A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Labour government and the welfare state in britain history essay

Some historians think that the Labour government was not the creator of the welfare state as there was a lot of previous work to build on from the Liberal government of 1906-1911, The National Government, and the Wartime Coalition A national health service was one of the main aims of the Report. They also left →

Types of war

It is a use of harmful or deadly chemical or biological agents as weapons of war. World War I and the Iran-Iraq War serve as the examples of chemical warfare.

Case study pandora

The Vertical conflicts impacting Pandora are the licensing to songs, the audio quality available to the company, the effectiveness of channels to stream their music, their intermediate transportation networks, Pander's add-free listening with contracts could bolster their listening audience, but also impact their profits due to the loss in advertising sales. However, the producers benefit →

Case study: should companies that fire shoot first

However, management should be aware of the risks and impact to the company's reputation should the employee publish something that puts the company s a negative light. In an effort to intercept negative posts from the media and disgruntled employees, Tests Motors CEO Leon Musk announced on the company's website blob that in order to →

Free breakfast program

Reliability and validity checks on the questionnaire research instrument Reliability: the reliability of using questionnaires in obtaining information on the effects of the school breakfast on learning in the classroom involves its consistency of the measure or the degree in which the instrument is able to measure similarly each time its is administered under same →

The flaws of homework

The good thing about doing it in class is every time a student needs help the teacher is always there and the teachers can watch the students to make sure they are doing it right. It would just be easier on the students and the teacher if homework was eliminated.

Global warming-who is to blame? assignment

Since we are the ones who started global warming, we are responsible to stop it or improve the situation. Finally, humans are the one who started to develop this land and ever developing.

Marketing strategy models assignment

Brand positioning map This model allows marketers to visualize a brand's relative position in the market place by plotting consumer perceptions of the brand and competitor brands against the attributes that drive purchase. PESTLE As an extension of the traditional PEST model, this analysis framework is used to assess the impact of macro-environmental factors on →

Political analysis assignment

Our hypothesis was that the older a person Is, the less likely they are to lie, and try to fit In. Our hypothesis was that the older a person is, the less likely they are to lie, and try to fit in.

Grandfather essay

The integument of the upper part of his head has lost most of his shiny hair like the leaves of an old tree succumbing by the pass of the years. The desire to kiss the most loved woman by the experience of his lips is not possible due to the cruel reality of the downfall.

Statement almost everywhere. however, these problems are

The authorspointed out managerial, financial and external factors.in their study focused on the time overrun of largeconstruction projects in Bangladesh. So, finding the causes of and solution for time overrun andcost overrun of project in water sector is very important.

Antigone written response

CREON AND ANTIGONE: The most often asked question about the play Antigone by Sophocles, one of the three great Greek of tragedy, is who is the tragic hero of the play; is it Antigone or is it Creon? As the play is titled Antigone, one tends to assume that she should be the tragic heroine →

Insights gained from the course

Insights Gained From the Insights on Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior is one of the most vital issues in business today as it revolves around the business environment and strategies that can help sustained performance of organizations in to the future. One of the most prominent insights from the course is the fact that organizational behavior →

White collar crime

White Collar Crime White Collar Crime The case of Madoff clearly exhibits that businesses should not be allowed to damage and cause disadvantage to a larger section of the society in order to benefit a few. The two elements of a crime includes mens rea which is term used to refer to the intention that →

The stamp act resolutions and the declaratory act

The small rebellion that arose due to the passage by the crown of the Stamp Act precipitated the crisis and provided a kind of dress rehearsal for the argumentative debate that would eventually lead to war. In this brief paper, the argument put forward by the colonists in the Stamp Act Resolutions and the crown's →


Hunting and gathering, pastoralism, horticulture, agriculture, and industry have influenced and governed the processes of peoples micro level identity formation and/or modification in a variety of ways. The profession is not just a source of income, but is one of the main determinants of the lifestyle and social status and social circle of an individual.

Nothing but the truth by avi book talk

Book Talk The novel is excellent reading for young people, instructive in the ways of truth-seeking and the motivations of people. A Guide to Nothing But the Truth.


For instance, in creating the universe out of nothing, the sovereignty of God over the cosmos is clearly underscored. Miracles also prove God's sovereignty over nature as is the case of the splitting of the Red Sea.

Personality and communication styles in the workplace

The purpose of this report is to provide suggestions on how to improve the relationships between these individuals, and a more productive workplace environment. Juanita believes that in order to succeed in the world she must be the best and in order to be the best she must be seen.

Social contract persuasive essay

The social contract implies that the state does exist to serve the people's will and that the people are the source of government power, they are free to withhold government power but also have the ability to give power to the government and the ideas in it also limits government, individual rights and thus their →

Fast food facts

Fast Food Facts: A Guide for Teens What is fast food and why is it so popular? Many fast food restaurants have their nutrition information available on-site or on the internet; take a look at it to help you choose healthier options.

Fair trial

For the accusation to be completed, the indictment should be issued by the prosecutor and the court of law should be intimated, once the criminal investigation is established to have been accomplished, the case should be sustained by all necessary and legally administrated evidence, observance of the legal provisions guaranteeing the finding of the truth →

Asia business

The knowledge workers will be the protagonist of the future since their skills will shape innovation and the growth of competitiveness that economies are claiming. Dr Tan stated, 'in a knowledge-based economy, the key resource of a country is skilled people and the products of a knowledge-based economy are directly based on the production, distribution →

Vans off the wall case study

The reputation of the shoe itself has lead the skating industry in a revolutionary and unexpected war since 1966 up until this year with a lot more in store for us in the future. The company moved officially into skateboarding and snowboarding in the seventies when the sport became a craze in the US.

The garden party

Psychoanalysis theory is also one of the theories that we have encountered in this short story." The Garden Party" traces the psychological and moral growth of Laura Sheridan. This also describes the symbolic significance of the garden party, " The garden party epitomizes the dream world of the Sheridan women, a world whose underlying principle →

Shutter island essay.

In my essay I plan to write about how important the genre and the characters is to the film and how the film makers use it to create a successful film. This is important to the film because it gives us a twist of guilt for hating him and it also shows a whole different →

Functionalist conflict and symbolic perspectives on education

A sociological approach in functionalism is the consideration of the relationship between the functions of smaller parts and the functions of the whole. The conflict perspective focuses on the negative, conflicted, and ever-changing nature of society.

The issues surrounding bisphenol a chemical

According to scientific research, it was found that plastics marked with the recycling numbers 1, 2 and 5 are also leaching BPA into the food. New mothers and mothers-to-be are the most concerned with the affects of BPA.

The effect of higher education on police officers psychology essay

First, in regard to the attitude of the police, it has been shown those police officers with a college education less authoritarian and more open system of belief to officers without a university education. Importantly, it also noted that the nature of the major college had no effect on the results, suggesting that the experience →

The emergence of integrated marketing communications

IMC is considered to be beneficial in many ways and yet many organizations seem to be only implementing IMC at the lower levels of the theoretical models. Use at least two companies as examples to illustrate your points.contents Introduction: The emergence of integrated marketing communications has developed into one of the most significant example of →

The operations of kfc singapore

To insightfully demonstrate KFC Singapore upon the understanding of its parent, Yum Restaurants International To understand the quality of food services and how KFC keep up with it To find out what are the facilities KFC Singapore is having and how they evolve at the development of time. To compare and study the edges and →

Natural church development

The growth of the church movement led to the expansion of the church beyond the border of Africa to other countries including United Kingdom where the parish of the church for this essay is located. This calls for the need of a church for the people not only to worship God but also socialise together →

Analysis of the housing market in the uk

Therefore, the ways in which UK households obtain and dispose off the equity is of particular interest to this study.[4] This paper is organized as follows: the next section lays out the key issues involved in this study; the third section discusses the theoretical and analytical matters concerning the wealth effect in the context of →

Case study of entrepreneurship in etisalat business essay

Etisalat has won several awards for customer satisfaction and that's the reason why it is the leading company of the region. This is the clear evidence of the dedication of the company towards the quality and the technology advancement.

The story of a murderer

It shows a man is trying to find the key of the love.in my opinion Childhood life, Characteristics and perfume formula are the main points in this movie. Jean's master taught him how to create a perfume and what are the tool and the main components in order to produce good quality of a perfume.

Integrating forensic science: physics-based

Many of the properties of hair are related to the chemical composition and structure of polymeric proteins and can lead to further discussion and investigation of natural polymers including DNA. Biological principles are used to determine whether or not a particular stain is blood spatter patterns, measuring the angle of impact, finding the velocity at →

Sunday gospel reflection

Gospel Summary Great faith and forgiveness are at the center of today's gospel reading. We know it's true that people who share faith with us understand the struggles of raising children today and can be there to support us.

Similar of attitude is introduced as an

Undoubtedly, this is also affected by the access to information, and different learning styles will affect the mind-set of entrepreneurs andtheir ability to learn over time. It is concluded thatspecial ability isrequired to some extent for entrepreneurship, and we should also considerissues such as whether abilities can be developed over time, the level of motivation, →

Case study on radioactive leakage in japan

In 2011 Japan experienced the strongest in its history earthquake and the tsunami which followed the earthquake destroyed vast territories of the country and caused serious harm to the nuclear power plants, especially to Fukushima plant. It is reasonable to devote a few hours to reading a free sample case study on radioactive leakage in →

Me and my education

However, that's not always the case in other parts of the world. Malala Yousafzai, the girl that was not afraid to stand up for what she believed in.

Blue ridge manufacturing company – assignment

The firm knits all the towels it sells and tracks costs for towel production separately from the cost to customize the towels. They have had some difficulty with the " staying power" of the material printed on these towels, which is attributed to the towel quality, the ink and the printing process.

International trade and finance speech assignment

In December of 2008, the National Bureau of Economic Research, the united States department responsible for categorizing the country's economic condition, acknowledged what most Americans have known for some time; that their country Is officially In a deep and painful recession. What are the effects of international trade to GAP, domestic markets and university students?

Environmental pollution assignment

Extinction of Species One of the major causes of concern is the extinction of species. Effects on Biodiversity Species extinction and pontification is going to overthrow the balance of nature very significantly.

Granny weatherall essay

As you read the story you understand that it is all a symbol of her dying days. The good and the bad they are all things throughout her life that have made her the person that she was and is.

In was not as effective because it didn’t

The fears she brings up are that screens are passive, playing games is a waste of time, it distracts children from their education and screens are isolating parents from children. DeWitt has the audience play out a scenario when they are a parent, and they need time to make dinner, so they hand there phone →

Describe how concepts such as risc, pipelining, cache memory, and virtual memory have evolved over the past twenty-five years to

The fact that has been continuously observed during the evolution of computing was, that with the implementation of new and advance techniques to address old problems the room of improvement in the performance of the computing systems remained persistent. For example to address the problem of incompatibility between the sizes of physical memory and program →

Home depot in chile

Elements that affected the performance of Home Depot in Chile There were social, cultural and other business related elements in the Chile, which affected the Home Depot's performance there. However, in the case of Home Depot, the flooring was made of cement and the stores were poorly lit.

Irigaray an essentialist or not

This advocacy requires women to take the advantage of the femininity, and forge an identity that they apply to push for recognition and advocate for their rights, whenever they feel that such rights are not easily granted. Through the observation that women has no distinct subject position from that of nature and matter, Irigaray goes →

Financing new ventures

This can be termed as diversification of portfolio such that change in the value of one investment e.g.bond in the portfolio there will be a response to change in the value of other assets in the portfolio. Horizontal diversification is where an investor holds one type of asset or security in his portfolio but checks →

History of salsa essay

For example, in much of today's salsa you will hear the base of son and the melodies of Cumbia and Guaracha. Salsa's rootsuerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic and then expanding to Venezuela, Colombia, and the rest of Latin America; also heavily influence " Miami" style which is a fusion of Cuban style and North →

Importance of english composition classes essay

I think one of the most important class's are composition I and II because they are the starting point and blue print when you need to articulate something that you Just read or studied onto paper and show your professor and classmates that you understand the subject and can construct a argument or discussion that →

Reflections in westminster abbey, by joseph addison

When I am in a serious humor, I very often walk by myself in Westminster Abbey; where the gloominess of the place and the use to which it is applied, with the solemnity of the building and the condition of the people who lie in it, are apt to fill the mind with a kind →

Alice’s adventure of self discovery in wonderland

Alice's escapades in Wonderland allow her to change her views with regard to authority as well as to understand different life situations. Throughout Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice continues to become more comfortable with her body as well as in foreign and unfamiliar situations.

Analyze the public speaking skills of presenters

Her expression was awesome, and it captured the audience attention. The other speaker was good but Rita has away of connecting to her audience with her tone, body language, life experiences and expressions.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) causes

Although COPD is a huge issue in public health, still many are unaware of the risk factors, target population it affects and the impact this creates in someone's life. The impact of COPD can causes people to completely stop working because of the severity and the complications it produces.

Global effects on local food

I grow my own bean sprouts and have discovered I could grow chia seeds in a small pot in a similar manner; this would relieve the environment of the pollution caused by the shipping and packaging plus foods grown at home often use less or none of the pesticides and fertilizers used in large farms. →

Effect of temperature on membrane permeability beetroot

To give me a visual perception of my obtained results compared to that of the two other groups, I will represent the results in a form of a scatter diagram/graph. This will allow me to establish a significant relationship between the two sets of data, which are the temperature and the absorbency.

Analysis of death by landscape and barn burning

From the beginning of Barn Burning to the end of it, we can tell that the author had been implying that Sarty did not want to become the man of his father's kind. Just like the character, Lois, in the story of Death by Landscape, she did not like nature anymore because of Lucy's disappearance →

The star of david

It is sometimes called Magen David in Hebrew, meaning " shield of David", though, the German civil administration in occupied Poland required Jews to wear the Star of David, either as an armband or as a four-inch yellow patch sewed to the front and back of their clothes. The Star of David, or Magen David, →

The troubled times of the 1930s

Not only was the Great Depression upon the country, but also the Dust Bowl was another challenge America was facing in the mid-west. Not only were the temperatures bad, but so was the clothing they had to wear.

Malaysia case essay sample

The aim to promote 1Malaysia concept is to encourage residents of different races in our country to work together ethically, stay harmony with the sharing of cultures and develop an efficient government. Therefore, a fair and square scheme is utilized to all of the peoples Besides, it is also the responsibility of government; their duty →

The knowledge gained from experience and education

All through my course work, I have learnt allot in the Human resources management; the role of human resources in competitive success, strategic human resource management and human resource planning, foundations of recruitment and selection and psychological perspectives of Human Resources Management, the foundations of performance management, managing compensation and rewards and the contemporary issues →


The tradition of seeing this condition strictly as a part of sexual desire has linked those who are aroused by the sight of amputees, ' acrotomophiles' with those who are attracted to the idea of an amputee, ' apotemnophiles'. If apotemnophilia happens to be a sexual disorder similar to pedophilia or necromancy, it has to →

Sixth amendment

It argues that Chinese and American criminal proceedings differ, because of cultural differences and that each system has its own strengths that make them superior to each other; in particular, American proceedings are superior to the Chinese system, because it allows the masses to hear and to decide cases and it is less open to →

Supply & distribution chain

This plan needs to focus on different elements and in this plan we will focus three elements; Information Technology, Demand Management and Procurement. Demand Management: In peak seasons demand will rise high, and company needed extra staff, to avoid any interruption in supply chain and to miss any opportunity company need backup plan.


The Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection a seminal work of 19th century British explorer Charles Darwin is the basis for the later construction called Social Darwinism. In what is a self-fulfilling circular argument, they pointed to the success of European powers to conquer and rule other parts of the world as a proof for →

Discuss on modern england history

Discuss On Modern England History Henry VIII is often referred to as the monarch of England whodespised the Roman Church but was only inclined towards the Protestant doctrine in a partial way during the years of his supremacy from 1530 to 1547. Until the end of his life, he called himself a Catholic but he →


4% of the scholars reside on campus while 45. 6% of the scholars reside on campus while 76.

Preliminary activity

18 as attitudes and actions that make a contribution to the maintenance and of the human well-being and enhancing human development. The books Sell-care: Embodiment, Personal Autonomy and the Shaping of Health Consciousness, by Ziguras, Nurses' Guide to Teaching Diabetes Self-management.by Rita Mertig and " Exploring the Correlates of Self Provided Health Care Behaviour".

The teacher employment agency commerce

While the gross will come from the employer listing fees, happyteacherschooljob.com will hold two general clients, the employers every bit good as the employees in hunt of the occupations. Due to the initial start of and besides the apprehension for the operation of company direction and apprehension clients and to cut down overall costs, we →

Blade runner and frankenstein

Why is the replicants' four-year life span a kind of security system? Roy saves deckards' life when a human wouldnt 2 ) What is the replicants' " strange obsession"?

Manchester dbq

The major factor In the growth of Manchester was the Industrial Revolution. The point of view of Chadwick is factual and not biased as he is a public health reformer and would correctly point out the living condition in Manchester.

Project mkultra essay

Though the CIA destroyed many of the documents related to MKULTRA in 1972, several records relating to the program have made it into the public domain, the work of historians, investigative reporters, and curious Congressional committees. Though it was known that the testing was dangerous, the lives of subjects were placed in jeopardy and were →

Fluorenol polarity

Based on the compounds and the Rf values, the compounds with larger Rf values means that the mobile phase traveled the furthest on the polar silica gel plate. 44 cm and the dibromide had a value of 0.

Ralph waldo emerson, transcendentalism

Emerson is not only known as one of the most influential transcendental writers, but as the unofficial leader of the group of transcendentalists and the first to really create and express the ideas that this group of people shared. As the title clearly states, " Self-Reliance" is one of Emerson's essays that proposes the idea →

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo health and social care essay

This survey was done to look into the efficaciousness of using postural limitations after Epley manoeuvre on curative success in patients with p-BPPV in Zahedan, the centre of Sistan and Baluchestan state at southeasterly Iran. Discussion In general, this survey was conducted to look into the efficaciousness of using postural limitation after Epley manoeuvre in →

Fresh water problem in india environmental sciences essay

According to Anitei, In addition to India usages of water is more than the water provided by rain, Excessive use of water for agriculture, industries and domestic uses is leading to water pollution, because such excess water is transformed into saline water, sewage which have a lot of toxic and poisons materials that is harmful →

History of psychology as a scientific discipline

DEVELOPMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY The commencement of the history of psychology is difficult to determine, essentially for the reason that it is hard to found accurately what psychology is. Each section is a manner of thinking about human mind and actions that actually dominated the field for a certain epoch until a new manner of considering →

Cadbury case analysis marketing essay

The three main tasks of bottlers is to convert basic flavors into carbonated soft drinks, package the product in cans or bottles, and sell the brands of the concentrate producers. Third, Crush should allocate a larger percentage of revenue for advertising and promoting the brand in order to capture market share.

Strategic analysis of mcdonalds in india

Porter's generic strategy analysis of McDonald's is mainly on its unique characteristic applied in India, company's commitment & dedication driven to reach the success in the Indian market. This document discussed the success of McDonald's especially in India and the strategies that they followed to reach the current position.

Soviet navy captain nikolai artamonov history essay

The defection of a high-ranking Soviet Navy captain was a boon for them and provided a valuable source of clear and accurate information about the latest news in the Soviet fleet. It was quite possible that Shadrin was indeed a KGB agent and Kochnov's ploy was meant to trick the Americans into believing he was →

Education in south africa: mathematic and scientific performance

The main objective of the research is to provide the South African Department of Education and the heads of governing bodies of school with information that will assist in the proper formulation of strategies drafted in the Action Plan, the execution of policies that address the root cause of poor Maths and Science performance in →

How are ppps different than privatization?

The following is a summary of difference between PPP and privatization. The main principle for dividing up responsibilities and roles amongst the actors and organization that form the partnership is based on understanding of " natural" roles of private and public side.

Evaluating biological methods for treating wastewater

Suspended growth processes are the biological treatment processes in which the microorganisms convert the organic matter, nutrients in wastewater to gases and rotating devices in the liquid will keep the cell tissues in suspension cells tissues. The schematics of both the attached growth and suspended growth processes for biological treatment of wastewater are shown in →

Issue of obesity in the us

It is evident the sudden changes in lifestyle and the gradual decline in the number of hours of engaging in physical activities is alluded to the rise in obese cases in the United States. The health concern of the people has a direct influence on the performance and development of the economy of the country.

Differences between eastern and western religions

The difference between eastern and western religions is that western religions are monotheistic, while eastern religions are monistic. In this paragraph, I will talk about the sacred sites include in the religions of Hinduism and Islam.

Advantages of technology

When the gun is not in use, the electricity cannot flow through it and complete the circuit, because the two darts are not in contact with each other. One of the biggest limitations of police officers and other agents of the law is the inability to properly assess a large or dangerous situation in times →

Personal response

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a real magician and a stunner; the story The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World seems to be hypnotic, and I was enabled to hear the voices of women, smell the scents of the sea, and even feel the emotions →

A thousand splendid suns assignment

In hopes to protect Lila after being beaten because that she found out that Tarsi's demise was a fake, she ended up killing Rehashed and coming clean about it the next day to clear the path for Leila and Atari to lead a somewhat normal life. There is no way someone would have taken that →

Advertising effects on young girls assignment

Advertisers deliberately portray an unrealistic body image to girls in order to create an unattainable desire for an image that drives product consumption by bombarding them with advertisements, providing unrealistic role models and idealizing the image of normality. Moreover, their ignorance to the scope of this image further leads to them acknowledging that the models →

The evolution of technology assignment

Kids connected to the internet will have a much easier future and have more knowledge cause of the information that is given through the web. He means that kids are using the internet as a way to escape what is really going on in the real world.

Council of australian governments essay

The paper would besides give the legal model outlined by the Andrews Committee in the twelvemonth 2001 which was the footing of the statute law passed by COAG in 2002. There was an inexplicit docket of the COAG to quite this protest by presenting a measure which bans Human cloning for a period while leting →

Life cycle of blockbuster essay sample

Unfortunately, this new technology does come with a price tag for companies that do not have a clear understanding of the current stage of their business's life cycle. After analyzing and comparing the path Blockbuster's life cycle to that of Dr.