduction and history of istanbul tourism essay

The Sea of Marmara is connected to the Black Sea by the Bosphorus strait, which divides Istanbul into European that is the Thracian side, which is the economic and historic side, and Antolian side that is the Asian side. The northern part of the city has a lot of humidity due to the water bodies →

What motivates you to be a nurse? a personal reflection

I want to be a nurse because like my mother I love to help people and to just be around people in general. I am choosing to get a Bachelors of Science Degree because I actually want to become a nurse anesthetist but first I need to obtain a BS and then practice for a →

Interrupts and interrupt applications

If an interrupt has been requested, the 8086 responds to the interrupt by stepping through the following series of major actions: 1) It decrements the stack pointer by 2 and pushes the flag register on the stack. When it does a type 2 interrupt, the 8086 will push the flags on the stack, reset TF →

The competitive strategies of coca cola economics essay

The other two market structures which are monopolistic competition and oligopoly market is more common type of market that we can see in the real life situation if they are compared to perfect competition and monopoly market. This paper will discuss more on imperfect competition market that are the including the monopolistic competition market and →

The history of acid throwing criminology essay

It is defined as the act of throwing acid onto the body of a person with the objective of injuring or disfiguring out of jealousy or revenge. The numbers of acid attacks have been rising in India and there have been 68 reported acid attacks in the state of Karnataka since 1999.

The fact that made the situation worse as

To the U.S.the war was a loss, because the reunion of South and North Vietnamese citizens marked the end of the war, hence U.S.'s undivided support for the southern region yielded nothing, apart from numerous losses. Prior to the Vietnamese war of 1954-1975, in its endeavor to flee itself from colonization, Vietnam fought against the →

But earth’s crust. chief among these are the

But even in the transformed state in which they are used, they are not lost to the planet and so are ideally available for reuse. However, land-use problems by their extraction from the land would largely be obviated by the use of the sea as a source, provided that the ecosystems of the oceans were →

All it will be held at the nationwide

That was the first one to be brand exclusive and the third event in the Fastlane chronology. Fastlane is changing a lot in the WWE world and it just keeps getting more exhilarating for us.

Wilkins case

Countercyclic indicators will move in the opposite direction to the economy: when the economy weakens, a countercyclic indicator will strengthen, and vice versa. Lagging indicators will reflect a change in the economy after the economic change.


The gray powder is now washed on a filter with a solution of carbonate of sodium, which decomposes the oxalate of potassium, and converts it into oxalate of sodium, which is decomposed by boiling milk of lime, oxalate of calcium being precipitated while the sodium hydroxide remains in solution. The oxalate of calcium being placed →

Keystone xl protestors

There is a group called the Keystone XL Protestors and they fight against the use of the Keystone Pipeline oil system. They are trying to protect the environment by protesting the use of the Keystone Pipeline System.

The nichomacean ethics assignment

The Nicomachean Ethics; this ten book account of Aristotle's view on ethics stands as on of the best works of philosophy because it took a deep look into ethics pointing out what it takes for humans to reach happiness in their lifetime and how best a person can be virtuous. In the Nicimachean ethics Aristotle →

Hamlet the outline of a true tragic hero essay

At the scene of the poisoning of the play written by Hamlet, the king gives himself away when he suddenly becomes uncomfortable and takes his leave. This therefore confirms his guilt for taking his brother's life and proves the words of Hamlet's father's ghost to be true.

Monster: fear essay

In the opening of the story Steve wrote in his journal," The best time to cry is at night, when the lights are out and someone is being beaten up and screaming for help. I wanted to cry with him." To really express the constant fear Steve had to endure, he wrote in his journal →

Tourisam in gujrat essay sample

Gujarat is the seventh largest state in India, located in the western part of India with a coastline of 1600 km. The train started in 1994-95 as a joint venture of the Tourism Corporation of Gujarat and the Indian Railways.

Antisocial behaviors

The essay includes following areas of discussions: an introduction of the person profiled; the consequences that have been a result of the person's behaviors; opinion on the major factors, which have contributed to the person's behaviors; the interventions that have been tried with the person in attempts to improve behaviors, including personal opinions on any →

Crime and criminal behavior

What are the components of the theory/disorder?" Forensic psychiatry is the branch of psychiatry that deals with issues arising in the interface between psychiatry and the law, and with the flow of mentally disordered offenders along a continuum of social systems"[Jul06]. One of the components of the theory/disorder is that most criminalsdo not know the →

Sex and gender

In hospitals, unlike at home, the delivery process is a medical event and the gravid woman has a very small role to play and instead of midwives, doctors are the key players. As a midwife, Ina May Gaskin, has aided in the delivery of numerous breech babies via the vaginal route and of shocking concern →

Methods of analysis

Ratio analysis-This is a technique that is utilized in determining the general financial strength of a given business. One of the most important financial analysis tools that can be used to accomplish this goal is benchmarking.

Celsius 233: clarisse the catalyst essay

But in the end, it's her simplicity and expression of individual thought that ultimately leads Montag to question the purpose of his profession and, in turn, his life. As a result of Clarisse's positive influence, Montag acted differently in every situation that presented itself and he learned to accept and adapt to the harsh realities →

Extraterrestrial life essay

We, it appears, ready to begin getting in touch with Ceti." The reason for wanting to get in touch with Tau Ceti and the surrounding area, is because its similarity to our sun, makes it a viable spot for the support of extraterrestrial life. Thomas suspects that by the time we get a response, " →

Psychology final exam

A hypothesis is best characterized as: A) A procedure that precedes a theoretical framework B) Any phenomenon that can change from one situation to another C) A systematic way of organizing and explaining observations D) A tentative belief about the relationship between two or more variables 7. The theory of motivation that states that people →

Role of culture

Cultural messages from the groups we belong to give us information about what is meaningful or important, and who we are in the world and in relation to others - our identities. Cultural messages shape our understandings of relationships, and of how to deal with the conflict and harmony that are always present whenever two →

Discuss the portrayal of indian society in this poem

When Binu introduces Rukmini to her husband and explains that Rukmini needsmoney.'She looked me in the eyes, Bowed, withdrew to the platform where she stood clutching a pillar' This shows that obviously Rukmini was in a lower class than Binu's husband because of the way she reacted, she bowed to and then withdrew from his →

Krogstad’s blackmailing of nora in regards to nora’s illegal

Nora had to leave at the end of the play because she realized who her husband really was, and what her life actually turned out to be. Nora began her awakening when she started secretly working to pay back the money she borrowed illegally for her and Torvald's trip to Italy to cure Torvald of →

Issues in researching and developing media projects

The writings of Horkeimer and Adorno do relate to broader ideological issues nonetheless, which is evident from the fact that the media and cultural productions are capable of changing individual perceptions of race. In Horkeimer and Adorno's text, it became apparent that popular culture is swayed by the production of standardised cultural goods and that →

How to develop cognitive skills education essay

There are basically four cognitive skills students will need for successful learning and to work cooperatively in groups to help develop the language skills. The last of the four cognitive skills one needs to teach if a student is to be successful when working in groups is logical thinking.

New british library and bps andrew field development construction essay

Back in the 1980's clients complained about performance of the industry, the industry complained about clients and a strong belief that we the public were not getting value for money! In 1991, the former Committee of public Accounts were critical of the serious lapses in the management control and accountability of the project and elected →

American culture in 1920s

During the 1920's, the American national culture was reshaped dramatically. The entertainment of the 20's is completely different from the entertainment of today.

Technology improved the lives of people in the uk

This report will focus on technology of health care in the I-J, and discuss the effects of changing people's lives and the society over the last 20 years. People Affected by Technology Improvement of Health Care Patients healed by high technology of medical facilities or medicine is one of the reasons that make them to →

Criminology test 2

What element of deterrence does this reflect? certainty of punishmentt/f: The fact that a crime is offense-specific means that criminals must decide if they have the personal needs, skills, and prerequisites to commit a successful criminal act.falset/f: The concept behind rational choice theory is that crime is a function of a decision-making process in which →

Chaucers satire in the middle ages

The Squire, a military fool, the Friar, a church shame, and the Merchant, the town idiot, are all being satarized in his work. He is supposed to be the one supplying to community.

The of african americans. one such advancement

In the novel, Du Bois addresses the movements and struggles of the entire black population in the twentieth century. Du Bois gives an evaluation of the advancement of the African Americans, the hindrances to that advancement, and the opportunities for future advancement as the U.S.entered the twentieth century.

Coke-india: case study

In no time, Coca-Cola had gained the trust of the population and experienced a tremendous growth of the business in the region. Coke stock price plumed; the company promised to launch its own investigation and provide the results of the tests to disclaim the Case's accusations to regain the trust of the consumers in India.

Business law assignment

On the other hand if the competition is not tastes for there to be the effect of restricting competition, there must be, or potential to have a negative effect on prices, innovation, output or quality of services or the variety.8. The collage could not be protected under this pub-area However under the Copyright, Designs and →

Purpose of schools

Education is also often perceived as a place where children can develop according to their unique needs and potentials, with the purpose of developing every individual to their full potential. The entire internet is also available to supplement these teachers and textbooks.

Three things i want to do before i die essay sample

I am going to talk about three things I want to do before I die. There are more than three, but If I have to chose, I say that I want to go south America, meet the actress from desperate housewives which is American drama, and find someone whom I truly love.

The most significant implications of the enron collapse essay sample

Introduction Enron, the seventh top company in the United States until 2001, it collapsed because its' executive officers: the chief executive officer, the chief operation officer and the chief finance officer used the tool: the accounting standard of " market to market" to accommodate the financial phenomena." Market to market" is an accounting principle that →

Research paper

The benefits of online shopping are numerous one of them being one can shop from home and does not need to go to the mall as one will shop online and the product is delivered at the doorstep. Online shopping will provide variety for the buyer to choose from various shops as there are many →

Principles of psychology

Nurture Is our development and abilities the result of inherently deterministic genetic factors or are we the result of the environment molding us to the way we are? The other side of psychology deals with that a person is the sum of their experiences, always learning and being shaped by different factors in the environment.


In social interaction, status refers to the different positions that individuals hold in the society and role denotes the expected behaviour of an individual in an interaction. The reality of situations is a function of their perceived consequences and functions in social interaction.

Discuss how the strain theory explains criminal behavior

Merton notes that society always emphasizes the achievement of certain goals such as education and hard work and also emphasizes the means to fulfill such goals. This is the most common and in this mode, individuals accept both the goals and the means of achieving them.

English paper

That is the function of an art, its relationship to nature and life, distinction of its beauty from the truth, its use, and moral goodness. One may know the geography of a place, the cultures, and beliefs in it.

Origin of calypso essay

In Trinidad, early Calypso music was sung in French patios and they were used in ways to mock and ridicule the upper class and slaveholders. As Calypso grew, they mixed with it musical styles from the Indians in Trinidad and Tobago.

Value added marketing flashcard

At the time of this writing, the gap between the two seal suppliers has closed to less than four times in revenue due to the success of the Value-Added supplier's increased share of the market. Simply, a supplier's total value proposition is the sum total of the value its products bring to the customer and →

Boer war diary entry from lord kitchener

The Boer may have mobility but what they lack is the key to British troops fighting, order. I pray for my men to break through the siege and come out on top, I fear that many of the troops moral have faded and are giving up, but I aspire to reign and concer the Boers.

The notes of a confused college student assignment

This option makes make-up exams a rare exception) Daily quizzes will be given using the I-clicker, worth 10 total points Questions will be drawn from various sources If you attend class regularly these will be easy points 2 Primary source Analysis castles will be given, worth 5. 2 Reading quizzes will be given, each worth →