A-Grade Essay Samples for Free


Section 3 discusses macroeconomic objectives of a budget, role of government and how it intervenes, tools available to government and the practical considerations (lags in the effects of fiscal policy) The next part of the assignment the team selected the 2009 South African budget proposal and listed all revenue and expenditure proposal 2. β†’

Benefits to international policy

At this new coordinated policy mixture, represented by point C, both countries are now expanding from the original Nash equilibrium which as a result produces Pareto efficiency. The Hamada diagram clearly shows that there are benefits to be gained for both parties if some form of policy coordination is undertaken. This is known as the β†’

Key terms of macroeconomics

In contrast, microeconomics is primarily focused on the actions of individual agents, such as firms and consumers, and how their behavior determines prices and quantities in specific markets. While macroeconomics is a broad field of study, there are two areas f research that are emblematic of the discipline: the attempt to understand the β†’

Macroeconomic goals

Furthermore, it is normal for it to shift to the left or the right depending on the services and goods. The concept that a decline in themoneysupply by the Federal Reserve or a surge in price levels will make a shift in the collective demand curve to the left is also a false β†’

Gdp analysis

Increasing the number of jobs will infiltrate more money on the domestic front and eventually serve as a shot in the arm to a parched economy. All in all the U.S.economy is in pretty good shape and here to stay.

Macroeconomic terms essay

Macroeconomic terms By Columns rate of interest What will not cause the planned investment function to shift rightward? A decrease in the interest rate An increase in the interest rate causes a decrease in the amount of real planned investment In the Keynesian model equilibrium national income equals planned consumption, investment, government, and β†’

Explain how trends in the national income accounts help us to understand the country’s economic performance in recent years

Output: The money value of the flow of output of goods and services produced within an economy over a period of time.2. This measurement includes both total income of everyone in the economy and the total expenditure on an economy's output of goods and services." An important point is that our GDP includes the output β†’

Consequences of unemployment on society

Hysteresis means " to be behind" and it relates to the economic costs of unemployment because of the damage that unemployment does to the skills and employability of those people out of work. The incentives to prolong the search for work are damaged and the end result can be an increase in " core" structural β†’

What is foreign direct investment (fdi)?

1) FDI is not only beneficial to certain individuals of the society; it is spread through out the economy via the theory of the multiplier effect. The positive consequences of FDI on the host nation To examine the consequences of FDI on the host country, this report will single out the benefits of FDI to β†’

The hunger project in ghana environmental sciences essay

Certain standards were use 500 to select/register the husbandmans including the followers: That merely the FarmFamilyHead is listed down That precedence is given to the most vulnerable, such as those who are husbandmans but have no entree to basic production inputs such as seeds/planting stuffs and tools. That the Farm Family Head has a β†’

Lads & lassies

When constructing the 2005 income statement for Lads & Lassies, I will be using a multi-step income statement as this is the format that " includes other important revenue and expense classifications makes the income statement more useful". Also included in this rule is the requirement on how to report costs and expenses associated with β†’

Canons of taxation essay sample

In the words of Adam Smith: " The subject of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government as early as possible in proportion to their respective abilities that is in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the State". Canon of certainty: The Canon β†’

Kevin phillips criticizes the reagan administration

Kevin Phillips criticizes the Reagan administration for grossly redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich. This trend has resulted in widening of the economic divide and slow degradation of the middle class in America. Middle-class Americans becoming wealthier in the 1980s was primarily due to a surge β†’

Philippines income tax rates essay sample

Business income and professional income: This income is taxed at progressive rates on net business income, or income from the practice of a profession, i.e.after deduction of certain specified expenses and any excess of personal and additional exemptions over compensation income. TAXABLE INCOME RESIDENT CITIZENS Resident citizens of the Philippines are taxed β†’

The basic principles of reganomics

They also wanted to rely on the wisdom of the of the market, meaning that the market is smart enough to take care of and troubleshoot itself, and they tried to use a policy of deregulation which would allow companies to make their own economic decisions with out the government limiting their choices. This is β†’

Income tax essay sample

700, 000.* He is the owner of a house which was previously rented in 2009 at rent of Rs 15, 000 per month with a refundable security of 300, 000. The amount was refunded to previous tenant. He also received loan from company Rs 800, 000 with 6% interest rate.* Mr.

The tax research process

Step 1: Establish the Facts Before a researcher can analyze the tax consequences of a transaction, he or she must understand the transaction itself. Specifically, the researcher should discuss the details of the transaction with the client to ascertain the client'smotivation. On the other hand, if the client is unsophisticated in tax β†’

Dbq: us constitution

From 1781 to 1789 the Articles of Confederation failed to provide the United States with an effective government. The states possessed more control than the central government, as the Articles of Confederation forbade the government to command, coerce, or control.

Rice tradin

DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS LOCATION OF THE OFFICE The location of my business is in Malanday Marikina City because the owner of the business is a resident of Malanday Marikina City. 00 ROI The computation shows an average of 35.

Proposed changes to the personal income tax system

The researcher assumes the position of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and presents an analysis of how one change in the system can help to improve economic growth in the United Kingdom. K The major change that needs to be made to the personal income tax system in the UK is the marginal rate β†’

The tax compliance behavior in curacao accounting essay

Finally in the last paragraph of this chapter the set up of the survey. Background of the survey Harmonizing to the literature studied of Braithwaite , Hasseldine et Al., James and Nobes , Slemrod , Pronk , the Island of Curacao 's revenue enhancement systems, where β†’

Taxation of pensions and profit sharing plans essay sample

This special treatment of pensions normally makes the treasury to incur losses from two main sources; First, the revenue that would have been obtained from taxing the amount that is contributed to pensions, and secondly loss of tax which could have to be got from the revenue that was to be generated by the funds β†’

Essay about developing financial projections

This financial knowledge significantly impacts a company's short term and long term success. START-UP BUDGET personnel legal/professional fees occupancy licenses/permits equipment insurance supplies advertising/promotions salaries/wages accounting

Leading through uncertainty singapore budget commentary 2013

For the YA 2013 to YA 2015, the conversion rate is 60%, subject to a maximum expenditure cap of $100, 000 (i.e.maximum cash payout of up to $60, 000) per YA if they have: incurred qualifying expenditure under the PIC during the basis period; active business operations in Singapore; β†’

Blaine case

Supporting Material: Case Exhibit 1 Income Statement| | | | | | With Repurchase Option| | | | | | | | | | | Operating Results:| | | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2006 | | Revenue| | | | 291, 940 | 307, 964 | 342, 251 | 342, β†’

Minimum alternate tax

As per section 115 JA of the Income Tax Act, if a company's taxable income is less than a certain percentage of the booked profits, then by default, that much of the book profits will be considered as taxable income and tax has to be paid on that. MAT Credit Under this system, if a β†’


As the officer offing Leone state that the Muslim employees is not the staff of Hong Leone Bank. The Muslim officials In the Human Resource Ministry, the Government and the authorities failed to protect Islam and Muslim employees. Besides that, 27 employees in the Hong Leone Bank were sacked because they did to β†’

Tcs financial statement analysis

Major Sources of Revenue: a) Revenue from operations: accounts for 98% of the total revenue of the firm and consists of the revenues from the below categories Informationtechnologyand consultancy services: contributes 97% of the total revenue from operations Sale of equipment and software licenses contributes 3% of the total revenue from operations β†’


The OECD is also at the forefront of efforts to understand and to help governments respond to new developments and concerns, such as corporate governance, the information economy and the challenges of an ageing population. Nonetheless, it has some of the same effects on the incentives of governments, freeing them from the imperative of raising β†’

I. major reasons for government involvement in market economy

Redistribution of income: The government should strive to provide relief to the poor, dependent, handicapped, and unemployed. Provision of public and quasi-public goods: When the markets fail to provide the needed goods or the correct amounts of certain goods or services, the government fills in the vacuum.

The scope and limitations of environmental taxes in a developing country setting

Development and the Environment In ' Reconstructing Development Theory: International Inequality, Institutional Reform and Social Emancipation' Brett puts forward the idea that the environment has not historically, or sufficiently, been considered in the context of development because low income countries had not industrialised and therefore produced negligible emissions. The environment has however β†’


If he decided to go ahead, the general contractor would be in charge of the day-to-day operations of the well. Brad Thomas estimated the probability of this kind offailureat the Bailey Prospect to be about 10 percent. If they were successful, SLUR would sell the gas to pipeline distributors who would β†’

The futa tax rate essay sample

This amount will be 10% of the amount assessed by the state that the employer will pay as unemployment insurance tax. Explain unemployment compensation and whom it benefits. There are many people who have the skills to do work but find no work for reasons not due to β†’

Diction tone and syntax quiz essay sample

I sat down beside it and fairly cried for joy. In John Muir's The Calypso Boreals, he paints a picture of beauty in both the complexity and simplicity in a garden in which a calypso grows. Which of the following words has a negative connotation? discouraging freedom β†’

New jersey legislature

The " upper house" which is what the Senate is referred to, is made up of forty members and the qualifications for its members is that each must be thirty years of age, must live in the state for at least four years as well as reside in the district that he/she is wanting to β†’

Mis 535 project proposal

The problem with a manually system is that its more prone to errors, possibility of more frequent tax audits with a wider scope, filing cabinets full of paper returns and dozens of spreadsheets to get the data needed, and manual process increases the time needed to complete filing. The signing of the return, cutting of β†’

China huiyuan juice group limited

Huiyuan gained 149 percent from the time before the offer announcement to the day before the ministry's announcement. In mid 2008, in preparation for negotiation with Coca-Cola for a possible deal, the chief financial officer of Huiyuan, Mr. Both common stock and long-term debt will remain unchanged during β†’

Review of some effects of nigerian corporate tax regime on investment promotion

3 TAX RATE Another problem that can also affect the investment promotion in Nigeria is the rate of tax levied on the companies. It is obvious from the above that the tax rate of 30% provided and imposed by the CITA on incorporated companies in Nigeria is among the highest in the world.

Chapter 14 the congress, the president, and the budget

Chapter 14 The Congress, the President, and the Budget * Introduction The battle of the budget is at the center of American politics. Americans want the government to balance the budget, maintain or increase the level of government spending on most policies, and keep taxes low.* Sources of Federal Revenue * Income Tax * β†’

Goods and services tax

It then looks at the Goods and Services Tax design in India which has been adapted to suit the Indian taxation system. The report ends with the probable impact of GST on Indian economy and the limitations of the implementation of GST.? Laws allow the seller to collect funds for β†’

Taxation and e-commerce essay sample

The taxation of e-commerce is a complicated and serious problem facing today's governments: the need to balance government's need for revenue with the need to facilitate global commerce." If the UK is to thrive in the future, to succeed in competitive markets and to enjoy better and better services, all of us need to be β†’

Outline of marijuanna

Preview statement: Legalizing marijuana has been successful in other countries and once our government understands and believes in the use of marijuana it will destroy the black market in the US. There are many pros of legalizing the use of marijuana. 27 Feb 2013. .e.

Cigarette tax

The change impacted the consumers , the suppliers/producers, retailers/tobacconists, charity workers and the government. The sudden publication of the price increase would lead to a majority of smokers purchasing larger amounts of cigarettes than usual, in an attempt to purchase the product at a cheaper price rather than at its increased price. The suppliers β†’

Coast4life inc.

Option#1: Divesture of the Fraser dry dock Pro : Gain on sale of $7, 274, 000; in favour of BOD preferences and in line of providing the necessary funds to maintain incremental financial targets for upcoming economic downturn. Con : Against general manager's preference, as can affect the reputation of the company β†’

β€˜macro-economic analysis for rural society’

In the foreward to the Tax Code Mukherjee explains that the aim is to eliminate distortions in the tax structure, introduce moderate levels of taxation, expand the tax base, improve tax compliance, simplify the language and lower tax litigations. The purpose of the article is to examine the nature and direction of Indian direct tax β†’


In the above situation I would say that the type of consent they are seeking is the implied consent because they are trying to get the patient to sign a consent form for surgery. However she is, in my opinion not able to comprehend the facts of what she is consenting to β†’

Sin tax bill essay sample

96 billion during the first year of implementation. In his speech, the President said that the new law was an early Christmas gift for the Filipinos as its revenues will be used to expand the government's healthcare program and will be spent for tobacco farmers' livelihood. " Sa araw pong ito, nilagdaan natin, sa β†’

Irs scandal

The event that I would like to discuss is the current IRS scandal, who's to blame, the governments positions, and who it affects. The original law passed by Congress states that sect: 501 organizations must be " exclusively" devoted to charitable, educational or recreational purposes. With β†’

Personal income tax system in malaysia

The tax will be imposed to the resident and non-resident individual in different ways. The resident individual will subject to income tax derived from Malaysia and income received in Malaysia for outside Malaysia whereas non-resident individual will be subject to income tax accruing in or derived from Malaysia. A person who is β†’

Philippine local government taxation

A tax on the sale, donation, barter, or on any other mode of transferring ownership or title of real property at the rate of not more thanfifty percent of one percent of the total consideration involved in the acquisition of the property or of the fair market value in case the β†’

Leveraged buyout model

In addition will se the diverse features companies must have in order to be a leveraged buyout target and the consequences after the buyout is accomplish in order to reach a better level of efficiency with and obvious benefit in capital gain for its investors. The Boom in Leveraged Buyouts During 80s β†’

Progressive proportional and regressive tax system

The tax base is the amount to which the tax rate is applied to determine the tax due. The tax rate is basically a percentage rate applied to the tax base, and it can be progressive, regressive, or proportional.

An introduction to taxation in india essay sample

A person by whom any tax or any other sum of money is payable under the Act every person in respect of whom any proceeding under this Act has been taken either for the assessment of the amount of his income or of the income of any other person β†’

Australia federal budget critics

Hence, the government has the responsibility to interfere the free market in order to assist in resolving and controlling these situations. Therefore, the government has to spend a lot of money and be in charge of providing them.

Value added tax of the philippines

The AAB receiving the tax return will stamp mark the word " Received" on the return and machine validate the return as proof of filing the return and payment of the tax.3. Importation of personal and household effects belonging to residents of the Philippines returning from abroad and non-resident citizens coming to resettle in the β†’

Ahmet kahvecÄ°ler

When it comes to importance of public liberty and privacy it must be easily said that they are right that using drugs have relations our desires and human privacy. It can be decreased using of drugs and alcohols by some of prevention in law.

Merger and acquisition synopsis

It was being alleged by the Indian Tax authorities that the transaction involved purchase of assets of an Indian Company, and therefore the transaction or part thereof was liable to be taxed in India. The position of the government is that the intention of the legislature on the initial stage was very clear that the β†’

The potential worries of individual visit scheme

To commence with, for resource allocation, IVS greatly makes the distribution of resources in Hong Kong become chaotic. After the implementation of IVS, more and more Mainland visitors go to Hong Kong and cause disorder of resources in medical services, local products and housing prices. For the Mainland visitors going shopping in β†’

Changing trends in tax and non-tax revenues

The proportionduring nineties, however, was about 55 per cent only.- Continuing reforms and rationalization of the tax structure, haveresulted in a structural shift in composition of tax revenue - A fall in the share of indirect tax collections from about 80 per cent of total tax revenue in eighties to about 70 per cent in β†’

The second war for independence and the upsurge of nationalism, 1812–1824

What do the authors say at the outset is the " supreme lesson" of the War of 1812? A national literature developed in the works of Washington Irving and James Fennimore Cooper and in the construction of a new capitol building in Washington A revived Second Bank of the United States was established in 1816 β†’

Tim cook attacks eu’s tax bill in a scathing letter

The head of tech giant Apple has hit back at the European Commission's ruling about its tax operations in Ireland saying that it has " serious, wide-reaching implications". Responding to the Commission's decision that , Tim Cook said that " in Ireland and in every country where we operate, follows the law and we β†’

The impact of tax havens on business decision-making

A 100% owned abroad subsidiary of a multinational company can manipulate their interests, management fees, transfer prices and royalties charges, which can cause the subsidiary to avoid some tax payments in home country. Generally, a MNC could minimize taxable income arising in high tax countries, increase investments in low tax countries to reduce β†’

Fort myers

However, the advantage to a congregate housing option would be building fewer units and services, and more returns in a shorter timeframe after selling the units. While it is probably not feasible to capture the full potential gross income from a congregate care facility given the higher price and time to sell, tables β†’

Aspects of microeconomics and macroeconomics

In this case the demand of organic food and drink has fallen sharply, and the main influence for fallen on demand for those products are: price; income; the price of substitute goods; the price of complements; taste; demographic factors; advertising and expectations. The opportunity cost of something is what you give up to get it. β†’

Applied microeconomics introduction assignment

Assessing causality: simple framework: iii= wily Notice: 0 this is a model: we expect that x y ix we observe ye e Ay ii , y IL C] 0 effect is at the individual level, interest in aggregates. In the example above, we would say, e.G., that x is heavier than y, since x weighs β†’

Free essay on microeconomics common assessment

Fossil fuels are likely to remain the predominant source of energy resources for the next decades, but technological advancements and the development of alternative sources of energy will play a significant in the consumption patterns of energy. According to the latest World Energy Outlook report, the global demand for oil will increase from 87 million β†’


Fixed and Variable costs Fixed costs of owning an automobile are the costs that do not vary with mileage while the costs that vary with mileage are referred to as variable costs. Fuel, food at stops, amount of traffic on the road, are the variable costs to be considered for travelling by car while car β†’


In order to make up for the loss incurred the bank has to pass forward the effect of this incident to its other customers which are charged higher interest rates on their future loans and their current money deposits receive a lower interest rate return. The money supply of the banks is also diminished due β†’

Pick a current topic that relates to mateial that has been coverd in economics 101/microeconomics

Pick a current topic that relates to mateial that has been coverd in Economics 101/Microeconomics Review of the Article; ' Measuring the price elasti of import demand in the destination markets of Italian exports' by Felettigh, A.and Federico, SNameInstitutionDateThis paper equates the price elasticity of products exported from Italy and other countries in β†’

Demand and supply in macroeconomics and microeconomics

According to the law of demand and supply, the higher of a product's price the more suppliers will produce and the less people will buy. Because of that, the market price is changes.( Investopedia news and articles, copyright 2010 ) In such a case, the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded and there β†’

Pindyck microeconomics study guide assignment

The real-world applications are intended to show students the relevance of supply and demand analysis, and you may find it helpful to refer to these examples during class. One of the most common problems students have in supply/demand analysis is confusion between a movement along a supply or demand curve and a shift in the β†’

Microeconomics basic concepts assignment

3 Income Effect The Income Effect states that as prices increase and with the same amount of income, consumers are able to buy less Of a good as their real income has fallen thus, this would result in the consumers' ability to buy air tickets to drop and thus causing the quantity demanded for air β†’

Microeconomics homework

Tate & Lyle is already on the process of putting more manufacturing plants to further increase their production capacity to supply the high demand of artificial sweeteners in the market which eventually to the acquisition of more profit out of their production. This high profitability in the monopoly of Tate & Lyle of sucralose made β†’

The differences between macroeconomics and microeconomics economics essay

There's also the opportunity cost of deciding not to work that is the lost wages foregone Difference between Macroeconomics and Microeconomics: Microeconomics and macroeconomics are the two major categories of economics: Microeconomics- examines the behaviour of individual economic entities: firms and consumers regarding the allocation of resources and prices of goods and services. So β†’

Microeconomics: minimum wage will cause unemployment and inflation essay sample

Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced on Monday a base wage of RM900 for the peninsula and RM800 in Sabah and Sarawak with a grace period of six months, or doubles that for micro-enterprises." When employers refuse to hire at the minimum wage, desperate workers will look to the black market and agree to take less β†’

Microeconomic explanations for fertility trends

The investigation focuses on the role of female education in influencing the three key determinants of fertility: demand for children, supply of children, and the cost of fertility control measures. Theories Much of the theoretical work on the relationship between women's education and fertility stems from Becker's model of the demand for children. The β†’

Microeconomic essay

A free market economy is based on supply and demand so there is no extortion or monopoly. The institution of the market is based on the principle of price determined by the interaction of the forces of the market. Besides that, free market ultimately leads to better products as the market is highly β†’

Microeconomics: cost analysis

The article is about how mining sector is responding to the changes in the supply and demand dynamics and the impact of same on global prices.outlines that though the overall output is decreasing in mining industry due to different factors however, the decline in the output is actually supporting the industry because of higher prices β†’

Microeconomics and global warming assignment

If the government however is to intervene in this market and pay the extra money to consumers that the positive price Quantity Us ply ODL private benefit Figure 1. In this case a tax will be a carbon price that the government stipulates and according to Dimmitt Singles, '...

Microeconomics production theory

Thus the production function expresses the relationship between quantity of output and the quantities of various inputs used in production. Production function shows the maximum amount of output that can be produced from a given set of input in the existing set of inputs in the existing state of technologie.the output will change when the β†’

Supply and demand – microeconomics assignment

California is one of the largest states in the USA in population and land. An article on Gasoline Supply and Demand by Reuters on August 28, 2006 discusses the price increases due to supply and demand of petroleum in the United States. Due to the way Americans are used to living their lives and their β†’

Microeconomics exam

To which of the arrows does this transaction directly contribute? a.| A only| b.| A and B| c.| C only| d.| C and D| 6. Refer to Figure 2-1.

Free case study on analyzing news article in microeconomics terms

The hotel and resort operations will increase due to the increased demand in the market. The increased in demand in the industry causes an increase in the supply of the services and products offered. The fluctuations of the demand and supply in the market occur due to occurrences that alter the economy.

Microeconomics essay example

For each good, explain the following point List of Goods: A cup of coffee at acoffee shop, Public Good, the private market should provide this good B City fire protection, Public Good, government should provide this good C Polar bears in the Arctic, Common Resource, this characteristics of the good would make it difficult to β†’

Microeconomics research paper sample

It is in this professional environment that I was able to gain a deeper understanding about more complex microeconomic elements, such as the cost and revenue of firms in different markets and the role of the government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. Concepts learned through the coursework from this class include β†’

Analysis of an article in a microeconomics viewpoint

12 December 2008 Analysis of an Article in a Microeconomics Viewpoint Introduction The article en dVeto in Minimum Wage Rouses Many in Albany presents the situation before the election in 2004 where the rise in minimum wage is rejected by the Gov. Supporters vowed to fight for an override of the bill. Problems/Issues The β†’

Microeconomics of competitiveness – california wine cluster assignment

The wine Institute, a trade association of 48 California wineries, was founded in 1934 in San Francisco to help re-invigorate the lobbying at the state and federal levels. By the sass, Australia had established it self as a cost competitive producer of high quality wines, with 3, 000 growers and 1 , OHO 3 Relative β†’

Microeconomics and faber-castell

Note that our keyword for this point of discussion is that a quantity should not be differentiated from other goods because if it is so, then it would theoretically be able to define the market price in its own, and not because as an effect of other factors imperfect competition. We then come to the β†’

Principles of microeconomics oligopolies case study

Also because of the competitive nature of this market structure, the price often fluctuates, as in a perfect competition market structure, usually in favor of the consumers' interests. A monopsony is a market structure where there is only one buyer or a homogeneous group of buyers that purchase commodities from a variety of sellers. This β†’

Microeconomics reforms assignment

The basic mechanism of microeconomic reform is to reduce government intervention in product and actor markets (the capital or financial market and the labor market) in ways designed to increase the degree of competition in those markets. Microeconomic reform has been a major focus of the Federal government since the asses because Of the β†’

Essay on microeconomics

This move is aimed at reducing the production costs as possible. According to the cost-of-production theory of value, the price of a commodity depends on the sum of the costs of the resources that were used in the production of the product. Due to monopoly of the European market and the company business model, which β†’


The dollar should continue to weaken against the yen in 2008. As an exchange rate is the rate at which one country's currency can be traded for another country's currency, the U.S.exchange rate is influenced country's income, a country's prices, the interest rate in a country, and the country's trade policy. That β†’

Microeconomics short notes assignment

This Is the use of economics to describe the actively which are happening In the world It Is also called " what Is" or " descriptive" Normative economics This is the use of economics to recommend changes. It means advancing on how things " shout be" It is also called prescriptive analysis The market β†’

Eco201: microeconomics-mod 4 cbt

Therefore, the company will be able to maintain a positive operational cash flow and higher profitability at all times. CPP is used in keeping the prices of raw materials down but there is a risk that the winning bidder had intentionally dropped down the prices way below the break-even point just to win the business β†’

Microeconomics assignment

No economies of scale: increase in output has not effect on the AC, so the curve is flat and AC is constant Economies of scale: property of a cost function whereby the average cost of production falls as output expands Discomposes of scale: property of cost function whereby there are cost of production rises β†’