A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Conservation of a species

The reason for this designation is that, according to researchers and supporters, more than half of the species of turtles are in trouble. Of the many reasons listed for the demise of these species, nearly all of them are of human origin.

Image operations of the shopping centre tourism essay

The main objective of the report is to be able to present the research and findings of Ragwort and Simpsons about the image and operations of Tauranga Shopping Centre. With the findings presented, appropriate recommendations are suggested in order to make the shopping centre more attractive and be able to better meet the needs of β†’

The crime of rape law general essay

There are of course many more considerations which must be taken into account to properly understand the crime of rape, and hence the first chapter of the paper deals exclusively with the crime of rape as defined in Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Even if the problem might not be so bad β†’

Famous george orwell novel 1984

In the novel, they work together in an attempt to overthrow the Party, until they unfortunately realize it may be best to embrace the Party's doctrine once they come upon O'Brien, a powerful member of the Brotherhood. He must appear to be a member of the Party in every aspect, and the Thought Police are β†’

Socrates, alcibiades, and the pursuit of beauty

These stages of the pursuit of beauty, a " ladder of love", are analyzed as a practice when Socrates' would-be lover Alcibiades gives a speech both praising and criticizing the old philosopher and his way of life. As Alcibiades evidences, Socrates appears to be a prime example of a lover of pure beauty, as outlined β†’

Effectiveness of treatment of postnatal depression

The importance of spoting the signs of postnatal depression is stressed in the National Institute of Clinical Excellence clinical management and service guidance on antenatal and postnatal mental health, which was released lately that it is applicable to healthcare professionals who care for women who are designing a pregnancy, are with child or throughout the β†’

The importance and role of public relations

Moreover, with the present climate of global extensions that majority of the modern day businesses practice, it is essential that the organization keeps touch with what it wants to portray to the consumers so that expectations from the organization is likewise. The only objective of such practices is to strategically disturb the channels and messages β†’

Using the internet for effective communication

Email and social media are the most popular Internet Communication tools for effective communication ). Social media Social media is one of the best opportunities for effective Internet communication in the digital world.


Patients who have been diagnosed with cancer face two distinctive options: to fight the cancer with every last ounce of energy or to simply let the disease takes its toll, but enjoy the last bits that life has to offer. It requires a positive attitude even in the face of excruciating pain and the knowledge β†’

Case presentation

Slide 2 Talk about this slide Slide 3 - Sonogram Slide 4 Reasons for the family coming to the attention of the department: This family first came to the attention of the department in 2004. Slide 22 Challenges with the Case: Engagement - I have found this particular difficult to deal as it is constantly β†’

Biology investigation

Plants respond to light where the stems grow towards the light and the roots grow away from the light. Equipment: Geotropism * 4x large test tube * 4x filter paper * 4x sunflower seed * 1x test tube rack Phototropism * 1x cardboard box * 4x sunflower seed * 1x pair of scissors * 1x β†’

The where he lived, but i do know

I am not sure to where he lived, but I do know he lived in America. Later in the story he hanged the cat in a tree.

Night to his day assignment

This statement is very true to the extent in which our society was build or " constructed" the gender system. As a process gender creates the social differences that efine " woman " and " men"" ln general, the formation of our " gender" system seem to put men in a higher status than women.

Lab reports assignment

The body of the lab should be single spaced. This is not meant to be a summary of the lab.

Century learning essay

In Dew's eyes, the purpose Of education should not revolve around the gaining of a pre-planned set of skills, but preferably the realization of the students full potential and the ability to use those skills for the greater good. His high school would need to be aware of the barriers James may have to learning β†’

Pwc job opportunities

The student may apply for positions advertised by the organization as posted in the school's career centre. How to Apply for a Job at PWC The student may apply for positions advertised by the organization as posted in the school's career centre.

The performance of tax audit in erca, lto branch

It is the audit of an assessee's accounting and other documentary evidences for the preparation of current tax returns, as well as the supporting working statements, followed by an audit report giving the auditor's opinion about the degree of correspondence between the information contained in the tax return and the regulatory provisions of tax laws. β†’

Benevolent sexism and attitudes toward myra hindley lesley smith

I agree with the conclusion that benevolent sexism can have positive and negative effects on the perception of women. This article sets the precedent for examining the influence that benevolent sexism has on the evaluation of female offenders.

Globalizing the cost of capital and capital budgeting

Globalizing the Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting at AES Obtain the Globalizing the Cost of Capital and Capital Budgeting at AES from Harvard Business Publishing. To help you with the analysis of this case, I provide here the main objectives and a list of suggested questions for you to discuss on when analyzing the β†’

Idiot nation by michael moore

" Idiot Nation" by Michael Moore is an essay that expresses Moore's thoughts on where America places its importance of education and lack of education in politics in America. The political contribution to deteriorating education, financial funding and the ignorance of Americans is the main subjects of this essay.Mr.

Review of related literature and studies essay

In Channels of Desire, the Ewens trace the emergence of the consumer society through the rise of mass images and new advertising, fashion, and entertainment industries. Drawing on the work of historians they describe how facets of the cultural sphere science, advertising, reading magazines, politics, identity, and world-view go through the historical process of co β†’

History of gaming essay

It was called the MasterSystem but it did not make the splash that many in the Sega cantonment had thought it would do.due to its deficiency of third-party games and other things it was the death of the MasterSystem and the first weakness of Sega. 2001 was the debut of the old cat with a β†’

Being gay in fillipino

This essay is entitled " Being Gay," the same title as that of the said article I have read to parallelize the contentions of what should the parents do to their gay child according to the perspective of a " noted psychologist" who speaks of the word of her god rather than the word of β†’

Proposal for a halfway house from the program director

In doing so, the Program Director will discuss several factors for the carrying out of the program such as the need to reduce the County's operating budget which eventually results into the loss of a number of personnel. Since obstacles such as the ones facing the California County Probation Department should, in no way, pose β†’

La vita e bella

I think that is the very essence of the film, making life perfect for you, even if it really is not for the entire world. It is just so ironic for me that a person like Guido is living in a world where freedom is the rarest of all terms.

Kings of pastry review

It is for this reason that the MOF is a long-shot of a competition; one that requires dexterity and creativeness to craft the pastries, but also luck when required to move them. As the first day of competition commences the competitors are required to work in the same kitchen at different stations.

Case study on childrens families intervention

Currently intervention focuses on the service user being the centre of the work with a personalised process. The Process of Social Work: Assessment, Planning, Intervention and review in M Lymbery & K.

Older adults in montreal needs health and social care essay

In order to understand these inquiries, this paper aims to discourse the followers: the importance of public transit and its consequent challenges to older grownups; current patterns in public theodolite services in Montreal; pattern rules and strength-based attack to pass through proviso; and, option attacks to pass through proviso for older grownups in the metropolis. β†’

The digression of vivian’s power within wit

Edson addresses Vivian's passing through the use of intertextual references in order to align Vivian's experience to her studies in poetry, and give her play an extra dimension for the audience to explore. As a result of Kelekian and Bearing's mutual respect, the audience is able to feel comfort in the fact that although Vivian's β†’

Example of math 136 essay

4)- Euler Circuit: If there is closed a path that crosses every edge of a graph exactly once, then such a path is called an Euler circuit.- Hamilton Circuit: If there is closed a path that crosses every vertex of a graph exactly once, then such a path is called a Hamilton circuit.- The basic β†’

The ritual of sati in hindu religioun

The practice of sati, the immolation of widows, is the most tenacious example of religious customs. To fully grasp the concept of sati one must look into history of the ritual and not only in India but in other countries as well; search for examples and reasoning in sacred texts; and discover the attitudes both β†’

Intravenous medications in the nursing environment

As this patient is at risk of both hypovolaemia and hypokalaemia the doctor should be notified to thoroughly assess the patient and implement therapy for a suspected urinary tract infection.b)Cranberry juice can be effective in helping to reduce pain when urinating and also prevents the bacteria adhering to the wall of the bladder, this method β†’

Literature review on preconception counseling and education

There were significant increases in scores of internal health locus of control and self-efficacy in the experimental group that is among the 109 samples in the post-intervention. In her study the secondary prevention was detection of unhygienic practices and education to correct the practices.

The revlon organizational stakeholders

Companies Private Limited Company One of the smallest and the simplest business structures is the sole trade. As the liability of the partners and the owners are limited, the firm capital increases giving the company growth and a huge market share.

Improving tissue support- altered cast technique

The difference between the resiliency of the residual ridge tissues and the teeth causes disparity of support, that causes the denture to rotate about its distal abutment, inducing heavy tortional stresses on the teeth and possible traumatisation of alveolar ridge. Cast partial denture made using the altered cast technique helps create an environment in which β†’

Strategy to increase diverty in the organization

However, the issues related to diversity were not observed in the US or the UK, it was particular to Japan and the rest of Asia. The first solution that X-Tech can undertake is to support female employees include the provision of career sessions so that they are clear about their advancement at the present workplace, β†’

Use of geological knowledge in building a house construction essay

Before the decision to purchase a land or home is made, the type of ground where the house is going to be built on must first be determined. After identifying the geological factors related to the ground where the house is to be built on, we next identify the geological aspects that contribute to the β†’


His poetry, especially the poems " The Prelude", " Tinder Abbey, and " The Old Cumberland Beggar, is an expression of the feelings in a turbulent time in both politics and art. Para 3: The impact Wordsmith's friendship with Coleridge and the deaths of his children had on his poetry.

Ikea case

In every store of IKEA are there showrooms where you can see the furniture in a real life setting before you buy the products. The competencies are linked with the end products in a way that it is easy to buy the products because you do not have to order and the product are for β†’

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement thus far?

How and Why those three years of studies end up as my greatest achievement thus far are probably due to my academic results between the time in secondary school and the time in polytechnic. But ultimately, I still owe it to my academic results in polytechnic for making me who I am now and considered β†’

Critical thinking and young girls

When intertwined In different social medias, the girls In Orenstein article search for online approval from their peers, It Is imperative to use this form of thinking to focus on the outside world and not feel pressured to put on a performance online. Though modern technology gives people the opportunity to connect worldwide, these connections β†’

Option (a) discuss fidelity and betrayal in northanger abbey

The language used by Austen to express Catherine's anger underlines how women were left helpless at the hands of domineering men; by saying she 'had no power' and had to 'submit' to his wishes emphasises how even the shallow character of John Thorpe has the power to control women in the patriarchal society that surrounds β†’

Pbrs law. 3. pbrs provide legal rights

Rights provided: UPOV provides legal rights to the original plant breeder or owner of a variety for commercial production, marketing and export of his variety. However, the Act 1991 has curtailed Breeders' Privilege to use the material of a protected variety for further research.7.

The of water, and after agitating it with

The Arabs, who seem to have derived their knowledge of the magnetic needle from the Chinese, introduced the invention into the Mediterranean about the time of the Third Crusade, and such crusaders as returned safe to their homes in different parts of Europe brought back accounts of the wonderful needle. So great was the practical β†’

Behavioral analysis unit

The Federal Bereau of Investigation has invested in the study of the criminal mind, and use their behavioral analysis units to better undertand the behavior of the worlds most dangerous criminals. The behavioral analysis units use the method of Criminal profiling which is the process of identifying major characteristics of a criminal's personality and behavior β†’

The rental heart: story analysis

The story is told by a first person narrator who also is the main character of the story. To further support the claim that the main character Is a girl, Is the fact that the author of the story Is In a lesbian relationship, and that she has stated that the story reflects her personal β†’

The success of a student lies in the instrument

Many people give up because they do not have the patience and sometimes they even throw the instrument out of frustration due to the fact that it could take a lot of time. McNiel is an instrument player, he still acknowledges the fact that it takes a lot of time to become familiar with playing β†’

Organic chemistry assignment

Alcohols Alcohols are the family of compounds that contain one or more hydroxyl groups attached to a single bonded alkaline. Alcohols are important in organic chemistry because they can be converted to and from many other types of compounds.

Consequences of a college student cheating assignment

If the course is graded on a curve, then the students who cheat will have their grades inflated and other students will do more poorly as a direct result. When it is recognized by the class that cheating is the only way to pass because majority of students are cheating, then the rest will begin β†’

Labels in “indian education” essay sample

While Victor was first grade, he was singled out by the other Indian boys, " the other Indian boys chased me from one corner of the playground to the other"; Victor was also compared to a white boy crying, despite the fact that none of the Indian boys have seen a white boy cry, " β†’

The role of the federal government in education

However, there is a veiled reference in Article [X] of The Constitution of the United s of America, proposed by the First Congress on September 25, 1789, and ratified by the States, that does not give the federal government powers to govern public school education, but reserves the rights to the states respectively, or to β†’

Reliability and validity in human services reseach

Discriminant validity and convergent validity, as well as external validity are all indicators of the value of a test, and should be considered when evaluating any research in human services or otherwise. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Perceived Social Competence Scale are examples of data collection instruments that may be used in a β†’

Trait theory

The impact of crime, violence or deviance on the criminal justice system as influenced by biological or psychological theories s Name: Institution: Introduction The argument based on the classical school of criminology would perceive crime, violence, and deviance as influencing the criminal justice system, particularly, when the crime or violence results from the use of β†’

Writing a response letter to the author

Nonetheless, I would still appreciate your guidance on the matter as your views are principal in the matter. Your cooperation in the subject of editing your article is highly esteemed and I am willing to effect any changes you will authorize.


The Rise of Neo-Conservatism in the 1970s Neo-conservatism is an ideology which has been gaining more and more popularity in the modern United s, but where did it come from, and why? The 1970s neo-conservatism was also a reaction to the liberal counterculture of the 1960s.

Steelworker by trudy pax farr

She was assigned to work as a burner in BOP. As a ladle liner she has to help in building the floor and wall of firebrick inside the ladle.

My kinsman, major molineux by nathaniel hawthorne

Such include the expansive use of the moonlight background in the introduction and the successive artificial sources of light such as the torches and bulbs hanging out of the shops and shopping malls. In this discourse, the analysis is on the basic use of light to illuminate scenes as the author narrates the short story.

Conditioning for strength and human performance

Variable resistance devices were developed to change the point of application of the load on the weight stack to increase the amount of resistance that the lifter needs to overcome. Examples of variable resistance devices are the universal variable resistance machine, Nautilus and the Hammerstrength range of equipment.


The Apology that Plato gives may be witnessed as a continuation of Phaedo because here, he defends himself with regard to the charges of him corrupting the young people with his philosophy and not believing in the gods of the Greek cities. Both Cebes and Socrates are able to put forth their arguments regarding the β†’

United way essay

What strategies have United Way's leadership tried in the past, and how successful have they been? United Way will compete by rebranding the company's image " doing what matters," in the community it serves.

An embarrassing moment essay

All in all, the boys were part of my team and I had to come to terms with that. The freshman boys thought it was funny that Tom could not manage to retrieve a ball from the bleacher and I thought this was going to be a tough day.

What is college for

At the beginning of this article he states " colleges and universities are primarily vehicles for the preservation, development and transmission of our intellectual culture." He then goes on to explain that we expect colleges and universities to provide students with the necessary skills that they need to find well-paying jobs but the humongous cost β†’

A day which i will remember for the rest of my life essay

I decided that I had no choice but to listen to the conversation and soon after I had started listening, I found out that she was talking to my dad. She was telling him all the things she was not happy about, and I could tell he was trying to say that he would change β†’

Globalization: benefits and drawbacks

Republicans and democrats that oppose the World Trade Organization usually believe that the WTO is, if not directly responsible, than in some way contributes to the following issues of concern: The WTO is partial to serving the interests of multinational corporations, and the WTO's actions do not support good labor and human rights. Globalization is β†’

Hyperrealism essay

Hyperrealism is a fully-fledged school of art and can be considered as an advancement of Photorealism by the methods used to create the resulting photorealistic paintings or sculptures. The term is primarily applied to an independent art movement and art style in the United States and Europe that has developed since the early 2000s.

Organizational structure and process design essay

A timeline showing the evolution of Marti over the years is given In the appendix. Marti and Government of India The Government of India has been a shareholder in Marti Dog Ltd.

Disney cruise line target market analysis

It Is important to note that the Disney Magic Is responsible for the 7 night cruises; where as the Disney wonder Is responsible for the 3-4 night cruises to the Bahamas. The Disney Cruise Line employees are the core of the Disney Cruise Line concept, because they share the same frame of mind, the philosophy β†’

Buying vs renting thesis statement

The economy is on a rollercoaster right now so making the decision to buy a home can be a tad bit tricky. Thinking about the money that you may have to come out of is a good enough reason on why you would want to save up money to take care of some of the β†’


The decision of whether to share what you had and increase the chance of you dying but increase the chance for the other person to live. In Elie's case it happened to be that even at the very end of the Holocaust he still was very selfish.

Essay on anthropocentrism

The first reason I think this is because when we uphold anthropocentric ideals, we toss the environment to the curve, and as a result all of creation suffers. As a result of anthropocentric justification dominating our society, exclusive selfishness and self-interest driven life styles, and our inability to truly make a positive impact as individuals, β†’

Group lending and mitigation of adverse selection in microfinance

This implies that the lender can pass risk from risky borrowers to safe borrowers and thus reduce the overall riskiness of the group. As a result the higher the extend of social sanctions in a group the lower the groups risk of default and thus lower rates can be charged to retain safe borrowers.

Public health – short explanation

The mission of public health was " to generate organized community effort to address the public interest in health by applying scientific and technical knowledge to prevent disease and promote health". The definition and mission of public health has not changed." In the United States, the local-state-federal partnership includes federal agencies, the state and territorial β†’

Comaparison of crisis in congo with bangladeshi textile

But after the outcry in the name of democracy andhuman rightsall over the world and specially in the western countries, the colonialism came out in a much more evolved and concealed way. The video 'Crisis in Congou is about the exploitation of a whole nation by a host of exploiter Rwanda, Uganda, united States Government β†’


Homelessness contributes to illness through a number of factors physical and psychological stress, exposure to the elements, living in crowded, chaotic, unhealthy environments, lack of protection from an array of bacteria and viruses and social problems associated with poverty and the stigma of being on the streets." The homeless probably harbor the largest pool of β†’

Edwards and the indescribable religious experience

In the specific pieces " Personal Narrative", " A Divine and Supernatural Light" and " Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", Edwards establishes that his willingness to record the failure of language actually exposes his devotion to his faith, despite the fact that his technique simultaneously limits his purpose and expands comprehension. One β†’

Contextual analysis of act 1, scene 1 of dr faustus

This is the first of a series of mistaken claims and ignorant statements that he makes in his assertion to have reached the limit of conventional learning. Yet as is made evident by the numerous and frequent references to Faustus own failings, Marlowe is not an unequivocal advocate of such a philosophy.

The hotel industry in britain

The franchise operation is privately owned but the owner pays for the franchise fee and followed by the royalty which is paid monthly and according to the contract same as the restaurants. For instance, in 5-star hotel you will see that the food and service are quite posh and branded, the facilities are expensive which β†’

Differentiation between respiration and breathing

Report: The differentiation between respiration and breathing and an explanation of the adaptation of the alveoli and their role in gas exchange. Air moves into the body through the mouth and nose, which warms and also wets the air.

Analysis of saddam hussein’s trial

The invasion consisted of 21 days of major combat operations in which a joint force of troops from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland invaded Iraq and overthrew the Baathist government of Saddam Hussein. The DOJ also aided in the setting up of the trial.

Study on nikolai rimsky korsakov history essay

This affirmed his place in the Five, a legendary group of 19th century Russian composers that worked closely early in their lives and became the core of the Russian style of composition. Also, the Navy created the post of Inspector of Naval Bands for him, providing a stimulus for him to learn more of the β†’

The levels of economic integration economics essay

The reason why the Regional Economic Integration is happening because nowadays we have the open market in which every countries or state can have the free trade to others countries. There are several levels of the regional economic integration which are the Free Trade Area, The Custom Union, The Common Market, and The Economic Union.

Modern symbolic interpretive and postmodern perspectives commerce essay

This might lead to crisis as there might be in-fighting among the various departments within the organisation, profit may fall and the initial spirit of the organisation will disappear when the founder or pioneer group of staff leave. They believe that the organisation is like a theatre and the employees each have a role to β†’

Employee turnover in uks fast food industry business essay

Success for the organization rests in the nurturing of individual expertise in the people who are hired and the successful sharing of such expertise." This requires executives in a corporation to look beyond strategy, structure and systems to a focus on the company's purpose, process and people". Employee turnover is the ratio of the number β†’

The french connection

The French Connection, written by Christopher Dickey, published on Newsweek, May 28, 2012, is about the importance of the French mathematicians in the financial world, how they are made and trained, how they work, and how they are judged every time there's a recession or loss in a company they are working with. And if β†’

Ethical issues in global business assignment

Have focused attention on the abuse of the power entrusted to executives by shareholders, employees and customers and they underscore the need for reforms to bolster business ethics. The skating controversy that involved Canadians David Paltrier and Jaime Sale overshadowed the achievements of many of amateur athletes." Skate gate" is a prime example of the β†’

Kinder snow white script essay sample

Narrator: The Queen was angry and ordered her huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed. Mirror: You, my Queen, are the most beautiful of all.

Ogun essay sample

The carpenter's very structured and routine occupation is presented to the reader in the first stanza as the speaker lists the tasks of his uncle's carpentry: " My uncle made chairs, balanced doors on, dug out coffins, smoothing the white wood out". The physical illustration of the uncle is connected to his work by the β†’

Riordan manufacturing hr and systems redesign project essay sample

A network upgrade of each location, capable of handling the incoming and outgoing traffic of each location, and the hardware upgrades to the servers need to upgraded as well, able to handle the increased workload. The majority of the documents generated by the system are hard copy and stored onsite at each Riordan location.

Hedgehog concept

Later I came to discover from whatever small capacity I was given opportunity to lead, I did it diligently to an extent that I realized the passion was beyond inspiration and just in-born. I have focused more on my passion and given a blind eye to my in born ability that came naturally without the β†’

Wall in and the lives of others

Its first erection was done during the hours of the night and it was seen to curb the fleeing of Germans from the East to the West. The fall of this Berlin wall, which was rather quick happened due to the weakening of the Communist bloc and the eventual disagreement of the citizens from the β†’

Describe and compare

Peasants were the majority and a time was forced to labor or work in military camps by the aristocracy. The major streets were occupied by industrialists and contractors and they become major towns as civilization swept the region.

Minnesota curriculum integration

One of the structures that are emphasized a lot is the academic planning for the student in additional to the issues that face the student when studying. The set structures which exist are part and parcel of the institution model where they are followed to make sure that the student will benefit and study abroad β†’

Pornography, effects against women and impact on society

To define pornography in own terms, it is the explicit display of public sexual matter that damaged the true meaning of sex and self, and is practiced by a wide range of population for sexual arousal. There is no respect and equality but the animal existence that sex and pornography reduces us to.