A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Report on language development in classroom communication

The language used is not easy to understand but the relevance of the illustrations cannot make a learner avoid the text. The text is also a good reference for the learners who try to learn other languages and the economics language which is mostly derived from the native English language. Journals Wesley, H.2003.

Review of flannery o’connor’s book, a good man is hard to find

The combination of the humorous elements with the disturbing elements enhanced the story's disturbing nature, because these two contrasting feelings are usually not used together in the way that O'Connor has used them. Initially, " A Good Man Is Hard to Find" is a humorous narrative of a dysfunctional family going on a road trip. →

Dulce et decorum est essay

The contrast of the poems is mainly down to when they were written as Binyon wrote his poem at the very beginning of the war, meaning the poem has a very propagandist and optimistic outlook on the war. By comparing the soldiers to stars, Binyon is erasing any negative references to the horrors of war →

The hitchhikers guide to the last 3.5 billion years essay sample

The only book to pack when you get aboard the Sirius Cybernetics Time Machine III to visit your ancestors from the Time of the Dinosaurs, the Time of Trilobites and beyond... Containing such important information as: which species of Jurassic conifer not to rest under if you do not →

A passage to india: imperialism

The way in which Forster captures the imperialist ideology against the backdrop of a wondrous India and its people has been done so to give the reader a completely unbiased focal on the themes, but still create an enduring curiosity to how the back-story will affect the current affairs. With the thought on imperialism, rather →

Explore the role of joe keller in the play all my sons

At the beginning of the play we see just from the description of Joe Keller in the stage directions as he described as a 'business man with the imprint of the machine shop worker and boss still upon him' from this we learn that even though Keller is a man from nowhere he has →

Free essay on the sociological imagination by c wright mills

His coinage of the term life chances is also important as it explains what this means in the context of the American society which was, and up to a point, still is run by the very few at the top. He attempts to make us understand that certain policies instigated →

To kill a mocking bird “one shade of gray”

One character that falls into the shade of gray is Aunt Alexandra. The first time she appears in the book, it is discovered that even she, Atticus' sister, does not want him defending Tom Robinson because it's bad for the Finches' reputation. That determination makes her a good person, because she is →

Cask of amontillado – literary elements of foreshadowing

The literary elements of foreshadowing, symbolism, and irony help to create a tale of horror or found in the short story " The Cask of Amontillado" written by Edgar Allan Poe. J" , because he knows that Fortunate will in fact die from dehydration and starve ion in the crypt. He reshow's →

Cormac mccarthy’s all the pretty horses: literary analysis

In the very beginning of the book, right after his grandfather's funeral, I saw this passage which reminded me of the classic west, " At the hour he would always choose when the shadows were long and the ancient road was shaped before him in the rose and canted light like a dream of the past →

The desire of an individual essay sample

In the research conducted using the book The Epic of Gilgamesh and Anowa by Ama Ata Aidoo the statement will be analyzed to show how the individual's object of desire can tell more about them. According to the book, The Epic of Gilgamesh the king of Uruk, Gilgamesh a combination of both gods and →

Macbeth: differences between the play and movie

The main diffrences in between the play and the movie is the portrayal and functions of the witches, the changes of the setting and some key scenes, and the diffrences of the functions of the main characters and also the minor characters. The portrayal and function of the witches in the original play of MacBeth →

Sample essay on diverse families

Nova Publishers, The book covers the support structure of the family in a much more primitive light, that of survival in the face of adversity and challenges associated with the first world. Divorced Family Structure and the Academic Success of Children.

Brave new world & bokanovsky’s process

The World State celebrates its law and ethical paradigms by way of sloganism and its herald: "" in a shield, the World State's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY"; the three words in rapid succession suggest that the religious trinity of Father-Son-Holy-Ghost have been replaced by communal identification. The →

Angela’s ashes: respond

In this texts found in the 8th chapter of the book, he mentioned that although his father is bad at some point especially in using the money that was supposed to be used for the children and the family, he adores his father so much and loves him like he loves his mother. In other →

The emperor jones the cabinet of dr. caligari

The second aspect was the significance of setting design as a way to generate meaning in the theatre. And the third way in which Caligari seems to influence O'Neill is through the lighting effects in the film.

Good example of classification essay

Students can be classified into the following: ' 100 % preparation students', ' 200 % preparation students' and ' selective study students'. As is evident from the name, 100% preparation students are those students who are extremely thorough in their approach. Also, if some topic is not dilated upon in the book, such students strive →

Pier-glass and world order in george eliot’s middlemarch

Furthermore, the phrasing of the passage permits the reader to truly think about the illusion Eliot's perspective creates in the novel; is the novel a cohesive piece of literature by its own merit or merely a series of random scratches that happen to come together by the candlelight of her point of view? Eliot opens →

An importance to create happiness around in flowers for algernon

Although he was oblivious to the meaning of their quizzacious remarks, he did have a feeling of embarrassment, " I wanted to hide myself".However, his feelings of embarrassment were caused by his thought that they were only teasing him in a different way, not in a negative way. He also realized that before his operation, →

Chronicle of a death foretold

She went on feeding the dogs with the insides of the other rabbits, just to embitter Santiago Nasar's breakfast." The emotions expressed by Nasar in this scene add to his and Victoria Guzman's characterization: Nasar's opposition toviolence, and Guzman's hidden despise for Nasar. Dogs are also a motif used by Marquez in →

To kill a mockingbird summer reading assignment

Scout goes through the rest of the school year bored, when summer starts she is happy because Dill comes back and they can act as the Radleys again, she also finds some things in one of the trees in the front of the Radley's house and she keeps them. Dill and Jem grow closer together →

Essay on edgar allen poe’s fall of house of usher

To fully understand a story involving this disorder, it is cardinal to know the exact definition of bipolar disorder, as well as its symptoms and previous aliases. The Oxford English Dictionary defines bipolar disorder as: " a form of mental illness characterized by one or more episodes of mania typically accompanied by →

Unknown cumulative distribution functions research proposal samples

The observational CDF F is characterized as the extent of X values short of what or equivalent to x. This book is relevant to the paper since it offers a clear clarification of in the same way as those delivered by hist and norm-plot, is valuable for looking at the dispersion of an example →

Post-war effects in slaughterhouse five by kurt vonnegut

The effects of when these soldiers are in the battlefield can be especially damaging to the mental image because of the horrifying effects of war. It is evident that Billy behaves in a very unusual manner a lot of the time, whether he is at home, war, or even with the Tralfamadorians that he always →

Huckleberry finn reflections

This event in the story also supports the point that there is a karma factor to the world. Huck learned that if he wanted to keep himself away from getting caught or stuck in the same position as the duke and the king now were, that he had to keep true to →

Literature analysis of a passage to india by e. m. forster

He wears a mask and his face grows to fit. Orwell suggests that the change is merely the taking on of a role and that the colonizer is an actor required to play the part of the British ruler. It is the acceptance of this role is the change that affects the →

The porter and the three ladies of baghdad

The same thing did happen in the story The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad. Although there had been a sworn statement between the ladies and the men, the latter broke the contract and faced the consequences.

Paradise lost

When the Lord comes to dealing with punishment for their actions, it would appear that Adam's wrongdoing was primarily in the fact that he listened to and obeyed his wife, as this action is the one God stresses firstly and unnecessarily; with the eating of the apple - and thus the contravening of His law →

Brownies cakes history and nowadays

Thus, the Morning Leafier or Malagasy plant is chosen as the raw material of the product which is food supplements in the form of brownies. This product will be offered to suit the needs of people who are in need of help to their health featuring the nutritional values and many benefits of →

The return: nightfall chapter 23

He looked Damon in the face and said, " No way". Shrugging, as if to say, I did everything I could, Damon lifted the shaggy pine rod - " No," cried Elena." Damon, I will do it". Damon smiled the smile and held it for a moment until Elena looked away and went to Matt. Something →

Among the hidden book report

Among the Hidden In the book Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix is about the Governments rules and restrictions about having more then two children and in this essay I am going to describe the three characters and how they resisted the Government. They can change the future by opposing the government and →

Desire of ages book report essay sample

Though even this was not definite enough to clarify her position concerning the divinity of Jesus, because as we have seen, others had spoken similar language without trusting in Christ's boundlessly eternal preexistence. Further in the book, writing on the revival of Lazarus, she cited the words of Christ, " I am the resurrection →

The storm also rises

Two eyes were staring down at me, and the air was grabbing my skin as if I was not allowed to enter. As I reluctantly climbed the gray, old, squeaky, wooden steps, I noticed that the front door was partially open, and the darkness behind it seemed to swallow me. The sunlight was like swords →

Example of extraordinary putting transforming the whole game a book report book review

Similar to the journal article critique, determine the validity and reliability of the information presented. The author has done a good job, since the author is a successful golfer and a coach for a long time; most of the time it is reflected that he is sharing his personal experiences and teaching others to do →

Bereavement, death and dying 

The assessment will provide the healthcare worker to acknowledge the elements that may affect the way the client views and responds to their world as well as the other people in it. It is in fact surrounded by India at the east, Iran to the west, China to the northeast and Afghanistan which is connected →

Ptsd in the red convertible by louise erdrich

With Erdrich's writing approach, honesty and reality, and the truth about post traumatic stress disorder, this is a very likable story as well as a great read for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of PTSD. To begin with, " The Red Convertible" is a short story by American-Ojibwe author, Louise Erdrich. To end →

The turn of the screw: one of the most debated novels

Turn of the Screw: A Marxist Perspective: A Criticism The Turn of the Screw has been one of the most debated novels of all time because it leaves blank spaces in the text that Henry James intentionally left. I think we can relate this to Miles; he is only a child but she →

Salem witch trial and the crucible

Since she was a woman and was questioning him, he thought the best way to get rid of her was to send her to jail for being a " witch". The first execution in Salem was to a woman of 71, Rebecca Nurse.

Comparison of the role of satan in the crucible and the devil and tom walker

The Crucible and " The Devil and Tom Walker" both comment on Satan's rise and how the " invisible world" both negatively and positively impacted the people of the colonial era. " The Devil and Tom Walker" by Washington Irving advanced the theme of Satan, causing many different effects. Works of literature such as " The →

Characteristic of prince prospero in the masque of the red death

This essay analyses " The Masque of the Red Death" to highlight Prince Prospero's immodest personality based on the following behaviors: Prince Prospero decorates seven party apartments with large amounts of gold; Prince Prospero attempts to attack a strange guest who shows up at a sealed off party event; and Prince Prospero ferries a troop →

A warning to humanity in the war of the worlds

Wells' The War of the Worlds the author uses aliens to manifest the idea of that subconscious thought.H.G. He notes that, " Wells seems to be saying, as he was to throughout his writings, that humanity is nothing but a cog in the greater machine of science"..

Free will vs. determination (east of eden)

Sam Hamilton was thought of being bad or evil when he came to Salinas due to the fact that he was Irish and he proved to be one of the kindest characters in the book. Sam Hamilton changed their views, as Louis told Adam when he brought him up to meet Sam, " he's a →

Stop book banning

They should understand why America did the things it did so that they will not be ashamed of the country that they live in and they can then defend their country to anybody trying to put it down. One reason administrators should not be allowed to ban books is because it takes →

Characters in barn burning short story

Given his background as being part of the Canadian Air Force, he was likely able to experience what war was like and, as such, was able to develop Abner Snopes, the father of Sartoris Snopes, to be similar to him. With this being said, it seems possible that the oxymoronic nature of Abner Snopes' words →

Pride and prejudice critique essay

Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet in the opening scenes. Elizabeth is one of five Bennet sisters unlike many main characters Elizabeth is not the prettiest, but she is witty and intelligent: the result is that the reader does not expect Elizabeth to be the novels heroine, as is does not possess the Disney →

“ode to a nightingale” by john keats essay sample

Countless pieces of the poem indicate that he also wishes for immortality and the ability to escape from reality and into another state of consciousness and the ecstasy of the nightingale's song its peace, its happiness. " Ode to a Nightingale" is relevant to the themes Keats explores in his poems and " odes". While →

Informative essay on a good man is hard to find by flannery o`connor

In the beginning of the story, the grandmother talks about how you cannot even trust anybody in the world, while she is actually being more untrustworthy than those of the world. Analyzing the characters, setting, and irony of the story, we can see how trust is a major issue throughout the story and how they →

Book review on purpose of the book

Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine, and the Murder of a President. First, she brings a living Garfield, the general, the man, the congressional representative, the scholar, and the president, to the attention of her readers, and restores him to the modern world.

Nickel and dimed and minimal wage

When I had my field placement my sophomore year at Refuge of Hope, I remember one of the first things the director of the shelter would do during an intake, was to give the new client a bus pass, so that when the client was job hunting he could say that he had a reliable →

Dropping of the droppings on hiroshima and nagasaki

Results of the Event on the United States and the World For the US, the dropping of the atomic bomb sent a powerful message to the rest of the world that this nation would not be intimidated or tolerate any aggression against it. The dropping of the atomic bomb meant years of painful physical and →

Women’s rights come to a halt : madame bovary

Children are also a big part of a woman's life, because children can only be produced by a women, and it is their duty to care, and love them. As Emma was trying to convey the perfect woman " she declared she adored children; this was her consolation, her joy, her passion, →

Rescue of the trapped boys in thai jungle

However the continues heavy rain and the forecast of the weather had feared the rescue team to save the boys and their coach through the water-logged passageways from the cave because some of the boys are as young as 11 years old and are not strong divers nor swimmers. The British divers together with the →

The great gatsby, chapter 8

He spends the day making his way to Gatsby's house and upon his arrival kills Gatsby in his pool and then ends his own life. He mentions the "...cluster of leave..".that are in the pool foreshadowing Gatsby's fate by having the leaves represent the end of the season and the end of his life.

Spain’s men of the sea

He intended to write the book to coincide the occasion of the 500th anniversary celebration of Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage of discovery, thus he addressed the book to a Spanish-speaking audience who may know the broad outlines of the time when Spain was a world power. The book nicely organized into six topical chapters that →

Literary adaptations and transformation: the changes disney has made to snow white and the little mermaid

According to the magazine, " The Disney machine has touched us all, spreading the values of the marketplace, colonizing the fantasy life of children and changing the world irrevocably in the process" (A Reader's Guide To Disneyfication, 1998). This in a way shows how the literary adaptations overpower the original text. Taking from a BA →

Ferguson rifle book review summary essay sample

He is the hunter of the house with his mother and is a very good shot. The tribe is unsuccessful and does not kill any of the members of the lot, and the Indians run off. Following this, Captain Fernandez rides up to the men's fire where he tries arresting the Indians, saying they →

Was the settlement of jamestown a fiasco? essay sample

Morgan makes the argument that the settlement of Jamestown was a fiasco more than a plan. The next problem that Morgan brings to attention is a combination of laziness and the makeup of the population.

Macbeth scene analysis

It is a vital part of the lead up to the turnover point of the text, Act 4 Scene 1, which is known as the amiddle' of the play. Shakespeare uses this scene as a tool to represent the character development of Macbeth and uses visual imagery to illustrate the key messages. Act 3 Scene →

Gender equality in beowulf

Having to carry the cups around in order to give it to the king, and his warriors was not a simple task for women. When Whole-wheat first appeared in the poem, " she graciously saluted the men in hall, then handed the cup]first to Warthogs, their homeland's guardian, urging him to drink deep →

Banning of books

Some people are in favor of banning books and some people are against it. Although some feel it is appropriate to ban books containing inappropriate material for certain age groups books should not be able to be banned because reading increases awareness and literacy, it is againstfreedom of speech, and reading is →

Man vs. nature in ozymandias by percy shelley

The use of the title " Ozymandias" has personal and moral significance in this episode and to the audience. By simply correlating the thematic actions of the episode to the abstractions described in the poem " Ozymandias", the main concept is open to a new interpretation and a modern portrayal.

My favourite book essay noughts and crosses essay sample

In the midst of this are callum and sephy must find a way to be together because in their world noughts and Crosses simply do not mix. I love noughts and Crosses, I really do but I would not say it was my favourite book because I do not have one but →

Invisible man a union of modernism and naturalism

Naturalists are committed to documenting the surfaces of American life and to probing its concealed depths...usually [focusing] on the desperate existence of characters" (Encyclopedia of American Literature) living in an urban slum trapped by: violence, the forces of heredity as they affect - and afflict - individual lives, and an indifferent deterministic universe." Invisible Man" →

Good the sixties essay example

The book starts with the era of the cold war and takes readers on a journey that passes through various phases and ends with the beginning of the social activism and revolutionary counterculture in the United States of America. Anderson, in his book, describes how the generation of baby boomers →

Anthropomorphism and the theme of survival in jack london’s story white fang

White Fang is an endearing story of a young man and the dog that he befriends on his journeys to find fortune in the harsh Yukon. He learns well, and that is why he survives so long, and why he is considered one of the fiercest dogs ever. He uses the theory of survival →

“to build a fire” and “the johnstown flood” comparison

As the story " To Build a Fire" begins we can clearly see how stupid the man was. He did not listen to the advice his friends gave him, so he stayed alone. It was very hard for them to survive in that kind of situations, but one of the main reasons →

How does fitzgerald tell the story in chapter 6 of the great gatsby?

This is actually a use of foreshadowing because they are not there for Gatsby but to question his ' accepted hospitality' which is later seen in chapter 9 where people gather to reveal information about the ' madman' Wilson and the death of Gatsby, not actually Gatsby himself, just the role he plays. This chapter →

Analysis of the book of the dun cow

Chauntecleer is introduced to the reader as the leader or Lord of the Coop and the ruler over the animals in the surrounding land. Crowing is his job and when he leads by his crows, the hens in his coop and the animals in his land are happy and unafraid, he is even able to →

Do not go gentle into that night analysis sample

With this fight, the gift is granted and death can no longer achieve the " dying of the light." Through Thomas' style, readers are moved to understand that death is not something which should Just be accepted-it should be fought with fierce and intense force. Although inevitable, the grip of death can sometimes be avoided →

John maxwell coetzee’s waiting for the barbarians, novel critique

The " Barbarians" Two of the foremost mechanisms inside the plot of Waiting for the Barbarians are the behavior and structure of The Empire and the " barbarians". The barbarians in this novel embody the life outside the wealthy and well-kept, constantly working, learning, and balancing the relationship of human and nature interaction.

The minister’s black veil: a tale about mr. hooper

Hooper," and instead they gossip and create rumors about the veil and the reverend's reasons for wearing it. Hooper's black veil" after Elizabeth, his wife, fails to reveal the reasons why Mr.

Family dynasty in out of this furnace

As he slyly observes in an authors note, Out of This Furnace was a thinly disguised version of his familys own history: " This book is a novel, fiction, andallowing for the obvious exceptionsthe proper names used in it do not refer to actual persons who may bear the same or similar names. With that →

Analyzing the jungle book

Mowgli grew up in the way of the wolves and the ways of the jungle. The seals then follow him to the island and they hibernate there for the rest of their days.

Reading and language arts curriculum study questions case study

Physical activities that allow students to move and be active in and out the classroom would appeal to kinesthetic learners. Reading and Language Arts Instruction Study Questions - If I were to introduce a unit on parts of the book, I can determine the students' prior knowledge about the topic by making them take a →

Literature review on kaoru ishikawa

He is credited for the creation of the Japanese Quality Movement in 1962, after he developed and delivered a course on quality control for the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers earlier on in 1949. He played a very important role in the leadership of JUSE and also served as the president of →

John steinbeck’s cannery row essay

They are just enjoying their lives, they do not have work because they do not want, from one side it is very good because most people want to do what they want but not what they should. He shows us the Cannery Raw as a small kind of world with its own rules and values →

Bangle sellers

The poem " Bangle Sellers" was first published in the year 1912 by Sarojini Naidu in her collection of poems called " The Bird of Time." A group of bangle sellers is on its way to the temple fair to sell their bangles. However the bangles they sell are of religious and symbolic importance: →

Vampirism in the fall of the house of usher

Watson September 20, 2011 Vampirism in " The Fall of the House of Usher" The theme of vampirism occurs several times throughout " The Fall of the House of Usher" written by Edgar Allen Poe. Although she is seldom seen, only 3 times, she is a very important part of the plot and of the →

The horror in “the cask of amontillado”

Many things make this story horror I will focus on the mysterious of the story, the characters, and the setting. The story revolves around the revenge but the question now is what the reason for the revenge is? Also, the way of taking the revenge by this horrible way left us with the question is →

Anne of green gables. theme analysis.

They were going to bring her back to the orphanage, but after spending time with this poor girl, they started to like her, and soon, she became part of the family. Anne trying to fit in and is always sensitive about her ' carrot' hair was one of the hard times.

Context of me talk pretty one day

By the end though it has an almost hopeful tone when he is excited about how far he has come in his learning of the language and what there is to come in the future. He uses self-deprecating humor to help set the tone of the story. I have learned that even though he is →

Great expectations critique essay

Wealth brought him to the path of broken love and change him because if Pip did not take the job or opportunity to become rich at the Satis House where he first fell in love when he saw Estella. And now for him to get Estella, he has to change his old →

Compare/contrast: antigone and creon

She has lost her brother and her family is very mad with her, since they have also been brought into the conflict. She is lead by her emotions and what her heart tells her to do.

A dream deferred

Langston Hughes' poem, A Dream Deferred, is about the sentiments of African American people back when they were great oppressed and marginalized. They were denied of a dream, of a better life and a better world just because of their skin color and →

Superstition on salem in the crucible

Ann was a major believer in superstitions because of all the bad things that happened to her family. Crucible, as we know, means a situation of severe trial which in this context relates to the mental ability of the people of Salem to find out whether this witchcraft is real or just a hoax made →

A providing theme in the fall of the house of usher

Prosecution of Roderick Usher In " The Fall of the House of Usher," Roderick Usher is guilty of the premeditated murder of his sister, Madeline. Several elements of the short story verify this accusation: first, Roderick chooses to keep his sister's body for a fortnight after she has been buried (presumably so that →

Dicuss the roles of the gods and goddesses in the iliad and medea

The Iliad The Iliad concerns itself with the rage of Achilles and how it begins to break down the Achaean army, and how the tensions were change towards the Trojans. The Iliad This book refers to the death of Patroclus.

Purple hibiscus: overview

There are a number of symbols used to help develop ideas of the novel; the three most predominant ones being purple and red hibiscuses and Mama's figurines. The red hibiscuses are symbolic of theviolenceand bloodshed in Kambili's life whereas the purple hibiscuses symbolize freedom, defiance and the courage to speak out. These →

Hidden motives in the book thief by mark zusak

Throughout the writing of The Book Thief, Mark Zusak depicts the events of the 1936 Olympics very well, using the dominance of Jesse Owens, the reaction of Hitler and racism as a central focus. Specifically, Zusak is supported by Michael Mackenzie, The Historical Learning Site and Anthony Paul Farely. As one looks into the words →

Overview salinger’s novel essay sample

I will volunteer for it, I swear to God I will". Holden as an evident lack of self control, he often says and does things on a whim, without really thinking about the consequences that could eventually follow. For example : when his younger brother Allie died, he broke all of his garage's door " →

The great gatsby: how it applies to modern society

Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby are very alike the people in our generation today. There are people still today that will fight for their friends becausefriendshipis vowed to be very important in the life of very human.