A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Charlotte dunnico

The socio-economic context of the play is a crucial thing to highlight as Willy Russell's intentions of the play were to show the contrasting social classes and how the young people in the 1980's aspirations are affected by their lack of opportunities in Liverpool. To cut the play whilst still keeping Russell's intentions, we have →

House of the spirits marxism

In Isabel Allende's The House of the Spirits, Allende uses the characters experiences to symbolize the struggles between the lower and upper classes. Characters like Esteban and the tenants captured the roles of the Elite and working class through out the novel at Tres Marias.

“a good man is hard to find” by flannery o’connor essay sample

At the end of the story, before the Grandmother meets her fate, she has a moment of redemption. She finally distinguishes The Misfit for who he really is, not a psychopathic killer on the loose; but a person just like herself. It is also interesting to note that O'Connor highlights her concerns of the →

Essay on functionalist views

The functionalists see education as a miniature society, where the individual develops a sense of commitment to the social group; it is a place to learn rules where the individual learns to conform to societies cultural norms and values. The functionalist perspectives of Emile Durkheim are, he believed that the major function of education was →

Idealism and materialism essay sample

Karl Marx believed that the majority of societies problems came from the industrial capitalist system; this is the system that was making the rich, richer and the poor, poorer, with the larger portion of society being what Marx called the proletariat. This however could prove to be difficult, the proletariats need some sort of a →

Why are some young people less likely to achieve high educational qualifications?

Children from a lower class background will almost always underperform when compared to children from a middle class background, and this difference is even more striking when including gender with working class boys significantly underperforming compared to working class girls, middle class boys and middle class girls. Whilst the attainment gap is obvious, explaining its →

Human rights: universalism, marxism, communitarianism essay

Moreover, proper balancing of social economic aspects will ensure that there is the advancement in people's rights and interests. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the founder of communitarianism believes that human beings are born free and equal. Communitarians state that human rights are unnecessary and conquer with Universalism beliefs regarding human beings and their rights. Marxist argues that →

What was the role of the first world war on mussolini’s transition from socialism to fascism

This essay will explore these three arguments in order to understand whether Mussolini's transition from Socialism to Fascism was the result of the war, his revolutionary nature, or the influence of Nationalism. Italy's intervention into the war, to Mussolini's personal experience in the trenches and the disastrous Battle of Caporetto all contributed to Mussolini's political →

The causes of wwi

Balkan nationalisim-the desire of the Slav peoples of this area to join those in the empire of Austria-Hungary 3. Balkan nationalism-the desire of the Slav peoples of this area to join those in the empire of Austria-Hungary Balkan nationalism is also one of the important factors of the outbreak of WWI.

Lester b pearson and the suez canal

Pearson prevented the war from occurring by his overallpersonality, his achievements before the Suez Crisis, and him forming the United Nation Peacekeeping Force. When the Suez Crisis preparation got out of control, all Pearson did was tell a joke or even smile to change the moods of everyone." Politics is the skill use of a →

International monetary system

This was succeeded by Roman currency of the Roman empire, such as the denarius, then the Gold Dinar of the Muslim empire, and later from the 16th to 20th centuries, during the Age ofImperialism by the currency of European colonial powers: the Spanish dollar, the Dutch Gilder, the French Franc and the British Pound Sterling; →

Example of creative writing on international relations

Three examples of knowledge needed to understand relationships between world stage actors are how capital globalization impacts regional and local issues , how consumer spending in one country impacts manufacturing in another and how food rich countries impact food poor countries. →

Why i wish to pursue a joint honors degree in law and international relations course

Another curiosity of mine, the way in which countries operate, has been the stimulus for my keen interest in politics. Studying History in politics and English literature and governmental law has given me the ability to articulate arguments in written form. My own beliefs have developed and matured as I have delved deeper into the →

A natural consequence

In particular, Turkey's fear of a fragmented Iraq, and the diplomatic pressure on this issue, is to step back to support the riots that could result in the US government declaring the independence of the Kurds, and Saddam's In response to the riots, it was enough to let tens of thousands of people die. The →

Japan: stopping nuclear proliferation

In response to the first type of nuclear proliferation, which is the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the only resolution available to Japan on this matter is to actively participate in the lobbying against nuclear proliferation in the United Nations Security Council. It has to take a definite stand and gain →

Italian unification

Though foreign intervention was a minimal part of the unification, and at times even more of an obstacle than aide, without the militaristic action, internal economic and political change within Italy, the unification would not have been sparked, much less completed as successfully as it was. One of the important →

Machiavellian ideas and modern leaders

Therefore, being cruel and being feared are necessary actions a ruler must take to keep safety and order to his country. One of the feared leader in today's society is Kim Gong Un who is the supreme deader of North Korea and has been directly responsible for a number of strategic policy which →

The department of political science,

In a way, the proponents of this approach suggest that " the world is in the eye of the beholder" and then proceed to ask where those interpretations of the world come from and how the influence the behavior of individual and state actors. GLOBALIZATION AND THE SPREAD OF EMERGING DISEASES The synthesis between the →

Measure power- international relations

Immanuel Wallerstein proposed that economic power may well be the key to understanding power relations between countries belonging from the First and Third World; the latter as source of raw materials and skilled manpower and the former the producer of finished product Those countries which have a large military have the high probability of →

Example of post 9-11 international relations and the new world ordermatthew burrierintroduction research paper

With the US, one of the most powerful nations of the world, being the target of the dreadful attacks, the terrorist attacks have served as a strong warning that impresses on the anarchic state of international relations. Defining those two kinds of persons is essential for defining changes in international relations, as those two play →

Reflection on the united states midterm elections

The situation, though, is that President Bush still has the final say in the arena of international security policies like that of Iraq. In the end, we are always hopeful that this will improve the lives of the Americans here and abroad.

Example of different branches of political thoughts current issues essay

It also assumes that the pattern of preferences across the international system defines a state's behavior. Marxism and critical theory is the next international theory. In the realist theory, states are portrayed as aggressive and selfish in safeguarding of their interests.

The failed offensive

Although the United States helped in the planning and in the funding of the invasion, it failed right after the night landing of the invasion was discovered which led to the defeat of the invasion just within three days. It is because of the immediate discovery and →

The united nations no longer fulfils its mission

The main mission of the United Nations since it was founded has been to promote peace and international cooperation. However, now that the UN is much larger and better funded, with many individual organisations that focus on specific issues such as UNESCO and UNICEF, the mission of the UN has become a lot broader in →

Kebe bassirou

The state level of analysis comes as criticism of structural theories and looks at the nature of the state and the impact it has on the way it behaves internationally. There are different views of the state: -The Realist view of the state The state is: -An autonomous actor -Constrained only by the anarchy of →

College of law, government and

Based on the definition of international system in one book, " International system is a set of relationship among the world's states, structured according to certain rules and pattern of interaction". In fact, constructivism tell us that the international system is constituted by ideas and not material.

Example of essay on realism and neo-realism

This article outlines the reflection of the development of international relations as a social science in the tradition of positivism and the nature of the international structure. The Theory Neo-realism argues that the international structures nature is clearly defined by its respective ordering principle, distribution of its capabilities, and its anarchy. Due to decentralization →

My motivation to study an international relations and politics at degree level

Linking this with the knowledge of economic growth that I have gained through my studies, has led me to conclude that the politics of a nation have a fundamental role to play in its overall prosperity. My fascination for global affairs and politics stemmed from my interest in the rise of extremism, especially as a →

Review idealism and realism in international relations.

The basic assumption of Realism is that man is wicked, aggressive and bad and also state struggles for power. Political realism avoids concerns with the motives and ideology of statesmen.

Bretton woods essay

Because the United States boarded the supreme world leader of the capitalist world economic crisis and after World War II, the dollar's international status because of its strength of the international gold reserves to get a solid, the two sides reached in April 1944, reflects the White Plan on the establishment of the GB currency →

Classical realism in explaining international relations research paper examples

In that case, the pursuance of national interest is the main goal of nations the actors, in the international system (Dougherty and Pfaltzgraff 2005, 9). Six principles constitute classical realism the existence of objective laws, interest understood within the concept of power, fluidity of interests across circumstances, moral implications of action in politics, difference of →

Indonesia’s foreign policy and the war on terror

To respond to those changes, the government imposed a foreign policy cited into five points of Program Kerja Kabinet Gotong Royong, which are: " to carry out free and active foreign policy, to recover the dignity of the nation and the state, and to recover the dignity with regards to loan publishers and investors towards →

Introduction to international relations

It is therefore in the process Nationalism that, our aim target will be to identify the differences between the two major national parties in the United Kingdom known as the British National Party and the Scottish National To begin with, we should start by saying that the Scottish National Party , a →

Genocide in rwanda: international response

I will focus on numerous interconnected aspects that led to international inaction and also on the main actors, Belgium, the United Nations Secretariat, the United States and France, that knew that there was genocide underway in Rwanda - therefore, they had aresponsibilityto prevent and stop the genocide, but lacked political will.

Should the drinking age be lowered to 18? essay sample

If the MLDA were lowered to the age of 18, our peers would be of age to drink and purchase alcohol. Drinking at a younger age would cause there to be more injuries and accidents due to a lack of understanding and proper handling of alcohol. Refutation #6: Would many people support lowering the →

Alcohol q/a essay sample

If you do not care about what happens to your body even after a year it will still have damaging effects. The person will constantly want to drink alcohol even if they are able to avoid it.

Repesentation in skyy vodka advertising essay sample

The pictures portray the woman in a bathing suit and a male in a work suit to identify the power men hold over women. They are sexualizing their advertisements and using women and certain body parts to sell their products, instead of using the product itself.

Alcoholism among teenagers essay sample

Statistics shows that 62 % of all 15 to 18 year old teenagers are drinking alcohol and the worst is most of them are girls. The teenagers become addicted in alcohol because it is more advantages for them to less their depressed, if their alone, problematic or sometimes it's just a trip. Alcohols are →

The pros and cons of the us current drinking age

The problem with testing this out is that we are affecting a lot people's lives at the end of the day and I believe that it would probably be best to keep the drinking age at 21 for the time being. In conclusion, I do not think there are enough pros or cons to make →

Marketing strategy: kegged cocktails essay sample

This innovation manifests itself in the form of increasing operational efficiency, conceptualizing cutting edge design solutions and developing product diversification for their clients. Currently, The Tippling Bros.are striving to offer clients a unique, customized and increasingly profitable beverage program solution through the product innovation of a new system of cocktail creation and delivery. The →

Effect of alcohol advertisements on our youth essay sample

A group that is always striving for that desire in our society to be accepted and these advertisements show them that this is possible with the good times that come of being intoxicated. As a society we should take action and limit these ads that are polluting our youth, these ads play a huge part →

Alcohol abuse in the restaurant industry

Alcohol Abuse in the Restaurant Industry Shelsie Ann Lawrence University of West Florida Alcohol Abuse in the Restaurant Industry The purpose of this paper is to look at the high incidence of alcohol abuse in the restaurant industry and the possible causes. She goes home, goes back to bed, and wakes up the next →

Alcohol abuse in college

One important source of information on the prevalence of adolescents alcohol use comes from the Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Findings, 2002 study. MTF is a longitudinal research project that has consistently collected data on the reported use of substances in national samples of →

Drink responsibly with aclyd

Hence, a user who is not up to the age cannot purchase the token and the token is the primary medium of payments. In the case of falsified data, the smart contract is sure to fish culprits out and blacklist them.

Key resources and key activities essay sample

To overcome this situation we will use unprecedented app " Partender" that will help to make an exhaustive analysis of our alcohol and cigarettes supplies. Our target is to build close relationship with people and make them part of our place; we will also try to be attentive to all their wants and needs.

Preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases

The number of sexually active teenagers is rapidly growing and becoming problematic due to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. This is because the youth are experiencing the sexual influence by the media which is causing them to become sexually active at early stages in life.

Epidemiological survey of coxiella burnetii specific antibodies in sheep, goats and camels

In the current study, PCR was employed on vaginal swab to diagnose Q fever as one of the routes of discharge of C.burnetii is the vaginal mucus. Infected ticks are playing a major part in the transmission of C.burnetii among livestock. The evident increase of serum proinflammatory cytokines reported in the infected →

Pico paper

Are kidney patients who received a radical nephrectomy at a higher risk of impaired renal function and cardiac related death compared to those who received a partial nephrectomy? Purpose According to this study, " a partial nephrectomy has been associated with improved overall survival in patients with localized renal masses compared to those who →

Review of health care in uttar pradesh

The aim of this report is to highlights the health status of the Uttar Pradesh in context of different indicators associated with the health. So in this report our aim is to explore in detail the current status of health condition of Uttar Pradesh.3.

Sepsis: blood and fluid resuscitation

Sepsis screening begins in the ER, signs and symptoms that are indicative of sepsis, or early indications of infection that can eventually lead to sepsis should be identified quickly. Our role as the nurse is to recognize the signs of sepsis, and or infection that could lead to it, and make theDoctoraware of any abnormal →

What is asbestos? how is it a health problem? essay sample

Inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers has been established as the cause of asbestosis (thickening and scarring of lung tissue) and as a cause of mesothelioma (a highly lethal tumor of the pleura) as well as of cancers of the lung, intestines, and liver. The main symptoms include shortness of breath on exertion, a persistent →

Public health strategies

Monitoring the health status of the population Explanation: monitoring the health status of a population helps to discover emerging forms of illness and disease and provides information to inform policy and planning of health services. Identifying the health needs of the population Explanation, finding the health needs of population and discuss how to discover it.

Animals should be used in scientific research

Facts of Why animals are used in scientific research Over 100 million animals are used every year in the United States as models in biological and medical research to study human disease, injury, development, psychology, and anatomy and physiology. Today, the majority of people in our society do agree with the idea of the humane →

Free essay on epidemiological studies

Discussions of ethics as they relates to the epidemiological studies Epidemiology is the basic science of the public health and study of how often diseases arising in different groups of people and why. The HIV/AIDS pandemic disease and the clinical trials on the vaccines and treatment of the HIV candidate had sparked so →

Childhood obesity and epidemiology health and social care essay

Another complication of current informations is that there is a demand for more precise and dependable steps of dietetic consumption and activity degrees, as single callback of events and diet are non the most reliable beginnings for information " ( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p1 ). Research on successful intercessions for kids →

Psychological negative effects of mrsa

Many patients of MRS.do not understand their infection and its ways of transmission; this can lead to feelings of astigmatism and fear.MRS.itself cannot have any direct psychological impact on patients with MRS.but is in fact other people's attitudes and the patient's perception of scrutiny. Research has hon.that contact with infected hospital patients on →

Obesity people

The most relevant stakeholder is the children because this is when the obesity epidemic usually takes place, the younger years. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.

The key understanding between the epidemiologic triangle & hill’s criteria of causality

Environmental Epidemiology The key understanding between the epidemiologic triangle and Hill's criteria of causality is indeed the fact that there is a correlation revealing a cause and effect mechanism of exposures and health outcomes within the environment of a population. The environment is defined as the domain in which disease-causing agents may exist, →


Because of the omnipotence of fast food chains in America, when we feel the urge for an easy meal, Americans, in general, immediately look to the fast food nation for a quick suppression to their hunger. Now that Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.we need to re-evaluate the →

Communicable disease epidemiology essay sample

Determinants of Health The determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person's individual characteristics and behaviors.. Varicella prevention in the United States: a review of successes and challenges.

How to stay healthy

In everyday life, there are a lot of examples of ways or tools that people use to protect themselves and even too many publications have found to teach people how to protect themselves in different aspects of fields of life. One of the most things that should be observed by people in order to stay →

The health belief model essay sample

Using the health belief model how can nurses encourage patient to make immediate and permanent behavior changes, particularly as they relate to lifestyle choices. Health belief model was developed in the 1950s by social psychologists at the US public Health Services to explain and predict health-related behaviors, particularly in regard to the →

Is your sore throat strep?

The back of the throat is usually very red and there may be white patches in the back of the throat or on the tonsils. For these reasons, it is very important to see the doctor if you or your child have symptoms of strep throat.

How to lead a long and healthy life speech

It is here that protection and care is needed, so that each organ functions well, each organ develops naturally, and there are no deformities, disabilities and diseases but often the health of children remain neglected, with the result that they grow unhealthily and that affects their education as well. A healthy person is an asset →

Cholera in haiti

Diseases can be a result of a person's environmental conditions. This spread of disease is what is currently taking place in Haiti as discussed in articles written by the Wall Street Journal and The Global Post. Marc, where many of the cases have been reported"( It is reported that the cholera disease →

Ernestine m. scott

The legalization of prostitution would bring prevention of certain health issues and protection of persons in that profession from crimes. One of the major risk factors in the profession of prostitution is the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease and potentially spreading of the diseases to another person.

How feminism harms women’s health care.

But do not expect the women's health lobby - the network of public " offices of women's health" that exist on the state and federal levels, and the university-based " women's health centers" - to admit it any time soon. An exception, in my view, is the NIH's Office of Research on Women's Health.


In the position of the appendix, age of the patient, and degree of inflammation make the clinical presentation of appendicitis notoriously inconsistent. A history of similar pain is reported in as many as 23% of cases, but this history of similar pain, in and of itself, should not be used to rule →

Global is preferred to local

Today, I would like to talk about sedentary lifestyle is one of the main cause of health problems as the opposition's 2nd stand and pollution is one of the main cause of health problems as the opposition's 3rd stand. Now, I will go on to talk about the opposition's 2nd stand which is sedentary lifestyle →

Reasons for regional variations in morbidity in the uk

This is possibly due to deprivation in terms of employment and housing as well as education. This can also be linked to the lack of sporting facilities to those earning a lower income. This is shown in Glasgow, which is a large city that also has the lowest life expectancy in the →

Book review of oliver twist

The Artful Dodger takes Oliver to Fagin's den in the London slums, and Oliver, who innocently does not understand that he is among criminals, becomes one of Fagin's boys. However, with the help of the brutal murderer Bill Sikes and the prostitute Nancy Fagin kidnaps Oliver.

David copperfield

The private lives of the characters in the film and the actual lives of many during the Industrial Revolution are very similar as well and have been accurately represent. The industrial revolution was a rollercoaster of social class and the struggle to maintain it.

English 12

This made him wish to change his ways so that his future would not be what it was sought to be." Scrooge seeks redemption through the many lessons taught by the Spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come." As the novel begins Scrooge is in his office on Christmas Eve working hard with →

Hard times for these times

The Gradgrind philosophy, based on the Facts, Facts, and more Facts of reality, is demonstrated as being not only cruel and destructive to the workers the " Hands" of society but is also humanly inadequate to the Gradgrind family it served.Mrs. Gradgrind, the elder of the Gradgrind family, Mr.

Utalitarian principle in charles dickens hard times

Utilitarianism, as rightly claimed by Dickens, robbed the people of their individuality and joy; deprived the children of their special period of their lives, 'Childhood' and deprived women of their inherent right ofequality. The theme of utilitarianism, along with industrialization andeducationis explored by Charles Dickens, in his novel Hard Times.. Dickens provides →

Sociological philosophies in charles dickens’s hard times

Dickens believes that social justice is unimportant and that mercy overcomes the need for justice. Stephen Blackpool is a member of the working class. And he stated the opinion that mercy is more important than social justice through Tom's escape

Charles dickens: a biography

In his work Dickens largely reflected the political economic and social aspects of the society comprising of the poor, peasants, workers, landlords, the rich, and the state. Through his reflections Dickens presented powerful social and political views criticizing the rich and the state and arguing out the cause of the poor.

Great expectations

Since Magwitch is a convict, and is considered to be of low class, Pip does not accept the fact that Magwitch was his mystery benefactor. When Pip comes to visit Magwitch who is in his cell, Pip finally realizes that Magwitch was just trying to take care of Pip because Magwitch cared for him.

Expectations and reality around

Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812, his family troubled with money, at around age ten he has to leave school due to not being able to afford school, later on he is moved to a factory in London, where his father is imprisoned for debt which later on connects with the novel Great →

Self reflect case study examples

Reading works of great playwrights and novelists like Shakespeare and Dickens has not only improved my vocabulary and understanding but has also taught me to appreciate romance and humor in a deeper way. Even though I think that I performed most of the tasks set in this course in a largely satisfactory manner, a greater →

Charles dickens, great expectations

The text under consideration presents an excerpt from the novel " Great expectations" by Charles Dickens who is one of the world's greatest novelists of the 19th century famous for his criticism of the bourgeois society of his time with its evils and contrasts of wealth andpoverty, his unique mastery of →

Example of literature review on thomas gradgrind in hard times

Thomas Gradgrind, the retired merchant-turned-teacher who is the main character of Dickens' Hard Times, serves as Dickens' allegorical representative of Reason; the events that unfold for his children demonstrate the limits of living by pure reason. His voice is a monotone, and the words that appear in that voice only contain one dimension as well →

Miss havisham by charles dickens essay

This endangering narrative voice and dark atmosphere created makes the reader think that Havisham is a really baleful character and Duffy's usage of narrative voice and tone makes Havisham experience existent. Following this Havisham begins to demo more of her self-pity and self-hatred as she feels she is an in-complete adult female.un-wanted and left abandoned. →

Great expectations by charles dickens book review examples

In analyzing Pip's character, I have elected to portray his true colors as blue and gold and perhaps his true blue color was more evident in the first few chapters, followed by the gold color emerging as he broke away from the harshness of his childhood. Pip's true blue colors are expressed in the manner →

The idea of moderation in charles dickens’ novel “a tale of two cities”

This idea is very visible in society and in Charles Dickens' novel A Tale of Two Cities. In A Tale of Two Cities the author makes a social comment on the effects of excess in a society. Carton later takes his own life in place of Lucie's husband's in order to make her happy. Through →

Book of second: the golden thread

Madame Defarge encourages him in her comparison of the revolution to lightning and earthquakes. Barsad carries the pretense of a friend and advocate to the revolution, comments on the cruelty shown to the peasants, and addresses the " apparent" unrest the area was under following Gaspard's execution.

Changing impressions: a sydney carton character analysis

In the beginning of the story, when he is first introduced to us at Charles Darnays' trial, we only see his outward actions, and none of his feelings. In the midst of a promising youth, Carton had " followed his father to the grave"- that is, he's already dead in spirit.

Charles dickens: portrayal of nancy in oliver twist essay sample

Therefore, her moral integrity, friendliness, and fondness result in her unwillingness to kidnap Oliver and her ultimate empathy towards him. Dickens utilizes Nancy to dispel successfully the decadent image of a typical woman, who is a social outcast, through his illustrations of Nancy's handling of Oliver. The transition of values from Rose to Nancy serves →

Social class in great expectation

A person's social class determined the amount of education they had. A person like Joe who was a common blacksmith had no education at all, and Pip had poor education at a small school when he was in the early days of being a lower class.

Oliver twist presentation

The robbery fails and Oliver is hurt in a shooting by a servant of the house. The character Oliver Twist is a symbol for poor children and their suffering in Dickens's times.

Late night cup of coffee: bad for sleep

Lynne Lamberg, author of the Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs: Drugs and Sleep said that"the need to sleep is an organizing force for living creatures". Sheryl Laudito, in her article Staying Healthy with a Cup of Coffee said that " Coffee is a social binder, a warmer of tongues, a soberer of minds and a stimulant →

The coffee plant essay sample

What are the benefits and disadvantages of healthcare plans for employees? Employees' health is important to companies because without them the company will be crippled. Better benefits, other than health care plans, should be provided so that more potential workers are attracted to the company.

Good example of social imagination essay

The factors the influences the societal outcome may comprise of the norms governing the society, the desires of the individuals, the context of the society in a certain country, the interaction of the people in the society and the time duration. It can also be considered as the capability to view things in an interactive →

Starbucks business turnaround case

Starbuck is one of the companies that have turned into a symbol of successful business turnaround. Considering the economical conditions at the time in 2007, and the anticipated economic trends for the coming years, Starbuck took the decision to proportionally start closing stores across most major US markets. There was also part →

Book report history of the world in 6 glasses essay sample

It was a sort of edible money, and it was consumed in both solid and liquid forms. 4. The importance of a symposion was it allowed people to celebrate and be playful but have adversarial discussions. Chapter 4 1.