A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Free marketing plan business plan sample

The manufacturing plant at California is developed with state of the art technology. Branding plan The branding plan of the smartphones of StarTech will have following important aspects associated with it:- - Vision and Mission - The vision of the smartphones of the company is as following:- " Maximum features with optimum compatibility" - The mission of →

Chemtech inc case case study

The problems aforementioned have hindered the ability of the company to market its goods because of insufficient stock to serve its customers. 2. First, the company should spend a great deal of its time in identifying strategies and tactics that can enable it to operate profitably in the market.

Example of research paper on public relations ethics comic strip

Unlike the role it plays in managing the flow of information on the Association of National Advertisers, it is a bigger picture and a reflector of the public's progress. The handbook of strategic public relations and integrated marketing communications.

Institutionalized vs individual discrimination of race and ethnic groups essay example

Race and Ethnic Groups Institutionalized discrimination Institutionalized discrimination is the kind of discrimination that has been developed in institutions' systems, and in areas such as the institutions' processes, procedures, activities, protocols and even the activities and exercises in these organizations. As a result, there is worse performance, as compared to individual discrimination. →

Sample case study on the body shop

The Company Overview The Body Shop is a successful chain of cosmetics shops, based in the United Kingdom, and founded in 1976. By shopping at the Body Shop, the consumer is saving the environment. - Second, the Body Shop used natural ingredients, such as coconuts.

Classic whiskey marketing plan term paper sample

The net income of the company in the year 2012 was 75m which is extremely high for the company. Current Market Analysis of Classic Whiskey Consumers are the end users of a company and organizations have to consider number of things in order to increase the financial belongings, and among these strategies, the name →

Apple inc. marketing strategies essay sample

Behavioral segmentation is on variables like benefits sought, occasions, user status, and loyalty status, attitude towards a product, usage rate, and readiness stage. Apple Inc.identifies and distinguishes itself from competitors by thinking differently, as well as, not letting what competitors do influence the services and products Apple develops and avails to market. Apple executives continue →

Good five dysfunctions of a team a novel case study example

The dissonance in the team affected the productivity of the team resulting to low sales in the Decision Tech. The executive members are not passionate about their job. At this stage of norming in the team, the team had completely accepted the role of the chief executive in the company.

Mission of southwest airlines

The result is that the airline enjoyed an increase in every aspect of operations over the 20 years of operations that are presented in this case study. Herb Kelleher played a unique and important role in the success of Southwest. This was an important to the company's success because he operated from →

Comparing manchester airport to starbucks

Starbucks runs on entire sector primary, secondary and tertiary because they pay farmers to grow the beans so they are primary, they are in the secondary sector because they roast the beans into coffee, and they are in the tertiary sector because they sell the products and provide a service to customers. In addition there →

Design of marketing plan for milo

This is achieved through effective product development of the existing brand to widen the reach of Milo in untapped markets. Marketing Strategy The primary existing consumers of Milo are households with children reflected by Milo's advertising campaigns targeting active children. However, it must be understood that children are not the drivers of macro-environmental forces →

Classical conditioning research paper

Pavlov by the aid of the fistula made a sensational discovery that the dogs would start salivating on a mere sight of empty bowls of food. The major transformation during the Pavlovian conditioning process in the changing of an initially neutral stimulus to conditioned stimulus that produces a similar response like the one produced by →

Example of argumentative essay on corporate social responsibility

The groups influence policy and governance to be a part of the initial conversations and the other entities share the ownership of projects from the start. These strategies help to increase penetration and sales of the company's products.

Medical billing business plan

The application of modern technology in the company's operations will enable the firm to achieve the set objectives; the company seeks to use electronic devices to submit claims to the insurance providers. The location of the office is near medical facilities, which will enable the owners to have a close access to their clients.

Mcdonalds and social responsibility

McDonalds is serving up the same food to them as it is to Americans, but they are not suffering from obesity. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that many of us are choosing to be obese, and we are in denial.

Colgate-palmolive essay

During the last decade, the company has been operating with the support of high-tech IT operations throughout their global markets. In this stage, there are little or no more IT inventions and initiatives that would generate large changes in the company in the future. The IT strategy also allows the →

Report on working with and leading people

Confronting competition through support and mentoring is a very good way of responding to such challenges regardless of the degree of global markets Supervision on the other hand relates to training where the best way one gets training the lesser they require supervision styles working culture and practices and as a team they work together →

Burger king marketing & employee motivation strategy.

A holders of Burger King franchises has to follow the strict obligations and duties given by the Burger King; it includes designs of a company, internal and external appearance, brand standards, quality and serving offood, training programs and employee compensation plans Nathan, 2011). Burger King is giving license to the operators and administrators →

Marketing research on heineken research paper

This should be compared to the cost of running the campaign in order to determine if the campaign is paying back as intended to the business. This metric is necessary for Heineken since the company operates in different market segments and as such, it is important to identify the rate →


5% indicated Havaianas as first brand of flip flops designed Find the right market segment considering the competitors Convey to consumers the important attributes, technical and emotional, of the product Targeting The product is suitable for everyone, but especially for consumers aged from 16 to 40 In this range we have identified three main consumers →

Free case study about cases

In the United States, where the company owns about two thirds of the outlets, the market is well known for the company's executives, so they can easily operate the business. And that is why, in my opinion, it is easier to pass on the rights to own and operate the business to people, who know →

Example of get a mac – security advertisement: a rhetorical analysis essay

Apple's purpose is to convey the message that this security feature slows down interactions between a PC and a Mac computer, or any other computer for that matter, as it needs authorization from the PC whether to continue with the interface or not. Through the image depicting Mac's perplexed expression and PC's annoyed look, the →

Good poor internal communications causing dissatisfied customer service report example

Provision of effective or excellent customer care service by all employees at Shaw Cable Systems, therefore, remains one of the most neglected and challenging areas in the organization. The Core Problem at Shaw Cable Systems A close analysis of Shaw Cable Systems shows that most employees at the company are passing on wrong or →

History of chanel iconic classic flap bag

The idea of the double chain was to allow hands-free use of the bad, a cutting-edge innovation at the time, and allow the bag to be slung over one's shoulder or carries in the crook of the arm. This iconic bag has been in the industry for years and loved and lusted by many. The →

Research paper on business: introduction of chile

This essay introduces Chile as a country, the culture of its people, Chilean business etiquettes and provides basic information about the commercial bank the group intends to set up. Chile is a country in South America located between the Pacific Ocean to the West and the Argentina to the East. →

Free roi or evaluation critical thinking sample

One of the definitions of return on investment is the amount of revenue earned via the activities of the public relations teams and their initiatives less the program expenditures. The development of international standards for measurement and evaluation of public relations and corporate communication: A review..

Example of hrm essay

Inevitably, every department of an organization deems important for the overall productivity and efficiency of an organization and no organization can increase their economical and financial belongings by leaning over the productivity rules and regulations. It is also important for the organizations to keep a hawk eye over the performance of different prevailing departments of →

Tescos layout and flow of operations essay example

The retailer has a heavy presence in Thailand and in 2008 entered the China market perhaps in an attempt to cash in the booming consumer market in this country , 2008). Tesco's design of these stores has enabled the retailer to focus its operations on the specific population it serves. This is a limitation →

Kotler ch. 1 jetblue company case 14th edition

In today's world consumers need to be able to travel long-distances quickly and JetBlue's practices ensure customer comfort/satisfaction along the journey. The wants of JetBlue's customers are to safely and quickly travel on an airplane.

John falstafp v revere furniture company essay examples

Falstaff case in that Mr.john Falstaff claimed that the nature of the work at the floor was strenuous to his back which probably caused his back ailment and further leading to his termination of work. This is because it is the nature of the job which had contributed to his ill health.

Marketing plan for event management company

2 Objectives, research questions, limitations The main objective of this thesis is to fulfill the need of the Clubworks Company having a comprehensive marketing strategy in order to optimize the company's functions and to raise the company's wealth. The reference is not included in this table.→

Try something different with stngr usa

We are the first company of our kind to cut out the middle man of the retailer and sell our products directly to the consumer. We are very proud of the name we have made for ourselves and encourage you to check out reviews from our ever-growing SWARM of happy customers.

Good case study on starbucks structure

In this regard, its summary and mission are well clear. It will be expected that the cleaner employees will work within the following parameters; they will be expected to work in a manner that upholds to honesty and commitment to their work. Due to the demands of the job, the →

The company background, significance of study and definition of terms essay sample

1 Background to the study At independence in 1980 the Zimbabwe Oil Procurement Consortium a consortium of companies, which had taken over Genta was responsible for the procurement of petroleum products, due to the problem experienced by ZOPCO which led to high shortages in 1982, the government decided to take control of →

Sample essay on finance

Below is the abstract of the composition of the debt position of the company: Note 14 of the financial statement also state that of the total debt, debt worth $100 million was reclassified as long term debt as their intent to reclassify some of the short term debt on a long term basis. Equity Position: →

Power point presentation & written introduction/narrative creative writing

The introduction should strive to answer the questions: " Who are you?", " What is your topic?" And " why is it essential?" It should introduce the presenter, the topic being presented and the reason why it is being presented. For one to attain a good presentation, key phrases about the topic should be used. →

Letter from president – report

The extensive growth of the company is attributable to your trust and confidence you have created in the management over years as well as the management commitment to the company. The company has made use of social sites such as face book and twitter to reach clients from all corners of the globe. The diversity →

Social media and loser generated content term paper examples

While this may provide a way for companies to benefit from the chance for creative unknowns to get their content seen, it also potentially dilutes the quality of the media being put out by marketing and advertising firms. The central question at play is whether or not it is justified for the subjective or artistic →

Mcdonald’s beef-fries controversy

However, in the early 1990's, Mcdonald's was facing problem due to changing customer preferences and increasing competition. Customers were becoming increasinglyhealthconscious and they wanted to avoid red meat and friedfood. The furore over the matter seemed to be settling down, when to McDonald's horror, some of its restaurants in India were vandalized.

Farewell speech

In my welcome speech I appeal to the parents and the teachers to value and uphold the importance of intrinsic motivation. Our goal is to help the poor in our city, help them to have a better life.

Example of strategic observations: field assignment business plan

Also, there are issues with needing to know what the regulations are with each country that they fly into. Technological: Technological factors include that the company is reliant on technology for every aspect of the flight from the time of the ticket purchase to the time that the person walks out of the arrival airport. →

Critical thinking on overcoming resistance to change

As is in other telecommunication companies, the software systems in place were many and the employees were unwilling to learn and accept the new system. So as to overcome such challenges, it would have been prudent to have informed the employees of the impeding change.

You are in the planning stages of creating your own caf essay example

Among the many actions that need to be taken is the source of capital that is to be used to start and run the business. Finances are an important and integral of part of the success of any business. Other sources of financing for the business could be donations from →

Demand and supply in price determination report samples

It is important that the marketing team at Lenovo keep developing new demand and supply curves so that they can understand the market conditions and set prices that are favorable for their continued existence in the market. Any change in demand or supply leads to a change in the equilibrium point and hence the price →

Good effects of minimum wages on labourers & country essay example

This paper explores the effects of minimum wages on the individual employees, the firms and the overall economy, arguing that the effects are dependent on the applicable market structure. Increasing minimum wages has a twin effect on low-wage labourers. Minimum wage increments also seek to adjust for inflation, which protects the real value of the →

Starbucks: swot analysis

One way a company can develop a plan for success is using a SWOT analysis." A SWOT analysis is used to assist faculty in initiating meaningful change in a program and to use the data for program improvement". In reference to the success of Starbucks we will take their opportunities in lock →

Example of case study on will amazon still be a great company 10 years from now

With a history of consistent growth and management of business, Amazon has changed strategy from one time to another in order to curb its customers and maintain business at its climax in season and out of season. It is one of the companies that have continued to strike people's attentions and other businesses as it →

Effect of british colonization of india essay

Probably the greatest achievement of the British was the building of the Indian railway network that spanned three countries and that remains in use up to this day. The Indian Mutiny of 1857 was a wakeup call for the British and this also spent the end of the East India Company with the country eventually →

Good example of company assessment report

Presented is the organization assessment of the illustrated factors, depicting the state of each of the factor in the organization, the current handling and subsequent influence on the system. Each of the factors is assessed and reported with findings and suggestions. - Team Orientation: The value of the team environment is →

The advantages and disadvantages of multinational companies essay sample

Because of their many branch companies, they employ local people in those countries to work for the corporation. The multinational companies may afford a low salary to their labor force, because in some developing countries, labor is cheaper than developed countries.

Research paper on henry ford

Ford is renowned for changing the lifestyle of the Americans the production system in the 1900's by inventing some of the first automobiles. This made the company one of the largest car manufacturers in the world at the time. The efficiency of production due to the introduction of the assembly line made the prices of →

First day on the job

I was raised around some of the clients that were now in my care and responsibility. Some of the duties on my first day were preparing the girls for the next day and helping them with ADLs. Seeing the challenges they faced in one day, I very much appreciated my wellbeing and →

Practicum report essay sample

I learned the deadlines of the payment and filing of different returns and learn the flow of the work. Also, I was able to build a good relationship with the staff of the company and with my co-trainees. And it is all thanks to all of the people that help me.

Organization culture model summary essay examples

This paper summarizes the major aspects of organizational culture of this organization. Involvement Hilton Garden Inn has enhanced and encouraged the concept of active involvement of both workers and their customers to stimulate its positive growth. This makes employees believe that they have a positive contribution to the organization. →

Sample essay on harvard business review article tours of duty: the new employer -employee compact

The relationship in the organization was highly dependent on the financial security of an organization and the efficiency of employees in their jobs. The changes have been crucial in demolishing the intact relationship that existed between the employer and the employee in the past. Employees and employers should work as partners where each of them →

Social performance business plan

The company also serves as a role model to small businesses that want to enter the competitive market in that Adventure Beers is a tiny fraction compared to the large beer corporations in the US. This paper examine how stakeholders play a beneficial role to the Adventure Beer Co.and as a CEO I will explain →

Debenhams plc: a critical review of strategies

This report seeks to assess Debenhams reaction to the changes made in the industry and the suitability of the strategies implemented. Company Background Debenhams PLCDebenhams PLC was founded in 1778 by William Clark and later partnered with William Debenham to form Clark and Debenham. Flexibility to market changes and timely adaptations are realistically the →

Good example of report on agency problems and the ways in which it could be solved

An agency problem, known as a conflict of interest, comes to existence when there is a clash of interest between the needs of the agent and the demands of the principal. A conflict of interest or an agency problem is said to be inherent in any kind of relationship where one party is obliged to →


Advertising can take the form of radio, TV, magazines, internet and more. The people responsible for creating adverts are the advertising agencies. McDonalds hire advertising agencies to help them enhance the company's reputation as the largest hamburger fast food chain the world What Advertising Agencies do? The first thing that advertising agencies do is →

Marketing planning activities essay sample

They focus on customer feedback and utilize market intelligence services to make sure the customer is happy and is impressed from the product.b. Define the Objective and your problem This is the most important step in the market research process is defining the goals of the project.

Recognizing employee contributions essay sample

In regards to the company's performance, this plan enforces an increase in the profits of the business. Another option available is to pay individuals based on group performances. There is also a mandatory set of requirements for benefits that must be offered to a company's employees.

Adelphia communications corporation

It was started on the demand of Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieru de La Salle after he projected it from the year 1660 and later being appointed the Governor of Fort Frontenac, which was at the mouth of River Mississippi. After traveling over the country through the River, he returned to France and there →

Example of critical thinking on historical cost accounting system

It would evaluate the benefits and demerits of the historical cost accounting approach. One main argument for the application of historical cost method often is the need to allocate costs consistently. The objective of information would be defeated in applying these methods to the disadvantage of the target group. It is argued that non-historical methods →

Effect on starbucks store design on consumer behavior

In order to achieve our goal, first, we will focus on how Starbucks consumer behaviour in China and compare it with other countries such as U.S.A. And then we will compare Starbucks in China storeconcept designand how it affect the consumer behaviour in China and then compare it with KFC store design.

Free research paper on crisis management

Some of the passengers panicked, hoarded the available food and started arguing, but on the other side, a group of passengers in the same ship shared water, indulged in prayers and comforted the children of other families. In this research, I will explore Crisis management in detail by analyzing the types of crisis that would →

Uber, careem suspend services in uae capital

He did not respond to questions about the arrests or the reason for the suspension of services. Christian Eid, vice-president of marketing and communications for Careem, a Dubai-based company, said many of its drivers were being stopped by authorities in Abu Dhabi, apparently over licensing issues, and as a result had become nervous and were →

Case16 alarm ringing: nokia in 2010

The challenges for the instructor are interesting to say the least. First, there is the need for the instructor to understand the intent of each of the primary business management disciplines, as well as what the student can be expected to accomplish. The final step is to develop a business plan that →

Essay on what organization design is

Common sense will say that the larger the organization, the harder it would be to integrate everything inside that organization so that it will work out flawlessly and well. The process of matching the form of an organization to its purposes and objectives is called Organization Design. When we say organization design, it would be →

Evaluating google llc from a financial perspective

I will also analyse the annual report and the current market and the look at the significant impact it influences upon Google. Google is one of the biggest companies in the world and has a diverse portfolio of its revenue streams. Therefore it can be seen on how diverse the business model of Google is →

Swot analysis of the telus

Broad product and services offerings help TELUS to reduce business risk and to expand in the new and existing market. Advertisements: Advertisements with TV commercials usually have cute and loveable animals is the greatest strength of TELUS. Hence, the mobile users in the Philippines are much higher as compared to the Philippines so there is →

8 ways to reduce your company’s expenses

Second, you could reduce your expenses. Increasing sales requires a lot of planning, strategy and moving pieces to fall in line, but reducing your company's expenses is something you can do very easily - all it takes is a little bit of time. Not only can this help to absorb some of your lease expense, →

Free essay on tittle of paper

In this section of the paper, we document how Bank of America can use Godlhatt's concept of theory of constraints as used in the book The Goal to solve some of the challenges that the company faces. The Customer Service Scorecard, a website that lists reviews of customer service complaints or approvals from →

Essay on comparing and contrasting healthcare reform literature

The primary points of the PPACA include the restructuring of the American health care system into one where insurance companies are held more accountable for their actions, and health care costs are reduced for the average individual. While Eggen makes strong points in his opposition to Obamacare, it is Alonso-Zalvidar and Thomson →

Example of research paper on trade marks problem question

Kraft Foods is the owner of the Toblerone brand. The reason for the confusion among the consumers of chocolate would be based on the shape of the pointy mints brand. According to the rules regarding the registration of trademarks, the product should not cause confusion among the consumers of the product in relation to the →

Nirma: a journey towards the milestone

Being a son of farmer he did his early education from a local school of Mehsana and later he completed his graduation in Bsc.in chemistry at the age of 21 and started working in the New cotton mills in Ahemdabad as a lab technician. After three years of starting the Nirma he left his job →

Fedex vs ups case

This is one strength and reason FedEx's growth increased so rapidly, due to its large foreign presence in China. Although UPS did not have the competitive advantage in the overnight delivery service, they were still the most dominant delivery service in America and they were the first to offer nonstop delivery service →

Strategic and tactical decision-making db5 critical thinking

Some of the characteristics of preferred stock include preference in dividends, nonvoting, convertibility to common stock, preference in assets during liquidation and call ability; at the corporation's option, Companies use preferred stocks as a form of financing. In this case, convertibles are issued to avoid such a negative impression of the company and the bondholders →

Singapore company law

Whilst there, his accountant gave him a prospectus issued by Ionic Ltd., a company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange, to take home to read and if interested, to follow the instructions about investing in new shares in the company which were to be quoted on the Exchange. After reading the prospectus, →

Mcdonald’s pound exposure

This makes it an equity capital and any foreign profit or loss is reflected only in the CTA account on the joint balance sheets. The other option of stating the loan ' Nonpermanent invested' would credit or debit all profit or gains from the account of the parent company. Interest payments are →

Good case study about marketing

The company started their strategy by first changing the leadership in the form of the new CEO. The aim was the completely reinvent the image of the company.

Hubco horizontal analysis

This shows the increasing sales trend as the year passes by, but after 2013 there is a decrease in company's sales to some extent as compared to 2012 and also comparing previous year 2014 with 2015 it has been decreased. In comparison with the base year 2010, the operating cost has increased by 27. 65% →

Google beats oracle in $9 billion android trial

A U.S.jury handedGooglea major victory on Thursday in a long-running copyright battle with Oracle Corp.over Android software used to run most of the world's smartphones. The jury unanimously upheld claims by Google that its use of Oracle's Java development platform to create Android was protected under the fair-use provision of copyright law, bringing trial →

Ford pinto case study essay

Measurement Egoism: it involves indicating how the company is unwilling to spend more money for the customers so as to save on production costs Absolutism: It is determined by the manner in which the Ford Management is unwilling to change its fuel design and system Relativism: determining whether the company will pay →

Terminations managers security concern essay examples

They may incite other workers or try to bring loss to the company. It will be disastrous should violence occur causing great loss to the company and more so when there is no insurance cover.

Google acquisition of motorola term paper sample

Apart from this, the company also lost a significant number of top level executives to the rival firms and the continuous streak of losses forced the company to pay off around 400 more employees in the subsequent years. Motorola also continued to make losses until the 1st quarter of 2009, but managed to squeeze out →

Free essay on kodak and fujifilm

Kodak is short for Eastman Kodak Company, a Multinational Enterprise that once led the market in the production of equipment for photography, film, digital imaging and other products related to photography and photographic processing. This was a huge success for the Japanese firm as it was able to overtake Kodak for the coveted →

Good essay about direct business letter

There could have been wrong recording of information, but for the last four years, our company has not had any issues with the customers. Custom Woods, Inc, has earned the reputation as the best manufacturer of the finest wood doors and frames in the market for a couple of years. →

Cis 417 week 9 discussion 1 term paper

An incident response team provides the organization with the ability to deal with both potential and real security incidents. The incident response team and their roles Manager The manager or senior level management is responsible for decision making. It is also essential to have a manager on board →

Example of essay on methodology

The main objective of this project proposal is to offer a full-fledged health insurance cover of Access Mortgage Company with different services under one health platform. Literature Review The Health Insurance sector is proving to be competitive day by day. Our Health covers help large companies to offer affordable insurance covers with the objective →

Essay on business entities laws and regulations

The nature of the business entity is necessary in the determination of return on income tax that the owners have to file. For the case above, Lou and Jose are the active partners in charge of the daily activities of the business.

Risk management: anheuser-busch companies, inc essay examples

The risk management plan of the organization should be in such a manner that it touches on all aspects of the organization. The manager should create reserves in the Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Operational risk Operational risk management should concern itself with the smooth running of the organization.

Strategic analysis automobile industry essay sample

Being in the private sector they raise most of their capital though the sale of shares and of course their cars. Using a PESTAL Analysis, Porter Five Forces Framework, Resource Audit and a Value Chain Analysis recommendations will be made to BMW about any opportunities or possible threats there are in the car market.

Example of essay on marketing

Why or Why not? Brand resonance refers to the nature of the ultimate relationship and the level of identification that the customer has with the brand. The models execute and measure the progress of the company or firm in relation to brand marketing efforts. Brand identity ensures appropriate identification of the brand and →

Google argumentative essay

There are questions to whether or not the Americans are war criminals for killing these Vietnam civilians. After the first paragraph of " The Things They Carried" is read, the reader has a very good idea of what the main character, Jimmy Cross, was doing. Killing enemies and killing innocent civilians changes →