A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Introduction of fighting fires formed the basis

In a detailed discussion between the architect and the fire control officer, emergency folders as one of the cost effective approaches of fighting fires formed the basis of designing the building for fire protection. In addition to that, the architect asserted that such stairs were used to accommodate the needs of escaping children and disabled β†’

Bbc worldwide case

In order to licenses and distribute all this media around the globe, the BBC opened up a subsidiary named BBC Worldwide in 1995. Also, BBC WW's flexibility and willingness to partner with the right companies, provides a slew of growth opportunities.

Fahrenheit 451 and freedom of speech

Although the topic of importance of history is different in the US and F451, the topic of entertainment is much more similar. This is similar to the Seashell radios that are in F451.

Senioritis narrative essay

The comprehension is unbearable that you would skip a class to get sick and catch germs in a public high school bathroom. But yet, here we are realizing the fact that it's not even the seniors skipping the most and yet it's still called Senioritis.

Reporting practices and ethics paper assignment

Controlling The financial manager uses the controlling element to make sure the organization is following the plans that have been customary. Organizing and Directed The organizing and directed element is used to ensure that the resources of the organization are being used successfully to accomplish plans that have been established.

Judaism assignment

The definition of a Catholic Confirmation is " a rite administered to baptized persons, in some churches as a sacrament for confirming and strengthening the recipient in the Christian faith, in others as a rite without sacramental character by which the recipient is admitted to full communion with the church.". The definition of a Bar β†’

The next christendom: the coming of global christianity essay

The future of Christianity will go through major changes as the conservative group becomes the majority, and the new liberal group becomes the minority. I believe that he brought up some very good, but much unspoken of topics related to Christianity and the future of Christianity.

Feedback to the previous 2 argument design paper’s comments

The paper was not argumentative, and I failed to use the necessary structure and format to make my writing an argumentative paper as I did not correctly highlight the concept, argument, evidence and conclusion. By highlighting that the paper failed to qualify as an ADP, I carefully restructured my paper and presentation of the evidence β†’

Perceptual maps

In the case of the aerospace industry, perceptual mapping is an essential tool which shows how companies position themselves in terms of pricing and the level of service offered. However, it is also important to realize that the perception of customers about different brands is also essential in generating a correct perceptual map.b.

Major corporation

The other core value that the corporation has managed to employ in its business operations is offering the best service to customers. Therefore, the corporation has been able to make more sales because of the increase in numbers of customers.

Leading and controlling slp

At the beginning of the year, budgets are made to allocate the resources of the organization and to determine the expenses and revenues expected for the year. Another important type of control practiced by one's organization is the quality control.

Foils used in romeo and juliet

A foil character is that who contrasts the personalities of another character, and which serves to exemplify specific qualities or attributes of the individual. Mercutio is a crucial foil character to Romeo as it is through his realistic mindset that Romeo's dreamy and romantic character is demonstrated.

William shakespeares macbeth. macbeth character

Macbeth becomes insecure as time advances, and he visits the witches again to know his future where he is reassured that his reign will continue. However, both of these events seem impossible to Macbeth, and he is tormented by Banquo's lineage.

Drilling oil well design

Oil Wells have no specific design, but there are strict standards when it comes to the good design, drilling of the well, and their completion. In this case, it is important to analyze and specify the kind of drilling fluid to be used including the type of casing strings to be used as well as β†’

Should congress enact gun control laws

In the light of the recent tragedy of massacre of 26 people, including 20 children in the age group of 5-10 years in a Connecticut Elementary School, one of the worst mass shootings in U.S.history, getting the bill passed at the national level should be possible for the Obama administration. Some urgent attention is needed β†’

Testing individuals for potential health problems

One is of the opinion that all things considered, it is still best that testing must done. Whether or not there is a cure for the disease, one should be made aware of his disease so that in the future if new cures are developed, they can avail of such.

Two theories of ageing essay

In order to the maintain their social, emotional, physical and intellectual abilities and skills and have a good quality of life old people will need to receive the support/ facilities they need for them to be able to seize any opportunity to stay active, these opportunities will come from having roles, responsibilities and relationships which β†’

Tim o’brien’s the things they carried essay

Characters who are ' shell shocked' dominated the novel and the act of setting ' Regeneration' amid the confusion of those who have ' given up' on the war emphasises the terrible effect the apparent aimlessness of the war had on those who suffered ' without purpose or dignity.[vi]' The fact that Craiglockhart is not β†’

Old people social perspectives sociology

For intents of lucidity, the undermentioned inquiries were asked: The effect of the reply to the inquiries was presented in the affiliated sheet to this paper. In the topic, the ego construct formation is non of course formed through his knowledge but handed to him and sort of forced on the child based from the β†’

Is macbeth a political or dramatic text

One has to remember that many plays were cancelled and the authors punished if they were deemed unsuitable as a consequence much of the satire and irony based around the Tudor/Stuart government and monarchy would have to be well hidden by imagery and drama; it is for this reason that it is difficult to separate β†’

What was “appeasement” essay

Since Neville Chamberlain died in 1940, it was easy to blame him for the start of the war. However they still hold the view that appeasement was not the policy to take in the situation.

The role of the bolsheviks for the decline and fall of the romanov dynasty.

Modern History Research Essay: The Russian Revolution Assess the role of the Bolsheviks for the decline and fall of the Romanov dynasty. In exploring Russia in the early 20th Century, the revolutionary groups, mainly including the Bolsheviks, can be seen as having a minor role in that actual reason for the decline of the Romanov β†’

Darker side of lean essay

Up to that point almost all case studies published on the Toyota way celebrated the success of the Toyota Production System and its approach to Lean Manufacturing. A more balanced investigation of the benefits and failings ofTPS and Toyota would be beneficial.

Current treatments

One is a former patient who appeared to have succumbed to the symptoms of schizophrenia and was not able to improve and live a normal life even with the medications available at that time. Professionals in the field of health care should never be contented with the current treatments and should always look for ways β†’

Speech outline: how to start an iv

Specific purpose: To demonstrate and explain the process of starting an IV Credibility: As a registered nurse for eight years I start IVs on a daily basis and I am a resource nurse for nurses whose patients are difficult to start IVs on from pediatric to geriatric patients. Apply tape Conclusion Today I have demonstrated β†’

Am certain and it is certain

The question, addressing passionate conviction, Inquires whether It Is ever sufficient for Justifying knowledge claim. These are a few knowledge issues that need to be identified and taken into consideration when deciding whether passionate conviction is sufficient for justifying knowledge.

Wac kanpur confectionary

OBJECTIVES KCPL has the vision of emerging as a leading national brand in the biscuit industry and thus maintaining thefamilyname and dignity. Alok will have to bring major changes in the operations and the workings of the company.

Marine pollution solution assignment

The power of education is the first step in order for the public to see a need for change. Ultimately, this should lead to legislation and the funding Of a clean energy policy.

The book thief, by markus zusak

It's the right to act, speak or think one way without having to be controlled, as well as being able to express yourself freely as an individual and to pursue happiness. She's unable to express her emotions and opinions because of what could happen to her and the consequences she would have to face it β†’

Visual analysis of hitchcock’s “rope”

This power dynamic between Phillip and Rupert is exemplified in this interaction between them and is one of the most intense moments in the entire film, and the usage of mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing, and sound are integral to building the suspense in this scene and depicting the two contrasting characters. The camera's position and movement β†’

Regulatory and commercial interrelationships – legality

Individual report M2: Explain the legal obligations that might impact the regulatory and commercial interrelationships This report is about the legal obligations that might impact the regulatory and commercial interrelationships in the Heathrow airport but before we go further, legal obligations is defined by the law dictionary as the duty enforced by a court of β†’

Disability as a form of diversity

It compared the different disabilities with the different ethnicities and how they are different in the form of diversity. This paper talked about the different aspects of race and how to not mix this all in with disability.

A market analysis for the shoe retailer clarks

Under both of this option, some categories that customers can search for such as check on their updated New Arrivals products for their kids, they can also check on the Kid's Best Seller Products, searching for shirts or shoes in the range of age 0-2, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-12, Boots, Waterproof, School, Sports, Casual, β†’

Play station 3

Play station 3 is unique from the Play station 2 in that it offers a unified online gaming service called the Play station network unlike the Play station 2, which depended on developers for the video game to play online. In it, there is a virtual market that is online and a store for the β†’

Learning from the nafta experience

However, NAFTA is credited to have played a major role in productivity growth in the U.S.and in Mexico with a weaker growth. Concerning imports, the NAFTA countries were the second suppliers of imports to the U.S.in 2010 and the U.S.imports to the NAFTA countries was 506.

T.s. eliot: controversy and achievement

In his poem, " The Hippopotamus", Eliot compares the ferocity of God to that of a creature inferior in his presence. Through his poems, Eliot introduced to the world an abstract style of writing that pushed literature to its modern form.

Roselle public schools essay

Interactive groups Students will investigate the presence of various fats in house hold products.-students will complete the do now. Process Students will finish the do now.

Literature or short term depending upon the catastrophic

This is because of situationslike; insecurity, confusion, betrayal and brutality that make the victim toremain dumb in spite of the unbearable pain the body is subjected to." Trauma therapy, at least the best traumatheory, aims to turn trauma into voice, so that the traumatized person canspeak, and finally transform his or her trauma into narrative. β†’

Nutrition & healthy eating essay sample

For this question you need to research what the government guidance is on children's nutritional needs and healthy eating: It would be worthwhile to research and describe: The Eat well Plate, 5 a day, Children's Food Trust, The Food Standards Agency As these are the government guidance. Please also ensure your Menu is including cultural β†’

Diversity in the workplace essay sample

The definition within this context that I prefer, is the one offered by Kandola and Fullerton." The basic concept of managing diversity accepts that the workforce consists of a diverse population of people. In the USA, white males will be in a minority of new entrants to the labour force in 2000 These sometimes startling β†’


She recounts one seen "'In my book,' she said, ' I talk about where I rush out of the house with my black carry-on, and I have to black pocketbooks, and the play opens with her with one big black bag and a carry-on, rushing out to do a lecture'". When you boil it down β†’

Food science and nutrition

Food & Nutrition Since centuries, poverty has remained a major confrontation in the human society that is still affecting millions of families around the globe, especially in developing parts of the world. Starvation is one of the adverse outcomes of poor families; however, it is an observation that individuals in poor families are able to β†’

Lesson plan analysis

On the other hand, the instructional strategy of prime background knowledge which is likewise gleaned on the current lesson plan on feelings is a method where new information or ability is associated with what the students already have learned or have experienced. While there are different forms of strategies that can be used effectively for β†’

Logic and thought

In Defense of Astrology: A Case is not Made The article " In Defense of Astrology" attempts to establish the notion that astrology should be taken asa serious art on the grounds that it is more reliable and efficacious than a medical diagnosis. The first argument is based on the claim that, until the eighteenth β†’

Japanese americans during wwii

Japanese Americans were moved to camps in the interior of the country, far from potential contacts with Japanese agents that could solicit their help for the Emperor. Many of the bunkhouses were not insulated against the biting winds of winter in northern states such as Utah and Montana.

4 personality profiles – owl, dove, eagle & peacock essay

When communicating with an Analytical; Be systematic, thorough, deliberate, and precise Focus on the task Be prepared to answer many " how" questions Provide analysis and facts Do not get too personal Recognize and acknowledge the need to be accurate and logical Do not rush unnecessarily Expect to repeat yourself Allow time for evaluation Use β†’

Iraq’s invasion of kuwait essay

2) Iraq had amassed troops and tanks and was set to invade Saudi Arabia.) As Congress was deliberating on a vote to grant the President authorisation to use force, a story surfaced that Iraqi soldiers had removed babies from incubators that they were stealing and had left these babies to die on the floor of β†’

Captain quality essay

New employees are given intensive orientation in the basics of the philosophy and culture of the hotel which lasts over 12 weeks and culminates in an overnight stay in the hotel. With this in mind, they train and empower the employees to act on the spot to the best of their judgment, with the sole β†’

Chapter one

It is the maintenance of daily record of all financial transactions in such manner that it would help in the preparation of suitable information regarding the financial affairs of a business or an individual. This research is to find out the reason for the in ability of students to perform well in financial accounting in β†’

Classicism versus positivism

Classicism has the origin in the eighteenth century and positivism in the nineteenth. In positivism theory we can find a ' differentiation', " the criminal is a specific type of person" and criminals differ from non-criminals.

The political, economic and social aspects of the enlightenment

The Political, Economic and Social Aspects the Enlightenment The Enlightenment, also known as Age of Reason, was a cultural movement that spread through England, France, Germany, and other parts of Europe. This revolution was the political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century towards the end of the enlightenment in which the thirteen β†’

Sainsbury’s competitive advantage

This problem is affecting the impact that Sainsbury's has on the market but they have tried to improve the situation with the introduction of the 'Nectar Card', which is a card that customers can use to collect points when they purchase goods and in turn the points can be used to buy goods. We also β†’

The role of education in plato’s republic

In particular, the views of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, as evidenced in The Republic, and of the pre-Romantic philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau in his Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, present a striking juxtaposition of the two extremes of the ongoing philosophical and political debate over the function and value of education. But the β†’

Unique challenges of international staffing

Second, it can hire host-country nationals, natives of the host country, to do the managing. Third, it can hire third-country nationals, natives of a country other than the home country or the host country.

Social isolation and the aging population sociology essay

Barriers such as having little to no social supports, the inability to travel, vision problems, loss of spouse and friends, and the inability to get the help one needs in an emergency can contribute to a person becoming isolated. Social isolation can result with the threats and disruptions shown in this model are too much β†’

In good company analysis

According to the movie The Good Company Dan took the responsibility to inform the workers when there were fired from their job because he was really concerned about their feeling and he knew he would be able to comfort them since he was the old staff and the staff was hired by him. He did β†’

Importance of membranes in living organisms

The plasma or cell membrane is the outer limit of the cell, which separates it from the outer environment surrounding the interior space of the cell. One of the functions of the plasma membranes is the selective permeability, which controls the movement of substances and the ability of the cell to allow some substances to β†’

African amercian slavery

The non-availability of cheap labor and impractibility of the wage-earner system led to the adoption of the institution of slavery. The Negro slavery was introduced in the new world for the first time in 6 when a Dutch vessel sold twenty one Negro slaves to the colonists of Virginia.

Reflection on personal performance in business strategy game

When a member played the function as organiser, so the member did directing the procedure and content harmonizing to the chosen scheme, and besides can happened that the scheme can be changed harmonizing to the expected consequence and sing premise of scheme of the rivals. These four procedures of direction were implemented in the procedure β†’

How technology changes relationships

Technology is making lives easier for many people, and so are these dating websites. Technology Is a great upcoming thing that people should really start to take advantage of.

Globalization and freedom in india and mainland china

Globalization is the main theme of both " The White Tiger" and " After a Cowboy Chicken Came to Town." In Adiga's novel, it happens in the modern society in India under globalization. One of the plots in the novel is that Balram took Ashok and Ashok's wife, Pinky to move to Gugaon by a β†’

Summertime adversely influences their cold temperatures performance.a

Summertime is gone and Fall ' s almost through this means today is the better time for you to ready your car for the cold times ahead. Check Your TiresIt's an easy task to concur that among the or even probably the most crucial the different parts of your automobile could be the tires.

Greek and roman influence

The Greek and the Roman cultures are the two major cultures which influenced the growth of western civilization. The Greeks are also the ones who developed the idea of an alphabet which is still in use in the present day.

Fiscal and monetary policy in republic of macedonia assignment

In the Budget of RM for 2010, subsidies of 100 euros in denar equivalent value are planned for the tourist agencies that will bring a group of at least ten tourists from the neighbouring countries into the country and who will realize at least three overnight stays with breakfast n a categorized object; e) According β†’

World religions, hinduism assignment

One of the sacred elements that make up the Hindu religion is the Hindu philosophy, which focuses on the importance of the absolute truth and finding one's true nature. Hindu's believe that Brahma is the creator of the universe, Vishnu controls the presence of the universe, and Shiva is the destroyer of the universe.

Determining your perfect position essay

To do this effectively, I would need to consider the strengths and weaknesses of my leadership style, the relevant leadership theories that I can relate to, and describe the role or position within my company that I believe would fit well for my leadership style. The leadership self assessment gave me further understanding on what β†’

Your assignment is to identify what you regard as the chief ethical problems in your professional life. then determine a method of arriving at the best solutions to these problems

Ethical Problems in Professional Life of the of the Concerned March 12, Ethical Problems in Professional Life There is no denying the fact that a manager tends to be the point person, between the employees and the board of directors. Personally speaking, the ethical issues I mostly come across as a professional are the unethical β†’

The achievement of desire

01 November 2008 The Achievement of Desire In the article " The Achievement of Desire" Richard Rodriguez describes his personal experience and life problems caused by cultural differences and ethnic diversity issues. The uniqueness and value of this essay is that it describes real life experience of the writer and his personal problems and vision β†’


For example, conformity is a human's feature to match with the society, to follow generally accepted beliefs and norms of behavior of a certain social group. Therefore in the modern culture conformity and obedience may be oppressive to an individual.

Global tourism and sustainability

Global Tourism and Sustainability Contents Contents 2 Sustainable tourism 3 References 4 Sustainable tourism Sustainable Tourism is a concept that has been in vogue since quite a long time and aims at making the least negative impact on the environment and the native culture of a particular place. The motive of sustainable tourism is to β†’

Entrepreneurship questions

To begin, this factor relies heavily on the state of the economy as well as the overall performance of the economy. Earning Based- Valuation Approach This mode of business valuation is based on the concept of predicting the probability of a business to make profits and more wealth in future.

Budgets and performance of guillermo

From Guillermo's accounting decision perspective, he manipulated the sales; the variable cost per unit, and unit sales in order to attract the outside companies, like making the figures attractive for the Norwegian company. What accounting information is most relevant for Guillermo to consider when making decisions Guillermo should consider the following accounting information, as it β†’

Extra credit

It is admitted that health care professional are in need to perform everything possible for the health and comfort of a patient. The department of Health and Human Services is considered to be " the main sores of regulations that affect the health care industry".

Effects of the smoking on humans health

This research project compared a group of smokers with a group of non-smokers to study the relationship between smoking and level of oxygenation in the blood. On the basis of the previous research, this research project's results should identify lower levels of blood oxygenation in the smokers as compared to the blood oxygenation levels of β†’

Job satisfactionexample

Fiber is also needed for the peelings to burn and as a variable for the fuel briquettes. According to Joyce Lockard, about half of the world's people use wood or charcoal for cooking and heating.

Queuing and waiting line theory example problem

If only one employee is used answer a g.a) What is the average time a car is in the Que? b) What is the average number of cars in the Que? c) What is the average time cars spend waiting to receive service? d) What is the average number of cars in line behind the β†’

Sadh assignment

The end of the cold war and the demise of the Soviet Union caught most people by surprise, and they were followed by a brief period of euphoria in which optimistic notions circulated, many of them inspired by the apparent success of the first Gulf War. In the latter part of the course, we will β†’

Caring for pressure sores in elderly people

107582 Caring for Pressure Sores in Elderly People with Circulatory Problems from Long-Term Diabetes, in Nursing Homes Pressure sores are tears or ulcerations in the skin, that occur typically in the lower half of the body over ' bony prominences' that support the weight of the body during lying, standing, and sitting. This risk from β†’

Democracy in the third world history essay

In this book, the author has tried to conceptualize the term democracy, as this is a main hurdle for accounting absence of democracy in the third world countries. Before the inception of the concept of globalization the ramifications of outward factors, like the collapse of communism was acknowledged but not to the extent as of β†’

Macroeconomics analysis of starwood hotels in china

We have also analyzed already existed hotel chain within the country, from the investors point of view due to invest into the future projects of the hotel chain to support the economy of China. The Western world believes that China had pegged the value of the Yuan to the dollar.

Justice system and the cases of miscarriages criminology essay

That is, that the interviewer is an honourable person, who has all of the necessary evidence, and truly understands the feelings of guilt within the subject. Given that the interviewing of victims, witnesses and suspects is central to the success of an investigation, the highest standards need to be upheld.

Construction project cost estimation factors

This budget is to be kept all the way through the project and is a guess of what the project on a whole will cost it should not be breached or the project is considered a failure and usually results in a loss of money. There are preliminary costs, net costs and gross costs The β†’

Owl superstition

I chose to interview a family friend about the belief that owls are a symbol of wisdom because I noticed a statue of an owl in her garden and wondered why she would have a symbol of death there or anywhere. She told me that in ancient Greece, Athena the goddess of wisdom had the β†’

“whoever, to prove the precise mode of

Where direct evidence to establish misappropriation of the cloth over which the accused had dominion is lacking, for establishing the charge of criminal breach of trust the prosecution is not obliged to prove the precise mode of conversion, misappropriation or misapplication by the accused of the property entrusted to him or over which he had β†’

Thus, research undertaken by academicians thus; there

Besides, in Japan the thrust of rewards and career incentives is for economic and corporate success as far as research is concerned. The implication of this for India is that we should aim to foster a sense of openness in our students and provide training and create an environment to foster creativity and innovations as β†’

Mscs: making science change

The MSCs are being injected through the heart, the tail-vain, the nose, as well as the sub arachnoid, an area at the base of the head near the neck. As of now, researchers are in the process of taking cell samples from the mice and counting the number of cells before and after mesenchymal stem β†’

Liebeck vs mcdonalds assignment

Later in the case, McDonalds also argued that people generally buy the coffee on the way to work or on the way home. If McDonalds insisted to keep serving their coffee at 180 degrees to maintain the optimum taste, the least they could have done to protect their customers was to enlarge the " Caution: β†’

Modernity into post modernity essay

A popular approach in understanding modernity and post-modernity is explained by the ideas of Karl Marx. The Division of Labor in Society.

Critique of script 2

The use of such familiar issues and themes make the audience identify with the story thereby earning the story a lot of credibility. Description: 6 out of 10 The story line is great and equally entertaining, however, the author does not employ a lot of descriptive language in the script.

Evolution–creationism and intelligent design

In the account, the scientific theories presented in schools should improve the both analytical and research skills of the students in respect to discovering the truth about God and other elements of the universe. Additionally, creationism is still a fundamental theory in respect to Christianity within the context of explaining God's existence.