A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Role of swot analysis in personal development

To be successful in today's competitive world, it's essential for one to be able to identify his or her strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats that are presented to him/her. Carrying out SWOT analysis highlights the pros and cons a person possesses but the result will depend on how an individual β†’

Marketing and ikea assignment

Including various varieties of wood, wooden furniture is the major production and exports of the furniture industry in almost every country. The furniture industry in such countries is developing strongly and showing great potentials.

Abstract some aspects of socio-economic and gender inequality

I situate myanalysis on changing attitudes regarding girl's education within the overallcontext of educational expansion in Bangladesh, and the definitions of sexroles and expectations in the culture. Today, local populations take greatpride in the expansion of girl's education in their towns, and in the impactthis expansion has on the community, the well-being of children, and β†’

The golden mean humanities essay essay sample

Virtue is similar to the mean in the fact that it is the balance between two vices. For example, if excess was on one end of a scale and deficiency on the other and virtue is the balance, moving closer to either vice causes negative consequences but if a person's character is closer to the β†’

The needs of native americans in modern day america

The Needs of Native Americans in Modern Day America ID Lecturer The Native Americans need to be givenadequate resources for them to feel at home with the undertakings on the part of the state. The trends and needs of these Native Americans are such that they require state of the art healthcare and educational needs, β†’

Dangerous liaison vs cruel intentions

The lack of social and moral authority which is denounced by Laclos in the novel is transformed into the lack of parental influence on Catherine and Sebastian in the movie. Cruel Intentions is a modified version of the book which has some changes in structure, theme and characters to depict contemporary society.

Quantitative decision making

Decision analysis also makes managers know which decisions are in favor of their companies and which can go against the benefits of the companies." An effective decision-making process reduces the possibility of wrong choices or failures". These were some of the mistakes, which I made while taking the decision that did not result in favor β†’


Uninformed parents choose the abortion option at the first sign of there being an abnormality with their unborn baby, causing a major decline in the birth rates of babies with abnormalities such as Down Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis. The author further says that cystic fibrosis is no longer the threat it was once considered, thanks β†’

Admission to nyu

Essay Living in a region for most of my life that is extremely hot and arid makes the concept of global climate change a bit of a mystery to me. Recently, I was able to visit some friends in Europe and the effects of global climate change were made more real to me.

How does baz lurhmann remind us that we are watching a movie essay

The Sound of Music brings comedy and happiness, Roxanne brings you the dark side of the film and the Can Can brings you the excited parts. Since there are so many different genres in what is meant to be the late 1800s it shows that this has to a film and the film is a β†’

Network pro essay

In which of the following topologies does each device on the network act as a repeater, sending the signal to the next device? The star topology connects network devices to the network with a single patch cable and the failure of a patch cable will make the connected device unavailable.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to essay

An implication f this is that this process may just turn to waists of time, because there may be a problem in gathering information and also in the absence of clear policy. Moreover, There is also a problem of Van's random giving of discounts which is not helping the stability and validity of the budgeting β†’

How to sell with emotion

Related: You can provide a ton of arguments to convince the intellect of the advantage of making a certain choice, but unless you make readers feel that they have to have what you offer and that it will be worth any effort to get it, your sales letter will be worthless. It's that twinge of β†’

Main theme of invictus the movie

The sport of Rugby, and the Springboks in general were considered symbols and a constant reminder of apartheid to the blacks of South Africa. And most of all we see the nation of South Africa rallying as one.

Stomp the yard review

The movie was about a young man called DJ Williams who is in a dance crew called the " Goon Squad" with his brother Duron and other friends. I really enjoyed this movie and the dance moves were extremely extraordinary and exotic.

Change for you, not for others

Bradbury's purpose is to promote the idea that a person should have the courage to listen to their own beliefs and thoughts ofhappinessrather than to blend in with society. In the end, Bradbury's style puts the reader through an emotional break through as they realize that relationships reflect who people are and who they want β†’

Politics in education

This is one of the reasons that " today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments". In 1791, the 10th Amendment guaranteed rights to all citizens by stating " the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to β†’

The king’s speech

In an attempt to console him, Logue insists that Bertie could be king and says the shilling of their wager should bear the Duke's head as monarch. Edward's Chair and dismisses the Stone of Scone as a trifle, the King remonstrates with Logue for his disrespect.

Life sentence, cruel and unusual punishment?

According to the reports from the Equal Justice Initiatives, only 8 people in the world, all in the United States, are serving crimes they committed at 13. Putting a 13-year-old in jail and telling them they will be there for the rest of their lives is somewhat overwhelming.

Between two worlds: author’s craft in love medicine

She shares with the world some of the trials and tribulations she has and continues to endure as a mixed person in modern America throughout her novel. This story of two Native American families, the Kashpaws and the Lamartines, incorporates facets from both Western and Native American lifestyles as Erdrich blends together a community of β†’

Development of the self and social order in society

The main aspect of his theory is that the self emerges from social interactions in various ways, and that the social self is important to distinguish and focus on. The doctor, the patients, and the nurses all know what type of situation they are in and take on a certain type of role to ensure β†’

Group culture analysis: narcotics anonymous (na) meeting

In the first section I will give a description of the group covering: the context; the setting; frequency and length of the group; finishing with a description of my role within the group. The second role I will fill in this group is that of the person giving the chair at the start of the β†’

Mind body relationship according to descartes philosophy essay

The history of the use of the term reveals two conflicting impulses: the tendency to treat mind as a metaphysical mechanistic system, and the tendency to view it as convenient biological metaphor representing the manifestation of the, still not understood, neurophysiologic processes of the brain. First, Descartes contends that a response to this question presupposes β†’

Initiation of antiretroviral therapy in early asymptomatic hiv infection

The question of the research was extremely valuable because the question looked for rising proportion of HIV-positive patients all around the world and attempted to downgrade the extreme risks and high mortalities that are generally correlated with HIV and significantly develop the patients' health condition and considerably shrinkage the potential HIV spread. That is because β†’

Marketing plan for samsung vacuum cleaner

The marketing plan starts with introduction, stating the aim of this business report, which is the promotion strategy for Samsung Vacuum Cleaner. Samsung Company is motivated by an unyielding passion for excellence-and has an unfaltering commitment to develop the best products and services on the market.

A green belt allocation land

Another aim is to distinguish the benefits & drawbacks of Green Belts for protecting the local environment and the crucial element of green belts but today faces unprecedented threats it has just about become a place for organization to argue their own lack of viability or funds provides the very special circumstances and therefore should β†’

Timber frame housing construction

The main objective of this literature review is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the research and to critically apprise all that has been researched on timber frame construction in comparison to masonry construction. Buchann and honey, also suggest that there is a growing awareness that in the choice of building materials, the designer β†’

Recruiting source choices internal vs. external

The recruitment source selection is a course step, which is mostly about the combination of the cost and the speed of the selection of the new worker. Internal recruitment is the best tool for the job vacancies, this is because the experience is available within the organization furthermore; it enables the use of human capital β†’

Fear and anxiety

Fear is known to be a cognitive and an emotional response to a situation in which someone feels threatened, related to the specific behaviors of escape and avoidance. My fear of driving can also be related to anxiety because when I do drive I tend to feel nervous and worried.

Cultural influences in child rearing

The upbringing of chidren throughout the stages of development changes substantially, depending on the environment and culture, in which the child is growing. Child development is universal, regardless of the environment and culture, in which the child is growing.

Music miracle workers

Of course you would have to use music therapy in the career of a music therapist but according to research, music therapy is only about 15% of the main job. When someone chooses the career of a music therapist they have to think about a little more than just money.

The importance of history

The book gives a frightening look into a world where history is disregarded and certain parts of history are rewritten to suit the damaging agenda of the government. In addition to this, a lack of motivation and curiosity for learning by the people has made the study of history obsolete.

Les miserables by victor hugo

Valjean, Fantine, and Cosette, Hugo's three main characters, are essentially stereotypes of the three greatest problems of Hugo's century: " the degradation of man in the proletariat, the subjection of women through hunger, [and] the atrophy of the child by darkness". This flying in the face of the rules of society did not faze Valjean, β†’

Marketing mix of audi assignment

Place in the marketing mix of Audio Presently, Audio has 28 dealerships across 11 states in India, and in 2010 Audio India reported an Increase In sales, compared to the previous year, of 81%. Audio has witnessed a stellar performance during the last year and the first quarter of 2014 in India.

Derivatives – final exam solutions assignment

What is the value of the " aggregate position" if the index goes down to 1200 3 months later? ) Suppose the investor decides to sell short 3-months S&P 500 Call options with X 0 1600 to protect its portfolio. 30 I) Suppose he/she shorts the number of options you get in b) I), what β†’

Feminist critique on a streetcar named desire assignment

Balance as a character although resembling, at times, the potential to be of more substantial character and command the cognition she deserves, Is trapped into a bubble of what can be considered feminine and Is convinced by her own sub conscience and those around her that the only way to get what she wants is β†’

Macroeconomics problem set assignment

The more rapid the sustained growth rate of the money supply, the higher the expected rate of inflation. Thus, modern analysis indicates that the long-run implications of the earlier quantity theory of money are correct: Money growth and inflation are closely linked." The money supply in an economy is the benchmark by which interest rates β†’

Sheppard v. maxwell, 384 u.s. 333 (1966) & williams v. florida 399 u.s. 78

Importance of the Case The US Supreme Court made the strongest statement supporting the right of the defendant to a jury that was not biased by prejudicial pre-trial publicity. Reasoning The US Supreme Court decried the absence of decorum in the trial court, and the free reign given to the press during the hearing.


As such, it is my desire to transfer to George Fox University because I believe the school has the qualities that match my needs. If I will be given the chance to study at George Fox, I know that my leadership skills will not only be enhanced but it will also be centered on global β†’

Organizational behavior in whole food market

The company's products include: seafood, grocery, meat and poultry, bakery, and prepared foods it is best known for its quality food business, whose vision is to satisfy the consumers, the company is said to be contributing to a privileged quality of life to various communities, the company practices this by providing high quality food products, β†’

Wuthering heights and catcher in the rye

The reliability of the narrators in both Wuthering Heights and Catcher In The Rye are vital to the way we respond to the novels, and they style they use is also equally important. He is pesimisstic and feels that everybody is against him, although in reality they are not, and this is visible to the β†’

Statistic decision making final exam

96 When comparing the test statistic to the critical value: Z= 2. We can calculate the P-value using the EViews command: Show @tdist In this EViews command, t stands for the appropriate test statistic and d.f are the degrees of freedom.

Religion of the rastafarians

The advent of Rastafari is the climax of God's revelation and they teach that Jesus predicted the coming of Haile Selassie or the Ras Tafari. The first concept is the teaching of Babylon and the establishment of the white oppressors.

The brady act: inconsistent but served a purpose

At the same time, it also required the gun dealers in each of the state should begin conducting and submitting background check requirements on their prospective buyers to the authorities to aid the process of authenticating that buyer's capability and reliability in owning a gun. All of these prove that there is discrepancy and inconsistencies β†’

The role of civil society in the democratisation process in botswana

This paper attempts to examine the above assertion in Botswana and posits the roles and contributions of civil society to democratisation process. This is where there is a role for the state: Harriss & de Rienzo suggest that the role played by civil society organizations will depend on the wider political setting, and on ways β†’

Mlk rhetorical analysis

In Kings Letter in paragraphs thirteen and fourteen, he implies pathos to express how black people feel and all that they go through because of the segregation laws. King's example of ethos is important to his letter since the letter is about segregation laws towards black people.

Persuasive speach – buy vs. rent

Tax advantages Now that we are coming to a close on the semester some of you are going to be faced with the decision upongraduationas to whether you should buy or rent.I. Today I have shown you that buying a home is better then renting.

Summary of judaism

Some of the beliefs and requirements include the extinction of all weapons and death in the world upon the arrival of the messiah. After attending the service, I described the clothing to my mother and learned that the headpieces that the men and women wore are known as " kippahs", while the shawls worn within β†’

Bureaucracy and max weber

0 Characteristics of Bureaucracy by Max Weber Weber's focus on the trend of rationalization led him to concern himself with the operation and expansion of large-scale enterprises in both the public and private sectors of modern societies Bureaucracy can be considered to be a particular case of rationalization, or rationalization applied to uman organization. The β†’

Ralph waldo emerson- self reliance assignment

He states, " It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." One of the definitions of the word " world" is β†’

Culture space and place cultural studies essay

Place is crucial to the understanding of culture, as Anderson highlights, " Cultural life does not take place in a vacuum" and " if space is where culture is lived, then place is a result of their union". This dominating power can engender inequality and affirm the interests of a particular culture at the expense β†’

Exploration or reformation

The printing press has made amazing changes to the world. In document E it shows that the printing press helped to spread the first map to record the existence of the American continents.

Womens perspectives on the issue of gender inequality

It is the hope of the writer that this paper will create a significant contribution to the world's views on how men and women can excel by their biological and cultural given capabilities. Gender inequality is defined by sociologists as the difference in the power, status, and prestige the men and women have in society β†’

Transdermal fentanyl patch in the use of chronic and non chronic pain

10 = 20mg oral MS q2-4h prn breakthrough pain Ali Olyaei PharmD, 2005 The Fentanyl patch is generally deliberated if there is no access oral for the patient and is unable to take Fentanyl orally in a tablet/lozenge form or If the patient is reluctant to continue on morphine to due unpleasant side effects such β†’

Globalization is an ongoing process

The definition that most people seem to agree upon is that globalization is an ongoing process of economical, social and cultural integration between countries all over the world through a global network of communication, transportation and trade. The fact that the GDP of the 41 heavily indebted poor countries is less than the wealth of β†’

Should xenotransplantation be allowed?

Besides that, enough animals could be reared to supply sufficient organs and tissue to surmount the current shortage of human organs and tissue for transplantation. Successful xenotransplantation of genetically modified organs and tissue would eradicate the need for the careful matching of the organ or tissue with the recipient, necessary in transplants between human beings β†’

Jrotc study guide

A) Remind Debra that service learning needs to address a school or community need that relates to the JROTC curriculum. Which of the following option is NOT a good example of being prepared for a service learning project?

Motivation and team

In the case duty of Two Men and A Truck and Mary Ellen Sheets the Expectancy Theory and the Job Enrichment Theory were used to motivate her to grow her business. A common goal was to save the medical division of the company and make It successful.

People can surprise you

I learned that you can have a good time with teachers outside of school because they have likeable personalities that we do not get to see often in school. It's not fair to my teachers, and I apologize.

Grade 10 history summative assignment

The final version of your video is up to you and your group; however, the product must consider the following: What is the Canadian identity? You may need to be able comment on all of the topics chosen in your video.

De facto standards in the ebook space: adobe or microsoft? assignment

Despite Microsoft having secured several exclusive deals such as the sole rights from Random House to publish Michael Crimson's newest novel, Timeline in Microsoft Reader format, and another deal to solely own the publish rights a series of 15 popular Star Wars books for a limited period of time, Adobe still stands strong as the β†’

The importance of teaching literature to children essay

This wise saying is perhaps the most appropriate description of the importance of literature in our lives and especially to children. It, in fact, lays the foundation of an enriched life; it adds ' life' to ' living'.

Temperature on the growth and survival of bacteria biology essay

The fact that it has a pH of 6-7 agencies that it is found in mildly acidic to impersonal topographic points which explains why it is in the big bowel of mammals. It was nevertheless unusual to see it turn in the countries of 25-37 & A; deg; C as it is by nature a β†’

Eden project case study essay sample

Therefore the purpose of this report is to explore the nature of Eden Project as a social enterprise organisation, considering its approach to measure their value and effectiveness in terms of their triple bottom line. Eden Project is more than just a botanic garden; it is a social enterprise with a mission to promote public β†’

Marketing plan phase iii

13 April 2008 Boeing 007 Heli-jet: Positioning and Differentiation Strategies The current hypercompetitive business environment which is characterized by a high level of competition coupled with strong bargaining power requires companies to craft positioning and differentiation strategies which will set them apart from their competitors and will establish an image of being the best alternative β†’

Understanding policy success

Policymaker ought to adopt a legal approach towards communicating with the members of the society in an attempt to enhance understanding of public policy. Policymakers ought to evaluate the effectiveness of policies implemented in terms of their effectiveness towards improving the society.

Gender messages presented on the television show…friends

Gender was the great conflict within the program, however, with the relationships within and between the genders explored through the intimacy of the friendships and defined by the way in which the ' did' gender. Chandler works in a corporate environment, but the nature of his job is never clarified which is a running joke β†’


He tries to depict the link which exists between Michael Jordan and Pop Herring based on their traits to illustrate a theme of hard work and persistence, luck and adversity in the society. Unlike Pop who had gone to college on a sports scholarship Michael was in the school struggling to fit in the college β†’

Urinary system

URINARY AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM URINARY SYSTEM The urinary system is a part of the excretory system in the body that removes toxic materials in the form of urine. Kidneys and the associated organs are responsible for the control of the amount of water, blood volume and salts in the body.

Language lesson plan

The other student factors include the cognitive ability and the attention span of the students. Additionally, I will ask the students whether they enjoyed the lesson.

Stalin 5 year plan essay

In the aftermath, forced collectivization assisted Stalin's vision of swift industrialization, but the human costs were immeasurable.he First Five-Year Plan, or 1st Five-Year Plan, of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was a list of economic goals, created by Joseph Stalin and based off his policy of Socialism in One Country, that was designed to β†’

Chaos and order in twelfth night

Whether or not this was indeed the case, and the play did in fact gain its primary title from the date of its first performance, has continued to be a source of disagreement for critics, directors, and actors, some of whom, like Samuel Pepys, agree that the play is " not at all related to β†’

Carnal knowledge

It's a story of a man whose perspective on meat changes throughout the story after he meets Alena Jorgensen, a Vegan.In T. He has a stable job but he does not seem to be satisfied with his life." My plans consisted of taking a solitary late-afternoon movie as a birthday treat." The fact that he β†’

4 creative ways to use free samples to grow your business

Taking a page out of the SaaS handbook, once consumers use even a sample of a product, they are more likely to buy it than if they have to pay for a whole bottle just to try it. So, what a great place to offer free samples: The official sponsors of The Color Run were β†’

Psychosexual theory

The first stage is set at birth to 18 months, it is the oral stage, this area is based on the mouth and the need to eat to survive also coupled with the pleasure that follows through with taste, this is instigated by breasting feeding. Stage three is the phallic stage this is from ages β†’

Design house partnership

In effect, we design products jointly with specialist design houses that have a well-known brand, and offer them a complete service of manufacturing and distribution. Within a year of launching our first new range of kitchen homeware under the " Concept" brand name, we had over 3000 retail outlets signed up, provided with point-of-sale display β†’

Carter racing

This ensures that they have until the next season to resolve their engine failure issues and it gives them time to formulate a safer strategy. If they were to race and lose their options, the chances of recovering from that loss are very small.

Soul surfer – persuasive

And furthermore, all the struggles and obstacles she will continue to be faced with throughout the rest of her life. In addition, the special effects of this movie really add on to the overall performance and the reality of the story.

Study of catalase and human amylase

At 300C and pH 7 of catalase, the concentration of substrates and enzyme increase and the rates of reaction also rise. Relationship between the rate of reaction and the effect of pH for enzyme catalase.

How globalisation is shaping up the chinese culture media essay

A list of 15 cultural enterprises has been submitted to the Export and Import Bank of China via the Ministry of Culture for a huge amount of bank loans to support development of China's cultural industry. As argued by Duara, Fitzgerald, and others, the ideology of modernity in China is a sharply relational one, particularly β†’

The history of asian multi sport games history essay

In the awarding of the winners, the national anthems and the flags of the respective nations are hosted honor of those nations. The host of Asian Games refused to allow the participation of Israel and China into the games owing to the fact that China had its own republic: People's Republic of China.

History of leukemia treatment

Sitting in his basement laboratory one day in the summer of 1947, he was inspired to focus his attention to the oldest and most hopeless variants of leukemia childhood leukemia. The obliteration of an aggressive cancer using a chemical drug was unprecedented in the history of cancer.

Price reaction to merger and acquisition announcements finance essay

In this paper, it concentrates on the study of the effect of merger and acquisition announcement on share prices of target companies and then tests the market efficiency by analyzing the result of abnormal returns before and after announcement date, whether there is inside information influence before announcement date and whether the price reflection public β†’

Fashion marketing processes

Seeing the rise in demand of Indian fashion industry, its value chain has also increased in a phenomenal growth percentage Fashion marketing is all about how the clothes should reach the market when they have been designed and created. The size and value chain of fashion market is shown below: As we are witnessing the β†’

Educational reforms in the education system in india

We all realize that it is a sacred duty of the School, authorities to help the school going boys and girls develop as worthy citizen of Democratic republic." The new Education endeavours through the working principles of freedom, creativity, to bring joy and happiness into schools and in to the life of children which formula β†’

The relationship between output and unemployment

The empirical results show that the negative relationship between output and unemployment is present in the Malaysia economy. Keyword: GDP Growth, Unemployment rate, Ordinary Least Square, Granger model, Causal Relationship The backgrounds of study are more focuses to the relationship between the output and unemployment in Malaysia to see how important it is.

Problems of illiteracy and it effects

Despite the fact that there is high educational development in the United States of America, Illiteracy is still a problem in the United States of America and what are some of the programs being set up to combat the problem of illiteracy? So majority of the people in prison are unable to read and write β†’

Play therapy

Hermine Hug-Hellmuth formalized the play therapy process by providing children with play materials to express themselves and emphasize the use of the play to analyze the child. The author studied 168 children who were identified as " at-risk" and participated in a mean average of four nondirective play therapy sessions.

The process of knowledge management and management styles business essay

We are now traveling to see the impact of employee relation deeply in banking sectors in instance of Tanzania, where the industry seem to be turning each and every twenty-four hours. Educated employees in Tanzania will be able to vie in planetary market and have a pick in business than of all time before.

Looking at the human resource strategy

The issue of the relationship in between the schemes of human resources and the public presentation of the house has been created tonss of literature with important distinctions where so many parametric quantities are existed through which consequences are influenced by analyzing the job. Modern organisation such as: Sainsbury has followed the schemes of β†’

Cog. psyc – artificial intelligence – ch. 15 facts

Strong AIWeak AI: using AI as a tool to understand cognition; few opponents, importance is widely acknowledged Strong AI: properly programmed computer has a " mind" capable of understanding; refuted by John Searle, highly protested The Turing TestThe test involving communication between a human who asks questions and an unknown language-using entitiy, with the human's β†’

Understanding in a new social setting is

We found some wonderful childrens books that teachers can use in the classroom to discuss shyness, how it affects people, and how to make others feel better who are shy. This is why it is so important for teachers and parents to realize the pain many children hold in due to their shyness.

New york city

The high quality of the cookies has enabled the company to develop a strong market ice for its product. The company markets its cookies as " good food"- no additives or preservatives and this appeals to a health-conscious segment of the market.

Personal finance: bankingassignment assignment

Would you be likely to choose this as your bank or credit union? This bank seems like a bank for me, with the easy sign-up and different options you have.