A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Palo duro canyon – one of unique places around the world

It dips down at about 820 feet with some places being as deep as 1000 feet. History Evidence of the first human settlement in and around the canyon dates back to 15000 years ago, where Native Americans made the area their home after being attracted by the clean waters of the Red River; the β†’

Fireweed – trip to wales!

Auntie wrote to my father and said that I was being sent to another part of the country as an evacuee. I did not even know where I was going, all alone without anymoneyat all, not even a penny for a stamp to write to my father. Enclosed was my father's address, a book of β†’

Tour service providers in bangladesh

Addressing the importance of this sector, the Bangladesh government also increased their spending and investment towards this industry. Tourism Service Providers in Bangladesh In tourism, the tourist is the center of attention. Good governance that is related to government interaction and dealing with business by means of regulatory affairs is rather a big problem β†’

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The term " job satisfaction" is understood to mean everything from " making all aspects of a job easy for employees" to " making the job meaningful, significant and challenging." Research on the importance of job satisfaction can be equally confusing with some research clearly indicating no correlation between job satisfaction and job effectiveness while β†’

Apa guidelines for the undergraduate psychology major

Promoting psychology as a science is increasingly important given the enormous breadth of the discipline and the diversity of professional opportunities and psychological perspectives, including new interdisciplinary configurations.- The Guidelines describes a set of learning goals and outcomes for the psychology major. 2 APA GUIDELINES FOR THE UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR Assumptions Underlying the Undergraduate Learning β†’

Thalia losada

Thalia Losada May, 26, 11 I believe that the first step towards setting and achieving personal goals is that you must realize you have to prepare for the future and not wait for it to happen. The main goals that I believe are important in education, a career, and the future are, to achieve β†’

The biggest mistake in your life essay sample

Yet my greatest challenge was convincing the combined team and their supporting plant personnel to review the current working practices and develop the best, unbiased business solutions. Inspired by the challenge, I initially did not understand the reluctance of senior staff to objectively evaluate their current practices. Despite my best efforts to gain plant β†’

The art institute

After researching the Art of Institute online, I knew that the Art Institute will give me the guidance needed to set me on the right path for my goals. To be successful in the commitment to my education will require determination and taking on more responsibilitites in my life.

Is winning everything essay sample

In the end, some of the other things that matter more than just winning are if the members of each competitive team are able to say that they gave their best effort and that everyone had a positive contribution to the team. I understand that every team's goal is to win the championship of β†’

What are the most important factors of successful organizations essay sample

Then the leader does something important, he or she takes the necessary time to sit down and think deeply about the vision and direction of the company, taking in all the input they have gathered to create a living vision that reflects the hopes and aspirations of the team and the realities of the marketplace. β†’

Developemental smart goal

This is where my motivation to pursue nursing comes from; the drive to go the extra mile just to make a difference in this world. I see my goal in life as similar to that of Nurse Leader Mary Breckenridge in that I know that nursing plays a very important role in β†’

Performance management in vodafone essay sample

The underlying assumption is that by managing the performance of the individual and team, departmental and organisational performance will follow and by raising individual and team levels of performance, organisational performance will also improve. The main objectives of the current PMS are: * To promote performance oriented culture, to realign goals of an individual with β†’

Professional development plan essay sample

In the development plan, I will discuss how goals and hard work will lead others to understanding the need and importance of education that will lead to success. An individual's professional development plan can only be derived by their own opinions and thoughts and areas of improvement. In the next five years, my plan β†’

Individual performance commitment and review form for teachers essay sample

Undertakes personal actions and behaviors that are clear and purposive and takes into account personal goals and values congruent to that of the organization. 3. Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials and employees. 2.

Understand how to manage a team essay sample

Example: a patient lost weight in the last two months, our goal is to reduce the weight lost. I explained to my team to achieve that goal we all have to work together and I have to contact the GP who will refer to dietician, chef has to fortified the food and the rest β†’

Who is a successful person? essay sample

The society at large thinks success is all about material things such as how expensive one's car is, how large one's house is or one's social status in the society and financial freedom. We all want to achieve success and make plans to be successful, however, with a shallow interpretation of success, many people have β†’

The difference between efficiency and effectiveness in management essay sample

Effectiveness refer to how well the job gets done, i.e., the output quality, zero defects." Efficiency" is getting things done, it is not trying and it is not having ability. Whereas efficiency is concerned with the means of getting things done, effectiveness is concerned with the ends or attainment of organisational goals.

The x theory and y theory essay sample

Both the X and the Y theories begin with the premise that management's role is to assemble the factors of production. Theory X assumes that the average person: dislikes work and avoids it by all measures; has no ambition; prefers to be directed. The best management approach under the X theory probably is medial.

The best ways to prevent overdue accounts using examples form your own words.

That is to be the first one to have a college degree in my family; Moreover, I wanted them to experience the opportunities that come with a college degree. More so have a vision of the end goal which will benefit not just myself but for my family and friends I will be able to β†’

Scholarship essay essay sample

My success comes from this determination and the dedication used as an input to achieve my dreams that I carried since I was a child. Two and a half years was the time I needed to get the money together to start my education.

Environmental issue essay sample

Solutions Sustainability is the key to prevent or reduce the effect of environmental issues. List of environmental issues This is an alphabetical list of environmental issues, harmful aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment.

The sling psychrometer weather project essay example

Weather Project: The Sling Psychrometer One of the most important aspects of Environmental Studies involves the study of meteorology or the weather. The difference in the temperatures between the dry bulb and the wet bulb is compared to an existing Relative Humidity table.

Global warming and climate change essay sample

El Nino can bring a dry summer for some regions and a wet winter for others; however, over the course of many years, the number of times El Nino conditions occur may decade changes in the global climate. Variations in the behaviour of the weather over long time periods, such as from one century β†’

Movies realism literature review

It is obvious enough since when there is lack of support and interest, plus the unfair discernment by the Malaysians, the companies have no other way than to close down production, or face far worse condition of bankruptcy. It is not just the companies that would have to shut down, but indirectly the actors and β†’

Art history book chapters discussed through time travelling essay

The creation of the death mask reveals many things about the creator the high level of artistic creativity and capability, the dedication to work and the power of the influence of religion in their craft, and the ability of the artist to create works of art that can sustain itself for long periods of time β†’

Auguste rodin’s burghers of calais and modernism

Modernism is an artistic movement where artists deliberately left behind the forms used by artist in the past. With Burghers of Calais, Rodin expressed the realistic elements of the human body rather than the idealistic ones of the past. Rodin did this with Burghers of Calais by having the pedestal removed from β†’

From modernism to post-modernism

For instance, looking at the work of Cezanne in the early stages of the Modernist period, the essential ' breaking down' of subjects to their smallest most geometric states gave rise to a form of minimalism that contradicted the complexity of the Modernist age. Sigmund Freud ushered in the ' new age' of mental evaluation β†’

Analysis of surrealism

Analyses the relationship between The Surrealist Movement and the political, social and economic developments of the period. Examine and discuss the work of The Surrealist Movement. Examine and discuss the work of your chosen Surrealist Artist.

Romanticism and death

William Shakespeare was a writer during the Renaissance and as one could tell from his pieces, he as well viewed death more positively versus negatively. In the Neoclassical Era, death was viewed as a portal to the afterlife. The Victorian Era was one in which brought death to a reality.

International institutions and realism

It is the independence and neutral characteristic of the international organizations that enhance the legitimacy of its actions, causing states willing to gather together and authorize the international organizations to centralize the activities and ultimately achieve cooperation. However, this is inevitable in the realities of power politics as US was the lender while rest of β†’

Eden gayety romanticism poetry

Its p also included theAmerican Revolution and theFrench Revolution and is often called the " age of revolutions" continuing to the Industrial Revolution. Romanticism transforms the theory and practice of all art and the way we perceive the world; artists of the time glorified nature, idealized the past, and celebrated the β†’

Identification variety of primary sources and academic

Identification and Evaluation of SourcesThe primary focus of this investigation will be " To what extent was degenerate art a departure of traditional Weimar/Nazi cultural values?" and will analyze how particular art movements digressed from the philosophical, racial, and political goals of the Weimar/Nazi period. For this reason, Art as Politics in the Third β†’

Surrealism – its origins, politics and meaning in media

They investigated the mind for artistic inspiration. Origins of Surrealism: Andre Breton: Was dissatisfied with DADA Wanted a more organized and realistic He explored automatic righting and discussed the irrational and the accidental Hough process in painting He published a manifesto in 1924 (statement of ideas about the movement) Was based on Freud β†’

American modernism

A large and chief part of Hurston'scareertook place during the Harlem Renaissance, which began in the twenties while she was attending Howard. Hurston's best work, especially her novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, is the product of a Black female folk aesthetic and cultural sensibility that emerged from the best revolutionary ideals β†’

Let life run its course

Comparing the creator to a blacksmith, he ponders about the anvil and the furnace that the project would have required and the smith who could have wielded them. He longs to be like the star as it is steady and unchanging.

Victorianism versus modernism

As mentioned above, Victorianism and Modernism both focus on the individual and the society. An example of this from a Victorian perspective is, The Strange Case of Dr. The reason Jekyll is a good example to show the Victorian qualities of science exploration and the effects the individual has on the world β†’

Time and space in art essay

It is believed that he did this as a reaction to society's cynicism and shock from the horrors of the war. Especially the use of time and space was Cubists contribution to modern art.;;; ReferencesAlfred I.

Pro gun control essay

One of the bigger ambitions that one has is to have power and the easier it is to obtain a gun; the faster a criminal will gain power over an innocent person. When one is in possession of a gun, that person has complete control of their actions and may act upon β†’

Guns: firearm and gun

In order to get to the bottom of this issue, one need to take into consideration statistics, Obama's thoughts, the effects of enforcing guns in schools, new laws dealing withgun control, Homicides and accidental or suicidal deaths that is caused by a firearm. The statistics on gun relatedviolenceand homicides are showing a decrease β†’

Essay summary of gun control

Everyone should have the freedom to legally purchase and own a gun. Enforcing a nationwide gun policy violates the second amendment rights and will cause problems within the government. When used within the hands of a police officer, the gun has a positive use, to serve and protect.

Lao tzu’s position as for the gun violence in the usa

This shows what impact this law has when the consumer has to undergo a background check. Overall, Lao Tzu implies that having a better life is being moderate with the people. The person who has the gun is not in the correct state of mind that Lao wants the people to be in.

Gun control outline analysis

American Dream, means different things to people B To many people, freedom is owning a gun C. Guns need to be in the hands of responsible people.III.

Why gun control needs to be implemented

As a result, effective gun control reforms will help in putting the above questions in the right context, and hence they will be no need to outlaw the guns as they will be useful in securing people's lives. Also, outlawing of guns is likely to bring about tension especially among to those gun rights activists β†’

Associate level material

The study that was used in this type of study | | Do not insert personal views.| was " city-level cross-sectional study", but smaller cities could | | Write in your own words, except for quotations.| not be included in the study because those cities had fewer | | Create an APA-formatted parenthetical citation for β†’

Overview of the harris type bipod

In that case, you will have to scrape the left and right of the swivel stud to make it thinner and pass through the hole, or it will pass through the hole of the bipod. It is about 26 cm from the main body in a statement extended to the maximum.

Example of gun control support argumentative essay

Due to the raising of criminal activities in a majority of states that allow the public possession of guns, gun control measures if implemented will go a long way in reinforcement the current laws on the gun ownership and in the process violence will be on the decline. As much as the challengers will try β†’

Nuclear weapon and science

At certain points in history, such as the Cuban missile crisis, the world has stood on the brink of destruction. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a confrontation between the United States, the Soviet Union, and Cuba that occurred in the early 1960s during theCold War. The crisis ranks as one of the β†’

Gun control explained

There are several reasons why gun regulation is not the effective way to decrease crime. First and foremost, gun control laws decrease the sense of self reliance and personal safety. However, the overall murder rate in Switzerland is near zero and country has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Moreover, the regulation β†’

Why gun laws are important to the u.s.a

Hence, it is very practical to own a gun to deal with such situations. However, I insist that firearms are tools for people to achieve certain deeds, and it can not kill or harm anybody by itself, in case that regarded may be caused by firearms, I believe that it is mainly caused β†’

Gun laws will not stop mass shootings

But a man who wants a gun for defence or for hunting may not get it because of how hard it would be to get the gun, they may think it is not worth the time and the effort. A doctor who had a conceal and carry permit shot the shooter and it was said β†’

Gun control in canada

This will ensure that the weapon is being accounted for and has not been sold. It would be a better way to track firearms, which in return, would help in the reduction of gun crimes. In addition, the owner of the gun would be required to renew their license and ensure that their weapon has β†’

Why guns should not be banned

Another advantage, in my opinion, is the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Laws should not restrict gun rights because first, it would infringe the second amendment, second, guns are a part of ourculture, and finally, if guns were outlawed, citizens of the U.S.would become vulnerable. The justification clause β†’

America should have stricter gun control

Four out of every ten Americans own a gun; which leads to the perception that America has returned to the Wild Wild West. In fact, it is to be assumed that where guns are present, there is a higher risk ofdrug abuse, crime, and accidents. The fact that 31, 224 people were dead from gun β†’

Ancient cultures

The ' potrait head of an elder shows respect for the elder among Romans, ' The Seated scribe' shows the detestation towards scribes' way of life while the Standing Buddha shows the important role of the Buddha among the Buddhist. The Great Stupa of the Sanchi depicts the urban life of the Indians.

Nature of culture change

Archaeology helps answer the question of " What is the Nature of Culture Change? " by a number of things. Culture change is a part of nature.

Good article review on art in the tomb

The political power of the Shang emperors and dynasty, allowed this technique to flourish considerably since there have been considerable discoveries of bronze ornaments and weaponry that date from this period. However, Clunas seems to argue that although there seemed to be political polity in the China of the Shangs, this was evidently only a β†’

The clovis people, managed a boom

During this time, they spread from the Canadian Arctic, through the entire contiguous United States, and into the Pampas of Argentina, as evident from the wide range of arrowheads found through the Americas. In turn, the Aztecs were unable to do the same and reach the Incas.

Lessons from tribal people

Hopi and Kogi are the indigenous people who tell us that tribal life is solely natural and they believe earth is their mother. Tribal people feel the universe, nature is alive and sacred and the stars, rocks, water, wind, creature and people are interrelated.

Introduction to cultural anthropology-unit 4, question # 1

What are some of the characteristics of African nations todaythat can be traced directly to the colonial experience? The politics of African nations were profoundly affected by the brief period of colonial rule during the 19th and 20th centuries and some of the effects are visible in current African politics. However, this ended as a β†’

Mythological and historical reasons for the trojan war essay sample

Aphrodite was so grateful to be chosen as the most beautiful that she made Helen, also a beautiful woman, fall in love with Paris because Paris was in love with Helen. Troy was a very large city. Archaeological experts think that the " Trojan War Myth" is based on several wars that occurred in Troy, β†’

Preserving the past for the present and future

Much of the reason why many people do not realize there is even a problem with the destruction of archaeological sites is that the sites are prehistoric, meaning they date back to times before written records, and most people have not heard of the sites. People in charge of a building project, β†’

Hellenistic art

Section/# Hellenistic Art Question A unique component of Hellenistic art is that it employed a type of universality that was flavored with elements of the multi-cultural influences that were a very real part of life as a result of Alexander the Greats' conquests. Of special interest is the way that art was presented within the β†’

Repatriation and reburial issues with native american ancestral remains

Repatriation and Reburial Issues with Native American Ancestral Remains Desiree Berrios Professor Brian Bates Archaeology April 2, 2012 Repatriation and Reburial Issues with Native American Ancestral Remains Repatriation is the return of human remains or sacred objects or objects of cultural significance to the individuals, groups, or nations that the archaeological finds belonged to. β†’

Archaeology think-piece

The main objective of archaeology is to study the human past and finding out how it affects and connects with the present and the feature of human being. As indicated above, archaeologists seek to learn and understand more about societies in the past and how human race developed from the earliest simple form of life. β†’

The role of artifacts in history and culture of society

Clemens Reichel addresses the issue of looting in Iraq and shares how he and fellow archaeologist have forced together to try to recover and restore the artifacts that were looted and destroyed. Preservation of our shared culture allows us to better understand and appreciate the people before us.

Discussion reply

The only disagreement that I have with this theory is that it so staunchly argues that interbreeding is not a factor in the origins of modern humans and their populating of the planet. This would be entirely believable if the distinction between the African stock was vastly superior to the products of evolution that has β†’

Influence of confucianism on the han dynasty

Confucianism became quite popular under the Han dynasty and influenced it greatly in terms of politics, history, education, law, and the role of women. According to Spodek, Confucianism influenced politics in the Han dynasty by changing the hierarchy of power within society. Law also changed as Confucian scholars were given the power to change and β†’

Good essay on cyriacus of ancona

Due to his knowledge of ancient Greece, he had a better understanding of the relevance of the inscriptions he would copy during his travels. His great interest in archeology increased so much that he travelled all over the Eastern Mediterranean where in his day-book named Commentaria, he noted down the archeological discoveries that he made. β†’

Free essay about kerrys visit to egypt

The author also mentions, apparently with approval, the statement issued by the German Embassy in Cairo, in which it denounces the actions of the two archaeologists and stresses the good collaboration of German and Egyptian archaeologists in many projects. A similar statement was issued by the German Archaeological Institute and this is also mentioned by β†’

The dark side of the american diet and fast food industry

In today's history, there is so much obesity because of junk food or fast food, thanks to the founders of the fast food restaurants. A restaurant across the street from the Heinz farm went on sale, Carl had the idea of buying it, when he bought the restaurant he quit his job at the Armstrong β†’

Fast food and mass culture

Whatever that is not recognized on a global scale is considered not part of the masses and be considered a minority. Fast food in one's diet has always been considered an unhealthy way of life because of the lack of nutrition in the food fast food joints offer. One way to interpret culture is the β†’

Good food

Good food is food that does not help you gain weight but satisfied your hunger. Food that tends to slow you down and make you sleepy and lazy is not good food at all.

Guoyi chen

On the other hand, others hold the opinion that it is unfair for people who are obese and it is kind of discrimination if they need to pay higher insurance rates than non-obese people. That being said, most people who are obese that way are because they do not care about their health so much β†’

Food security

Food security is a basic human right and is achieved through three essential components: availability, access and utilisation - preparation and consumption of food and the biological capacity of an individuals to absorb and utilise nutrients in the food they eat -. There will be a band on the sale of soft drinks and junk β†’

Zanin mustafa

Not all the blame is on the children, Schools, fast food governments also need to take that same initiative. Parents also need to show their children that exercising is not a bad thing.

Detrimental effect of junk food

Elaine McGee, author of " Are you a junk-food junkie?", states that the main problem with junk food is its low satiation value which leads to overeating because the consumers do not feel as full when they eat these junk products. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation published a study in 2013 showing that children and β†’

Hazel purdy

In order to be healthy, the person will have to eat the right kind of food, exercise daily, take a shower, keep him/herself clean, and stay well. In order for a person to be healthy and stay healthy, they have to exercise daily, eat the right kinds of food, staying clean, and that person would β†’

Why any food in moderation is okay

Despite the myths associated with a lot of foods, everyone has heard that any food in moderation is okay, and this is true! American's must extinguish their pre-existing beliefs about certain foods and research the scientific effect it is actually having on their health. Lack of knowledge is causing individuals to go on gluten free β†’

Television and today’s youth

In 2004, The American Psychological Association formed a task force to examine the effects of commercials on children's self-esteem. It appears that it will always be the job of the parent to carefully screen what their children are routinely exposed to, including the advertisements in media cluttered world.

Us problems with alcohol, tobacco and junk food

The guest list of the meeting included CEO's and presidents of America's largest food companies like Nestle, Kraft, Nabisco, General Mills, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola and Mars. The CEO's and company presidents came together to discuss the issue of America's emergingobesityproblem and how to deal with the problem. The companies have a β†’

Mcdonalds in india – case study

Respect for Indian Customs and Culture: McDonald's worldwide is well known for the high degree of respect to the local culture of each market it operates in. Again, McDonald's argue that they stick to the letter of the law and if there are any problems it is a matter for government.

Junk food taxes

Placing higher taxes on junk food within Caribbean countries will prove beneficial as it would help in reducing the accessibility of junk food to consumers, improve the country's economy and help improve the health status of individuals. Because of the convenience of junk food, people will continue to purchase it no matter how much tax β†’

5. to what extent does your country’s culture encourage unhealthy eating habits?

Americans across the country are being influenced by the media, holidays/traditions, and the vast availability of unhealthy foods in determining how they establish their eating habits. In addition to the impacts of the media, the availability and affordability of unhealthy foods also encourages Americans to neglect a healthy way of life.

Professor blaine

I strongly believe that junk food advertising should not be banned because it will not resolve the childhood obesity issue and this measure will go against the customers' right to be informed about new products and discounts prices. In conclusion banning junk food advertising is not a solution because it will not resolve the child β†’

Nutrition density essay

Nutrition Density Essay After having calculated the nutrient density of seven food groups in a spreadsheet, the food group that came to have the highest Nutrient Density was the vegetable group obtaining an average of 7. One of the factors that contribute to foods having low cost per 100 Calories is because foods such β†’

Disaster of bangladesh

Initially both British companies accepted that New Wave was among their suppliers and committed to offer the possible support but later on refused to take any kind ofresponsibilityin this regard. In the opinion of retail consultants and other professionals both of the companies are responsible to inspect and monitor the minimum working β†’

Hurricane katrina- a natural disaster

There was, however, a dome built to house the Katrina victims: the Astrodome. Even though the Katrina victims had so many places to go, some were forced to stay behind because of hospitalization, they were abandoned by their caretakers, a lack of transportation, e.t.c. It caused the construction of of innovation funds.

Disaster movie

He works at a facility that dedicates themselves to researching the climates of the earth, the changes, watching rising and falling water levels, and things of the sort. This will be how everything began.-We watch the encounters in everyone's lives throughout the week along with the research and eventual discovery of the severance of the β†’

If i had power to change 3 things in world

POVERTY: Poverty according to my view is a thorn in flesh of the world. Society in India is very sharply divided between ' Haves' and ' Have Nots'. On one side India is leading gold importer in the world, whereas on other side India has most number of population that cannot even afford for a β†’

4 ways to ensure your startup will survive disaster

He lost the building - but not the business. In the early days of a startup, many people are so consumed with building traction and surviving the first couple of years that they do not think about how to protect the business from catastrophes. For the sake of yourself and your employees, make a plan β†’

External or internal disaster in organization

One of these is the so-called disasters in an organization. Disasters may be considered as external if the forces happens from the externalenvironmentof the organization, likeglobalization, global financial crisis, technological changes and others while internet disasters are those that happens inside the organization likefailureto provide quality service, inability to market β†’

Comparing and contrast the chemical disasters at bhopal

According to Shrivastava , on the night of 2/3 December1984, an enormous accident happened in Bhopal, India, the highly poisonous and unbalanced chemical gas was escaped from the factory and continue to spread over the city which caused by the lack of the attention and care ness. Apart from that, Marchi β†’

Disaster planning: public health role

The Public Information Officer also assures that the required information is provided to the public health agency staff, so that the message of the agency is consistent, and in synchrony with other agencies. This person needs to be proficient in gathering the correct data for the situation, organizing facts, preparing appropriate releases β†’

Disaster mitigation in naga city

The city of Naga is located in the Isle of Luzon in the Philippines. The region is expanding very fast and the same trend will continue in the future as the Naga city is the center for commercial, educational, and industrial sectors in Bicol region. Disaster management plan β†’

Earhquake in northern sumatra, indonesia

The earthquake had significant effect on the region and the people living in these regions. Not only was the earthquake damaging and devastating, but the quake was also the cause of a correlated tsunami that caused even more damage and destruction to the area." This earthquake is the largest event in the world in 40 β†’