A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The historical background of the communism

This essay will go deeper and examine the factors responsible for the emergence of Marx's communism and why has the world witnessed a decline in communism since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Capitalism According to Marx & Engels , the abolishment of capitalism was the main factor responsible for the emergence of →

Communism in china

The Chinese Communist Party has placed many limitations on the rights of their citizens. The Communist Party of China began in 1921 under the rule of Mao Zedong. The Zhejiang province is considered the center of religion in China and in 2013, many churches were demolished.

Us history essay examples

The four freedoms that he believed people throughout the world were entitled to were the freedom of speech and expression, religious freedom, the freedom to not fear and the freedom from want. He also says that the committee is the best that is there to fight against the insidious nature of communism and also offers →

New york age and brooklyn eagle coverage of harlem riots 1935 research paper example

Despite the fact that some of the leaders were shortly apprehended by the police officers, the Communists succeeded in their attempt to stir up feeling of indignation among the crowds which led to a violent march resulting in a major property damage. Unlike New York Age, Brooklyn Eagle did not report on the initial stage →

Capitalism vs. socialism

In capitalism, the latter that is left-behind, as in he or she does not have the privileges of private ownership or for working at a renowned corporation/firm or is a victim of poverty will be helped through the process of taxation. Marx believed that in order to eliminate class-struggle and inequality would mean to eliminate →

Free research paper on global asian history

However, increase in sea trade with Europe changed the situation gradually. The Chinese revolution and Communism These is probably one of the greatest events in the Asian history that explains the exact aspects of the global Asian history. This was, however, a major obstacle to the Chinese political movement which was determined to liberate →

Korean war june 1950 essay example

Some of the major operations that took place in 1950 include the UN defensive, the UN offensive and thee CCF intervention. After the communists attacked South Korea, they tried to set up the South Koreans against each other. This time the forces planned to attack the communist forces in North Korea and China.Gen.

Good example of history essay

Ending at the beginning of the year 1943, the trial of these suspects was the primary factor that elicited the Zoot Suit Riots. The Mexican Embassy wedged remonstration against the conduct of American servicemen during the riots and this saw the creation of a committee to ascertain the causes of the riots.

Historical essay term papers examples

It is through the actions of charismatic, intellectually talented, devoted, and unfathomable leaders, such as Lech Walesa, who had the interests of the society that the society changed to the better state that humanity currently enjoys. For example, at the age of around ten, he was in conflict with the priest, and he strongly and →

Gerald franklin

The propaganda term " bandwagon" is the persuading of the audience to follow the crowd. A third form of propaganda used mostly by Boxer, is related and linked to the propaganda term " bandwagon" is testimonial statements.

Theories of political power

They are the Marxist Theories, The Power Elite, the Bureaucratic Theory, and the Pluralist Theory. In the first theory, the Marxist Theory, it is believed that the large corporations control or influence what happens in the government.

Research paper on was the vietnam war doomed to fail

At the end of 1955, a cold war era was brewing due to the differences between the North and South Vietnam. Kennedy's government was however committed to the Vietnam War policy from the administrations of Truman and Eisenhower.

Marxists views on the family

Marxists Views on the Family There are three Marxists views of the family, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Eli Zaretsky; they all see all institutions such as education, the media and the family as maintaining class inequality and capitalism. Ideological Function (The idea that family brainwashes us into capitalism)- Marxists say the family persuades →

The two old ecocnomic system: socialism and capitalism

Socialism refers to an economic system characterised by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy.[1] " Social ownership" may refer to cooperative enterprises, common ownership, state ownership, or citizen ownership of equity.[2] There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them.[3] →

Forms of government

Capitalist Economic System A Capitalist economic system is one characterised by free markets and the absence of government intervention in the economy. Socialism Economic System Socialism is an economic system in which the means of production are owned and managed by the State.

Borderless world

One possible implication of a borderless world of free and open mobility would be the vast movement of people between countries. In a borderless world it would be almost impossible to control the spread of disease.

Why did the tsarist regime collapse in 1917

He mistrusted most of his ministers and yet was incapable of carrying out the task of ruling the vast Russian empire alone.' At first peasants were loyal to him and believed he would carry on what his granddad did, free servants, relaxcensorshipof the press, improve conditions of the army, changeeducationand bring in Zemstva; →

Soc1005s assignment 1 jmsjas001

Marx's theory of class struggle is slightly different to Weber's in the sense that class division is based on exploitation rather than status, exploitation being the control that the bourgeois have over the working class, this control is maintained because the bourgeois have control over the means of production. The similarity between Marxist theory and →

The importance of the pigs in the novel animal farm

The oldest and wisest pig of the farm, old Major, drives the animals to rebellion and explains to them how they have been exploited by Mr. A dictatorship starts, and Napoleon is able to rule The Animal Farm, the way he wants.

Over 200 members of the department of state are communists

The goal of including these facts was to attest that the odds are no longer in the favor of the U.S.and that the threat of communism takeover is imminent. After the tragedy of 9/11, there was nationwide state of hysteria and paranoia in the U.S., just as there was when McCarthy instilled the fear of →

Communism vs. capitalism

Both systems have the same ways of shunning the other system and making their people blame the other for all of their hardship. There are some similarities, such as demanding sacrifices from the lower class for the greater good, communism saying the sacrifice is for the economy and capitalism saying it for the people. Another →

Communism and religion in gabriel garcia marquez’s chronicle of a death foretold essay sample

By portraying the townspeople as desensitized drones, Marquez characterizes the town as the novel's most corrupt regime through the inevitable death of his protagonist, Santiago Nasar. In defense of his socialist beliefs and Marxist ideals, Gabriel Garc a Marquez creates a capitalist villain in the town's bishop to illustrate the unjust hegemonic nature of →

Essay on the american paradox ambivalence about the role of the federal government

2 Even so, the Affluent Society with a wide distribution of wealth, strong labor unions and a large middle class that existed in the years 1945-70, was weakened greatly in the 1980s and 1990s. George Kennan, the architect of the containment policy in 1946-49, did not regard the Soviet Union as the same type of →

Essay on inquiry and absolutes karl popper and the poverty of pseudo-science

Yet in The Poverty of Historicism, Popper's refutation of historicism seems to boil down to little more than a charge that the course of human history is unpredictable. In a 1980 article published in Philosophical Studies, Richard Hudelson wrote that much of Popper's criticism of Marx is overly simplistic, and that Marx did not, after →

Last emperor reaction paper essay sample

The film demonstrates the concept of time and changes from the beginning of his reign, from being dismissed from his position, from having a well spend life, from being a puppet under the Japanese, brought to be imprisoned and after being release back to public life, he ended working as a gardener in →

Example of research paper on negative effects of communism on society

The Leninist and Marxist theories form the backbone of the concept of communism. The ruling class lives in luxury while the majority of the population aguish in abject poverty, especially those that are considered to come from regions that are critics of the ruling party. Another fundamental negative effect of communism ideology in the society →

An analysis of the origins of the sino-soviet split and its influence on international relations in the east and south east asian region

This sense of individualism and national identity also affected the evolution of the ideology of the Chinese communists, further inflaming the growing division between the Chinese Communist Party and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union , as shown below. Mao Zedong Thought This concept of Chinese supremacy and the methods by →

James campo

The Grapes of Wrath was able to picture the life of a family traveling to California from Oklahoma in such great manner, that the book is on the fine line between fiction and non-fiction. With the background knowledge of the event that took place and the writing skills of Steinbeck combined, The Grapes of Wrath →

Political science s essay sample

Democracy means the rule of the majority, and not necessarily it is the fair representation of the society. However, the lack of choice and inherent nature of people to want more by doing less resulted in the collapse of the Soviet regime in USSR.

Medical research that uses animals

The history of animal testing goes back to the writings of the Greeks in the 4th and 3rd centuries CE. Another part of animal testing is to help promote a product or to understand the effects of those products and the percentile of which those effects may cause.

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The collapse of the stock market triggered the Great Depression over 20 years. In fact, is there any correlation between the Great Crash and the Great Depression? To some extent, the collapse of the stock market in 1929 was responsible for the Great Depression.

The most dominant human characteristics

The results of the tests performed will be sent to the investigator in charge of the case. Joe Clayton works as a Laboratory Agent and primary scene responder for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. He says, " l may be involved in actual bench work once the evidence from the crime scene is submitted to →

Free term paper on deficits and surpluses in the us federal budget

The country has been in the red for quite a while over the years. Deficits and Surpluses in the US Federal Budget The US treasury was established in 1789. Further analysis shows that in the period 1789 to the beginning of the Great Depression period in 1929, the budget was in the red or →

Family resiliency essay

I would rather believe that what has been occurring is not the death of the family but rather a powerful struggle by family units to adapt to societal conditions and to the needs of the individual family members. The adaptability of the family keeps it alive and is the reason that, no matter what the →

Opiate addiction essay

For example; " In an early study, for example, Inciardi reported that a cohort of 239 male heroin addicts from Miami committed 80, 644 criminal acts during the 12 months before being interviewed. ".In part, this is due to the problems associated with the severe withdrawal symptoms that begin about 18 hours after the last use, →

Report on calss

My reaction to the NCLR National Conference of Law Reviews On the first part of the conference was discussed a very interesting topic " How to be an Effective Editor and Chief". My question to the professor was if the editor should edit from specific book in the law?

Budget report essay

I spent a total of $237 or 10% of my total for the term. For June and July , this expense was weighted because I had to do a lot of driving for my internship over the summer. This is nice because if I want to go out to eat with my →

Free essay on policy analysis and program evaluation

The outcomes of the program are promising as it provides good health coverage for individuals and this factor makes it important to fund this program. The major functions of ACA are to ensure that the insurers and health plans who offer their products in small group markets do not deny any health coverage to the →

Chapter single mother was plunged into poverty. the

Itbegins with the discussion of a Single Mother and the coping mechanism ofsingle mothers in terms of economics, emotional and psychological aspects. Thelived experiences of single mothers in raising their children include the economichardship, emotional and psychological were also part of the experiences inraising their children.

Capital budget recommendation

Net Present Value allows decision makers to analyze the present value of a capital investment and determine if the investment will compensate the cash outflow used for capital investment by an excess of the desired rate of return. Taking the cash outflow and inflow from each alternative and the desired rate →

Cubic miles

Yes, I think the new approach is effective because It will give Sam Donaldson the quarterly report, Sam can be aware of the budget difference and make prompt adjustments, Help the department keep the costs within its budget 3. Yes the director should consult Sam, for The new director is newly hired and lack certain →

On think they would save a lot

Republicanswant to repeal the Affordable Care Act over healthcare by taking a big risk in effort to cut taxes or because it would be a bigtax cut for the rich. Republican goal to revoke the AffordableCare Act it is because they think they would save a lot of money in the nextfew years and to →

The sectional struggle, reborn: 1848-1854

By repealing the Missouri Compromise and making new territory subject to " popular sovereignty" on slavery, this act aroused the fury of the North, sparked the rise of the Republican Party, and set the stage for theCivil War. But as early as 1787, conflict over slavery at the constitutional convention almost broke up the Union →

Free how is culture shock portrayed in the film essay example

At the height of the tension between the Hutu and the Tutsi, the main character Paul Rusesabagina is a hotel manager of a 4 start luxury hotel in the center of Kigali called Hotel des Mille Collines. Paul uses his political connections and even bribes people of influence to keep his family and →

Donald trump’s presidency

Perhaps what is the most frustrating development of this ban for many people is the fact that it was revealed shortly after President Trump declared his greatrespectfor members of the LGBT community and intentions to protect their individual rights and freedoms during his presidential campaign. While many have citeddiscriminationas the reason behind this act, President →

Donald trump – facts of life essay

Trump's early years are a major part of what has made him successful in the past and in the present Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in the city of Queens, New York into thefamilyof Frederick C. His charisma and personality as well as knowledge andcommunicationskills are key to →

Did qatar bribe fifa officials to obtain the 2022 world cup bid case studies example

Did Qatar bribe FIFA officials to obtain the 2022 World Cup bid? The process of bidding for the 2022 and the 2018 FIFA world cup involved making a decision on the venues for the staging of the 2022 and 2018 World Cup events. The president of FIFA later endorsed the initiative of granting Qatar →

Example of clintons health policy essay

The focus now shifted from the details of the health care plan to the government, and this was a debate the government would lose for sure. The secret deliberations inside the White House, and the fateful choice of putting the president's name on it also partly contributed to the collapse of the health care plan. →

Herbert hoover protests the new deal essay sample

Roosevelt: A Rendezvous with Destiny" shows that in a speech by FDR, he referred to the tyranny of the 18th century aristocracy and that " corporatracy" will be the same thing. He explained that the concept of corporatocracy is that corporations that have massive power to overpower the government.

Who killed president john f. kennedy

Despite all of the controversy surrounding the death of the President, the clearest and most rational answer for who shot and killed the President is Lee Harvey Oswald. On the afternoon of November 22, 1963 fear struck the Nation when President Kennedy was shot and killed while riding in his motorcade through Dealey Plaza in →

Election system in us and japan essay

Japan's head of the government is a member of the legislative body, but in US that is not the case. The national parliament of Japan, Diet, is divided into the House of Councilors with 242 members and the House of Representatives with 480 members. The president of United Stated can →

Essay on the media and political campaigns coverage

The learner will introduce some personal rationale of these issues and their contribution to making or breaking a political campaign candidate. It is inevitable that the world today is living at a time when technology is evolving at such a fast rate, such that the media as well as the politicians have to think of →

Reaction paper

They could not stop bragging about the amount of innocent people they have murdered and they have gotten away with it." There's a whole bunch of people in the unit that killed people they were not supposed to," according to Bruce Bastien, who, along with Louis Bressler and Kenny Eastridge, is now serving time for →

Example of essay on obama versus batman: hero or villain

Think of characters who saved the day in a variety of ways profound and beyond ordinary great video heroes and you understand the idealistic definition of hero from a conceptual human perception and you see a hero on the conventional terms. A hero becomes a person who shows the courage to contribute to the development →

The reagan administration critical thinking examples

These economic policies were anchored on the reduction of capital gains and income tax, the reduction in the government regulations on the economy, cut down on government spending and control money supply to curb inflation. Excessive expenditure on the military and the cold war with the Soviet Union led to the national deficit in the →

Engineering a new constitution for oz essay

However, with a democratically appointed president, many of these tensions can be alleviated, as the will of the people will be served through a leader that is agreed upon by the majority of the people of the land of Oz. Glinda would act as an interim president for a term of two years; this would →

Abolishing slavery: abraham lincoln

Fast-forward about a decade when Lincoln was in the presidential seat and Lincoln was facing similar issues in his struggle to unify the wilting United States. As president Lincoln's main goal was to unify the two sides of the United States: the Union and the Confederacy. Perhaps the only reason Lincoln supported →

Lazaro cardenas president of mexico 1934-1940 biography

By the time he was 18, he had worked as a jail keeper, a printer's devil and a tax collector [ CITATION Och00 l 1033 ]. C rdenas joined politics during the Mexican Revolution and in 1928 he was elected governor of Michoac n. He won the presidential election of Mexico in 1934 and took →

Free comparative politics research paper example

Finally, there is a discussion to show which of the systems among the two is more democratic. Compare and contrast Similarities Division of power- the division of power in both the parliamentary and the presidential system is between the head of state and the government. The only difference is the parties involved in →

Republic day speech: president ram nath kovind

I also greet the members of the armed forces and paramilitary forces who guard our frontiers on the land, the sea and the air and also internal security forces. A Nation that is one of the best places to live in, on the earth and brings smiles on a billion faces.

Andrew jackson as a controversial president

Jackson's election brought a new style to campaigning as he connected with citizens that deserved his attention and removed the idea of a hierarchy and discrimination. One of the strongest negative of Andrew Jackson's presidency compared to all the rest the Indian Removal Act. The Indian Removal Act and the events leading up to it →

Abraham lincoln’s assassination lincoln-kennedy coincidences

Shortly after Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, a comparison of the circumstances of his death and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 surfaced. Both Lincoln and Kennedy wives lost a child while living in the White House.

Abraham lincoln’s attitude towards slavery

After the Civil War, the North was developing through commerce and its new industrial capacities, meanwhile the South was flourishing through the cost of labor manual labor and the use of slaves. The Issue Of Slavery In The United States Of America The issue of slavery represented one →

Parliamentary vs presidential governments

Countries like the United States are ran by the presidential form of government. The most significant difference in the Parliamentary form of government versus the Presidential is that the president is both the chief executive and the head of state. Parliamentary system divides the chief executive and the head of state into →

The “dynamic conservativism” of president dwight d. eisenhower essay sample

In 1952, he accepted the Republican Party's nomination for President of the United States and was inaugurated in January, 1953 as the thirty-fourth President of the United States; " it marked the election of, arguably, the world's most popular figure to the world's most powerful office". The Country, the World, and the Election of →

Free critical thinking on quotes from the movie: charlie wilson’s war

Charlie used this quote to compel the mr.president to take action in the war torn Afghanistan. Quote 2: There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse and everybody in the village says, " how wonderful. The boy got a horse" And the Zen master says, " we will see".

Research on famous case, which was in the campaign period of donald trump

Therefore, the Dunning-Kruger effect is an observation that exhibits a case where reasoning failed, a fact that will be justified in the paper. The outline of the paper is designed such that it begins with the overview of the original campaign story of Donald Trump, the mixed reactions of the masses towards his ideas and →

Us constitution essay example

A Roman Catholic priest by the name of Father Coughlin also criticized the New Deal approach and recommended the abolition of the Federal Reserve System and a comprehensive overhaul of the pre-existing monetary system. The presence of a particularly conservative Supreme Court at the time of introduction of the New Deal made the implementation of →

The resignation speech of president richard m. nixon

Nonetheless, he realized the magnitude and uniqueness of the document, although at the time he probably did not realize the candid insight into his atti-tude andpersonalitythat it would provide. Facing impeachment as well as the possibility of criminal charges, it is likely Nix-on strongly felt the legal implications of any admissions he →

146 .

Granted that FDR was the most powerful president in the nation's history, that he exercised the leverage of the White House as had never been done before, that he was a consummate molder of public opinion and manipulator of political forces, and that he was the most important political figure of his age, one must →

George washington as a leader of the nation and the us first president

Throughout the war, Washington defined himself as an outstanding general and strategist that had the potential to do great things for the colonies. Washington participated in the first battle of the colonial wars. However, Washington's will to win independence pushed him and his army to continue to come back and fight and eventually win the →

Gender in jackie kay’s trumpet

Alongside this assessment will be a discussion on how Trumpet fits within the categories of queer and postmodern writing in relation to the continuum of Scottish literature at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. Establishing key points of the plot through metaphor enables Kay to create a tale that is →


The exclusion of immigrants from work and the poor and unhealthy working conditions lead to the creation of Labor unions for fairness in the workplace. As manufacturing work became more sophisticated, the need to continue to encourage businesses to invest in the skills of their workers and have wages to back up their skills became →

Wag the dog – film study essay sample

Brief plotline of the main events in the film. Less than 2 weeks before the Presidential re-election campaign, the president is accused of having a fling with a Firefly girl. After Election Day has come and gone, the President winning successfully, they show re-caps of the electoral campaign and credit the win →

ErdoÄźan: members of the gĂĽlen movement have no right to life

In a speech delivered at his palace on October 19, 2017, he said: " We will never leave alone those who fled abroad; we will chase them until they are punished like they deserve. Wherever they flee, we will be hot on the heels of the chiefs and militants of terrorist organizations".

President obamas presidency essay sample

The arguments against Obamacare are the effects on Medicaid, whether it is constitutional or not, and costs of running it. It was started in the 1980's and today it is one of the largest sources of healthcare funding in the United States.

Presidents of the united states essay sample

Why or why not? 4) Would you consider becoming the President of the United States someday, now that you know a little bit more of what is entailed in the job? Explain how your plan will work, and why you think it is superior to other proposed reforms. 6) Under what circumstances can the winner →

franklin d. roosevelt’s pearl harbor address essay sample

Roosevelt emphasizes the need for the United States to declare war on Japan and educates the member of Congress and citizens of the United States of the attack on Pearl Harbor. In his address concerning the attack on Pearl Harbor, FDR successfully uses rhetorical appeals to persuade the nation that declaring war on Japan is →

Letter to a presidential candidate essay example

Appealing to the minority corner might help swing that vote your way. You have a significant portion of the female vote - 64% of women in Illinois voted for you. Your platform of change has helped to inspire young people to vote, as there is what seems to be a →

Howard stern’s surprising reaction to the donald trump controversy

Returning from some time off and finding himself in the middle of an election to choose the leader of the free world, announced that he would not be replaying old tapes of 's previous appearances on his show. " Why do not I play all the tapes?," Stern explained to listeners of his." →

Why a president must persuade

Neustadt, ' The power of the American president is to persuade.' I am going to analyse this statement in my essay, by answering why a president must persuade, looking at the relationship between the president and government, giving examples of when persuasion has worked and when it has not, focusing on other ways the president →

Trump vs. clinton — hot topics that will affect the average american

For the average American, following the ideas and proposals of presidential candidates is not always easy.likes to jump on the stories that garner the most attention, and focus laser-like on the hot-button issues. Think: Donald Trump's comments about banning Muslim immigrants, and the heat Hillary Clinton has taken for her use of a private →

Analyze the responses of franklin roosevelt’s administration to the problems of the great depression…

The prosperity of the roaring 1920s left Americans unprepared for the economic depression they would be facing in the 1930s. Although Roosevelt's administration was not very effective in curtailing the Great Depression, it left a lasting legacy in the role of the federal government by creating lasting programs, satisfying many of the needs of →

Geography of colombia critical thinking sample

And the fourth part includes all positive aspects that add to the great Colombian investment climate. Colombia is one of the fastest growing countries south of the border and currently one of the closest partners of North American government in Latin America. While these values are below the Latin America and the Caribbean average, they →

Global warming: cause & mitigation research paper sample

There are also other factors at work including natural causes; our planet's history shows that cyclic climatic swings are a natural phenomenon." Solar and orbital variations".notes that global variations in temperature are thought historically to have been the result of fluctuations in solar activity and of the orbital variations of our planet with respect to →

Election campaign in the us argumentative essay

This was the election event which had the greatest media attention in American history. This essay will address the effects of the Presidential campaign on the behavioral, cognitive and psychological aspect of the viewers. In manipulating the behavioral, cognitive and psychological variables, the media in its role as being an element →

Development of the american experience, thomas jefferson

Clearly, Jefferson uses this line of argument to convince the people of the morality of self-governance and of declaring independence vis-a-vis the state of being enslaved and virtually dependent on the British for political, social, and economic sustenance. By acknowledging the doubts and difficulties that surround the decision to break the ties →

Thomas jefferson, the third president of the usa

A scholarly and a polymath, he was a conspicuous figure in Virginia legislative issues, an urgent supporter of freedom from Britain, essential creator of the Declaration of Independence, Francophile and minister to France, focal figure of one of the two significant ideological groups in American governmental issues (the Republicans, who pushed less government control, instead →

How to prevent presidential debates from becoming disruptive workplace debates

Do employees have any rights to express their political views in the workplace, independent of any constitutional right? Yes, employees covered by the National Labor Relations Act probably would have the right to share their views, including wearing buttons, if the political statement relates to the terms and conditions of employment. Let me →

Embarking patriotic immortality: rhetorical analysis

It is considered the turning point of the Civil War, helping preserve the union and keep America together. Lincoln's famous war-time speech, given on the graves of fallen soldiers, uses remarkable pathos along with an astonishing endowment to the history of American speeches through diction and patriotic passion. He makes the citizens →