A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Legal case of medicinal cannabis

The perception of the application and effectiveness of marijuana changed in part to economics, racism, xenophobia, and the conflation of three different plants into a single plant resulting in the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. Thus, the outcome of Conant v.

The maritime issues between india and srilanka

India came openly to the assistance of The LTTE in the cover of humanitarian assistance following the economic blockage which was the result of Sri Lankan Armed Forces attempt to regain control of the territories held by LTTE. The first operative paragraph dealt with the execution of the IOZP and the second operational paragraph called β†’

Phd proposal writing | contributing to knowledge

This definition however may be construed as too broad and can be complimented by the reasoning given by Grix who says that a ' substantial contribution to knowledge' means " you must have produced original research on a given topic and embedded it firmly in the ' received wisdom' of a particular field" To pin β†’

Gender issues in art history and production

Traditional art history holds that works of art are the creations of individual genius that they are forms of self- expression but Marx argued that art is a product satisfying a demand, supporting the ideology of the ruling class. For example, women were usually excluded from art academies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and β†’

Tattoo essay

TATTOO Indians, Japaneses, American and African civilizations maked a tattoo for ornamental. Tattoo is a way to show people what or who you are.

Marketing communication creative brief and imc plan

This report aims to provide a solution via the implementation of various integrated marketing communications strategies in order to fulfil objectives for the product Olay Total Effects, with the main objective of changing the audiences' perspective of OTE. The campaign would also educate consumers by highlighting the benefits of OTE Fighting 7 signs of aging, β†’

Industrial security

It is however important to emphasize the fact that industrial security is significantly crucial in addressing the concept of workplace security. It is also important to have fire extinguishers fitted in different parts of the firm.

Inferno/ paradiso (summary) dante assignment

The giant Antaean picks Virgil and Dante up and sets them down at the bottom of the well, in the lowest region of Hell, In China, the First Ring of the Ninth Circle of Hell, those who betrayed their kin stand frozen up to their necks in the lake's ice. Beatrice and Dante ascend to β†’

Writing a found poem

Some local leaders are urging the people of Darfur to refocus and do whatever they can to make their lives better in spite of the situation. The theme of hope is well presented in the case of Darfur.

Gender, race, and philosophy

Philosophy of women Number Philosophy of women Philosophy of women, especially during the 20th century contributed immensely towards their emancipation from male dominance in society. Apart from de Beauvoir, Schick and Vaugh said, Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most prominent 20th century figures in India who is credited for acknowledging women's efforts as imperative β†’

Assessments and children

The advantage of this assessment tool is that it makes children to be keen on the things learnt in class and promotes the relationship between the teacher and the child. In conclusion, early childhood education has been vital in molding children about life and the teachers in early childhood education should be committed and use β†’

Deception in shakespeare’s hamlet and wilde’s the importance of being earnest

Oscar Wilde, in The Importance of Being Earnest and William Shakespeare, in Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, venture into nature of society and how it effects the individuals within that society. Claudius and Polonius are to of the top officials in Elsinore and therefore responsible for the destruction of a good society and the good people β†’

The aztecs what should history say flashcard

From Tenochtitlan, the empire stretched outward and expanded all the way from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. These payments were very important to the Aztec society because they provided the economy and people with a wealth of disposable income to be used and circulated back into the economy along with items to β†’

Management reset flashcard

The core issues are used to section the remainder of the book and are as follows: " the way value is created," " the way work is organized," " the way people are treated," and " the way behavior is guided." The Way Value is Created While discussing the first issue, the main concepts are β†’

Benefits and impacts of production technology

Basically, technology is the process of applying the finding of science and other forms of enquiry to applied situations. For example the widespread application of Information and Communications Technology to a wide range of production methods, such as: The use of computer databases for online booking in the airline industry.

Microsoft – outsourcing xbox production

Microsoft 1 MicArosoft Outsourcing Xbox Production Geovanna Garcia BUS25010016-200905 International Business Environment Professor Adkins September 2009 Microsoft 2 Microsoft Outsourcing Xbox Production When Microsoft decided to enter the video game market with its Xbox gaming console executives had to make a strategic decision whether to manufacture the Xbox or outsource the manufacturing. By creating a β†’

Business ethics assignment

Third step is to focus on the environmental issue, because it is really important to the society and we need to show that we care about our customer's health.5. So I think to focus on environmental robber is a great way to respond to the stakeholder issues.

Naini lake sewage pollution assignment

According to a recent study conducted by D K Pander of the Durance-based Forest Research Institute, the water quality Of the Main lake has been steadily deteriorating and is highly polluted due to the addition of exogenous wastes, as a result of more than 37 per cent increase in human population in the catchments area β†’

Why are roma poor economics essay

In countries where Roma constitute a large and growing share of the working-age population, increasing marginalization of Roma in poverty and long-term unemployment threaten economic sta-bility and social cohesion. Roma are the most prominent poverty risk group in many of the coun-tries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The prevention of ankle sprains health and social care essay

Objectif: To determine the effectiveness of prophylactic ankle support, such as ankle braces and ankle taping in the prevention of ankle sprains in competitive athletes and to identify the most effective one. In the three databases the same search terms were used: " prophylactic ankle support", " prevention of ankle sprains" and " competitive athletes" β†’

Strategically oriented integrated brand communications marketing essay

Advertising is essentially an activity that promotes the sales of a product and helps build the company and brand reputation. The indigenous cultures of the underdeveloped countries have to be a major consideration for universal application of public relations models and ethics practiced in the developed world.

The worlds biggest baked goods and coffee chain marketing essay

One of the best feature of the company is it has something for everyone and this strategy is producing handsome results for the company. The reduction in purchasing power of the customers led to reduction in expenditure made by the customers on augmented products like eating in fast food chain etc.thus this led to reduction β†’

Site selection process: intel, latin america

In 1996 Intel's portfolio of international production plants consists of sites in Israel, Ireland, China and the Philippines, in order to reduce the risk of only investing heavily in one region and corresponding to this to diversify. In the following our group is going to take the position of Ted Telford, the only full-time member β†’


And I am not just talking about your purple forehead, I am talking about the endless abuse in your head, the patronizing stream of insults you hurled at yourself as you leaned over Boring Whoever's use of a very boring element in their essay " Beyond Boring". By the time you have gathered up the β†’

Carl rogers: humanistic psychology assignment

From this understanding, the therapist helps turn the attention of the client on to the experience of the moment. All existentialists focus on the importance of the self existing and being aware of this existence, or in relation to Rogers's definition, the perception of the self.

My reflection assignment

I did a lot of research and picked out the very important details that I believe both parents and students need to know to have a better understanding. As a future educator I have learned how important it is for students to know as much s possible about the safety of the internet because kids β†’

Physics m & m lab assignment

The answer is " yes," and in this activity you will make direct and indirect measurements of the thickness of M&Ms. Now use the pictures of the fernier caliper to measure the diameter of the M&M " circle." Record this value in Table 1.3.

Ethics, hume assignment

Yes, empathy with other human beings can provide a basis for morality because empathy is defined as the ability to understand and share feelings with another and morality is defined as the a particular system of values and principles of conduct. David Hume, the author of " A Treatise of Human Nature", was a Scottish β†’

The value of taking risks and making mistakes essay sample

On the television show " The Magic School Bus," Miss Frizzle, the over-eccentric, adventuresome teacher, always says, " Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!" She is stressing that not taking risks and, in turn, not making mistakes is nearly equivalent to not learning. Instead, we need to take a running start and grab the β†’

The effect of osmosis on a potato chip essay sample

My aim is too investigate the effect of varying concentrations of certain salt solutions, and water, on the amount of osmotic activity between the solution and a potato chip of a given size and mass. This will result in each of the samples having a very similar surface area and volume.

Midwest cars

In the lower levels of moral development, the focus is on self at the pre-conventional level and others at the conventional level. From the above analysis, it is clear that some and not most organizations function at lower levels of moral development.

By the time i get to cucaracha

The tone is very personal, even to the point of the including the information that her own mother was a housekeeper. From this perspective, of course, her use of coarse language, slang phrases and a blog-like tone contributes to the argument that it is an effective piece of writing in terms of being geared to β†’

The tragic hero suffers from a tragic flaw

Based on this assumption that Claudius killed his father, Hamlet decides to take revenge for the death of his father. It is quite evident that Hamlet had a tragic flaw and he is the tragic hero in the tragedy of Hamlet.

Ida industrious – tutor – resume/cv example

English Tutor Flex College Prep Monrovia, CA Sept 2018 - Mar 2019 Assisted teachers in teaching the necessary concepts to students within the designated units Instructed students in English within a small classroom environment and 1 on 1 situation Communicated with AR teachers, advising them on the conduct and performance of their students Monitored student β†’

A tree telling of orpheus

The author uses personification in this poem, example: " I a tree rejoiced in its flames" she also uses allusions and metaphors in the poem, for example: " words kept leaping over his shoulder to me." These elements effect the reader in a way that with all those things put together it gives the reader β†’

Sociological approaches to health and ill health essay

The Marxist believe that the wellness and societal attention of the service users should be maintained in order for them to rapidly acquire back to work so that they can do net income for the middle classs. It is the due to the deficiency of consideration and its demand for male laterality that adult females β†’

Isopropyl butyrate c7h14o2 structure

Contents Retention Index: Popular Butyl isobutyrate C8H16O2 structure 1, 2-Diisopropylbenzene C12H18 structure m-Diethylbenzene C10H14 structure Isopropyl acetate C5H10O2 structure sec-Butylbenzene C10H14 structure Undecanol C11H24O structure n-propylbenzene C9H12 structure Durene C10H14 structure

Support individuals with specific communication needs essay sample

1 Explain the importance of run intoing an individual's communicating needs 2 Explain how ain function and pattern can impact on communicating with an person who has specific communicating needs 3 Analyse characteristics of the environment that may assist or impede communicating 4 Analyse grounds why an person may utilize a signifier of communicating that β†’

Attitude, meaning, symbolism & allegory

But in John Cheever's ' the swimmer", the pool is the subversion of the nature which represents the place of characters. Cheever relates his story that the confining nature of the suburbs is inexplicit in the approximation of the pool itself.

7 types of jerks found in every office

Whether you are in management or working alongside the office jerk, it's important to learn to identify and manage the office jerk. It's important to avoid participating in this type of activity but if you find yourself the target of such negativity, there are a to keep it at a minimum.

Data mining project

Com, then I will use this data in Reprimanded to generate a random race sample and finally I will predict the winner of the race using the same tool. Phase 3 - The Results In this part I will try to predict which of the six dogs will win the race.

Free creative writing on points of interest in “the open boat”

At the center of the story Crane puts indifference of the universe and the nature of human suffering and plight and how the men stand together in their brotherhood, facing a cruel universe." The Open Boat" is a story about four men united together, who all have to struggle with the situation they got in β†’

Effects of donepezil in healthy young adults

Executive-type processing comprises a wide range of cognitive processes that have a role in the control of action and are considered a function of the central executive in the multiple component model of working memory. The cost of shifting between the operations of addition and subtraction was then calculated as the difference between the time β†’

The effects of the moon on human behavior

The first of these types was the kind that only did a survey on many people during the full and new moons. The authors found that the phases of the moon accounted for no more than 1% of the variance in human behavior".

Answers to questions on principles of nutrition for healthcare

The main functions of linolenic acid include: The formation of cell membranes, the formation of hormones, the immune system to functioning correctly, the correct formation of the retina, the functioning of neurons and chemical transmissions. Moreover, the cardioprotective role is further enhanced by the ability of these oils to increase the transmission power of the β†’

Strayer university

When I decide what I want to write about, for whom, and what my audience should gain after reading my paper, I can begin the research. Next, I have to determinate what sources can be useful and how creditable they are.

Educating rita

Rita wants to be educated because she does not like the person that she is, and she wants to change it by being educated. Rita's marriage is on the rocks, as you can tell, when frank ass her why not do her essay at home rather than at work, and she replies " Denny gets β†’

Psychology as storytelling

It served a number of important functions: amelioration of fears, communication of vital information, the satisfaction of a sense of order, the development of the ability to hypothesize, predict and introduce theories and so on. The relationship between the structure and functioning of our mind, the structure and modes of operation of our brain and β†’

Trap of gold

This story will be about the " Trap Of Gold" Hw In conclusion, " Trap of Gold" by Louis L'Amour shows the old saying " money makes the world go".wetherton finds the gold at the end of the alluvial fan. Wetherton defeats his greed and rides off into the sunset with the golf for his β†’

Psychotherapy assignment

A training in psychotherapy is also part of residency in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine the title of those professionals is consultant for psychiatry and psychotherapy and consultant for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy. In Italy, the Concession Act restricts the practice of psychotherapy to graduates in psychology or medicine who have completed a four-year postgraduate course β†’

An introduction to intercultural communication assignment

The complexity and diversity of cross cultural challenges in the international business world is reflected in the broad knowledge and skills of cross cultural consultants. Cross cultural competency is beyond knowledge, awareness and sensitivity in that it is the digestion, integration and transformation of all the skills and information acquired through them, applied to create β†’

Digital privacy essay

The massive change In the ways that data Is collected, stored and processed In the digital age poses great risks to our right to privacy and control our data. This is because the idea of privacy in a technological? and, thus, ever-evolving? landscape continues to change meaning.

Architecture a building – it is how

Architecture to me is not only the aestheticsand the complicated form of a building it is how a space is formed when thereis an interaction and a harmony of three main elements: human, nature and programmewithout compromising the existing site, social or economical context. This passion sparked when I was first introduced to the Igualada β†’

Customer service in public administration

This led to the characterization of his political idealism as both attractive and discouraging for the citizens as he eventually became a victim of the cracks and flaws in the Korean system that he had set out to conquer. The manner in which Roh Moo-Hyun decided to end his life suggests that he had lost β†’

Mesozoic history

The dinosaur bone that I own is from the Mesozoic period. This is why the creatures of these continents are different from the rest of the world today.

Human resources dilemma

Didi is compliant with the provisions of the FLSA since; veronica is entitled to keep all her tips. Furthermore, the tips of veronica exceed the minimum tip of 30$ per month required by the FLSA so that an employee can be given less than the minimum wage of $7.

Culture and globalization

The present article discusses the impact of globalization on culture and traditions. In terms of globalization, understanding is to represent the culture on the global platform and with a pride in portraying cultural worth.

Competetive strategies

On the other hand, PepsiCo tries to maintain sustainability in organizational culture, society and environment. On the other hand, PepsiCo tries to maintain sustainability in their business process, society and environment.

Client behavior

Thematically, consumer behavior information is extremely vital in the advancement of any enterprise that intends to have longevity in the market coupled with having high, aggressive edge. Besides, the enterprise mainly readjusts itself to the trends that may be present in the market and maximize profits.

Research report on entrepreneur mark zuckerberg

Microsoft and AOL tried to purchase a music player he had built called Synapse and recruit Zuckerberg, but he instead went to Harvard College in September 2002. He regularly donates to charities and schools and in October 2010 Zuckerberg landed a cameo role on hit TV show The Simpsons.

Wide sargasso sea – college essay

In the book, Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys portrays the different reactions to aggression through the abundant use of diction, innuendos, and sensory details in the book. Mason, to the aggression of the black people".

Introduction for dengue virus

Dengue fever, also called dengue, is a potentially serious disease caused by a virus. The incidence of dengue fever is on the rise worldwide, and in some areas of Asia, complications of the disease are a leading cause of serious illness and death in children.

Osi & security layers

The Physical Layer this layer describes the physical components of the various communications media, it also includes the electrical properties and interpretation of the signals exchanged. The Transport Layer- this describes the quality and nature of the delivery of the data.

Architectural design of religious temples

Sing these alterations in the society, there is besides a immense alteration in the manner a temple; a topographic point of worship is related to the society. For the first clip a temple was designed in the signifier of a chariot.

Development of ict examination system

The mal-practices or the delay in declaration of results are affecting the careers of the students and in turn break the image of delivering bodies and hence government. The researcher is registered doctoral student, hence presented in the review paper, the examination reforms is the need of every time in the society since its establishment.

The impact of union budget on indian economy

The research was carried out in the form of Event Analysis and 45 days before and after the budget, were considered to measure the volatility in the stock market. To study the likely impact of union budget passed in 2011, for the fiscal period 2011-2012, on stock market's and 5 sectors' performance.

Reasons for nazi success in maintining control

Moreover, it was often the use of physical force and coercion that allowed for the new game to create popular appeal which in turn kept the Nazis in power. However the rise of the Nazis was to backpedal on any advances made in expediting the role of women in society.

Designing a reward system

The employees must be able to trust their employer; failure to provide what has been promised can lead to distrust and decline in motivations and performance within the employees." In order for a rewards program to be successful, the specifics need to be clearly spelled out for every employee. The prices given would need to β†’

Supply chain management

The purpose of our study is to assess the sustainability practices of the current supply chain, as well as reviewing the potential disruption risks to the supply chain. The current supply chain at JOY Books begin with establishing the concept of the book; working together with the author to identify the subject matter and title β†’

Coca-cola marketing strategy assignment

1)Discuss the attitudes and related beliefs toward coca-cola of intensely brand- loyal consumers. Discuss how the salient beliefs about coke products might differ for customers and consumers.

Personal finance assignment

What are the consequences of withdrawing money from a 529 plan to pay for expenses not associated with higher education? a. An accurate description ofa 529 plan is: a.a retirement savings plan offered by employers that allows you to save up to $1 7, 000 a year tax-deferred b.a tax-advantaged plan that allows anyone, regardless β†’

Job design in mcdonald essay sample

While repetitive job for continuous several hours a day can often cause the crew feel the uninteresting in their jobs and lead to ineffectiveness, the crew maybe start looking for some other interesting job instead of staying in McDonald's. Consequently, if the pay and reward system in the corporation was poorly established it could affect β†’

Is public administration an art or science? essay sample

Let us considered Public administration as a Science and it has two branches that are " Pure Science" and " Social Science". It also mean that a contingency approach is required in the practice of administration that is there is a need to modify the science of administration to suit the situation and the apply β†’

Nancy foner & george fredrickson (editors). 2004. not just black and white: historical and contemporary perspectives on immigration, race, and ethnicity in

Globalization and Poverty Since the devolution of the world economy from 2008 to the present, scholarly inquiry into the expansion of poverty rather than capital have been hard pressed to articulate how this widespread phenomenon previously classified as the blight of ' others.' Indeed, traditional models of the race/class dyad now fall short in confrontation β†’

Bus 234 san p1-p2 other half

To determine which employees in the organization require the training. Conduct an actual review of the employees' performance Actual review will involve a cross-examination of the work handled by the employees.

People resourcing

The initial recruitment exercise went well as planned and Wave appeared to be moving in the right direction, that even when the number of guards who were needed was increased, the agency seemed to have the ability to deliver. Being an internationally recognized and reputable firm, G4S would have made it a precondition for Wave β†’

David brins conception of surveillance society

The mainstay of Brin's argument on surveillance society is the technological environment that makes the emergence of a surveillance society not only a concrete possibility but also a reality in the making.III. The problem is that Brin, in his rush to reach the conclusion of " surveillance society", has been overwhelmed by the recent developments β†’

Claire of the sea light

Claire of the Sea Light story is told with a piercing lyricism and the economy of a fable. Review: Edwidge Danticats's " Claire of the Sea Light" a moving story of love.2013.

An image of africa: racism in conrad’s heart of darkness by chinua achebe

Achebe is specially disturbed by the fact that Conrad's novel " The Heart of Darkness" completely dehumanizes Africans and treats them as brutes, savages and mere props to give his novel a convincing touch in complete disregard of the sublime and enlightened values an author of his stature is supposed to espouse. He is also β†’

Writing on gender in popular culture essay

Much of the humor comes from the tension of the relationships between Carrie, Doug, and Arthur, as well as the general stagnation of the main characters. This is in contrast to Doug's close male friendships, which are often a part of the plotlines.

Discuss and illustrate the view that metaphors influence thought and action

Metaphors are omnipresent in language, the title of this essay, for example, contains a metaphor, but for the sake of accuracy, let us define exactly what a metaphor is. For example, the title of this essay asks that the author, " illustrate the view", the author is not expected to draw a picture, but instead β†’

Candidate signature essay

An explanation of how to support others to promote diversity, equality and inclusion a) A description of the legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, quality, inclusion and discrimination. This type of good practice is based on a foundation of respecting, recognizing and celebrating individual needs, differences, beliefs and preferences.) An explanation of how β†’

Smart governance research

Contents Smart Governance Concept Main Objective To establish the role of stakeholders, citizens and community engagement in smart governance and their interaction with data and information in fostering good decision making. However, one of the core focuses of the vision is on the integration of technology to ensure proper flow of data and information β†’

Gullivers travels-satire w/bibliography essay

As Swift leads Gulliver on these four fantastical journeys, Gulliver's perceptions of himself and the people and things around him change, giving Swift ample opportunity to inject into the story both irony and satire of the England of his day and of the human condition. However, the present king's grandfather once cut himself breaking the β†’

Effects of hip-hop throughout generations

Effects of Hip-hop Throughout Generations Hip-hop is a genre that has greatly influenced generations and has been used to inspire, motivate, and promote. Although the first thought of hip-hop is hip-hop music, it has involved into a sense of hip-hop culture.

Economy in poland

Poland's government plays an enormous role in the sustainability of the country's economy. Poland has averted these hard economic times, and their economy is doing very well compared to most of the world.

Value proposition of gym/spa business

What is nice about a proposed gym/spa business that it complements each other, a spa will always complement to a spa, because it provides the clients a chance to relax after a rigorous workout. Market Niche of a Gym/Spa Business A slogan that can be used with this business is " Healthis Wellness, The Rest β†’

Society’s perception of affirmative action

I have to disagree with the remainder of the article. I believe that he is arguing that affirmative action is demeaning to blacks, but what he should be arguing against is not affirmative action, but white society's perception of affirmative action.

Working and non working mother health comparison

The objective of the study was to observe the presence of anxiety in working and non working women with reference to their education, family system and the number of their children setting. The study was designed to compare the stress, and anxiety level among different profession of working women.

Intelligence community in the united states politics essay

The History of the Intelligence Community in the United States can be traced back to intelligence operations conducted by then General Washington in the revolutionary army and as his time of the first president of the United States of America. One would think that World War II and the congressional investigations of the 1970s would β†’

Margin of appreciation

Margin of appreciation is a means by where member states are conferred a privilege to balance between the rights of the individual with the rights of the public at large. To large degree, there is a legitimate justification for the existence of the margin of appreciation, most of all it is necessary as a means β†’

Machizukuri in japan: overview and analysis

Therefore, the origins of Machizukuri need to be explored in order to be able to determine how the concept of Machizukuri is shaped and indirectly determining the characteristics of Machizukuri that vary it from the other types of planning in Japan. In general, Machizukuri can be understood as an attempt to improve or sustain the β†’