A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Medical malpractice in pakitan essay

Although, doctors are solely held responsible for any medical malpractice in Pakistan's hospitals, but other factors such as the role of the hospital administration towards that medical error, the pharmaceutical companies and ignorance of the patient himself should be considered before passing on the blame to the doctors. This is a major cause of concern β†’

Metamorphosis by franz kafka

Conflicted with anxiety and a lack of self-confidence, Kafka never seemed to be able to love life and resorted to writing literature as a gateway to his darkened mind relaying the convoluted thoughts and ideas he had about how a distorted reality might look. The man, Gregor was a by-product of society being forced to β†’

The case of sonic drive-in

This current phase in the Sonic Drive-In business cycle entails the following advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: 1) Sonic Drive-In is able to divert the company away from the saturating market in the United States. Sonic Drive-In may not be prepared for the volatile market outside of the United States.

Helping people in need a supererogation or an obligation

In spite of the bad consequence of fouling the clothes, saving the child's life is morally what we ought to do as the importance of the child's life so far outweighs the little cost of getting one's clothes wet and muddy. If we agree that saving the child that are drowning in a pond is β†’

Analyze the indonesia petro project essay

Study Basis All the information and data obtained during the process of the field exploration and development in last 130 years are the only basis to know this field and study it by modern technology, and what's more, it is the origin of confidence on re- understanding, re-evaluation and re-determination of secondary development on the β†’

Role of relationship norms in processing brand information journalassignment assignment

The first is the communal relationship, " in which concern for a partner's need is paramount" and the exchange relationship in which " a matched benefit is expected back from the partner. The result of this first study showed that the " norms of relationship moderate to the degree to which far product extensions are β†’

Increased intelligence is a myth (so far)

A score of 130 puts the person in the highest 2% of the population whereas a score of 100 is at the 50th percentile. In studies of the effect of cognitive training on intelligence, it is also important to understand that all intelligence test scores include a certain amount of imprecision or error.

Is it possible to forgive child sexual abuse?

The forgiveness process in primary and secondary victims of violent and sexual offences.Aust.J. The implications of conjuctive and disjunctive forgiveness for sexual abuse.

The backlash of on muslims

The American global war on what they refer to terror has generally impacted the Muslim minorities in the Islamic world, and the entire globe to the various degrees of hardship and suffering and in the various areas of life. In essence, the promotion of Islamophobia, mistreatment of Muslims, and the actual war on terror that β†’

Smooth sailing

The daughter " rejects [the] thought and its easy figure," showing that the daughter refuses to adhere to the wish and is willing to fight through the struggles of the life she has chosen. The speaker wishes his daughter luck in life and recounts that " It is always a matter,...

Transformation in buddhism

The fundamental root of all suffering is ignorance regarding the nature of reality; that is the foundation of all Buddhism. D gen, a Japanese Buddhist and the founder of the S t school of Zen in the thirteenth century, once said: " It is a mistake to understand that one passes from life to death".

Rawls principles of justice philosophy essay

In respect to the mistreatment of minorities, Rawls writes that you cannot reimburse for the sufferings of the distressed by enhancing the hoys of the successful. According to Rawls, the people in the original position, behind said veil of ignorance, would adopt principles that would monitor the assignment of rights and duties and regulating the β†’

The corporate social responsibility of nissan

Business leaders strive to iron out the desires of the government, well being of the society, the consumer desires, and how to improve their community. According to the Toshiyuki Shiga, the Chief Operating Officer of Nissan, he describes their approach to CSR as supplying in the most positive manner to the communities they operate in β†’

Evaluation of burberry’s market position

Over past few years, Burberry has become in themselves the sign of reinventing and extending product lines to adapt to the taste of times". Burberry Toasts a lift in sales The Independent.

Anorexia nervosa

The symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa A. The effects of having anorexia A.

Communication concepts

First, there has to be the message to be delivered, the sender of the message and whom it is intended to reach, in this case being the recipient. Communication has been used in the movie to bring out the objective of racism concept.

The irony in “the lottery” assignment

In this lottery it is not what they win but it is what is lost Point views, situations, and the title are all ironic to the story ' The Lottery.' The point of view in ' The Lottery' is ironic to the outcome. The title of the story ' The Lottery" is ironic.

Environmental pollution simulationand summary assignment

The main concern of Keywich's City Council is the increasing population of the town and the negative effects it can have on the economy, environment, culture and society. City council is concerned that due to the increase of ollution the city will lose the title as well as hamper the development of the city in β†’

Government shutdown assignment

This is Just a sum of some of the Jobs that are titled essential. This is Just a small breakdown of the people that are going to be affected and not affected by the shutdown.

Case study/mis in action essay sample

If the data center requires an unusually high amount of power and hence cooling, this requirement limits what is available for the remainder of the space. What are the business benefits and cost of these solutions? a.

Developmental disorders

The condition is generally heterogeneous as the clinical features and behavioral patterns vary from one autistic child to another and the symptoms of certain other disorders such as Rett's and Asperger's disorder often overlap with that of autism. The heterogeneity of the disorder has made it difficult to study the neural systems involved and hence β†’

New york wicks law

Analysis of the Utility of Wicks Law: The rationale behind most of the laws is noble, but the practical utility of the laws are felt only with the passage of time and this is true with Wicks Law. These are the views of many a critic of the Wicks Law even though the electrical, pluming β†’

Social context of health and illness

Community Development Community Development This paper explains the meaning of community development and gives an example of community development activity that helps to reduce social exclusion and reduce inequalities in health. Community Development Community development refers to the process that brings community members together for collective action that generates solutions to common problems.

Romantic impression

It was not so much the idea of a trip or even watching a play that attracted me, I was nervous and thrilled to be seeing the inside of a university for the first time. The slamming of locker doors and the click of locks reverberated all around me as I walked down the brightly β†’

A look at how propellers achieve balance

With the suspension method, the propeller is hanged by a cord and the imbalance noted by the eccentricity between the disks attached firmly and the cylinder that is attached to the part under test. Whenever a propeller is balanced statically, it remains in that position as compared to the one that is not statically balanced.

Gun laws in foreign countries

Citizens are required to keep this weapon from age 20 to age 42, the duration of their militia service, and are then given the option to keep the gun with the automatic function removed. The citizen who will be carrying the weapon must have a reason to be carrying the weapon, know how to carry β†’

Skywest case study

Among the pressing challenges are; the increasing and fluctuating cost of fueling the jets, the prohibitive costs of acquiring funds to purchase new jets, the intense competition among the major players, the dwindling market of business and leisure travelers, regulations that have increased costs, and the effects of September 11, 2001 terror attacks which has β†’


The young Socrates; almost nothing is known of the childhood of Socrates but it can be assumed from his later display of learning the he attended the schools of Athens until he entered military service at age eighteen. He wrote no books, his philosophy is known through the writings of historians and of his students, β†’

Pathophysiology and epidemiology of virus-induced asthma

This e-book aims to review and discuss pathophysiology and epidemiology of virus-induced asthma and COPD focusing on new findings of the host immunity and virology. As the 5th review article, Inoue and Shimojo present epidemiology and pathophysiology of virus-induced asthma in children.

Mobile internet technologies, ecological momentary assessment, and interventionβ€”poison and remedy for new online problematic behaviors in icd-11

To illustrate the benefits of using EMA in advancing the debate between addictive, impulsive, and compulsive models of online problematic behaviour, we will use the example of CSBD, for which the discussion is especially lively. Lastly, EMI is well suited for the group of people manifesting online problematic behavior as a barrier to entry does β†’

Unsupervised eeg artifact detection and correction

Manual annotation of artifacts in EEG data is problematic because it is time-consuming and may even be untenable if the specific profiles of artifacts in the EEG data vary as a function of the task, the subject, or the experimental trial within a given task for a given subject, as they so often do. The β†’

Alterations in the hla-b*57:01 immunopeptidome by flucloxacillin and immunogenicity of drug-haptenated peptides

These reactions are complex and many are considered to be immune-mediated based on the presence of mononuclear cells, including effector CD8 + T cells, in liver biopsies of patients experiencing DILI, and the reactivity of these patients' T cells to drug stimulation in vitro, often observed to be dependent on the expression of specific HLA β†’

The men who are mr. ramsay

In the novel, Ramsay was famous for his accomplishments, and there were those that considered him to be " the greatest metaphysician of his time". Ramsey, however, was secure enough to suspend his belief, for the desire of not offending anyone; we find on the second page of the novel that this is not Ramsay's β†’

The politics of global energy security politics essay

Given example shows that in order to intensify the energy security, it is highly important to adopt national policy and strategic document to regulate energy sector as nowadays, energy accessibility is the primary part of the national security of any countries, especially to small states like Mongolia. As it has been discussed above, following the β†’

Stoma care reflection

I could sense that Tom was anxious, which reminded me that this was more difficult for him and thus I needed to be calm and confident in order to facilitate the learning process and relieve any of Tom's own stresses. On talking to Tom and seeing that he was keen to learn and become independent β†’

Daimlers exchange risk management management essay

The car industry is the best illustration of the exchange rate risk battle in the international arena. That is why the fluctuation in exchange rates could significantly impact the revenue, earnings before tax and net profit of Daimler.

Price earning ratios comparison: coca cola and pepsi

S, the strong economic growth in the international market in 2007 had certainly contributed to the growing revenues and net earnings. From 2006-2008, Pepsico's earnings had been above the industry average in terms of its gross sales/ sales and operating earnings/ sales which indicate a strong profitability trend.

Siege of leningrad

The goal of this essay is to highlight the events leading to the eventual takeover of Leningrad by the Germans; to discuss why the Germans decided to encircle the city instead of crushing it; and the lives of the Russians living in the besieged city. Furthermore, it will enlighten us on how the Russians were β†’

Case study important of collaboration

The Important of collaboration among universities Is can help to sharing the resources such as sharing knowledge, expertise, skill and experience among unlettered, and producing new technology wrought collaborative research In ways to explore and develop new technology, Besides that, this collaboration also can help to provide technical and financial matters, to establish collaboration between β†’

Iocl organisation study

It accounts for 48% of petroleum products sold in the country and 34% of petroleum products produced. The Corporation's cross-country network of crude oil and product pipelines, spanning over 10, 000 km and the largest in the country, meets the vital energy needs of the consumers in an efficient, economical and environment-friendly manner.

Mass communication term

The involvement of symbolic form commoditization being that the material production relies on the ability to produce and sell large quantities of work for example; the radio stations depends on the sales from advertisement and other communication materials likewise to print media like the newspaper that relies on the communication through the sale of spaces β†’

International green marketing assignment

INTERNATIONAL GREEN MARKETING INTRODUCTION This is a summary on a journal of international green marketing by Gurau and Ranchhod, which addresses issues that influence marketing of ecological products. Overall, this paper has analysed and identified challenges for international green marketing? the commercialisation of ecological products both in UK and Romania.

Finite math assignment essay

30102).ex = 1 + X/1! + X2/2! + X3/3! +...+ Xn/n! +....e4 = 1 + 4/1! + 42/2! + 43/3! +...+ 4n/n! +...e4 = 1 + 4/1 + 16/2 + 64/6 + 256/24 + 1024/120 + 4096/720 + 16384/5040 + 65536/ 40320 + 256144/362280 + 1048576/3628800 + 4194304/39916800 + 16777216/479001600 + 67108864/6227020800 + 268435456/87178291200 + β†’

Theory comparison questions essay sample

During this stage of her development, Chrystell's parents provided a positive and supportive environment for her to explore her imaginative growth. This constructive act of letting Chrystell choose led her to a favorable resolution of this stage of psychosocial development, leading to a sense of pride, because the option to choose her play activities allowed β†’

Post completion audit essay sample

Source: [5] According to Neale, the final phase of the process is the post-completion audit of the project, and it involves:* examination of the project's progress in its implementation phase; and * in-depth analysis of the realised costs and benefits to date and the likely future prospects of a project, as compared to initial expectations. β†’

Critical lens essay for an occurance at owl creek essay sample

The setting is the main focus of the first section of the story and is described in great detail to the reader. It is later introduced through the viewpoint of the man on the bridge as it transitions into the second section of the short story.

Law of agency essay sample

The business is being managed by B and B is in the habit of ordering goods from C in the name of A for the purpose of business and B is paying the cost of goods purchased out of A's funds with A's knowledge. Mackenzie v Cluny Hill Hydropathic Co: The rank and position of β†’


It is one of the main functions of the brain which is used on a daily basis and the more it is used and manipulated, the stronger it becomes in terms of retention of information for a longer time and comprehension of the same. Procedural Memory This is a long term memory that is intrinsically β†’

I know why the caged bird sings argumentative

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings " Whatever the contest had been out front, I knew Momma had won" In Chapter 5, three " poetasters" girls come to the Store and mock Annie Henderson. The lesson that she had learned by watching her Grandmother handle the situation with the three poetasters girls was that β†’

Song dynasty and its significance in chinese history

After the autumn of the Southern Song dynasty.people who presented themselves.as " remnants of the Song people" even became the epoch of the original weave. Song Dynasty was the flower of Chinese History.

Comparison of i have a rendezvous with life and the ballad of the brown girl

Cullen provided a modern translation of Euripides story and the other poems included to the collection can be viewed as Cullen's commentary to the problem. Medea's fate is reflected in " The Magnets" in which Cullen writes of " The straight, the swift, the debonair" who " are targets on the thoroughfare".

Book review: the real cost of fracking: how america’s shale gas boom is threatening our families, pets, and food

The Real Cost of Fracking by Michelle Bamberger and Robert Oswald examines the impacts and risks of hydraulic fracturing and shale gas extraction on our environment and health, food supply, and pets. In the course of their research, they heard from many individuals about the effects of gas drilling on the health and well-being of β†’

Editorial: sustainable processing innovations for foods

In this specific issue, two important Research Topics have been addressed to outline the priorities for sustainable food processing innovations: the use of probiotics as bio-preservative of fruit pomace beverages and bio-control processes in fruit and fresh products; and the use of food residues and by-products as food ingredients. This work was carried out in β†’

Membrane physiology and biophysicsβ€”what remains to be done?

Genetic studies have revealed the importance of ion channels and transporters in the pathogenesis of human diseases. Recent work on the roles of ion channel and transporter dysfunction/function in various diseases has led to a new appreciation of these proteins as pharmaceutical targets, and structural and mechanistic studies have identified blockers and activators with novel β†’

Comparative chloroplast genomics of corydalis species (papaveraceae): evolutionary perspectives on their unusual large scale rearrangements

In the present study, we newly sequenced the plastomes of four Corydalis species representing all the three subgenera of Corydalis and conducted detailed comparative genomic analyses of them with the two previously reported Corydalis plastomes and the rest of the Ranunculales plastomes as well. To assess the expansion/contraction of the IR regions in detail, we β†’

Mobile devices in our time

This report is organized into: Chapter 2 outlines some of the problem statements, and Chapter 3 gives a brief overview of Mobile Computing and Mobile Application Development. Chapter 4 explains the Significance of Design Patterns in Mobile Application Development followed by an Analysis and Implementation of the proposed Design Patterns in Chapter 5.

The modern city in the latin-american context

Beginning with Cronos, and the role of Mexico City in particular as a vehicle for the themes the film deals with, the contextual aspects behind del Toro's work is paramount to an understanding of the vampirism and the general sense of a moral decay throughout it. As a result, Bu uel's film appears to be β†’

Free essay on utopia in philosophy and literature

In consideration of the problems of society and the state, he relied on his favorite theory of ideas and ideals." Ideal state" is a community of farmers, artisans, producing everything needed for sustaining life of citizens, soldiers guarding the safety and philosophers governors that implement wise and fair administration of the state. All contents of β†’

Thoreaus where lived and what lived for philosophy essay

In the essay " Where I lived and what I lived for," Henry David Thoreau's [1817-1862] expression appeals me of the importance and value of living the simple life nature affords, that I believe, it is as necessary now as it was back in his time. Thoreau moves to the woods so as to " β†’

Company needs to analyze the general environment

Also, after entering the Chinese market in 1995, the revenue of Nike is stably growing and gains a group of people who have high loyalty of the Nike brand, and the age of these loyal customers is getting higher, which may become a huge needs of sportswear suitable for middle aged people. Also, with the β†’

Mool mantra of success

However, theKali devi mantra'sspecialist is in charge of assisting individuals to learn the way and the manner to follow it for effectiveness and in order to get the desired outcome as soon as possible. The Importance of Building Relationships up to brand champion in the Customer Relationship Ladder According to Dubois, companies in all industries β†’

Macroeconomic objectives and policy issues of china

Independence of the central bank from the government is also necessary, since the government was deciding credit allocations in the past. In order to promote the independence of monetary policy and liberalization of the capital market, the economy needs to give up stability of the exchange rate.

Curtis & carter, “enhance the curriculum with materials”

Your best attribute might be your willingness to help others, like when you stopped traffic so the duck family could cross the street." As you look more closely at the possibilities, you will be able to highlight the attributes of familiar materials by offering them in different combinations or within a special setting".emergeThis verb means β†’

The chief executive officer

The market analysis will, therefore, be carried out highlighting the current trends in the market and the future outlook and trends in this market. Considering this fact the business has high chances of development and growth in the market.

Climate change refugees assignment

Moreover, to what extent the cultural heritage and national identity of these displaced persons is recognized once after immigration. Moreover, to what extent the cultural heritage and national identity of these displaced persons is recognized once after immigration.

Activity i enjoy essay sample

The reason why I have selected this activity is because it contributes to strengthen the relationship with my girlfriend, sharing and enjoying together an important portion of my few spare times, since my job is very time consuming being " up in the air all the time". When I am on the beach playing with β†’

My first bicycle experience essay sample

I was determined to ride this bike on my own, so with a little push from my grandpa, I started to peddle. The bike was wobbly and manoeuvred in a zigzag pattern, and I barely managed to keep control.** But slowly, I learnt how to maintain my balance.* Once I had grasped the basic understanding β†’

Angels and devils: a transformative process essay sample

It is a problem for Saladin that he is trying so hard to become as English as he can to fit in with what he sees as the more sophisticated kind of human and yet he is still being viewed as a person of Indian decent. Because Gibreel was being portrayed as an angel in β†’

Wk 3 disc(6100)

Lisette has a client who confides to her that she is having an intimate relationship with one of the counselor named Shaun. Koocher and Keith-Spiegel asserted that confidentiality is considered as " a cornerstone of the helping relationship".

Environmental factors

On the other hand, punishers are environmental responses that weaken the behavior and decrease the probability of the behavior being repeated. The most commonly used technique is the reinforcement of desired behavior.

Wong sun v. united states & nardone v. united states

The significance of the case was that it set precedence by refusing the use of illegally acquired evidence. The use of fruits of the poisonous tree, which refers to illegally acquired evidence as was in the case above, contributes to breaches on the rights of the people.


A company that overlooks the needs of its employees cannot satisfy its customers because it is employees who work to serve the customers directly on behalf of the company. Likewise, when a company progresses as a result of improved satisfaction level of the customers, more profits are made and the investors' needs are addressed as β†’

Frederic ozanam essay

He proposed the idea for workers rights to form voluntary unions and believed that " salary should be proportional to profit", with his advocacy of the natural wage became the central idea f liberal, social Catholicism, empowering multiple social empowerment's and making a significant difference in the lives of many. He was on one of β†’

Charles manson essay

To many, Charles Manson symbolized the end of civilized society and the dawn of a new age of terror. His family believed that the " four angels" referred to in the Revelations, was the popular band, the Beatles.

Understanding business research terms and concepts: part 2

Explain why.- The goal of this research is to discover the real nature of the problem and to suggest new possible solutions or new ideas. Causal - A hair-care manufacturer interviews wholesalers, retailers, and customers to determine the potential for a new shampoo package.

The nature of bad faith

Thus, The Flies depicts several examples of bad and good faith, which Sartre embodies in most of the characters and situations of his play. New York: Vintage Books, 1989.

Literary criticism paper

In1984, byGeorge Orwell, Winston follows the hero's cycle because there is nothing told of hischildhood, he looses favor with the Party, and Winston is not burled after all. This Is true because Big Brother Is perceived as the ruler of Oceania and he Is a very high figure to the people.

Commentary: episodic memory retrieval functionally relies on very rapid reactivation of sensory information

To provide further insight into the basis of the link between sensory reactivation and ecphoric processes, there are a number of interesting directions for future research. Beyond clarification of neuronal mechanisms, the findings of Waldhauser et al.afford a number of future directions to strengthen the argument that extrastriate reactivation is functionally relevant to episodic memory.

Exploring the interaction between vancomycin/teicoplanin and receptor binding domain (rbd) of sars-cov-2

Although antibiotics become the effective therapy method of microbial infections after the introduction of sulfonamides and the discovery of penicillin in 1928, the overuse of them has resulted in the subsequent emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which dramatically reduces the therapeutic effect. According to the binding position of RBD and ACE2, the map of 126, 126, β†’

The waves and the self

Simultaneously a defence of her unique style, the essay works to develop a theory of realism, and establishes the relationship between art and the real world in the new conditions of the 1920s. The thing is to keep them running homogenously in and out, in the rhythm of the waves.' Each voice can be seen β†’

The california water crisis philosophy essay

The California community however, is facing a water crisis, one that will affect our community negatively if we do not put this problem into realization and act to prevent it." All the water that will ever be is, right now". This appears to be a cycle that we are not breaking, and is in well β†’

Rules of e business in dominos pizza commerce essay

The vision of Domino's Pizza's is a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the best Pizza delivery company in the world. The vision of Domino's Pizza is a company of exceptional people on a mission to be the best Pizza delivery company in the world.

Civil engineers essay

Consider myself a very engaging person and that will improve my networking in the business world. I am the type of person that if I set my mind to something, I can do it.

Gandhiji principles he upheld, his aim was

What he deeply believed in was the true goodness of man which is an inherent truth and what he practiced was the humanist means to retire to its pristine form in which men will act as human being. Every incident of his life is replete with a radical type of humanism in which the well β†’

Case study “off course”

Moving forward the protocol needs to be routinely practiced to ensure that the behavior becomes second nature to the employees. Afterwards would be important because it establishes protocol such as the emergency action plan and then concurrent because it would allow you to correct behaviors during drills.

Unsex me here: the lady behind macbeth

On the same level of notoriety as the namesake of Macbeth is Lady Macbeth. The role of this persistent seductress is evident upon the introduction of her in the play.

Life of julius ceasar

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Should be continued to be taught in the class room because it teaches many great lessons, opens students minds and the way they write, and it helps kids use their imagination. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is probably the most beneficial play to read because it teaches American high school β†’

The failures of formal writing narrative essay

This paragraph is the introduction because this is a formal piece of writing, and in formal pieces of writing, the first paragraph is always the introduction. The intellectual advantage of creative writing is in its encouragement of consideration and pure thought, and the creation of a product not based on the findings of statisticians, but β†’

A&p case study assignment

Meriting assignment In the study provided, the information shows a larger difference in heart attacks for males over females under the age of 55. In conclusion, I believe that the difference and eventual equaling rates of heart attack is caused by chemical imbalances in the body.