A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Physician-assisted suicide

While some argue that a physician's assistance is not required to commit suicide, the fact of the matter is that most methods of suicide are uncertain and traumatic. Opponents of physician-assisted suicide argue that it's morally wrong for physicians to assist a patient in suicide; I do not believe it's wrong for a physician to β†’

Β© 2010 steve campsall

You will be arguing to support your point of view on the essay question - one that you have boldly stated in the opening lines of the essay! " This is what I believe and I am going to show you why I believe it..! " This is a view you will have developed after β†’


Mallard has died, her death can be seen as a release from the overpowering will of her husband. Upon hearing the news of her husband's death, Mrs.

Hong kong today

LS- Hong Kong Today Topic 1 Measure the Quality of Life In Hong Kong From Different Perspectives Learn about the quality of life Meaning of Quality of Life -material aspect: different kinds of material enjoyment that can be brought with money -spiritual aspect: the sense of satisfaction on a spiritual level which may not β†’

A farewell speech to the students leaving 10th standard

We have gathered here today to bid farewell to the students of standard 10th. As you embark on this new stage of life, you will be able to rise to the occassion because of the values our school has taught you.

Puma strategy till 2015 in puma’s women’s footwear mark

This project is about the research demographic information and attractiveness of expansion segments for the Women's Sports lifestyle segment and the ways in which PUMA can develop an effective way to expand into these segments and determine its current position in the global market through quantitative means. In this era, the consumers' β†’

Elan and the competition in the ski boat industry essay sample

There are only about five major competitors in this industry The demand for these products is continuing to grow slowly. The customer's cost of switching is low; the consumer could go buy another boat at about the same price. There are large capital requirements in order to start a boat company.

Krispy natural essay sample

Test market results for the southeast regions do not indicate an impressive gain in the market a. People in the industry felt that the taste preference was not better than current brands and that the claims were inflated a.

Mobile technology essay

An examination of the results of the 2G technology in general and that of the GSM technology in particular is imperative before implementing of the 3G technology. The European national companies have standardized the system of GSM and the working process is a great success. The companies then realized, first the advantages of the cross-boarder β†’

Espresso machines essay sample

MacVille is the top bulk importer of espresso machines in the market Head office is located in Brisbane Company is dedicated to provide customers with the top of the line products, astonishing service with reasonable prices A new branch in Sydney is to be launch to run into the productivity, reliability, and β†’

Pr strategy essay sample

PR's Competitive Advantage Pernod Ricard has a competitive advantage due to numerous factors, Pernod Ricard is currently ranked as the second largest Wine and Spirit Company, the strategy utilized to get to this position was a very deliberate and strategy of timely mergers, acquisitions and planned alliances which created a Pernod Ricard portfolio consisting β†’

Luxor cosmetics essay sample

The importance of company's business strategies and budgeting plans, as well as the challenges and losses in the absence of these items has clearly presented in this case study.Luxor Cosmetics is a cosmetic company which manufactures variety of lipstick, nail polish, and cosmetic cream for women. Budgeting allows management to plan ahead, communicate the plan β†’

Entrepreurship – hung fook tong essay sample

The results of the Porter's Five Force analysis shows that the Chinese herbal drink industry is a favourably attractive industry. As the Chinese herbal drink is currently in the growth stage of the product life cycle, it is experiencing constant growth in sales volume. The package of the herbal tea drinks is colourful and β†’

Consumer behavior essay sample

Just a golden glow and the fragrance of sesame and Lucida font that quietly stated' Golden Glow'. Mahajan smiled wanly and clasped the soap in his hands, as if protecting it from an unseen predator. Golden Glow was the only soap in its product mix, produced and marketed by Sensi.

Office as a powerful promoting device. having consistent

You might be wanting a letterhead that matches the all of your stationery. So, whether you hand out your clients your business cards or business organizers, they feel a similar brand design. Do not let your poor office stationery designsdown your business initiatives!

Analysis of the scarlet letter scaffolding scenes essay

The " A" is once again resurfaced when Hawthorne writes, " And there stood the minister, with his hand over his heart; and Hester Prone, with the embroidered letter glimmering on her bosom; ND little Pearl, herself a symbol, and the connecting link between the two of them." , but this time it is β†’

Marketing plan on fmcg product: acme choco – drink essay sample

Since 1954, The ACME Laboratories Ltd.has been doing their operation in Bangladesh and today, it is one of the most successful business conglomerates having sister concerns and investments in various sectors in lot other areas in Bangladesh. This paper is written on a new product " Choco-Drink " , manufactured by the β†’

Brand positioning

This report will critically analyse the organisations brand positioning, create and evolve strategies as to how the company may reposition or improve its brand position. Definition of Brand Positioning The website On Point Marketing states that brand positioning is " when we identify where a specific brand is placed within the marketplace and its β†’

Brand names: are they worth it

I personally believe brand names are worth it and necessary to have since it made by famous people. One reason why I feel that brand names are worth it and necessary to have is because the clothes last you longer since it good quality, for example , Polo, North Face, True Religion β†’

Good cultural theory term paper example

A consumer can disarticulate this by understanding that the producers such as the media are the stakeholders that set the pace by eliminating some features and content, hence limiting the choices availed to the consumer. For instance, it is clear that the long term goal of the Ford efforts is to have the children grow β†’

Marketing: tea and lipton yellow label essay sample

The Lipton business was acquired by consumer goods company Unilever in a number of separate transactions, starting with the purchase of the US and Canadian Lipton business in 1938 and completed in 1972 when Unilever bought the remainder of the global Lipton business. Over a hundreds years on, Lipton now possesses thousands of acres β†’

2018 companies. in 2018 extra chances consisting

Instagram Following the astronomic success of Instagram in2017 we are in a position to barely watch for 2018, with the degreesoutperforming contender Snapchat by August, 2017. I count on that this channelwill lead the alternate in extended fact as its peer's conflict to stay privyto its ultra-modern 300 million every day clients. YouTubeAll of us β†’

Waiting for your cat to barl’s summary essay

The middle chapters will uncover and tell us why is the minds of customers changed as they respond to products and services. And on the later part of the book, the authors will mentions about persuasion architecture and how to use it to influence potentials customers. When study along the chapters, it mentions on how β†’

Solomon, consumer behaviour – chapter 6 personality & lifestyles

One answer can lie in the concept of personality, which refeers to a person's unique psychological make up and how it concsistently influences the ay a person's responds to his/her environment. The Freudian perspective also raises the possibility that the ego relies on the symbolism in products to compromise between the demands of the id β†’

Traffic in uk essay

DiscussionTo begin with, a survey has to be carried out so as to understand the way of life the people found in the UK, the population, number of both private and public cars found on the roads among other issues. By changing the mode of transport in the cities and towns, the carbon dioxide contributed β†’

The marketing mix of kitkat essay sample

For Kit Kat, these intrinsic elements of the brand, or unique selling points includethe: chocolate fingers foil and band wrapping, unique in the countlines market and seen as an important featurewhich encourages involvement and sharing by consumers well-known strapline Have a Break, Have a Kit Kat. In spite of the risks of altering the β†’

Luxury brands insights essay

Strategies for Luxury Marketing in India There are conventional foundations for ensuring success of a brand and they are listed below in brief: 1. The brand must be " expansive" Which means it should be full of innovation opportunities for the marketer and in terms of satisfying the divergent needs of the luxury consumer 2. β†’

Real estate, finance and distribution

On the scale of company sizes in this country, Haw falls somewhere in the middle, maintaining leadership in the convenience store industry in the Delaware Valley, while at the same time providing the employees with small- many personal communication. From the dairy products that it has manufactured since the early 1 ass's, to the β†’

Report for the promotional plan of hot and chocolate tea/coffee of costa coffee

INTRODUCTION This report is submitted on behalf of the marketing plan for a franchise branch of Costa Coffee located Ealing Broadway in West London of United Kingdom Costa coffee has a fabulous history to be poured in each cup of tea which is served to the customers. MISSION " To serve the best coffee in β†’

Body peircings from a to z essay

Anti-tragus A piercing through the prominence on the lower posterior part of the conch of the ear, opposite the tragus. B Bridge A horizontal piercing through the bridge of the nose, also called an " earl." C Cheek This can refer to surface piercings in the cheek, but most often refers to piercings which run β†’

Porter strategic group essay

Michael Porter described three types of strategy to achieve/maintain competitive advantage in his 1980 work Competitive strategy: techniques for analysing industries and competitors.These generic strategies are based on two dimensions: market scope + core competency with two competencies being the most important: product differentiation/product cost.[pic]Porter stressed that failure to adopt single strategy β†’


While Radicals are not against the reform of the existing political system, they do not consider the approach by capitalists as credible path towards the development of the desired society construct. Additionally, radical anti-capitalists refer to the natural world as a simple resource body that needs to be reshaped or exploited to serve the interests β†’

Tata tea – case study on cause related advertising essay

With the help of its advertising and marketing initiative, Jaago Re, this time, the brand takes up the issue of corruption. In its third year, the Jaago Re campaign revolving around the issue of corruption has the tagline, ' Ab Se Khilana Bandh, Pilana Shuru'. The intent was also to have a unified message for β†’

Darkie toothpaste: colgate essay sample

At the time of action plan, with the threat of loosing customer loyalty and brand name, Colgate had taken three year time to change name and logo of the product. Alternatives for Colgate to handle situation: Looking toward alternatives for Colgate to handle situation, managerial rights were key factor. It is a constellation β†’

Orbital engine corporation ltd: case study essay

ANALYSIS 1. Two marketing activities which were wise given OEC's main objective 1.addressing credibility and performance issues, which is one of the primary concerns of car manufacturers 2.improved OCP engines to be readily applicable to current manufacturing practice 2. Reasons OEC failed to have engine adopted by any major car manufacturer 1.failed to understand the β†’

Mowtown paper

Through a variety of channels and resources, Motown Auto Parts has done its best to circulate the best in off-road components, while also catering to the personal needs of private distributors. Whether you are looking to revamp your showroom floor with the newest products and brands, or need a fast and easy β†’

Project report of luxury retailing of swatch & tissot

In the luxury sector, it is essential that communication serves the product and the brand and not the reverse. In the majority of the cases, it will be enough to point out the existence of the product, without necessarily showcasing it. The concentration of the luxury brand sector around multinationals, each one with their own β†’

Case solution for giant consumer products essay sample

1% (with the equivalence of about $6.5m). In order to boost the FFD gross revenue as well as its marketing margin, Allan Capps, CEO of GCP is considering the option to field the FFD promotion. As shown in Table 4, the marketing margin from promotion of Natural Meals is $500, 679.

Entertainment and sports programming network essay sample

ESPN was the first sports networks to take advantage of HDTV with simulcast service for ESPN and ESPN 2 and is currently maintains the most HD programming content and highest level of HD viewership in sports. ESPN is providing the benefit for customers to know everything that is going on in sports, whenever they want β†’

Little monsters essay

This campaign has identified the presence of hazardous chemicals in leather and textile products resulting from their use in manufacturing. This Greenpeace campaign with support from millions around the world has convinced many big retailers and brands like H&M, Zara and Valentino to avoid using any hazardous chemicals in their β†’

Alternative marketing essay sample

BUZZ MARKETING The most common form of Alternative Marketing is Buzz Marketing. STEALTH MARKETING A special form of marketing Uses Surreptitious practices to introduce a product to individuals or fails to disclose or reveal the true relationship with the brand.

Chapter 23

When Darin and Lisa get married, GDP rises.| ANS: C DIF: 2 REF: 23-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP: GDP MSC: Applicative 24. 5 million | | d.|$8 million | ANS: B DIF: 3 REF: 23-2 NAT: Analytic LOC: The study of economics and definitions of economics TOP: β†’

Running head: assignment 1

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of globalization in the economic growth of China, an emergent and developing nation. In little over a quarter of a decade, this immense country has emerged from the rim of economic insignificance to lead the world in respect of economic growth.

A wall street journal article related to macroeconomics

The impact of the transaction extends ahead of its $101 billion charge and the termination of 183-year-old ABN Amro Holding NV of the Netherlands. Conditional on how the customers fee, it may possibly turn out to be either an indication of the enthusiasm exuberance observed in the β†’

Macroeconomics living standards

Identify the person who gave this idea. A GDP price index is a measure of the price of a specified collection of goods and services in a given year as compared to the price of an identical or highly similar collection of goods and services in a reference year. William Stanley Jevons β†’

Causes of globalization

Causes of Globalization While it is truethat state ventures have at times driven the process, e.g.the colonial conquests, the globalization process has largely reflected market forces, specifically, the exploitation by large and smaller businesses in the world of benefits from trade in commodities, goods, services, capital, and even labor, and of opportunities β†’

The great recession of 2008

The stock markets reflect the buoyancy of the economy. The Indian stock markets also crashed due to a slowdown in the US economy.

Recent monetary policy statement of bangladesh bank

INTRODUCTION Monetary policy is the process by which the central bank of a country controls the supply of money, the availability of money, and the cost of money or rate of interest, in order to attain a set of objectives oriented towards the growth and stability of the economy. Taking note of the trends in β†’

Presentation plan

Economics is the study of the production and consumption of goods and the transfer of wealth to produce and obtain those goods. The important of economics is that we can examine whether society is better off through government intervention to influence changes in the provision of certain goods.II).


2 per cent in the second quarter, driven by a 13 per cent increase in government defence spending. 3 per cent in the third quarter in contrast to an increase of 3.

Sticky prices and their macroeconomic consequences

On a day-to-day basis, the price system works silently in the background, matching the desires of consumers with the output from producers. Flexible and Sticky Prices But the price system does not always work instantaneously. In modern economies, some prices are very flexible, whereas others are not. In the β†’

Economic globalisation

For the purposes of this paper, globalisation refers to the " shrinking" of the world and the increase in world consciousness. In light of the above discussion, it is possible to infer that globalisation was undeniably a pyrrhic victory for Ireland.

Chapter 15, question 14

It is said that the production output of America is directly related to how well we are living, our economy is doing, and also how well we are prepared for any sudden disruptions in the course our economy would take. This type of unemployment is beneficial to workers because it allows them to seek for β†’


Unemployment is often used as a measure of the health of the economy. This is the number of unemployed persons divided by the number of people in the labor force.http://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/unemployment.asp#ixzz2NJ3XTGJR Unemployment causes many problems for the whole society YEAR | PERCENTAGE | PEOPLE | 1966-1972 | Less than 2% | 4000 | 1973-1981 | From β†’

Keynesian theory

Keynesian economists believe the government should institute control and make decisions about the economy in order to manipulate market forces. Keynesian economists argue that wages adjusted to price levels in the market which advertently changed the way in which money was spent and decreased investment demand.

How does stagflation affect the phillips curve?

In the following years, Phillips curve was successfully demonstrated to be found in many countries. The IS-LM model is a macroeconomic tool that demonstrates the relationship between interest rates and real output in the goods and services market and the money market. It can be seen from Figure 1, assume that at the beginning, the β†’

Jennifer poldo

Which ones were the most severe in terms of declines in real output? Explain Frictional Unemployment: Describes those that are in between jobs Structural Unemployment: Economist use structural in the sense of compositional.

Macroeconomics written assignment

A balance in providing policies, monetary and fiscal policy, must be secured by the federal government in order to have a sustainable solution for the present instability of the U.S.economy. The instability of the present economy is being attributed to the decline of household's disposable income in the market during the first quarter of 2006. β†’

Business plan for sugar rush pastry shop

There has been a significant Increase In demand for whimsical, overindulgent and visually stimulating cakes, and Sugar Rush Pastry shop will target special events such as weddings, birthdays, christenings, bachelorette parties, stork teas and even Walk-ln short orders to satisfy every palate of our valued customers. Sugar Rush offer customers with a wide variety of β†’

Economic and social costs of unemployment

The Natural Rate of Unemployment The demand for labour, D is a negative function of the real wage, and the supply of labour, S is a positive function. But the critical element in these policies to reducing the unemployment is the maintenance of non-inflationary and steady rate of economic growth.

Fundamentals of macroeconomics paper critical analysis

This means that the quantity of goods and services must have the converted values for the prices to be made at the market price. The market price also sets the importance of how things will be purchased on the market. This activity effects our government because this is a transaction that is β†’

Good example of report on the ‘real’ unemployment figures in ireland (eire)

The unemployment rate is basically a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is usually calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by current in the field of labor. It is required to compare the values of unemployment of Ireland for years 2013 and 2014.

Inflation in hungary

1990-1991 In 1990-1991 the main goal of economic policy was to avoid an external debt crisis in Hungary It was threatening to happen because if 3 reasons: the liquidation of CMEA/COMECON followed by rapid growth of oil prices the collapse of Eastern European Trade The stabilisation policy β†’

Commodity fetishism

The prices we see when we walk into a store represent the human labor required to produce the product and the approximate use value one would achieve using it. The use value is simply the amount of utility we gain from consuming or using a good or service. Perhaps a person in β†’

Good example of optimal inflation for guinea research paper

Inflation, which is one of the most significant elements come in the field of macroeconomics has a direct linkage with the economic position and the growth of an economy in particular. In this assignment, it is required to analyze the core relationship between the inflation and the GDP Growth rate of Guinea.

Structure of the world economy

The flow of natural resources from the Less Developed to the Developed Countries, as well as the opposite flow of Other Goods from the Developed to the Less Developed Countries are entered in both tables: positively for the exporting region, and negatively for the importing region. In each of the two tables the right-most entries β†’

Developing recession with rising unemployment

By increasing excess reserves, banks have a larger ability to lend to the consumer increasing the M1 money supply in the economy. With an excess amount of reserves, banks will also increase lending ability to the consumer increasing money supply and consumer spending.

Intro to macro notes

Combinations outside the PPF are unattainable, given the available resources and current technology Combinations inside or on the PPF are attainable, given current shit. Inside the PPF is ineffificent, reosuces are not being used and possible for economy to produce more of one without making more of other Comibinations of the β†’

Measuring economic health

The role of the government individuals who determined the national fiscal policies is to determine whether the amount spent by the government through purchases and taxes will cause these individuals to make changes to government spending and our taxes, which will directly impact our policy and should those designated individual always take into consideration the β†’

Narrative report

2009 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry - Hotels and Restaurants for All Establishments : Final Results Reference Number: 2012-677 Release Date: Saturday, February 4, 2012 Number of Establishments Final results of the 2009 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry conducted nationwide recorded a total of 14, 998 β†’

What is Economics

SCARCITY AND ECONOMICS The scarcity of resources and the choices it forces us to make is the source of all of the problems you will study in economics. With a field this broad, it is useful to have some way of classifying the different types of problems economists study and the different methods they use β†’

Fundamentals of macroeconomics essay

Interest rate is amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower for the use of assets Part 2 Consider the following examples of economic activities: Purchasing of groceries Massive layoff of employees Decrease in taxes Describe how each of these activities affects government, households, and businesses. Describe β†’

Macroeconomics: economics and groceries

A few of the most common of these activities are the purchasing of groceries, a massive layoff of employees, and a decrease in taxes. Massive Layoff of Employees A massive layoff of employees can also affect the government, households and businesses in several different ways. This activity can affect the government because with β†’

The business cycle

The business cycle is like a roller coaster and this roller coaster definitely has its dips and peaks. So when you are on a roller coaster and you are at the highest peak and you can start seeing over the edge, you know that you are about to drop just like in a business β†’

The business enviroment

I will touch on the role of business in the economy, comparing and contrasting the roles of for-profits and nonprofits, discussing the impact of current fiscal and monetary policy, outlining strategies of a product or service to access global markets, and selecting an organization and discussing the impact it has on social responsibility in regards β†’

Balance of payments: meaning and components

Current a/c shows the balance of exports and imports of goods and services and Unilateral transfers (receipts or payments for which they get nothing in return, eg. The items which do not fall under the above two are errors and omissions (which include sampling of transactions, dishonesty, smuggling etc).

Evaluation of formal strategic planning business essay

As in daily life when people have choices or plans to make, down to the simplest things as in, ' what will we do this weekend?', businesses need to form plans or strategies to know their way forward with a goal for the business to reach in order to maintain the success of the business β†’

Business process re-engineering: implementation and outcome

Business Process Re-engineering: Implementation and Outcome Business process re-engineering is an improvement of the current systems in place in an organization to better service the needs of the company, and more importantly the customer. The customer is at the front and heart of any business and therefore their needs have to be looked into in β†’

Strategic planning process used in tesco

All the members of the organization work like part of the as players. Tesco as a Leading Organization Tesco is the biggest supermarket in the United Kingdom. Tesco started some new strategies to get the customer loyalty including some offers like stamps could be exchange for cash or goods. The Tesco strategy up to β†’

Multitasking article review

It is the opinion of the author that multitasking during simple, menial tasks such as folding clothes and speaking on the phone does not require a high order of mental capacity to execute; therefore, it is acceptable to multicast when engaging in these activities. On the flip side, the author argues that hen β†’

Theory and practice of strategic planning for tourism

In particular, strategic planning in the region will be critical to the future success of tourism as attempts are made to utilise tourism in the process of planned economic change. The lack of coordination and cohesion within the highly fragmented tourism industry is a well-known problem to destination planners and mangers. Tourism planning has also β†’

Ethics and social responsibility in strategic planning

The paper will conclude with how my ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. The Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning To be their most successful, companies must consider ethics and social responsibility as critical parts, inherent components of strategic plan. I have understood the strategic importance of ethics in terms β†’

Marx and weber’s ideas of class, power, and

In capitalist populations, thisstruggle is often attributed to the existence of social classes with varyinglevels of access to economic and political resources. Consequently, variousscholars have attempted to examine the interaction between socioeconomicclasses with the aim of understanding the core elements that underpin theoperations of capitalist societies. According to Karl, capitalist mechanisms only allow for theestablishment β†’

The yuan goes global essay sample

" The Yuan Goes Global" 1) How does the Chinese government limit the use of the Chinese currency, the RMB, on the global currency markets? Through the settlement of trade transactions, Chinese government can limit the use of currency on global currency markets. 2 trillion. 2) What are the differences between the RMB, β†’

While sound sensor, avibration sensor and a temperature

If any of the sensors detects uneven activities a sms issent to the house owner and also the prescribed numbers and alive streaming is enabled to view the person. A sms to thepolice station along with the address and the map of the houseis provided by the house owner if the person is found guilty.II.

Virtual money- the regulation of bitcoin literature review sample

It is not difficult to connect the Bitcoin address to the identity of the Bitcoin users. There is a need to ensure that the gains and potential benefits of Bitcoin system should be closely monitored by the authority.

Cryptocurrency security and economic issues that have

Support for cryptocurrencies branch from enthusiasts how like how it removes the central government, people who admire it's ingenuity and see it as the way of the future and people who are looking to make " quick-cash". Bitcoin however needs to remain unregulated and in fact needs to become mainstream as it's stimulating the global β†’

The to nine other countries with similar economies.

In comparing the U.S. to the nine other countriesnoted in this article, the graph showed the enormous disparity- the U.S.simplyspends more, totaling $1, 000 per captia. This article evaluates the position of the U. S.among its contenders in regard to pharmaceutical spending, and attempts touncover the reasoning behind the disparity.

Introduction quality of service if the right

Health care systems should always strive to provide the highest quality of service to their customers.The Greek healthcare system must use newer and more relevant information when treating patients and create a new payment system, in which patients will pay based on the standard and results of their service. In addition, the government must continue β†’

Jugaadoos the past 6 months.4 accountability for advertising

Using virus and other technical items that may cause damage to Jugaadoos or the interest of the users of Jugaadoos. 2 The disclosure of login details and passwords to third parties, including Jugaadoos users, is prohibited.12.

What is β€˜power’ in international relations? use examples to illustrate your argument essay

The first two parts of this definition of power in International Relations are most relevant to traditional International Relations such as Realism. The realist approach to power in International Relations is that " power is based on the material capabilities that a state controls". An example of this definition of power in International Relations is β†’

Emerging countries – the instance of china essay

Besides, they besides have opened policies to promote FDI and international trade. This makes the transmutation to the market-oriented economic system. China export growing rates remarkably a roar and it is one of the chief provider of many developed states.

Global expansion of electrodynawales essay sample

Any firm having multinational operations is bound to face the foreign exchange risks and there are ways of safeguarding the organization against such risks. With this background this report makes a case study of the foreign exchange risks being faced by the new European company' ElecdyneWales'promoted by' Elecdyne'a Japan based electronic manufacturing Company to β†’

The monetary system

Which of the following is not included in M1? | a.| currency | | b.| demand deposits | | c.| savings deposits | | d.| travelers' checks | ANS: C DIF: 1 REF: 29-1 NAT: Analytic LOC: The role of money TOP: Money supply MSC: Definitional 50. Which of the following is not included in β†’