A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Motivation at norsk petroleum

When Herrings motivational theory is applied it can be shown that although Elizabeth did not necessarily experience any of the factors that would lead to dissatisfaction in her working environment, the desire to attain a greater sense of responsibility in her profession would ultimately outcome to greater satisfaction in her duties, therefore, motivating her to →

Is there a russia eu strategic partnership

This common space is seen as a sign in Russia of the EU's recognition of the shared cultural and historical heritage of Russia and Europe. An area of obvious non partnership is the difference between Russian and the EU's approach to foreign affairs, such as Russia involvement in Chechnya.

Organic vs conventional farming essay

Organic Farming versus Conventional Farming With the increase in concern about the dangers of the foods we consume, the demand for organic food has increased at an alarming rate. To grow their crops, conventional farmers use every acre of their farm land; but, for the health of the soil, organic farmers rotate their crops.

Women as unpaid carers

The study says gaps in employment histories often the result of having children or quitting work for full-time caring leave 60 per cent of women entitled to less than the full basic state pension. In 2008, a committee of MPs demanded relatives of the sick and elderly should be paid a salary of up to →

Effects of breach of contract

A condition is a basic but a fundamental part of the contract if breached the other party can end the contract, refuse to perform their part of the contract or continue with the contract but then sue for damages when completed. When a warranty on a contract for sale of goods is breached, the party →

First 48 vs. cold case files

First 48 focuses on the perpetrator of the crime, witnesses, the discovery of the bodies as it happens, and with real footage. They have interviews with the new detectives on the case that have solved the cases.

Level of vegf in chronic nephropathy models

In diabetic nephropathy, the increases in the number of glomerular capillaries and in the glomerular levels of VEGF-A and its receptor VEGFR-2 are observed. Based on these observations we decided to investigate the effects of A 2B AR modulators on VEGF and NO in chronic diabetic nephropathy.

Famous amos cookies | overview and analysis

Besides, they will also accountable for the overall performance of the company and for the day-to-day running and management of the company's business, under delegated authority from the Board. Behavior segmentation is market segmentation strategy whereby the division of the target market is made according to the patterns in which the people in the market →

The effectiveness of active learning over passive learning

The effect of various teaching and learning strategies and shows the clear impact of active form of teaching and learning techniques on the higher level students but there are still some factors that are posing a great barrier to active learning at secondary levels. One of them was the introduction of the active form of →

Are artists heroes? artists that defy convention

Whistler in turn responded that the art favored by critics is too detailed, almost to the point of the canvas being stuffed with extras. It is this aversion to change that allows the ridicule and persecution of the different.

Half the human

Discussing the use of the Actor Network Theory, Cyborg concept, and by reconnecting culture to the building/understanding of these two categories, this paper will conclude supporting the claim by recognising ' dynamic hybrid' space, and building upon the ' Trinity of Actants' concept. This new space of research and method has been named ' hybrid →

Software engineering

Software and Software Engineering Overview Software Is designed and built by software engineers. Software engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software.

Leonardo da vinci in our life assignment

He played an enormous role in the development of art and science of the High Renaissance in Italy. The " Mona Lisa" painting is a good example of his work which contributed to the development of art in the Renaissance.

Research paper

Community Psychology BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE HERE Community Psychology The assertion that community psychology is virtually just common sense is rather absurd, considering the multiple dimensions of study required to understand the individual and the nature of society's structure, values and homogenous social beliefs. Offering these objections indicates that the individual likely just →

White collar crime and corporate espionage

In the year of 2003, a Singapore national was held captive because of his crime of stealing trade secrets in April by the US Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California. There was an arrangement of designing a competitive microprocessor for the city of Hangzhou and the province of Zhejiang.

New worlds development

New World's Development s of Learning In the late 1500s and early 1600s, the Americans faced a series of the colonial era from the Spanish, French, and English that eventually led to the establishment of the New World's development. Bulliet & Kyle asserts that the Spanish, English, and French colonies had many characteristics in common →

How the human spirit is resilient

He starts to believe this and find the positive things in his life rather than focus on the hardships he has faced so far, which helps him heal faster and be able to show kindness and hope to the other boys he is with throughout the book. Throughout Ishmael's life he has to be braver →

The holocaust – college

The people who did know about the existence of these camps most likely were not aware of the number of killings and the horrible living conditions. Once in the chambers, the Jews were exposed to toxic amounts of carbon monoxide and other potent gasses and chemicals after a few breaths of air whomever was in →

Bric countries

According to a thesis published by Goldman Sachs Investment Bank, the economy of these four countries is slowly improving and is likely to surpass the existing developed countries in the world by 2050. Among the BRIC countries, China and India have shown the most significant improvement in terms of their economy.

Practise what you preach

But it seems to be normal when a little child follows the ideas of a mother today, for example, and the other day he/she persuades everyone that a father says the truth, even though it contradicts a mother's truth which was actual a day before. If you have said something once, do not change your →

Beauty: wish and carla

Carla is the definition of beauty, and Bethany who is the opposite carries something Carla wishes she had: brains, personality, and a college degree. When Bethany has the power to change what she has and get what she has always wanted; the writer uses Carla to show that Bethany will be disappointed with the set →

Dental cavities and water fluoridation health and social care essay

Fluoridation of H2O is the controlled add-on of fluoride to a public H2O supply to cut down tooth decay. Fluoridated H2O operates on tooth surfaces: in the oral cavity it creates low degrees of fluoride in spit, which reduces the rate at which tooth enamel demineralises and increases the rate at which it demineralises in →

Major differences between classical athens and han china

Major Differences Between Classical Athens and Han China Classical Athens and the Han Dynasty In China were two of the most famous and successful early clvlllzatlons. According to Pericles in Document D, Classical Athen's government was the best form of government because the administration of the government is in the hands of all the people, →

To fight or to run: the representation of aggression wide sargasso sea

In Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys's portrayal of the reactions that characters display to aggression from external sources is achieved through her constructive use of dialogue and introspection, in addition to specific behavioral attributes she assigns to her characters. The inclusion of introspection as a literary element in her narrative style allowed Rhys to present →

Isolation and identity in the namesake

Ashima has a difficult time letting go of her Bengali culture, she tries to hold on to it as much as possible, whereas Gogol tries to disconnect himself as much as he can from his roots as he has grown up seeing and accepting the American culture, which he feels he cannot be fully apart →

Fog and the foghorn in long day’s journey into night

By the help of secondary literature I will emphasize the parallels first between Mary and the fog and then between Mary and the foghorn. 1 Mary and the FogThe first time the motif of the fog appears is when Mary talks to her husband shortly after her return from the sanatorium: " Thank heavens, the →

Self sacrifice in the moonstone

The moonstone seemingly holds a great power over the characters in the novel; wherever it is taken, people are compelled to forfeit their lives, and the lives of others, in the name of it. After the moonstone was first removed from the head of their moon god's statue they were commanded with the task of →

Counterculture analysis: the manson family

The Beatles took the world by storm, and half the American population were impressionable teenagers ready to take their lives by the horns, like questioning the validity of mainstream religious, and giving drugs like marijuana and LSD power. Furthermore, like a large portion of the population, the Manson Family were under the influence of drug, →

Peritonsilar abscess: differential diagnosis of croup and epiglottitis

At the time of the examination I was unable to open my mouth further than 1 centimeter and I was unable to speak without pain and my voice was equated to that of a " hot-potato voice" by the doctor. The treatment he provided was that of an incision and drainage of the abscess which →

The disadvantages of watching television media essay

The purpose of the article is to make the audience know the effects of watching these reality television shows on the teens and all the people watching these reality television shows. 2010 In this article the author says when and where and how the first reality television started and who were the people watching it →

School rules essay

Girls taken ailment during school hours are to be taken up to the ill room or dispensary and the Office informed.9. The Prefects are responsible for the general tidiness of the school edifices and have the authorization to keep subject.13.

Maintaing ethical standards

I have also made clear that I will maintain the highest of standards of professional competence and always continue to improve my skills to better help her. We also discussed the ether dying and the step mother raising her, the issue of abuse did come in the form of Cinderella forced to clean the house, →

Case study a day at seagraves

He signed without reading the proposal from the materials group to a government agency; dictated on his recorder a negative reply to an invitation to speak to a regional meeting of ASPE, on the excuse that he would be out of town; noted on his appointment calendar the date of the United Way board meeting; →

Alternate bus route design assignment

The method is intended to concentrate the flow of passengers on the road network In such a way that the passenger riding comfort level Is maintained according to the bus capacity and the bus frequency is optimized in such a way on the existing as well as the alternate bus out that appropriate bus service →

Global warming ????” global warming for mankind assignment

Although global warming is affecting the number and magnitude of these events, it is difficult to connect specific events to global warming. Commit to work with the local media, government agencies, and elected officials on energy improvements and education about solutions to global warming.

The articles of confederation essay

Although the Articles provided the United States with an adequate form of government, there were many weaknesses in the document that needed to be fixed. The Articles of Confederation were simply a loose confederation of the states with no congressional power over commerce and no congressional power to levy taxes.

Conflict management

The conjunction of all the different preferences of people of a variety of personality types brings a unique and valuable perspective to the problem-solving process. There are basic concepts which enhance the functionality of a team and the development of its members which apply to onsite or online teams.

Personal perspectives of death and dying

Running head: Death and Dying Personal Perspectives of Death and Dying Death is one of the most confusing things in the world. I believe that the spirit does not have death and hence only the spiritual improvements will help us in our future missions.

Empathic field research

The chemical and neurological explanation of empathy also supports the ability to develop deep meaning because balancing levels of oxytocin and cortisol have the same effects, on understanding, and balancing the level of empathy. This is because I recognized and understood issues that I had previously ignored in my personal experiences such attitudes of the →

Ethical investments

Due to sheer volume and popularity of his firm he was able to earn huge profits while giving almost a penny or less to other brokers per share. His strategy was simple; due to huge volume of trading he would buy shares of MNCs and strong stock holders.

Leadership and hrm by zafar ul islam mehmood

A study conducted by Zafar ul Islam Mehmood a Ph.D.scholar of the University of Education, Lahore, in the year 2011 presents the three new types of human resource management leadership styles. The study evaluates the efficiency of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles from the perspective of teachers in four public universities by use of →

Soc 300 summaries of the week 4 readings from developing world

Sometimes the lack of a home state exacerbates the risk for conflict, especially if the ethnic group considers itself politically and economically powerless. For many divers reasons an ethnic group within a nation may wish to separate from the host nation and set up its' own state.

The safety of e-cigarette

By using this method of inferences, the author made the reader forget that e-cigarette still has addictive substance such as nicotine and that it still put glycerin or propylene glycol into our lungs and who knows what the flavorings are made of. The ideal experiment is not to compare inhaling the two substance to establish →

Personal philosophy

Religiously, the order of the universe is the sign of ultimate wisdom and goodness of God. This is according to Kathleen Higgins, a professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas.

Definition of data mining engineering

NOW WE SAVE OUR FILE AS CSV WITH COMMA DELIMITER Open the file with notepad++ Relation The names, the types and the values of the properties are defined by @ property.so following informations types. 286 1 2: Merit 2: Merit 0.3 *0.6 0.

Documentary is the creative treatment of actuality essay

Some of the main conventions are archival footage, of film and photography, and talking heads that are interviewed in order to comment on the documentary subject and add extra viewpoints and information. In some documentaries re-enactments are also used to show past events to give the audience an idea of the aspects of the subject →

Zach samach

This can be exemplified by the discrepancies in messages of a student writing to a professor compared to that of someone writing to a friend. In quintessence, writing is to the highest degree, a necessitation of modern society.

My vision for world

We have made a lot of material progress and are trying to make life comfortable for 'us'. Consideration for others is diminishing and we have forgotten to look at the interest of the human race as a whole.

Inventions of the 1800’s

He then invented a lampback out of graphite and it made the signal clearer. Alexander Bell offered to join Edison, but he became enraged because he invented the phonograph.

Life as we know it concept paper

When Messer and Holly were told they would become the parents of Sophie, Messer was looking for a way out. In the movie Messer and Holly argue about how they are responsible for Sophie, this is when Messer finally freaks out and says, " She's not my kid".

Jamaica national heroes

He believed in the teachings of the Bible, endorsing the principles of charity and endurance. The Morant Bay Rebellion and the resultant deaths of Bogle and Gordon precipitated the beginning of a new era in Jamaica's development.

The importance of family harmony

My mother and I had the love and support of my grandparents and four uncles. I would have to say that the impact of family, school, and peers has shaped my values and all that I am.

Social norms assignment

I thought this would help the results in favor of the person shaking my hand and people are more likely to engage in a person that they know. The reason I did this was to see if the results changed and they did.

Blood as femininity

This is symbolic of the thinking of the time that blood is something that corrupts people and especially women, due to their first menstruation cycle being when they transform from a girl to a woman, this blood corrupts the girl and changes her to a woman. The name of the book is telling as it →

Reaction time and energy drinks

The research question was " How significant is the reduction in reaction time due to drinking Red Bull, in males as compared to females between the ages of 16-17". The reaction times of the subjects before and after drinking Red Bull were then calculated using the results from the ruler drop test and the formula →

Urine tests on antibacterial activity

Urine sample U20 was allocated and the first thing done was to record the visual appearance of the urine. The next day, the colonies from the HBA was used for Microbact and the Microbact was incubated 37 C for 24 hours.

The american dream

The phrase " The American Dream" has many definitions, but the most construed may be " Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Today, the ideal way in the minds of people to achieve The American Dream is to have to work very little or even not at all.

Organisations need strong culture

Thirdly I will employ Rosen, M.to demonstrate the importance of building organisational culture and relationship between employees and top management, which helps to improve an organisation's communication and working environment. In this section, I will discuss about the perceptions and responses of managers to organisational culture change initiatives.

Dogecoin community donation

The generosity makes sense, as Dogecoin is positioned to be the " tipping currency" of the Internet. Unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin is not meant to be an investment currency, so much of the shiftiness that Bitcoin users have had to endure likely will not make its way to the Dogecoin world.

“civil “civil society” had become associated with

Todate, the activities of civil society in global governance have become anintegral part of day-to-day policies. Bypromoting the futility of public administration mechanisms, increasingtransparency and accountability, civil society can make an importantcontribution to the democratization of global governance.

On to the adoption of the doctrine of

On the contrary in the United States, due to the adoption of the doctrine of separation of powers legislative powers have to be exercised by the Congress and it cannot be delegated to any other organ of the government. With a view to removing doubts as to the validity of delegation, the President of India →

The rosemont behavioral health center

This cooperation and partnership acts to the advantage of Rosemont over the other health facilities within and without. Bubble map and double bubble maps will be involve management in comparing and contrasting strengths and weakness of the facility.


The function of the prisons originally was to rehabilitate criminals into law-abiding citizens. The society is able to get rid of troublesome people.

Pc sound card as a function generator and oscilloscope essay sample

The input signal is provided in the jack named " mic" by the use of a two channel probe, and the output is taken from the " earphone" jack.1. Daqscope 2.softscope Daqscope Daqscope is a simple scope that displays the waveform of the input signal from either of the channels, and provides options for the →

Is the death penalty effective

No! Death Penalty Is Not Effective: A number of experts have also pointed their views to the ineffectiveness of the death penalties and have also brought out the fact that in spite of the death penalties that are being used within the countries, there are still a number of people who tend to do the →


My 15 April 2007 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Global Economy The world is becoming a global economy because businesses are able to reach customers throughout the world. The advantages of a global economy include that a large number of countries are able to participate in this new economy, instead of being dominated by the →

Cjus 340 db2

The psychology of human behavior is very complex because it is the result of individual's perception of things or event. The aggressive behavior of bullies is very damaging for people at large and needs to be addressed early.

Cause and effect

By the time the party was over, he was heavily intoxicated and was not even in the state to drive. He was not in a very conscious and alert state and did not realize when he crossed the speed limits.


Utilitarianism: A highly regarded theory that is misguided in a way that is inimical to liberty Liberty and freedom are common terms in the society as people and entities seek autonomy and protection of private rights. Significant to the evaluation of utilitarian theory are private aspects of liberty that grant people such rights as rights →

Development and motivation in/for critical thinking

The concept of honesty is also included in the FiLCHeRS model and advises that in the process of analysing a fact, one should be honest with oneself and the community at large. For instance, the process of fracking becomes unethical in the sense that it produces a lot of noise to the neighbouring community and →

Taking sides: does true altruism exist? (or full title of paper) essay

Empathy, defined by Batson as " an other-oriented emotional response elicited by and congruent with the perceived welfare of another individual", is basically the ability to sense another's emotions as keenly as one's own is theorized to motivate people to help or extend aide to those in need with no expectation of a reward or →

Information system briefing

The content of this paper will allow you to identify the process for selecting and acquiring an information system, Explain how the organization's goals drive the selection of the information system, and identify the roles that each of the organizations' stakeholders play in the selection and acquisition process. How the Organization Goals Drive the SelectionOf →

Ibm global technology services

IBM Global Technology Services 3 Traditional disaster recovery? a choice between cost and speed When choosing a disaster recovery approach, organizations have traditionally relied on the level of service required, as measured by two recovery objectives: Recovery time objective? the amount of time between an outage and the restoration of operations Recovery point objective? the →

Biblical christian influence on american films

The truth is that until recently the film industry is subject to and has to follow, directly or indirectly, the rules set out in a kind of Production Code, which was originally written by a Catholic priest, Father Daniel Lord in the 1920s when complaints of moral abuses in Hollywood expressed through the new and →

Profitability & break-even point

At the moment we are in the bidding phase, which means that we are in negotiations with the customer, we have a bid team travelling in and out of London to talk to the customer, to have meetings with our subsidiary in London and to work on the bid document, which will be a synergy →

Compare japanese and british industrialization

One of the major reasons that caused Industrial Revolution to begin in Britain and Japan is because of geographical similarities. In the case of Britain, it possessed coal, iron, and wool, which Japan had to import from other countries.

Complex and dynamic business world

The statement that planning should be abandoned in a complex and dynamic business world will be discussed in the following." A plan describes the chosen solution to a problem and lists what has to be done to achieve the goal". But the challenge for managers is to interpret and then implement the information into the →

Multiculturalism and the benefits of migration in australia assignment

Without this knowledge of the complexity of aboriginal kinship structures, strict laws, the dreaming and the differences between the hundreds of societies on the mainland and in Tasmania, the aboriginals' ancient customs and knowledge were not acknowledged and certainly not respected or seen as a possible source of learning for the newcomers. The land, to →

American religion its historic addressing history essay

Historians need to avoid being tied up with politics and the social construction of bias to portray the historical movements of the vast numbers of religions that are influenced by outside sources and opinions, as we will see from some historians. This approach tends to minimize the significance of the natives of the U.S.by implying →

The american institution of slavery business essay

There are several types of fairness from the concept of fairness which are distributive fairness, procedural fairness and interactional fairness. According to Honans fairness in organizations refers to the distribution of the resources in the organization among the employees and the reaction of the employees to the resource distributions such as performance appraisal and salary →

Gender stereotypes in advertising

This advertisement for Gardenburgers found in the August 1997 edition of the American magazine Vegetarian Times is reminiscent of the advertising of the 1950s. The play on gender stereotypes, the reversal of gender roles is seen in the image used, the headline and the content of the copy.

Factors concerning hrm within wipro limited

Spirit of Wipro: Shaped to imitate the heart of Wipro sets for, ' The Spirit of Wipro' efforts to get back the culture to Wipro family tree through which we originate drive. Wipro robust groundwork in principles, intense knowledge in different types of businesses, together with existence and willingness in the worldwide market offers the →

Self appraisal for career development

On the other hand it allows the management to understand the employee's impression about the organisation and take decisions of his or her career progress. Would like to know about the goods ordering system for the entire deparmrnt and woman's department of the company as a career development.

Criminals are a product of their environment

Ecological criminology is the observing of criminality, crime and victimization in relation to the area of individuals and organizations and how it forms and affects them. In contrast to the idea that area of residence takes on character and quality of inhabitance, it is also noted that the inhabitants of an area take on characteristics →

Strategic change in organizations creative and innovation strategic hrm

The points mentioned below explain the model: Purpose is a variable that includes the objectives, goals, mission, strategies, feedback, and vision, and all other factors that show the intensions of the organization. Leaders of the organizations should clearly deliver the strategies and tactics to the staff in order to obtain the organizational goals.

Organisational structure

1 Organisational structure The organisational structure of a company reflects its culture, its management style and its leader attitude in addition to the environment in which it has to operate. It is a larger pattern in which the physical features, such as seating and food, are embedded.

“work/life balance” revisions

To take into consideration all the aspects and gain a full understanding of research results, it is crucial to examine the company's policies regarding work-life balance. Finally, it is important to establish how participants at different levels of employment rate the company's policies and initiatives regarding flexible working and work-life balance.

The of solving the problem. the main

The central argument of the chapter states that " in the environments of the racism, anti-immigration, and multiculturalism that prevail in many Western states today, the transnational identities of many ethnic minorities get discussed as a way to interrogate and question their " loyalties" to the nation-state in which they are living. In this article, →

Influential psychologists on behavior

Freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis; focusing on the unconscious aspects of the human mind and behavior. Freud once said, " The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to the knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind".