A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Policy and procedure essay sample

You are permitted to use your student learning material in completing this assessment To pass this assessment, you must achieve a ' Satisfactory' result for each question. Question 6: Select a problem you have encountered in the workplace or elsewhere and draw a cause and effect diagram to show how causes can be determined.

A critique: genesis 1-11 essay sample

In the first section of the article, the author explains that the Israelite readers can understand Genesis 1-11 because the stories in chapters 1-11 were compiled from ancient traditions about origins which the Israelite shared with other ancient Near Eastern neighbours whose folk tale motifs enable the Israelite readers to believe in the contents of β†’

Teaching how to write essays essay sample

First, some students think that since essays are " never wrong," as it is merely an expression of their opinion, they go ahead in writing it without knowing regard for how much they could really put in it, and that they should not omit important details and background of their opinion and points of view β†’

Emily carr’s adventure to art essay sample

In order to avoid all the scolding from people, she decided to go out to the woods in where she had discovered the beauty of nature. They taught her to be bold in her style." Find the spirit with the feeling of the spirit in your heart." When she arrived back to Vancouver, she still β†’

World civilizations

THE CHANGES IN AFRICAN REGIONS BASED ON FOREIGN CONTACT WITH CULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY The changes brought about by foreign culture and technology in African societies can be traced back from the historical Westernization that the continent had experienced from the Europeans. Among the three regions, it appears that South Africa, labeled as the most developed β†’

R.i.m expansion options

M had the option of maintaining what they did at the time, by increasing the scale to manage growth. The disadvantage of this approach was the failure of success to materialize after spending a large sum in acquiring a company and speculating growth in a foreign market.

Discounted cash flows methods for asset valuation

The most common discount rate employed is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital, which includes the risk of the cash flows. Second, some of the Income Valuation methods are " the capitalization of earnings or cash flows and the discount of future earnings or cash flows".

The japanese kamikaze essay

Prior to the formation of kamikaze units, deliberate crashes had been used as a last resort when a pilot's plane was severely damaged and he did not want to risk being captured, or he wanted to do as much damage to the enemy as possible since he was crashing anyway; this was the case in β†’

A glimpse of unbalanced trade relations

Barbot recounts a series of trade " conferences" or negotiations with the King of Ibani and his appointed traders, culminating in the trade of African slaves for " standard" European goods. Europeans and their counterparts in the African elite, represented by the King and the Caboceiros found common interest in the slave trade.

Windmills and windturbines

Lets take a look at the history of wind power, windmill and the wind turbine. Now, I am going to tell about the advantages of wind energy and the wind turbines.

Cardiovascular case study: atrial septal defect

The opening of the atrial septum may be small, on the count of the foramen ovale failing to close; or large, when the septum is completely absent from the heart itself. His body is not able to grow normally because the exchange of nutrients and waste products in his body is completely deficient.

Evaluation of the european union’s single currency: euro

The economic structure of the European Union based on the principles of the single market the free flow of goods, services, capital and labour, i.e.on the reduction of the barrier restricting free flow. There is, a risk in the case of trade with countries outside the eurozone, who are members of the European Union and β†’

Are test scores a good indication of a school’s competency?

Excellent test scores point out that the material is fine taught by the teachers of school and is influential in students motivating to study for the test. Test scores are the simply means which present an neutral means of assessing competency, in spite of the fact that they do not cover up all the features β†’

Cultural differences between countries

To explore to what extend the cultural differences between countries affect the education of emigrant children and also address the issues related to it. Cultural variations in a country affect the educational performance of emigrant children.

Level design full sail

The outside will be windswept dusty deserts, and the inside will be clay and stone walls with automatic cell doors, will a layer of dust that has been blown in from the outside. The Sewer player will come to a corridor of water and many lights to guide the way.

The goods vs the bads on legalization of marijuana

Governments impose penalties on the users of the drug, but this has not been successful in the control of the consumption of the drug. The dangers and harmful effects of the use of the drug have been exaggerated over the years.

How personal development and study methods assignment

I will have more time for my hobbies for example: If I am a good writer, morning time is the best time to write as my mind will be fresh and by seeing the beauty of nature, new and innovative ideas will come in mind. The way I will plan on about doing my work β†’

All, finding #1 – the back emergency

Progress The electrician is scheduled inspect and repair the electrical wiring on11/25/2017 at 8: 00 a.m. Progress The electrician is scheduled inspectand repair the electrical wiring on 11/25/2017 at 8: 00 a.m.

Psychological question

Application of t-test for independent samples The application of the t-test in the testing of whether there are differences between populations thus the use t-test requires the use of independent means of the samples. In this case, the use of tutorials for college statistics students is dependent or shared phenomenon.

Adr clause for learning team charter paper

Melvin This is the first provision as both of the parties must be mutual in this regard. The flexibility of drafting according to the author of ADR is the fact that even if a project is a continuous process that is tied to a contract, parties can utilize ADR to resolve complex issues.

Pablo picasso and jackson pollack

The basic and fundamental purpose of writing this essay is to compare and contrast the works of Picasso and Pollack that go by the names of " Three Musicians" and " Shewolf" respectively. The work of Picasso was painted in order to tell the people to make the most of their life by creating harmony β†’

Financial aspects of recreation and sport

As a conclusion there is a ray of hope in recreation and sports industry should the agenda in the State of Union Address be implemented, that will require finance. At the same time, it is important to underscore the importance of the address in areas of investment and research.

Caregiver college

And in between all the questioning, the stars of Philippine show business and also ABS-CBN executives rushed in to see this long awaited movie come back of Ms. Sharon Cuneta successfully embraced the essence of a Filipina, a mother, a wife, an OFW, and a caregiver.

Alpha phi alpha fraternity inc essay

Although my father was not around to guide me through my journey of becoming a man, I was blessed to have a few good men in my life journey i that embraced me and instilled in me the qualities of a man and gentleman. I believe that I have a lot to offer Zeta Zeta β†’

The scarlet letter: do you dread guilt?

In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne we saw guilt fester in the minds and outward appearance of the main characters, Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth. Because of this great sin, it causes them immense guilt and sadness though out the rest of the book.

Introduction to psychology testing paper

It will also describe the major categories of tests and identify the major uses and users of the tests, and compare and contrast the concepts of reliability and validity. Personality testing is created to give information about the personality and is used in a lot of different tests.


It's just as disconcerting for yourself and the interviewer if they hear the sound of vibrations in your jacket pocket during the interview. Do not smoke - This is something I advocate at all times, but if you happen to be partial to a puff of the cigarette then do not do it before the β†’

Writing assignments liberty theological seminary

After completing your readings you will need to do the following exercise: Write a two-page paper, following Kate Turabian formatting style, on the Pro's and Con's on the legitimacy of German Chaplains. This assignment is designed to underpin the importance of the chaplain's role when captured and placed in a POW Camp.

Guided speech on education example assignment

If students simply do not want to learn a new language we are offering Sign language. In year 7 If students are not sure what language they want to choose, we can help you that Is If you vote for us.

Contribution of rene descartes to mathematics philosophy essay

In 1638, the geometric aspect of Descartes became famous in the history of mathematics, as he did the invention of analytic geometry. Although this work has been done before by other mathematicians and the history of mathematics, introduces the theory Descartes Identify a point in a plane of pairs of real numbers.

Systematic review of barcode medication administration nursing essay

The research resulted in numerous viewpoints of barcode medication administration to include the perspectives of multidisciplinary teams, administration as well as barriers and issues with initial implementation and nursing satisfaction. The viewpoint of the nursing staff was taken in the highest consideration and they were involved in the implementation process.

Play therapy and cognitive development in children

However, findings of the study suggest that very young children are able to participate in structured play therapy. A total of 372 pre-school children were recruited in the study and randomly assigned to the group play therapy and control group.

The construction of war on terror issue in online mass media

The Construction of War on Terror Issue in Online Mass Media: News Framing Analysis of Surabaya Bombings Introduction The notion of framing has been utilised in a range of different news articles within mass media practices. In achieving the goal, this media report will attempt to answer the following research question: RQ1: " How did β†’

History of chemotherapy and cancer treatment research

The level of that hormone, also called the hcg level, was used by Li to track the course of the cancer as it responded to the therapy. Mice and Men Adding vincristine to the arsenal of chemotherapy drugs had put the researchers at the NCI in a bind.

Possible factors in underachievement of males within education education essay

Sociological studies with regard the ' underachievement of males', throughout the British education system, appear to be dominated by the analysis of three central phenomena; the idea of bias and inequality which flaws the educational system, the prevalence of a modern day, ' laddish anti-learning culture' and lastly, the psychology of the male mind. In β†’

Microprocessor based water level controller communications essay

When the sump reaches valve level the system switch OF the pump automatically and switches ON the pump when the water reaches full level, The circuit described here control the water level inside a tank. The first is empty mode and it will take the water out of the tank, the pump will be used β†’

What important. and if/when we run out of

These paleontologists study the fossils they find to reconstruct the history of the Earth and the life on it. Paleontology is one of the fields left in science in which you need no training to do.


It was a Sunday Evening and it was freezing. I on the other hand take advantage of the Egyptian look; it is quite fierce even if I do look similar to a raccoon.

Theology- church and sacraments assignment

The 12 chosen apostles of Jesus Christ were the first footsteps taken to the creation of the Church, which was born from the Father's plan in order to continue the mission He had done and that is to proclaim the Kingdom of God. During the reign of Emperor Constantine, at a point the Church and β†’

Santiago and fourth years. the second year

Bartels' answer is that the benefits of the second year are no longer part of the voter's consideration by the time elections roll around. Bartels believes that the most significant domestic policy initiative of the past decade has been a massive government-engineered transfer of additional wealth from the lower and middle classes to the rich β†’

Tim o’brien’s how to tell a true war story: a review essay

This story gives the readers a peep through some of the details of what happened to the Vietnam War soldiers. Hence, one can say that this story " How to tell a True War Story" and other " war stories" of Tim O'Brien could also be in one way or another can trigger some of β†’

Isolation of the major component of clove oil essay sample

Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to isolate and identify the major constituent of clove oil. Let stand of the ring stand, remove the bottom layer to a flask, which is DCM layer and mark as " Org 1".63.

Screening logs: ninja scroll

It is evident that the film exemplifies the role of woman in a society. In the introduction of the film, poverty is present and an epidemic disease is present.

Absolute and constitutional monarchy

Absolute and Constitutional Monarchy Introduction The distinction between absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy is that, absolute monarchy allows the sovereign to have absolute or supreme authority. Distinctions between an absolute monarchy and a constitutional monarchy arose in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries when a large number of European nations were experimenting with constitutional monarchies β†’

The biography of mary jemison

Introduction The biography of Mary Jemison depicts three cultures, ly, the colonial frontier, the mid-late 18th century culture of the Seneca, as well as that of industrial American republic, and takes the perspective of a woman ' residing among adversaries.' Mary Jemison was born sometime between 1742-1743 to Jane and Thomas Jemison, Scotch-Irish parents who β†’

Analysis of can gun control work by james jacobs

Jacobs approaches the volatile issue of gun control from a dispassionate analytical perspective with a focus on the details of implementation. In doing so, he provides a useful contribution to both the literature on gun control and to the broader literature on policy.

Soccer – college essay

To begin with, a good soccer player must have a tremendous amount of commitment towards the sport. A player must be tough enough to win the little battles in the corner and to leave all the effort on the field.

Heritage assessment paper essay

The Ping family heavily relies on healthcare providers to provide specific guidelines to aid in maintaining and protecting health. The Ping family feels following the plan of care given to them by their healthcare team will restore their health.

Outsourcing strategies

It will help to step back from the specifics of the case, and to examine outsourcing strategies in general terms. JPM needs a reliable source of technology to keep pace with market developments in IT, and to deliver new products for emerging territories quickly and in the forms which customers need.

Dowery deaths essay

The father told her that she should give it time because he was not to intervene to early in the marriage, he wanted her to stay married at the time. In Hindu laws of Manu a woman is joined to her husband and has to suffer with him and act with tolerance, this religion believes β†’

Understanding hip hop therapy

Tyson explains the results of a study in which researchers explore a form of therapy for troubled teens that uses rap music's lyrics. Although in the past these experiments including rap music and troubled youth have focused on the negative effects, this study utilizes a combination of previously effective therapeutic theories to affect them positively.

The gothic genre over time dracula and poe and their appropriations

English ExtensionThe Gothic GenreThe value in Gothic fiction lies in its ability to enthral and delight the reader through a combination of suspense, terror and shock, so as the audience to the genre has changed, so too have the methods used by composers to captivate them. In the year Dracula was first published, the Daily β†’

Shakespeare’s lessons in prisons: the impact of mickey b and shakespeare behind bars

In 2013, Shakespeare at Notre Dame hosted its first " Shakespeare in Prisons Conference," where the directors of Mickey B and Shakespeare Behind Bars showed their movies and had panels to talk about the benefits of putting on Shakespeare's plays with inmates. While Mickey B is the actual performance by the inmates, Shakespeare Behind Bars β†’

Satir’s concepts of transformation and ‘use of self ’

I want to study well but I cannot; I want to do better in placement but I cannot; and I want to do my job well but I cannot. In response to my situation, I found that I want to have better studying environment instead of just passing the programme and get the license.

The impact of gender and race in criminal courts

They wanted to research the correlations between the defendant's attractiveness, and the juror's gender, and the defendant's race and the juror's race. Each participant was given a different version of the vignette, varying only in the description of the defendant's attractiveness and the defendant's race.

Naturalism in cry the beloved country essay

In the book, ' Cry the Beloved Country' by Alan Paton, naturalism forms the basis for the narration of the story. The book begins with Stephen Kumalo, a poor Anglican parson, and a native black South African from the tribal land of KwaZulu-Natal going out to Johannesburg in search of his son Absalom, and sister, β†’

Metabolism case study essay sample

If there is a deficiency in aldolaseB, it slows down the metabolism of fructose allowing for a buildup in the liver. Also, the phosphate is bound to the Fructose-1-Phosphate and not available to the cells to produce ATP reducing the available ATP for the cells to use even more.

The strategic pathway of avis europe ltd essay sample

This report investigates the key elements of the Strategic Pathway of Avis Europe Ltd.and attempts to explain Avis' success through highlighting the areas of synergy within the Strategic Pathway. The advertising campaign initially Avis stumbled upon the strategy of customer-orientation but the beauty of it was that they realised its strength and benefits and so β†’

Two page paper on the tragic massacre at va tech to be completed in apa format

Reflections on the Tragic Massacre at VA Tech: Lessons Learned After Cho Seung-Hui gunned down 32 and himself on April 16, 2007 at the VA Tech University, the country and the world were drastically made aware of the communication issues within and between university and other governmental and law enforcement organizations and departments and the β†’

The american history cookbook

Corn provides healthy calories and is a rich source of vitamins A, B and E. The value behind the red colour of tomatoes is the presence of lycopene that is an antioxidant and a contributor towards healthy bones.

Human resource management

Job analysis is the method employed to identify and determine the responsibilities and duties within a job description. Performance appraisal is the technique of attaining and analyzing information on an employee pertaining to his job performance.

Violent crimein the united states

Violent Crime in Newark, New Jersey Crime has been in existence since the commencement of the universe; even primitive communities have been known to have one or two criminals that are involved in crime. This habit needs to stop and there is a need to take care of the problem of crime even when β†’

What is breakeven point in the organization

One of the ways through which an underperforming organization achieve the breakeven point is that it needs to make efforts to increase its number of sales with the assistance of marketing techniques while ensuring that the variable cost is kept low. Secondly, the organization can reach the breakeven point by decreasing the variable costs of β†’

Managing across borders essay

One of the factors that the merger happened again in 2006 was because of the increasing number of new competitors in the telecommunication industry. What has happened in the industry since the merger, and how is the company faring?

Variances in attitudes across cultures

SUMMARY: Birgit Pfau-Effinger of The University of Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany recently published an article titled " Women's employment in the institutional and cultural context" in the International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Women's employment in the institutional and cultural context.

Leadership quiz chapters 1 – 4 flashcard

Attempts to achieve teamwork, empowerment, and diversity can succeed only if: a.leaders follow the principles and practices of the industrial era.b.managers want to treat people the way they treat machines or the bottom line.c.leaders value change over stability, control, competition, and uniformity.d.leaders hire people who think and work alike.6. Leadership vision is: a.a picture of β†’

Lyl-jc college essay

If I had to go to Africa to hear it, I knew it had to be important. Lyle, what are you talking about?"" I I am a lycanthrope"." You are a what?"" A lycanthrope"." A A "" A lycanthrope".

Criminal justice paper

The content includes: the uniqueness of blast injury, including blast physics, the most common types of blast injuries, and the appropriate treatment for injures that result from blasts. Blast Injuries Describe the unique aspects of blast injury, including blast physics and the pattern of injuries.

The allegory of the cave assignment

The Allegory of the Cave raises one of the central debates in metaphysics? the area of philosophy that deals with the study of the basic structure of reality. Plato then concludes that the prison is the world we see in our eyes; the fire is the sun; and the climb upward is the journey of β†’

Percy jackson and the lightning theif

One of the main events in the book is when Percy and his class are on a field trip to the Museum of Natural History. A second major event is when Percy and his mom go to Montauk & stay in a cabin at the beach where his mother and father had met.

The political power shared in india politics essay

And how for the success of any democracy decentralised governance is must and for that PRI's are the best examples as a process of democratic decentralisation which aims at providing a broad base to affording the much needed training ground for future leadership creating an awareness and initiative in the rural people about community development β†’

Impact of roosevelt’s new deal

Based the following documents, Roosevelt's new deal has helped the US to recover from the great depression, enlarged the power of the government and helped to improve some flaws within the capitalist economy in the US. Judging from the implementation of the " New Deal," it made the United States reluctantly survive the special depression β†’

Types of personal selling

Customer relationship management is from banks to super markets E.g: Apico provides privilege card to the customers Nolimit provides Arampaima Card to the customers Nexus Card provide more benefit for the customers New Media website and mobile phones that support a sales promotion E.g: in UK nestle printed individual codes on KIT-KAT packaging, whereby a β†’

Bacillary and post parturient hemoglobinuria biology essay

Parturient hemoglobinuria was first reported in 1939 in buffaloes in the Indian sub-continent in the Lyallpur district, now Faisalabad. A first round report recommended that parturient hemoglobinuria frequently affected high producing buffalo cows in the area of the Punjab province of Pakistan wherever there is a insufficiency of minerals, chiefly in the districts of Faisalabad, β†’

Cbt therapy

The CBT therapist may ask " Where is the evidence", and other questions to assist the client in rationalizing his/her thoughts. Role playing is used for the client and the therapist to act in different roles that the client is experiencing anxiety.

Acca paper p1 governance, risk and ethics june 2011 assignment

Any change in the risk profile or environment of the KAPLAN PUBLISHING 5 ACCA P1: GOVERNANCE, RISK AND ETHICS rganisation will necessitate a change in the system and a failure or slowness to respond may increase the vulnerability to internal or external trauma. Governance actions that will be implemented In order to ensure that you, β†’

Pure democracy assignment

It is also a government that remains loyal to the spirit of democracy: For the People, By the People, and Of the People. Switzerland is a good example to prove the effectiveness of Modern Direct Democracy.

Management of preterm labor among pregnant women biology essay

This survey compares in a prospective design, the efficaciousness, maternal and neonatal effects and safety of Nifedipine with that of Isoxsuprine in the direction of preterm labour. Several documents were done comparing Nifedipine and Isoxsuprine in the suppression of preterm labour.

At hiruharama by penelope fitzgerald essay sample

Tanner's was going to have a baby the predicament of informing the doctor was solved by borrowing two of those pigeons from the Maori boy. But his visit is a perfect example of life in the countryside where his own problems are more important than the " outside world's commotion".

Analysis of products by infrared spectroscope and tlc essay sample

A closed system is in dynamic equilibrium when the number of gas molecules exiting the liquid phase is equal to the number of gas molecules entering the liquid phase. The vapor pressure of a liquid is the pressure that the gas molecules exert against the walls when they collide.

Persaude people to travel to walt disney world

Among its main attractions are the amazing Magic Kingdom, the Epcot building, Disneys Hollywood Studios and Disneys animal Kingdom, each allowing the visitors to get a real live view of either the creation and animation of cartoons, the history of the earth as it was formed and inhabited life form, an inside look to the β†’

School nurse roles

Also, the survey appears to have drawn a bigger participation rate in smaller districts with 1-4 schools in the district. 81% of the schools in the district have a Registered Nurse.

History of wayne william’s serial killings

He had the gift of impersonation and was arrested in 1976 for " impersonating a police officer and unauthorized use of a vehicle". Williams was arrested for the murder of the adult's Jimmy Payne and Nathaniel Cater.

Differentiate among the three fungal phyla

The sexual reproduction of these organisms leads to the formation of Ascospores. An example of organism in this phylum includes the baker's yeast Means of Obtaining Nutrients The ascomycetes obtain their nutrients the same ways as zygomycetes.

Analyzing and the lowlights of the american presidency essay

This is because of their recognizable contributions in the formation of the early government of the United States of America. James Madison, the fourth president of the United States of America is notable for his great contribution in the making of the United States Constitution.

I am legend monologue

I was not sure what to make of it. All I had to do was listen.

English for me

I just cannot make a head or tail of it.to put somebody in the pictureI know you coud not attend the meeting, so here's a summary of the main points to put you in the picture.to come straight to the pointLet me come straight to the point: I think your performance is totally unsatisfatory.to get β†’

Clockspeed summary essay

In order to incorporate concurrent engineering into product and process and process design, it is important to understand the orientation of the industry. The first is the volatility of demand and inventories in the supply chain tend to be amplified as one looks farther upstream away from the customer.

Online shopping trends

According to a recent global survey conducted by The Nielsen Company, over 85 percent of the world's online population has used the Internet to make a purchase and more than half of Internet users are regular online shoppers, making online purchases at least once a month. Most shopping websites in Vietnam gather a lot of β†’

Question. how important was the part played by essay

The Revolt and formation of the National assembly was one of highly significant actions by which the previously excluded and oppressed Third Estate grabbed a share of the political power and participation. In 1789 the rise of the Third Estate and the corresponding decline of the monarchy, first and second estates was further confirmed by β†’