A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Rough draft on drug wars

A high percentage of the time, either of the drug dealers from both sides will have a scape goat swim the border while carrying high amounts of drugs with them, or will attempt to cross it over smuggled in a vehicle. In Mexico, it is extremely corrupt and even the law enforcement β†’

The drug crime relationship

The idea that drug use leads to crime is by far the most believed and most popular idea out of the three. The reasons for this may lie in its heavy belief from the media and the government. Parker and Auerhahn stressfrom their research the overwhelming importance of the context in β†’

Good physical therapy the alternative to drugs in pain management research paper example

As a result of the problems associated with taking medication for healing chronic pains, there should be a policy that will minimize the establishment of over the counter medicine outlets in order to prevent the effects of combining different drugs. However, physicians and some medical practitioners have suggested the use of physical therapy to alleviate β†’

Good essay about means of production and exchange

To explain this, the first step of the argument is from the position of a classless society. The well of and providers of capital are the determiners of the society's situation in terms of social production.

Club drugs and teens

The lifestyle that can be brought about by the use of club drugs can be a vicious cycle of self-destruction, and can have a rapid detrimental effect on a teen's chances to excel in life. In this report, I hope to create a source of unbiased, legitimate facts about club drugs and the ways they β†’

Research analysis: β€˜adult drug courts’

This served as a solution to the exploding prison population and escalating costs to the criminal justice system. The federal government commenced awards or grants to these programs in 1994 through the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act. By September of 2004, there were already 1, 200 programs β†’

The war on drugs critique essay

When the whole K2 phenomena hit Missouri and the rest of the US, the government did not realize it, but it was the safest to have that labeled product available. Here is my experience; The packages where over priced under tested, and who know who mixed the what chemicals on those leaves. They are not β†’

Mexican drug cartels

The origins of the cartels can be traced back to the Columbian Cali and Medellin mega-cartels who were responsible for the majority or drugs coming into the United States. However this was short lived and the cartels were able to once again establish control of border crossings and continue smuggling. In 2005 the β†’

A comparison between drug policy as social control

Not all people have to deal with the law the same way due to social class. The government has it's own way of controlling people who are thought to be dangerous. The government is able to put fear in the hearts of people.

Drug testing law

It is moral duty of the employers to check the menace of drug edicts in the work place but this moral policing disrupts Kant's theology of Categorical imperative. Internationally, the of drug testing in work place is covered in a Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights, Article 12 whereby it is declared that " β†’

Term paper on medication errors

Of course, in these cases damages are nothing but inevitable; they can definitely be prevented. According to the National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention, medication error is defined as " any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control β†’

Tutankhamun’s tomb, egypt

This technique was developed in WWI for the purpose of maintaining a system that ensured stratigraphic control of excavations in trench digging and artillery barrages. Using these methods, on November 1st 1922 a staircase was uncovered in the limestone cliffs of the Valley of the Kings. In 1925 the body was removed β†’

Mythology by edith hamilton

The main pagan religion being that of the Greek gods like Zeus, Hera, Ares, and Hercules which was the most prevalent and accepted amongst Europeans at the time. Which were the gods of the city states of Sparta and Athens.

The ancient art of parenthood

Therefore, they listen to the advice from their parents on the dealings of financial matters. In addition, parents teach their young to eat the right meals, to absorb enough sleep, and to do their best in school.

George w bush’s protection of the iraqi people and caesar’s protection of the gauls

Now I am not suggesting there is any similarity between George W Bush's protection of the Iraqi people and Caesar's protection of the Gauls. For a start, Julius Caesar, as we all know, was bald, whereas George W Bush has a fine head of hair. In any case, George W Bush is not personally making β†’

Ancient rome and cleopatra essay sample

Plutarch wrote 150 years after the events of Cleopatra and Antony and was therefore heavily influenced by Roman views of, not only, the couple themselves but also by Roman's understanding and expectations of relationships, gender and race. Plutarch highlights the inseparability of Cleopatra and Antony with his long list of the couple's activities. As β†’

Augustus and the use of propaganda

When studying propaganda in the age of Augustus, it is crucial to mention Augustus' own literary works, The Deeds of the Divine Augustus. Augustus included the moment he was bestowed the title in his own literary work The Deeds of the Divine Augustus: In my sixth and seventh consulates, after putting out the civil war β†’

Han and rome comparitive essay

The Imperial Roman Empire and the Han dynasty were considered the strongest empires of their time and nearly unrivaled in conquest and expansion of their empires. Both Han and Rome had some form of trade in which their empires grew; this was a crucial part in the development of the β†’

Ancient greek architecture

The construction of the building started in the year of 1907 and finished in 1909. Additionally, The pediment of Temple of Artemisia is highly decorated with sculptures, whereas the pediment of The First Church of Christ Scientist is plain. The First Church of Christ Scientist is freestanding, with columns only on the front β†’

Ancient china summary essay

The Han Dynasty accomplished more things than the other dynasties, they invented paper, the seismograph, set up the Silk Road, started exams for civil service and finished the Great Wall. Thesis Statement; Although the other dynasties were great, the Han Dynasty was the greatest. The Han Dynasty was the greatest because they β†’

Education in ancient athens

Ancient Athens had an excellent system of education and therefore was able to prevail and live for a long time. They learned grammar, which consisted of reading, writing and math. Musicwas an important subject to the Athenians and so was gymnastics.

“the tradegy of julius caesar”

Shakespeare wrote many tragedies, which included The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. He chose to take an important event in Roman history, the death of Julius Caesar to write a play for the Globe Theater in 1599. The people who lived during the Renaissance were very interested in the play and the story of Julius β†’

Byzantine golden age

The goal was completed and Belisarius restored the Roman Empire to the Mediterranean region. The Byzantine golden age was truly a time of advancing borders, culture, and government.

Today’s mythology

Like the monsters of old they can prevent me from becoming the best that I can be and I should always maintain constant vigilance against them. Heroes are a source of inspiration and pride for their people. In spite of all the challenges Aeneas triumphed and made a new home for his β†’

The palette of narmer

Based on its size, shape and detailed images it is apparent that this palette was not used for daily purposes or historical archives. With further inspection of the images on the palette, it is clear that the chief purpose of the piece was not to record the historical ventures of King Narmer β†’

Appeals compare and contrast essay

To be sure that he is imprinted as a " heroine" for saving the roman empire he makes Mark Anthony go, knowing that the audience will believe him for he was Caesars best friend. Brutus makes sure that he implies him as a good guy by giving him restrictions on what he β†’

The use and acquisition of authority in julius caesar and the prince

To palliate these controversial claims in his predominately Catholic context, he cites " Hannibal's tremendous cruelty" as the leading factor in the general's immovable authority, an allusion providing historical validation for his violation of the virtues espoused by leaders in the ' Mirror of Princes' genre. Faced with a differing contextual purpose to both entertain β†’

Ancient egyptians

2700 BC Pyramid building began, also the beginning of the Old Kingdom 2200 BC The collapse of the Sixth Dynasty and the Old Kingdom; beginning of the Middle Kingdom 1700 BC Earliest evidence ofdiagnosticmedicine in Egypt and foreign invaders occupied the delta region; the fall of the Middle Kingdom 1550 BC The rise of the β†’

Supernatural in julius caesar

Through the use of superstitions and omens, Shakespeare foreshadowed Caesar's death, exposed the changes in various characters, and allowed the characters' true intensions to reveal themselves through the misinterpretations of omens. The superstitions and premonitions added by Shakespeare were used to foreshadow the death of Caesar. By doing this, Shakespeare to made β†’

Conflicting perspectives: shakespeare’s julius caesar

An Into English Presentation Conflicting Perspectives: The Theory - All texts are deliberately constructed to convey an agenda and a set of values.- This means that every composer has a purpose, which is based on the issues arising from their context and audience.- To that end, the composer uses conflicting perspectives as a vehicle for β†’

Powerful ancient civilization – rome

It's also one of the most prosperous empires in the world. The first king of Rome who found the city of Rome in 753 BC was Romulus.

Ancient india

The Greeks were the first to invade India in the 2nd century BC. The Greek contributed to the development of the Indian theatre by the use of curtains 28.

Mark antony: a study of the person

The second comes from the historical analysis and commentaries of Plutarch who compares, contrasts and views all the actions of Mark Antony in back-drop his three contemporaries who also happen to be three of the greatest figures of history-Julius Caesar, Octavian Caesar, and Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, and find Antony a man driven β†’

Idea of betrayal in williams shakespeare’s play julius caesar

In both the play Julius Caesar and the movie The Ides of March, the writers address these topics and incorporate them in into the plot in their own ways. The play Julius Caesar portrays these themes in a more in depth way while adding detailed dialogue to better display the big ideas. The big idea β†’

Thugs in ancient india

They believed their killings were a means of worshiping the Hindu goddess Kali, who was honored at each stage of the murder by a vast and complex system of rituals and superstitions. Thugs were guided to their victims by omens observed in nature, and once the deed was done, the graves and bodies were prepared β†’

Power of rhetoric

In the play we find a somewhat large number of situations when the power of rhetoric is used to shape the entire lives of characters, and redirect the plot of the entire story. Rhetoric in " Julius Caesar" can be defined using four main points of analysis, first being the role of Caesar compared with β†’

The invasion of a new world: aztecs and avatars

With the arrival of Cortez, the Spaniards were overwhelmed at the new world they had found and the potential it could have for gold. On the other hand the Aztecs were overjoyed because they thought the new conquistadors were gods they had been awaiting. In general, the Aztecs and the Avatars reacted β†’

Conrad demarest model of han and rome essay sample

Some characteristic of well-run empires consist of: the building of roads, increased trade, the flourishing of education, effective bureaucracy, the use of a common and official language, the use of a system of justice, and citizenship. The Han made merchants more welcome by installing the silk roads which was initially used for the β†’

Ancient rome and greece

This led to the assemblage of Athens and the start of the golden age and the Delian League. The Punic wars occurred between 264 BC and 146 BC. Alexander the Great was the king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon and the one to invent the first formations during a battle.

Research of people’s life in ancient china

The girls of thefamilywere to work in the house and had few privileges. Farmers and artisans were not treated well because of the amount ofmoneythey had; which was not much. The kids in ancient China were very much like the kids in our time; in some ways.

Marriage and ancient greek culture

In ancient Greekculture, this reflected on the relationship of the King and Queen, and Odysseus and Penelope, but they were not quite similar. The better relationship is between the King and Queen. Unlike Penelope and Odysseus, they live together.


After Antony's death, Cleopatra was taken to Octavian, where she was told that she would be displayed as a slave to all of the countries that she had ruled over. Along with this is the lack of evidence of a snake in the mausoleum and the temperature for August would have been to warm for β†’

Outline of mesopotamia and ancient egypt

Egypt developed North and South hugging the banks of the Nile River Valley.* The Nile River systematically floods which flooded the surrounding banks and made the soil exceptionally rich.* Egypt bordered on the side of sea and dessert which was difficult to invade and conquer it.2. Mesopotamia has the Tigris and Euphrates River, commonly referred β†’

Architecture: ancient rome and frank lloyd wright

So, you cannot LIVE without architecture, it is the act of creating buildings, buildings are shelter, without shelter you would die in three hours. So you can thank all the people in the field of architecture, that you are reading this now. India was one of he most primitive building societies. β†’

Julius caesar group project

This took a much longer time to decide than it did of Brutus' speech, this could be that Antony is a smarter and nobler person or that it's just how Julius Caesar constructed the speech to persuade the crowd. I felt that there was more use of persuading in his speech than informing but that's β†’

Julius caesar conflicting perspectives essay

Steven Spielberg exploits the conflicting perspectives of the characters and the bigger picture of the opposing countries in World War 2 to create suspense, excitement and tension throughout the film. Spielberg skilfully uses a variety of camera angles, costume and lighting to make clear the perspectives and feelings of each protagonist and to differentiate between β†’

Ancient greece – essay

Olympia, which is a city in Greece, was a known place for athletics in Ancient Greece. Also, in Ancient Greece, the social life of a female was limited to none.

The roman government

It appears on coins, at the end of important documents , gravestones and was branded on the arms of the men in the Roman legions. The Emperor The Leaders The emperor was the general learder of Rome and was responsible for the city.

The second triumvirate

However, tensions quickly arising Octavian attempts to secure his inheritance * Octavian was in Macedonia at the time of Caesar's assassination and did not learn of his inheritance till his return to Rome.* Despite his parents' opposition, Octavian decided to agree to the inheritance and also took the name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus.* He now β†’

Julius ceasar better leader

In the play, the two main characters, Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus, both possess leadership qualities, but if the citizens of Rome had a choice, they should most definitely choose Julius Caesar. In the play, the two main characters, Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus, both possess leadership qualities, but if the citizens of Rome had β†’

The glory and grandeur of the acropolis essay sample

The city of Athens is not the only famous for being the site of the first Modern Olympics but also for various museums that showcased the architectural expertise of the Greeks of the ancient world(UNESCO, " Acropolis, Athens "). During the second half of the 5 th century BC β†’

Ancient china’s web quest

Write your answers on your worksheet.| 1.| China is located on the continent of _____China is entirely located on the continent of Asia___________________.http://www.rcps.org/mch/worksheets/ancient_china/where_is_china_located.htm | 2.| The capital of China is ____Beijing____________________________.http://www.rcps.org/mch/worksheets/ancient_china/capitalofchina.htm | 3.| There are 3 major rivers in China. Two of those rivers start with the letter " Y". The name β†’

History of aztecs

From the start of the 1300s to the early 1500s, central Mexico was dominated by a Mesoamericanculturecalled the Aztecs. While the Aztecs were performing all of the sacrifices to sustain the universe, they were also halting the growth and expansion of their empire.

Spartan social structure- importance

The helots were enlisted to add numbers to the Spartan army. They were significant in the fact that they were the foundations of Spartan society. The contribution allowed the Spartans to stay in the military mess, tying the functions of the helots into the maintenance of militaristic factors of the Spartan society.

The tragedy of julius caesar

In life, people can change for the good or bad, or maybe the bad has always been in them and they finally let it out. Everyone should be able to trust someone but people will always look out for themselves in their own way. The circle of life was present during this story there β†’


Marcus Brutus is one of the many ignoble Romans in Julius Caesar. Marcus Brutus does not thoroughly analysis the consequences that would result in the assassination of Julius Caesar.

William shakespeare’s julius caesar

These qualities are seen most strongly across the protagonists of the story: Caesar, Brutus, Cassius and Antony. Throughout the text, characters claim to oppose Caesar's rule for the pure reason of conserving the traditions of Rome's government and heritage, but some developments strongly suggest the ulterior motive of desire for power. The β†’

Augustinian theodicy

If he cannot, he is not all-powerful, if he will not he is not all-good.' Augustine 'The believer must have, in a cool moment, a solution to the problem of evil. In this way Augustine tries to prove the righteousness of God.

The warriors of ancient sparta

But the Spartans, both men and women, were tough, and the Greeks admired strength. The population of Sparta consisted of three main groups: the Spartans, or Spartlates, who were full citizens; the Helots, or serfs/slaves; and the Perioeci, who were neither laves nor citizens. In Greek mythology the founder ot the city was β†’

The first triumvirate

This secret, non-official alliance should not be called the first triumvirate because it was non-offical. The triumvirs- Pompey, Crassus and Caesar each used different methods in order to achieve their respectivegoals- whether it was for their personal interest or the interest of the political and social group of populares these men represented β†’

The immediate and long term legacy of greek and roman civilizations

101 The immediate and long-term legacy of Greek and Roman civilizations Until the start of the Renaissance, in the mid 1300's, many of the brilliant ideas and advancements created and used by Greek and Roman civilizations remained dormant. The advancements of the Greeks as individuals and as a whole contributed to the prosperity and accomplishments β†’

Roman food

ROME: In our Roman world, a wide variety of fruits and vegetables are grown in the rural setting, and also in city gardens. According to Aemilia of one of the most popular Roman gardens, " We have been productive all year round and everything has been tended to by hand, manured and carefully protected β†’

History of napkin

Paper Napkin with Monograms It is often possible to have paper napkins ordered for marriages (and other special meal occasions) with names or initials of the bride and bridegroom embossed on the napkin. As a host, when providing napkins to your guests or customers, you need a achieve a good balance of size and utility β†’

Ancient egypt: palaces and pyramids

These structures were built for the burial of kings, rulers, and people of the like. They were raised high to the sky, thought to help these fallen leaders become closer to the gods and to allow an easy transition into the afterlife. A serdab was also inside the mastabas where the statue β†’

Justified and ancient by simon lewis

An ancient, proud chieftain is not the obvious one to suspect for depraved actions. As he may seem proud and honorable on the outside, the president is the exact opposite on the inside. Given that the phrase " Justified and ancient" does not only refer to the president but to all of the β†’

Mayans, incas, and aztecs

The Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans were three distinct groups of people that thrived in the Americas prior to their " discovery" and all have a diversely rich background full of people, tradition, andculture. Recorded Aztecan history begins at the start of the twelfth century when the Aztec people first moved out in search of a β†’

The snake and the pharaoh

They each had to dance with her and the best dancer would be her husband. Knowing full well he could never beat Anaki at dancing, because he had seen him dance and he was, indeed, the best, Demius thought of a way he could win the competition. That night he danced with Gattin and, since β†’

Julius caesar – rise to prominence

In the situation of Brutus and Caesar, these are traits that they differ to a great extent and when all is said and done ends up being a key factor in their fall out of power. Marcus Brutus was a politically noble man that followed what he considered to be right and genuinely did what β†’

Julius caesar flattery

Cassius tries his hardest to force Brutus to join the revolt against Caesar, but Brutus resists, stating his loyalty and faithfulness to Rome. Antony was successful in persuading the people by using Caesar's will as a tool to destroy the conspirators.

The ancient romans ict resource education essay

As we work in different stages it was nem con agreed to aim Old ages 5/6 as we could be far more proficient and stretch the more capable kids whilst still maintaining it simple for the non so competent. We chose the subject The Ancient Romans as it followed the course of study and we β†’

Comparing and contrasting ancient greece and rome

Some of the major topics that will be covered throughout this paper will include the following: Forms of government, the roles of women in both civilizations, and military life. Ancient Greece and Rome 3 Intro Looking back in ancient times, both the Greek and Roman empires were extremely influential to many modern β†’

Julius caesar – qualities of a good leader

Antony would be a good leader of Rome because he is confident, noble, and persuasive. He never changes his mind when he makes a decision and that is good in a leader. When the triumvirate was making a list of people to kill, Antony came across the name of his nephew. Since β†’

The greek polis

The Greeks considered the polis or city-states as a unique institution because in ancient times, it was the first gathering of people wherein the rulers or officials were elected by the people and laws were passed. The polis is not identified by territory but rather by the citizenship of its people whereas a modern city β†’

Mark antony’s speech

During Mark Antony's compelling speech, he uses various techniques to convince the crowd that the conspirators are murderers not legends. Antony tells the crowd to " have patience" and expresses his feeling that he will " wrong the honourable men whose daggers have stabbed Caesar" if he is to read the will.

Dreams and omens in the hobbit and julius caesar

When it is finally time, they do what he told them to do, and get into the secret entrance. Dreams and omens are very important in Julius Caesar and The Hobbit because they sometimes show the characters something that they did not realize. In Julius Caesar, the characters have enough notice about β†’

Christ in his suffering and death

Theory of Vicarious Confession. Although the upper theories have some aspects that can be recognized as having merit, the true concept of the death of Christ may be understood from the biblical passages that reveal the doctrines of redemption, reconciliation and propitiation, and the death of Christ thus is the substitutional or penal concept of β†’

Before the volcano erupted: the ancient cerΓ©n village in central america

The archaeological site of Joya del Ceren, located in the broad Zapotitan Valley in the fertile region of western El Salvador, is a remarkable and important find that has been compared to the ancient ruined cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in Italy. This eruption forced the sudden abandonment of the site β†’

Decius vs. calpurnia: argumentation and caesar’s choice

Although Calpurnia used strong pathos, Decius used pathos and logos in combination which turned out to be more powerful (as he appealed to Caesar's pride and provided logical reasoning), and ultimately led Caesar to attend Senate. Calpurnia's first attempt to convince Caesar to not attend Senate comes in the form of very detailed imagery of β†’

Free politics of denmark essay example

The constitution monarchy is a government whereby the sovereign power given to the people was outlined in the governing constitution. That was because the head of state is ceremonial, and the basis of the executive legitimacy is the ministry being subject to parliamentary confidence and constitution form is constitution monarchy.

Constitution paper essay sample

His plan helped the Constitution to succeed. The Constitution and the Weakness in the Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation were ratified by all of the thirteen states on March 1, 1781. The Articles were known as the first constitution of the United States, however according to " The Articles of Confederation" β†’


Categorical grants are when the national government gives the state government money, but the state government must use the money according to how the national government wants the money spent. The Federal and State government are both separated powers of government and both have the constitutional rights.

Habeas corpus

The officer gets out his car walks up to your vehicle and tells you to step out of the vehicle, you oblige, he tells you to turn around and he cuffs you and puts you in the back of his police car. After the search, you seen the officer clearly did not find what he β†’

Missouri compromise

The crisis brought the commitment of slavery and the resentment of Southern political power to a heated collision. Clay was instrumental in forming not only the Missouri Compromise, but also the Compromise of 1833 which was a response to the Tariff Act of 1832 and the Compromise of 1850, which was a continuation of the β†’

Free term paper on constraints of nevadas legislature

According to " The Nevada Legislature: A Brief History" , the rapidly expanding population of Nevada and the more extensive utilization of technology in the systems involved in the operation of the Legislature, mean that it will continue to evolve. Initiative, Referendum and Recall Erquiaga & Cafferata " Initiative" reported that β†’

Cara capozucca

Sandra Kase November 15, 2012 Women in the Twentieth Century It started on May 2, 1914 according to Jessica Jenkins: " women, men, and children across the United States celebrated ' National Suffrage Day.' Parades, speeches, and demonstrations in support of the proposed women suffrage amendment to the United States Constitution took place in every β†’

Marbury v. madison essay sample

This also had some short-term and long-term ramifications, including the decision that declared the legality of the Louisiana Purchase, the single act that doubled the size of the United States and laid the foundation for a future superpower. The most significant short-term effect of the decision made in Marbury v. The Louisiana Purchase was β†’


Probably the leading modern work on separation of powers is by Professor Vile, published in England in 1967: " Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers" where the following definition is given: A 'pure doctrine' of the separation of powers might be formulated in the following way: It is essential for the establishment and maintenance of β†’

The second amendment essay sample

The Second Amendment or Amendment II of the Constitution of the United States of America is the part of the Bill of Rights that protects and recognizes the right to keep and bear arms from violation by the federal government. The United States Supreme Court has held that a total ban by β†’

Gun control policy term paper examples

The second amendment of our constitution clearly states - " A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, will not be infringed".(Amendment II, United States Constitution) But what I am aiming through this essay is to, discuss some opinions on β†’

Example of constitutional convention discussion book review

Taxation was one of the means through which both leaders believed would pool resources and hence enabling the country to establish meaningful income generating projects that would benefit the state. Slavery was one of the major issues that were addressed by the constitution. His program was clear and focused more on the well-being and the β†’

How did the constitution guard against tyranny?

American Colonists decided that they needed a new constitution if they did not want the country to fall apart. The framers of the constitution protected us from the terrible evil of tyranny using four methods, which were, Federalism, dividing the government into three branches, a system of checks and balances, and preventing β†’

Free case study on us supreme court case

Supreme Court case The United States Supreme Court was established according to Article III of the Constitution of the United States in 1789. The Supreme Court of the United States is invoked to observe the U.S.

Example of essay on though that these were transmitted through secondary sources, one major conduct

The United States Constitution, the most conspicuous of all the founding documents, the US Constitution, although it was a founding document, was also the product of pre-existing schools of thoughts and philosophies stemming from a change in framework for understanding the rights of individual citizens and the role of government within a society. Understanding β†’

Why was the constitution a controversial document even as it was being written?

From the beginning of its creation the constitution ideas were divided between the advocates. The advocates understood that that the constitution was an idea of the republican thinking, providing for a new level to the people's elected government. The separation of powers between the central government and the state governments was thus β†’

Us constitution essay examples

The country was being governed on the provisions of Articles of Confederation which was inherited from the British regime. Ultimately, the need to establish a constitution that could ensure equal rights, sovereignty of the people and categorically defines powers of the institutions was genuinely needed. In the concluding chapters the book clearly defines the role β†’