A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Environmental hazards essay sample

About.com gives the following information concerning this mixture of warm water and winds from the equator: Converging winds near the surface of the water collide, pushing more water vapor upward, increasing the circulation of warm air, and accelerating the speed of the wind. The odor was perceived on the same day of the reparation work, →

Stanley milgram

The aim of the experiment was to explore susceptibility to social influence in a particular situation which could show the features of our behaviour in this area. A lesson in depravity, peer pressure, and the power of authority.


Your Full Your 21 February Anthropology As per Robin Kelley, by " conceiving black urban culture in thesingular", anthropologists or other social scientists and researchers generalize all African-Americans, lumping them together, so to speak, and giving the image that there is no complexity in the cultural practices and beliefs of the urban black population. For →

Week 5 response papers

Response to Post While the is en d to his/her views regarding the responsibilities of the developed and developing countries inrespect of climate change, I am opposed to his view that the developing countries do not have a valid point. Jia's suggestion that the deployment of clean technology be used as a measure seems realistic →

Assignment 4

According to the report published by Center for Disease Control and prevention, it can be viewed that the non-Hispanic whites are likely to possess better health condition as compared to the other group of population within the US. Therefore, with this concern, the primary objective of national health reform would be to provide effective healthcare →

What are rationalism and empiricism: descartes and hume

Since a priori knowledge is essential to rationalists, conceptions of philosophy ought to be formulated in the context of logical rationalization or one that is carried out via deductive cognition. Descartes is suspicious of the senses because for him, in order to fathom a significant truth, one must doubt all perceived knowledge.

The pros of the iraq war

Williams English 102/ Sec 022 28 February 2008 The " Good" of the Iraq War The war waging in Iraq is the biggest argument in the United States today. And the less we support the war, the less financial support we can give to the people of Iraq.2.

Black power movement

The movement was prominent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, emphasizing racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture and promote black collective interests and advance black values. We will conclude with the effectiveness of the artifact and its representation to the movement.

Marketing plan for volkswagen india

The objective of this report is to prepare a marketing plan for Volkswagen India, the Indian subsidiary of one of the world's largest automobile manufacturer, Volkswagen AG, based in Wolfsburg, Federal Republic of Germany. The skilled IT industry of India is also an additional advantage to the Research and Development.

Total quality management of kfc

The necessary of this project lies in the importance of TQM and its tool to reach customer and workers which are important for KFC. The population review for this project consists of department and top management of KFC which are responsible for quality levels in KFC because these people will decide to implement TQM in →

Othello as a tragic hero and his downfall

Othello was an easy target for Iago's plan as he was already seen as an outcast in society making it easier for Iago to attack him and use him as his plan Not only is Othello doomed from the start but his judgment from the way Iago used Othello's insecurity of race allowed him to →

Does race affect treatment within cjs?

The police have been known to be institutionally racist, In the criminal justice system it has become apparent that different ethnic groups are treated unequally, a recent report called Race and the Criminal Justice System showed that " members of the Black community are seven times more likely to be stopped and searched, three and →

Incarceration and the criminalization of minorities

Criminalization of Minorities This literature review focuses on the importance of incarceration and how incarceration rates in the United States are some of the highest compared to any other country. In the research done by stated that the United States incarcerated a large percentage of the population regardless of the decline in crime rates.

Assessment of the role of leadership in promoting innovation and creativity

The purpose of this essay is to assess the role of leadership in creating an organizational culture that will promote innovation and creativity in the workplace. Steve Jobs is setting a goal for his employees as for example the creation of the iPhone and he gives them the opportunity and the freedom to experiment and →

Employment practices of wal-mart

Being aware means two things: first, adhering to the rules, laws, principles of morality, and other concerns regarding fairness and the needs of others; and second, taking responsibility of the effects to the customers, employees, and the society as a whole of the processes by which the company uses in making and rendering products and →

Laser tight rays of photons that have been

One is the transfer of momentum, picture the force of a swinging blade or a zipping bullet, and the other is the transfer of kinetic energy. Unlike light that is generated by a flashlight, lasers can travel far because of how narrow and tight the beams are.

Norwegian salmon processing facility dethroned summary

What is the productivity of the processing facility, with the equipment currently in use? * The productivity of the equipment currently being used performs well now, Ninth around 1 500 pounds of salmon being processed every each hour by 30 workers Ninth a energy cost of $10 per unit with uniting.2. What would the productivity →

Method of analysis

Theoretical Basis for Nursing, also speaks of the shift occurring in United States population demographics which is resulting in the concept of culture and the increase of cultural diversity. Summary of Article The article spoke of two Haitian immigrants of the fastest growing immigrant communities in the United States coming to the United States for →

Strategies done by tesco

Market and Product Development The online shopping service, Tesco.com was established and operated as an independent subsidiary to Tesco. To keep track of its customer online, Tesco had established a robust strategy for attracting attention and retaining customer using email marketing.

The protection of the world of communication

The second solution is protection of the business and its digital information. That is why ion both strategies there is the key purpose protection of the digital world from an unauthorized access to the private or secret and as the result of such access- form the fraud.

The scarlet letter free essay example

Hester was to wear an " A" " on the breast of her gown" as a representation of what she had done. Hester's sin was the result of neglect, but in the end she would gain knowledge.

My final college essay

I hope to learn skills on how I should act around animals in different situations, which will help me when I leave college, and I believe this school will help me accomplish this. Hands-on experience in veterinary medicine will allow me to find a job more quickly when I get out of college by giving →

National debt

In end of 2015 the national debt was estimated to be $21. According to the United States National Debt Clock website, each citizen's share of the deficit is $42, 268.79.

Banning homework

The stress is always from the amount of homework that piles up throughout the day and the tiredness usually is a result from the lack of sleep they get because of the time and effort that is put into their work. Due to the amount of homework we students receive, the amount of sleep we →

The importance of the arts

Many studies have shown that students enrolled in an arts program are 4 times as likely to be recognized for academic achievements, to participate in science or math fairs, and to win awards for exceptional essays or poetry. Students who are not zoned for the school are also allowed to apply to attend if they →

Understanding team develop assignment

Assessment Comments The assessor and IV must both sign to certify that, to the best of their knowledge, the work submitted by the learner named above is original, has been completed independently and that any criterion awarded is to the standard and rigor expected for the course. However you have impressed them in the previous →

Global warming in developed and developing countries assignment

This essay will firstly analyses causes of global warming then it will compare the carbon dioxide emissions in developed countries and finally, it will compare the carbon dioxide emissions in developing countries. There are significant differences in the amount of CO2 between developed and developing countries.

Business common law assignment

Explain why it is important to have an intention to create legal relations when making a contract and why is consideration of the parties to the agreement necessary-: Intention to create legal relations can be defined as follows.' An agreement will only become a legally binding contract if the parties intend this to be so. →

Ethnopolitical conflict in rwanda assignment

The United Nations staff as well as the three foreign governments principally involved in Rwanda bear added responsibility: the U.N.staff for having failed to provide adequate information and guidance to members of the Security Council; Belgium, for having withdrawn its troops precipitately and for having championed total withdrawal of the U.N.force; the U.S.for having put →

Media analysis – immigration assignment

The newly formed ICE, now the largest investigative branch of the DHS is composed of the former Immigration and Naturalization Service and the former U.S. With the INS no longer on the scene and ICE playing the both roles of the INS and the US Customs Service, ICE agents have been more assertive in their →

Team dynamics assignment

The in charge person might think that the quiet person is not doing anything and is not helping the team at all, while the quiet person might be thinking that the in charge person is bossy and does not care about what the other team wants to do. A good way to solve this would →

Racism in society essay

Two black thieves rob an attorney and his wife; attorney's wife is racist against her locksmith, who also changes a Persian mans locks; a black detective who is working on a case with the attorney and whose brother is one of the thieves; a racist cop who molests a black woman and cares for his →

The first americans essay

This essay traces the rise of Cahokia and Chaco Canyon and the developments of each culture to each cultures end. The mysteries of Cahokia and Chaco Canyon will remain unanswered.

Introductoryin control focus on physical protection of information

File-level security is the permission to access resources and how the resources can be accessed while process-level security is the user's capability in accessing the system. The system checks the ACEs in the resource's DACL when it is being access to determine whether to allow access to it.

Witchcrafth – the salem witch trials essay sample

The first people to be accused as witches were the heretics of the towns. At the height of the witch hunts and trials those that questioned authority or the proceedings of the trials were also quick to be accused of serving the devil and being a witch.

Elder abuse & neglect essay sample

Social workers play a significant role in community care management; it is their job to assess the needs of individuals within the community that are thought to be in need. The results of the assessment are compared to the specific council's eligibility criteria, from that point a care plan can be devised to best suit →


The Public Health Act of 1997 sets the laws for the protection of public health and the prevention of diseases. The Health Professions Act is a law which defines the different duties, functions, and responsibilities of the health care professionals.

See below journal entry

Motives of ISIL Introduction According to Geneva Centre for Security Policy Paper 5- August it is evident that the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant, now referred to as the Islamic State in Iraq and al Shaam, is a religion motivated group. Retrieved Jun 2, 2015 from: http://www.bustle.com/articles/38192-what-does-isis-want-exactly-the-terrorists-stated-goal-has-been-made-clear.

Armenian genocide

Armenian Genocide Lecturer: A huge population of Armenia children succumbed to harsh hardships in the Armenian genocide because the Ottoman Empire ordered slaughter of all Armenian above the age of five years. Children as victims of genocide: the Armenian case.


The Memorial for the Murdered Jews in Europe was a great memorial right in the center of the German's Berlin sited in a space the size of a football field. For 12years, she suffered and was found in a coma and liberated at the age of 13.

The global financial crisis in late 2008

The number 2 world event of 2009 is the inauguration of Barak Obama as president of the United States. The number 4 world event is the peaceful elections in the country of Kosovo.

Discussion questions

The steps I might take to repair and maintain the trust after the family is advised of your report As a professional, my role is to protect the rights of the child to the latter. Therapeutic letters and the family nursing unit: A legacy of advanced nursing practice.


The first response isinteresting because of the highlighted element of practical theories of learning. The classroom setting is an ideal platform to evaluate the complex dimension of change.

Man can be destroyed but not defeated essay

Novella, The old man and the sea describes that, if man is spiritually hopeful he would never be defeated. A man finds inspiration from others." But I must have confidence and I must be worthy of the great DiMaggio who does all things perfectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his heel".

And they took us away from our family essay

Poems by Oodgeroo Noonuccal, the film ' The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' directed by Mark Herman and the song 'Took the Children Away' by Archie Roach all contain expressions of these potent aspects of tribalism. Furthermore, the title of another of Noonuccal's poems, ' Last of His Tribe', implies the feeling of alienation and →

Flannery o’connor: everything that rises must converge essay

While Julian sees his mother and himself as nothing alike, on opposite ends of the spectrum concerning racial issues such as integration and acceptance, it's quite clear to the reader that Julian and his mother are far more similar than it would appear at first, or even second glance. Julian's mother, on the contrary, holds →

How can a teacher motivate students education

Therefore, by detecting this group and looking at their capable subjects, sing their age and the job, I have come up with the thought of practising the different subjects of the course of study in a more synergistic manner utilizing function playing with the intent of actuating the pupils. For illustration, in this instance, the →

Dubliners – eveline and her parents essay

But in her new home, in a distant unknown country, it would not be like that." Although she hates the lack of respect her colleagues have for her, her work is familiar, like her home life, and though it is dismal, it is assured. The treatment of Eveline by her father, and to a lesser →

Compare and contrast penelope and circe essay

The promise that she made to Odysseus that when telemachus has grown a beard and has become a man, then she will remarry, true to her word she does intend to remarry as she sets out the challenge of the great bow to stall time, also she makes a cloth to morn Odysseus to stall →

Civil rights movement analysis essay

This statement does rather back up Ian Paisley's views on the Civil Rights Movement. Although Michael Farrell does not say that the Republicans were extreme or supported all of the views and objectives of the IRA.

How to get involved in rally car racing essay

Rally car racing is not for everyone, but if you are a skilled driver with lots of experience in various road conditions, then it can be a fun and rewarding sport to be involved in. Meeting regulationsAs you are preparing to get started in rally car racing, you will want to make sure that your →

American dream springboard essay

The United States of America, land of the free, home of the brave, but also the one and only place where you can find the American dream. There are even ways to go from " zero to hero" like going from the lowest job in the store too eventually being the manager of the whole →

Consciousness: sleep, dreams, hypnosis, and drugs

Your Internal Clock: The SCN The suprachiasmatic nucleus, located in the hypothalamus of the brain, is the internal clock that tells you when to wake up and when to go to sleep. What types of animals are examples of the adaptive theory of sleep? - The restorative theory states that sleep is necessary to the →

Contents entries found.part a: introduction

Topic sentence is the most important sentence in a paragraph which clearly states the topic and the controlling idea of a paragraph, and briefly indicates what the paragraph is going to discuss. The two parts of a topic sentence As mentioned above, topic sentence has two essential parts: the topic and the controlling idea in →

Recruiting new employees to work by carl robins

The first problem that arises for Carl is when he checks on the new trainee files and realizes that the files are not complete. He should have kept up with the progress of the new employee orientation and checked on the files for the applicants.

Updike and vonnegut by hemingway analysis

Characterization - the creation of the image of imaginary persons in drama, narrativepoetry, the novel, and the short story. For the old man at the foot of the bridge, this Easter brings only inevitable death and the destruction of all that is meaningful to him.

Media bias in the election of 2008

Connie Zhang Media Bias Against Hilary Clinton in the Election of 2008 The election of 2008 was monumental in many respects, the most significant being the fact that there was a chance that the first woman or African American would become president of the United States. Although the press unnecessarily focused on these negative aspects, →

United kingdom – group of countries

In the United Kingdom, more than 70% of the working-age population aged 15 to 64 have a paid Job. However there is a positive to this, there will be less competition in the country.

To bo able to proomote equality and diversity with children and young people

Over all this code of practice is ensuring that all children and young people with SEN and Disabilities are given the same chances to access the curriculum and achieve their potential as children and young people without SEN or Disabilities. Also that children and young people with a disability have the same opportunities as their →

The greatness of napoleon caesar history essay

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States and deemed by many scholars as the greatest President of the United States. The theories used to compare the leadership of Lincoln and Hitler here are: Trait Theory.

Bounce’s car: a symbol of freedom lost and gained

The car is a tool used to gain control, both sexually and emotionally, and is also a symbol of the freedom lost and gained by society as a whole. Through Oliver's reminiscing, the car's role as symbol of the loss and gain of freedom is seen in Henry's emotional manipulation of Bounce.

Advantages and disadvantages of hospitality industry tourism essay

The friendly reception and treatment of guests is the responsibility of the people who work in the hospitality industry.1.1. Tourism which is one of the fields in the hospitality industry shrinks the world by providing a more in-depth look at the enormity and complexity of international travel.

Validity, reliability and generalization

By using the modern way, students probably will face several problems in term of comparison the information and linking the data together cause the student neglect the three different approaches of the literature to guide the student in form of business research, which is involves the validity, reliability and the generalization the data of information →

Understanding plato and the theory of education philosophy essay

Therefore, the function of the ruler should be to always aim for the Good, and the good of the city instead of the good of the individual. The foundation for the education of the guardians is based on the concept of societal and individual justice derived from the theory of the tripartite structure of the →

Consumer behaviour and retail stores

These include the quality of merchandise and services, the store appearance, the quality of the purchase service, the physical facilities, the behaviour and service of employees, the price levels, the depth and frequency of promotions and the store shopping atmosphere. The basic principle is that people prefer a certain level of environmental stimulation and that →

Disadvantages of esl course books

ESL Course books are books that teachers use to assist them in the teaching of the English Language in schools and institutions. The second advantage is that when using the course books, the genres and topics are structured such that they cover the four skill areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Facility planning part 1

The Sentara Healthcare Organization decided it was time to locate a facility in the area to provide health care and also to provide health care to the neighboring city, eastern North Carolina and an island between Virginia and North Carolina. Description of Facility Selected The facility is a new hospital in Southern Virginia Beach built →

How technology has affected businesses

The following article examines how the Integration of technology into businesses has Impacted several distinct areas such as diversity, ethics, and organizational structures. As technology is integrated into the workplace, " new ethical challenges have emerged that both employers and employees must face".

Automation, precision and efficiency: kuka

With the absence of high-technology, the labor of manufacturing is hard to imagine, and it is very difficult to keep up with market competition. KUKA decants the pallet of blank coins in drums onto the conveyor belt, with a camera to count the coins.

Global warming assignment

If Paul is wrong, he is, through his influence on the youth of America, directly sabotaging efforts to resist one of the gravest existential threats to humankind and to all aquatic and terrestrial life. For its one thing to agree with the majority and buck scientific orthodoxy; it is quite another thing to not comprehend →

Advertising: influencing our youth assignment

However, the placement of their ads is all wrong; they are advertising on channels that teenagers watch and magazines that are read by young adults; such as MET and People Magazine. The lasting effect of these companies targeting young teens is great, and it causes many problems.

Criminal justice assignment

The principle of the paper at hand is to evaluate in depth the observed journalism of females who commit sex crimes, to develop a summary of what a female offender is and the evidence of the prevalence of these offenders. Second, the goal is to tie in the typologies and stereotypes that aid in the →

Effects of advancing communication technology on business essay sample

The aim of this essay is to analyze how the positive and negative effects of advanced communication technology apply to business. Smith investigated the relationship between the types of work breakdown and changed output of production process of pins, and found that the division of labor can increase productivity in business.

Recrutiment of a star essay sample

The headhunter, Craig Robertson, has been a valuable resource for Connor in the past and is aware of RSH's culture and the type of individuals that the company needs to hire. The second problem is that with a limited number of candidates he has to find the one applicant that has the correct balance of →

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome essay sample

In the year 1993, residents of southwestern United States confronted occurrence of a series of mysterious illnesses that resulted in the identification of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. In specific, this paper will discuss the role of nursing that has been played in the treatment, diagnosis, and factors related with Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.

The ambiguity in i.b. singer’s “gimpel the fool” essay sample

Both the title and the first line of the story state that Gimpel is a fool. This uncertainty is one of the most powerful things about the story because it challenges the reader to weigh Gimpel's morals and honesty in one hand, and his apathy in the other.

Gardners theory and childrens artwork

He used lines and a big rectangular for the face, little ovals for eyes, and triangles for ears. She drew a pencil sketch of trucks on road and two kids standing on the footpath.

Seizing computers and obtaining electronic evidence in criminal investigations

Courts have generally held that law enforcers are entitled to search the entire computer device for evidence in the case of a crime. However, if the judicial approval is needed before a search warrant, then the law enforcers should be allowed to have the devices in their possession to eliminate the risk of the accused →

Role of religion in paleolithic era

The function of religion in the Paleolithic period revolved around establishing a moral code of existence in relation to a communal life. Religion defined the existence of mankind in the Paleolithic era as a lifestyle.

Genetic experimentation and development

The essential utilization for genetic experimentation or engineering concerns the treatment or curing of genetic infection or genetic diseases. It should be used as a last resort for cure of incurable or life-threatening diseases.

The problems with the u.s. education system

What accounts for this difference and what is the cause of the inadequacy of some public school systems Examination can show us that it may not be the system that is at fault, but the results of the inherent power structure and its inadequacy in confronting social conflict. In the hierarchy of the power structure →

Abnormal psychology past and present flashcard flashcard

John Weyer was the founder of the modern study of psychopathology and believed that the mind was just a susceptible to illness as the body. The experimental method is a research procedure in which a variable is manipulated and the effect of the manipulation is observed.

Restaurant review example

The four-star restaurant was founded by Joseph Bastianich, Mario Batali, and Lidia Bastianich in the year 2005 with the help of a world-class chef, Mark Ladner, and has been on the forefront to offering delicious Italian meals to the people of New York. One of the best meals at the classic restaurant is the Truffled →

Australian marketplace

This is the main reason for the formulation of this report. ISS Security is the second largest provider of security services in Australia.

Windshield survey

Community health, when perceived as the structure of the community, is commonly explained in terms of services and resources. The community is the client only when thenursingemphasis is on the common good of the population instead of on an individual's health.

Taki 183 spawns pen pals cultural studies essay

Because of this every day exposure to graffiti-art and culture, it has slowly made it's way into art galleries and become a legitimate art form." Graffiti in the form of spray-can art is art. With graffiti becoming more and more " pop culture", there is a large body of evidence that points to graffiti art →

An issue of culture in everyday use

In the story Everyday Use by Alice Walker, we hear a story from the viewpoint of the mother which is referred as mama in the story who is an African American woman who received a visit from her daughter Dee. Mama and Maggie has embraced their roots and heritage, whereas Dee on the other hand →