A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Case study: practice experience, decision-making and professional authority

I was able to address behaviours that posed a risk to her and the children, I recognised and acknowledged the risk to SS if she returns to the house alone. The risk was assessed and plans were put in place to manage such risk and minimise the risk of further abuse to her and the β†’

The heckscher ohlin model and missing trade economics essay

The first two theorems are most relevant to explain ' the case of missing trade.' Trefler captures the model in the following equation: F_fc= {?' F_fc denotes ' factor content of net exports'? that is the amount of fator f emobodied in a country's exports. To conclude, Trefler believed the major cause of the ' β†’

Qualities required to be a competent change agent

The Change Agent understands the new business process being implemented and understands the impact of that process to the business. The organization should have ability to make the desired change and this should short out by the change agent.

Business first goal is to be profitable commerce essay

Another good theory for motive is the Vroom 's Expectancy Theory which states; in order for a individual to be motivated, the attempt, public presentation, and motive must be linked. This theory is of import to Best Buy because it helps to acknowledge the relationship between the employee and the employer.

The importance of recycling

There is an important chain of recycling which can significantly reduce the damage to our environment and to separate the waste and are divided into the following categories: Source: That is from where the waste and can be domestic or industrial. One of the direct benefits of recycling is the conservation of energy that provides β†’

Customized it solutions

Customized IT solutions Wipro provides its clients customized IT solutions in the areas of enterprise IT services, technology infrastructure support services, and research and development services. The India and AsiaPac IT Services and Products segment accounted for 16% of Wipro's revenue in fiscal 2007.

Technological determinism

Social determinism is a theory that proves the superiority of the society over person's nature and thus, over the behavior. In the context of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization.

Apache accepts bitcoin donations

The organization is well known for their catalog of open-source software, of which includes the ubiquitous Apache web server and OpenOffice suite, and users in the community have been eager to support their efforts using digital currency for quite a while. A Reddit user asked the Apache Software Foundation to provide a way to submit β†’

Introduction case illustrates a situation when an entrepreneur

This is the first conflict that Carl may have to resolve in the future, and this information that we have presented can help him to disclaim responsibility provided that he manages to find a different business partner. According to this case, Carl is the President and Director of Widget International but we do not know β†’

Research facts are unproved speculations of little

A theory inspires research that can be used to verify or disprove it, and the findings of research are used to confirm, reject or modify the theory, or even to provide the basis of new theories. Research helps us to know the nature and the magnitude of the problems.5.

A tale of two cities – a historical fiction essay

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, was the epoc of belief, it was the epoc of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was β†’

A parental ode to my son and upon my son samuel essay sample

However, the rhyme scheme of the lines in brackets are more broken, giving the sense of the poet's frustration and broken concentration because of the boy being in the room with him.' Upon my Son Samuel...' differs from ' A Parental Ode...' as it is a prayer like structure which consists of 10 octosyllabic rhyming β†’

Our day out by willy russell essay sample

Briggs is more conservative and is a " fool" and the children are working class and " factory fodder." The character Mr. Willy Russell, the playwright, uses second person pronouns " you" to emphasise who the character is addressing, it is also repeated for even more emphasis; the order in which the pronouns are used β†’

Global information & tech: international technology analysis

Where Japan has become one of the leading countries in technological advancement, Iran is still lagging behind in the development of technology and scientific research. In contrast to that, the number of Internet users in Iran averages 23 million.

Medicine administration

Michael is only a teenager, and as much as he would want to do everything in his power to take care of his ailing mother, he is not in any position to offer her the kind of medical attention that she so needs. Sometimes, it is hard to administer drugs to persons suffering from Parkinson's β†’

The conspirator

Even though five people were involved in the actual conspiracy of the assassination of Lincoln, this movie gives more focus to the female conspirator Mary Suratt. This paper discusses the conspirators involved in this plot in general and the role of Mary Suratt in particular.

The core benefits of converse chucks

The augmented product benefits of Converse Chuck are the Nike guarantee of quality and the backing of the Nike brand.2. The affordability of Converse is a source of brand equity.


Article Review: Factors of Switching among Bilingual English in the room: A Survey: Article Review: Factors of Code Switching among Bilingual English Students in the UniversityClassroom: A Survey In a recent study conducted by Bista to try and identify the various factors that are seen to affect code-switching, the researcher was able to identify a β†’

Edgar allan poeconclusion

Most of Poe's stories were written in a gothic style, and had a dark, mysterious mood to them. He was one of America's most famous writers of his time and he was well known as being a part of the Gothic movement in literature.

Position of women in india essay

Contents Decision The adult females are the psyche of our community and they are self physique and ego trained human responsible for the morale development of their kids, inspiration for the household and an illustration for the community to follow. A adult female is the pillar of a household, and concussively that of a state.

Submarine sandwich and subs

Slice the Bun and Add the Meat/Cheese Slice the Bun and Add the Meat/Cheese Add the Toppings and Condiments Add the Toppings and Condiments Bag the Order Bag the Order Take the Order Take the Order 1 minute/order 3 minutes/order 4 minutes/order 2 minutes/order Daffy Dave wants to figure out the following for a typical β†’

Augustus caesar essay

Upon the defeat and death of Antony, Octavian proclaimed the restoration of the Republic of Rome. Augustus received the tribuncian power for life and assumed the role of protector of the Roman people.

Zhou case

24 Ordering cost = $65 per order Lead time = 4 weeks Re order point = ROP = daily demand x lead time = 439/365 * 28 = 33. 87 = $45650 The reorder point I have used the daily demand to get more accurate measure of the point.

North and south poles

Even if more than 60% of the Earth's surface is covered in water, this is salt water which is not adept for the purposes we listed above. Of the freshwater in the surface, a vast majority of it is locked in ice caps at the North and South Poles.

The necessity of urban local government institutions

The main purpose of this working paper is to describe the major issues of governance at the local level and to identify some important challenges for urban local government institutions in India in the light of recent urban sector reforms. The findings of this study show that urban local governments in India continue to remain β†’

The just or unjust

The fortune tellers predicted the future and for a just punishment they have their heads on backwards, because they looked into the future and now they can only see what is behind them. Dante give the fortune tellers, hypocrites, and thieves a suitable and just punishment for their sin.

A comprehensive guide to social impact assessment

Human activities have resulted in the disruption of social and communal harmony, the loss of human livelihood and life, the introduction of new diseases, and the destruction of renewable resources. 7 Impact Assessments in the context of social development are: Processes through which the government departments/ agencies can better understand how the socio-cultural, institutional, historical β†’

School life and college life

Vi) Assessment of continuous assessment of marks for practical courses A student will be evaluated for his/her academic performance in a practical course on the basis of continuous evaluation and End Semester Practical Examination. Mode of examination for non-performance type of practical will be declared by the course coordinator in the beginning of the session.

Conflict management plan

The next task is to determine the type of work team will be most effective for producing the CardiCare Valve heart valves. The members of the team, management team, and executive team collaborate to establish these goals.

The enlightenment

Along with change comes the bond of philosophers, which banned together to reform religion, they also believed to apply rules of reason and common sense to nearly everything. Letters on the English? he criticized abuses of French society and forced people to think and rethink at the world they are living in.

Shakespeare’s “hamlet”: looking at integrity assignment

Hence, it is no wonder that in the end, he is rightfully condemned to a disgraceful death, where he is slain in the midst of his own treachery. Thus, it is no wonder that under his rule, the court is seen as an ulcerous place, and Denmark is a prison Moreover, although Claudia knows that β†’

“the most dangerous game” narrative essay

The play notes here that Rainsford loves hunting to the extent that he calls it the best sport in the world. On returning home, the presence of Rainsford in his bed curtains causes Zaroff to salute him.

The concept of time in virgina woolf’s to the lighthouse

According to Woolf, " what we might venture to call life itself" is " the semi-transparent envelope, or luminous halo, surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end," and " the chief task of the novelist [is] to convey this incessantly varying spirit with whatever stress or sudden deviation it may display, and β†’

The trials and tribulations of love

With the use of a dynamic character such as Yunior, Diaz is then able to acknowledge the presence of male privilege, and emphasize the significance of dismantling the code of masculinity in order to truly understand oneself and one another. Despite Yunior's claim that he is " not a bad guy" in " The Sun, β†’

Racism and classism in modern america: “how to date a browngirl”

In Junot Diaz's " How to date a browngirl ", the narrator Yunior is used as a symbol of the stereotypes and deference towards authority typical of minorities, which highlights the disparity between race and class that Yunior is a victim of. He is unable to connect with the father because of the racial disparity β†’

Issue of teacher implicit biases

Further I will argue in this paper that, these implicit biases effect is the phenomenon of the school-to-prison pipeline, in which a huge number of students are being pushed out of school and into the criminal justice system, it's a racial justice crisis because the students pushed out are disproportionally students An implicit bias is β†’

Contemporary perspectives of family in society sociology essay

The family also socializes the child, guiding the child to be members of the society beyond the family. The media raised the above specified issue in article 1, because they actually want to show a comparison of the importance of work, religion and family in the past and in the present.

Argumentative essay on personal theories psychology essay

A critical factor that forces us to rethink our position regarding this theory is the belief that not always the individual needs to learn from the society; the society might require a change. The common refutation to this argument is that counseling does not always intend to achieve conformity to surroundings but rather it motivates β†’

How music effects emotions on people psychology essay

One is the cognitivist view which supports music as appearing to evoke emotions, the brain acknowledges the emotions in the music, but the listener does not experience any actual emotions. The first is to observe any relationship between the extent of how emotionally powerful the music is, and images that are brought to them by β†’

Effects of agenda for change on psychologists

It examines the demands made by the job and the value of the job in the organisation. KSF and the development review process is the core of the career and pay progression outlined in Agenda for Change.

African insurgency groups: causes and responses

But, in order to foresee, and perhaps assuage, the consequences of this campaign, and to limit the devastation we are likely to witness, it is paramount that international interventions adapt and correlations be drawn between this rising contention and contemporary conflicts that define modern warfare. So, while the hopes of assisting in curtailing violence and β†’

Discussing socrates and thrasymachus views on justice philosophy essay

It is essentially through these topics that both Socrates and Thrasymachus begin to differentiate on the question of justice, and what is considered " just". Because Socrates thinks an ideal ruler in a city thinks for the benefit for his subjects, his view of justice is very far apart from Thrasymachus, as he feels that β†’

Caring for a child or young person with severe illness

I have chosen to use the Driscoll's Reflective Model as a guidance as it is straightforward and encourages a clear description of the situation which will allow me to look at the experience and identify how it made me feel, asking what was good and bad, and what I can learn. Through reflection, I have β†’

Research methodology: impact of us press on pakistan

The main questions of the Study are: What are the impacts of the American press relevant to the Issues of Pakistan in their inclination towards India? The reasons for the selection of these newspapers are the prestigious newspapers of US and also the medium of expression of the American policy.

The lenovo company report marketing essay

In this respect, Lenovo has a leading position in shipment of personal computers and in Chinese market share as indicated by its 30% share in Chinese PC market and the 2012 third quarter total shipments share of 15. In that respect Lenovo is protected by its economies of scale and the high capital requirement for β†’

Market segmentation and consumer buying behaviour

Also the consumer behaviour is the positive or negative reaction for the products of the marketing. The purpose of segmentation is to find the ideal set of needs and behaviour of the targeted customer.

Juror 8 in 12 angry men

Davis one different opinion gives doubt to the rest of the crowd, for him to change the mind of the rest of the crowd with persuasion. This is as a stop end result of his personality and skills which he employs in the case towards the defendant boy.

Data warehouse in public schools of virginia

Data in the data warehouse are organized through the interaction of key subject areas of the business which includes the customer, the vendor, the product, and business activities. The data that is shared by county schools also have flexibility and depth.

Food additives and childhood behaviour

As parents are becoming more cautious of the things they are giving to their children, they are starting to question whether the food and drink they provide is safe to consume with close to every food and drink product containing additives. Overall it has been proven that additives in foods and drink can be harmful β†’

Andrew carnegie vs. john rockefeller

Andrew Carnegie was born in Ireland to a poor farmer, at the age of 13 he came with his family to America in search of hope and a new life. He used this money to establish hospitals, libraries and other areas of needs in the community to give back for the ruthlessness he sometimes showed.

What i ask you, and where are

Today I came to let them see that we are still on time and every day is an opportunity to make a change in our country and in the world, create the best version that you can and make things right. Going back to the better together, I what you to think about it, analyze β†’

Acquisition strategy – summary

Combining the operations of two companies is a very good option for companies that are looking to stregnthening the company's competincies and competitiveness, this will ultimately open new market opportunities. The strategy has allowed them to acquire a larger share of the financial market.

Samurai values

They were educated and took up different forms of art, the favourite one being calligraphy hence the concept of bushido " the way of life of the warrior" and bun " the artistic, intellectual and spiritual side of the Samurai. The elements of a Samurai warrior are in this sense the various forms of energy β†’

Love for reading – compare & contrast process essay

Title: Comparing and contrasting video gaming to reading booksThere are a lot of differences between gaming and reading books, and even though my essay details a lot of comparisons and contrasts, most of them are based around similarities. Both are very immersive There are a lot of differences between video gaming and reading.

Public art and controversies assignment

They may have used the question of whether or not it is " art" purely to facilitate the removal of a structure they deemed a hindrance. I base this on his following statement: " I do not think it is the function of art to be pleasing...

Henry viii assignment

Catherine was the daughter of the extremely powerful and Catholic monarchs of Spain, Isabella and Ferdinand, as well as the aunt of the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. Like his wife Henry was a devote Catholic, so much so that with the help of his right hand man, Cardinal Wolves, the Archbishop of York and β†’

Market research assignment

The questions may also be concerned with the respondents' personal background, factual knowledge, attitudes or opinions, for example, in the case of the assignment is to do with vacations and the Information related to It. The main objectives and intended outcomes from the questionnaire included, To obtain a partial lifestyle profile of people who currently β†’

Effects of water pollution assignment

The effects can be catastrophic, depending on the kind of chemicals, concentrations of the pollutants and where there are polluted. The effects of water pollution are varied and depend on what chemicals are dumped and in what locations.

Resourcing talent – talent planning in an organisation essay sample

The agency will then look through their possible candidates and select only the ones which are suited to the position and person specification you have provided, this will save a lot of time for the company. It enables the employer to get a better understanding of why the candidate believes they are suitable for the β†’

Sensory stimulation theory essay sample

Learning refers to the process of increasing ones knowledge through the process of reading and the use of senses. LITERATURE REVIEW In the 1960s and 1970s, learning was usually referred as a change in behavior, that is learning is discussed as the end product of some process.

Night by elie wiesel essay sample

In the memoir, Night, Elie Wiesel describes the multiple losses of loved ones, of caring humanity, of personal identity, and of belief in God's justice, which he experiences as a concentration camp inmate in 1944-1945. Although several instances in the memoir are mentioned by Wiesel where he questions his God's mercy, nowhere else in his β†’

Human service professional

A cohesive workforce is able to make valuable contribution to the goals and objectives of the organization. One of the most urgent needs of the organizations is to create a learning environment for its workforce.

Seminar on marketing

Central to the discussion is the strategic planning of how the each of the four Ps can contribute value to the product, create the image that the business organization wants to convey, and serve the needs of customers. Another concept that I hope to apply is the creation of brand image through promotions and communication β†’

Ghost world film review

The " Ghost World" is a successful portrayal of girls' maturing, making decisions and finding their place in life. The girls have their own point of view about the world, and that view is very well portrayed.

Movement for black liberation

Three of the most important figures in the movement for Black liberation across the world are W.E.B. Du Bois is celebrated as an American civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, sociologist, and historian and he is noted as a key leader in the movement for Black liberation who has attempted virtually all the possible solutions to the β†’

Business ethics

The " the reception was generally favorable", and most people liked the new bus system over the old one. The third consequence of the scandal was the effect is had on GM's image.

Becoming attached by robert karen

In the present generation most of the mothers in the developed countries spend less time in their homes and with the growth of the nuclear families, the needs and demands of the children remains unattained. The attachment theory mentioned in the book talks about the needs of the children to get attached to adults who β†’

A short story

The purpose is to evaluate the influences that the appeal to the senses, as adopted by James Joyce influences, the overall impact of a story on a reader. By appealing to the sense of sight, the author is able to create a vivid imagination in the reader, engaging the audience in the setting of the β†’

Library process

In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of conducting research in a brick-and-mortar library rather than online? Advantages of conducting research in brick-and-mortar library are: Opportunity for consultation: When using brick-and-mortar library, a researcher is in a position to get first hand assistance on their research topic from experienced and trained reference librarians β†’

The influences of culture on learning and assessment among native american students

Research Design The author cites information from the national data sources regarding the achievement of the Native American students, and he discusses the principles of assessment and the cultural aspects of assessment. The influences of culture on learning and assessment among Native American students.

Of shrouds and hidden motives

Indeed by conducting hearings that appeal to everyone's heart, they can shift the people's attention from the very core of the problem down to the ones that bob in and out of the social strata. It is indeed amazing how the writer combined pathos, logos, and ethos to succinctly and satirically convey his message and β†’

Peer reviews lesson plans

It may be easy to point out what is required of the plan in each section providing the rational for the same section could be a difficulty in many lesson plans. The reviewed lesson plans in this paper are the " Multicultural Lesson Plan" and the " Social Studies Differentiation Lesson Plan".

Christianity: protestant reformers

One of the differences that split the group entailed the need for transparency and accountability because of endless corruption. Another interesting reason was that the entire Roman Catholic Church papacy was Antichrist, thus, there was a need for committed believers to honour the prophecy by leaving the church.

Christianity in the context of the times

Jesus in the Context of the Times Jesus in the context of the times came during the period of two Jewish factions, the Sadducees and Pharisees. The Pharisees believed in the oral tradition of the history of the Jews, which included the Ten Commandments and the first five chapters of the Bible.

Memoirs of a student in manila by jose rizal

I forgot to say that in the little table I had a drawer with soap, comb, brushes for the hair and for the teeth, powder, etc. Although I was studying philosophy, physics, chemistry, and natural history and in spite of the fact that Father Vilaclara had told me to give up the society of the β†’

Overpopulation in india

Significance of the topic In order to give a brief detail about the topic, the country India is selected for discussion and the same is compared with USA and UK. Population growth rate The growth rate of population in a country depends on the birth over deaths and the balance of migrants who are entering β†’

Presentation psychodynamic theory essay

The psychodynamic approach includes all the theories in psychology that see human functioning based upon the interaction of drives and forces within the person, particularly unconscious, and between the different structures of the personality. The focus of pleasure is on the mouth.

The deflnltlon of pneumonia essay

The title itself The Definition of Pneumonia, the Assessment of Severity, and Clinical Standardization in the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health Study.it is all explained in the content of the Journal. The article describes the clinical features and classifications to define pneumonia In children.

De beers and u.s. antitrust law essay

De Beers promotes the economical development of the African continent and contributes to the decrease of gap between the developed countries and the third world.4. The best way for De Beers to overcome these challenges is to support its brand name of a unique diamonds producer.

Orientalism and the last emperor

There is a division the East and the West and in this the West is a more superior culture than the East. Johnston is not only encouraging the emperor's materialism, but he is also keeping the emperor ignorant of the current situation the emperor is in.

Kyocera case study

Rather than looking for a group of existing administrative problems, the focus is strategic in nature and addresses issues that could be problems in the future based on the status of the company at the time the case was written. The analysis includes information for the time period covered in the case study with a β†’

Scorch trials: unreality

Also there is a group called the Gladder which is a group of guys and one girl named Theresa Agnes who can telepathically communicate to one of the boys named Thomas. It is basically the post-apocalyptic government which consists of all the remaining governments unite into a single totalitarianism one could say where they control β†’

Effects of the war on nationalism and unionism

The circumstances created by the Great War plus the actions of unionists, nationalists, republicans, and finally the British government all brought changes to nationalism and unionism. Before any of the thousands of volunteers had been sent to the front line the British government's decisions meant that the Great War would change nationalism and unionism.

Therapeutic horseback riding

The motion of the horse, the concentration it takes to learn how to ride and the communication between their instructor and rider allow the patient to benefit from riding even with a disability and is a fun kind of therapy. Horses also can help a person feel in control because you are telling the horse β†’

Impact of globalization on international conflicts

In this paper, we will look at the conflicts and how different nations are embracing globalization to help root out these conflicts.[1] Global change is a rapid process and it is hard to keep track of the new and many developments. In the economic world, globalization compels businesses to embrace diverse strategies in relation to β†’

Business analysis of asian paints

Forbes Global magazine USA ranked Asian Paints among the 200 Best SmallCompanies in the World for 2002 and 2003 and presented the ' Best under a Billion'award, to the company. Asian Paints is the only paint company in the world to receivethis recognition.

The thai schooling system is failing

Yet this is only the tip of the iceberg, in Thailand the teacher's base everything of memorization and make children memorize large pieces of work and concepts. This happens in rural areas especially as the pay is so low and many people are poor." Most of these kids will drop out of school at 15 β†’

Overfishing of the ocean essay sample

In ecosystem overfishing the larger predatory fishes are fished out of the ocean when then it turn leaves the smaller type of fish to grow in abundance and disturbs the balance of the ecosystem. In total over 30 species of sharks have been put on the endangered list, an the reason why the shark population β†’

Mary shelley how does mary shelley create atmosphere essay sample

She gives the impression that because Frankenstein has been working so hard on this creation that it is driving him to insanity, this is shown by quotations such as.'I thought I held the corpse of my dead mother in my arms.' This makes the reader think that the creation is driving him to insanity, and β†’

How ict is going to affect us in the future essay sample

I use ICT in many ways such as doing coursework or researching as it is one of the quickest method to find large amounts of information. ICT has certainly helped me a lot of times and it would be the same in our future generation.

Gm foods are safe for human consumption

These assessments established GMOs to be by and large safe without multigenerational outcomes; nevertheless, they suggested that more research be executed on the health effects of GM foods use in mammals. That said; it is wrong to deny the fact that autonomous critical assessments have so far established GM foods to be safe.

Mechanistic and organic organizational structures

Organic structures are identified by their fast processing and distribution of information that is to be used in decision making; resulting to a high level ability to counter and react to changes in the environment. Additionally, organic organization structures have a higher integration of departments and functional areas as compared to mechanistic structures, decision making β†’

Filipino/a american literature

In of his works the design of the skull is placed on top of a bottle of liquor supposedly a spirit. Kwantro is warning the society against some of the dangers and the only way is through the sign of danger well known by the public.

The cask of amontillado

In the end, the Tell-Tale Heart also acknowledges the conscience within man by showing how the relentless heartbeat of the old man bothers the murderer. As opposed to The Tell-Tale Heart which tackles paranoia and guilt, the main theme of the story is revenge.