A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The book enrique’s journey overview essay sample

In the book Enrique's Journey, written by Sonia Nazario, readers understand the life of determined Enrique, who travels from Tegucigalpa Honduras to the United States of America to reunite with his mother, who left him to go to the United States when he was 11 years old. Many women in South America leave to →

A study of homoeroticism in twelfth night

Further, the very fact that the action in the plot - the wooing of Olivia, unbeknownst to Sebastian, and the wooing of Orsino - is mostly attributed to Viola through her planning and action demonstrates the female in power instead of a male. You are she" , thus expressing her deeper interest in Viola →

Existentialism and modern analysis

Jean-Paul is the father of Existentialistphilosophy, in the realm of Literary Studies and the Existentialist movement has been extremely popular amongst Marxists for it seems that Sartre's world view appealed greatly to Marxist sentiments and sensibilities. Sartre's passionate tone and empathic writing ( writing that has the quality of being 'for the masses')influences one to →

The knowledge of the book of jasher

Thus, anyone who claims that the Book of Jasher is a mere collection of the Jewish folklore should explain the origin of the true parts of the folklore. The contradictions in the Book of Jasher and the Bible include the misconceptions that the angels or other people were giving directions in the place of God.

Literacy narrative essays examples

Despite having had to play catch-up in many ways in my own literacy journey, I feel I have come a long way in my short career, and think I have a lot more to do. Growing up, my parents were never huge readers; they were very practically minded, and focused →

Edgar allan poe’s the tell-tale heart and the decline of sanity throughout

He now reveals the idea to murder the man to rid the narrator of the vulture eye. The narrator wants to rid his life of the vulture eye. On the night of the murder, the old man is awakened by the opening of his door, and the murderous narrator " chuckled at heart" upon hearing →

Good essay on the jaws log

The making of The Jaw Log has a unique perspective of one of the chief players in the alliance that resulted to the Classic movie by Spielberg. An example is where Gottlieb accounts of the Indianapolis vocalizations. Arguably, the work of Gottlieb has the advantage of his on-set notes, and the shooting notes and as →

Notes to a native son

Baldwin, who is seemingly na ve and not understanding of his father's views, soon becomes filled with the " intolerable bitterness" of his father. It was effective because Baldwin feels the rage that was learned, acquired and, passed down from his father, he let's loose against his enemy in the fancy restaurant.

My impressions from still i rise poem

The first time, its cool, however my parents seem to know the feeling that I would do it again and therefore they had to take drastic measures to prevent me from doing so again. The way Maya Angelou, " and do you think my words offend you", I think that what our parents say to →

Chapter 1 summary of three cups of tea

After his sister's untimely death, Mortenson sets out on an expedition to scale the second highest Summit in the world, and in order to honor his sister's memory by leaving her necklace at the peak. Mortenson's restrictions had altered his determination; and though he had failed he had learned a lot about his own mental →

Description of loss in the black cat

Therefore, not only does he physically lose his cat, house, and wife, but he also loses his emotional state of mind. From the very beginning the narrator reveals to the readers certain events that have occurred in the past that " have terrified, have tortured, have destroyed" him. As the buildup of these events continued →

Toni morrison`s beloved

She begins to realize that she can be independent from Sethe and looks forward to school because she does everything " on her own and [she] was pleased and surprised by the pleasure and surprise it created in her mother and her brothers". This newfound learning is something that Denver can cherish as her own, →

Money and its role in atlas shrugged

D'Anconia makes the speech during a party in the book while the conversation of money comes up, after one of the characters states in relation to Francisco, " You know, money is the root of all evil, and he's the typical product of money". However, if a person is not noble and virtuous, they are →

Morality play pattern in pride and prejudice

This is why her characters are moral rather than psychological constructs. Austen's purpose is not to explore their inner lives, but to expose particular moral pathologies to the attention of the reader. I do not believe that all the sophisticated Kantian and utilitarian theory in the world could shield you for long →

Common themes in the tuft of flowers and mending wall

A Look at the Theme of Separation in the Poetry of Robert Frost The creation of borders and boundaries has been around since the beginning of civilization. In his poems, The Tuft of Flowers, and Mending Wall, Robert Frost explores the role that walls play in our lives.

Essay on the canterbury tales

The Prioress, The Wife of Bath, and the Pardoner are some of the most important characters. The Wife of Bath is the most flamboyant of the travelers and she thinks very highly of herself.

William faulkner’s barn burning & it’s socio-economic levels

At the top of the ladder are Major de Spain and his wife, Lula de Spain. All of these characters represent the differences among the socio-economic groups, and how they intertwine with each other in the community. Though still a servant, he is presumably higher in the hierarchy of the social ladder.

The pardoner’s tale by geoffrey chaucer: structure, themes, and language

The qualifications to be medieval sermon were theme, protheme, the introduction to the theme, the division of the theme, the subdivision, and the discussion. Many many use these ideas of a ' modern' sermon to argue a lack of formal structure in the Pardoner's Tale. The structure of the Tale is hard to separate from →

The hunger games by suzanne collins vs. a modest proposal by jonathan swift

Contemplating A Modest Proposal Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games and Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal both tell the story of a suffering land, and what characters do or could do to try and survive in the world the they are born into. As baby meat may become a delicacy, it makes sense that →

Nebraska landscape in my antonia

Part of the reason for this connection is that the novel is set in a time and place where the weather places limitations on the characters. As a result, the characters are simply more in tune with the weather and the natural elements in general. The land is unyielding and unforgiving, just →

Main message of a pair of silk stockings story

Chopin and Pat Moras Attitudes In A pair of silk stockings by Chopin, a mother temporarily escapes from the daily worries and fatigue of the lower class to enjoy luxuries only available to the affluent upon the chance possession of a large sum of money. The main character belongs to the lower class, →

Example of paper due date essay

But ironically enough, especially in the latter instance, that is exactly what one would expect from the Fahrenheit 451 text and the film (screen adapted by Jean Luis Ricard and Fran oisTruffaut and directed by Fran oisTruffaut) that the book will allow the reader to bring his or →

“miss brill,” by katherine mansfield

The selected passage is from the end of the short story Miss Brill, beginning where Miss Brill sees the boy and girl who sits down on the bench near her right to the end of the story. Mansfield shows us how hurtful the truth can be to people who have not →

A main idea of the fault in our stars novel

Lancaster's loving care for Hazel and Augustus's passionate love and generosity, make Hazel into the girl she is today. Hazel's mom Mrs. Lancaster will be the first to run to Hazel's room and rush her to the hospital with the help of her husband.

Everyday use analytical

Maggie is used in the story to show the reader how heritage is still followed and respected in a family. Dee on the other hand is described in the short story as a strong and selfish girl. The narrator uses Dee's personality to show the reader how ignorant she is to her heritage.

Jane eyre- victorian mores

After being accused of " strike[inning] a young gentleman" , Jane is reminded that she is not a true member of the Reed family as she is told that she is something " less than a servant". Her relatives could have easily treated her with love and kindness, but instead she was →

Meaning of “carpe diem” in the road not taken, a&p and araby

Those who want to take a big bite of life and just run with it usually express this term, instead of worry about the future and what it holds. This poem exclaims a bold statement by describing the exhilarating fun of celebration in the present day. In conclusion, Carpe Diem means to release all worry →

Knight as a hero in the canterbury tales

The tale which the Knight later narrates is appropriate because it is a story of war, reflecting on the occupation of the Knight. Knights of the Middle Ages were the core of the military and the heart of the kingdom.

All my sons by arthur miller: theme, genre, style

A black box theatre would be the best choice because the closer the audience is to the characters, the more intimate and poignant the story can be, and the urgency and harshness of the conclusion is all the more emphasized in such a setting. As for lighting, nothing too flashy would be used (this is →

Research paper on greek theatre and ritual

Thus, the article contains reliable information for the paper. Part 2: Greek Theatre and Ritual In Athenian society, theatre was institutionalized as a schedule of festivals popularly known as the Dionysia in honor of the god. It also served as a representation of the palace and house in which the plays were set.

The hold life has: coca and cultural identity in an andean community book review examples

Washington, D.C. Introduction The book " The Hold Life Has: Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community" is an idiosyncratic ethnography of the Quechua-speaking people of the Andes. This book typically examines the cultural identity in Sonqo and the role of cola and alcohol in the lives of the people of Sonqo.

12th night essay

The majority of Shakespeare's characters did not get what they deserved in the end, there definitely is a strong scent of injustice that hangs in the air around Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. As many of us know, humanity is infamous for their willingness to judge and act against a person before they fully investigate the situation; →

It’s a dog’s life

I run to the door, and take the paper in my mouth, he waves at me through the glass, and I jump up at the door, and bark excitedly. Sometimes he goes for days without feeding me, or he will grab me by the throat and yell in my ears, and when he's had a →

Identifying with the author in between the world and me

This particular inspiration of Coates' is facilitated by his situation as a dad, which shows itself since the guide accepting structure as a notice to his adolescent tyke. Coates shares stories, both individual and other's happening to other people, to get the reader to see the world through his very own eyes, and help the →

Cry the beloved country restoration analysis

In the book Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton, restoration is one of the main themes of the book. The first thing developing the concept of restoration is the character Napoleon.

A letter from birmingham jail

Kennedys inaugural address, and last but not least, we read " Millennial Makeover" by Morley Winograd and Michael Hals. Furthermore, we had to read and analyze the documents because the quizzes required us to think deeper than the written words on the paper. My favorite of these three documents, if I had to →

Feminism in a novel the bell jar by sylvia plath

The passage quoted above, and the emotions which it conveys, are typical of a feminist like Esther, but Esther is ahead of her time and is thus unable to express herself to society in the way she wants. In this novel, Plath shows us the ways in which women were discriminated against, through the eyes →

Antigone’s relation to modern society thesis proposal example

The aims of my thesis will be - The theme of Hubris or pride and its effects - Individual laws and beliefs versus the state's law - The theme of love - The theme of gender inequality - Relating the themes of the " Antigone" with the modern society Introduction The " Antigone" →

The decay of the compsons in william faulkner’s the sound and the fury

The Sound and The Fury by William Faulkner : Theme Analysis In The sound and the fury, William Faulkner's main theme is about the decay of the Compson family, which also parallels the decay of the South in America. The Compson family is composed of Jason Compson III, the alcoholic father, Benjamin , →

Contrast in conrad’s heart of darkness

Of the many contrast in " Heart of Darkness" the difference of light and dark and the difference between the Thames River and the Congo River are the most obvious. The biggest contrast in " Heart of Darkness" is the difference between light and dark.

A sound of thunder and the understanding of causality and figurative language 

When he returns to the future it turns out that killing one butterfly had the effect of changing the presidential election. The author heavily emphasizes the usage of imagery and figurative language to create the story's mood and atmosphere as unnerving, calm, and mysterious. On top of this he uses figurative language particularly personification to →

Race as a providing theme in desiree’s baby

Later on, it is revealed that the reason behind the hatred of this race is due to the cultural beliefs and pride that place everyone above this " race that is cursed with the brand of slavery,". The main point being created in this work is that color is the only obstacle separating people from →

Diana cazares photo write essay nightlife

Racismroamed among African-American society but in the midst of this club, all you can see is people making the most Of their life, relishing in the jazz music. The wall is lined with countless selection of spirits, tempting the already intoxicated patrons. You can see people sitting down at the counter, awaiting someone →

Nothing gold can stay and the outsider: what do they have in common

In the first five lines of the poem, he is discusses nature and tells us that everything will eventually fade away and nothing will stay. This quote from line 2 is telling us that gold, which is referring to purity and innocence, is very hard to keep and it will eventually go away.

A farewell to arms

While Frederic Henry became a true " code hero" by the end of the novel, Catherine Barkley was a better example of a " code hero" throughout the course of the novel. The most important characteristics required to be a true Hemingway " code hero" like Catherine Barkley are bravery, immorality, and discipline. According to →

“hills like white elephants” by hemingway analysis

The author uses a carefully selected setting to enrich this theme. For instance, Hemingway chooses to have the couple's encounter at a train station waiting to get to their next destination: " The station was between two lines of rails in the sun". This is yet again, another example of how the couple fails to →

Analytical analysis of the tempest

The major theme of a " dramatic comedy' relates to the idea of relationship or marriage, which is seen in the play as the climax and ultimate outcome. As stated before, the source of conflict and action in a " dramatic comedy' only exist through character interaction, as seen Prospered and Notation's relationship. →

Rewrite essay example

From his perspective, the book offers a critical look at the idea of Oriental Studies in the academe. In an interview with Al-Ahram Weekly, Said suggested that Lewis' knowledge of the Middle East was so subjective that it could not be valid.

Angels in america as a projection of american society

It is a projection of America's society in my point of view. In the play, I think the most interesting character was Prior Walter because he seems to appear to be a real psychic. Because of his conflicts with serval characters representing the typical groups in American society and also the issues that directly relate →

Between the world and me: a poetic analysis

The author juxtaposes the scattered belongings of the victim " vacant shoe, empty tie, tipped shirt" with those of the onlookers " butt-ends of cigars and cigarettes, peanut shells, a drained gin-flask, and a whore's lipstick" giving the first glimpse of the way in which the man was murdered, a social event." The sun died →

The fool in king lear

Not only is he important in the development of the plot but he's important in the development of Lear's character and also has an important role in the development of the mood in the play. The Fool is one of the wiser, if not the wisest, characters in the play and emphasises →

Good example of essay on a. sex and character

The main point of the primary reading is to answer the woman related questions by means of demonstrating the intellectual and moral inferiority of both the Jews and woman and determining the metaphysical connection in between. The Viennese-Jew author incorporates both the philosophical and scientific concepts in the literature. The first Chapter →

The long way home essay sample

The book explores the various experiences some of the immigrants to America had during the Great War time. A great step towards achieving unity between them was, the soldiers had to learn English and this seemed to be of great value CITATION Ken04 p 4 l 1033. Americanization of many of the →

Imitation of jonathan swift’s satire modest proposal

It's clear and apparent that by all parties that this prodigious problem has affected and continues to affect our lives and needs to come to an end by having to deal with the students that do not care no reason about school and I have formulated a great plan to reduce if not illuminate this →

The dilemma about kneel standing during the national anthem

More so, as I sit and think about all the atrocities that have been going on in the world as of late I can understand the viewpoint of the players, staff or personnel who are choosing to kneel during the National Anthem, I feel like in my heart that I truly understand the reasons behind →

Struggle between good and evil in east of eden

Cathy is the type of girl that does not like having her parents in her business so she decides to run away to Boston and she fails. Soon leading her to encounter Adam and Charles in Connecticut. Later on Adam and Cathy get married and have twins together and in chapter 17 she tells him →

An astounding effects of slavery in beloved by toni morrison

The name " Sweet" Home combined with the physical beauty of the plantation allows for Sethe to temporarily forget the horrors that took place there; she is able to identify with the seemingly good aspects of Sweet Home, hoping that the pleasant memories will be enough to quash the traumatic ones. Although she does not →

Virgil’s aeneid: a character analysis of dido

The answer to this question remains a mystery, because while those who lived by pursuing reason over passion may have appeared to have led better lives in The Aeneid than those who chose passion, the fate of Pentheus in The Bacchae teaches us that neither is better than the other, and that, instead, a life →

Baking brownies

This is where the brownie mixture will be placed before it is baked in the oven. It will be used when the glass baking pan is placed and taken out of the oven.

Good civilization and its discontents by sigmund freud compared research paper example

He sets the trend to see civilization as the main cause for the inability of individuals to reach their potential. Fromm adopts Freud's observations and goes a step further as to suggest a solution on how an individual could succeed in his struggle for personal fulfillment and freedom. Freud sees the →

The great gatsby chapter 1-5 summaries

At dinner, Tom talks about the book, " The Rise of the Colored Empires", and readers learn that Tom is pro-white dominance. Dinner is interrupted by a phone call for Tom, and Jordan tells Nick that it's a phone call from Tom's lover in New York. Gatsby then tells Nick about his →

The great gatsby – the unachievable dream

Through his portrayal of the main characters and symbols, Fitzgerald illustrates the decay of morals and values, exemplifying the underside of the American Dream. Fitzgerald portrays twisted relationships to represent the corrupt American Dream in The Great Gatsby. The girl who was with him got into the papers, too, because her arm was broken- she →

Briar rose

The use of allegory and symbolism effectively links the story of " Sleeping Beauty' to Gamma's past and more Importantly, theHolocaust. A clear example which shows his technique is when Gamma describes the bad fairy as " the one in big black boots and silver eagles in her hat." The initial meaning to →

Tragic heroes in “the great gatsby” and “king lear”

While Shakespeare's King Lear and Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby both follow the traditions of the tragic hero narrative, King Lear adheres more closely to traditions by allowing the protagonist to develop excessive pride, tragic recognition, and emotional purging. Similar to Lear's excessive pride and following tragic hero traditions, Gatsby is not willing to admit defeat →

Battle of waterloo

The lifeboats represent his cartoons which he sees as his way out the reservation and a way for him to make it in the world. 2. All he see's is death and destruction. This leads to the positive side of Arnold's personality.

“chronicle of a death foretold” review

If the marriage between Bayardo and Angela had never occurred, Santiago Nasar would still be alive. Ever since Angela was a child, she faced a strong pressure to get married." The girls had been reared to get married." It is notable that Angela was the prettiest of her three sisters and several men →

“women in the global factory” by annette fuentes and ehrenreich essay sample

Is it just a ploy of multinational firms to take advantage of the status of women in third world countries? This reveals that the problems Fuentes and Ehrenreich discussed in their book are felt not just in developing countries but in first world countries as well. It can be assumed that in third world →

Different natural issues in the open boat novel

Being the one of the earliest examples of naturalism in which the concept of determinism and fate is stressed it makes sense for the story to paint a picture of nature as having an indifferent attitude towards the men in the boat. Maintaining the human-like characteristics of the sea but simultaneously changing the ocean's objective →

Critical book review sample

The book thus explains the impact the gospel has had in different parts of the globe over the years and delves into the future of the gospel in different parts of the world. The book however rewrites the rules as far as evangelism and the spreading of the gospel is concerned.

The need to disobey

Antigone chooses to break the law and buries her brother, and gets caught. Despite the pleas of Antigone and Haemon, Creon's son and Antigone's fiance, Creon sentences Antigone to death by live burial and starvation. MLK makes a more direct point that civil disobedience is necessary, and he is more effective in →

Essay-still alice by lisa genova

Of course not to say that she should have gotten it. But, if she had cancer or ALS like what Morrie had in Mitch Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie, Alice would have been a " hero." On the contrary, she was repulsed and repelled by her society and her husband failed to understand →

Growing up

The older adult craves the commitment and emotional satisfaction of another person to share his life with. As a person ages the social aspect differs greatly from a younger adult. This generally is between the ages of 40 and 50 for men and women and is a result of a freer lifestyle →

Book review on as we are now by may sarton and still alice by lisa genova

Caro is need of short term care, however, this translates to long term care and she is forced to stay in the nursing home for a considerably longer period of time than was supposed to be. The nursing home is under staffed; the health conditions are of a low standard. Aging →

Do not go gentle into that good night by dylan thomas

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas BY Lolo-H poem " Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. →

“last of the mohicans” book and movie contrast essay sample

" Last of the Mohicans" Book and Movie Contrast Essay Sample While watching " Last of the Mohicans" I found that there are many differences between the book, and the movie. As I stated before, there are many differences between the book and the movie.

Battle of ole miss, a book by frank lambert essay

The kind of segregated society that is Mississippi and the race relations can be traced back to the time of pre-civil war. This book gives the history of segregation. The book, while it attempts to show the intricacies and the complexities of the battles, gives the difference between Barnett and Meredith.

The effect on women in afghan society in a thousand splendid suns

This paper will discuss the life and work of Khaled Hosseini with special emphasis on the effect on women in Afghan society in the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. They have struggled with the Taliban's political reign in government as well the the " cultural contraints...of tradition and religion"(Women in Afghanistan: Pawns in men's power →

The similarities between what we talk about when we talk about love and cathedral

These similarities include both the use of isolation in the two stories and the failure of language between the stories. The narrator's relationship with the " blind man" grew and allowed the narrator to face his identity and his loneliness. Isolation continuously emerges with the theme of the failure of language In What We Talk →

The rocket boys

Homer was in great shape at the end of the book- physically, emotionally, and socially, having stayed true to what he wanted to do, and sticking with his friends. Homer's father would not have come to the launch, and even though he was slowly getting used to the fact that Homer wanted to leave Coalwood →

Question of education in savage inequalities

If not that they become dependent of the government that failed them. The fact that these children are underprivileged and seem to go unaccounted for leads to leads to a decline in their motivation. These are the students whom want to know what's outside of their neighborhoods and want more than what they have.

Roles responsibilities and relationships in education and teaching essay sample

The planning and design stage of the teaching cycle, the role of the teacher is a planner and a researcher and it is the teacher's responsibility to plan a session which meets the needs of the learner and the requirements of the course. The facilitating stage the teacher would be a demonstrator, communicator or a →

The sisters mainini and lucia in tsitsi dangarembga’s “nervous conditions”

Dangarembga seems to argue that there is a sort of entrapment of women within the society stripping women of genuine freedom and an unprejudiced position in the society. To communicate the issues of African women, Dangarembga had created an ensemble of African Women that have varying voices to represent women of different views regarding the →

Response to beauty and the beast

In everycultureand throughout every generation the presence of fairytales and folklore has been evident, because just as each culture has its own morals and manners, so does every culture need its own fairytales to represent what is important to those people at that time in that place.

American cold war in literature

In comparison to one flew over the cuckoos nest It Is also written In the first person narrative through the eyes of a mental health patient, similarly to the Bell Jar we are placed Into a mind of a patient that Is not condemned as 'sane' so therefore has a significant Impact on the questioning →

The chosen: identifying a protagonist

Throughout The Chosen, Chaim Potok develops tension and mood to demonstrate that silence can be a way to connect with the inner soul. In the novel, Potok uses tension, lying mostly with the relationships between Reuven, Danny, and Reb Saunders, to link the mind to the heart. Reb Saunders, paying full attention to Reuven, says →

Story “my name is asher lev”

One, Asher Lev's up tight and all- encompassing religious community, and the other his intense passion and desire to create art. Throughout Asher Lev's life as a young child and as an adult, he had to trade-off between his love of creating art and/or following his family and community religious traditions. Due →

‘a future perfect’ by john micklethwait and adrian wooldridge essay sample

There was a period of protectionism with the beginning of the First World War in 1914 that included the Second World War, the emergence of communism, the cold war, numerous trade wars, the nationalization of industries, the great depression, and other recessions. In terms of business there are five misconceptions or myths that should be →

The little prince essay

The fox symbolizes love and the desert flower is meaning of religion. First, the king teach people about useless of power and the fox teach love, and desert flower is symbolizes of religion.

Role of fate in treasure island book

This is shown most clearly by the following quote found within the later half of the text, when Jim and some of his friends are attempting to trace a path to the island with treasure." Even the ripples were a danger to our overloaded craft; but the worst of it was that we were swept →

That doom abided but in time it would come

It is also interesting to note here that the poem is book ended by funerals, death being the inevitable conclusion of fate, and also with prophecy, particularly effective for a contemporary audience knowledgeable of the outcomes of such prognostications. However, it is in the episode of Beowulf's fight against the dragon that we see the →

Good example of essay on what changes a person

However, later on in the book, the Narrator's true personality comes to light, especially when he is telling the Tailor the story of The Count of Monte Cristo. As he tells the story, " the words poured out of [him]" and this contrasts from an earlier telling where he says, " I was →

The character of mrs. sommers as depicted in kate chopin’s, a pair of silk stockings

She succeeds in the sense of fooling people and also herself into believing that she is a member of the upper class, at the same time failing in her responsibilities to her family of being a responsible mother. In the second story, we read by Kate Chopin, Regret , the main character, Mamzelle Aurelie, has →

The aeneid by virgil and the bacchae by euripides: a comparative study

After the scene in the cave, we are given the impression that Dido and Aeneas are married, from the description of the wailing nymphs acting as a chorus, and when Virgil seems to use a reverse form of antonomasia as he refers to Aeneas as " leader of the Trojans" and Dido by her name. →

An analysis of kurtz in the heart of darkness

Heart of Darknesstells the tale of a man named Marlow and his quest to find the almost mythical figure of Kurtz. Marlow, who is an experienced sailor and river boat pilot, is charged by the company that employs Kurtz to lead an expedition into the heart of the African Congo to find Kurtz and →