A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Essay on the transition to democracy in africa

A research on the democratization of various sub-Saharan countries indicates that many citizens are not contented with the prevalence of democracy in their respective nations. In addition to that, only a few electoral commissions are independent and are inclined to certain sections of governments. Democracy, in its perspective, is not just the right to elect β†’

Slavery in the us history essay

Generally, the strength of American economy and industrialization is attributed to slavery also it made America the most diverse and democratic nation in the world. S led to creation of modern America, during this period many black leaders and activists pushed for the end of slavery.

Free report on principles of plate tectonics

The forces that the earth's rotation, in combination with the solar and lunar tidal forces, also have an effect on the movement of the plates. Knowing that the radioactivity could well have provided a new source of heat, the planet could be much older than a few million years, and the β†’

Scramble for africa dbq

In order to better analyze this issue, it would be helpful to have a document that is a response from African merchants that detailed the possible e economic consequences of European Colonization. Many Africans saw that that their fate had been made as soon as the European powers marched in and began occupying β†’

The influence of bmi on the psa status of nigerian men affected by prostate cancer

7% prevalence rate of the disease among Nigerian males. Co-existing with the rising trend of global PCa disease is the concomitant exponential upsurge of obesity disorder among the middle-aged and the elderly in different regions of the world. Following the applications of the eligibility criteria and using a simple random sampling technique, 220 were eventually β†’

When rain clouds gather essay sample

This lesson focuses on the historical background to the story and a synopsis of all the chapters. In the then Apartheid South Africa union between Whites and Blacks was a social taboo, it was detestable according to the laws of the time.

World history essay sample

Use complete sentences to express your ideas, and make sure that your explanations are thorough by providing details from the lesson. Use complete sentences to express your ideas, and make sure that your explanations are thorough by providing details from the lesson.

Global politics questionaire on nelson mandela

People that were living in South Africa knew that what was going on was unjust be he was the soul person that united everyone and then in the face of fear he stood up for what he thought was right. I think the people who are willing to devote themselves to being a freedom fighter β†’

Apartheid: the law of racial segregation in south africa essay sample

Education, doctors and other public things were also divided and the ones there were available for the blacks were in general worse than the ones the white people got. In the 80s, as the oppressive system was slowly collapsing the ANC and National Party started negotiations on the end of apartheid.

Book report

The ISBN of the book is 9780913441978 and the soft cover edition of the book cost $140. Learning topics such as African Chattel Slavery, Creolisation and Syncretism enhanced by understanding of the topic discussed in the book." Nativity refers to the occasion of someone's birth." One of the most popular nativity is the nativity of β†’

The role of small and medium scale enterprises in zambia’s economic development

Despite the vital role of SMEs in building a competitive private sector and contributing significantly to economic growth and job creation, SMEs are facing more challenges around the world in general and in developing countries in particular. The development of Zambia's financial system can be attributed to the bank failure that the financial system encountered β†’

The law apartheid in south africa essay

For the sake of this research, I will use the apartheid law in South Africa. In the play Antgone, the law of the state is given priority than even human life. Just like in the play Antigone where those who were considered to be disobedient to the state were deprived β†’

Name: arkoh-yeboah aaron

The horrors of the whole institution of slavery in the world where slaves were subjected to vicious treatments by their owners still leave an irrevocable memory in the lives of especially the descendants of the enslaved victims. This was mainly because they were indomitable in their leadership skills in war and political organization, expertise in β†’

Good example of patient capitalism by jaqueline novogratz essay

In her speech Jacqueline Novogratz, the founder of Acumen Funds, describes her vision of the poverty problem and how it can be solved. The business in Africa requires training, support and access to new markets and contacts. The understanding of the fact that the business could be run only with the combination of investment β†’

Nelson mandela as a leader of his nation

He succeeded because he had a clear vision of what needed to happen in order to unify both black and white people in South Africa and achieve peace. Mandela was a humble man. Like other icons of civil disobedience, such as Martin Luther King and Gandhi, Nelson Mandela was a humble man. One of the β†’

Witness to the assassination of malcolm x essay sample

On February 21, 1965 Malcolm X was preparing to address the Organization of Afro-American Unity in Manhattan's Audubon Ballroom where he was gunned down by three men, one of the gunmen was a member of the Nation of Islam Talmadge Hayer. However, I believe that this event might also strengthen the Nation Of Islam because β†’

Good example of church disciplining in african-american denominations essay

Disciplining in church refers to expressing disapproval over someone's action that will call for that person to repent in order to be forgiven by God and to continue carrying out church activities. In Africa Methodist church which is an example of African-American denomination a clergy, a member of the congregation or any other person in β†’

Effective pastoral counseling in africa

Thus, the process of assessment in Africa should concentrate, among other factors, on the constructive and destructive role of the community and the strength of beliefs in supernatural causes of distress in order to focus the probing and interpretation of the conversation. Pastoral diagnosis should therefore assess the constructive or destructive tendencies of these elements. β†’

Statement of task

The treatment of slaves and the Indian indentures were different. Payments were granted to the East Indian immigrants.

Compare and contrast of nigeria and south africa essay sample

In both Nigeria and South Africa are being mistreated by the westerners and that is one of the many problems they are currently trying to fix. In Nigeria many different problems occur. The apartheid caused many of the blacks to be mistreated by the whites and the government.

Essay on african art

Additionally, the fact that one can actually speak in more than two African languages for example in Swahili, Yoruba, Shona, Zulu and other African languages actually demonstrates that there exists a Pan-African aesthetics or art. In addition, the existence of Pan-African aesthetics is evidenced by the presence of various works of art in almost all β†’

African youths – driving force for global agenda 2030

The trend is remarkable in Africa where the youths are not only driving innovations addressing SDGs, but they are also demanding their seat on roundtables discussing the global agenda 2030. The African continent is undergoing profound demographic change with over 60% of the population under 30 years, 41% below 15 years old while another 19% β†’

Daniella exama

A few flaws I believe that Hansberry did not give were enough information on the appearance of the African people. For example, if BET did a documentary, I believe they would choose the top professors in University to give their input on the " Africa's Golden Past " and a simply autobiography of William Leo β†’

Sports bar essay sample

Though each cater for specific needs and tastes, one thing they all have in common is the ice-cold South African beer they serve DID YOU KNOW? Cape Town's Perseverance Tavern, built in 1808, is the oldest pub in South Africa. South Africa is both a sports- and beer-mad country so it comes β†’

The grassland (savanna) essay sample

Savanna's especially are known to be tropical grasslands and are found on either side of the equator, right on the edges of the more tropical rainforests. During the summer the average rainfall for the Savanna is about 15 to 25 inches of rain.

Nelson mandela as a leader

He was inaugurated the first black president of South Africa on 10 May 1994. In this exercise it is discuss about the Leadership qualities of the Nelson Mandela and how he applied the same until South Africa achieved the Freedom from the evil of apartheid and end of his Career. Leadership Analysis " It is β†’

Steps that need to be taken to provide clean and safe water for haiti

Inspired by Cotton On, our group wanted to help people in need in a unique way, that most people might not be willing to do, which is to provide countries with no access to clean water, with potable water. Mission The mission of this project is to provide clean and safe drinking water for β†’

Aids funding for africa and other countries

Almost all its countries are weighed down by the disease; and they have no resources to fund research on, and treatment of, the disease. Main Body The African Situation Africa is the region most badly hit by the AIDS phenomenon. 1%, repectively.(Kanabus & Fredriksson-Bass, β†’

The manifestation of the three dimensions of globalization in africa

Globalization is multifaceted consisting of different dimensions such as the spatio temporal, material and cognitive dimensions. Spatio temporal Dimension The spatial dimension of globalization refers to the shrinking of the world in terms of space and time. However, enhancing information flow is not sufficient enough and the focus of ICT's shifted to the transformation β†’

Justice (as fairness and ubuntu) and equal education opportunities in south african school

Introduction In the 1970s Harvard University political scientist John Rawls argued that a society is well-ordered when it is effectively regulated by a public conception of justice in which " everyone accepts and knows that the others accept the same principles of justice, and the basic social institutions β†’

Globalisation and political transformation in africa

The people knew each other, and in fear of becoming social outcasts, they would think twice before going against the laws of the village. This form of governance also allowed for decisions regarding the community to be made by all members of the community. This would make for a more transparent government both to its β†’

Rift valley fever research paper

Out of the 684 cases described, only 234 cases were confirmed in the Laboratory while the rest of the cases were not confirmed (Rift Valley Fever Outbreak, 2007). On the other hand, a sum of 264 cases of RFV was reported in Tanzania between 13 January and May 3, 2007. β†’

Christianity and traditional culture: a study of their judging principles that generate conflict in modern african societies

Religion also provides a set of principles and rules that are expected to ordain the steps that followers should follow in order to be controlled in their ways of life and in the worship of their god. Also the problem of the different forms of conflict and conflict resolution in Christianity and traditional culture is β†’

Nelson mandela

Nelson Mandela " I dream of the realization of the unity of Africa, whereby its leaders combine in their efforts to solve the problems of this continent. Through his leadership, Nelson Mandela transformed the African National Congress [ANC] from a resistance group to a legitimate alternative to the ruling government of South Africa.During the β†’

Example of political science report

The whole region also gained benefit from exposure and was introduced to a number of inventions discoveries which were taking place out of this region. Any person who belongs to the region that is known as Arab world or Arab league is an Arab. It was a dispute of interests and implantation of own agendas β†’

Environmental issues in the niger delta essay sample

Hitherto Ke was one of the most peaceful places in the eastern part of Niger Delta. The aftermath of that invasion was a proliferation of light weapons into the hands of non-state actors which led to a state of apprehension, uncertainty, chaos, anarchy and insecurity in the land. What do you expect?

Research essay examples

It is to imply that the objectives of the research would then be outlined and stipulated in this part or aspect. The objective of the research would then be centered and focused around this part where the research would decipher the possible reasons as to why, there is marginalization.

Free essay on rhetorical appeals

Just to mention a few, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2001, as the founder of the Global AIDS and Health Fund. In essence, I categorize him as a successful person with a list of endless awards from all over the world. In the current generation, people view their leaders in various dimensions.

Imperialism in africa and india

David Livingstone traveled with group of Africans into deep Africa to promote Christianity Several years past and people thought he was dead Henry Stanley went to find him and succeeded Stanley wanted to trace course of Congo River In 1879 and 1882 Stanley signed treaties with local chiefs of the Congo River Valley Gave King β†’

Example of report on china on oil

This report contains the background of China's main deficiency in oil, the importance of the issue to the United States, and proposals to the US legislative assemblies as to how the federal government influence the problem. Background: China's Oil Problem After the 1946 civil war, China has set its eyes into industrialization and modernization β†’

Acemoglu and robinson’s theory regarding to algerian government

With such a horrific and recurring event surfacing in the news, my curiosity was piqued; I wanted to learn more about the history of the relationship between the Algerian government and its people. With attempts at democracy in the past, Algeria currently sits in a deadlock between the president and the military. The ineffective policies β†’

Summary of nelson mandela’s inaugural speech, “glory and hope” essay sample

Summary of Nelson Mandela's Inaugural speech, " Glory and Hope" Essay Sample " Glory and Hope" was Nelson Mandela's 1994 inaugural speech as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa. As the first democratically elected State President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela planned to ease the transition, giving the Africans a β†’

The importance of school uniform essay sample

The new lighthouse is the most powerful in the world, with an electric light of 19 million candle power. * Drakensberg Mountains The Drakensberg is the country's most impressive mountain range and a very popular holiday destination. A landmark in this area is the " Hole-in-the-wall", a massive outcrop of rock rising from the β†’

Sample essay on apartheid policy

The policy was meant to fight against the civil right and social rights of the minority people in South Africa. The formation of the policy was as a result of racial discrimination in the country.

Expedient stealth essay sample

Invisibility is the way to go because an invisible person will not be isolated from society, and invisibility is more practical than flying. An invisible person will not be seen and marked with a label by society. If you were hungry all you would have to do is turn invisible, take what you want, β†’

Youth employment services (yes) in south africa

Throughout this essay we will look deeper into what YES offers, how their solutions about unemployment could be beneficial as well the reasons for why South Africa faces high unemployment rates. YES objectives is to create employment for the young people of South Africa, focusing on the proper way as to how to construct a β†’

The slaving voyage of the albion-frigate essay sample

Even though Barbot writes about how well the slaves were kept in his ship, he also talks about how the slaves rebelled. Barbot also writes about the singing and dancing the slaves do on deck but Equiano writes that slaves of all kinds were chained together and kept in the lower deck.

Good example of evolution of man essay

The paper will address the time through the forest- savannah transition in east Africa and through to the first hand axe and spear making, a period of approximately three million years ago. The pre-human ancestors went from among the weakest and defenseless prey on the plains of African grassland to the voracious terror of the β†’

Trans-saharan trade

The Trans-Saharan Trade was a very important trade route that ran across the Sahara between the Mediterranean countries and West Africa. In early Trans-Saharan trade, small trade routes around the Nile Valley were being utilized throughout the millennia, while travels across the Sahara prior to the domestication of the camel were difficult.

American involvement in n. africa during world war ii (revised)

They wanted the Americans to clear the axis force in the Mediterranean shores of North America and open up that great inland sea for the allied convoys to move in. This culminated into a deadlock that made Brooke to consider switching the America army's emphasis from European theatre of operations to the β†’

Gok (government of kenya) interventions: kibera

To make matters worse, in 2007, the Kenyan government stated that sustainable access to water had dropped by 20%, particularly in the poor settlements where approximately 50% of the population live. A recent BBC report has found government interventions are being put in place to rejuvenate the area by providing permanent structures and sewage systems, β†’

Example of lacanian discourse analysis report

The methodology section is to explain basic concepts which are used in the analysis of the tale and to justify and contextualize the employed approach. These four discourses, proposed by Jacques Lacan are known as the Discourse of the Master, Discourse of the University, Discourse of the Hysteric and Discourse of the Analyst.

The atlantic world argumentative essay example

However, the Portuguese came to add another commodity in their ship which was all about slaves and they involved men and women (Falola, Toyin, and Kevin, 67) The trade resulted to negative impacts and they affected the political stability, religion and social life of the native inheritors. At the end of β†’

Harrysong – nigerian singer, songwriter and instrumentalist

In the said year, Harrysong was nominated as the Artiste of the year at the Ghana Music Awards and won the 2015 Creative Person of the Year at the Sun Awards. The singer was born to Nigerian parents on March 20, 1981, in Warri, Delta State. Harrysong later left the environment and began to learn β†’

Ap world africa dbq

Some wanted to cooperate peacefully, others wanted to withstand European pressure, but most of all, most Africans wanted to react violently and rebel against the Europeans. This is the reason why the Africans gave up hope and accepted the European ways to the scramble.

The major socio-cultural experiences of african americans

Most was lost through the enslavement of African people and the systems of social policy's in place, historically and today, that continue suppress African tradition and culture from the African Americans. The Mali also expanded their trade routes to include Europeans; before the discovery of the New World much of the gold in Europe was β†’

Good term paper about the history and spread of islam in africa

Up to date the mosque remains an essential infrastructure in the history of Islam in Africa as it is one of the biggest in the western Muslim world. The conquering of the Berbers was a significant boost to the spread of Islam in Africa. The History of Islam in Africa.

Poetry essay

I feel he also shows us his views on human society through using the hawk and its ideas as a metaphor to that of a human. He tells of the perfection needed by the hawk and also humans as we strive to find faults in what occurs in society.

The indian ocean trade network 100 – 1500 essay sample

The city-states were easy to reach from Asia by ship because of the favorable wind and ocean currents. And the Portuguese were not the only people who traded through the Indian Ocean Trade.

African americans in the early 1900’s essay sample

With years of oppression, government sponsored segregation, corruption in most all of the systems of government, and large groups of crazy racist, the America for African Americans then, was hardly even a real taste of what America should be to every citizen. With laws in the country, such as the Jim Crow laws, which β†’

Mandela’s lessons of leadership essay sample

Towards the end of his political career Mandela was asked to give insight to his leadership skills, from his detailed response the two most important traits of Mandela's leadership that stuck me the most are knowing one's enemy and quitting is leading too.. Mandela's leadership trait that knowing one's enemy is a main factor in β†’

Commentary on a passage from cry, the beloved country.

Alan Paton mainly discusses the struggle for Africa and especially the conflicts between the Whites and the Blacks in South Africa. The manuscript by Arthur shows that although the Westerners have suppressed the natives and destroyed their culture, their own civilization is full of destruction and tragedy.

Sub saharan africa food insecurity environmental sciences essay

Once the land-use and harvest simulation theoretical accounts are run, the estimated alteration of crop-yields will be fed into IMPACT and BLS theoretical accounts in order to measure the impact of clime alteration on nutrient security and hazard of hungriness. Measuring the Impact of Climate Change on Migration and Conflict.

Research proposal on finance

Renewable energy independent power producers in South Africa: The analysis of financial mechanisms for small and medium enterprises With the increased cost of power production and generation in most countries across the world, particularly the developed and developing ones, the global countries have found it necessary to major in renewable sources of energy, β†’

The great zimbabwe essay sample

Thus, a linguistic analysis of the word Zimbabwe clearly indicates that the origin of the word refers to the ancient city of Great Zimbabwe whose buildings were built of stone boulders. The first theory could be said to have the advantage of a linguistic analysis that produces an outcome ties with it the physical nature β†’

Three west african kingdoms

One of the most commonly used and oldest trade routes in the world is the Trans Sahara route which crosses the Sahara desert and leads to the West African coast. As a result to the location of this trade route all three empires were located south of the desert to be the β†’

Essentialism: gender role

Thus men and women are subject to gender role that is their define occupation, behaviour and role in the society. Non essentialism is that difference in men and women behaviour and role is culturally and socially constructed. The article " Scrap that single woman stereotype" , illustrate the essentialist view of β†’

Good example of feminism in the woman upstairs by claire messud research paper

The novelist Claire Messud promoted The Woman Upstairs, in which the protagonist is a woman of 42 years who rebels against the role of a nice girl which society has given her. It is a book that humor dictates whether you like it or not and, like the sons of the emperor, create followers β†’

Two reviews of angela davis

Winter, Off Our Backs The reviewer focused on the different parts of history of the African American woman as well as the history of all women as a whole. She broke up the review by discussing each chapter to coincide with Davis' break up of her book and focused on the important details of each β†’

Fragmented feminism:

Essentially, this definition of politics excluded women that were restricted to the private sphere of the home and gave the issue of gender equality very little political importance. Feminists are united in wanting to remove the notions of women as the second sex and men as the dominant.

Theme of feminism in the women who walked into doors

She also stated that he had a criminal record as if it were a good thing and rather attractive. As the novel progresses a lot of feminist theories are presented such as the audacity is young women in the 90's and even in current times. One of the most important being the reliance β†’

Radical feminist view on porn

They would frown upon child pornography and the kind of pornography that places the male gender in the driving seat and where men are under control. The reason that Radical feminists would have a negative outlook on pornography that places men under control is because this school of thoughts view β†’

The impact of gender in oral proficiency testing

The alternative therefore is the tolerance of cultural differences to extent the assessment to pragmatic competence in the second language. With reference to the above question, this article is highly relevant as it positions the paradigm of cross-cultural differences as it recognizes the unconscious effect of cultural differences on the ability of the interviewer to β†’

Societies role upon the woman of today

In order to break the chain that has been placed on women and beauty, Sontag argues that women should distance themselves from beauty and question what it is to be feminine. During the publication of Sontag's article, there was not as much pressure or technology for women to achieve the ideal beauty that the American β†’

Gender inequality in europe: negative impacts on estonian women

The problem of gender inequality has negatively impacted Estonian women in economic, social, and political aspects of life in Estonia. Furthermore, sexism has also led to the diminished social and political power of women in Estonian society.

Free essay on art & architecture

This book is credited with starting the second phase of the feminist movement in the United States. This book is credited with being closely associated with this term because it provided a historical perspective as well as the current view about the women's liberation movement. This book very closely reflects the idea that personal is β†’

Role of women in modern india essay sample

In addition, it allows special provisions to be made by the State in favour of women and children ), renounces practices derogatory to the dignity of women ), and also allows for provisions to be made by the State for securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief..[35] β†’

Types of prejudice

Types of Prejudice PSY322 Intergroup Relations Jonathan Cadieux Outline - - - - - Model of Prejudice Sexism Overweight Sexual Orientation Ageism Fiske Prejudice Model 4 Types of Groups Based on Competence and Warmth Competence: perceived group status Warmth: perceived competition Group 1: Incompetent but warm Low status, not competitive Results in Paternalistic Prejudice β†’

The dyanmics of female representation in changes by ama ata aidoo

While Aidoo clearly demonstrates the ability of women to reject the roles imposed on them and assert their independence, it is equally clear that Esi is able to do so because of her position of privilege and because she does not face the material restraints that the majority of women do. She seems to suggest β†’


Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behaviour. Subculture: An alternative system of values and beliefs that does not conform to the mainstream cultural and social beliefs of a society.

Examine the patterns of and reasons for domestic violence in society (24 marks)

Examine the patterns of and reasons for domestic violence in society Domestic violence is defined as physical, sexual or financial violence taking place within an intimate or family type relationship and forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour. The Marxist view on domestic violence is very similar to the New Right β†’

How is patriarchal and gender power shown in shakespeare

The ideas of patriarchal and gender power are illustrated extensively in Shakespearean 'The Tempest' through the relationships portrayed in the play, and the plays symbolic depiction of colonialism. The women of the play are never responsible for moving the action forward, but serve only as a ground upon which the action moves β†’

Example of essay on women in leadership in higher education

According to this study, women have life experiences that are unique from those of men and that the impact of these on the behaviour of women in patriarchal settings needs to be studied in depth. Theories of gender in organizations: a new approach to organizational analysis and change.

Example of research paper on back to blaxploitation

In these films, the black community focuses on issues of racial oppression, economic destitution, emasculation and drug addiction in their post-Civil Rights neighborhoods, while women still suffer from being subject to men being threatened by their potentially increased agency and power. One significant source of visual imagery and representation for black nationality and pride is β†’

Application assignment #1

The second key component of a social problem is subjective concern, the concern that a significant number of people (or a number of significant people) have about the objective condition. On the other side of this issue are sociologists who are convinced that they have a moral obligation to take a stand." If sociology is β†’

Critically explore the claim that women have been excluded from the history of sociology.

531-546 Blackwell Publishing http://www.jstor.org/stable/590132? seq= 4 Moving on to more recent surveys of the profession, it becomes clear that there has not been a substantial improvement in the employment of prospects for women in sociology, although the subjective situation of women sociologists has probably been improved through the support of Women's Caucus and increased attention β†’

Feminism in movies just wright movie review

While the term refers to cinema only, it has become such a wide phenomenon that one can assume that the term is applicable to books as well as with the growing popularity of the genre, books like Girls in Pants: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants have become best sellers. This is done in a β†’

Jane eyre: a critical analysis of gender relations in victorian literature

Their treatment is a subject that is explored and critiqued throughout the literature of the time, and subsequent analysis by literary commentators. As Maynard comments ; ' Few observers of the Victorian Scene have failed to point out the unusual degree of sexual restraint imposed upon social life and published literature'. β†’

Notes: judith butler gender trouble

Thus " gender trouble" is the fear of losing one's place in gender, and this is a " crisis in ontology experienced at the level of both sexuality and language".- she draws a distinction between gender hierarchy and gender normativity and between gender and sexuality, the latter with the condition that there exists a sexual β†’

Feminism and the role of women critical thinking sample

The paper uses the feminist lens to critically analyze the feminist themes that are evident in the movie while relating them to the real life situation. The movie comprises scenes where women have to deal with difficult situations without mentioning their husbands. The men in the movie, however, are less talked of since they are β†’

Feminist lens: a perspective – the awakening

Feminist Lens: A Perspective - The Awakening Kristin Miller South University Online Feminist Lens: A Perspective - The Awakening During the late nineteenth century, a woman's place in society was confined to the reverence of her children and constant submission to her husband. Whereas, the " historical perspective, look at the political, social, racial, β†’

“motherhood: who needs it?” an evaluation essay sample

To choose not to use the equipment is no more blocking what is instinctive than it is for a man who, muscles or no, chooses not to be a weight lifter". Rollin then refers to God as the cause of the " motherhood problem"."...the word of God that got the ball rolling with ' β†’

Emma watson’s speech ” gender equality is your issue too” essay sample

Another frequent relation to gender is the equality between the female and male sex. The question about gender equality is raised in the speech " Gender equality is your issue too" written and presented by the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson, who your might also recognise from the highly acknowledged " Harry Potter" β†’