A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Marketplace: marketing and new intermediaries assignment

6 and show two different types of disintermediation in which the wholesaler or the wholesaler and retailer are bypassed, allowing the producer to sell and promote direct to the consumer. The benefits of disintermediation to the producer are clear It Is able to remove the sales and Infrastructure cost of selling through the channel.

Old major’s speech in george orwell’s animal farm essay sample

Old Major was the first one to call them by the name " comrades" and this act of dubbing was in fact the beginning of a craving for freedom and sowing the grain of rebellion. Dlugan's " How many ways can you use rhetorical questions in your speech?" and then explain what purpose rhetorical questions β†’

The highline: a new destination essay sample

According to the " friends of the high line", in 1934, " the high line opened to trains. It was hidden in the darkness, to be completely ignored and representative of a very difficult New York City." Then the line just sat.

Stalin: man or monster essay sample

Many of the Russian people saw Stalin was a ' dictator of the people' and the average soviet-citizen admired Stalin. He did what he in order to save a way of life; ' Stalin was convinced that the use of terror and executions were necessary for the defence of Socialism and Communism.' Here Stalin is β†’

Fashion in restoration england essay sample

The Restoration gentleman needed a swaggering, elegant movement in order to carry off the full weight of the layers of fabric and ribbons. The gentleman is wearing the new coat, a longer and fuller version of the doublet.


In case of management philosophy, the management needs to evolve with the varying needs of the time and circumstances. References Ashkenas, R, Ulrich, D, & Jick, T.

Legal environment of business

On the other hand, the objective person under the provisions of the UCC, which is seen in the Californian Commercial Code s 2305; however in this case it is unlikely that this would apply as the contract seems to be dependant on price and there is no indication that it was negotiable. The only applicable β†’

Slp 2 tux 101 information literacy and academic integrity

Good parents listen to the insights of their children, spend time with them and establish the things that they are interested in order to offer them the support they seek. Another strategy that good parents adopt in order to eradicate stress and the development of depressive symptoms is by creating time to have fun with β†’

Target costing

One factor that affects the profit margin of an enterprise is the concept of costs and many firms are fully aware of the concept. Target costing works from the selling price backwards to the cost hence the firm's profit margin is unaffected therefore; the targeted profit of the firm will still be obtained.

The function of haitian voodoo essay

Thus, the institution of Voodoo and its rituals serve the necessary function of defining and reinforcing the morals, culturally accepted norms, and even the reality of those who actively participate. In the story of the Virgin of Ville Bonheur, Hurston tells of the woman who " lit in the fronds of a palm tree" and β†’

Name: john kindley

Name: John Kindley Class: GH AP Y Date: November 3rd, 2012 Chapter 12, Peoples and Civilizations of the Americas, 200 - 1500 Pages 306 - 331 Classic-Era Culture and Society in Mesoamerica, 200 - 900: * Remarkable civilization created * Different language + politics, but unified by material culture, religious beliefs + practices, and social β†’

Political culture of north korea

During his training period under his father's tutelage in the 1970s, he was often referred to as the " Party Center," and he launched a number of campaigns to take over the daily operations of the Party. In my point of view the personality of Kim Il Sung was a fragment and extension of Stalin.

Pahela baishakh

Pahela Baishakh 1st day of Baishakh is the Bengoly new year counting day. We the people of Bangladesh celebrate it with different types of activities.

Pro terrorist torture

As a result of this unthinkable attack on our country, the lives of thousands of American Soldiers and their families would soon be affected as well The war that 9/11 spun Americans and the rest of the world into was not a regular war in a regular country with regular soldiers. Therefore, the United States β†’

Patient safety in surgery

For this literature review a literature search of electronic databases using The Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature and OVID Medline was conducted the search was limited to English Language articles and date limitations were set between 1990 2010 using Key words including ' Patient safety in surgery' which resulted in 493618 papers, β†’

Palliative care for cancer patients | literature review

According to this study, Medew aimed that; the findings would change the views of both the patients and the doctors on the quality of palliative care. In addition, most cancer patients are not used to palliative care in most countries and this unfamiliarity calls for the need for providing information to patients, their family members β†’

A fitness center where every body benefits marketing essay

This report contains about the company, identification of the target market, strategies to penetrate in the target market segmenting it to different locations, the industry analysis, marketing plan and positioning of the company, effective pricing strategy, how to promote it to clients through different strategies of advertising and promotion, the operational plan for the early β†’

Annotated bibliography on learning and teaching

The book describes standardized testing as being outdated in this era, and it calls for an educational program that caters to the needs of all students. Consequently, this book is practical to both teachers and educational reformist as it not only highlights the problems in the existing educational testing programs, but it also recommends alternatives β†’

Concurrency control in database systems

This means that the data item has changed since the initial transaction start time and the solution is to roll back the timestamp and acquire a new one. Thus the lock point determines the end of the growing phase and the beginning of the shrinking phase of a transaction.

Romeo and juliet learning target examples

what less than doomsday is the Prince's doom? punThy fault our law calls deathanastrophe ONROMEO AND JULIET LEARNING TARGET EXAMPLES SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. My life is my foe's debt.punHe lent me counsel, and I lent him eyes.allusionParting is such sweet sorrowoxymoronCame he not home tonight? anastropheIf you be he, sir, I desire some confidence β†’

Eulogy of my grandpa

When I was around 15 and looking for my first job he told me to find something that I loved and understood, if I did not I would not enjoy my job much. I had came to Hardford City to visit my grandma and grandpa on a cloudy Sunday afternoon, every time I was on β†’

Definition essay: bravery

A rose is a rose and a nose is a nose after all. Oftentimes, bravery is a spur-of-the-moment emotion that leaves little time to think your actions and consequences through.

Does the electoral college make sense?

When there is a tie in the presidential elections, the Electoral College is undemocratic, meaning it does not favor the people. In the article, " The Indefensible Electoral College," Plumer says that, " Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote.

The tweet

I proceeded to post: " My homework is like a wall holding me back from the enjoyment of life and the beauty of nature". These beautiful days deserve to not be wasted, but rather utilized to better the minds of students and give a much needed absence from cinderblock walls and spotted carpet.

Jefferson and madison and federalism assignment

Jefferson and Madison were members of the Republican Party, which had principles and philosophies that were very different than the views of the Federalists. Jefferson's mission was to restore republicanism, to check the growth of government power, and to stop the decline of virute that had set in during Federalist rule.

Aged care assignment

The patient with dementia will have problems coping with the constant ringing of the telephones, the noise of the nurse call system, the ever changing and movement of equipment, health professionals talking, staff they are not familiar with, and the layout of the ward. The lack of understanding of the behavioral outbursts of the patient β†’

Laura mulvey and her relavance to contemporary cinema essay

According to Mulvey, women are always the objects of the gaze, never the possessors of the gaze. In the case of film, control of the camera and therefore the control of the gaze is almost always firmly settled in the male sphere.

Definition of hemoglobin essay sample

Anemia is a general term referring to a shortage of red blood cells or a reduction in hemoglobin. Iron deficiency anemia is caused by a shortage of the mineral iron, which is necessary to produce hemoglobin.

Pax mongolica and ibn batutta essay sample

The Rihla is probably one of the most exhaustive sources of the Muslim world in the fourteenth century. His first itinerary was the oil-rich lands of the Middle East, going to Saudi Arabia and saw the relics of the ancient civilizations in Iran and Iraq.

The externalities of education

The Externalities of Education 7th, August, The Externalities of Education This paper identifies three positive externalities of public education as higher income, social cultural diversity, and better work force. According to National Education Association of the United States, public schools have charter schools that help students learn the trade and this shapes them to face β†’

Synopsis 3

Forms of tort can be categorized based on the following elements: bodily integrity, personal space, possessory interests, freedom of choice and contract, and one's standing in the eyes of others. Torts violating possessory interests infringe upon the interest in ownership of another person such as trespass to land, nuisance and conversion.

Literary analysis of antigone

Antigone The general idea of the tragedy " Antigone" is the prohibition of the burial of Polyneices by Creon and how Antigone defied his order. Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and niece of Creon and the fiance of Haemon.

Compensation philosophy and critical components of a compensation strategy

Compensation Philosophy and Critical Components of A Compensation Strategy Defining Compensation Compensation can be defined as the total paymentthat includes monetary as well as non-monetary part made to an employee in lieu of the work performed according to the need of an employer. Also, the direct pay component is the most visible component of the β†’


The Ideal Family Structure The ideal family structure for raising children is nuclear family system. In the nuclear family structure, children understand the roles and responsibilities of each gender as they are displayed by their father and mother.

Writing assignment

Why flunking exams is actually a good thing: A summary Why flunking exams is actually a good thing: A summary If it happened that by mistake, a person got the final exam questions in the email on the first course day, then the person would automatically ensure that they understood the whole bit of the β†’


The assets side of the balance sheet of commercial banks primarily comprises of Cash and Bank balances, Loans and advances to banks and customers, financial assets and derivative financial instruments. 12 May 2011.[2] Adriana Morawski, " The Role of Financial Intermediaries and the Increased Need for Regulation of Financial Markets" Web.

Some of the characteristic phases of development of pre-historical humanity

Stone Age has been divided into parts such as Paleolithic which is Old Stone Age and Neolithic is new stone age; In the Paleolithic age, people were basically nomads and were hunter gatherers as they lived in groups and moved from place to place in search of food and water where men would do the β†’

Gol gumbaz essay

The Gol Gumbaz is the mausoleum of Muhammad Adil Shah of the Adil Shahi dynasty of Bijapur. The cornice and parapet of the cube is the most articulated feature of the facade.

My mother never worked

The author's whole point of in the essay is to make the reader feel sympathy for her mother, because of the hardships she went through working on a farm while raising eight children, which leads us to believe she is deserving of the Social Security benefit check. This is to reinforce the message that person, β†’

Aunt bessie’s essay

The connotation of this is that the competitor's cow is sad and represents that the product is not very good and that the cows is very confident with its product it could suggest that its upset because its dairy freshness is not used much in the product and that you would not like it. In β†’

John lewis case study essay

It demonstrates Partners' commitment as co-owners to ensuring the efficient growth and sustainable success of their business: Recognising the need to respond to changing consumer shopping patterns online and in store as part of the John Lewis Partnership's omni-channel customer proposition, by developing an omni-channel approach to working better together. Given the importance of trialling β†’

The beveridge report and the formation of the welfare state

It will begin with exploring the pre welfare state laws and the Beveridge report which was the study behind the formation of the welfare state. Half of all livings were granted by landowners, and the government had the right to appoint all bishops, a number of prebends, and hundreds of livings, so as to say β†’

Norm violation

I pity myself for making me look like a fool, but nevertheless, it gave me a sense of joy thinking that I really did it not just for the sake of completion and to get good grades, but I did it because of curiosity and for the satisfaction of my inner craving for new adventure. β†’

Collision theory

During a reaction, collision theory states that the higher the concentration of the reactants, the faster the rate of the reaction. Temperature is a measure of the average amount of kinetic energy in a system so a higher temperature leads to a higher average kinetic energy of the molecules in the reaction, therefore, more collisions β†’

Hume philosophy paper

He covered that reason alone cannot be a motive to the will, moral distinctions are not derived from reason and moral distinctions are direct from the moral sentiments [Treatise of Human Nature, 11]." Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to β†’

Objective of the numerical simulation engineering essay

Attacks of September 11 and the Oklahoma City bombing and accidental explosions in industries have increased the awareness of the vulnerability of structures to blast loadings. This includes the followingThe setup of the modelThe material models usedValidation of the numerical modelChapter 4 of the thesis includes the results and the discussions of the results.

Evaluation of current hrm practices of dr industries business essay

The key purpose of Human Resource Management is ensuring consistent alignment between the human resource functions and achieving the stated objectives while taking the full contribution of the HR available to the company. Further this report derives information of the importance of performance driven workforce to DR Industries and HR Planning and Management towards achieving β†’

Understanding rejection in “disabled” and “refugee blues”

This effective beginning informs the reader that the soldier has lost body members and is as a result physically disabled, but it also sets a gloomy, pessimistic tone; the use of caesura emphasises the soldier's disability by interrupting the flow of the poem in order to let the image sink into the reader's mind. Indeed, β†’

Perspectives of human growth and development

Freud's work was very extensive and some of the topics of his theories are the human psyche, sexual desire and the unconscious mind. The two theories that were chosen were Erik Erikson's 'Eight stages of human development' and Abraham Maslow's 'Humanistic theory of self-actualisation'.

Contemporary issues in administration and management management essay

So in other words Mullins states that administration is very important in the organization as it performs day to day operational activities to achieve the organizational goals and targets with the different types of departments operating in the organization. Through the effective administration, the organisation is benefited in number of ways as it stores the β†’

Geographic study of mountain area

The depth and water-holding capacity of the soils are varied even if there is slightly change in slopes which is the one of the reason in the variation of forest land. The formation of soil, natural vegetation cover and soil moisture conditions are totally controlled by the status of the relief.

The introduction corporate profile economics essay

With the strong philosophy of the company applied, they work on innovation and creation of quality product and services in order to meet demands of the market in both present and future. It is a group of companies which is specialized in the original equipment manufacturer for the major automotive manufactures and assembles in Malaysia β†’

Technology is taking over

According to a study in Archives of Disease in Childhood, the average weight of a students backpack is 15. Many schools and districts have already made the transition from textbooks to tablets.

Money and happiness: a philosophical view through works of literature

She was a great success and became the lady of the evening in her fancy dress and necklace, but there was a price she had to pay. It took years of hard work for Mathilde and her husband to finally be able to repay the debts: " She came to know what heavy housework meant β†’

Up have the luxury of accessing millions of

In his words, Spotify is " salvation in the form of fully licensed-streaming music service". In the first few years, Spotify had to raise over 180 million US Dollars to pay off their partner labels.

Parental responsibility

It refers to the act of being responsible for the well-being of children and taking part in making critical decisions in the life of a child. Some parents fail to take responsibility of the health condition of their children and risk their children's lives.

Dear high school freshmen…

However, if you take my seven pieces of advice, your high school jitters can be settled and you will love High School as much as I did.1. Have School Pride If you wear your school colors, attend sport events and learn the school song, you will fall in love with your school quickly.

The incident response coordination team essay sample

Specifically, the duties and responsibilities outlined in the Department of Health and Human Services' Disaster Behavioral Health Concept of Operations for both the Behavioral Health Liaison Officer and the Behavioral Health Safety Officer. In coordination with the BHSO and MHT Lead, develop mental and behavioral health in- and out-processing briefings for all federal response personnel β†’

Finance 5

In the United States, the established stock and money markets are one of the most advanced and sophisticated systems in the world. For foreign companies, it would be in their best interest to become a part of the U.S.securities marketplace due to the fact that it is the biggest marketplace in the world and it β†’

Hr magazine article summary

The good news in this article is that the U.S.and global economies in the west are showing signs of recovery. A second reason the recovery could be viewed as a " jobless" one is the historical precedent set by the recovery from the 1991 recession.

Article responses – adorno

A basic summary of the main points can be seen in the first paragraph, which is a quote by the author, and it states, " The history of philosophy viewed as the science of origins is that process which, from opposing extremes, and from the apparent excesses of development, permits the emergence of the configuration β†’

Self-reflection paper. self-assessment need this by saturday3/ 31/2013

I am familiar with the ethical codes and even the ethical principles according to APA and always strive to attain them. It is also the best reference and tie breaker when I am faced with situations that seem to deviate from the norm or ethical codes.

Aig bailout and aig bailout exit plan

But it was protected from failure by a bailout from the US Government." The U.S.government seized control of American International Group Inc.- one of the world's biggest insurers - in an $85 billion deal that signaled the intensity of its concerns about the danger a collapse could pose to the financial system". AIG has decided β†’

The galapagos and sustainable tourism

I had forgotten how as a child I regarded the sight of this natural behaviour with awe, and for a fleeting moment I was reverted to a simpler time and place, memories of parents, home, a sense of renewed wonderment and peace, that everything was bigger than you were, and not just in a physical β†’

Kobe bryant

In this case, one of the reasons that Katelyn Faber been persistent in suing Bryant is because of Bryant status as an NBA player who has a celebrity status that earns tons of money. Political/economic power It cannot be discounted that one of the major motivation why the case has been pursued and then later β†’

Fitt principle for cardiovascular fitness

Normal functioning and working of the heart depend on the resting heart rate and when it is low it enables the heart to function well and that why Cardiovascular fitness becomes an essential component of life. Benefits that are incurred by heart is determined by the intensity and level of exercise one is adhering to β†’

American literature

At the time when the story was published, Black Americans were still fighting the struggles their forefathers have been clamoring for centuries, freedom and equality. The young Black man was matched with other Black men to fight among themselves for a prize and it was not as simple as a boxing match rather was complicated β†’

Death by meeting essay

All these parts became the outline of the story where the main character, Casey made a big difference from the beginning of his meetings up to this final meeting. But even he sells Yip and his company will then only be one of the divisions of Playsoft, it must be Casey will still be the β†’

Changes in the concepts of childhood sociology essay

The importance of childhood can be understood by detecting the fact that though many scientists have different theories to specify the procedure of human development they all agree on the importance of childhood and experiences in that clip holding a profound affect on an person ' s life. Boys wish to take topographic point of β†’

Differences in organizational strategies in asia, europe, and the usa

The analysis of the strategy: the process begins with the definition of the mission and the long-term objectives of the company. The analysis of the strategy points out: what is or what should be the strategic position of the company towards the competing companies and the environment; decides the actions for achieving company's goals and β†’

Economics and market

Firms that would have considered colluding or entering a cartel are unlikely to do so in a contestable market because of the possibility of a new firm that can produce the good at a lower price or a hit and run entry. As a result of the fact that firms, in a contestable market, need β†’

Personal literacy narrative

I quickly learned that in order to take a risk, I had to step outside of my comfort zone. If I went back to the day I had the thought of going to " real school for the first time, I would have told myself the same thing: " Go for it." When I walked β†’

Identity crisis: juxtaposition in leningrad

" Leningrad," a poem by Osip Mandelstam detailing the harsh reality in post-war Russia, examines the effect of the changes on the identity of the narrator, who is forced to consolidate his old memories of his hometown of Petersburg and the unfamiliarity of the new Leningrad following his return. This internal contrast is not only β†’

Ibsen versus society: three breakthrough dramas

A Doll's House in particular addresses the way women were treated and thought of. Fresh from the wounds he received from the backlash of Ghosts, Ibsen responded by creating a political parable to teach the world the dangers of mass hysteria and the need to cling to the majority.

Calgary family assessment model | case study

There are six stages in the developmental life cycle according to the CFAM and it is clear that P.L.is in the last stage because she is now a grandmother and her children have left the household onto the building of their own lives. When she wakes up in the morning and sees the image of β†’


In my opinion, every invention has its time, and the Internet is the greatest invention of ours. All this led to the invention of the Internet.

Class food business (fine dine and fast

You are obsessed withcustomer experience and understand the importance of a 24/7 operations. You have the ability to thrive in an ambiguous environment, and when given a deadline you know how to motivate yourself, your managers, and associates and meet it.

Landmark strategies

First of all, Landmarks Berhad was incorporated on 8 August 1989 and commenced operations as an investment holding company on 23 December 1989 with the takeover of the business, assets and liabilities of Landmarks Holdings Berhad, a company that was engaged in rubber and il palm plantations and housing, hotel and commercial property development. Since β†’

The kansas-nebraska act of 1854 assignment

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 was a controversial legislation that opened Kansas and Nebraska to white settlement, repealed the Compromise of 1850, and led opponents to form the Republican party. Since Nebraska was located in the northern half of the Louisiana Purchase where the Missouri Compromise prohibited slavery, Douglas ignored both the Missouri Compromise and β†’

Services marketing case study assignment

The internal marketing in Jet Blue helped the airlines to keep its employees motivated and they were actually seen defending the airlines during the time of the crisis. Interactive Marketing: Jet blue's CEO used to frequently travel in the airlines and used to connect with the customers to take the feedback on the services provided β†’

Fall of rome essay sample

By 300 AD the majority of the Roman army was comprised of barbarian trained soldiers- much less effective than the superior infantry that Rome had in previous centuries. Not! Another problem was that many of the Roman citizens who were expected to enlist in the legions refused and sneakily signed their slaves in their position.

Flawed identifications are responsible for many wrongful convictions. why what should be done

Following the above observations, it is worth acknowledging the efforts exerted by organizations like the Innocence Project and the Innocence Commission of Florida that review convictions to ensure rightful castigation of the real suspects while freeing the innocent groups. The value of such like compensations depends on the damage caused to the innocent convict and β†’

Surrogate decision making

Medical Consent: The Surrogate One of the basic foundations of medical ethics is the tradition of informed consent. When a patient is unable to give their informed consent, the medical community turns to a surrogate to act on behalf of the patient.

Ethics review

Importance of Ethics in Accounting and Financial Decision Making written by Sheila Shanker stresses the importance of ethics in any kind of business in order gain the trust and confidence of customers. The article has a lot to do with the assigned readings on ethics in accounting and financial decision making since it stresses that β†’

The scarlet letterquestions essay

The passage selected for me to analyze is from The Scarlet Letter, " The Pastor and His Parishioner." I believe Hawthorne has written this passage to show the instant connection between Hester and Dimmesdale. The relationship between Hester and Dimmesdale is beyond formal!

Importance of having my gear with me at all times essay

Responsibility is: the obligation for the proper custody, care, and safekeeping of property or funds entrusted to the possession or supervision of an individual. Being responsible in the US Army has got to be of the utmost importance in my opinion.

Bob marley: his art and vision changed the world

He was a man of vision and was aware of the power of symbolism, so he included many of them in his music. Bob Marley became a cultural icon, as he encouraged others to rebel against racism, inequality, and oppression in the world.

The merchant of venice dialectical journals

Shakespeare's direct relation of the situation of finding the first arrow through the shooting of the second to the lending of more money in order to " rest debtor for the first" serves to intensify Bassanio's pride that the plan will ensue successfully. 83-89 NERISSA " How do you like the young German, the Duke β†’

How sir dundlod is bringing a 100 years old sport into mainstream

According to him, in Horse polo it is a horse that plays the game but in cycle polo it is the player that plays the game. It also promotes your business in the market." With the help of brand licensing we will bring Cycle polo to that level where we will not be very far β†’

Types of story leads

The main functions of the lead, aside from introducing the news story, are to tell the story in capsule form and to answer right away the questions the reader would naturally ask. The lead is the beginning, the most important structural element of a story.

Mumbai dabbawalla

During the various challenges in life, I am sure that the values followed by the dabbawalas will give you strength to rise above the toughest odds. The procedures could have been laid down over a century ago, but it is the implementation of the procedures that makes the system work.

Australian drama assignment

Both plays combine a range of styles, techniques and conventions to create Images which provoke and challenge the audience but the most significant dramatic quinine Is the deliberate and careful use of contrast In the spoken language. Both plays essentially rely on Realism to engage, provoke and challenge the audience while creating convincing and effective β†’