A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The value system of homer in the odyssey essay sample

Odyssey The value system of Homer in the Odyssey is very well reflected in the book through the characters of the poem. This shows the anger of the characters. ' Odyssey' by contrast is certain that he belongs in Ithaca, his earth rooted bed and the fruit trees of his youth β†’

The hero of the odyssey essay sample

Throughout The Odyssey, by Homer, Odysseus showed amazing personal qualities that enabled him to survive his adventures. His third stop on his voyage home to Ithaca was the land of the Cyclopes, where Odysseus successfully escaped danger. Not only did Odysseus need these qualities to get home, he also required the use of them β†’

Odysseus and recognition

Which scenes of the Odyssey between Odysseus' return to Ithaca and his slaughter of the Suitors show Homer at his best as a story teller.' In the Odyssey Homer has created a poem to stir the depths of an audience's emotions, able to create scenes both full of anger at the Suitors' arrogance β†’

Analysis of the concept of hope in the poems life and hope is a thing with feathers

The theme they have in common is hope though it is described in different ways, it has similar qualities. Life In Charlotte Bronte's poem, " Life" she explains life will not be perfect, you will wake up hearing the pitter patter of the rain falling and think to yourself it is going to be β†’

Emily dickinson’s exploration of death essay example

The narrator does not seem afraid of death, and appears to accept her demise easily. " I Heard a Fly Buzz" depicts the setting and the mood at the instant when a person dies. The fly is interrupting the death scene and the poem.

Biographical influences on plath’s daddy

This latter conclusion is understandable; close inspection of Plath's diary, biographies, and the lines of " Daddy" exhume a potent parallels between the events described in the poem and the events of Plath's life. Beginning with the most obvious parallel as well as the poem's central theme of a " girl with an Electra complex," β†’

Zimmer in grade school essay sample

Therefore, the poem " Zimmer in Grade School" is all about Zimmer and his perception towards everything relating to his school. I could say that Zimmer may not have a regular or enough time spent with his parents; a reason for him to feel slightly humiliated. He knows how not β†’

Essay on beowulf movie vs poem

Whereas, in the motion picture he remains in the land of the Danes and turns to be the king of the Hrothgar's kingdom. Secondly, in the poem Beowulf takes the life of Grendel's mother, while in the film they have sexual intercourse and soon Grendel's mother gives birth to a dragon-like child.

Cold mountain/the odyssey comparison essay sample

These are two of the tricks that Penelope plays in order to cope with her struggles during Odysseus' absence. Charles Frazier's Cold Mountain tells the story of Inman, a soldier, and Ada, his love. Eventually Odysseus overcomes all of the barriers he faces and returns home to his family. On the other hand, β†’

Tennyson vs homer ulysses vs oddyseus essay sample

The portrayal of Ulysses is a hero that has already completed his journey, but he wishes to go back on another journey. Odysseus's longing for his homecoming is wrought with temptation to swerve from his goal but he resisted it due to his desire to return home. Odysseus is the complete representation of the β†’

To sir toby by philip freneau research paper example

This is because the slave owners are in charge of the weird actions that take place on the island. The poem further presents the extreme discrimination and wicked oppression of man's defeat within the society of slavery. The flow of language requires in-depth analysis of the words in the verses in order to digest the β†’

The tide rises, the tide falls.

The tide rises, the tide falls, The twilight darkens, the curlew calls; Along the sea-sands damp and brown The traveler hastens toward the town, And the tide rises, the tide falls. Darkness settles on roofs and walls, But the sea, the sea in darkness calls; The little waves, with their soft, white hands Efface the β†’

The odyssey essay

The reader would think Odysseus is a hero because in the epic no matter the tragedy he faces from the gods, specifically Poseidon, he overcomes the obstacles. In the end Odysseus showed heroism in good and bad ways but to many he is still considered a hero.

Essay on beowulf

Wiglaf appears to be the new hero at the end of the poem after he was able to help his lord in fighting the dragon. He was there with his lord to help him fight and conquer the enemy of the land because that was the reason why he was a warrior in the battlefield β†’

Homer in book 9 of the odyssey

From the opening scene of Book Nine of Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus uses his cunning to win the respect and honor of the Phai kians and their king, Alk no s. His stupidity is showcased when he allows himself and men to go and stay in the cave of the Kyklops, which eventually leads to the β†’

Planting a sequoia essay sample

The speaker of the poem plants a sequoia tree in the memory of his son and this suggests the consistent tone present in the poem which is of a hopeful one. This may suggest the smooth transition the speaker experienced as he coped with the traumatic experience of his son's death by planting a new β†’

My last duchess report example

From the choice of words by the Duke, it is evident that the Duke was unhappy with the Duchess innocently flirtatious and friendly nature. It's quite obvious that the Duke to paint an innocent picture of himself but on the contrary, the guilt is so loud. The death and the circumstances in which the duchess β†’

About john milton’s paradise lost in english literature

Paradise Lost was written about the ultimate spiritual battle between good and evil, Milton's purpose in writing this great epic was to justify God's ways to humankind. He wanted people to know that God's always in control of everything, even when evil looks to be winning it's only because God allowed it to happen. The β†’

3 poems

In the talk William Carlos Williams and Robert Frost weaves several loosely connected topics into the general theme of a meaningful American identity in " The Red Wheel Barrow", " The Road Not Taken" and " Stopping By Woods" : the European discovery of America and war with England, the balance between liberty and β†’

Essay on comparison and contrast of paintings of two artists

It is important to mention here that Childe is one of the titles of the olden times that were given to the male offspring of a nobleman. Among the people in the front, the man in a habit of monks is regarded as Childe Harold. It was in 1920s that Turner developed a strong admiration β†’

The concept of love in selected poems research paper examples

Importance of Love in Love is Not All and Since feeling is First " Love" is probably the most frequent and debatable topic as being identified in the arena of poetry. This signifies the importance of love in life. The other poem portraying the theme of love is " Since feeling is First".E.E.

Example of exegesis planning project research paper

The resurrection of Jesus sent a message of hope and power in the holy lands. The resurrection of Jesus as recorded in the book of Mark sets the humiliation, conquer and unfairness of the crucifixion and the death of Christ. And was this the best way for Saint Mark to end the book? The β†’

The anger of achilleus

" Sing, goddess, the anger of Peleus' son Achilleus and its devastation, which put pains thousandfold upon the Achaians...and the will of Zeus was accomplished since that time when first there stood in division of conflict Atreus' son the lord of men and brilliant Achilleus".Thus begins Homer's Iliad, a narrative, on certain levels, of the β†’

The brain-is wider than the sky- by emily dickinson literature review example

However, when taken in its entirety, the reader needs to examine the structure, form, symbols, choice of words and figurative language to enhance audience appeal and to solicit the use of cognitive and analytical skills to unveil the author's meaning. The structure of the poem perfectly conformed to a numbered pattern: eight syllables for

Good example of research paper on riders to the sea

Maurya's resigned, beautiful speech and that of others drew me to her plight and helped me relate to her. The content of the poem is another element that brings out the quality of the poem; the poem addresses the hardships and difficulties that come with life in rural Ireland, as well as the fear of β†’

Whitlams poem to a stranger essay sample

In his poem " To a Stranger", Walt Whitman delivers an impeccable piece of literary work that exalts the body, concepts of attachment, sexual love, romantic friendship and the comprehensive theme of homosexuality." To a Stranger" signifies traditional ideologies of love at first sight as the subject of the poem speaks of his love β†’

Swing valley poem analysis

Through the development of the character, Ronald, and the speaker from Swing valley, we are able to apprehend how recollection memories can lead to happiness. When it comes to ecstasy, it's not a word in Ronald's dictionary. In life, this is a metaphor of that moment of finally achieving the goal you β†’

Poetry analysis essay examples

The author has beautifully used vowel sound in the rhymes ' touch' and ' much' which again has been repeated into the words ' enough, ' and ' rough'. After analyzing the poem " To Earthward" one aspect that comes into the mind of readers is β†’

Was emily dickinson leading an isolated life?

In the later part of her life, people began to call her a mythical figure as she became the most isolated person and used to stay most of the time in the confines of her home. I feel this is not so as in early part of her life she was a socialized person and β†’

Cunning as a defining characteristic

In this book, Odysseus uses his cunning to rid his home of the unwelcome suitors, and Penelope, in turn, uses her cunning to protect not only herself, but her people as well, by forcing Odysseus to prove his identity to her. Also augmenting Penelope's unwillingness to accept Odysseus' return is her awareness of the results β†’

Metamorphoses: mary zimmerman’s play critique

The pool is used symbolically, like with Myrrha's, and literally, such as the naval battle, and it is an integral part of this production because of all the things it represents and the novelty it adds to the entire show. Another part of the production, which may not stand out as much as the pool β†’

The hero comes to heorot: beowulf vs. grendel essay samples

The ancient, alliterative poem tells the tale of the adventures of the strong and courageous warrior, Beowulf, who comes to the aid of Hrothgar, King of the Danes. Beowulf himself is the nephew of Higelac, King of the Geats, and is said to have the strength of 30 men in each of his arms..

Beowulf as a great hero

Honestly, who could deny that Beowulf was one of the greatest heroes of all time? I will wait. Beowulf was the epitome of strength and fearlessness.

The golden compass and paradise lost

Eve decided to eat the apple and after sharing this news with Adam, he decides to eat the apple too. One of the main underlying conflicts in Paradise Lost is the concept of free will. The twist to this tree is that knowledge is the awareness of everything, including good and evil.

The forge by seamus heaney essay sample

The call here is the phone call home but the speaker also meditates on the idea of a person being called home to God as in the medieval play ' Everyman'.* The opening of the poem, it could be argued, is not poetry, it is ordinary, everyday speech. And yet the arrangement of the lines β†’

Free to his coy mistress essay example

So poetry are inevitable part of literature. Literary Genre Analysis To his coy mistress The speaker of Andrew Marvell's poem," to his coy mistress" addresses to the women who is slow in responses to his sexual advancements and uses exaggerated metaphors to seduce his mistress. Though this rhetoric is harsh but the speaker craftily β†’

The odyssey, an epic

Measured by these criteria, Homer's classic tale certainly qualifies as an epic: Odysseus, King of Ithaca and hero of the Trojan War, sails boldy around the Mediterranean on a difficult ten-year voyage, escapes from several perilous encounters, and reclaims his home after he acknowledges the powerful influence of the gods in the lives of mortal β†’

Analysis poem β€˜no coward soul is mine’

Arming then has meaning as verb. The denotative meaning from arm is part of body which consist of two long parts of the upper body that fixed to the shoulders and have hands at the end. The connotative meaning of Rock here is the faith, beliefs, or religion that people have to β†’

Discovery in ernesto β€˜che’ guevara’s “the motorcycle diaries” and “invictus” by william ernest henley

Both these texts demonstrate this process of discovery are confronting and aggressive, leaving a major impact on an individual, resulting in a change of their perspective on the world surrounding them, through perspectives of self-discovery, geographical discovery and physical discovery. Discoveries involve a process of transformation which can result in healing, reconciliation and renewal ideologies. β†’

Poetic analysis of to a sad daughter written by michael ondaatje essay sample

In order to make the connection between the author's motive in the poem, and its effectiveness through analysis- one must first understand the context of the poem. The poem appears to be written by a single father, to his only child , in hopes to help " you delicately step into the wild β†’

Ballad of the three spectres essay sample

" As I went up by Ovilliers / In mud and water cold to the knee" : the poem begins with a realistic scene in the Somme, as a soldier tramps through the flooded British trenches." three jeering, fleering spectres": The ghosts are laughing, mocking the soldier." Here's a right brave soldier": the first β†’

Role of telemachus in “the odyssey” essay sample

Telemachus has active mind and stout heart and he is on the way to match his father's skills and cunning. The Importance of Telemachus From the beginning of the epic novel it may seem that Telemachus plays central role as Odysseus does not appear till Telemachus realizes his responsibilities before his palace β†’

The huawei p smart

You will spare a considerable measure of cash over a 2-year contract with a Huawei P Smart. See all Huawei P Smart arrangements Huawei has figured out how to mix the correct level of specs with an eye-getting sticker price, which makes the P Smart a luring spending purchase. Huawei P Smart cost and β†’

The conflict between free will and the divine

Supporting the belief that Man is created with sufficient qualities to withstand on his own, Milton's God effectively detaches himself from the implications of Man's fall upon Adam and Eve's eating from the Tree of Knowledge. Not only is free will compatible with the doctrine of Milton's God, but also it serves as the epitome β†’

Common theme essay sample

Oblivious of the society, their acts bring them happiness and fulfillment. In the poem, Love Calls Us to the Things of This World, Richard Wilbur talks of human existence and the human soul's acceptance that the temporal world is flawed. It is through love that the soul comes to comprehend β†’

The importance of “in flanders fields” by colonel john mccrae essay sample

This use of representational colours is another vital piece of reasoning behind the point that " In Flanders Fields" is of key importance to the anthology. Many of the themes that run through the first part of the anthology are all present in the poem, three of the main themes are death, honour and β†’

Lucy poems by william wordsworth essay sample

The use of nature in Lucy poems serves six major purposes: connecting with the readers, developing the plot, juxtaposing the beauty of nature with the cruelty of death, developing the theme of love, bringing out other literary devices in the poems, indicating the setting of the poems and letting the reader know the inspiration behind β†’

Death in death, be not proud by john donne

Death is the reason that a man finds Resurrection. The speaker first humbles death by telling him that he has the power to kill, but truthfully he has no power at all. He offends death and tells him that he is not to be feared, but just a slave to the will of fate, and β†’

Man and satan – kindred spirits in a chaotic universe

Satan is the aspect of humanity that strays from the path of God and ceases to see the universe in terms of Good and Evil. It is in this way that Milton not only explains the ways of God to man, but at the same time makes it clear that these ways of God make β†’

Odysseus as a bad leader in the poem

Odysseus was not a great leader, all his actions explain everything. First he let his men die, odysseus did not tell his men about the danger. This proves that odysseus terms of leadership are lacking. If odysseus was a good leader he would of have let all his men know about the danger but he β†’

Comparing and contrasting keats and shakespeare essay samples

The difference the speaker finds between the maiden and a summer day is that the beauty of the maiden is more perfect, and more timeless than a summer's day. In the present moment of contemplating this beauty, it is the beauty then that is transcendent of the moment, and as a result it is an β†’

American revolution

Even though we did not yet have a stable government, we had the framework set in which set a stage for democracy for more than one hundred years. The first thing I will address in this essay is the change made in politics because of the American Revolution, and the age of Enlightenment. But the β†’

Impact of technology revolution

One of the question that came into my mind is how do you measure the effectiveness of IT in an organization? Typically IT function of an organization is involved in the development, implementation and maintenance of numerous information technologies or systems. In evaluating the success and effectiveness of IT department it is essayer β†’

The 1911 revolution: china

The revolution ceased with the abdication of Puyi , marking the end of 2, 000 years of imperial rule and the beginning of China's republic epoch with Sun Yatsen, as the first president of the new republic. However the 1911 revolution was the first to cause the downfall of a monarchy entirely and attempt to β†’

Differences between revolution and resistance in haiti an cuba assignment

The principal has a need to control the agent, or to make the agent accountable to the principal. When it comes to what for and to who whom is the Public Service accountable to is plain and simple, it's to the Canadian society of majorities and minorities.

Mexican and russian revolutions

The similarities of these two revolutionary bodies were most prominently in their inceptions. To begin with, both the groups of rebellious citizens were of similar social status and under similar influence. Second, as just mentioned, the political/economic systems of both nations were verily antipodal. While Mexico adopted free and β†’

Texas revolution land grab

The United States essentially wants Texas for slavery rights, sees opportunity to make more money by increased settlers, and to increase their size. Moses Austin had only brought in 297 families in to his new colony but as more settlers come there is controversy about the rules set. The south and the β†’

The arts: renaissance and reformation, enlightenment and revolution

The reformation of the church occurred during the Renaissance period. The cause of the Reformation was the excessive power that the church wielded on the people. The cause of the Enlightenment was to educate the human race about what was real about life. The revolution was as a result of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment.

Low cost airlines have revolutionised flying – but at what price

On the contrary to what one might think, a low cost flight is not more dangerous than a regular one, because technical inspections are made regularly by the same companies, no matter the costs of the flight tickets. Otherwise, they would not be allowed to fly anymore. An other advantage is economies : a low β†’

Dbq industrial revolution assignment

This was the Industrial Revolution, which began in Britain around the mid eighteen hundreds and started to influence the rest of Europe and then the world. It involved new and more efficient ways of organizing tasks, it led to increase in agricultural productivity, the harnessing of plentiful labor and the expanded role of financial institutions β†’

Fidel castro leader of the cuban revolution history essay

But this was just the beginning of Fidel Castro's 49 years of contributions to the Cuban people's liberation and to oppressed people the world over. Fidel Castro announced that he would not seek or accept the position of president or commander in chief in Cuba's February elections. Fidel Castro led the Cuban revolution to victory β†’

Industrial revolution assignment

Learners, especially students have been very quick at embracing technology as the means to reach the most up-dated information in order to open themselves to the world as ell as to see how the world touches them. Accordingly, with the help of modern technology, students can learn more information and learn It more quickly. The β†’

Sugar revolution

Objectives What is the sugar revolution? What were the reasons for the change from tobacco to sugarcane (better termed a the sugar revolution) in the 17th century Assess the social political and economical consequences which resulted from the change of β†’

Industrial revolution assignment

One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general.7. We argue that a very important and influential segment of the modern left is oversocialized and that β†’

Industrial revolution in great britain assignment

Amongst all the progression with machinery and production, the Industrial Revolution also triggered the population explosion along with the agricultural and energy revolution. The person that triggered the Industrial Revolution was Thomas Newcomer. With his knowledge on the market and his expertise with the machinery, the improvement of the engine granted Britain a great competitive β†’

Unique and revolutionary principles of the sas institute business essay

Each member of the squad works on the country that pertains to their division of the company to increase the quality of new merchandise development thoughts every bit good as addition the velocity in which merchandises are available to the market. The ability to stay current and advanced is the ground the squads are of β†’

Jack davis’ revolutionary play no sugar essay sample

The play seeks to expose the racist attitudes experienced by Indigenous people at the hands of the white authority, whilst simultaneously promoting the strength of those suffering, hoping to defy the oppressors and challenge the white power. As a playwright, Jack Davis shows clever manipulation of dramatic space to expose the lack of justice β†’

Abigail adams: witness to a revolution

Abigail's letters are her biography and it is through them that we understand her unique character, sense of humor, independent spirit, and her English language. It is through her writing that opens a window to our nation's history and brings Abigail Adams and her time to life. When Abigail was nineteen years β†’

The philippine revolution

The Revolution Begin=> After the discovery of the Katipunan, Bonifacio gathered his men in the hills of Balintawak. First Battle of the Revolution=> The first battle of the revolution took place at the town of San Juan del Monte at dawn of Sunday.

Industrial revolution dbq assignment

From a humanitarian point of view, and as a matter of public health, the cotton gin released millions of slaves from the drudgery of separating cotton balls from seeds. This interaction help made the cotton underwear, bedding, and bandages cheap for the first time in human history. Apart from a better existence for African slaves β†’

A literary revolutionary: william shakespeare

As a true pioneer of his time, Shakespeare introduced a never-before-seen world of powerful poetry and plays, and his lasting legacy made his name a symbol of language and literature for ages to come. Overall, he began to combine traditional and freer styles, and his writing became more passionate and dramatic, especially during dialogue and β†’

While it is traditionally held that marx and engels were against capitalism and thus the industrial revolution

An argument on how Marx and Engels believed that Industrialization was a positive development It is a known fact that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engelsfully opposed the ideals of capitalism and the Industrial revolution, but the fact remains that they believed that industrialization was a positive development and this fact will be established in this β†’

Free essay on revolutions

The end of the Revolution is considered among historians to be either the coup of 9 Thermidor that led to the overthrow of the Jacobin dictatorship and the establishment of the Directory, or the coup of 18 Brumaire which resulted in the loss of power of the Directory and the establishment β†’

Jose rizal : re-discovering the revolutionary filipino hero in the age of terrorism

The substantial biographies of Rizal - from Austin Craig to Rafael Palma, Leon Maria Guerrero to Austin Coates - all attempted to triangulate the ideas of the hero with his varying positions in his family, in the circle of his friends and colleagues in Europe, and in relation to the colonial Establishment. The priest avers β†’

The industrial revolution assignment

As manufacturing became factory based the centralization of the workforce lead to arbitration of the population and changed what had once been a agriculture based economy into a industrial based economy. With this growth in arbitration also came growth in the population that was sustained by the new economy, " In the eighty years or β†’

Free socialist realism and revolutionary romanticism essay sample

In a broader sense, the style embraces the role of the working class in the society and the meek. In the articles, the author gives a succinct and articulate review of the characteristics of the socialist realism in China.

The market revolution in america history essay

One sign of market revolution on economic impact was the rise of Wall Street and the New York City which was more general as the center for banking and finance in the young republic. Transportation revolution mostly in the North increased purchase of goods which were produced in the factories and workshops bringing about market β†’

The american revolution essay examples

It was a strategic decision as British government expected that the colonists would aid in the payment for the war as the government had fought with the interest of defending the colonies. The Stamp Act was the first tax where all colonists were required to buy tax stamps for nay printed materials. In fact, the β†’

Was the provisional government doomed from the beginning? a russian revolution assignment

On the other hand the Intentionalist school believe that the PG was not in fact doomed from the beginning and collapsed due to outside pressure from the peasants, workers and impact of revolutionary leaders such as Lenin. Lenin's revolutionary slogans such as " peace, land and bread"[2] shifted the support hugely from the PG to β†’

Women of the republic intellect ideology in revolutionary america book review examples

This paper discusses several aspects and facts related to the role of women in American Revolution and further analyses their condition in the contemporary American society. Though there are several books available on the issue but due to some salient facts and the vision adopted in the book by the Linda Kerber, the ' women β†’

Hungarian revolution

But there is no agreement among the many authors, former friends, political acquaintances and fellow revolutionaries regarding the precise impact of historical and political events in his life and in the era of the1950s on his political conviction. Imre Nagy was born to an ordinary peasant family in 1896, in the peak β†’

Bhagat singh: unique revolutionary

Different strands of thought " the Arya Samajist the pyrrhonistic the humanist and the Marxist " Leninist " went into the making of his personality. At home, he assimilated in him the nobility of his mother, Vidyavati, the literary acumen of his grandfather, Arjan Singh, the zeal for social service of his father Kishan Singh β†’

The perspective of individuals, a family and the society on cuban revolution

Although Garcia does not elaborate on the revolution, she strives to convince her readers that the revolution was a historical event that resulted in the migration of some Cubans to the U.S. Contrastingly, Celia's daughter, Lourdes is strongly opposed to the revolution and openly expresses her disdain for the " El Lider," a pick name β†’

Impact of the industrial revolution on the bourgeoisie and socialism

Due to the advancing economy and not having to work in the factories, the middle class received a life of luxury that directly contradicts the life of the working class. Despite the emphasis on improving the life of the working class, many workers found that it was only a partial solution to the problems caused β†’