A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Chaucer and the canterbury tales

Key Idea: the interplay of the social relations and individual identity in the tales and the Frame Tale b. Therefore, The Canterbury Tales function as tales within a broader tale of rivalry, conflict, appeasement, and domination and submission

Unexamined life is not worth living english literature essay

Sometimes in drama, Self-Discovery is one of the elements in the core of the play. The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom" This statement by Aristotle means that to attain all the knowledge in the world, the first thing you should have is an identity.

King duncan and macbeth

In the preceding quote, Duncan tells us about the absolute trust he had in the first Thane of Cawdor. It is this confidence that Duncan has in his thanes that result's to be his nemesis. The title of Thane of Cawdor given to Macbeth by Duncan represents the trust and respect Duncan has for Macbeth.

Assessment task 1

Assessment Task 1 Animal Farm Research Project You will produce an informative website based on five of the following topics: 2 from People 2 from Events and Systems 1 from Extras People | Events & Systems | Extras | StalinLeninTrotskyKarl MarxCzar Nicholas the SecondThe BolsheviksThe Decemberists | SocialismDictatorshipFascismDemocracyPropagandaThe October RevolutionThe Decemberists | George Orwell →

Explore the construction of identiy in hamlet and beowulf

We are told about his father before even knowing his name: " In his day, my father was a famous man a noble warrior-lord named Ecgtheow" Similarly in Shakespeare's Hamlet, purely through learning of Hamlet's lineage we discover he is the son of the king and this plays an important part of his identity and →

The play “hamlet prince of denmark” by w.shakespeare essay

In addition, this view is related to the events in " Hamlet Prince of Denmark". The key antagonists and protagonists demise eventually in the play " Hamlet Prince of Denmark". In the climax of the play, Claudius appears to be responsible for the death of King Hamlet.

Gender in jane eyre

Even her name ' Burns' signifies both the hellish life she has suffered, and also how she was damned from the start.Bronte uses her to show the gender conflict at the time of her writing and also as a way in which to progress Jane's character. Mr Brocklehurst forms an opinion about Jane because of →

Macbeth essay

In Throne of Blood Asaji is the wife of Lord Washizu, and by convincing him to murder the king she causes the downfall of her life. Both the play and the movie shared the theme of Lady Macbeth's actions leading to the demise of both her and Macbeth.


The Riverside Chaucer bases the order of the ten fragments on the order presented in the Ellesmere manuscript, one of the best surviving manuscripts of the tale. Some scholars disagree with the groupings and order of tales followed in The Riverside Chaucer, choosing instead to base the order on a combination of the links and →

Macbeth’s crimes

Macbeth repeats these words later on in that act. " So foul and fair a day I have no seen" When Macbeth says this there is a sense that the witch has already got some power over him, even though they have not met each other yet.

William shakespeare about tragedy of romeo and juliet

In Romeo and Juliet, the theme is proven in the way that Juliet almost dies trying to keep Romeo' and Juliet's marriage still a thing. The thought of self-sacrifice for Romeo is shown in Act 2, scene II by his willingness to scale the orchard walls just to talk to Juliet.

The misery in evil

When the orphan boy, Heathcliff is brought home to live with the Earnshawfamily, Hindley becomes immediately jealous when the love of his father goes into Heathcliff. He tried to recreate a love triangle between his son Linton Heathcliff, the young Catherine, and Hareton.

Francisco de zubar n and his work english literature essay

During his 11 old ages in Llerena, Zurbaran 's piousness was influenced by Spanish Quietism, which was a spiritual motion that taught inner backdown, the find of God in meekly submissive silence, and the usage of penitentiary exercisings to repress the senses and quiet the mind. Zurbaran returned to Seville in November with the honorary →

Summary of psychiatric journal

Therefore, this pilot study seeks to fill the gap in the existing literature on the effectiveness of introducing hourly nursing rounds in psychiatry settings. Major theme/hypothesis The major hypothesis of the article is that hourly nursing rounds would benefit inpatients in the psychiatric mental healthcare setting. The researchers seek to measure the outcome or →

Learning activity #1

The study also sought to establish the AD-prepared nurses' perception on the standard of patient care with regard to attaining a higher educational degree. In addition, the study also investigated the AD-prepared nurses' perception of distinctions in their professional ability as compared to nurses with more advanced educational degrees. Participants The study designed an →

Evaluation of collaborative care by cl

Evaluation of Collaborative Care by CL The introduction written by CL, provides a very clear picture of the issues of endocrine therapy as part of the treatment for hormone receptive breast cancer and providing an overview of what drugs are available, including what some of the side effects are. Therefore, it is →

Introduction to nursing theory

Both sociology and psychology majors spend the majority of their time studying theories and approaches to research. This paper discusses how nursing theory is different from medicine. Background Purposes of Nursing Theory Direct links exist among theory, education, research, and clinical practice. In Education Because nursing theory was used primarily to establish →

Teens perceptions about attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and medication

Teens perceptions about attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Medication Teens' perceptions about attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder and Medication Teens' perceptions about attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder and Medication Introduction The study of the perceptions about attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and medication is organized along the four effector modes of the Roy Adaptation Model. RAM is, →

How can i as a nurse change the public health system?

However, in this contemporary world, the role of the nurses are not only limited in the caring of the patients, but also in changing the public health system to ensure that they provide quality and standard health care services among people. Accordingly, the public health is the core of a quality heath care system and →

Pros and cons of chip implantation in humans

It calls to the imagination devious ways and means that the information contained within the chip can be used to steal a person's identity in order to commit crimes that they can get away with simply because it can be attributed to someone else. According to These Last Days News those who opt →

Week 3 posts 8000

This gives us a wider scope of the nursing profession. Another possibility is the provision and execution of information technology in the nursing profession. This is done through intra and interdisciplinary collaboration In your post, you explained that the collaboration promotes strengthening networks, reduction of costs and better nursing practice.

Reasons to become a nurse

A calling to be part of the medical profession as a health care practitioner in the capacity of a nurse cannot be ignored. Concurrent with this, I became a maternity technician in the same hospital for three years until the present time.

Essay about philosophy of nursing

Health is the optimal potential of a client to be the best they can be for the person and condition that they are in. It is my belief that Environment is the blending of person and health and all of the internal and external factors that affect a patient and their overall concept of these →

Functional status

Assessment of Functional Status of older patients due: Assessment of Functional Status Assessment of elderly patients normally differs from the standard medical evaluation. For older patients, physical examination and history taking are paramount.

You have read about hitech act,hipaa,arra,and electronic signatures.summarize the intentof one of these laws and its impact on your practice

Nursing Informatics; HITECH The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health 2009 Act was enacted as a portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Such HIT includes electronic health records and secure and private exchange of electronic health information. McGonigle and Mastrian outlines that, in →

Foot care for people with diabetes

The population holds the belief that acceptance of diagnosis of severe illness limits chances of members of society from getting married. The health beliefs of the American Indians have jeopardized efforts to support and save them from debilitating diabetes condition.

Essential equipments in the healthcare of patients

This article identifies areas of concern in spiritual assessment of patients and the steps used in acquiring a proper spiritual assessment analysis in patients. Significant discoveries on patients Patients treat their spiritual and physical health equally. Patients who are ignorant and do not have any ideas on the importance of spiritual beliefs are supposed →

Nursing research

Importantly, I ensure that the instrument that I will use for data collection during my research is the most reliable and valid in order to ensure that the data collected answered the research questions. Thereafter, I have to establish the time to collect the data and seek permission from the relevant authority before engaging in →

Case study example

According to Campbell and Miller , " Of the three DSM-IV clusters of personality disorders, NPD is considered to be part of Cluster B, the " dramatic, emotional, or erratic" cluster". In addition, according to Campbell and Miller , the following characteristics of people with NPD include: grandiose sense of self-importance, preoccupations with →

A simple surgery checklist saves lives

Based on the four flow charts, the system has much duplication of activities or redundancies in time especially on the number of times the patient has to give his consent. The patient consent is required in more in six scenarios in the system, from the holding room, anesthesiologist to surgeon. The patient has three separate →

Business opportunities

A scalable plan should describe the industry of operation of the business and identify a niche that the competitors cannot fill. The health care has also focused on application of the technology in the improvement of the business operations and dissemination of the health information related to health.

The american cancer society

The American Cancer Society The American Cancer Society ACS provides support to cancer patients by educating them on the various aspects and challenges of cancer. The ACS helps cancer patients to understand their diagnosis, the available cancer treatments and their side effects, and how to conduct yourself through the ailment stages; →


What changes in policy and practice are most likely to affect these figures over time? One out of every 8 women is at risk of developing breast cancer in the US. This can help in the prevention and treatment of cancer because research is focused on how tobacco control and good physical activity interfere with →

Nursing advocacy

As such, when nurses spend more time with their patients, as part of the advocacy role, they would risk jeopardizing the undertaking of other responsibilities needed in their respective units. What are the benefits associated with being a patient advocate? The patient advocacy role has always been regarded to be imbibed in the nursing profession. →

Ethical considerations of the advanced practice nurse – dissertation example

Even though the Nuremberg Code of Ethics stipulates ethical considerations, health care practitioners should follow and implement research, it is apparent seeking consent of participants is a major ethical violation common in clinical research. According to the Nuremburg Code of ethics, using human subjects in clinical research is ethical as long as clinical researchers adhere →

The community health nurses

The people of my community follows a common belief about the community health services in terms of access as well as values and care, based on which, care and treatment facilities are to be offered and enhanced. In this regard, the sharing views of the people signify the community as a phenomenological community (Saenz, Bukoski, →

Reflection paper

In this connection, for me to fit into this 5th recommendation of IOM, I will ensure that I enroll for a doctorate program in the next five years after graduating with a baccalaureate degree. However, since I have a lot of passion for education that would enable me better the lives of others in the →

Frankie and alice

Frankie and Alice Frankie and Alice The movie Frankie and Alice begins in Georgia in 1957, showing a girl in a car accident and stars Halle Berry as Francine Murdoch , a lady suffering from multiple personality disorder. This paper will write a personal plan to promote re-integration of egos in a case such →

The hurt locker: the war inside essay

A war can get the best or the worst out of a human being and it is this aspect of the battle that good war and army films such as Black Hawk Down and Crimson Tide explore. The Hurt Locker, set in Iraq amidst the lives of the American bomb squad members in the explosive →

Pygmalion and rain man

In the play, Pygmalion, we are asked to provide for ourselves the sound of Eliza Doolittle's cockney twang. Through the study of " Pygmalion", and the 1988 film, " Rain Man, we can see how distinctive voice lead us to make judgments about the characteristics and capabilities of the characters and contribute →

City lights a film by charlie chaplin: how the wealthy creates artificial shortages

It is praised for its bravery to persist in the use of silent film, for the cinematography itself, and for the use of a recorded score. Therefore an understanding of both Chaplin's personal history and the social climate of the pre-depression era are imperative to really understand City Lights theme of how wealth and social →

Blood diamond movie summary

Archer remarks that he hopes to abscond with Vandy's stone and leave the Dark Continent forever, but Coetzee indicates that his lost stake in Archer's botched Liberian operation entitles him to the diamond as compensation. Coetzee and his private army also turn up in the region, having been contracted by local authorities to repulse the →

A synopsis of the movie farewell my concubine

Therefore, the most impressive and controversial part of the movie Farewell My Concubine is its effort to break the language-less silence in search of an appropriate voice to express homosexual experience andanxiety. By showing Dieyi Cheng's painful life against the historical backdrop of extreme turbulence in China , the →


The movie was well written and turned out very well because of the fact it focused on the living instead of the undead. Something that also added to the plot line was the narating of Columbus as the movie progressed. The movie poked fun at the traditional zombie horror flick by sprinkling in well timed →

Troy movie notes critical analysis

He cannot stand to lose his pride * Achilles, son of Paris * Achilles kills the big guy with one stab * There is a huge feast , thrown by Agamemnon and Helen, to drink to peace, between troy and Sparta * Helen and Paris are lovers behind Menelaus's back. Hektor goes →

Genre and narrative

Narrative is the story comes about in the film and the all links of events of story of films-." We can consider a narrative to be a chain of events in cause-effect relationship occurring in time and space. We often infer events that are not explicitly presented, and we recognize the presence of materials that →

Boy in the striped pyjamas

She said I will have to say goodbye to my friends, my best long life friends. I do not want to say goodbye to my friends because of father's job. Lots of people did not want to and they hid wherever they could find a place but in the end I think →

Term paper on dreaming and time through the music of inception

Along the way, the viewer is treated to stunning visuals, complex characterizations and gravity-defying action sequences that immerse them in a supremely well-made techno thriller. However, one of the most impressive and important components to the film is Hans Zimmer's unique and aggressive score, which fuses together several elements in unique →

Bridge analysis

In realizing this goal, in depth research was completed analyzing preceding bridge contests in order to determine which style of bridge withstood numerous tests and has exhibited the best results in terms of its achieving quality of standards. The results of the research study and bridge analysis →

Analysis of the cinematography of jurassic park essay sample

For example, when the scientists are in the scene where the dinosaur eats the cow, you do not notice the buzzing sound that the electrified fence makes. You cannot hear the fence later on in the movie when all of the power is turned off.

Forks over knives film review

All the core proofs of the advantages of so called vegan diet are only based on observations. And also, many of those observations are not trustworthy enough to be considered proofs. This is one of more thing to realize, when thinking about reliability of this movie. But in many →

Movie review of princess protection program

The evil General Kane comes in with armed men to take over Costa Luna and incarcerate the Princess and her mother, some fighting ensues, and Joe Mason has to swoop in and rescue the Princess. The makeover proves to be futile when Brooke sees Rosalinda in a magazine and recognizes her as " Rosie".

District 9: scene analysis essay sample

The film depicts racial profiling and an abuse of power, which directly resembles the actions of the South African Nationalist Party in the mid to late 1900's. The corrupt government force of MNU in District 9 viewed the aliens as worthless beings who have no right to be a part of their community, as →

The movie ball of fire

The movie " Ball of Fire" is a comedy film that is released in the year 1941, which tells the story about a group of professors that have been working themselves for several years to finish an encyclopedia and depicts the story of the group's encounter with a nightclub performer who →

Memoirs of a geisha critical essay

Chairman The Chairman was the reason why Sayuri had a purpose to live, which was the result of his act of kindness to Sayuri when she was a child. Crab was one of the men who were attracted to Sayuri when she became a geisha.Dr.

Good ambiguity and its thematical significance in films movie review example

The essay will also discuss the specific ways in which the audience is alerted to the possibility of what they seem to be hearing or what they see not being the whole truth. Stories we tell The Stories we tell is the seventh film by Sarah Polley, who happens to be the writer and →

The east of eden: ‘timshel’

When a choice is made you will fight for it to win, through it. TIMSBEL gives us are opionons and free choice to choose what we desire.

Physician assisted suicide essay examples

For his assisted suicide, he is given a lethal sedative which slowly takes away his life in the company of his wife Mary who watches painfully. Before viewing this film, I thought that assisted suicide is the most inhuman action that any individual can engage and be involved in.before watching this film, I believed that →

The rampant obesity in america in “super size me”

Spurlock undertakes to explain the rampantobesity in Americaas a function largely of overdependence on conveniencefoodand dining in quick-service restaurant chains. Spurlock strove to make his point by undertaking to consume only McDonald's products for a whole month. His stated goal was to investigate the impact offast food, of which McDonald's is the archetype, on the →

revisiting the golden era of hindi cinema

The restraints of status, social standing, wealth, religion, educationare for a moment forgotten as the audience are compelled to lose themselves in the world playing out before them on the large screen. As the largest producer of films, the Indian film industry beats both Hollywood and China in terms of the number →

Slumdog millionaire: a film analysis

The movie Slumdog Millionaire gives an image into what the country of India is like, and through that, many connections to Human Geography can be made. The movie starts off by showing Jamal on the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, showing stimulus diffusion of an American show crossing international borders and →

As good as it gets summary

Not only did Melvin turn the lock on the door five plus times every time he came in the door, he also flipped the light switch five plus times. As far as Melvin's fear of germs, he was not at all fond of being touched by anyone and also did not trust →

Analysis of twelve angry men by reginald rose

He does not refer to them as regular people, but as " they" and " them" on certain pages. In the courtroom though, no juror is to have any judgments, they are supposed to bring the facts to the table, not their opinions. His judgmental views of the defendant blocked any potential →

The movie ”the chosen” essay sample

Although he was the chosen successor to his father as the Rebbe of the Hassidic community, he was rather drawn to the intellectual world of Freudian psychology. His father was against the Zionist movement which sought to make Israel the free state of the Jews.


Another two ways the story is also told is the gestures and facial expressions of the character, and the dramatic music used as it helps with it being a non-dialogue film. Cargo conveys a message saying that there is always hope in the human spirit, even if it's in an awful and disgracing situation.

The bully

It was not until a series of unexplainable events occurred in which Billy was involved but could not be blamed for and similarly neither could any of the other pupils, that everybody began to question this belief. The day everybody began to question all his or her explanations for Billy's behaviour began fairly normally, as →

Chiara longhi

I think the best thing to do would consist in adopting a sympathetic attitude towards these detractors, being able at the same time to show them that one action does not compromise the other: supporting Unicef does not mean automatically decide to avoid other closer " issues". I think that adopting those strategies, of both →

Good will hunting: a movie that inspires others

Specifically, the movie seems to focus on the general function of the brain and how different surroundings can make and break the personality of human beings. As we have learned from The Accidental Mind, our brain is ten percent away from being fully developed at the age of 5. I think that anyone can relate →

Alice in wonderland

She is able to preserve her view of the world as it originally was, and does not change much from the beginning of the novel to the end, because her adventure only happened in her dream. It's only at the end of the first book where Alice grows physically and realizes she →

Meaning in blue ain’t no mocking bird essay sample

Granny is not very happy with the camera men and she wants them to know that she is the owner of her house. However, Granny alerts him that the camera men are invading their property and she wants him to get them out of her place " Get them persons out of my flower bed, →

Film influences on society essay sample

Children are looking for role models at an early age, and film can look at a screen and see a " Hero" and they adopt the style of the film. It is apparent that the film creators too what is going on in society and put it into a film. Society also influences film, →

Cast away movie critique

For the next four years of his life, he is on the island alone with his only friend being a bloody volleyball he names " Wilson". Then one day, a wall of a portapotty washes up on shore, and he is able to use it to make some sort of raft to hopefully get him →

Informative essay on the woman in black

Jennet was not the sort of person to follow the rules and when the child was 6 she went to EMH, planning to kidnap him back. Jerome; A small, ginger man, a local lawyer and Mr Kipps' company at the funeral.o He is seen in " The Funeral of Mrs Drablow" and " Mr Jerome →

Cinderella equals sarcasm

Cinderella Equals Sarcasm In the poem " Cinderella, " Anne Sexton uses sarcasm to say that nobody ever ends up being happy and never has that fairy tale ending that they all want. She wants you to think at the beginning of the poem that it is going to be the typical happy ending →

Comparitive life cycle costing for of a gasoline and a hybrid car

The objective of the comparative analysis is to know the feasibility of the hybrid car against the petrol car. The procedure adopted for the comparative analysis is to do life cycle costing of both the engines by considering the cost, benefits, maintenance and repairs for both the engines. After completing the comparative analysis the life →

Saved through suffering in requiem for a dream and everything that rises must converge

The reaction of the African-American woman is one that expresses the sum total of the tension and suffering that has accumulated thus far in the story: " The huge woman turned and for a moment stood, her shoulders lifted and her face frozen with frustrated rage, and stared at Julian's mother. His suffering is of →

Differential in views on movie rating classification

Our Alternative Hypothesis will be: H1: The differentiation in attitude is insignificant The variables will be: age, familystatus, degree of attitude. To increase validity, we propose the implementation of the questionnaire twice: one in the beginning of one-month interval and another at the end of it. The statistics will be calculated with →

Gay community and the aids virus represented in dallas buyers club

However, through his long and arduous time spent in the company of the homosexual community, and the befriending of the transgendered character Rayon, Juan's homophobic and transphobic attitudes dissipate. In the early scenes of the movie, Juan Woodroof's character is laid out as conservative as it gets- he is a womanizer, a drug addict, someone →

Analyzing night

The reason why Elie Weisel chose the Night as the title for his book is simply because all the horrible and mind twisting events that have happened to him happened at night. He uses this to imply that the whole time he was there he was enveloped in death and thus making night the symbol →

Into the wild critical analysis

Chris' inability to forgive; lead him to isolate himself from his friends, lead him to hate his parents and, most importantly, lead him to die. But the inability of Chris to forgive anyone caused him to isolate himself in the college and in the society.

Taare zameen par film review

This gave birth to the story of " a child who did not fit into the school stream" named Ishaan Nandkishore. Ishaan is an 8 years old dyslexic child that was sent by his parents to aboarding schoolbecause he is on the verge of repeating 3rd grade for the second time. The stigma associated with →

Family relationships in the film billy elliot

The idea of a single father raising two adolescent boys in a poor household, where the idea that a bond in a family cannot be changed or broken, shows flaw in the idealist view one is led to believe. Many conflicts between the protagonists in the film, when focusing on the relationship →

Free movie review about big fish

This story is about a man named Ed Bloom, about the surprising man having in his stock a mass of stories and histories. The protagonist of the movie Ed Bloom is a real role model.

Consumer buying behavior of hybrid vehicles

The effect of this is that the rise of the awareness of fuel efficiency, as many will further relate that if fuel efficiency can be increased, then the emission can be further improved, as well as to reduce wastage. Many automobile makers has since then began development of fuel efficient engine in order to make →

The pianist by roman polanski: analyzing the character szpilman

He warns Szpilman to not lie to him again about the contents of the bags. The support and help of other people is crucial to his survival. As mentioned above, Szpilman's friend was able to prevent him from boarding the train to Auschwitz.

the role of media in any society essay sample

These include the rise and the fall of the gangster, levels of violence and to an extent, the pursuit of the American Dream. The film G-Men is a classic example of the Gangster genre being affected by the social anxieties of the time, as seen through the installment of the Hays Code.

Color in do the right thing

The different colors used in the film create a visual experience that helps to set the tone. The bright, vibrant colors create strong impressions of the characters' emotions, as well as the overall mood of the movie. This brick wall is a reoccurring object in the movie, and it gets lighter or →

Literary analysis of a river runs through it by, norman maclean

In Normal Maclean s book A River Runs Through It the book is told through the eyes of Normal looking upon the actions of his brother, Paul, of whom is an outcast in society and his family. In the books A River Runs Through It , The Crucible , and The French Lieutenants Woman a →

Why the vietnam war should not have happened

The documentary film, Hearts and Minds, by Peter Davis; illustrates the brutal nature and different perspectives of the people involved in the Vietnam War. These factors will demonstrate how the film, Hearts and Minds, helped encourage reform during and after the War. The Vietnam War is considered one →

The movie patriot a piece of history film studies essay

Traveling on to the chief point, to turn out it incorrect that non every history film is genuinely a portion of the existent history, I watched the film called the Patriot and in this paper I will compare the narrative of the Patriot with existent history to calculate out if the film contains a true →

Example of tin toy movie review

Pixar's Tin Toy is a paradigm of a short-form film that illustrates breakthrough, genuine emotions, and completeness of essential film qualities. When all other movies were accustomed to using the traditional form, Tin Toy opened the door to modern film art, a fledgling form in 1988 that ultimately become the inspiration of →

Real women have curves

The central issue of this film is how Ana, as a girl of a Hispanic decent, is torn between pursuing her ambition and the expectations from her family to follow her cultural heritage. Although Ana's mother is not actually victimized by Ana, she is experiencing some hardship and finds strength in the form of →

Good essay about modernity and post modernity

The initial focus of the paper is the study of the term modernity with its elements. The democratization and consumerization of the world also took place in the phase of modernity.

Analysis and review of selected dystopian literature and movies

The Capitol enjoys broadcasting the live television of the games which shows the viewers how there is no sense of humanity. Blade Runner: it was a very different movie than the others because of the extraordinary futuristic technology that would probably exist in the future. In the movie, one could also notice and infer about →