A-Grade Essay Samples for Free


I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking life.2. I undertake the training rule to abstain from taking what is not given.3.

Confucianism in china and hinduism in india essay sample

Hinduism was a religion of the ancient world, as it also is in the present world, and held beliefs in hundreds of different deities. Brahmins were priests and people of religion in society, and were so high in the caste system that they would not even eat food that was considered to be polluted.

Dbq response spread of buddhism in china

Document one does not really state a response to the spread of Buddhism in China. This document is just three of the four noble truths that the Buddha preached. One of the documents was summarizing the fourth noble truth that the Buddha preached, but it also explained the goal of Buddhism.

Example of buddhism worksheet essay

Dukkha, on the other hand, cites that nothing existing in the physical world can guarantee lasting satisfaction. Anatta, the third characteristic cites suffering as an important and unavoidable element of existence which surfaces from clinging to inconstant and impermanent things. The four Noble Truths in the Buddhist tradition explain the nature β†’

Buddhist website

Future research on the matters stated above is expected to clarify what kind of information people from the particular cultural region expect and how it should be designed. Literature Review Mayhew once compared a website to a book which anyone can display on The World Wide Web which is " β†’

Genesis story essay examples

According to the story, the queen's son was later referred to as the ' enlightened one'. In my view, the Buddhist story of creation is somehow similar to the Christian story of the birth of Jesus. In my view, the Christian's version of creation, seems to give more detail about the origin of the world β†’

Hinduism and buddhism, and their respective elements

The word was actually derived from the river " Indus", from an area of which it originated. The daily practices of the area's inhabitants gradually turned into a religion or concept, upon which it revolves around the peoples' religious, philosophical, and cultural practices native to the Indian sub-continent. A Slight Taste of β†’

β€œways of seeing” first paper assignment: visual analysis essay by dang mai trang

Based on how carefully and significantly the tree is depicted, how the composition of the carving revolves around it and how the content in the carving celebrates it, the tree - representing the Buddha - stands out to be the main subject in the relief. The pedestal for offering, the triratana and the bodhi tree β†’

Comparing and contrasting hinduism and buddhism

Hinduism emphasizes asceticism (refraining from the " wants of life and its worldly pleasure") and reincarnation, or rebirth of an individual in the hopes of the ascension of one's soul based on the results of the past lives and the attempt to be released of the " wheel of life" cycle. To do good in β†’

Critical thinking assignment: buddhism

The question of Origin- Those who follow Buddhism have faith that the universe and god are one and the same.Buddhist turn to the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama also known as Buddha to live correct and at death escape the course of karma. The question of origin- Christians believe God is the creator of the universe β†’

Spread of buddhism

From the point of view of a Daoist the reader would have been better able to understand the writer's loyalties on the statement. Buddhists positively responded to the Spread of Buddhism because they obviously believed in the values of Buddhism and they wanted to share their beliefs with others. The bias in β†’

Singapore culture

As Singapore is a small and relatively modern amalgam of Chinese, Malay, Indian and European immigrants, the culture of Singapore expresses the diversity of the population as the various ethnic groups continue to celebrate their own cultures while they intermingle with one another. There is also a sizable number of Muslims and Sikhs in β†’

Free essay about hinduism versus buddhism

From his background, the differences and similarities arise. The differences and similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism are manifest in their practices and origins. Hindus believe in Atman, roughly the individual soul, and Brahman, who is the creator of all, while Buddhists believe in finding the " Anatman", the not soul thus they do not believe β†’

Case study on buddhist dharma teaching

Buddha taught the great law of ' Dharma' as the living in accordance with the law of true compassion and wisdom and the attainment of freedom from suffering. In Buddha's teachings, the practice and attainment of Dharma must find the causes of the un-satisfaction and suffering and end it. Prior to the reading, I β†’

Buddhist religious traditions: sacred elements and meanings

Siddhartha Gautama is generally recognized as the Supreme Buddha and his teachings are considered sacred. Middle Way, Dependent Origination, Four Noble Truths, and Noble Eightfold Path These are practices common to all Buddhist schools. The Middle Way is their practice of non-extremism which means " β†’

Zen mind, beginner’s mind

The significance of acquiring and owning the Zen mind can help people to determine and therefore practice the right way of living, the right manners, postures and the beliefs which would hone the totalpersonalityof an individual. ZenPhilosophyteaches that there is just a thin line marking the difference between the Zen mind and the Beginner's mind. β†’

Accounts of the life of the buddha are just fiction essay sample

Most of the accounts of his life are very similar and only alter in certain aspects of the tale and not in the main structure of the story. This is very similar to the stories told in the bible about the conception of Christ and the development of Christianity.

Hinayan and mahayn

To gain liberation or enlightenment, both Hinayana and Mahayana assert that one needs nonconceptual cognition of the lack of an impossible " soul." Such a lack is often called " selflessness," anatma in Sanskrit, the main Indian scriptural language of Sarvastivada and Mahayana; anatta in Pali, the scriptural language of Theravada. The β†’

Spread of indian concepts into the western mainstream

However, diffusion is a matter of what happens to the elements of a culture; whereas acculturation is a process of defining what happens to the culture as a whole. The eclectic blend of spices that infuse a spectrum of tastes to the tea and the resultant ' kick' thus make it an attractive alternate to β†’

Soule drake

Many of the strong world religions today have evolved from the foundational teaching of one person, the founder of the religion. Hinduism has expanded into the complex religion it is today by the merging of beliefs and practices of the people of the Indus Valley and the Aryans of Persia.

Michael scott

One great Indian architecture structure is the Kandrariya Mahadeo temple, and one great Chinese architecture structure is the Nanchan Monastery. Some literature from India is the Mahabharata and the Ramayan, also their system of music is interesting.

Pluralism of china

Published in the 1590s under the Ming Dynasty, " Journey to the West" was considered to be one of the four classic novels of China and set somewhat of a foundation to the concept of Chinese religion, integrating Tao, Buddhist, and Confucian thought into one story." Journey to the West" documents the travels of different β†’

Example of essay on hinduism

Through the hymn book, Agni is requested to burn the corpse of the dead and ensure that it is disposed of promptly to the land of the dead. The Agni call explains why globally, the Hinduism devotees are practicing crematory. The Beneficial Effects of Drinking Soma The identity and utilization of the plant β†’

Museum visit essay examples

It describes that it as the distance from the tip of the thumb of the outspread hand to the tip of the corresponding middle finger. The Buddha had many powers in the Asian community. Some artists believe that the image is a representation of a heavenly body as expressed in the " lines of the β†’

Good soldiers essay

In response to these texts, what question or questions do you have about the causes and consequences of force in contemporary life, particularly in war? For our first major essay, pursue a line of inquiry that explores the problem of hysterical violence, particularly as it relates to our course texts. Ultimately, you a β†’

Marine corps issui essay sample

His character presents people with a false intuition of being tough and hardcore but within him, he is really crying out for help to deal with the unfortunate moments that he endured. Although Johnny's dad is a disciplined army soldier, he also displays a emotional and sensitive side to him. His dad's decision of β†’

Military nursing

The core values means the principles or standards to be followed during the course of job. Courage is the bravery, which gives us strength to face every problem without fear. Commitment: The last core value of navy is commitment, which means dedication, obligation and promise towards all the people a job assigned.

History of the army grooming standard essay sample

This powdered and dried technique was done with a mixture of flour and animal fat, and then tied in a pigtail or queue. In the late 1700s and early 1800s cavalrymen preferred a clubbed hairstyle in which they gathered their hair at the back of the neck and tied it in a firm bundle, β†’

Free essay on pakistani-indian conflict

In this theory, Marx argued that society was a two-class system whereby the bourgeoisie, the owners of the means of production dominated the proletariat who are the workers creating a class difference due to the absence or presence of a lot of personal property. The Dynamics of Conflict: A Guide to Engagement and Intervention.

Blacks in the military

Just like the rise of a black man in the society did not happen over night, his status and entrance into the military services also took decades to create a non-segregated military of the contemporary America. The participation of blacks in the U.S.military is a path with β†’

Can military force promote humanitarian values?

This paper utilises acase studyfrom the Libyan conflict to assess whether there is a politicised nature in the push for military led humanitarian operations, and examines whether there is a political undertone in the increased usage of military forces. Contrary to this, the earlier reference to cherry picking provides a casing point when the political β†’

Lost military id

Do not get me wrong a lot of bad things have the potential to occur if my Military Identification were to fall into the wrong hands, people could get hurt and it would be my fualt. Also what I am doing is not punishment, punishment is Uniformed Code of Military Justice, that's something totally different β†’

Military psychology

The application of psychological research or theory to the military can be used to analyze either enemy or friendly forces, exemplified by perfecting an attack on an enemy or strengthening the weakness of an ally. By extension, military psychology could be used to examine the differences in attitude to the battlefield in β†’

Good war and occupation: the changes in peoples views on occupation essay example

Knowing that in battle, the other side of the army feels the same way and understands the concept of their job in the same manner, they too are expected to become more involved in accepting their role as the enders of the lives of their enemies. Question is, is it ethically right to have to β†’

Basic military training

They are authorized to decide if anything can or should be done to resolve the matter. These superiors are specialists who are directly in charge of new recruits, and the CO generally are not involved in these matters. Recruits are not allowed to divulge any army secrets outside the β†’

Importance and valuability of military in us

People have forgotten how important and valuable the military is to the world that we live in. As part of the Budget Control Act of 2011, automatic sequestration calls for $1. In conclusion, the United States government should rethink the automatic sequestration toward the military funding and payroll cuts. β†’

Reflection essay on soldier`s home

Like bacon his heart has been hardened by what he had seen in World War I and he knew he must get far away from his parents to be able to get his life back in order. Harold Krebs after graduating from a Methodist college in Kansas enlisted in the Marines in 1917 and did β†’

Free term paper on dark adventure: irony and ambiguity in ‘lawrence of arabia’

Lawrence of Arabia exists today as an icon of modern film, a fascinating personality study and irresistible adventure. The first half of the film follows Lawrence as he progresses from minor staff member in Cairo, to errand boy for the Foreign Ministry's Arab Bureau and, by virtue of his own daring, determination and initiative, to β†’

Area 51 abstract

Area 51 is a very mysterious and unknown area that no one knows about. My fascination with mystical creatures and flying objects really sparks my curiosity about this area resulting in me researching area 51.

The future of the army profession by snider matthews and lloyd j. matthews essay sample

In the books introduction the seven Army values are cited and later on discussed on the succeeding chapters: First is the understanding of Army officership wherein the readers will be able to know the role of an officer in an Army profession and gives them a sense of self and develop confidence in choosing β†’

The red convertible

Henry tries to give Lyman his key to the car before he leaves for the war but Lyman dismisses the gift." Lyman considered the car as Henry's alone and valued it as if it were taking Henry's place while he was away". To Lyman, the car becomes an intangible part of Henry.

Military courtesy and salute

In the final analysis, military courtesy is the respect shown to each other by members of the same profession. Some consider it to be a gesture of servility since the junior extends a salute to the senior, but we know that it is quite the opposite.

Case study of army crew team

Why does the varsity team lose to the JV team? Varsity team loses to the JV team because they do not have effective teamwork. What lessons can we learn from the Army Crew team? Both army crew team and AAR project team have similar number of members and should β†’

Deviant behaviour research paper example

The four important reasons for military men having tattoos are as a sign of patriotism, an act of remembrance, rite of passage and a mark of identification. The first section briefly describes societal norms and deviant behaviour; the second section explains prevalence of tattoos in military with three sub-sections, history of tattoos in military, profile β†’

The impact of volunteering and conscription on britain during the first world war

The impact of volunteering and conscription on Britain during the First World War Volunteering and conscription both played very big roles in the lives of the British population during the war, and for a long time after it was over. The first real battle the volunteers fought at was the Battle of the Somme, β†’

The war that never ends(veterans)

The military operation in Iraq and Afghanistan continues to raise important questions about the effect of the experience on the mentalhealthof members of the military services who have been deployed there. Department of Veteran Affairs PTSD Programs in the U.S.

Military discipline

A picture showing military discipline. The Constitution allows the U.S.congress to " make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces." In 1806, Congess created these rules as the Articles of War. Soon though, he starts to learn the military code. He is proud to β†’

Types of military leaders

These separate approaches can dictate the outcome of the work being performed by their soldiers which can either make or break their leadership role. Hands-on leaders are one of the most effective leaders in the military. Hands-off leaders take no guidance of the group and are very passive on work.

Manipulation of the truth – trench warfare

There are a number of inaccuracies in the picture which would not have been in the trench. Therefore manipulation of the truth was needed to send out a positive image of war and also persuade people to buy their product.

The ethical issue of sexual harassment in the army research paper examples

This paper seeks to explain the major issues of ethics in the military, the root causes of such issues, the effects such issues have had in the army and give recommendations and propositions thereof. Sexual harassment in the army There are many issues of ethics in the military profession and other armed forces of β†’

The troubles in northern ireland essay sample

The Troubles mainly took place in the north of Ireland. Ireland as a country is not that big but surprisingly very few people in the South or the Republic of Ireland know much about the happenings during the Troubles in the north. On the other hand, a catholic may see the Troubles as either β†’

Example of military logistics and supply chain management report

Military logistics refers to the exercises that involve planning and executing the movement and maintenance from one stage to another of the military forces and their weaponry. The army however prefers wholesale acquisition for stability in supply as opposed to retail acquisition in which subcontracting and sub-subcontracting can disrupt the supply chain process with far β†’

How titan armoured vehicle launch bridge can benefit indonesian army engineers

Secondly, the large number of rivers in Indonesia including around 500 both large and small. Thirdly, the high risk of natural disasters caused by 128 active volcanoes and the location of its islands ' on the edges of the Pacific, Eurasian and Australian tectonic plates'. This essay will briefly nominate the prerequisite β†’

Importance of following orders essay sample

One of the main reasons is that these orders are there to protect us as Soldiers and not only our images but the images of our fellow Soldiers and the Army itself. The commander gives us this brief every week to make sure that we all clearly understand and acknowledge that we do understand. β†’

Military strategist and conflict

For the purpose of study here, we will take into account the military strategy and style deployed by Roman armies of 200 BC, at a time when they constituted most overwhelming military force in the contemporary world and compare them with strategy, styles, techniques used by 13th century Medieval armies of England, France and Saxony. β†’

Good example of color value article review

For example, the low contrast image ' Terminal c, 1892' is used to welcome the viewer to the pre-industrial ages of the town. Value implies to the relative lightness or darkness of a surface. The lighter the color, the greater its value and the more light it emits.

Book review, summer of my german soldier

From the first chapters we find out about the daily routine of Patty and herfamily. The reader learns important information about the setting and the characters which explains their behaviour throughout the novel. We learn of the lack of warmth and love from Patty's parents and also of the contrasting loving relationships β†’

Rommel and eisenhower

The battle was called the Battle of El Alamein and it held a high significance since it took place in Alam el Halfa, which is next to the Suez Canal that was the Allies' main means of transporting and receivingfood. This was essentially a last stand for the allies as the German-Italian β†’

Russian invasion of crimea (2014)

5 billion and thus when Ukraine started to divert the gas line which connected Russia to Europe (Europe depends on Russia for 69% of its natural gas), Vladimir Putin decided to shut down all pipes through Ukraine and reroute them through Poland and Turkey. This took place in Majority of the residents of East β†’

Uniform code of military justice

We would like to trust in the honesty and integrity of the Soldiers who made that oath and put their lives on the line for their country. If each Soldier were accountable for paying for their appointments, there would not be another wasted appointment because the Soldier was forgetful. It is every β†’

Commentary for soldier’s heart

His name is Nelson, and he is shot in the stomach. Charley takes part in a battle near Richmond, Virginia where the Confederate Army uses its mounted calvary to charge Charley and the Union soldiers.

Complaint letter on noisy neighbours

I would like to draw your attention to some of the lewd and lascivious acts that take place daily in Park Hall. I would Like to recommend Implementing a local community watch program to help ward off some of the undesired traffic In our area.

Civil war battle at vicksburg essay sample

The North needed to control the Mississippi river, they already had control of the river from the north and the south. A decision was made to construct a line of defense around the city, which would guard the road and railroad access to Vicksburg. Grant's long campaign to capture Vicksburg on the Mississippi was β†’

The reasons why the us entered wwi

The US entered during the middle of the war and endured the bloody conflict to the very end. The first big incident that happens to the United States to join World War 1 was the sinking of the RMS Lusitania.

Should females in the military be excluded from combat

Women today have the opportunity to enlist in the military, they are not allowed to participate in combat units and fight. Another argument is by those who are against women serving as well as the existence of the women in combat units and how it affects the male soldiers and vice versa.

Should compulsory military service be abolished?

Although it has been claimed that the military service should be compulsory because of its benefits to governments, compulsory military service should not be abolished because of its limitations to citizens. It is commonly maintained that compulsory military service affects government's economy in positive way, yet military service is cheaper than mandotary in long-term.

The chain of command and nco support channel

Mission accomplishment depends on information passing accurately to and from subordinates and leaders, up and down the chain of command and NCO support channel, and laterally among adjacent organizations or activities. NCO leaders work with and support the commissioned and warrant officers of their chain of command.

Military commission

For this reason, among many, I am seeking a commission with the United States Navy in this capacity. My strong work ethic, my adherence to the philosophy and ethics of both the Navy and the medical field, and my ability to work as a member of a team make me a successful candidate for this β†’

Good example of research paper on the history of the israeli defence forces

Israel has a very turbulent history, with the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Arabs seizing the lands and subjugating Jews who proved unable to withstand the onset of foes for want of a strong army. Hence, the role the IDF played in the Arab-Israeli War was immense, to say the β†’

Functions and an importance of charge of quarters

The visitor will sign in and CQ will be in charge of making sure there are no issues and that the visitor leaves before the hours that they are no longer allowed to be in the barracks. Acts such as sleeping on duty or leaving the CQ desk unattended are seen as negligence and can β†’

Evolution of women in the military

Time has proven that war does not discriminate; a successful military uses the strengths of all members despite their gender. The Evolution of Women in the Military Women in Military History Although not officially enlisted into the services, women have been a part of the military dating back to the American Revolutionary β†’

Disabled veterans

Just as the old veteran trained and were given the opportunity to practice in the trained field those who have trained and the ones training expect similar opportunities to practice. This means that when the disabled veterans are given the chance to practice in the competitive market, the qualified and able people β†’

Article review on 10th amendment

It will briefly reflect on the importance with this Main Body The tenth amendment of the Constitution state that power is given to states and people. Again, sadly it is reflecting in the Navy Yard shooting which is seen in the article " Vet in Navy Yard Shooting Had Troubled Past", from FOX β†’

Mefloquine and the problem faced by the army

Initially its adverse effects were associated with gastrointestinal malfunctions but later on it becomes clear that it has neuropsychiatric effects.the drug is becoming " agent orange" linked to neurological and psychiatric problems including suicide. In the year 1993, Canadian soldier shot two civilians in Somalia among them one got killed and other got seriously injured β†’

Uniqueness course work

Every person is first and foremost a personality, and there is something inside what makes him stand out in a crowd, and I am not exception I am unique in what I do and the way I do it. I am a unique person, and my uniqueness is that everything I start and do, I β†’

Free focused audience essay sample

This article focuses on the effectiveness of rhetorical strategies employed in persuading the audience to change their views about video games. The purpose of the article on video games is to critique the arguments given against video games. The argument that video games lead to loss of innocence and violence is also a fallacy.

Free creative writing on computer science

I agree that most people know that the 64-bit processor is faster than the 32-bit processor. Although 32-bit software can run on the 64-bit machine, it is important to note that there are exceptions including most antivirus programs and device drivers such as printer drivers. Post 2 I like your post, and I agree β†’

Research: computer and video games

According to Admin , electronic gadget devices can have positive and negative effects on youth. Also, According to Jessy Norman , computers and other related technologies have become an enormous part of our daily lives. They have altered our sense of people, space, and time.shadow66 has pointed it β†’

Essay on video game violence and young adults

Video game violence and young adults Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that video games do not promote violence among young adults. Central Idea: As video games become popular among the youth, there have been controversies as to whether video games promote violent behavior. Introduction 1. The most undeniable counterpoint to the β†’

Research proposal on video game addiction

5 percent of young people, who play these games in the United States, usually have behavioral addiction symptoms (Inspirations for Youth and Families, 2011). The following paper discusses the issue of video games addiction in the society and the corresponding effects that it has on a person and his close relationships. It also β†’

Example of the effect of video games in society research paper

In the event of such prevalence of video games in the lives of American kids, there are numerous studies conducted by different researchers with the intention to find out the impact of video games on the overall society. In the context of the effects of video games on the society, most of the researchers believe β†’

Video games and architecture

There are so many inspirational elements/forms to be discovered in the video games that can have a great deal of influence over one's way of thinking, creativity and design. Lighting serves a great role in both architecture and video games, the utilization of light in architecture can be used in a comparably way, to attract β†’

Hobbies: video games

In my lifetime I have had a lot of hobbies come and go. I am actually very thankful for all of the hobbies I have been able to keep and pursue throughout my lifetime.

Analysis of generation algorithm for angry birds style physics games

The evaluation of the gameplay in this game requires checking both the stability of stacked blocks and the ability to kill all pigs with the given amount of birds. In case of most of the games path finding algorithms are used to check for feasibility of the level as to whether the in game character β†’

Gta san andreas video game essay

Psychologyhas a big factor in aggression as well, a fact most probably forget." One study reveals that young men who are habitually aggressive may be especially vulnerable to the aggression-enhancing effects of repeated exposure to violent games" (as quoted in " Violent Video Games")." Ahuman personshould also have the ability to decipher the difference between β†’

Essay on online videogames

The online games addiction can be time consuming, reduce brain activity by players and less physical exercising of the body. The internet gaming system has enhanced and created more link in the communication process that has eventually resulted in teamwork among the involved parties and promotion of social skills that has been laid in the β†’

Counter strike and gaming culture essay examples

It is one of a distinct kind in the games of the same genre.. The game is actually a simulation of terrorist and counter-terrorist situation.

Example of critical analysis critical thinking

Because the graphics are fun and the premise of the game is goal and point oriented teens usually do not process that these acts of violent are horrific and not to be encouraged. The screen depicts the barrel of the player's weapon and the only goal is to shoot as many of the enemy as β†’

Video games are bad for children essay example

Nonetheless, many agree that given the recent trends in child gamers and the recorded cases wherein some children tried to re-enact scenes from their favorite video games, it clearly shows that video games present negative effects to children. Video games are notably bad for children as it influences their physical, β†’

Example of essay on nevadas history as a state

The way in which Nevada acquired statehood reflects the national turmoil at the time and the history of the 36th state is rich with mining and gambling, to things that are still strongly associated with the state. Silver and gold were discovered in large quantities in the Comstock Lode in 1859, hastening Nevada's development into β†’

The story so far with hideo kojimaΒ 

His penchant for video games gave him an inspiration that he can find success in the video game industry. An Escape that Fueled Metal Gear Kojima recalled a scene from the film The Great Escape where Steve McQueen's character tried to escape from the Nazi camp. The game was able to perfect the elements β†’

Informative essay on violent video games

He feels that in society's zeal to control this phenomenon social scientists are " masking the language of fear and irrationality, in the language ofscience". In contrast Grossman demonstrates a strong correlation between video game violence and the alarming level of violence in today's youth. He further states that " the gap between social science β†’

Video games do not cause violence

Video games allow gamers to be more attune to their surroundings and " greatly enhance the ability to effectively distribute attention over space and time, as well as the number of items that can be attended". A press release from the American Psychological Association declares " Playing video games, including violent shooter β†’

Free report on nintendo wii

Eventually, customer understanding was integrated into the creation of a gaming platform characterized by fun, innovation, and uniqueness. Drivers for Innovation Speaking of the main drivers of innovation and their influences on the development of the Nintendo Wii, several factors contributed to the innovation and development of the Nintendo Wii. Through the division and β†’