A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

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of Article Reproductive System The reproductive system comprises of the physiological and structural network and organs whose main purpose is creation of new life for perpetuation of species. The reproductive system of the male physiologically forms and delivers the spermatozoa to fertilize the egg.

The basis of genetic inheritance biology essay

These processes indicate that the structure of DNA and the process of mitosis does contribute to genetic inheritance of DNA because a cell, that consists of double the number of identical chromosomes, divides into two identical single numbered chromosome cells which carry copies of their information. During this phase the nucleolus degenerates, the centromeres of β†’

Describe the regulation of pfk-1 and pfk-2 and the production of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate

Regulation of PFK and PFK-2 and the Production of Fructose-2, 6-bisphosphate The conversion of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate , is catalyzed by 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase using ATP. This step has different regulation mechanisms in the liver/hepatocytes and the muscle cells. In the liver, when glucose levels are high , F-6-P is β†’

The successful yet lost art of thinking

Success-oriented people are people who do not limit their thoughts to popular opinions or to the realm of what is possible but are rather willing to stand-alone and think of the impossible. So to particularize, what does it mean to think? I believe these questions are best answered by another question which is " What β†’

Loss of normal growth control biology essay

Cancer is usually named by the organ or the type of cell where cancerous cell starts to grow, for example, cancerous cell that begins to grow in colon is known as colon cancer.(National Cancer Institute, 2012)In the human body, cells are constantly dividing and growing to form new cells and then old and damaged cells β†’

Agarose gel electrophoresis of dna

Gel electrophoresis is applied in clinical chemistry to separate proteins by size and/or charge and in molecular biology and biochemistry to separate RNA and DNA fragments by length, separating proteins by charge, or estimating the size of RNA and DNA fragments. By adopting agarose gel electrophoresis, scientists are able to understand the mechanisms behind the β†’

Biology and technology at high temperatures

While these spores are extremely helpful in tracking down marine hot spots, they also offer new information about the wildlife and everything about the different variety of things here in the biosphere. The bacterial species found in the environment hide many of the minor groups of bacteria that apparently do not seem to participate in β†’

Bottle biology

I then cut off the tops of both bottles, and threw out one of the bases. In the leftover base, I poured water, aquatic gravel, and a fake plant for the fish. I taped it securely into the base, to ensure that the whole upper layer would not crush the fish.

Brain tumour segmentation techniques of mri

In order to help doctors for diagnosis and treatment of tumour and to help researcher for studying the brain activities, the research in automatic segmentation techniques of brain tumour are gaining more importance. Section III discusses the brain tumour segmentation techniques of PET. Brain Tumour Segmentation Techniques Of MRI MRI is mainly used for β†’

The effect and toxicity of silver nanoparticles biology essay

This is why the study of the toxicology of silver is a necessary study, as the number of uses in daily life has grown considerably and the possible ways of the residual silver nanoparticles to enter the environment have grown. For the exposed sea urchin sample preparation, the steps are as follows: In the case β†’

Using scientific method

As the experiments proceed maize at non-arable soil, grow at higher late than that in arable soil. Results: Table 1: Maize Yield from Arable Soil Amount of Mineral Nitrogen Fertilization Yield of Maize (mg of dry mass per 100 acres per year) in Arable Soil 0 8. 0 100 β†’

Anemia in pregnancy is a public health problem biology essay

There is need to explore the extent of above mentioned structural changes, because severity of these histomorphological parameters is correlated with the efficiency of placenta to support the growth of a fetus, and this condition is likely to be related to insufficient function of the placenta. In the term placenta, the cytotrophoblast is inconspicuous, and β†’

Discuss the main types of end point used in toxicity testing in cellular system ,indicating how they can be incorporated into ti

Despite these outlooks, other setbacks in the use of alternative methods of toxicity testing can still occur such as optimisation and standardisation of methods, validation of the results, and the relative expenses of performing only small to medium loads in assays especially with regards to automated processes such as sampling and readings. Still, the use β†’

Double side band the suppressed carrier biology essay

Demodulation in this case simply reduces to the detection of the envelope of a modulated carrier with no dependence of the exact phase or frequency of the carrier. As shown in Figure 19, the product of the modulating signal and the carrier signal is added to the product of another pair of modulating signal and β†’

Four forces of evolution

Upon discovery, the European explorers realized that all kinds of life are related in one way or another, and populations of organisms often have similarities to other populations in different areas, and the discovery of fossils throughout the world showed that the organisms of the past were different in varying levels from present day organisms, β†’

Critical analysis on an

Critical analysis: the limit to tree height The article addresses the issues of tree growth and the impact of other factors in the development of leaves and other support features. In fact, the leaf size and growth height are a product of internal forces such as turgor pressure, as well as the reduction water potential β†’

The discovery of antibiotics

The most common way to discover antibiotics is for researchers to sample random soil, and to test if the microorganisms in the soil are capable of killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics proved to be a great resource for treating disease across the world. The isolate A was inhibited by antibiotics capable of β†’

Selective sensing of copper biology essay

The maximum excitation and emission wavelengths of the OMRTH-AuNps were observed at 480 and 550 nm.depicts the fluorescence emission spectra of OMRTH-AuNps in the presence of Cu2+ with varying concentrations. It was also found that OMRTH-AuNps were selective and sensitive fluorescent chemo sensors for Cu 2+ and leucine up to the detection limit of 0.1 β†’

Bacteria & their types

In any case, there are a couple of animal varieties that have procured the capacity to dodge the insusceptible framework and are of significant concern in light of the fact that these are pathogens that can cause malady and passing. Generally microscopic organisms' are innocuous and valuable yet some are pathogenic. Salmonella Salmonella is β†’

The risk of heart attack biology essay

We also performed sensitivity analyses to assess the risk of residual confounding. Results Incidence of non-fatal myocardial infarction and death from coronary heart disease Over a mean of following these years, we identified 876 individuals with a new diagnosis of non-fatal myocardial infarction. The combined incidence of non-fatal myocardial infarction or death from β†’

Charles darwin natural selection

Most educated people in Europe and the Americas during the 19th century had heard of or been exposed to Charles Darwin and the concept of evolution. Although he did not invent the idea, he did carry out the necessary research to document that evolution occurred and then made the idea acceptable for scientists and β†’

Summary of journals

Although the evidence presented in the studies needs further confirmation, the initial experiments conducted on the Prickly pears have convinced the research workers that it can potentially treat a number of common health conditions like cardiac problems and diabetes. The traditional use of Prickly pear has been related to problems like local pain and healing β†’

Evolution & cambrian explosion

Evolution and Cambrian explosion Introduction After the publication of Darwin's theory of evolution there were lots of debate on his theory versus theory of creationism. Rates of Phenotypic and Genomic Evolution during the Cambrian Explosion.

Bioinformatics – lab report example

This E value is high; its significance is low in relation to Down syndrome. Protein 2 is EGW12244. This protein has an E value of 1 and is related to Down syndrome since the E value is very low.

Mechanism of vitamin d action

The biological reaction can either be the stimulation of proteins that perpetuate intestinal absorption of calcium or providing the appropriate balance of elements crucial for bone function and growth. Vitamin D and BoneHealth. Numerous studies have demonstrated that vitamin D has important ramifications on bone health, not only in life, but even in the course β†’

Biological changes in males & females during puberty

The estrogen and testosterone released by gonads bring biological changes and help in the development of breasts in girls and testicular development in boys. The height increases while body proportions and body hair changes experiencing voice changes. Development of Hypothetical-Deductive Thought and Abstract Thinking in Adolescent Cognitive Development The adolescent's cognitive development determines the β†’

Muscular and skeletal system worksheet

Describe the process of healing a fracture Fracture healing is an intricate procedure that needs the recruitment of proper cells and the consequent manifestation of the proper genes at the correct time and correct, structural locations. Define the attachment points of muscle to bone. All muscles cross a joint to allow the movement of β†’

Bacteria and acidic end products

Lactose Bacterial fermentation of lactose, which results in the formation of acidic end roducts, is indicated by a change in color of the Indicator present in the medium from red to yellow. Any sign of yellow should be interpreted as a positive reaction; orange should be considered negative. Sorbitol Bacterial fermentation β†’

Population ecology

In population ecology a population is a group of individuals of the same species inhabiting the same area. In contrast to genetics, where the population is a group of interbreeding individuals of the same species, which is isolated from other groups and in human demography, the population is the set of humans in a given β†’

Biology phylum notes

98, 558 (Familiar, a surrounding of prokaryote that act as an attachment structure) Inside the familiar is the capsules followed by the cell wall distinguish eukaryote from prokaryote. Chemo towards light Know structure and basic functions of the prokaryote.A.

The diseases of digestive system

People with ulcers may have blockage of the stomach, internal bleeding, and perforations on the wall of the stomach. Now you know some more about IBS and how you can treat it. Crohn's Disease The third disease in the digestive system you are reading about is Crohn's Disease.

Wall function approaches using two equation model biology essay

The aim of the literature survey of this project is to study the wall function to an oscillating turbulent flow imposed on top of a steady through flow and analyse earlier works on wall function near the wall. After extensive testing, it was claimed that the ratio of the shear stress between the wall and β†’

Ponds aquatic ecosystem

Ideally, the presence of standing water characterizes ponds as well as the wetlands around the pond. The wetlands provide the site for the growth of algae which in turn acts as food for the insects and minnows that live in this ecosystem.

The history of algebra and integers biology essay

A) B) C) D) E)When the product of and is divided by , the quotient is: A) 0. A)9B) 11C) 13D) 15E) 17If is, both the cube and the square of an integer and is between 2 and 200, what's the value of?

Literature review topic

The Evolution of Heart Chambers from Amphioxus to Mammals Heart is main organ of supplying blood to all the body organs. With the evolutionary process, they have been changed to eukaryotes, the most developed organisms of the world.

Implications of encode on cancer biology essay

Human Genome Project : The HGP was initiated in 1990 with the objective of determining the DNA sequence of the entire human genome within 15 years. ENCODE Project: The function of the vast majority of the human genome has remained largely unknown, but the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project, launched in 2003, β†’

Anterior cruciate ligament injury

Surgery may be required in case of such injuries, depending on the severity of the injury (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries). The Injury: Mechanism of the Injury When ligaments are injured, they are considered as sprains which can be graded depending on the severity of the sprain (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries; β†’

What is life

In the development of objectives on a given research, science gives the outlines of the facts that could form the basis of the research and thus the development of the hypotheses. The Chemical Reactions of Life : From Metabolism to Photosynthesis.

Effects of water pollution eutrophication biology essay

Thus, the longer the biological life of the substance the greater is the risk of chronic poisoning, even if its level in the environmental is not very high. The disease is because of the severe pains in the joints and backbone.

Name: jean-paul belmar

Creation is the belief that there is a higher supreme being that has created life as we know it and everything in the universe. I believe that there is a supreme creator who designed life as we know it and i believe that the creator designed evolution.

Animation critique

He gave Mickey a pear-shaped body and put pupils in his eyes. Fred Moore was different from the other animators because of his style of drawing. The most famous character in the world of animation is Walt Disney.

1/4 page each

She believes that performance art is momentary, so that she waits until she reaches her audience and then makes her pieces in response to the things she finds there, she says this is a risk that she must take among others so as to ensure that the art is real and not just an experience β†’

Free christinas world, by the great american painter, andrew wyeth essay sample

Separate blades of grass, natural tones and shades of straws, the dim, gloomy color of the sky and the old, worn-down farmhouse are painted with scrupulousness, and this makes the viewers feel their presence within the picture and get a stunning sensation of the moody palette of the painting. The woman's figure seems to be β†’

Bakelite: defining an artificial material

Therefore, it is the invention and discovery of Bakelite that shaped material parameters of twentieth century not Baekeland. 3. It needs to understand what Baekeland discovered about the material and no one else. The correct answer is because the material was a product of chemical synthesis, thus it had to be interpreted and β†’

Analysis of the crash

Analysis of the Movie Crash Racism has been a menace to the American society since time memorial and still poses a big threat to peaceful coexistence and societal harmony in a country with the global highest racial diversity. Finally, racism is a killer of morality in the society.

Art, self, and society

This can as well be seen among the people who came to see the Reichstag structure that amazed many of them due to its big size and structural composition. Moreover, the Reichstag is a symbol of democracy to the people of the society. The wrapping of Reichstag becomes very symbolic since it is a clear β†’

The painting of the sistine chapel

He had a set of zigzag stairs that led to the scaffolding which was supported from the sides of the chapel. As soon as Michelangelo heard that the pope's idea for the ceiling was to just have the twelve Disciples on the ceiling, he knew he was going to have to use his imagination and β†’

Read read instructions

And I think that's what we can say about John Vanderlyn's portrait of Aaron Burr. Retrieved 9 August from: http://www.neoclassicism.us/Content/WhatIsNeoclassicism Vanderlyn , John." Portrait of Aaron Burr", 1802.

Aesthetic tactic: less is more

This aspect is hardly realized at the beginning of the term since much has to be covered and explored for its realization. Such visual elements are found to be much attractive and may draw one's attention in his day to day life. Progression is an important aspect in the life of a person.

Renaissance art categories

The Pre-Renaissance art Otherwise referred to as the Proto-renaissance, art that falls under this criterion started in a Northern closed society of the current state Italy, shortly after the twelfth century (Stokstad and Michael, 2009, p.49). The opening area of Proto-renaissance art was stable enough to permit explorations in art to enhance the development β†’

‘all about eve ‘film review

It is even evident from the movie title that this is a movie primarily about a woman. It is a movie that is designed to appeal to a primarily female audience.

Journal of korean film bedevilled (2010)

Cruelty of people, gendered violence, city and rural ways of being is remained to be the central problems that are involved into the film. It is possible to highlight two basic figures in the film that develop a plot and action. The moment that she becomes a witness of a crime and does nothing for β†’

Contemporary art and identity essays examples

The ways in which contemporary art addresses the identities of individuals within society and how contemporary art itself addresses these questions of identity is important in that it helps to communicate effectively the viewpoints of various aspects of life for many different individuals. These expressive intentions can be seen as a fully developed narrative β†’

Route of fame and success of s. j. perelman

The paper " Route of Fame and Success of S.J. Perelman shares his route of fame and success in Hollywood with producer Michael Todd in the making of " Around the World in Eight Days" originally written by Jules Verne.

Leonardo da vinci: the indefatigable lighthouse of civilization

Modern researchers have already substantiated Vasari's observation by detecting quite a few " codes" positioned in Leonardo's paintings and deciphering his intentions behind incorporating such codes. Some of such findings provide startling revelations about how Leonardo applied all his knowledge and vision in the making of his painting to connect with future β†’

Culture jamming

According to culture jammers, it intends to emphasize the personal freedom of consumers and the domination of society instead of domination of corporations and brand names. One of the culture jammers depicted in the short clip from Jill Sharpe's video Culture Jam rightly defines the idea of culture jamming as, " The way to protect β†’

Comparative review the holy trinity versus deposition

Aside from the vault containing the figures of the Holy Trinity, the paintings of the figures, apparently of donors, are life-size and realistic and their location manifested volume and space as exemplifying nearness to the viewers. Most profound in identifying the rationale for juxtaposition of the figures is the relationship of these men and women β†’

Performance #4: red speedo

PERFORMANCE #4: RED SPEEDO Watching Red Speedo was a moment to cherish and I could tell that the show would beinteresting from the time I joined the audience. From the left part of the centre, I could see the unfinished backstage, which seemed to thwart the good work done on the set.

Chicano film study: los olvidados

However, for as long as the injustice in the society continues to exist and remains outside, the evil, which is, the main objective of cruelty in the world remains. In my group, we think that the film by Bunuel is a distraught of human traits.

Barge haulers on the volga

The figures of the men is positioned at the centre of the painting. At the back ground of the painting there are clouds seen from a distance and on the ground there is water seen at the back ground where the men have pulled the boat from.

The baroque period as the gigantic excelsior

Donna Purcell Order 546989 16 June World Literature: The Baroque Period as the " Gigantic Excelsior" The " Gigantic Excelsior" seems very appropriate for the Baroque " barroco" period. When studying the period and the influences of the Roman Catholic Church, which greatly promoted the success of the Baroque style.

The hunger games

The first of these is when she chooses to sacrifice her life for that of her sister through her joining the Hunger Games in the latter's behalf. The film from Katniss' view can be told as a form of hardship that has to be endured because it is through this endurance that she will eventually β†’

Jocelyn moorhouses how to make an american quilt

One of the reasons I can identify with the character of Marianna in the movie is that, like her, I too follow my hearts desires. This practice has, indeed, enriched my life. As Anna puts it, I have been " brave" and I have gone " by instinct" , and if anything, I am β†’

Cultural and thematic factors of the two version of the film let the right one in

Cultural and Thematic Factors of the Two Versions of the Film ' Let the Right One In' The versions of ' Let the Right One In' film emanate from a novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist with the same name (Ajvide Lindqvist & Segerberg, 2008).' Let Me In', which is a British-American film released in 2010 β†’


Perhaps one more aspect that makes the Antichrist more fascinating is the undiluted surge of feelings and the mythical effect in the entire episode of the film. This is especially so in that the use of backdrops and transparent scenery is very common in the movie.

Analysing of dance gancho

Rhythm and melody have an influence on the concept of collage observed in the cat staring at the photo. The building blocks of the musical arrangement must have certain dynamics that possess modulation, structure, and tradition of equally appreciating the Inside Turn dance. It resembles the white ballet dancer in choreography. Heel Turn resembles the β†’

Good example of essay on the patronage system as it is depicted in the 1984 film amadeus

The con of the system is that they weighed in on artistic decisions and in the process compromised the artistic integrity of composers at the time. Mozart is left rather unhinged from this encounter, and it is an example of someone who is not inclined towards music making edits to one of the world's greatest β†’

Male, masculine, virility

In totality, the image promotes virility, physical strength and violence more than intelligence, civility and diplomacy. The background of the photograph is filled with smoke and the surrounding is littered with small particles of fire indicating that he just came from a war reinforcing the warrior image of the photograph. It creates an ambiance of β†’

Pulp fiction film analysis

Tarantino's use of narrative is perhaps the most important element in the film's success, and it is key to the film's larger message, which is that, in the end crime and violence do not pay. While Tarantino's movie deals with a number of social issues, including racism and sexuality, it is in his treatment of β†’

Cultural theory and images

This view is all the more plausible considering the visibility of only four fingers and the lack of symmetry between the two sides of the face features that are characteristic of leprosy. The observer, upon identifying the duck, might go on to study the finer details of the image, in terms of the size and β†’

Christian paul-kunsch essays example

At the age of 14 I went on a school trip to West Berlin and I fell in love with this place too. This is powerful imagery in every sense of the word and also demonstrates a sense of fatalism in the series entitled ' Death and Disaster.

Music recording industry

Music Recording INTRODUCTION For centuries man had dreamed of capturing the sounds and music of his environment by means of music recordings. The road to successful music recording had not been smooth until the derivation of the music recording industry. Although technology seems to pose an obstacle to entry into the industry, recently, the β†’

At striving with new ideas. nowadays, scientists,

Once Verrocchio noticed Leonardo hadsurpassed his skills he did the right thing and passed over the torch. NiccoloMachiavelli was the first to influence Leonardo to start thinking politically. Humanity and nature are the two mostinfluential things in Leonardo's artistic life. According to Leonardo, man wasnature's most perfect creation, " the measure of all things".

Paris – gertrude stein’s salon

Gertrude Stein's Parisian Salon Modernism was the of a movement within the arts that emerged in the late 19th century and continued on into theearly years of the 20th century. She was also a student of both psychology and medicine, but on her move to Paris intended to become an art critic. Her greatest and β†’

Fine art

This paper will analyze the movie The Matrix from the point of view elements and principles of art, proving that it is a work of art. The first element that will be discussed is form which mostly corresponds to the perceived volume. As for the colors, one might point out that black is the most β†’

Black art movement and the harlem renaissance

The foundation of the black arts movement can be traced all the way back to the days of slavery and the birth of the nation, with famous black poets such as Phillis Wheatley whose signed first edition of poems published in 1773 fetched over $30, 000 at auction. These are valuable because these artists helped β†’

Pop art and photo realism

The key identifying element that relates the poster to the picture is the living room and the two subjects placed within the room. Also the background of the poster is taken from a magazine.

Grand odalisque

As compared with her body, the background is dark and makes people pay attention to her. According to our text book, the painting is significant because it expresses the character of the epoch. When I saw this painting for the first time, I was shocked a bit, because even though she shows only her back, β†’


When the visible light wave strikes the light sensors in the eyes, the sensor communicate the signal to the brain, which perceives the received signals as being instinct color. The type of the color perceived by the brain depends on the constituents and composition of the wavelengths of the visible light spectrum.


Cinematography consist two films including those which use the theaters means and use the camera in order to produce as well as those which use the cinematographer's means and camera in order to create. When lighting, as in all other aspects of cinematography, one need to consider the content of the material, the rhythm, the β†’

Film history

USA: ABC-CLION, 2007. Print. Sanders, Steven." Film Noir and the Meaning of Life". The Philosophy of Film Noir.Eds. Mark Conard and Robert Porfirio.

Art in the renaissance period

This work of art manifested a conscious revival of the development of some aspects of Greek and Roman thought. The renaissance architecture encompassed the use of hemispherical domes, aedicules, semi-circular arches and niches that took the place of the irregular structures of medieval buildings.

Process of painting own picture

I then also added in the surrounding grass and other vegetation that was to surround the deer in the painting. Next I mixed and chose the colors of the deer's coat. I will add in all the fine details until I have completed the painting to my satisfaction. To start the painting of the sunset β†’

Why kids attract towards animation and 3d animated films

Kids form the main market for animations and 3d animated films since they are highly attracted to them because of their appeal and visualizations, amongst other reasons. Bentrancourt and Chassot highlight that the fundamental reason why kids are attracted towards animated films is due to the visualizations they create, which helps in overall β†’

Gallery review

The artist has used warm colors and tried using contrasting colors that make the characters of the painting stand out in the portrait. One of the formal characteristics identified in the painting is that the artist has not emphasized on the hair of the two women. The main function of the piece is to represent β†’

Freedom writers

This lifestyle is completely different than the lifestyles that the students in the movie are surrounded by. What's good about the story regarding the movie is that the teacher is able to look past statistics, stereotypes, and race and give the students in her class a chance.

Analysis of the show 24

Begin, though, by naming the show and providing a brief synopsis of this episode's story. TV Show: 24 The show tracks the events of one day in the life of likable, down-to-earth federal agent named Jack Bauer played by Kiefer Sutherland and each episode chronicles every hour of the day, and is β†’

American gothic essay

The American Gothic painted by Grant Wood in August of 1930 demonstrates expressionism used in the man and woman's face, the house shown in the background, and the way of life they portray. Their neutral expressions can also be taken as an expression of the great depression and the hardships on the farms during the β†’


Avatar as a film is representative of US culture and imperialism, in that, the history of humans has always been that the country that is more technologically or militarily advanced seems to destroy or supplant a weaker country mostly for their resources. Just the way humans invade Pandora, US also has been involved in the β†’

What is a documentary film

A Documentary Film Introduction To define what a documentary involves characterizing the content and the features of the film, which enables anyone watching a film to distinguish it as a documentary and not any other type of film. Documentary film is prepared with a purpose relevant to the audience and is intended to make a β†’