A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

American holocaust: the conquest of the new world

American Holocaust American Holocaust is a historical context that focuses on the destruction of the Native American people in what the author terms as the greatest genocide in the world history. David Stannard the brutal historic epistle in the 1490s in which he provides examples of events of massacre by the U.S.


Assignment Question Power and love are the main themes portrayed in the story Death Constant beyond Love by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and the play The Tempest by Shakespeare. The love shared between the senator and Laura is the reason as to why the senator was motivated thought the campaign period.

Media assignment- administration in a childhood setting

Because of the need, a number of individuals urge their employers to provide daycare centers for their children. Firstly, a sufficient space is needed in accommodating the children." Most licensing requirements cover at least three broad elements related to the environment: the physical characteristics of the space; the toys, equipment and furnishings within the space; β†’

A history of the popes

A History of the Popes, Saints and Sinners: Upon This Rock traces the history of the Roman Catholic Church and describes how the fulfillment of the words of Jesus mentioned earlier, have come to pass. However the pope claimed he was the heir of Peter and thus established himself as a respectable figure who made β†’

An analysis of differences of toilet culture between china and japan

For many Chinese people, the sitting toilet is as odd and unfamiliar and as disgusting as the squat toilet is to most westerners. The piping system to take away the sewage from toilets is not modernized, and so you will often find a wastebasket in the cubicle, along side the toilet in the floor.

Independence day essay

The characters like the film are typical to sci-fi films, David is one of the protagonists, he is a scientist and a bit of a nerd, he is the flawed hero who is imperfect and who the audience can relate to while captain Steven another protagonist is the typical hero who is cool, confident, well β†’

The soldier, futility and anthem for doomed youth essay

Although the title ' The Soldier' is not directly celebratory of the dead warrior in response to which the poem was written; it is clearly respectful, as by naming the poem in the way the author did, an entire poem is dedicated in the memory of the deceased. The author's hatred of war is delivered β†’

High formalization in business essay

It is, in fact, my preference to have a clear line that separates employees and their roles from management and another that separates the employees from the owners of the business, if the business is small enough that they would interact. I have always believed that such lines prevent confusion in the employee base by β†’

Why gas prices should be lower

Bad gas prices are the main cause of many problems that not just the middle class people have, but all people in the country have today. ANOTHER REASON THAT GAS PRICES SHOULD BE LOWER IS BECAUSE IT AFFECTS THE MIDDLE-CLASS PEOPLE THE MOST, AND MIDDLE CLASS PEOPLE ARE THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE LIVING IN THIS β†’

Making and adoption of health data standards

Critical Analysis Paper: The Making and Adoption ofHealthData Standards Health Data Standards are a key part of the construction of a National Health Information Network. Hammond, discusses the urgent need for HDS, the process of creating these standards, problems and issues regarding the development and implementation of these standards, and he suggests possible solutions to β†’

Speech on sleep

The average person needs at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night but Many people do not get the sleep they need because their schedules do not allow adequate time for it and they do not know the negative effects lack of sleep can have on theirhealthand functioning. Lack of sleep leads to β†’

Comparing plan columbia and the merida initiative

The Medellin cartel he was a part of is thought to have controlled about 80% of the cocaine market in the early 1990's and was the most prominent of the Colombian cartels at the turn of the century. The biggest difference between Columbia at the turn of the century and the situation in Mexico today β†’

Managing room division in hospitality

He must be up to date with the events taking place in the market, in market segments, and in the competition Maintenance, decoration and furnishing: As most of the rooms are sold 365 nights a year, they need regular attention and inspected by the supervisor. Safety of guests and security of the hotel is the β†’

Example of micro operations microinstruction

ADD 5 Add 5 to contents of accumulator 5 is operand Limited range Direct Addressing Mode:- With direct addressing the address is part of the instruction Usually the OpCode is one word and address is the succeeding word or words. Ans:- translator- it is a device that changes a sentence from one language to another β†’

Book review: sabina magliocco’s witching culture: folklore and neo-paganism in america

Sabina Magliocco's Witching Culture: Folklore and Neo-Paganism in America explores the rising of Neo-Paganism and the revival of witchcraft through her ethnographic research. She does this by dividing up her exploration into three parts ' Roots and Branches', ' Religious Experiences', and ' Beyond Experience: religion and identity'.' Roots and Branches' explain the origins of β†’

Solution focused brief therapy: school counselor approach

In a school setting, you will have a caseload of hundreds of students, so it may not always be easy to see every student that needs to see you in a given day or for the length of time that they may need to see you for since they have to get to classes or β†’

Do new wars pose difficult challenges politics essay

This essay argues that there is in fact little evolution in warfare since the end of the Cold War and in fact many of the characteristics of the so-called ' new wars' are in fact present in conflicts in the past. The first part of this essay will analyse the ' new wars' thesis posited β†’

Reflection on nursing presentation

I can never believe that I have that much confidence in me and that I was able to nail the presentation. One comment that I could possibly give about my presentation is the fact that I made it so comprehensive that the 15 minutes was not enough for me to really explain some of the β†’

Role of the jury in the english legal system

The key issues that have arisen of the years relating to the use of juries are a) the experience and intellect of the jurors making judgements in complex cases; b) the expensiveness and longevity of jury trials; and C) the fairness of jury selection. The role of the jury has since evolved from the medieval β†’

Price ceiling and the minimum wage economics essay

A rough indicator of the relative importance of market and government is the fact that currently about three quarters of the total output of the economy is provided by the market system, the remaining quarter being produced under the sponsorship of government. The price of housing is the rent that people pay for a house β†’

The management accountant is the most important and challenging profession accounting essay

The identification of relevant and non-relevant costs in various decision-making situations is based primarily on common sense and the knowledge of the decision maker of the area in which the decision is being made. Opportunity costs are relevant costs for a decision only when they exceed the costs of the same item in the option β†’

Planet and saturn

Farmers will produce plenty of corn and milk production will be in abundance. Tree and Sasyas will grow in plenty and more rice will grow.

Death penalty: the headquarters of controversy

It is the premeditated and cold-blooded killing of a human being by the state in the name of justice. The death penalty is given to convicted felons who have had chances to appeal.

Cinderella by anne sexton

Cinderella is the story of a family, with a father who was a good man, her mother who died when she was very young, and Cinderella, which was she. She also uses this stanza to emphasize how the effects of the self-destruction women undertake every day, and what the women have to do to take β†’

Bad ad

It also uses the stereotype that all skateboarders are like this and presents a poor image for the skateboarding community. In the end, this ad is offensive to many people and in many ways therefore, it is a perfect candidate to this contest.

Sales and marketing assignment

If there is a lodging facility in the same area that offers the same amenities as your lodging facility, it is best to find a better location. Basically the Job of prospecting is to find customers that are interested in your facility.

Effects of nutrient pollution on the neuse river assignment

The lower Neuse estuary begins in the area of Flanner's Beach and Minnesott Beach and continues emptying into the Pamlico Sound. There, the mouth of the Neuse is reported to have the widest river mouth in the continental US.

Interest groups in texas assignment

The Texas Alliance of Energy Producers represents the interests of the oil and gas industry at both the state and federal levels of government and it is the largest state independent oil and gas associations in the nation. In addition to the " unified voice" strategy, the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers utilizes government contacts β†’

A beautiful mind

The symptoms experienced by schizophrenic patients, the turmoil the illness created in Nash's life and the recovery he makes after years of recuperation make the film a useful learning tool for anyone interested in the field of psychiatry. Summary of the film The film begins with the acceptance of John Nash to Princeton University with β†’

Oedipus the king

True to Shakespeare's observation, " as flies are to wanton boys, so are we to the gods, they kill us for sport" in his King Lear, the life experiences of Oedipus reveals how the powers of destiny had played a cruel game with his life. Once the truth is revealed to Oedipus, he is a β†’

Unit 8 discussion

One of the reasons why patients fail to adhere to the prescriptions of the doctors is financial constraints. The patients may fail to understand all the instructions given by the doctor leading to inappropriate intake of the medication.

Due process

The significance of due process to the United States criminal justice system is that it protects criminals from the government. If any of these aspects are at risk of being rid of, then due process is implemented, allowing them first a hearing or trial to determine their side of the case.

Globalization and internationalism after the cold war

Globalization and internationalism after the cold war After the end of the cold war, there were intense focus on globalization and internationalism. There is free open trade that ensures export and import of goods and services in all parts of the world After the end of the cold war there were many activities that were β†’

Job analyses

Essentially, job analysis informs the design of attracting, selecting and retaining quality talent. Aligning job analysis with the hiring and firing policies could conflict one or more aspects of human resource.

Classroom management systems

Goal 1: All students participate in group work, instead of letting one or a few students complete all of the work.2. Goal 1: Students will have homework assignments ready at the beginning of class.b.

My grandparents house

When we did get inside, the warmth of the house consumed me, and the sweet smell of my grandma's delicious baked goodies was everywhere. My favorite part of my grandparent's house is the kitchen.

Howard gardner research paper

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence -Consists of the ability to detect patterns, reason and think logically.2. Interpersonal Intelligence -Ability to understand one's own feelings and motivations.

Poem analysis analysis persuasive essay

In each of these pomes, the author is admiring animals in the natural world. Keats repeats how the poetry of earth is eternal by never ceasing.

Essay on market segmentationpsychology

KFC Marketing Segmentation: Geographic: The perfect place for KFC to do business is in the city because people are gathered there including people from the countryside. The only thing that they most likely to buy is food which is tasted differently from the everyday meal they always have so the best choice for them is β†’

Effect of temperature on enzyme activity

Independent variable: Temperature of the amylase Dependent variable: Enzyme activity which is measured by the time for disappearance of starch Controlled variables: Volume of amylase; volume of starch solution; concentration of amylase; concentration of starch solution Prediction of results i) At low temperature, the rate of amylase activity is very low.ii) At optimum temperature, the β†’

What are the benefits and risks of interdependence?

Interdependence is the free flow goods and services capital and finances acroos the world most countries are getting linked to the global economic system labor is free to travel from one place to another a country sell one thing to another country this is called the international trade of goods and services and also country β†’

The factors affecting the success in english

In all foreign language teaching methods and techniques, in the language teaching process, it is aimed to have a special focus on the language skills that the learners especially need in the use of that particular language. For instance, if the objective of the programme is to develop the speaking skill of the learner, in β†’

The b. since a has secured the

A democracy is a government of the people and the people constitute the whole mass of the people in a State. Law, in order to be the manifestation of the will of the people, should be supported and approved by the representatives of the large majority of electors.

Reflective paper assignment

The concepts learned in this course are relevant in many ways to the characteristics of a personal mathematics teacher. I plan to use the information from this course in part two of the course and in my career.

Exploring the importance of molecular imaging biology essay

This leads to accretion of FDG in tumour cell, which is regulated by the activity of the glucose transporters and hexokinase. Furthermore, look of endocrine receptors in tumour cell is found in most of the chest malignant neoplastic disease, and these receptors are interesting marks for imaging in these subsets of patients.

“but character from the readers. this is because

In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, Lennie is portrayed as a sympathetic character when Lennie is shown to be mentally disabled, when Lennie does not discern his own strength, and when he is shown to have a unsullied character. The first example of Lennie being portrayed as a sympathetic character is when he is β†’

Permanent address and a care-of address essay sample

What is the difference between a permanent address and a care-of address? This differs from message integrity, which means that a message is not tampered with and that the sender and recipient are exactly who they say they are.

Dunkirk triumph or disaster? essay sample

This was reported at the time of Dunkirk:' More cheering evidence of the success of this amazing military exploit is the presence in Britain of large numbers of French soldiers... From interviews with the men it is clear they have come back in glory; that their morale is as high as ever...are anxious to be β†’

Management for change: nestlΓ© case essay sample

Nestle is a Swiss company leader in the food market, in the case we can see how Nestle went through both first-order and second-order change. As second-order change, Nestle in 1974 started to diversify their products in order to grow as company and increase earnings.

Happy days by samuel beckett essay sample

The song she loves so much is a duet about love, what Winnie songs for most, yet her love of and dependency on Willie is reciprocated only briefly at the end of the play. The bag, then, symbolizes the death ritual brings to Winnie and the legitimate option of suicide it presents, one which she β†’


Spina bifida is a condition of the spinal cord in which there is incomplete closure of the neural tube in the embryo. Signal transduction is involved in the passing of signals to the nucleus of the cell for essential processes which include replication and transcription.

Security history

This has led to a need of private security, and this industry continues getting more and more sophisticated. Corporate soldiers and international security: The rise of private military companies.

Reflective memo: evaluation of the choices in determining the best cell phone plan

After evaluating the alternatives, a report was to be produced and presented to the Executive Director, who would then make the final decision based on our findings. After the table, some pictures of the three company's cell phones were included so that the Executive Director could get a visual on what the phones looked like.


I conducted my research within the course materials provided and based my answers within the information that was provided in the course material. My responses to the posted questions were in line with the course material because I read and gave my thought though within the same concept that appeared in the course material.

Comparison of mckays and tato lavieras poetry

Comparison of McKay's and Tato Laviera's poetry Claude McKay's poem " American" describes the misery that is faced by the African American community in the United States of America, while Tato Laviera's poem speaks of the problems that are faced by the community of people who have Puerto Rican roots. This rise to the β†’

Comparing between two banks ( in the view of an investor)

Comparing Between the Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank and the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank This paper describes the products offered by two different banks in Abu Dhabi, which are the Abu Dhabi commercial bank and the Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank that are located within the UAE. The credit cards that are offered by the Abu Dhabi β†’

An analysis of george orwell’s essay “why i write”

His essay follows many tactics described in Phillip Lopate's essay " The Art of the Personal Essay." For example, Orwell starts out his essay not by directly answering the question, but by simply stating that, ever since he was little, he knew that " when [he] grew up [he] should be a writer". Through these β†’

Love college essay

Argumentative Essay: Should Women Be Allowd To Go Topless in Public In the summer of 1996 Gwen Jacobs enjoyed a topless summer stroll during which she was seen by Argumentative Essay: Educational ReformArgumentative Essay: Educational Reform Since the early 1980's, the issue of America's faltering public school system has become a serious concern. The authors β†’

Renewable energy vs. non-renewable

Non-Renewable Based on my research on whether to oppose or promote " Renewable Energy", it has been proven that renewable energy is beneficial not only to the environment but also to our health as well. If we were to use our non-renewable energy less and contribute more sources or renewable energy this will help us β†’

Economic problems of a nation

Why the choice of the textbook ECONOMICS, An Introduction by Villegas and Abola? * The book is contextualized to the Philippine economic setting - learning of economic principles is immediately related to the current situation and issues facing the economy. Review Reading 1 THE ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF A NATION Introduction * The Asian financial crisis β†’

Finance & project amounts

This means that a decrease in the financial wealth of that amount will occur if the project is undertaken. In view of the above the capital project is financially unfeasible and should not be undertaken.

Example persuasive essay

Absolutely no one, aside from law-enforcement officials, are allowed to carry a gun on them in schools; however, teachers should be allowed to carry guns as well because they know their responsibilities and need the ability to protect their students, as well as themselves, in a case of emergency. Therefore, there is a chance that β†’

Human trafficking

The majority of these women and children are sold into slavery to pay off certain other debts, or they leave their homes in hopes of labor. Although, it is illegal, most people just turn a blind eye towards it and allow it to continue, primarily because of the amount ofmoneyit brings in to the economy.

Dirt bike usa

The fact showing Dirt Bike's concentration on providing the best products and services to its customers is that the company's parts and service department is responsible for 15% of the total revenue. In addtion to adding value to its products and customers, Dirt Bikes also have a professtional employees who communicate with customers and show β†’

Anthro exam notes and review

Developed out of fieldwork that it is not enough to tell the natives to come up to the house and do interviews, but you must live with the people of a village and see what happens on a day-to-day basis to really understand the society.A.R. In particular, reflections about the role of the ethnographer in β†’

The midnight twins

The recurring theme of good versus evil and the ability to relate to this book along with the structure and genre of the Midnight Twins is what made this book very entertaining.the reacuring battle of good versus evil made The Midnight Twins such an enjoyable book. An examle of good versus evil is when Merry β†’

Human rights act

The Human Rights Act ensures basic human rights such as the right to life, freedom and security, the right to choice, conscience and religion, the right to marry and find a family etc. Working in the care sector, It is my responsibility to promote the right to life, the right to freedom from abuse or β†’

Norms and values

The purpose of this document is to research, from a sociological perspective the norms, values and socialisation that is essential for family, society and culture. These key attributes provide the individual with key skills, behaviours and habits necessary to enable participation within their own society observing the rules and boundaries established within their " Norms β†’

Benefits of ontology in social science

Furlong, and Marsh explain ontology a " theory for being", in other terms the main question of whether exists a reality that is autonomous from our understanding. The debate of who comes first, and the importance of Ontology in social research: Needless to say, a social researcher's ontology can be understood as their view of β†’

Traits are powerful predictors of behavior psychology essay

Before starting to explain the traits are powerful predictors of behavior, it is vital to understand the important terminologies and theories, which include trait and behavior, and the Big Five Personality Model and The Mygers-Briggs Type Indicator: Trait Broadly speaking, personality traits refer to consistent patterns in the way individuals behave, feel, and think'. After β†’

Idea of what is normal psychology essay

A limitation for using deviating from socially constructed social norms as a criteria to define abnormal behaviour is that a lot of socially constructed things depends on the situational context; for example, wearing pyjamas in the house is a social norm, whereas wearing pyjamas to an opera would be seen as deviant. As the DSM β†’

Analysis of group dynamics

The objective of this paper is to compare and contrast the experiences the group had, with the research and theory that is available on group dynamics. In the first few weeks though, all the members would go sit around member B, because he took leadership on the first day and called out the group number β†’

Success factors for international students in the uk

Out of all the arguments the strongest one to prove my argument is they should have the listening skills to here fully in their lectures and students are writing on papers in their native language and changing them to English, " Through some kind of google translator or similar program". The foremost argument is they β†’

Overview of the bretton woods system economics essay

At the request of the US and also because of the reason that it was a dominant economic and military power, the US Dollar was made the reserve currency. A major weakness of the Bretton Woods system was the dependence of the United States' ability to maintain a balanced ratio between its outstanding liabilities and β†’

Comparative drug review gastrointestinal therapies tagamet and nexium biology essay

Cimetidine, being a histamine H2 receptor competitive antagonist, reversibly binds to the histamine H2 receptor on the acid-secreting parietal cell of the stomach and lead to the production of second messenger cAMP which can ultimately trigger the H+/K+-ATPase to pump more acid out of the cell. Similarly, Esomeprazole interferes with the elimination of drugs metabolized β†’

Should we celebrate columbus day

The history of Columbus's discovery began in England during the Crusades. The Crusades were a series of holy wars, with the objective to restore Christian control to the Muslim occupied Jerusalem.

Maya angelou free essay sample

In Arkansas; she discovers her love of reading and writing, in California; she overcomes the pain of letting go and in New York; she realizes the impact of African culture on black society; all of these findings make Angelou the woman she is, someone who is fearless in life. Throughout the autobiography, Angelou brings to β†’

What character from a book do i admire?

Because Anthony is shown to be a true and loyal friend as well as his appeal relates to my life, I admire him. Mark Anthony is also shown to be an admirable public speaker as illustrated in his speech to the plebians.

Marketing assignment

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Albert Lasher, who today is generally regarded as the father of modern advertising, owned a prominent advertising agency, Lord & Thomas. The nature and needs of business have changed, and so have the concept and practice of advertising.

Manifest destiny assignment

The United States continues with the European practice of recognizing the limited land rights to expand into the West with the legal purchase of Native American land. Many of the white Americans thought it was up to them to further develop the lifestyles of the Hispanics and Native Americans.

Advertising and brand management assignment

The Kingfisher brand commands a 29% share of the beer market in India and is sold in over 52 countries. Branding of Kingfisher:- King Fisher Airlines is a pioneer in the concept of bringing luxury, glamour and lifestyle to the skies.

Assessing the marketing mix of a selected day care center assignment

Studying the marketing mix and assessing the current effectiveness of the marketing mix of businesses will benefit us if we choose to venture into a child care business or if we will work in a business involved n marketing child care services and the likes. Place a way of getting the product to the customer β†’

A assr test results in relation to c-abr

A comparison of the ASSR to the ABR, specifically with regard tothe utility of the ASSR for estimation of hearing threshold in infants andyoung children have prompted. Second, the present two studies comparebetween ABR and ASSR with behavioral thresholds test.

Patterns and trends in social policy essay sample

In the current contexts Social policy has underwent various transformations in terms of the subject matter, internationalization, approaches of conceptualisation and cooperation with other disciplines in the world with most countries taking it as a way of tackling social problems. The change in themes is triggered by economic development and the changing needs of populations, β†’

Initial assessment programme essay sample

As the training and assessment, is aimed to get the learner from knowing, to doing and doing competently, it will be right to know what they are bringing into the training in form of qualifications, current skills/abilities and knowledge as a way to meeting their expectations in the above stated mode. Initial assessment enables the β†’


Incentives to Earnings Management & Manipulation: The Manager's Perspective Incentives to Earnings Management & Manipulation Introduction The inclination toward both legitimate and illegitimate means of creative accounting in the past years has led us to question the accounting and reporting ethics practiced by managers around the globe. So, what was the root cause of corporate β†’

Personalization of globalization

Creation of content inventory is necessary in personalization of globalization to support business goals, create content if there is any existing contents. Personalization of globalization will ensure there is business achievement and worldwide collaboration.

The pizza company vs the pizza hut

The Pizza Company and The Pizza Hut, the only two biggest pizza companies in Thailand, have contended for the pizza leadership for many years. Although the total number of Pizza Hut restaurants around the orld is much higher than The Pizza Company, The Pizza Company has more branches than The Pizza Hut in Thailand.

Great gatsby chapter 5 essay

This as a result this implies a tense feeling amongst the characters, which further enforces the tension that Fitzgerald seems to create within this chapter. This can be justified through Fitzgerald's use of symbolism in the chapter to create a strange atmosphere.

Millay sonnett analysis: not in a silver casket essay

In " Not in silver casket cool with pearls", Edna expresses her love for a beloved who appears to be female; Vincent drops subtle hints in the sonnet alluding to the lover's gender, and she employs sensory details and sound devices to establish a tone of confidence, security, and joy as she articulates the fact β†’