A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Essay on intellectual property

Such property is referred to as open source code. Open source refers to production and development practices that support access to the source materials of the end product. Prior to the adoption of the term ' open source', developers used a number of phrases to depict the concept; ' open source' became widely used with β†’

Sealed air company hbs case

HUSSAIN 582-103 Sealed Air Corporation Between 1971 and 1980 Sealed Air and Astro Packaging of Hawthorne, New Jersey, were the only air bubble packaging material producers in the United States. Sealed Air licensed Astro to use Sealed Air's patentedtechnology. If Hauser were to recommend that the historic champion of barrier-coating offer an β†’

Firehouse sub as main player in the sandwich and sub store franchise industry

The sandwich and sub store franchises industry entails the franchise industry that is involved in the preparation and serving of the custom subs and sandwiches. Accordingly, the main products and the services that are offered under the sandwich and sub store franchise industry include the takeout restaurants, limited-service restaurants and the cafeteria restaurants.

Integrative problems and virtual organization strategy paper research paper example

Additionally, the company's financial information is made public to competitors and the public, who may misuse the information to the detrimental effects of the company. Acquisition of another organization in the same industry Strengths and Weaknesses This is a very viable option to expand the company. The advantage of acquiring a firm within β†’

Free research paper on whole foods background

Management Lessons from Whole Foods Abstract Whole Foods Market, Inc.is the number retailer of natural foods and vitamins. Additionally, this paper will explore if the culture at Whole Foods, Market, Inc.is portable to another company. The name Whole Foods is synonymous with natural food.

Good example of employment-at-will doctrine essay

Following the guidelines of course ID guidelinesStudent's nameUniversity Introduction In this paper a brief description of employment-at-will doctrine has been presented to show how a Chief Operating Officer can tackle a number of personnel problems of an organization with the help of a number of ethical theories and ethical consideration. Finally employment-at-will β†’

Financial report on the pepsico

In the following report we analyse the financial position of the company and its financial reporting standards. In two days we finished doing history of the company and we determined our objective.

Good research paper on financial ratios analysis

In it we can see that Union Cement Company has a higher current and quick ratio compared to Umm Al Qaiwain Cement and that the former's two ratios are slightly higher than the industry standard. This graph shows how Umm Al Qaiwain Cement has fallen below industry standards in terms of Total Debt Ratio which β†’

Apple company ground analysis

Apple creates a team that has diverse backgrounds that allows different ideas to be brought up. Stakeholders in decision making: The stakeholders that are the most significant for Apple are the customers, employees, investors and employees of suppliers and distributors. One of those factors are the number of supplier that there are available for this β†’

Good example of godiva productions research paper

These endeavors towards creation of more and more business ties are the small avenues that will be highly useful for the company for the implementation of many of the proposed marketing strategies. Diversity of supply: The diversity of supply will be enabled with the help of the wide range of production that takes place in β†’

Free analyzing article: the pot business suffer growing pains case study example

This calls for control of the selling as the demand of the marijuana is low in comparison of the demand. In the analysis of the oligopolistic is presented in the market by the 18 states in the United States in inclusive of District of Columbia in that the marijuana production is approved. Theory of the β†’

Company overview research paper samples

In the year 2013, it share price oscillated between a minimum of $ 16 and $ 30. Horizontal Analysis of Income Statement and Balance Sheet The purpose of conducting horizontal financial analysis is to get financial trends. In summary, the company has not had stable positive growth in revenue and profits. Hewlett Packard: Balance β†’

Ntsoc swot analysis research papers example

They have a vision to get on to the leading position in the home health care industry by giving premium in-house care services (NTSOC, Nursing & Therapy Services of Colorado , 2012). There are multiple ranges of services that the company is offering through their professional and skilled staff to support certain section of β†’

How globalisation can help form a better future?

Due to the low labour costs in developing countries, multinational companies are attracted to set up branches over there to cut cost. For example, more companies are investing in China and India due to the ease of setting up companies there.

Dominant design and the smartpone industry article reviews example

This indicates that between Apple and Google, nearly all of the market is controlled. As a result of this serious loss of competitive edge in the smartphone sphere, Microsoft decided that it would not continue to try to compete with Apple and Google in the smartphone market as they have β†’

Good essay about skill trading app

By introducing STA, company's staff from different units and departments will be better able to communicate more effectively using local knowledge at our company. This should expand our company's network of business partners, enhance chain value and, not least, offer beneficial services to staff which would make our company an employer of choice for perceived β†’

The honda corporate strategy case study

This essay explores the theoretical and methodological issues in drawing general lessons from case studies of success, with particular reference to Honda's successful penetration of the US market in the 1960s. This essay offers a critical theory and post - modernist approach. Critical theory questions the central features of such recipes for success, the historical β†’

Sample essay on history of private security

Next, the paper will examine the sector's trend towards professionalism and make a case for why security experts in modern day need to have an interest in the historical development of the industry. As highlighted in the introductory section of this paper, private security is as old as the need for protection. Borrowing from England, β†’

At&t company diversity research audit proposal report example

The diversification of the telecommunication services has increased the market target of the customers hence ensuring that the number of the customers increases. The telecommunication package offered to the customers largely depends on the amount of capital that the customers are willing and capable to pay to the customers. The reduction in the cost of β†’

Marks and spencer bussiness history

The management realized that they had a problem to fix. During 1998 to 2001 M; S went through a number of changes in terms of organization structure, processes, resourcing etc.as part of the efforts to solve the problem. This was one of M&S's key strengths which led to its success in the past.

Case study on options for going into business

In considering the advantage as to the product formula and business manuals, one takes into consideration that the products are no longer new in the market and enjoys the brand image enabled by the franchisor's establishment. In the use of franchises the franchisee merely adopts an already developed product and is saved the development and β†’

Ethical issues in accounting paper case study examples

LDDS is actually intended to be a profit-making scheme which creates a win-win situation for both Asia telecom and its clients everyone is basically supposed to make money. The particular area where Asia telecom is having problems with is the slowness of the arrival of the payment of their LDDS clients for their LDD service. β†’

Example of essay on identifying potential malicious attacks

ICT systems and networks are very sensitive, and it is crucial for the ICT system and network of the firm to be well secured rom the various threats that exist. Thus, the security of the firm's network is central to perpetuity of the firm. Vulnerabilities and Threat to the Network When analyzing the β†’

Business analysis part i

The company's most admired hardware products are the Macintosh computers, the iphone, the ipod and the ipad. Apple is one of the most established and popular information technology brands in the World and has a very devoted set of passionate customers who promote the brand.

Good example of nokia company research paper

Nokia is planning to lead the commercialization and development of the higher capacity systems and networks required to make wireless content more rewarding and accessible to the end user. Nokia's management position is a result of disbursing close attention to market requirements and taking chances at the right time.

Workplace favoritism essay samples

Workers who are usually not treated fairly at their places of work are usually advised to contact their corporate officers so that they can report the situation and actions that take place in the work place that make the worker believe that there is favoritism existing in that place of β†’

Wal-mart strategic audit

Another cost-effective method in Wal-Mart's supply chain management is their ability to track the movement of products through the entire value chain. Whether the product is in shipment, in distribution center inventory, in-store inventory or on the shelf, or at the cash register, Wal-Mart can track it in real time. By utilizing this process Wal-Mart β†’

Skywest porters 5 competitive forces and financial analysis case study

This will obviously affect the performance of the company in the sense that it profitability and number of customers will drop. The improvement of the company to the 10th place down from 20 is a clear indication that if offered better travel services as better substitutes compared to the other players in the market. Buyer β†’

Managerial account and finance essay examples

5 billion with an estimated valuation of $50 billion, but co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has does not agree to the idea to rush the company into IPO because as of this time their main concern is to expand their operations. 1B.how do you suppose they will set the IPO β†’

Elements of contract law essay example

A contract can be in written form or unwritten form, for the earlier case its known as express form of a contract while for the latter its known as implied form of a contract. Offer which is unconditional revealing of one party to contract with another the party giving the offer is known as an β†’

Managing across the cultures report examples

In explaining this, the two scholars say that changing the culture and anticipations of the people is impracticable, but changing management style to suit the culture of the people is quite simple. Before explaining the connection between culture and administration and the decision making process, it is of the essence to have a clear comprehension β†’

Water filtration research paper example

The company has a large number of the employees in the Canada and other international firms. In the history of the company, investing on the research and development was made in 1993-1997 led to the establishment of the new engineering technological initiative that led to the automated control of the company in the water treatment. β†’

Workshop reflection essays example

The biggest reason why I chose to attend this workshop was that I am an international student, and this workshop might be helpful for my future career aspirations. The workshop has a very powerful impact on me, as it was very descriptive and gave a detailed process description of how to find employment in the β†’

Abercrombie & fitch financial statements analysis case study example

Thus, it is crucial for the management and marketing planners to address the expenses issue to enhance performance. Finally, the business' net income as shown on the statement and the following chart was higher in 2012 than in 2013. That involves identification of the business efficiency in generating sales, managing expenses, utilizing assets and the β†’

Good persuasive messages sales pitch essay example

Richards, I am sure you are aware that the average speed of processing packages in our warehouse has dropped by 15% during the past 3 months, and monthly surveys indicate a 20% decline in customer satisfaction levels chiefly caused by increased error rate. I would like to offer an effective, time-optimal and cost-efficient solution to β†’

Wal-marts sustainability strategy research paper sample

These will have the effect of reducing the costs of production and in return lead to the success of these networks. One of the major challenges Wal-Mart faces is collaboration from suppliers. Most large businesses rely on the external supplies hence if the suppliers support Wal-Mart's environmental sustainability strategy the impact would be overwhelming leading β†’

Chapter 14 solutions

F: 2 J: 2 x 2 = 4 D: 2 x 4 = 8 G: 1 L: 1 x 2 = 2 J: 1 x 2 = 2 H: 1 A: 1 x 4 = 4 D: 1 x 2 = 2 Totals: F = 2; G = 1; H = 1; J = 6; β†’

Good example of case study on the problem statement

Coca-Cola faces a strategic issue in customizing its products to the needs of the local people in China. Element analysis Economic and policy issues and trends in China The government of China encourages FDI. Coca-Cola faces a strategic issue in customizing its products to the needs of the local people in China.

Corporate governance case study examples

During her campaign for the Democratic ticket for the presidency in 2008 elections, her post at Wal-Mart was rarely discussed. If she ever mentioned her board membership, she would have tainted her campaign for the White house.Ms.

Good essay about finance

For the purpose of conducting the financial analysis, we have divided the paper in two parts: Part 1: This will include common-size analysis of the company's financial statement. - Income Statement : Refer to excel spreadsheet - Balance Sheet : Refer to excel spreadsheet Part 2: This will include extensive ratio analysis of the financial β†’

Project management in consulting course work

Foreign markets are investing in the Philippines, thereby boosting the performance of the Philippine market, resulting in a government and a business market that is better equipped to support its companies. The Philippines' legal structure protects businesses with a rigid Intellectual Property Code; the state recognizes that " an effective intellectual and industrial property system β†’

Example of advertising campaign plan report

Thus, the objective of the campaign is to divide the principles of a congested class to apprehend the minds and hearts of the rousingly insignificance audience of teens. Business condition Wrigley's 5 gum sales among the teenaged were dropping. The youth and teens are the long-term of the gum class and fundamental to Wrigley's β†’

Top 100 retailer apple inc term paper examples

Apple managed to put forward its mobile devices in the market unexpectedly against its competition bringing itself to the leading innovator status of in mobile technology. Besides outsourcing its products to general computer retail outlets, Apple Inc.has established a multitude of retail outlets specifically for its products with trained staff readily available for customer service. β†’

English language school in sydney

The principle income of Google today is AdWords, which is the utilization of promotions on the web to get to publicizing locales and the advertiser who contracts the google benefit pays for clicks on their websites. Google's marketing has a decent methodology due to the organization's enhancement, the organization has a powerful mix of an β†’

Good example of railroads and settlement of west essay

Immigrants were integral in the construction of the American transcontinental railroads, which facilitated the expansion to the west, and they used the railroad to migrate and settle in the west. This paper will discuss the importance of railroads in the settlement of the west in the 19th century and onwards. With the completion of the β†’

Social media impact on marketing research paper examples

Considering the fact that increased sales is the aim and objective of marketing managers, social media does not dishearten. Social media marketing: Game theory and the emergence of collaboration.

Highlights of the financial performance of sprintex ltd research paper example

The following has been the profits reported by the company from 2009 to 2012 2009.$109million 2010$152 million. 2011.$198 million 2012.$294 million Financial statement analysis will guide us in to establishing the viability of acquisition of the company. What is financial statement analysis? This is a procedural, keen and astep by step β†’

Commercial airline industry term paper

Apart from this, other key players in the airline industry play an important role in the growth of this industry. Most legacy airlines such as delta airlines recorded reduced bookings due cuts in airfares. This is because the act leveled the playing field in the aviation industry, previously under the civil aeronautics board.

Report on essence of financial management

The two units that the firm operates (a bakery and two retail outlets), calls for effectiveness in the financial matters pertaining to the business for vast benefits as the will discover by the end of the training. This will promote competency and transparency on the financial department within the firm.

Car dealership research paper example

The managers will be able to know the performance of different brands and the ones that are fast moving so as to implement a good stock management system (Connolly, Thomas and Carolyn, 2002). This system is set to come with many benefits to the company dealing with the cars, the suppliers and the customers of β†’

Starbucks case analysis

Starbucks corporation| Starbucks Corporation Vision- Founded in 1971 Starbucks vision statement is;" To establish Starbucks as the most recognized and respected coffee brand inthe world and become a national company with values and guidingprinciples that employee could be proud of The vision statement clearly describes the dream or the future of the company that β†’

Example of organization behavior case study

Because Block and Sharp are emotionally involved in the affairs of the business, Steel operating as a CEO is in effect a conflict of interest for them. In the process of the transition in power Block and Sharp are attempting to hamper Steel's efforts.

An internet search company

The main source of revenue of Google is its AdWords program, which most businesses use to promote their products and services. Google major tools include desktop search, Google browser buttons, Google in your language tool and Picasaphotoorganizer. The main services include Google alert, Google Answers, Google Catalogs, Google Image Search and Google β†’

The fig tree essay examples

It ensures a smooth flow of information enabling me to attend to the issues that the customers present better. The products that one gets from the fig tree include edible fruits and the bark that is used to make bark cloth used in fine arts to make paintings The company that employs me β†’

Free creative destruction, marketing and the smartphone essay sample

It may not be long before a " high-tech" industry devoted to the procurement, transportation and regulation of human organ donation is remembered as primitive, akin to the days of the iron lung. the four ps The classic 4 Ps of the marketing mix product, place, price, and promotion provide a useful lens for β†’

Key challenges facing brand ikea

Furthermore, with competitors such as Wal-mart, Carrefour and Tesco's expansion into furniture and furnishings, and following Ikea's similar approach of low-priced strategy, it has certainly presented a challenge for Ikea in terms of maintaining its differentiation. Ikea being able to maintain or improve its corporate image through social and environmentalresponsibilityis a challenge as well, as β†’

Sample essay on elf program, profitability and competitive advantage

The Canadian retail market was getting more competitive due to the inclusion of existing and new retailers in the outdated full-line department stores, and on-line merchants and Sears was under tremendous pressure to introduce new initiatives to be competitive in market. Introduction of ELF Program As Sears was performing β†’

Electrical cars: research paper sample

There are many ways that the electrical car meet or beat the conventional car in, for example, energy efficiency, reliability, environmental friendliness, energy dependency, cost, and safety. One of the major challenges that face the use of electrical cars is its use of battery. This limitation of electrical cars make people consider it less advantageous β†’

Google vs. yahoo

Google and Yahoo are most popular for their online search engines. Google Mail and Yahoo Mail are two of the most popular online email services that is used worldwide.

Haier corporation

Led by CEO Zhang Ruimin, Haier first strengthened its brand image and core, after which, it expanded production from basic home appliances to the innovation of existing ones. Haier's expansion policy can be likened to McDonald's business approach of fitting the menu into the country's palate. Reference Fishman, β†’

The issue of coinbase and ripple’s xrp (xrp)

Basically, it's all about fairness in the securities industry. But is not Coinbase a private company one that has the capacity to choose which cryptos to add, and which ones to leave out. If FINRA finds something and requires Coinbase to list XRP it will drive its price through the roof.

Strauss vs. microsoft corp

This strategy was composed of five components that are as follows in direct quote: a cyberspace security response system - a network through which private sector and government organizations can pool information about vulnerabilities, threats, and attacks in order to facilitate timely joint action; a cyberspace security threat and vulnerability reduction program, consisting of various β†’

The manager report examples

I have had interactions with animals for quite a remarkable period and I hope my vast experience in that field will be of great help to the business. Problems that I am facing - Finance. Finance has been a problem to me. I would also wish to know whether I will be free to purchase β†’

Louis vuitton introduction

This is the first and initial success of Louis Vuitton, which enabled the firm to set up a new store in London in 1885. Sales kept increasing and the company was gaining more and more in popularity and reputation of a luxury brand. Bernard Arnault, the CEO of the company, took less β†’

Us investment essays examples

It offers the Earth's Biggest Selection of products to 35 million people in more than 200 countries making them the leading online shopping site accessed via the World Wide Web. Concept of Amazon is encoded in its name and logo: firstly, the letter A stands at the beginning of the alphabet and provides the company β†’

Case study on statement of cash flows case 4

The problems that arises when the direct method is used in the preparation of cash flow statements is that many companies do not store the information that is needed for preparing statements of cash flow in a form that is required by the use of the direct method. Unlike the β†’

Example of bond investment research paper

Since the company is experiencing tremendous growth over the past and recent times, the interest rates in the market that affect the share prices and the return on bonds floated by the company are not expected to have changes in the short run. It is, however, of the essence to note that regardless of whether β†’

Essay on riordan manufacturing inc

New approach to forecasting is developed with the help of Lean Manufacturing and outlined in the Gantt Chart. Coordination of operations and Total Quality Management processes are described in the cover letter to CEO of Riordan Manufacturing Inc.aiming at identification of the strategic goals of the company. Material Requirements Planning Riordan Manufacturing China plant β†’

Fasion brand-zara

Title: Examine the underlying factors in the current success of a well-known fashion brand of your choice and assess the extent to which the brand's success looks set to continue. ZARA places the customer in the central position of its marketing management and its entire business model, which consists of attractive design follow the β†’

Stories from civil war stories: summaries and annotations essay

The Union soldier particularly recounts his journey on his way towards a river lined with miles of corn planted across the banks, in which he noted his ordeal in a positive tone by saying, " One who has never seen an Alabama river-bottom cornfield has not exhausted nature's surprises". Self-conflict is another prevailing theme used β†’

Economics research proposal example

Thus, my research will be to study the behavior of firms under oligopoly and how they cheat on their agreement to share a restricted output. - Each firm honors the agreement - Both the firm cheats - Firm A honors the agreement while the Firm B cheats - Firm B honor the agreement while Firm A β†’

Example of mergers and acquisitions business plan

40 millionKmart Book Value - $700 millionKmart Terminal Value of the business -$9, 536 Billion In order to pay the target acquisition company, the acquirer can use the following two methods: i)Cash Offering: This is the most straightforward payment method under which the acquiring company pays the acquired company the

Free research paper on functions of management

The company definitely designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics and in addition computer software and personal computers on a global scale. In relation to this, the non-profit, Apple inc has shown tremendous improvement in the various areas of management and the application of the four functions of management effectively and in a manner that depicts β†’

Production and operations management

The main aim of the article is to evaluate reasons and consequences of a decision of Apple Inc.to move the production of its products abroad. The article demonstrates how the strategy of the company was realized through selecting of certain production and operational solutions and how the strategy demands made the decision to move the β†’

Essay on export strategy for an exporting company

The major target for this export stratagem is to bring it to the attention of the Board of Directors of EMAA flower Company in Mexico and ensures that it's adopted and implemented as an export strategy with Great Britain. Why and how firms engage in international trade Firms are attracted to participate in trade β†’

Youre name case study examples

This case deals with Coca Cola's marketing plans for its new product in the market, ' Coca Cola Protein'. One of the biggest reasons for the introduction of ' Coke- Protein' is the recent sales figures in the U. With the introduction of Coca Coal Protein, the company plans to tap this segment and introduce β†’

Free strategic challenges facing businesses today essay example

Websites are important tools that should be used to get the needs and assess the strategic standing of the companies. Most companies assume that the exposure of the company website will be the source of security challenges to the organization.

Significance of chiral in pharmaceutical companies essay sample

In order to make drugs that manipulate those chemical syntheses and portray the quality of existing in many isomers requires the use of chiral technology. Pharmaceutical companies are using chiral technology to produce drugs that would add to their lists of the most successful drugs. Most companies understand that chiral technology will strongly influence the β†’

The main thing about company – tesco

To manage to change, the process of planning should be well implemented in term of cost of the organization and minimize employee resistance to the maximized effect of changes. It also invests money and time in the development of employee and their training.

Security product problem course work

The company had to retaliate and act in accordance to the presented problem. Requirements for the software that is to solve the problem 1. This new software did not only manage to address the issue but also add an unbelievable number of clients.

What is strategy article review examples

Strategy is the creation of exclusive and valued position, involving a diverse set of activities, which means if there existed only a single ideal position, strategy would be nonexistent. According to Porter , operational effectiveness should not be considered a business strategy, but it is a necessity in business. β†’

Example of report on google drive

Fourth, expanding drive capability, these are editing photos uploaded to drive, listening to the stored music files, users can draw pictures with drive, and merging the PDFs file. How Google Drive useful in the classroom? Google drive helps increase teacher efficiency, student engagements, and school wide collaborations. Retrieved from http://www.teachthought.com/technology/12-roles-for-google-drive-in-the-classroom/

Implementing the toyota production system report examples

The Toyota Production System and Just-In-Time approaches to Business Process Implementation planning of the small-medium enterprise in New Zealand is analysed in feasibility testing scenario of the two models: The Kitchen Inventory Study. - Introduction The report reviews a test scenario of two Japanese inventory control system β†’

Loreal company background

L'Oreal began its global expansion during the second half of the 20th Century, and now offers hair care, hair color, skin care, makeup, and fragrances in 130 countries. Its 23 brands include pharmacy staples L'Oreal, Garnier, and Maybelline, as well as upscale brands Yves Saint Laurent, Redken, and the Kiehl's skin care line. Today, the β†’

Free research paper on health care the local level of medical product safety

Local level of medical product safety is considered within the confines of FDA approved interventions as well as local agencies' affiliations towards the decision making process wherein legislations and code enforcements are designed. This pertains mainly to drugs, biologics, medical devices; special nutritionals and cosmetics. The Center of Drug Evaluation and Research as well β†’

Example of qatar airlines and qatar international airport research paper

Currently, the airport stands a capacity of 12 million passengers on an annual basis. Qatar International Airport is the core base of Qatar airlines; most Qatar airlines are maintained and parked in the airport as well as the collection of cargo and passengers to destinations around the world. This has β†’

Malls in america

David Guterson maintains a similar perspective in relation to Francaviglia's article. Guterson further enlightens the reader in his article " The Mall as Prison" on the negative effects the Mall of America has, compared to Disneyland. Main Street USA is not the only instance of a shopping center providing an alternate sense of reality. In β†’

Example of report on marketing

Below are some of the political conditions that affect the Coca-Cola Company. The political conditions in the international economies such as governmental changes, civil conflict and regulations related to relocation of capital across borders affects the company's ability to penetrate foreign emerging and developing markets and form business alliances with local bottlers in the local β†’

Apple inc. case study analysis 1 essay example

The company's culture does not promote the creativity of employees since they are only restricted to work within their specified responsibilities. Applicable Course Concepts The cultural challenge that is being experienced at Apple Company relates to the ways of promoting creativity in the organization in the chapter on organizational culture, creativity, and innovation. The β†’

Nike analysis term paper example

The two segments the company can serve include basketball teams and players, and basketball fans and amateurs. The company targets teams and players because of the utility that comes with the product.

Analysis of the coca cola

None of the Coca-Cola board members serves on more than four other boards at this time. Vision Statement Coca-Cola understands that the world is constantly changing and in order to continue to thrive in the years ahead it has developed a vision to prepare the company for what β†’

Sample research paper on apple inc. business policy

The following paper will address key points on the corporate strategic management of Apple Inc.that can be observed in their business policy. What are the company's corporate level strategies (i.e.goals of the entire organization, which business is the company engaged in?). Apple has characterized itself for always offering groundbreaking innovative products and services. β†’