A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Symbolism in the lottery by shirley jackson

If the lottery is the government, then the box has to be the decrees. This is connected to the fact that people's values were becoming " splintered" for the sake of the lottery.

Jay gatsby the tragic hero

We find out towards the middle of the book Gatsby is obsessed with Daisy to the point that his life is ' Daisy'. He lives for ' Daisy', but he does not live for the living Daisy. Gatsby is so infatuated with ' Daisy' that he is bent on the magnificent fantasy of a Daisy →

The ignominy of insanity

Faulkner tells the story of Emily Grierson in A Rose For Emily and how she, longing for companionship and love, is driven to insanity as isolation take a toll on her. The wallpaper is a key element that plays in the role of her mind slipping into insanity, as it is there that she finds →

Arthur miller about witches

In Millerr's The Crucible, he confronts the hard truth of what peopler's behavior did during the Salem witch trials to seemingly innocent women, along with relating it to Senator Joseph McCarthyr's desire to expose alleged communists in the federal government and Hollywood in the early 1950r's. Overall, Massachusetts had some very extreme religious and political →

Society of the giver

Through the relationships that we have the ability to see in the story, such as interactions with the opposite sex, Jonas's relationship with the Giver, and relationships between relative, we can plainly see that the idea of an utopia has actually clearly been misinterpreted by the society and its leaders. In the society of The →

Importance of point of view in “a rose for emily” essay

Narrator's point of view in " A Rose for Emily" brings the readers closer to the related events on the one hand, and demonstrates his own mysterious nature on the other side. Throughout the whole plot, the narration occurs from first person plural: ' we' is the pronoun Faulkner uses to emphasize that the events →

Alex kovacev

Through the symbol of the Mockingbird, and the characters of Tom Robinson and Boo Radley, Harper Lee examines the necessity of protecting vulnerable members of society in To Kill a Mockingbird. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses the symbol of the mockingbird as an archetype for protecting people in society who →

Novel summary: the giver

With the upcoming national Ceremony of the Twelve, where he's bound to be assigned his work occupation for the rest of his life. He is the only one in the community that can perceive flashes of color; for everyone else the world is as deprived of color as it is of pain, hunger, and love. →

Novel review: adventures of huckleberry finn

Rather, Mark Twain is trying to prove the violent lives of individuals back in Huck's day and the way Jim's life transpired the same way it did for many blacks in his day. Not comedy. Acts of violence include, the Grangerfords fight with the Shepardsons, the robbers' plans for Jim Turner, and one town's revenge →


The eventual consequences of living in a false world catch up to Gatsby at the end of the novel, where he dies miserable and despairing for the only person he wants and the one person he cannot have Daisy. Finally, when Daisy and he do meet after five years' separation, Gatsby is so beside himself →

Catcher in the rye literary analysis

The book it intentionally meant for High school students preferrably for juniors or seniors in the 11th and 12th grade based on the message the book sends to the reader. Many events that happen in the book regarding Holden actually happened in Salinger's life which makes it original.

Chapter 1

No- Gatsby turned out all right at the end; it is what preyed on Gatsby, what foul of dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short- winded elations of man." After the war he returned to the Midwest. Chapter 3 Summary The third →

Historical analysis of charlotte perkins gilman’s “the yellow wallpaper”

The woman in the wallpaper was a reflection of the progressive woman in the United States during the late 19th century. The rest cure treatment was developed by Silas Weir Mitchell in the 1870s, the most prominent physician in the treatment of neurasthenia in the United States at the time, and was practiced widely throughout →

Literary criticism on adventures of huckleberry finn essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which was first published in 1885, by Mark Twain is regarded by most people as one of the important American works of fiction ever written because of its artistry and evocation of major themes within the United States of America. He says, " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by →

The great gatsby and the lost generation essay sample

The conflicts between the old value and the new value had a great impact on Fitzgerald, which were demonstrated in the Great Gatsby as the basement of the corruption of the American dream. This thesis, based on the knowledge and discussion in the course of History and anthology of American literature, analyzes what the Lost →

Conflict between the individual and society in “the minister’s black veil” by nathaniel hawthorne

Through this kind of social, psychological and moral conflict, Hawthorne criticizes the Puritan image of original sin, as well as the stereotypical views this particular society bears regarding Reverend Hooper. In spite of Milford's religious community, the townspeople are quick to judge and resent Mr Hooper without ever directly enquiring him of the reason he →

The puritan beliefs in the crucible

Abigail continues to fail to solve her moral problem and in doing so if placing the blame upon others. There were several incidents within the novel in which women were observed as less than man and the validity of their statements was questioned. If the men suspected a woman of interacting with the Devil, she →

Persona of jay gatsby

Scratch examines Gatsby twice in Chapter I, in the start of the novel and at the finish of the part. Gatsby is introduced as a secret from the earliest starting point of the novel. From one viewpoint, Nick says that Gatsby " spoke to everything" for which he had " an unaffected disdain".in the meantime, →

Fascinating facts about edgar allan poe

Everytime he wrote he would have a cat sitting on his shoulder. Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous writers from the 19th century. In between the years of him enlisting in the Army and getting accepted into West Point he had published his second book.

Analysis of john proctor’s character development in the crucible

John Proctor's use in the play is to showcase how the effects of the trial take a toll on the characters in Salem. The Crucible portrays John Proctor as a paragon for the people of Salem and the change can be attributed to the Salem Witch Trials, his affair, and his desire to keep his →

Gothic components in the fall of the house of usher by edgar poe

Some believe that the events actually happened and were not a result of the narrator's imagination, but they would be wrong. Due to the reasons listed above, the events were just a figment of the narrator's imagination.

To kill a mockingbird argumentative essay

When Atticus says that one should not be judged until they are in the other person's shoes, he says this because he wants to teach other people, especially his children that this is very true and should be used all of the time when dealing with people. Atticus shows that he does not judge people →

To kill a mockingbird by lee harper: courage is in the hearts of all

In the book, Scout Finch talks about her adventures in her hometown of Maycomb County and all the events that unfolded in the summers before and after she started the first grade. He was familiar with the prejudice of the world and did not want her to suffer through it as he had.

Nguyen 1

In conclusion, Scout discovers that Boo is the exact opposite of what she thought of him in the beginning. Scout changes when she begins to understand that Miss Caroline did not mean any harm in any of the things she did.

Finding true love in their eyes were watching god

This theme is most apparent in the contrasting relationships that Janie shares with each of her husbands: Logan, Jody, and Tea Cake. When the town asks Janie to make a speech, Jody says, " She's uh woman and her place is in de home".

Courage to confront prejudice

These characters, from the novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, and To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, exemplify the positive importance to have the courage to confront all kinds of prejudice in society, family, and oneself. Society proves to be a big faction in the lives of the characters of Adventures of →

Hamlet: prince of denmark

I am claiming the right to be unhappy.'" Isolation [Hamlet] " How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, seem to me all the uses of this world" " Denmark's a prison" " To be or not to be, that is the question. It is as if the writer himself were discovering unsuspected meanings in what he →

Problems of society in to kill a mockingbird

Published on the 11th of July 1960, Harper Lee uses this book to explore her concerns of issues present in society in such a way that her audience can understand and react to. She holds the expectation that we will come to a realisation that we can relate ourselves and our personal and societal condition →

American cultural puritanism and the crucible

However, the play as an entire portrays a time of political adjustment, when the society's leaders expected all of the townspeople to follow the majority's beliefs, condemning those who believed otherwise. These styles can be applied to both events taking place in contemporary society and the actions at the time the play was written, 1953. →

To kill a mockingbird essay summary

Concerning the 1960's, most of the attention concerning social change, is given to the end of the decade but a great deal of progress was being made at the time in which the movie was being made and shown to audiences. As a result, the message of the movie and its relevance, hit a nerve →

Catcher in the rye song project

Salinger and Chaim Potok use mediums, specifically Salinger's profanity and lies and Potok's Ladover Hasidic lifestyle, to show routine consistency, the protagonists' integrity, and how society suppresses the individual. To begin, profanity and Hasidism are used in their respective novels to create a rhythmic consistency of daily life. In this fashion, Salinger establishes a habit →

About huck

Although Huck is white, he is poor, which makes him out of touch with civilized society, and although the Widow Douglas attempts to " sivilize" Huck by giving him the schooling and religious training he has missed, he resists her attempts and maintains his independent ways. He draws his own conclusions that would shock →

Huckleberry finn’s escape from society

He used to always whale me when he was sober and could get his hands on me; though I used to take to the woods most of the time when he was around".Huck was afraid of him and saw the evil in him. Experiencing these things on his journey, Huck realized that the unkindness and →

Evaluation of the debate around the catcher in the rye, a j.d. salinger’s book

In an attempt to deal with this, he leaves school a few days prior to the end of term, and goes to the city to take a vacation before returning to his parents. The central theme of The Catcher in the Rye emanates from the confrontation and ultimate loss of innocence that occurs hand in →

Kate chopin analytical essay – the story of an hour

Although the story is short, it is complete with each word carrying deep sense and meaning. It is written in the 19th century, a time that had highly restrictive gender roles that forbade women to live as they saw fit. Mrs Mallard experiences something not everyone during this time has the luck →

The maturation of holden caulfield and henry fleming

Although the pinnacle of maturity Holden reached concerned his pessimistic view of the world and Henry s was a unifying moment of bravery, both boys experienced an epiphany over the course of their respective tales. As The Catcher in the Rye progresses, Holden comes to terms that he is powerless to rid the world of →

Edgar allan poe essay

His work continues to influence literature in United States of America and the world at large. Edgar began his literary career at a very difficult time in the United States. In the end, his literary work earned respect and admiration from fans and peers. Edgar Allan Poe's life was full of challenges and events that →

The catcher in the rye: literary devices found on the novel

There is a special place that Holden use to visit in the story which is The Museum of Natural History. He seems to be the most normal person everywhere he goes however he made a commentary about his way of thinking and craziness." I felt like marrying her the minute I saw her.

Crucible belonging

Links to prescribed text in terms of ideas and techniques : Humour is used in The Crucible to relieve the tension and convey the ridiculous situation at hand. Through the use of humour, both John Proctor and Josie Alibrandi are singled out and looked up to.

To kill a mockingbird: a mirror of life

Kind of like the groups and cliques we have in society today. Themes: The Coexistence of Good and Evil The most important theme is how the book's explores of the moral nature of human beings. As they grow they see how the evils of others →

Main themes in a farewell to arms

The two main themes in A Farewell to Arms are the gruesome reality of war and the relationship between love and pain. The first main theme of A Farewell to Arms is the devastation that war brings.

The story of an hour’ and ‘the storm’ – women in literature essay

The Storm and The Story of an Hour illustrate the viewpoints of women's restriction in marriage. The paper below compares and contrasts two short stories with the aim of expressing the themes of marriage's restriction on women. In the two short stories, Calixta and Louise play the key characters.

Atticus finch

He is not an idealist and he does not believe firmly in the integrity of the courts or the jury systems , for him, it is a living working reality. He is understanding and respects the differences and privacy of his neighbours.

Racism in to kill a mockingbird

The sentence of life in prison to Tom Robinson, Atticus defending Tom Robinson, and Jem's thoughts on Black people's blood are all examples of Harper Lee's intentions. The sentence of life in prison to Tom Robinson, Atticus defending Tom Robinson, and Jem's thoughts on Black people's blood are all examples of Harper Lee's intentions.

Story review: the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald

Fitzgerald explores and displays insufficiencies of the characters in The Great Gatsby where they are the direct reflection of the " lost generation" to which Fitzgerald belonged. That fantasy of the girl he loves and of their relationship outweighs the reality.while in reality, it punches Gatsby in the guts.loss of innocence and moral values, greed →

Grapes of wrath historical accuracy

John Steinbeck travelled with the Oakies to research before writing the " Grapes of Wrath". The dust bowl was a time of severe dust storms that devastated crops and left farmers, especially small farm farmers.

How tom robinson is a “songbird” t

The Slaughter of a Songbird The reason behind the title of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird is that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. In Chelsey Philpot article The Long Life of a Mockingbird it stresses the importance of a mockingbird and the impact it has throughout To Kill a Mockingbird.

What holden hates

All throughout the novel, it is clear that Holder hates hischildhood; the division in society and the phoniness of people. It is clearly indicative that Holder's childhood is scarred because he loses his own innocence, which explains his hatred of his younger years. Another concept that Holder hates is the division and inequality →

Daisy buchanan in the great gatsby

She wanted security of her wealth in the future." She wanted her life shaped now, immediately and the decision must be made by some force of love, of money, of unquestionable practicality that was close at hand".and that's when Tom came along, a young man from a solid, " old money" family who could promise →

Transcendentalism as perceived in the adventures of huckleberry finn

In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain illustrates the injustice and ignorance of the antebellum south through the eyes of a young boy named Huck and his journey with an escaped slave. In contrast to the evils of society, Twain depicts nature as a sanctuary for Huck and Jim.

Metaphor of blackness in american literature

This essay will prove that a critical reading of Melville's " Bartleby, the Scrivener," and Irving's " The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" utilizes representations and depictions of the gothic, the portrayal of black characters and their isolation, and blackness suggests the preoccupations of the American writer. Authors use gothic elements, metaphors and the imagination of →

Understanding of who i am

I am self-determined, If I want something, I would try my ultimate best to do so. If I fully believe that I am doing the right thing, I will stick to what I believe in and fight.

In what ways do you find the opening to the great gatsby effective

The opening to " The Great Gatsby" is undoubtedly effective as it successfully introduces both the main protagonists, Nick Carraway, a traditional and open minded narrator who comes from a " prominent, well-to-do" family" and Gatsby, an elusive and as yet, un-introduced character who is undoubtedly the main subject of the book, and the →

The symbol of the rose in william faulkner’s a rose for emily

The story revolves around the town; specifically, Emily Grierson's house is a main view point and symbol of the story. The townspeople act as the narrators of the story, their rumors and ridicule of Emily and her ways as well as their sympathy for her as time progresses, helps to tell excel the plot. The →

Influences on huck finn

The beginning of the novel displays an evening in the house and how influential the ladies try to be on Huck's life and how he reacts to their attempts. When the family sat to dinner, Huck wanted to start eating right away, but he knew " When you got to the table, you could not →

Jessi machnik

Furthermore, when Atticus was cross-examining Mayella he asked her if she remembered Tom " beating her about the face" and she said " No, I do not recollect if he hit me. When Atticus is speaking to Mayella he asked her if she has any friends, and she says, " Miss Mayella, " said Atticus, →

John steinbeck’s message

Through Ma Joad, he emphasizes that the poor and lower class should unite and continue to push for their American Dream and that this will create a better country and future. In The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck uses Ma Joad to show that people should continue to strive for the American Dream through perseverance →

How valid is the assertion that literature is a voice for the oppressed?

If I did not [defend Tom Robinson in court] I could not hold my head up in town" - Atticus Finch That's what answered to the question what were the reasons for him to defend Tom Robinson in court. So what he does is he dehumanises him and compares his to a beast (: " →

Two bildungsromans in one story

Two Bildungsromans in One Story In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem Finch become more cultured and mature young-adults by experiencing different events. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem Finch became more informed, and mature young-adults by watching the examples set by their family, and the people →

Informative essay on to kill a mockingbird essay

This creates the author's effect because it helps Scout think about Miss Caroline's point of view. The author may use this to develop the theme ofracismbecause it shows that you should think about what other people may be thinking. The author may use this to develop the theme of coming of age →

Grapes of wrath

There, your capacities are sure to be appreciated and your industry and energy rewarded"., were the words of the former lead editor of the New York Tribune Horace Greely, regarding the necessity of expansion of the United States of America to the Western coast. Before the Joads make the journey to California, Steinbeck foreshadows the →

“the great gatsby” by f. scott fitzgerald

The paper will discuss the color green and give direct quotes with explanatory sentences of the color green. The color green is mostly related to the nature, whereby in relation with the western culture it represents the spring, youth, hope and confidence. The color green is used a lot in the novel to symbolize Gatsby →

The great gatsby and prohibition

This ignorance of and disregard for the law was rarely punished, as the US government at the time was not as powerful as it is today, allowing much personal freedom. One of these personal freedoms was women's ability to vote, through the implementation of the 19th amendment to the US constitution. Prohibition gave many people →

Ellie ng

Mark Response to Literature: The Prince and the Pauper In the literary work, The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain. The author had placed a great emphasis upon the contrasting between the prince, Edward Tudor and the pauper, Tom Canty.

The great gatsby

It is written about a young man named Nick, from the east he moved to the west to learn about the bond business. On the other hand, we had Nick chasing his American dream of learning the bond business. Through the process, he fell for Jordan and was the observer of Gatsby's life, which just →

John proctor’s in the arthur miller’s play

Where others would shy away and save themselves, Proctor gives it all in service of a greater cause. The lead-up to Proctor's self-sacrifice is first developed early on in the play, with his internal conflict. This allows him to do what is right in his mind, and sacrifice himself for something greater, as is the →

The title character of the great gatsby

And yet, Nick Carraway's description of the protagonist asserts that Gatsby seems curiously out of place among the ' whole damn bunch' which inhabits this lavish, showy world. Indeed, despite the aura of criminality surrounding his occupation, his love and loyalty to Daisy Buchanan and ultimately his capacity to dream, set him apart from the →

Jay gatsby’s representation of america

Through an effective blend of a personality naturally inclined towards success and the influence of others, Gatsby manages to reinvent his own image in the eyes of those around him, just as America has done in the eyes of the world time and time again. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.Ed.

Taking a stand

While it is true that Atticus Finch caused dissension by defending a black man, he had no choice but to defend Tom Robinson, a man created in the image of God and therefore equal to his fellow white and black brothers. Although Atticus loves his family and would never want harm to come to them, →

The significance of symbols in literary works by jackson and behr

Evidently, the Box plays quite a significant role in maintaining the traditions of the village. Similarly, Behr uses apples as a symbolic means to remember the heroic past. However, both taint their symbols to criticize the influence of tradition.

To kill a mockingbird

The discussion that follows considers Lee's use of literary devices to highlight the themes as well as the novels significance in the classroom today." Lee combines the narrators voice of a child observing her surroundings with a grown woman's reflecting on her childhood, using the ambiguity of this voice combined with the narrative techniques of →

The lottery review

Because she sets the story firmly in a specific place and time, Jackson seems to suggest that the story will be a chronicle of sorts, describing the tradition of the lottery. The specifics continue throughout the story, from the numerous rules Mr. The fact that some rules have remained while others have disappeared underscores the →

Fitzgerald’s american dream in the great gatsby & winter dreams argumentative essay

American Dream is the belief that if you work hard, you are creative and persistent; you will succeed and achieve prosperity. To my mind, the reason why the American Dream is not dead is that it works. Scott Fitzgerald paid a lot of attention to this in his Winter Dream and The Great Gatsby. At →

F. scott fitzgerald jazz age author of nyc

It is clear that Fitzgerald's formative years led him to become an author who would eventually live in New York City his early affinity for writing encouraged him to further explore his skills in college; his chance relationship with Zelda Sayre sealed his fate as a New Yorker, as Fitzgerald was compelled to make his →

Tom robinson and boo radley as mockingbirds in to kill a mockingbird

In Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird Scout and Jem were told it's a sin to kill a mockingbird, but in some ways Tom Robinson and Boo Radely became Mockingbirds themselves. Tom was a mockingbird to Mayella especially because he always helped her when he passed by the house, and Mayella ended up accusing →

Compare/contrast: the great gatsby

The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby is a book filled with twists and turns of events from beginning to end. Because of this, Gatsby is one to strive in being a people pleaser and a thoughtful host.

Main message of their eyes were watching god

Everything except Janie" exhibits the way Joe stresses that Janie give the feeling that she is experiencing the white lady's fantasy of unwinding at home and being humanized, as that is the part directed by her sexual orientation and in light of the fact that it advances the his depiction as an intense →

A great american dream

Fitzgerald had a deep and personal affliction with the 1920s (most notably in the Eastern United States), and in both The Great Gatsby and " Babylon Revisited," he hones his conflicts into a furious condemnation. He is the absolute personification of the reckless actions and attitudes that characterize the era.

Truman capote

Truman Capote, along with his book, also drew a lot of attention to the photograph of Truman which was a provocative posture. Once Truman was done writing In Cold Blood, he got involved with a lot of drugs and became an alcoholic.

To kill a mockingbird letter essay

B Underwood, I strongly believe that Tom Robinson was not guilty of the crime and the sentence was untrue and unjust. I conclude that the sentencing of Tom Robinson was appropriate and just.

The crucible written by arthur miller

Arthur Miller keeps the audience in suspense by delaying Cheever's actions. Hale: " What signifies a poppet, Mr Cheever?" Cheever does not respond to any of the questions asked to him and it is as if he is in a trance. This is a very nerve-racking moment for both the audience and the characters as →

A close reading of huckleberry finn

You see, he come to town the morning after the murder, and told about it, and was out with 'em on the ferryboat hunt, and right away after he up and left. So then they put it on him, you see; and while they was full of it, next day, back comes old Finn, and →

Censoring young adult literature

In a stage of life which is consistently recognized as a time of exploration, it is critical that we are providing insights into experiences which they are bound to encounter, so that students are given the opportunity to develop thoughts, opinions, and value-systems. Literature serves as a key into a new world which contains stories →

Raise and fall of jay gatsby

Though Gatsby has always wanted to be rich, his main motivation to reach his fortune was his love for Daisy Buchanan, whom he met as a young military officer in Louisville before leaving to fight in World War One in 1917. Gatsby's father was obviously proud of what his son has achieved and he seemed →

Symbols in the great gatsby

The symbols Fitzgerald uses in his novel are the green light and Gatsby's flashy, luxurious car to show what really mattered to Gatsby and how it affected him. Fitzgerald uses Nick, Gatsby's friend, to describe Gatsby indirectly by commenting on his car. The car symbolizes Gatsby's need for materialistic satisfactions and him appearing to be →

To kill a mockingbird essay

To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Introduction: * Thesis: In To Kill A Mockingbird, characters such as Calpurnia and Boo Radley are not who they are made out to be in the beginning of the play to both the readers and Scout.* Point 1: Jem and Scout learn that Calpurnia, their housekeeper, is not who →

Adventure of huckleberry finn

He became found of using imaginary characters in his novels like he had used a character by the name Tom sawyer in his other book and made many readers fall in love with the character almost instantly but he choose to change his protagonist to Huck Finn in the other book as he saw Sawyer's →

Jazz music in the great gatsby essay sample

Through the use of the lively, yet scandalous, jazz music from the 1920's, Fitzgerald reflects the attitudes of the characters in The Great Gatsby at the end of innocence and prevalence of carelessness within the elite of New York's society. Jazz music was created by African Americans during the turn of the century in →

The grapes of wrath movie adaptation

The people in the story were not protected by the government and were forced off their land during the great depression. The familys farm is taking by the bank because they were not able to pay the bills due to the drought that caused everything to die (hints where the protection from the government would →

The character of the storyteller in edgar poe’s the fall of the house of usher

The storyteller approaches the pool that lies close to the house and looks down into it in order to analyze the modified impression of the house as opposed to the house itself. The name of the home, ' The House of Usher,' has come to allude both to the house itself and the family who →

The last moments of the crucible

Arthur Miller wrote ' The Crucible' to compare the injustice of America in 1950's to the witchcraft in Salem in the 1960's. They were accused of witchcraft. The only alternative for the people were to confess of trafficking with the devil even if the accusations were not true.