A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Revenue system for an interactive game essay examples

Apple's Appstore for the iPhone. In order to capture the market share we have promised our CEO, we intend to leverage word of mouth and social media for the large majority of our marketing using various platforms such as Facebook, twitter, MySpace and Orkut. This initiative will be driven by a commitment through offering the β†’

Ethical situations in business

National and regional chains are frequently forcing small and locally owned stores to close their doors. For this reason, as well as the huge obligations to the social responsibilities required by their communities and customers alike pushes both the small business owner as well as the larger corporations to be able to β†’

Internal and external equity comparison essay sample

Internal and External equity It is important first to understand what internal and external equity is. Internal equity is when the employees are being provided with fair wages relative to the value of their jobs within the organization.

Case study of samsung – tesco, korea

Note that it took almost one year to adopt new IT system. 3 In this case study we define new economy as economic model which any networked two-way information and datacommunicationdevices facilitate better decision making of the organization and lead to higher performance. 4 Samsung-Tesco has chosen the Lotus Thailand system because the β†’

Good research paper on netflix

The second greatest opportunity is that its in-house content gives potential for the company to expand into the international market. The company is targeting the family demographic for greater profits.

Good risk and project management research paper example

Such risk categories involve technical, project management, financial, external, and compliance risks. According to the research, it is viewed that likelihood, as opposed to the consequences of an event, should be the focus of risk management for risk likelihood enables risk managers or organizations to deal with the outcomes of risk before they occur. The β†’

Good case study on starwood

In particular, the paper seeks to evaluate the extent to which the company has adopted the six sigma concepts of process management and the subsequent results that the company has experienced as a direct outcome of this adoption. This has resulted in the company incorporating within its ranks the black belt and green belt categories β†’

Free mckinsey: organizational ethical communication practice research paper sample

6 billion. Ethical Standards and Background Before we get into the external stakeholder ethical communication analysis of Mckinsey, we need to look at the culture of the organization which is the base of the ethical communication of Mckinsey. In case of Mckinsey, a partner represents the firm and he clearly states the objectives and β†’

Impact of environmental factors on marketing decisions of costco essay sample

These factors usually cannot be controlled by the businessmen and therefore, a careful analysis of the environment is essential to discover the problems and find their possible solutions. The economic condition of Costco Wholesale Corporation mainly remains consistent, as the growth rate of the sales of the company is consistent. This is because; on β†’

Good example of essay on strategic marketing in the context of us together organization

If a firm fails to plan what it will do for the next year and what direction to move to in the long term, it will have trouble allocating its resources, streamlining its processes, and yielding the highest possible profit in the following years. Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic β†’

Free essay about history of facebook

The amount was raised solely for the expansion of the company and to reach out to more and more users. The funding sources of the company expanded during 2007, when Microsoft took a $240 Million stake in Facebook to become Facebook's " exclusive third-party advertising platform partner" and to also sell Facebook's international advertising.Post the β†’

Case study on income statement

The Wage expenses for the 5 years, X1 through X5 are calculated by adding up a certain assumed percentage to the wage expense of the year X0. Therefore to provide a consequent effect after such increase in sales and purchase of fixed assets on the relevant expenditures, the assumed percentage is set at 4%, for β†’

Brand switching behaviour

As advertising and promotion have been identified as massive determinants, in addition to some other factors, to explain the brand switching behaviour of the consumers, therefore, the findings of this study will help car manufacturers in deciding upon the level of effort they need to put into promotion and advertising. Maintaining customers β†’

Essay on elie ofek and luc wathieu are you ignoring trends that could shake your business

The goal of the article is spur managers to consider the influence of trends and technology in the profitability of their companies. The article also provides advice on the ways that managers can capitalize on for effective use of technology and trends. The message for the article is intended for business managers of leading corporations β†’

Features of amazon

Directgov got the lowest amount of points in this section due to the fact that their website had no career opportunities listed, which I felt would have been a good idea because any visitors to the Directgov website might, after finding the information they required, want to find out about jobs in governmental departments. It β†’

New tax conformity rule article review samples

The article relates to as how entities both domestic and multinational, used the difference in valuation rules of LIFO and Non-LIFO Inventory Valuation methods for purpose of tax saving as LIFO was used solely for tax reporting purpose which increased their value of Cost of Goods Sold and finally with low gross profits, β†’

Factors affecting the success of a company

By the end of the 1960s Ace had established stores in Northern California and Georgia, and continues to grow. From 1973 to 1976 the company was transitioned into a retail cooperative giving Hesse $6 Million in hefty profit. But less than a year after Pay 'N Pak filed for bankruptcy, it liquidated its inventory and β†’

Health care planning & evaluation research paper examples

The agenda of the company to achieve this objective consists of following objectives: - The first objective is to grow the corporation in the current markets and communities - The second objective is to attain leading performance in the industry in terms of clinical and satisfaction measures - The third objective is to recruit and employ β†’

Report on procter and gamble innovation

Lafley in 2000 became the president of P&G, making innovation as part of the routine throughout in the market has been highly executed by the leaders of the company in order to establish the culture of innovation in the world market. Procter and Gamble however have ensured that in order to make these ideas a β†’

Telstra and mcdonalds

More recently, the company has introduced more premium offerings such as the Angus beef burger in Australia which is made of premium Angus beef, and a higher price is charged compared to its core burger range. McDonald's is expected to face stronger competition in the future, given the rising popularity of healthier β†’

Firms and the financial market term paper

This in fact goes a long in raising funds for a firm or corporation, depending what the firm's needs are at that given moment in time. In corporate financing, real and financial functions of the firm are strongly linked and the prices of financial instruments are also closely related to the profits as much as β†’

Example of why revenue recognition is significant case study

Therefore, it is significant to know when revenue should be recognized (Gangwar, Sharda & Gangwar, 2009). Determining when revenue should be recorded Recording revenue in books of account refers to recognizing revenue in a business. This is attributable to higher increase in revenue than the expenses. It is clear β†’

Technical data corporation

The necessary funds for starting the company had been raised by selling a package of debentures and stock representing 10% of the equity in the company to outside investors for $100, 000. Interdata was a privately-held company with 1981 revenues of approximately $83 million.w ith u tp Technical Data was a supplier of data analysis β†’

Araullo university – phinma education network

The best thing to consider is the assurance that the clients are getting the satisfaction of the services provided by the company and also the creating each member a friendly environment. To make a functional lending system that can makes the work of employees easier.2.


Thefinancial statementanalysis carried out below shows that Colgate has performed considerably well in almost all areas. However continuing with this remarkable performance in future and particularly this year is going to be a tough ask keeping the global economic meltdown in perspective. COMPANY OVERVIEW: Colgate-Palmolive is β†’

China study tour essay example

What is China's Foreign Investment Catalogue? China's foreign investment catalogue refers to a policy document promulgated by the nation's ministry of commerce and the national development and reform commission that acts as an indicator and guidance for foreign investors. The council is the highest organ of state administration and is composed of β†’

Business plan on monthly gift box

Louis Library. - Accessories: Prada. - Dollar store collaboration. Items: The items within the gift box will be limited to the budget of under $40 per subscription. Those who subscribe to this TAZ Box service will get a taste of the items offered by the sponsors and will be inclined to purchase from their store. Subscribers have β†’

Amazon swot analysis 2016: strengths and weaknesses

One out of every three product searches online is done through Amazon.com and nearly half of online sales are filtered through Amazon.com. Amazon is the fourth most valuable public company in the world, the largest internet company by revenue in the world and the ninth largest employer in the United States. Amazon.com, Inc., incorporated on β†’


What is the position of CCM in the marketplace? This has been due to the fact that ' a number of quality and marketing missteps had occurred since the market introduction of the U+ Pro skate two years earlier'.

How vodafone applied the principle of comparative advantage in its operations

The theory is also known as the Ricardian model after the 19th century classical economist David Ricardo who is credited with creating better awareness of this concept. Others who had earlier tried to explicate the benefit of this concept included Adam Smith and Robert Torrens Suranovic Adam Smith wrote in The Wealth of β†’

Hbs marriott case

However, the company has to ensure that the company uses an appropriate discount rate for each division. Therefore, we calculate the appropriate cost of capital for Marriott as well as for each of the three divisions. Marriot evaluates its investment opportunities using the discounted cash flow approach, which requires an estimate of the cost of β†’

Risk appetite for general motors

The likely wood that GM will have productfailurein some product will be high and the impact of this failure will be high, therefore GM should limit its risk appetite on manufacturing of new products. - The need to increase sale; GM will have a high risk appetite towards increase sale as it's expand β†’

Liqudity ratios essay

Company's financial analysis is of essence since it will be of significance in determining the performance and financial position of the company. The human resource director is subsequently able to interpret the company's performance with respect to the profitability level, earnings per share or control as well as the liquidity position of the company. The β†’

Yum brands

This growth is due to the fact that Su looks at the bigger picture, imaging what he wants the company to be like in five to ten years, and making that dream happen immediately. Porter shaped this strategy to give a thorough analysis of the condition of any given industry β†’

Problem statement research proposal

These issues necessitate research into ways and means of helping organizations come up with practical approaches to crisis management. Purpose statement The purpose of this study will be to offer differently sized companies solutions in crisis management. The qualitative and quantitative studies will then merge as a complementary piece that offers solutions to crisis β†’

Free promotional and advertising strategies essay sample

They want to claim that their shoes are the best ones and they will surely meet the requirements of the sport players. Nike is outsourcing their products from Korea and Taiwan, whereas Adidas is outsourcing their items in Asia. Adidas Adidas is considered to be among the top few market leaders in the sports β†’

Essay on risk management and the supply chain

Regrettably, these are the sources of risks which may produce a mega-disaster " that can not only wipe out years of profit but also can force a company to exit a certain region or a specific market". The next part of the essay discuses the methods for effective management of supply chain risks and particularly, β†’

Example of business plan on financial analysis

Additionally, the company has gotten back their asset that was part of the security needed to secure a loan back in 2006. Based on its financial performance, Ford is expected to excel significantly in its financial performance. Surviving the global recession and the demand for auto industry in the U.S.- A case for ford motor β†’

An overview of freddie mac essay example

One of the major causes of the Great Depression had to do with excessive speculation in financial markets, and one of the major tragedies that resulted was a foreclosure epidemic that created the torrent of " Okies," farmers from Oklahoma (and other parts of the Great Plains) who had been kicked off their land β†’

Ford motors company analysis

The company sells cars worldwide dealing in brands like Mercury, Volvo, Lincoln and Ford. Through the help of dealers and well established retailer network, the company is in a position to reach to a large number of customers in addition to providing a wide range of after sales services for the vehicles β†’

Good autism and vaccines essay example

Assessments on the relationship between autism and MMR vaccine in the light of researches are discussed in detail. Assessing the incidence of autism and MMR vaccine The Wakefield controversy triggered quite a lot of research inputs and it was found that majority of the researchers concluded that there is absolutely no relation between MMR β†’

Corporate governance report sample

Corporate governance provides a guideline to a company as to how it will be controlled and directed in order to fulfill and meet its goals and objectives in a way that will add more value to the company, and also benefits its entire stakeholder in the long term. While in the common definition of corporate β†’

Kao dubai research paper sample

Apart from the cosmetics business, the Kao group has chemical companies that have been on the forefront in the production of chemical products that have, at different levels, met the contemporary needs of the industry. Kao's business fields are consumer oriented, and the company is determined and committed toYoki-Monozukuri with an aim of completely satisfying β†’

Starbucks analysis essay sample

The ROE is high in percentage which can be a good thing, but management needs to keep an eye out on their assets and how they are effectively using them for in order to make a profit." If the ROA is low or the company is carrying a lot of debt, a high ROE can β†’

What is in the brand name?

A lot of companies tend to invest in branding strategies and this is fruitful even in the times of crises. Researchers figured out that even when the economy crashes down, sometimes the brandloyaltystays intact and here lies the successful brand establishment of the company. The brand name is certainly the very first thing that stamps β†’

Twitter has made those changes you’ve been asking for

has been trying for years to jumpstart user growth, and now the company is rolling out a series of changes designed to make the service easier and more intuitive. On Tuesday, the company unveiled some tweaks to help people share more within the 140-character limit, and to encourage them to share more and richer β†’

Essay on attracting retaining talents and career development in global era

Nonetheless, scholars consider that in business, the concept of globalization is quite new and multinational companies usually refer to it as a business strategy in their annual reports. Among the challenges of the globalization of business is that global companies usually set their home in their domestic location, where they β†’

Evolution of international marketing management in companies essay

Kikkoman evolved based on the company's need to rebrand and establish its products as a necessity in both Japanese and American markets. BMW focused on building its brand as a means to reintroduce the company to the international market. By establishing BMW's reliability and quality of delivery of services, the company was able to establish β†’

Essay about starbucks case study

By using joint ventures, Starbucks has been more successful integrating the company into the culture of these countries because of the newfound insider information they hold that determines what the customer is looking for in the varying locations. Japan's growth was due to local managers running the locations who had local knowledge β†’

Essay on cruise liners in the tourism industry

For instance, the modern cruise ship is capable of accommodation around 6, 000 passengers. The Carnival is the leading cruise ship company in the market as it has the largest company of the retreat cruise ships globally. This implies that the ship is strategically built to sufficiently meet the demand and customers need β†’

An analysis of coca cola friendly twist commercial critical thinkings example

The level of influence of advertising on such aspects of life is determined by the particular society in question; hence it is necessary to take into consideration the values of society and the people's way of life. Such is the ingenuity of this Coca Cola campaign the desire to drink a Coke is matched with β†’

Example of essay on main body

A Phillips curve penetrates in the records and it showed an influencing behavior in most of the today's contemporary macroeconomic models. The Policymaking Transition The decision-makers for the policy favorably or unfavorably comprehended the initial embodiment of Phillips curve like an invariant technical border in joblessness and inflation. It further explored a broad status β†’

A report on the financial management of rpc group. essay example

This highlights the financial stardom the RPC group, as well as the sustainability of their operations in the market place. The company operates in a highly competitive market, by has managed to sustain its competitive edge by ensuring prudence in the way it operates and wise usage of funds relating to investment. The only avenue β†’

Position defense strategy

Implementing the Position Defense strategy by doing the strategic alliance with the Wall-Mart in order to share the informationtechnologysystem and supply chain management Recommendations The Lobar Companies Limited can use the resource of information technology system, which is Electronic Data Interchange form the Wall-Mart in order to improve the own inventory problem β†’

Fedex corporation essay sample

Its airlines carry the largest freight compared to the others that provide the same service.up to 2008, it provided services from the US mainland to the Caribbean islands. This office department is further subdivided into FedEx Office and print centers, and FedEx Ship Centers. Internal changes made by FedEx. The internal changes made by FedEx β†’

21st century leadership essay sample

The passion and the aspirational levels that are attached to Apple as a brand is not seen for any other firm has been able to amass in this era of international competition. There are a lot of leadership articles and books that have cited in order to be a great leader, the person needs β†’

Gardenia bakeries (kl) sdn. bhd

In the brains of the customers, they will think of the healthy and freshness Gardenia breads, so customers will choose which brand of bread to consume. The customers will think about the Gardenia breads which are fresh and healthy deep in their minds.

The us financial institutions essay examples

They can either be local or even global in the provision of these products and services and their running. Financial Services Corporations Financial Services Corporations are large conglomerates that combine different financial institutions within a single Corporation. The global economic crisis is to blame as for the problems and financial crisis that financial services β†’

Example of research paper on air france

Air France has to communicate to its clients the benefits of purchasing their products and the merits associated with the products. The company should use metals of lower density to minimize the weight of the aircrafts.

Good american greetings analysis report example

In that respect, the analysis has used the Darden Case on American Greetings and the analysis on the Company as an investment has been done with use of DCF model that uses the present value of the expected future cash-flows. In that view, DCF values that are higher than the costs of capital of the β†’

Free case study about false belief

After that, I asked John what his friend Ryan would think is in the box. In the first instant when I asked john what was in the cereal box; John replied that the box had the cereals labeled on top of the box. John had seen what is in the box and thought than Ryan β†’

Free essay on current strategy:

By very competitive bidding and contractual agreements with the vendors, the company is in a position to cut down the costs more than the competitors are. The company exhibits a very strong presence in the Northeastern flank of U.S. Dunkin' Donuts is also planning to reduce the sugar content in the upcoming years β†’

International hrm case study case study

Hierarchy and seniority, which is given due importance by the Chinese people is not followed in PDC and the promotion in terms of designation which is required by local employees is also not incorporated in the company HR policies. The company also requires the local employees to be aggressive in the work to propel the β†’

Economics case study samples

It is in a view that when the governments lift the barriers from the trade, the circulation of funds in the market increases and gives benefit to the citizens. Therefore, the free trade policy gives benefit to the countries at both ends. Outsourcing is one of the most effective ways of reducing the expenses of β†’

At&t swot analysis

The Company has established itself as a leader in the market In line with its vision, the AT&T Company has been striving to be the leader in the industry. This means that the company will need to increase its production capacity in order to match the rate of growth of the β†’

The royal mint essay examples

The company is the largest exporter of coins in the world and it sells its products to approximately 60 different states. Traditionally, the Royal Mint used three kinds of metal to mint coins: copper, nickel and brass, however nowadays only steel is used for this purpose.

Wal-mart and corporate social responsibilty essay sample

This paper discusses the corporate social responsibility of Wal-Mart in a framework which shows how the company has comprehensively handle CSR and successfully integrated this different approaches to the subject. The Inherent Social Responsibility of Wal-Mart Employees. As the world's largest retailer, the largest employer, second-largest corporation in the US, and β†’

However, borrowing has the following advantages and disadvantages essay sample

These are the securities traded privately or listed at the stock exchange. Financial management is the management of the business or organization finances in order to achieve the firm's financial objectives. Its key elements are: - Financial planning: this is ensuring there is timely availability of funds to meet the firm's β†’

Currency risk management report report example

Such expenses include taxes to the South African government, cots of purchasing land where the company will be located and the costs of paying for the resources that are necessary to facilitate the operation of the company. This is due to the fact that the costs of labor in the country are very high.

Good example of competitors of ikea company in mexico essay

Since Ikea suffers from a lack of innovation, and experiences the chances of providing a very similar base, it will face stiff competition in Mexico market. This is so because the Mexican home furnishings industry is extremely competitive because innovation and design center play a main role in promoting the home β†’

Example of essay on cash flow statement

Discuss the need for a cash flow statement such as that given for JLJPlc; Cash flow statement analysis is helpful to management in the generation and utilization of cash in the most efficient way. The technique of the preparation is to start with the opening balances in cash and bank and reconciling them to β†’

Example of article review on outsourcing

These myths are assuming: that an outsourced vendor can be efficient, effective, and flexible all at the same time; that an outsourced service is like a commodity; that contracts should be tight and binding; that contracts are not at all important; that outsourced services are a form of insurance; that the responsibility is rests solely β†’

Hypotheses research proposals examples

This can be linked with the management of the two companies showing that Samsung Electronics Vietnam, which has internally appointed CEO, has a better management than Petrolimex with externally appointed CEO. Return on assets This ratio indicates the relationship between net income and total assets. 0778 this is an indicator of lower profitability of β†’

Adidas as a multinational business organization

In some countries, such as China, foreign companies are legally obliged to create a corporate alliance with a local company in order to business in the vicinity. Disadvantages to the Host Country One of the biggest disadvantages for multinational companies operating in a host country is the dominance it can have on the local market.

Nepolism research proposals example

The main problem in this situation is the lack of professional skills of those relatives. They will not have the necessary knowledge and will not be able to accomplish the work properly. They will see that preferences are given to relatives of the authorities.

Example of essay on engineering design

Identifying opportunities, designing a concept based on it, and finally implementing the concept, are the three important steps in the product development model. Finally, Raytheon focuses more on the technology part of the development process. Mechanical product design is a vast field with many existing theories that keep adapting to the new constraints of the β†’

Informative essay on nike case study

Nike is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, USA; it is the top supplier of athletic shoes and apparel and is one of the top manufacturers of sports equipment, with revenue in excess of $20. By the middle of the 1990s, Nike concentrated on sponsorship to make the company become well-known. In 2000, Nike β†’

Sky blue software consulting firm essay sample

This type of leadership can be damaging to a company, having leaders and employees input are feasible to the company. Blue Sky Software needs to use the democratic leadership skills.

Free essay on employment relations

However, the physiological contract which clearly states the expectations from the employee and the employer to provide a proper working condition and the maximum output realized at the end of a working day. Rights and obligations of the employee for example, the rights to safe working conditions, employment termination notice periods, the payment package, and β†’

Example of 3g technology by eriksson case study

These structural changes make it a radical innovation. What factors do you think will influence the rate at which 3G technologies are adopted by operators and mobile phone consumers? Adoption of 3G technologies by consumers will be dependent on a number of factors namely: a) Applications available on 3G. The attitude of consumers and degree β†’

Soccer masidlale programme

This ultimately will improve Spurs image and make customers feel more obliged to support them as they will want to be a part of the foundation to help those in need. These initiatives are relevant to my topic as they provide external information that will be beneficial to my hypothesis and will prove that by β†’

Sample essay on disadvantages of franchising in china

They are so refined that they copy the products, the branding, the appearance of the physical retail outlets, and even the service. Finally, the company is able to circumvent restrictions imposed by Chinese legislation by passing its business over to local traders. The most prevalent disadvantage is the escalating costs of starting and running a β†’

Essay on accounting executive compensation

The issue whether it is really needed and ethical for executive officers of a company to consult a financial consultant whenever they think they should receive a pay raise continues to spark debates in different corporate sectors. The truth is that the executive officers are one of the highest paying, β†’

Systems analysis and design essay samples

The following recommendations as inferred by Li et al.in this instance are provided to the SRC in accordance to the help desk requirement: Help desk should be developed with the support of IT professionals of the company so that employees can use the newly implemented system in an effective and efficient manner. The newly implemented β†’

Verizon purchased yahoo: what does this mean for you?

Last year, the company which gave it access to a range of technologies that allowed it to better target its ads. So, how does the Verizon purchase impact advertisers? The context First, it's important to understand the context of the purchase of Yahoo. With more and more people reading from a mobile device, an β†’

Gardenia bakeries essay sample

Gardenia Bakeries, the country's biggest breadmaker, is expanding in Cebu with P100-million bread plant to cater to Cebu markets and Northern Mindanao areas even as plans for the establishment of a similar plant in Davao is underway as the country's biggest breadmaker aims to attain a nationwide coverage soon. Simplicio Umali Jr., β†’

Book review on building strong brands

However, the quest to build a strong brand is full of liabilities. Associated issues that are common in the building a brand include pricing competition, the ease of competitor access, the diverse efforts of the media and the markets and finally the internal issue of often changing marketing strategies. With β†’

Feasibility of hoosier burger

Six Feasibility Factors: 1) Economic Feasibility With proper inventory strategy and good customer service, the Hoosier Burger can benefit in terms of increased sales and profit. 3) Technical Feasibility With the help of the project team and owners Bob and Thelma, Hoosier Burger should have no problem executing this proposed system.

Components and forms of financial statements literature review examples

IFRS is founded on an overriding requirement to make fair presentation of financial statements. US GAAP, on the other hand, is a term used to indicate the body of authoritative literature comprising accounting and reporting standard in the US. This includes the correction of error or reclassification of financial statements. The difference occurs in the β†’

Corporate parenting strategy of starbuck company essay sample

The company aims to achieve this by using only the finest coffee beans and provide the finest coffee blends thus receive the respect and acknowledgement on the world all over. Since the company has already more than 3, 500 stores local and international (Kembell, Hawks, Kembell, Perry, & Olsen, 2002). The company has maintained β†’

Green land company essay sample

Our home is near in Makati, Taguig, and Paranaque where the business firm and enterprises are near; Green homestellar is also near in schools, colleges and universities. Feel comfortable and relax in our environmental theme. Our home will make you feel that you are in the island that full of trees, and has a β†’

Free case study on good and evil on the rails

The Metrolink Company was not supposed to entrust so many life to a person like that. 2) The Metrolink Company was created to improve the situation in the world of trains and decrease the number of accidents. The excuse for all of that was that Connex had a subjective faith in him.

Discountpc brands and company profile

Brands and being known as " best value formoney" retail shop. Corporate Information Discountpc's vision is to maintain its status as one premier retail provider delivering the best I.T. Brands and being known as " best value for money" retail shop. The Corporate Head-Office is at the Ground Flr.which becomes a β†’

Example of private security essay

In discharging these functions, private security plays the role of aiding in security especially where the security availed by the state is inadequate. Private security is also used by government where it outsources security services to security companies. To this end, private security plays a relatively similar to the public β†’

Essay on demographic factors

Microsoft, Sony and other software manufacturing companies such as Oracle have been at the forefront in the development of video games that have advanced features such as the Sony Play Station Move and the Microsoft Kinect. The evolution of computer games has witnessed a number of market dynamics that have far reaching effects on both β†’