A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Lyme disease

The basic historical perspective of Lyme disease, signs and symptoms of the disease, causes and risk factors, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and the preventive measures will be discussed in the paper. Lyme disease is one of the commonest infectious diseases and especially in U.S.

Challenges of fighting fire in a high-rise structure

Challenges of Fighting Fire in a High-Rise Structure Lecturer Fire fighting in high-rise buildings is quite challenging due to the challenges posed to curb the fire and save the property. For instance, in most cases the fire specialists have to approach and fight the fire right from the interior of the building in situations where →

Italian media trends

The election of a media mogul to the highest office on the landmarked a watershed in the press, print media and electronic media. Digitization, on the other hand, has not to a great extent transformed the Italian media in that the duopoly of Rai and Mediaset is still controlling the entire industry.

The most beautiful gift of my life essay

The most beautiful day of your life...sometimes when it turns up, you do not know that it is the most beautiful day of your life. It could even happen that you are on delay and that you go out in a hurry and a lace is broken, like it happened to me today, and you →

Social structure during the renaissance: italy vs china

A major factor in the continuation and longevity of the Chinese social structure was the teachings and ideals of the philosopher Confucius. This was one of the only ways ones' social status could move up or down and it was a rarity.

Business takeaways from four uae startups that raised serious venture capital

With so many success stories in the business pages about the latest and greatest startups attracting investment, you would be forgiven for thinking it's a breeze- but the reality is that for each triumph there are hundreds who try and fail. And the expansion is not just long-term in a matter of months it is →

Creativity vs. psychological health of anne sexton

Sexton's poems, many dealing with suicide, read together with richly researched recent biography, enhanced by biographer's access to tapes of Sexton's sessions with her psychiatrist and by foreword by that psychiatrist, permit unusual opportunity to understand the interrelationship of her illness, her treatment, and the meaning of suicide in her life. In Anne Sexton's " →


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A comparison of tom regan and stephen rose

Animal researchers and such agree with my opinion that using animals for tests that we as humans would never want to do, is bad and very hypocritical, yet unfortunately there are just as many scientists who say that it is completely fine and that there is not really much harm brought to the animals. He →

The causes of the spanish civil war history essay

Figure1: The main five causes of the Spanish civil war The main causes for the beginning of the Spanish Civil War and why these causes had lead Spain into the Spanish civil war The Political Situation in Spain. In the third place combating the government make the workers and toilers understand the value of unity →

Causes and cost control for rising drug prices

S, and the elderly are the largest users of prescription drugs in the States. Overutilization of health care and moral hazard directly increase the demand for drugs, and thus, causing the drug prices to increase.- Patent Protection on Branded Drugs Most innovative and branded drugs in the market are protected by patents, and this is →

Attracting foreign direct investment (fdi) in africa

The Nigerian economy is the largest of the 15 member body and has a lot of political and economic influence over the other members. The country is also one of the major exporters of petroleum, and plays a significant role in OPEC.

Procurement issues in construction

As the client's requirement in terms of architectural and aesthetics of the building to be in line with their policy, and also to improve on the quality, facilities of the new buildings, it will be advisable to consider procurement route that is able to take care of the quality and performance aspect as well. Time →

Maycomb sexual assualt trial

The result of the trial ended in favors of the plaintiffs, the Ewell family. Mayella Ewell had two or three years of education and was the oldest of all the children in the Ewell family.

Cycles of matter

In the carbon cycle, decomposing bacteria release carbon from the decaying bodies or waste into the atmosphere. In the nitrogen cycle, what is the role of bacteria that live on the roots of plants?

Copper silver eutectic alloys engineering essay

Cooling below this temperature solidifies the liquid to organize I +I? solid solution of the copper-silver composing.[ 4 ] [ 5 ] 50 % Ag/50 % Cu composing upon chilling creates a similar crystal construction to the 30 % Ag/70 % Cu composing; nevertheless the measure of the each metal is equal, this in bend →

Amazon case study: history, planning and main questions

The history of the corporation makes it clear that it is important not only to choose the appropriate marketing technologies but also to choose the right name. The company also pays a lot of time to research the market for understanding how to plan its activities and how to remain a leader.

The one to one initiative

One of the most frustrating and negative aspect about the One to One initiative is the unused software. The majority of teachers are completely in the dark on the amazing things that these machines can do, and it is extremely frustrating for students who would like to take advantage of these softwares".

Identify legislation and policies that are designed assignment

Legislation and policies are implemented to support and protect the human rights and inclusion of individuals with learning disabilities Some of these Acts and policies include: The Human Rights Act 1998 The Human Rights Act in the United Kingdom came into force on the 2nd October 2000 and underpins many of the core values which →

Famous speech critique assignment

While this topic is not a very unique theme for a country leader to give to his people, Hitter's speech is unique in the way he delivers and persuades a group of people. When listening to his speech, I realized that the words he used made his speech was quite personable and easily relatable because →

Teams in the 21st century essay

A hallmark of successful teams is a passion for the outcome or result that the team is there to produce. Everyone on my team at my place of employment is considered a ' cog in the wheel' or a ' mechanism in the engine' and without every part working or doing their part it would →

Exploring rhetorical modes essay sample

A report that analyzes a drop in sales and offers suggestions for increasing them Problem and solution would be the best mode for this. Choosing a Rhetorical Mode For the final essay for this course, you will be writing an academic essay based on a specific topic and rhetorical mode.

Analysis of vark learning styles essay sample

This paper will explain briefly the four learning styles and an in-depth analysis of the kinesthetic style, the preferred style of this writer. They will use note cards and the process of writing things down helps to secure the information in their brain.

Film critique – wage slaves: not getting by in america

This two hour documentary that originally was broadcasted on A&E's " Investigative Reports" in 2002 advocates the raising of the minimum wage due to the poor not being able to make it by working for this pay. The funding for college and childcare is available for individuals that make minimum wage.


The prosecution relies on the testimony of Paul Burrows, a police officer in Wolverhampton, and Mr./Ms. On both accounts the client, Tony Shameless, was not in the house.

Home visit activity

The visit started with a pleasant greeting to her and the baby. The mother clearly stated that the baby was not gaining weight despite of her struggles and visits to different local doctors.

Malaria in africa

Malaria In Africa The author of the article has defined malaria as overtly dreadful disease. Describing the victims in the introduction had provided a perfect description of how bad the disease had afflicted Africa.

Fun with math at home

Help your child look for numbers 1 to 100 in the newspaper. Have your child say the numbers to you and practice counting up to that number.

Analysis of better by atul gawande essay

This leads a doctor to become the business man and not the healer. However, every doctor must have the drive to save lives, and is not that what you want in a doctor?

Does akbar deserve the title ‘great’ essay

Another thing that was great was, from the beginning Akbar had to fight to stay in power. Akbar liked the Hindus' kindness to animals, the religious art of the Christians and the simplicity of Islam.

Golden sun essay

Head left, then up, then right to the wall, then up to the wall, then left to the wall, then down to the second narrow path on the left where you will want to enter and find a treasure chest with a small gem in it. Talk to the guard on the left and he →

A scholarship essay

I stayed outside the restaurant for many hours sometimes in a very cold weather, explaining the menu to people who pass by, I also went to several places to distribute coupons to encourage people to come, I suggested numerous ideas to my supervisor to bring people's attention to the restaurant and improve the quality of →

Movie analysis: the breakfast club

When all of the students arrive in the library for their detention, Bender showing no respect for Vernon's rules is the first to communicate with the rest of them. Look at him, he's a bum!" This was the first situation in which Bender pondered Vernon's words, and showed compunction for his actions.

Robot in medical field

In May of 1997, the first robotically-assisted operation for a heart bypass case in Germany was successfully done using the da Vinci surgical system.3. The da Vinci System consists of a surgeon's console that is typically in the same room as the patient and a patient-side cart with four interactive robotic arms controlled from the →

Abstract affirmative

Since affirmative action was primarily intended on improving chances for African Americans in employment and education but there is still a low percentage of improvement that is why an executive order was signed and it required all government and private industry jobs to increase the number of women disable individuals and minorities to either receive →

Economic problems of us

In the face of the government's ability to make those necessary adjustments and to continually finance the Social Security program, many opponents of the system argue that the government programs are driving out the private insurance industry. The social security tax is one of the fewest taxes in the United States, and the only federal →

Human services

The purpose of a grant proposal is to communicate the? vision? of an organization to grantors or funders in hopes of relaying the need within a community and the goals of an organization to meet those needs. Grant proposals are related to a program plan in that it outlines the objectives, mission, and commitment to →

The tell tail heart

He makes the story exciting and keeps the reader focus on the beginning to the end without guessing the conclusion. The story success not only demonstrates the sensation and action through the series of complicated mental process but also reflect the sensitivity of common people.B.

Gradual development of mental health policies sociology essay

Within the third period, with the trend of Open Door and Economic Reform, although either the anti-Western psychology attitude and the previous compulsive political education curtailed, and the country has realized the importance of planned and comprehensive mental health policy, the Chinese Communist Party, leveraged the credentials of better social stability, implicitly infiltrated the policy →

What is security law land property essay

[Writer Name][Institute Name][Class] It is important for the purposes of this assignment to be cleared about the definition of security, it means:" security is created where a person to whom on obligation is owed by another by statute or contract, in addition to the personal promise of the debtor to discharge the obligation, obtains rights →

Men’s authority over women in ernest hemingway’s hills like white elephants

In this story, it allows the reader to take a look at the lives of two individuals, a man and a woman on their journey to a place where the man can persuade her to abort. But it's perfectly simple.' This enables me to expect that the lady holds all the responsibility and the privilege →

Religious and historical allegory to churches.

Duessa fills not only the role of villain over the course of the story, she also acts as an allegory for the Catholic church and the biblical temptress, adding to Spenser's message of the truth of the Protestant Church and the corruption of Catholicism. She moves into the story as a symbol of the corrupting →

Are young people’s identities more individualised?

To this end this essay will examine the facets of people's lives including work, leisure, education, and entertainment, that are associated with creating identity and discuss the ways they lead to greater individualisation, and also the ways in which people create community. The main concern of his argument is for the marginalising of the aged, →

A case study of ray ozzie software strategist marketing essay

He had to create a management strategy in order to find out the best way to share the information through his colleagues and be able to sum up the ideas on how to maintain the revenues of the company. It appeared to be more of a team building for the executives and the group refused →

Carrefour a french multinational retailer marketing essay

The main purpose of this research proposal is to investigate the perception of consuerms towards Carrefour against their competitors in Singapore. The objectives of the research proposal are as follows: To evaluate Carrefour's performance in comparision to its competitors To examine factors influencing consumers' behaviour in patronizing its preferred hypermarket/supermarket retailer To ascertain what kind →

Solid waste management in cambodia

Solid Waste Management in Cambodia Cambodia is a country with beautiful natural resources, and also a country that is suffering from the impacts of waste generated by the modern global lifestyle. First, however, to control and mitigate the amount of solid waste, it would be imperative to know the amount of solid waste that is →

The genesis of elements

What happened the first moments of the creation of the universe and how were the elements synthesised?" are the questions around which this report is circulated. The third evidence for the theory is that it accounts for the origin and the abundances of the light elements that exist in the universe.[6, 7, 9, 12, 14] →

English analysis

Ringer an ornamental border consisting of short lengths of hanging threads or tassels Beyond falls and cliffs there was a gash visible in the trees; there were the splintered trunks and then the drag, leaving only a fringe of palm between the scar and the sea. The beach between the palm terrace and the water →

Administrative law

The congress of the state has put forward the rule for the construction of the dam. The Agency formed by the state is supposed to ensure that the dams that are to be constructed by the different constructions firms meet the requirement of the law.

This latter has the custody of the cash

Custodian of Cash Reserves of Commercial Banks: The commercial banks hold deposits in the Reserve Bank and the latter has the custody of the cash reserves of the commercial banks.4. Credit is controlled by the Reserve Bank in accordance with the economic priorities of the government.

Sugared case study

The Challenge rhea growth and success of Sugared in Europe meant that increasing demands and expectations were being placed on the company's operations middle managers who Nerve wrestling with a growing number of stores, an ever-larger geographic area of responsibility, increased numbers of employees, decentralization of country and Pomeranian support centers, greater autonomy and reorganization →

Educational technology and the impact on student achievement

" Increasingly central to the role of the new professional teacher is the ability to employ technology to improve student learning and to employ technology in the many facets of professional work. The International Society for Technology in education has established a set of foundation standards that describe what all teachers should know and be →


Chevrolet and some other companies started to make electric and hybrid cars to help the environment and they also found alternative ways to produce energy so it reduced the burning of fossil fuel. The destruction of the Environment is also caused by burning Fossil Fuel because it also releases deadly gasses in the air and →

Copper sulphate on amylase essay sample

My experiment was to find out the effect of changing the copper sulphate concentration on the rate of the hydrolysis of starch to maltose using the enzyme amylase. This was due to the fact that copper sulphate would interfere with the starch for the active sites on the amylase molecules because it is a inhibitor.


But whatever it is, it is very important that company should have a PR plan to attend to the customer's attempt to talk back. It does not matter who exactly who would plan the PR for as long as the person who will do the PR plan knows that he or she is doing and →

Ipod research

iPod Research The world of technology has witnessed a revolution since the turn of the century. Since being introduced in 2001, the iPod has witnessed surging sales and the brand has grown into a household name across the world.

Job loss: how to cope

While making this decision, I would think of my children's education and my family's welfare. If I decide to go back to college to get a degree, it will certainly affect my children's future as I will not have sufficient funds to take care of my family.

Native american relocation

The leaders of the intensifying rebellion around the Boston area had their concealed arms being stored away from the areas where the British Army would seize them. As midmorning approached, the British soldiers had found their way to Lexington, just half way to the village of Concord.

International commercial arbitration

The ruling by the arbitrator will depend on the laws of the trade. The ruling will also depend on the precedents of the trade.

Religious culture

Basing on my faith and culture, the paper below gives the details obtained from is an interview with a Native Arab and a Muslim who I meet on her way to the mosque while on tour of Maryland. The The lady was age 38 coming from the Arabic race natively from Yemen and classified into →

Young goodman brown

Young Goodman Brown Young Goodman Brown is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne and it uses the third person narrativepoint of view. The narrator tells the story a young person called Goodman Brown who departs his wife Faith in search something strange in the forest.

Responsibilities as a member of painters and allied trade

I should, therefore, learn to work in teams and contribute towards the overall efforts of the team. In my opinion, I am a working component of the Painters and Allied trade body and I should try to contribute to the overall success of my team.

Health promotion model

7 ) When positive emotions or affect are associated with a behaviour.the chance of committedness and action is increased.) Persons are more likely to perpetrate to and prosecute in health-promoting behaviours when important others model the behaviour.anticipate the behaviour to happen.and supply aid and support to enable the behaviour. The Health Promotion Model is applicable →

Metafiction and happy endings (margaret atwood) essay

This can stress the author's usage of seting the character into different contexts.altering the secret plan and how he plays different functions.yet emphasizes that it all ends the same.-Idea that the stoping of a narrative is ever the same.but merely the in-between affairs In the narrative he is a loving hubby.extramarital spouse.womaniser Marysignificance of the →

Change management royal mail flashcard

Based on its entire independency from makers, operators and mediators, the scheme of The Phone House France is based on the precedence given to the client and the nonpartisanship of the board. The repute of the whole company is in the custodies of each person.

School attention, stand at ease, attention.

So to acknowledge him for his deeds and blessings, I would like to call some of the boys of our class. May I call upon all the birthday students at the center stage as it is time to wish them a very happy birthday.

Robert frost – life and achievements

Most of Frost's poems allow the reader to decide the meaning of the poem, but in his poem The Road Not Taken, Frost describes a man faced with a choice of two roads to travel. The poem Fire and Ice by Frost uses simplistic language in order to portray the significant meaning of hatred and →

Free essay about synthesis paper: contemporary literature

What is clear is that writers of the twenty-first century have departed greatly from the predecessors of the previous century in terms of their place within the culture and understanding of it. If family as the basic unit of society, and traditional a refuge from the pains of the outside world, then uncertainty in a →

Tissue engineering

Adult stem cells are present in the stem cell niche, this is a specific region of each tissue. The main roles of adult non embryonic stem cells in humans are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they reside.

Analysis of reasons for banning nuclear power

The main reason for nuclear power plants to be banned in Japan is that nuclear power creates the possibility of radioactive accidents. They also notice that they cannot control nuclear power plants if radioactive accidents were to happened." The nuclear disaster in the Japan nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi has reminded the importance of proofed →

Has asean been successful in promoting security politics essay

The strategies of how the individual countries choose to form regional organisations, more importantly, the administration of the organisation will show how well the regional organization relates to the rest of the world. The purpose of the visit is to win the heart and mind of the people in that area.

Medical treatment of criminals nursing essay

Always, within these inpatient areas of care nursing staff work diligently to provide a direct line of care to the admitted patients per the orders of the doctors of the patients. The only information given to the nursing staff is that this will be a survey about patient treatment.

Elements in the firms business environment

In this case, the ski-shop legal-politic element environment is associated to the dispute over the size and prominence of an outside sign displaying the shop's name with the authority. In the Task Environment, the first element to be identified to affecting the business is the Customer element.

History of injectable tissue engineering

Many point to the Renaissance painting " The Healing of Justinian by Saint Cosmos and Saint Damning" as the first example of Tissue Engineering in the human mind. Inequitable Tissue Engineering and the Environment The environmental risks of Inequitable Tissue Engineering are generally considered to be low because most of the materials involved are biodegradable.

Liberal arts technology

One Is either against technology in the classroom because the student needs the face-to-face Interaction with the professor or one believes that technology In the classroom benefits the students because many students need the hands-on learning that technology provides. This seminar for the technology proved that technology does not make liberal arts less pertinent and →

Risks in international business

Some of risk in international business is Business risk, Economic risk, Political and legal risk, Cultural risk.1. These kind of risks arise from: - Business Environment: Buyers and sellers interacting to buy and sell goods and services, changes in supply and demand, competitive structures and introduction of new technologies.- Transaction: Assets relocation of mergers and →

Realism versus idealism: the fight for supremacy

The world continued to practice the theory of realism until scientific experiments with subatomic particles shook the basic foundations of the realist theory of Aristotle. The contrasting view to the realist theory, namely " idealism", proposes that knowledge about anything cannot be determined with any form of direct connection with the reality.

The path to ccr

At my high school, being labeled as " CCR" is a privilege many students aspire to achieve." CCR" stands for College and Career Ready. Thanks to our very own Nick, the only CCR male in our school, we now have some insight as to what being College and Career Ready really is.

The use and abuse of power

Another instance of when Curley misuses his power is when Lennie is smiling at the thought of rabbits and Curley attacks him". Curley knows he will not get in trouble for attacking Lennie so he does it to show that he is the boss.

Field assignment

He was warned that he should take matters in to his own hands, yet he believe that he should be the one to avenge his family. It did not look so good for the defense because all they had to actually defend themselves with was the death of one of the suspects in the home →

How to do perfect mba assignment

It is vital to understand the topic one is going to write the work on, as the slight lack of understanding may lead to the wrong concept or general idea of the paper. The paper should be focused on the topic of the research and exclude all the extra information that is not related to →

Microsoft word project assignment

Support your discussion with three short quotations from the text. Support your discussion with three short quotations from the text.

Evolution of the american dream assignment

When one focuses on material possessions and advancing in social status, much like the old interpretation of the American Dream, this hope is lost and the Dream is unachievable. America was In the midst of the depression- a time when the economy was failing and jobs were hard to cling to; this atmosphere caused the →

Why adolescents is so difficult essay sample

Adolescents have many choices, decisions, and problems that occur that they have to deal with, but eventually the will have to become independent and assume the responsibilities of adulthood. During adolescence teenagers are trying to figure out who they are, what they want to become, and what they want to do they face an identity →

Team dynamics: team communication

Outline A team needs to be a single whole to perform in the best manner possible and it is only possible when the team members realize their attachment and involvement with the team. Introduction The success of a team is the success of each and every individual who worked hard and toiled for it to →

Effect size

Effect size Effect size Rice and Harris offer comprehensive differences and equivalences in effect size as used in the forensic psychology article, Law and Human Behavior. Conversely, the effect size is the quantification of the power of a phenomenon or the estimation of the sampled amount.

A plan to undertake a masters degree in construction economics at ucl having an academic education in economics and accounting

It is also my belief that my academic background in economics and accounting provides me with an appropriate starting point to succeed in this course, this is because I may not experience extra challenges associated with the workloads of learning economics in construction. The other skills that I possess are the capacity to work and →

Review of virginia woolf’s “shakespeare’s sister

This essay will do a literary criticism of Woolf's Shakespeare's Sister by presenting the biography of the author, the literary context within which the essay was written, the summary of the essay, an evaluation and a conclusion. Woolf is of the view that only if a woman has money and a room of her own, →

Journey and its liminality theology religion

On the first twenty-four hours of Journey, we are given a flag with our group figure on it and we walk out of the schoolyard through a guard of honor to symbolize our completion of the junior part of our high school calling and our Ascension to a higher societal circle as we are eventually →