A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Similarities and differencrs between superman and achilles

For Achilles, it was Paris who made a divine shot to his heel outside the gates of Troy. Achilles and Superman differ in their reactions to an attack on their respective weaknesses. The story of the Trojan Horse also differs from Wallace Keefe in that this attack was against Achilles' enemies, the Trojans; whereas Superman β†’

Reaction paper about the movie helen of troy

Paris has fallen in love with Helen, the wife of king Menelaus, and smuggles her to Troy with him. Achilles and his Myrmidons do not fight the next day because of Agamemnon's unfair claim to Briseis.

Imagery in their eyes were watching god

Janie wants knowledge that she can put her trust in and creation myths serve that purpose for her. Janie's definition of God strays from the traditional, and is more significant to the experience Janie has in the novel. This redefinition of God is vital to the overall message of the book, because nature, like the β†’

Odysseus & aeneas

In the underworld he sees a perspective of the future history of Rome down to the time of Augustus, and that vision gives him the self-confidence to act on his own initiative. But Aeneas always fulfills his duty to his family, to his country, and to the gods, even when he is depressed.

Original myth

The Sun was favored by the other astral entities to the isolated Moon. Not long after all of the spirits of the universe were created by the Great Spirit, their creator who cannot be seen by any life form, the Sun had become the leader of all other celestial bodies and was β†’

The mark of athena

They ride on the Argon 2nd, a ship that one of the demigods made which can travel in the air and water. She has to follow the Mark of Athena to find and bring back something that the Romans stole from the Greeks that was dedicated to Athena.

Example of essay on colonial latin american history

After spreading the gospel, the Spaniards realized that they can reach many more and ensure their influence in accordance with their myths through establishment of a kingdom with one rule and everyone under the subject of the Kingship, a replica of Gods Kingdom. The Spaniards believed that as the God holds his thrown in the β†’

Cody dyker

Hades was the god of the underworld and precious metals, his responsibilities were to punish the dead who entered his realm, he was a big part of ancient death and the afterlife because he was the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, which souls were sent after they died in their life. Ares, the β†’

IcarusΒ in the poem falling and flying by jack gilbert

Icarus's desire to rise and fly higher remarks his glory and his falling is interpreted to be the end of his triumph " I believe Icarus was not failing as he fell, but just coming to the end of his triumph".. Icarus's triumph has ended when he was close to the sun, but he has β†’

The flaws of odysseus

If Odysseus had only ignored his need to boast and put aside his pride, neither the Cyclops nor Poseidon would have known of his daring escape, allowing him to return to his home of Ithaca much sooner than he did. All the blame cannot be placed upon Odysseus for the delay of his return to β†’

Is the claim of white skin privilege a myth

Focusing on the topics of white benefits, white denial, and a personal opinion, in this essay will I will explain to the reader the question, " Is the claim of white skin privilege a myth? Referring to the author from the first passage, Paul Kivel, " The reality of privilege is so embedded within the β†’

Aeneid and hector

Aeneas is a good leader because he puts his faith in the gods in everything he does. Aeneas, being the good leader he is, gives a prize to Salius and Nisus.

Echo and narcissus essay sample

In two popular myths " Echo and Narcissus" and " The Story of Deadalus and Icarus" they both explain the unexplainable. " Echo and Narcissus" is a myth in which an attempt is made to explain echoes and the flower that grew from Narcissus's body. In conclusion " Echo and Narcissus" and " The story β†’

Institutionalized organizations: formal structure as myth

This paper argues that the formal structures of many organizations in postindustrial society dramatically reflect the myths of their institutional environments instead of the demands of their work activities. The first part describesprevailing theories of the origins of formal structures and the main problem the theories confront. The essence of β†’

Different versions of sita’s reunion with rama in ramayana

With time evolving and generations changing the way the in which the episode of Sita's and Rama's reunion has evolved portrayed either a negative controversy or a positive aspect of the Ramayana. There have been multiple version of Sita's reunion with Rama after Ravana's defeat. In the book Sita's Ramayana it is more of a β†’

Film vs. text:

These are " The Iliad" which has the film version entitled " Troy" and " The Odyssey" which has also the film version. He chose Aphrodite, who offered him the most beautiful woman in the world as his wife, and Hera and Athena then hated him that's why they were on the side of the β†’

Greek mythology and hercules

Similarities and differences occur between the movie and the myth and takes place in the birth, life and death of Hercules. In the Disney movie, Zeus and Hera, the parents of Hercules, reign as king and queen of the Gods.

Analysis: homer’s approval of odysseus’ revenge

Although subtly hinted, Homer justifies Odysseus' rage as Athena is sent in the form of Mentor to keep Odysseus on his path of rage, reminding him of his battle with the Trojans and his combat strength, which allowed him to proceed with his slaughter. Although necessary for Athena to appear to build the confidence of β†’

Roland barthes & myths

It is through their rhetoric that bourgeois myths outline the general prospect of this pseudo-physis which defines the dream of the contemporary bourgeois world. 6- Quantification of Quality: This is a figure which is latent in all the preceding ones.

Three islands, three lessons

Throughout this journey, Odysseus learns many lessons; however, the three most important lessons he learns are to follow the laws of xenia, the importance of family, and to show respect to the gods. Another way Odysseus learns the importance of family is when he finds his way home, Odysseus is reunited with his family.

Odysseus personal qualities (f

Though Odysseus has the help of the gods, his personal qualities contribute to his survival in the seas and the return to his family in Ithaca. Because of his intelligent plan, Odysseus is able to trap the suitors in a room, spare the innocent ones, and kill the corrupt ones.

Essay on the female divine assignment

This creates the sacred woman's life and guides them spiritually starting from Jungian Feminist Archetypal Psychology Greek Egypt The Triple Goddess The study of ancient myths regarding the woman divine is characterized into three categories, these are: LIFE, DEATH, and REGENERATION Literary character types β†’

Ancient greeks and their astronomy essay

Out of Chaos, sprung Gaia known as Earth, Uranus known as Sky and Heavens as well as Tartarus who was the god of the region beneath earth. From Gaia, came the 12 titans, one of who was known the titan father and father of Zeus, Cronus. She is known as the most beautiful planet in β†’

Tatag ng wikang filipino lakas ng pagka-pilipino

The goddesses gave him the apple and told him to give it to the fairest. The purpose of this myth is to: HERCULES AND THE GOLDEN APPLES Hercules, a prominent Greek hero, was born to Zeus and Alcmene, daughter of the King of Mycenae.


A sixth century Latin work such as the Mythologiae of Fulgentius interpreted the rape of Leda by Zeus as the " coupling of Power and Injustice - the fruits of such a union being, like Helen, inevitable objects of discord and scandal". In it, the world, humans, the agricultural system, and the city β†’


Glaucus, son of Hippolochus friend of Sarpedon and co-leader of the Lycians. The Trojan women Hecuba Priam's wife, mother of Hector, Cassandra, Paris, and others.

Odyssey essay

This is important because revenge it is the climax of the story and the readers finally get some relief and hope that Odysseus will take his thrown back. This is important because the goal of Odysseus and his crew is to return home, but Homer adds a desire using the rest of the world almost β†’

Future plans

I realize that some of these plans and goals may change, but with a plan, the start of the journey can begin. Most of all to be able to live up to the expectations I have for myself.

Past and future life

While living there with my grandparents my sister and I never got along she would always do things and blame me for it. I remember one night after eating dinner my sister got up to put her dishes in the sink in the kitchen, so I came in behind her but as I walked up β†’

Continued dependence of united states on foreign oil research paper example

The big dilemma involved here is the increase in earth temperature due to excessive burning of oil which poses serious threats to overall national interest and security. Background The imports of United States including oil from more than 10 oil rich countries and oil dependence on such a large number of countries has serious β†’

Skullcandy company essay sample

With a background in the snowboarding industry, Rick Alden aimed at the skateboarders and snowboarders to sell his products. He recommended headphones and other accessories to skateboard and snowboard store. However, with an unstopped step, Rick Alden, the founder of Skullcandy decided to pursue his new business and left Skullcandy.

Ways bellamy’s vision for the future promoted freedom essay examples

Bellamy envision a utopian society where the people did their best for the good of society rather than individual gain and everyone believed in equality on the basis of humanity. The writer describes the nineteenth century as a society where business was conducted by large capitalist through formation of monopolies for profit maximization since small β†’

Adversity essay essay sample

Elie Wiesel in the book Night , Tom Benecke in the short story Contents of the Dead Man's Pockets , Hannah in the movie Devil's Arithmetic, and Malala Yousafzai all stood in the face of adversity in different situations. These individuals were able to survive with adversity by constantly changing their future, learning from a β†’

How to start the butterfly effect

While the organizers have taken every precaution to minimize the impact of the hunting party on the past, one member violates the rules and leaves the designated path. Travis refuses to return and shoots Eckles in the back of the head.

Essay on are grades really necessary

The academic fraternity has placed so much importance on high grades and putting so much focus on grades, most of the students in various institutions are missing the purpose of education. Good education is often quoted as a major prerequisite to a good job and consequently a good life. The students view the grades as β†’

Essay on marx and whip understanding of history

Historical materialism is an approach that is used in the study of the society and its operations in regard to history and economics. For instance, Napoleon is thought to have impacted the lives of the people who lived in his era and even to this day. Karl Marx's understanding on the other hand is β†’

Disney vs. the future of men

The fun and innocence may have its value, but it is important to understand how these movies are representing the moral characteristics that the children viewing them will eventually grow up to represent themselves. Most alarmingly is the representation of masculinity throughout many classic Disney movies such as Mulan, The Lion King, β†’

Sample literature review on slma-qian “historical records

The " Biographies of the Assassins" and " the prince of Wei" are educative works used by Sima Qian to demonstrate his attitude. The biographies revolve not only among the leaders of man but also among the different encounters that man has in his life and how these encounters favor his positioning in the future.

ο»Ώthe consequence of social networking essay sample

Well ladies and gentlemen of East Barnet School, I am going to be talking to you for the rest of this assembly about why I, teachers and many parents are concerned for your education and your future. You have to be able to shrug off any distractions that lie in your way, do not listen β†’

Can you can never leave the past behind? essay sample

I will then be looking at some of the other popular theories within psychotherapy and highlighting the basic assumptions of these theories and how these all seem to have grounding in suggesting that the past is affecting the present, which would seem to support the statement that " you can never leave the past behind β†’

Any old bag speech outline

This speech will give me a chance to give an overview of my personality traits and life experiences from the past, present, and future.4. This will show my hard work coming to fruitation.- Bag: Is a symbol of my current profession and hardships I am facing starting my own computer business.7.

As program report essay samples

However, with time, I got acquainted with the program, the fact that fostered my confidence and aptitude in assimilating the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of the program with the knowledge acquired in class. Apparently, though the program seemed challenging at first, I was able to generate and create interest to it during β†’

Mass- sionil jose

And from pepe's anger, while shooting, he aimed the gun to puneta then shoot him. He then leave the gun to puneta's hand, wiping off his finger prints.

The future of wimax and its effect on our lives

In fact, what changed is that now people become more interested in these technologies and look for more development in this field. With development in this field, companies start to invent new technology that can be better than and challenge Wi-Fi, such as WiMAX and LTE. WiMAX is not the only technology in β†’

The millennials: the so-called “me generation”, a tough generation to contend with

The paper ' The Millennials: The So-Called " Me Generation", A Tough Generation To Contend With' aimed to elaborate how the developing narcissism of these Millennials would be detrimental in the future. From that, the conclusion resorted to seemed off tangent from the flow of his arguments and their validity. The arguments the paper β†’

Circumstances behind a low attendance essay examples

I would like to appeal to you to consider my circumstances when grading my final paper. As you are aware, I was severely ill for over 2 weeks during which I was incapable of attending classes. As a result, I was not able to focus on my studies as I β†’

Reaction paper to a movie: aeonflux essay sample

This short reaction paper will explore the movie's costumes, location, and the meaning of the name " Aeon Flux". Let's start off with a short synopsis of the movie: This thriller is set 400 years in the future. The pieces of clothing have a lean design and there was barely any use of synthetic β†’

My occupation essay sample

I want to be a successful in my future job, active person toward the development of my country and useful to my family to make them proud and happy. I thing when ones gets older and moves on the levels of education, it becomes not easy to choose the future job.

Juvenile programs essay

It is thus the responsibility of all members in the society to participate actively in the course of handling juvenile criminals. Juvenile funding can be realized using several methods. The government funding can be improved due to the needs of juvenile programs.

Do we have a throw-away society?

This is due to the fact that we are being controlled by advertisements, which are mainly used in an attempt to increase profit, not to enhance the well-being of society. This creates an incentive for people of high standards to consume much more than is needed, marking us as a throw-away society.

Cosmology research paper examples

This paper introduces the field of Cosmology, its various disciplines, past findings, and then goes on to outline the present research and future prospects in this field. Introduction Cosmology can be crudely defined as the study of the Universe. In the history of Cosmology, there were two major theories β†’

Terroism yesterday, future & chronology

The last story of Columbine was an act of domestic terrorism. In a perverted way, the perpetrators of Columbine were making a statement, and that is terrorism.

Free generation y essay sample

Millennials grow up believing they are special and therefore seek ways to stand out from the rest. Millennials are technology savvy and prefer communicating through emails and social media rather than face-to-face interactions. For example, millennials are obsessed with celebrities and try to imitate their lifestyles and unrealistic concepts of beauty.

Β the date research proposal

The future of children refugee is very important in the creation of the stable and peaceful world. While an average child has choices and possibilities to change his life for the better, the child refugee is in the trap of the circumstances.

Don benito cereno: no future without the past

New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1990 Don Benito Cereno's epiphany over the mistake of underestimating the Negroes keeps him moralized upon the past, rather than accepting his wrong doings and modifying them into optimistic beneficial accomplishments. To prove that his way of thinking is keeping him from moving on, Captain Delano advices β†’

Time travel theory informative for speech

Time travel could deal with moving forward in a timeline or backward in a timeline. Jane Marshall, a leading physicist today said " Einstein's theory of relativity is a theory of space and time, and should be no surprise that black holes offer, in concept, a way to travel through space and β†’

Forecasting future manpower requirements /needs

Today the banking institutions in the UAE and indeed those in the rest of the world, operate in a very dynamicenvironment. On the contrary, the use of correlation models when used in manpower forecasting would be founded upon the correlations that exist between the supply of labor and explanatory variables like β†’

The future of east timor

At issue is the fate of the people of the tiny island of East Timor, located in the far reaches of the Indonesian archipelago. At issue is the desire of the East Timorese to secede, which goes against the desires of the central government to maintain the territorial integrity of their country.

Good no child left behind act research paper example

The no child left behind act is a requirement in the United States of America began to function in 2002 and was pass unanimously by both republican and democrats. A good example is that most of those in the surround make us reflect on to live in the future.

Example of scholarship essay

I learned it with my mother, who is a cancer patient and her strive and passion for life helped me to shape my dream build a better future by showing people how to fight for their dreams. These capabilities, along with my passion for learning will allow me gaining the most out of the Program β†’

My past, present, and future

Making Deans list while earning my college degree My Past, Present, and Future I am thirty seven years old and I never thought I would have to write a paper about my childhood and my adulthood. I was only nineteen and I was on my way to being a manager in the corporation before I β†’

Analysis sometimes the sky’s too bright

When it's clear, the future is vivid and distinct, however, clouds and bird may suddenly infest the view, blurring the road ahead of the relationship. The poem continues by " And far away's too sharp a sun to nourish thinking of him." In my opinion, this refers to how the persona thinks β†’

Building the nation future leaders

It's been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success β†’

Example of book review on george orwell’s 1984

When he was approached by a secret member working for the party he confuses him with a member of the brotherhood movement that was against the party and was planning to wage a revolution. He is presented with the famous publication by Emmanuel Goldstein which was a publicly acclaimed source of brotherhood.

The society of anthem

This shows that he was finally unconquered from the mines of the society and is free of there mind games. The prisoners in the Palace of Corrective Detention never tried to escape because they were scared that they will get punished worse than a jail sail. He had time, motive, and a plan to get β†’

Infographic: the future of loyalty in retail

Gone are the days of segmenting customers on the basis of demographics such as age and gender. The infographic reveals that there is now a need to focus on identifying customers on the basis of their choices and preferences.

My point of view

He gave us life it is implied to us that He is the most powerful, and in order to thank Him, by way of treasuring and enjoying our life to the fullest before our time comes. We are very conscious to our surrounding and ask our parents about our queries.

Example of research paper on why do we dream

Dreaming, therefore, plays a role in enabling us experience what we like or dislike about our day to day activities in life. We dream in order to have the experience or the feel of the situations that are threatening in reality. The instances of fighting with other people or enemies helps us to experience the β†’

The past and the future the cure for time

One can choose any moment in history, and, at some time, it had existed in the form of the present. Also, in the mind of the person remembering this moment in the past, it exists as present in that particular memory. How can we know that the definition of the word present actually establishes this β†’

The year 2200 fashion

People will be ill more seldom and what follows that they will be living longer. Maybe it will not be the best recipe, because children will be spending most part of day in front of the computer and they will not be meeting each other.

There is nothing young people can teach older people essay sample

The movement displayed their dissatisfaction with the system and the need for more freedom of expression. As someone once said, " Life is a learning experience", thus, from that, we can deduce that there is no full stop to the process of learning. Therefore, instead of being critical and cynical, maybe older people can β†’

Good essay about humans and the natural environment: the abuse of natural resources

While, for the moment, giant leaps in industrialization resulted from man's abuse of natural resources for the time being, the future will prove destructive to humanity due to the same reason the abuse of natural resources. Unfortunately, the effects of the negligence in protecting and conserving our environment are now β†’

Example of concept songs essay

1960s became an unforgettable era for concept theme albums with the release of many influential and unforgettable albums. Arthur (Or Decline And Fall Of The British Empire)- The Kinks The kinks preservation society wrote this song which was their best album released in 1969. This is the second concept β†’

The future of business information system

The system is called Help Desk which enables in the monitoring of the inventory system and the management of the SMS and documents. Outsourcing might also involve reducing the cost even it effects their quality to a slight extent. IT outsourcing helps improve the efficiency of IT department as after outsourcing there is special attention β†’

Free existentialism in the stranger essay example

It is important to note and record that this first philosophy brings to the front the line of thought that the human society is hostile and unwelcoming relative to the incursion of the French to Algeria. In principle and as a matter of fact, it articulates the assumption that the human beings exist as individuals β†’

Good essay on the institute of medicine (iom) report

" The future of Nursing: Leading change, Advancing Health" report released in 2010 by Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing at The Institute of Medicine , offers a blueprint on what the United States needs to embark on in their healthcare systems in order to achieve its β†’

Free biography on ronald duke’s path

Despite the fact that I was born in a humble family, I dreamed that one day I would be a PA. Indeed, as I open to the world the pages of my life, I can look back and smile.

Article review on how schools shortchange girls

The argument of the American Association of University Women in " Why A Report On Girls?" is that girls quietly suffer in the education system. In a world where girls are often the main, and expected, caregiver in a family, it would be best that an overdue partiality allow her to at β†’

Improving the quality of the healthcare system performance essay sample

One, the government and the stakeholders can increase the funding to the healthcare system and two, increase research in the field of medicine. That is why agencies, legislatures and institutions must be open to innovative solutions to meet the health needs of people.

Brain chip implant technology critical thinking sample

In the quest of inventing a perfect machine, technology is now advancing to a new level; creating a brain similar to that of a human being. This is what led to the proposition of the brain chip implant. Other chips that exist in the market today aid in the repair of worn out parts of β†’

Agrana case study essay sample

The story of the Vienna-based company, AGRANA is pretty fascinating when one considers the journey of 19 years and how far the company has come thus far. AGRANA has enjoyed much success in this phenomenal growth due to many factors that the company took advantage of and others that resulted from the company's β†’

The future of work motivation theory

These and other definitions have three com mon denominators.con They are all principally or events cerned with factors that energize, over time.and sustain human behavior channel, In various ways, of work theories contemporary motivation to explicate derive from efforts with increasing precision to determine terrelate how these behavior three factors in organizations.

History and historiography essay

Conventionally, the term history is commonly used when referring to the study of the human experiences and events over a long period. History is one of the disciplines taught in learning institutions that use a narrative approach in explaining past events and life experiences and examines causal-effects relationships. A Companion to the Philosophy of History β†’

Good example of a reflection on com 215: storymaking essay

One interesting point that I learned in accordance with this is that as I review my work the knowledge that I have previously get to surface out; meaning, I get to remember them. This subject has helped me learn how to enjoy my future endeavors, so as to make sure that I will be able β†’

Free aging essay sample

A proven record of accomplishment of the activities that one has done for the community over time will enable one to achieve his ambitions of becoming an elder in the future. As a prospective leader of the community in the future, one has to be in a position to learn from the current elders. The β†’

Good example of essay on working play, it is a musical theatre play

This paper evaluates the character, ' Mike Dillard' in the musical ' working.' Mike Dillard is the character that introduces the musical and the major theme addressed by the musical. In order to commence the musical on a positive, the character is attributed right ambition and magnanimous.

Reflective writing

Reflective writing is writing which involves '...consideration of the larger context, the meaning, and the implications of an experience or action' (Branch & Paranjape, 2002, p. Reflective writing may be based on: - description and analysis of a learning experience within the course: o a reading review o the essay framework exercise o discipline exercises β†’

Barack with obama and continued her education

Obama was born at a Hospital at1611 Bingham street named maternity and gynecological hospital. After Obama wasborn his father Barack Obama Sr.continued with his education at the Universityof Hawaii. In 1965 when Barack Obama's dadgraduated and he returned to Kenya. In 1967 Obama and his mother moved with hismom's new husband named Soetoro in Jakarta β†’

Good essay on budgeting and performance measure

In that respect, it can be defined by a number if essentials as follows - It is prepared and approved in advance of the future period. - It shows a plan for future actions which are quantified in monetary terms. - Clearly defines the objectives to be achieved. - Outlines the guidelines for achieving the objectives.(McClellan, Barr & β†’

In negotiates treaties with other nations, negotiates agreements

Inthe United States, the President and the executive branch play a pivotal rolein foreign policy and the global interstate system. The President and theSecretary of State administer the foreign policy of the country, however, " lessformal foreign policy is also conducted through exchanges of citizens and othergovernment officials, through commerce and trade, or through β†’

Earmarks in the u.s. budget

Key Actors and Their Roles Earmarks are mobilized through the Appropriations Committee; the Appropriations Committee is legislatively supported by clause seven of Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution; its function thereby defined by this statement, " No money will be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a β†’

The the delivery of care and also to

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was made to improve the quality and the efficiency of the United States health care system and its services. It will also make substantial investments better the quality and the delivery of care and also to support research to inform people of the outcomes of other patients β†’

The affordable healthcare act of 2010 essay sample

The affordable healthcare act bill which is popularly known as the " ObamaCare" was a bill meant to increase the number of Americans covered by a health insurance. The act also calls on the Federal government to cover those that cannot afford health insurance by paying states to include these people to the state's β†’

Classification paragraph rough draft essay

Tuition does not include fees and books Conclusion: When making a decision about what college and what type of college to attend it is very important to take into account how much you will be paying for the services that the college offers and whether it will fit your lifestyle and your budget. Step #2: β†’