A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Motivation and control: the police supervisor’s dilemma

It is not a clear cut relationship and it can cause problems within the organization and for the employees. The problem with this relationship is that while the people in charge of the organization want a specified amount of control, they cannot accomplish this without some repercussions. There is a dire need of safety and β†’

Situation evasion

For a management to choose which set to use it must be aware of the variables that internally exist in its organization; the work force and policies to follow. Even as this developments crop up the organizations must be careful to infringe the rights of the workers or breach any direction that was stipulated in β†’

Theories of motivation research paper example

This paper will touch upon four such theories Maslow's hierarchy of needs, cognitive evaluation theory, equity theory and drive theory. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Maslow's motivation theory is based on hierarchy of needs. Maslow gives the utmost priority to the lower section of needs and that is physiological needs of β†’

My motivation to further learn the english language

I was stressed because everything was in English, and I had to look for Arabic people, otherwise I would have been lost. I knew that I had made a major lifr decision moving here to America and if I wanted to continue living here I needed to communicate.so seeing the English letters a d not β†’

Motivation theories used in organisations

This worker friendly manner of running the organisation leads to motivation. According to Abraham Maslow motivation needs can be divided into a hierarchical levels which are physiological needs which involve the basic needs such asfood, housing etc, safety needs which include both psychological and physical safety , love and belonging which involves β†’

What are extrinsic rewards?

Porter and Lawler followed vroom's ideas and further contended that people often determine efforts in work by judging the value of reward and the relationship between their effort and expected reward. Schuster and Zingheim coin the word " new pay" and link it to organizational and employee performance.

A river sutra

The people, all from different social status and religious beliefs, from the wealthy and the poor, learned and less educated, go to pilgrimage to the river to seek healing for both physical and spiritual suffering. The main theme depicted in these stories is love. In summary, the river offered love and life to all the β†’

Anthropology and the state essay sample

In the earlier years, belonging to our ancestors, there seems to be a semblance of a state but this state is not the state that we know now. This contract then involves a special participation in the affairs of the state. It would then be seen that the state is β†’

Looking for logical fallacies by both genders

The decision to capture Cassandra, the daughter of the defeated Trojan king by Agamemnon is another manifestation of the appeal to tradition when family members suffered because of their parent's evil during war. The above fallacies, therefore, have deeper meanings in critically examining the play. Contrastingly, the logical fallacy in Agamemnon's capture of Cassandra reveals β†’

What is sociology

According to functionalism, society is a system of interconnected parts that work together in harmony to maintain a state of balance and social equilibrium for the whole. Education offers a way to transmit a society's skills, knowledge, and culture to its youth, politics provides a means of governing members of society, economics provides for the β†’

The kinship system of yanomamo culture

The Kinship System of Yanomamo Culture of the Anthropology of the Concerned August 11, The Kinship System of Yanomamo Culture The lifestyle of the Yanomamo tends to be replete with violence and aggression. One of the important social systems that the Yanomamo culture has managed to remain intact over the years is its kinship. β†’

Biological anthropology

These advancements have helped the H Sapiens modernize themselves in such a way that would cause the " re-envisions" of human origins paving the way for advent of the so called " modern humans".H. Sapiens and of a modern man but their brains were solely focused on the needs of their massive bodies, leaving them β†’

Halloween as a ritual of reversal

Also, bats are thought to be creepy and this put people to think they would symbolize the link with the dead the other common costume symbolizes the black cat this was due to at the end of the autumn season symbolized the act of reincarnation. The skull is unique in its own as it is β†’

Origins of hominid bipedalism

This essays objective is therefore aimed at looking at two distinct hypotheses that attempt to provide explanations to the origins of hominid bipedalism. Rodman and McHenry Energetic efficiency hypothesis The first hypothesis to propose is that bipedalism evolved because of energetic efficiency needed by the hominid for travel and that the need β†’

I will put the things in the file

Cranial comparisons of Asians and Africans The African shape of the eye orbits, as viewed from the front, tends to be more rectangular shaped, while the Asians' are more circular. Nasal sill: Africans tend to lack a sharp angulation dividing the nasal floor from the anterior surface of the maxilla, while the Asians angulation tends β†’

Research methods in social sciences

Fundamentally, social science research is concerned with people and their life contexts, and with philosophical questions relating to the nature of knowledge and truth , values and being which underpin human judgements and activities. Empirical social science research that is research which involves the collection of data about people and β†’

Cpo mod 8 critical thinking sample

Druick concluded that genre role has regulated social text, as well as created a dialogue, which is constrained by rules and to some extent policy and industry frameworks. Political humor of Canada is targeted outwards because foreign policies such as that of Americans affect the running of affairs in Canada. Finally, Canadians have a desire β†’

Has living next to the united states affected canada in a positive or negative way essay

Many businesses and companies in the United States had went into debt, lowering the value of the stocks that large amounts of Canadians had bought; this put the them into debts. In conclusion, the American economy had numerously hauled the Canadian economy into the point of economic failure. To sum up, much of the skilled β†’

Mathematics concepts

The standard form for writing a definite integral is as the following: Where a and b denotes the integration limits, and are equivalent to g g , Where, Dg = f Integrals are used to estimate quantities like work, volume, area and, in common, several different amounts that can be understood β†’

Written assignment 3

In particular, the weight of an object follows this equation:, where C is a constant, and r is the distance that the object is from the center of the Earth. a. Use the value of C you found in the previous question to determine how much the object would weigh at i.the shore of β†’

Quantitative techniques

Classification of Quantitative Techniques: There are different types of quantitative techniques. Mathematical quantitative techniques involve: 1.

Applying the laws of sines and cosines

The solution can be found in the following cases: Two angles and the side between these angles are known ; Two angles and the side opposite to one of the angles are known ; Two sides and the angle opposite to one of the sides are known ; Two sides and the β†’

Why numbers matter

To discuss and understand these principles, an article from Msnbc The Bottom Line dated November 06, 2011, ' After steadying, home prices begin falling again' has been taken into account which entails the scenario of the United States' real estate industry. The author of the article tells about the falling prices of homes in the β†’

Math observations

I was surprised to see that most of the students had no problem drawing and writing out the problem even though an additional factor had been added. Then when they moved on to counting the coins I liked that majority of the students could recognize the coin, the value of the coin, β†’

Linear algebra

Give an example of a possible third row for A. This is a null row representation that the results become zero due to the figures of R which are equivalent to zero. Determine the values of a and b. {1, 2, 5, 1} {b} = {1, 2, 0, 3} {4, 1, 17, -22} {a} = {0, β†’

Domains of rational expressions

However, it is possible that some values will not be allowed in a rational expression depending upon the denominator of the rational expression and they are called Excluded value for the rational expression. In Real number system, division by zero is not defined. Therefore, the rational expression cannot have a denominator value equal β†’

Fair shares

The amount of each fair share is different as each bidder has put a different amount on the collection according to his or her valuation of the item. Q4, How much money is owed to each of the two people who do not win the collection of frogs? Soln. We calculate the amount that Abraham β†’

Logic and logically consistent manner

What is Logic? " The inherent ability to mentally compare and weigh two or more perceptions and to mentally conclude accurately what is the differences and/or similarities between each perception." " Logic is thescienceor art of exact reasoning, or of pure and formal thoughts, or of the laws according to which the processes of pure β†’

Ib tok prescribed title

In this case it is the progress in the search for knowledge in an area of knowing. The knowledge that is gained during the progress made in human sciences is vital to future experiments, cases, and generations.


The topic of this research is oil prices' dynamics and valuations of the derivatives of oil. Research benefits The benefit of this research is that it will provide an analysis of the valuations of oil derivatives and the dynamics of oil prices.

Math: mathematics and nurses

Nurses have to be familiar with statistics when needing to know the side effects of medications and to counsel patients when giving a diagnosis. It is helpful to know the statistics of diseases and what a person's outcome may be.

Math and psychology

The Use of Statistics inPsychologyAuthor: The Role of a PsychologistI believethe role of a psychologist is to help people understand the underlying cause of abnormal or detrimental behavior and give them the tools to modify or change the behavior or the underlying issues. An example of this in psychology might be the hypothesis that β†’

Summary for: love and math book by edward frenkel

The aim of the paper is to focus on the summary of Love and Math by Edward Frenkel. In the book, Love and Math, Frenkel ventures into a remarkable discipline of exploring one of the significant aspects of mathematics regarding Langlands program.

Math problem

Between the IQ and statistics scores r= 0. Between the psychology scores and statistics scores. r= 0.

A personal goals statement

ment Of Personal Goals I am applying for the degree in teaching Mathematics with the in order to develop the required knowledge, skills and abilities required acquiring and transferring the knowledge of mathematics. The purpose of attaining a degree in teaching Mathematics are that I am very much interested in teaching β†’

Mathematical induction essay sample

Since the theorem was already shown to work on x= 1 and that it will hold for x+1, it will essentially work on all other numbers. In our example, we must first show that the sum of the first n even numbers is equal to when n = 1. This is β†’

Argumentative essay about mathematics

I honestly believe that as lackluster as my performance for this course was, that I could not have done any better. I have never had to use any algebraic concept outside of the classroom, andI believethat this contributes to why these concepts do not stick in my mind and do not make sense. Again, I β†’

Patterns within systems of linear equations

In one of the patterns, by multiplying the coefficient of the y variable by 2 then subtract the coefficient of x from it you will be given the constant. As a word equation it can be written like so with the coefficient of x as A and coefficient of y as B β†’

Public-key cryptography term papers example

The private key is used to decode data or to create a digital signature. The term asymmetric describes this algorithm because different keys are used to run the opposite functions. It is easy to create public and private key-pair and use them for coding and decoding. The β†’

Investment value

By computing the value of Grandma's investment after 20 years, this will result in the following: F = P ^nt where F = future value of Grandma's investment P = Grandma's principal investment = $50, 000 r =. This means that if Grandma was to send Kid to college now, her β†’

Relations and functions

This is because the graph of the equation goes to infinity both sides of the y-axis. The graph of the equation is a horizontal line 4 units above the x-axis and is located on I and II quadrants. The domain for the first equation is the set of all β†’

Chinese mathematics essay sample

PURPOSE: The purpose of this lesson is to create a better understanding on Modern Mathematics. OBJECTIVES OF THE LESSON: To provide awareness to students regarding the existence of Chinese Mathematics To have a better understanding of Modern Mathematics thru the history of Chinese Mathematics To apply β†’

Math in biotechnology field

008ppm 5- You are setting up a PCR reaction and the protocol asks you to add 0. 6ng is in 100uL Therefore, based on 1ppm = 1ng/uL, target volume 0.

Assignment example

5 C = 190 P = 500 - 190 P = 310 Hence, Plastic = 310 x 2. 50 Ceramic = 190 x 5.

Double stub impedance matching essay sample

The length of the first stub is selected so that the admittance at the location of the second stub (before the second stub is inserted) has real part equal to the characteristic admittance of the line If one moves from the location of the second stub back to the load, the circle of β†’

Appendix c polynomials

Hint: Write an equation using two points in the form. The slope of the line for the demand equation will be When x = 42, p = $20, therefore, The equation of the line for the demand equation is given by A company's revenue is the amount of money that comes in from β†’


Linear equations Given equations Equation M is y= x+4 and Equation of line Z is y 2 x Parallel line to line M passes through coordinates and perpendicular line to line Z pass through coordinates. Finding the equation of the parallel line to line M In the equation of the origin line β†’

Probability concepts and applications

The listing of the probabilities for all possible values of a factor is called a probability distribution. The understanding of a normal distribution is essential for the execution and evaluation of business projects.

History of trigonometry essay sample

The History of Trigonometry dated back to the early ages of Egypt and Babylon. The history of Trigonometry came about mainly due to the purposes of time keeping and astronomy. Four different careers that use trigonometry are Sailors, Astronomy, Architects, and Surveyors.

Essay about mathematics

If the cost of a cell phone has decreased 400% during the past 10 years, does that correspond to a cost decrease of four times? If we add 500 to both sides of this equation, and then subtract 100 from each side, we are left with 400. What β†’

Carl friedrich gauss

The discovery of Ceres led Gauss to his work on a theory of the motion of planetoids disturbed by large planets, eventually published in 1809 as Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientum (theory of motion of the celestial bodies moving in conic sections around the sun). In 1818 Gauss, putting his calculation β†’

Simplifying radicals

First rewriting each number as a prime to a power Using the power rule to multiplying the inner exponents simplifying Multiplication of 3 and results in -2, and multiplication of 3 and results in -1. The negative exponent makes a reciprocal of base number and exponent Using β†’

Statistics final exam questions

The following data represent the number of days between the receipt of the complaint and the resolution of the complaint: 1 65, a. Is ordering a beef enter e independent of whether the person orders dessert?

Two- variable inequalities

Through the point-slope formula, the value of the slope as well as the coordinates of one of the points may be plugged into y - y1 = m to give y - 330 = -3 which in the form y = mx + b becomes y = -3x + 330. Between β†’

Vector theorems – math problem example

XXXXX MATHEMATICS VECTOR THEOREMS GEOMETRY XYZ 15 November, Theorem: A triangle and its medial triangle have the same centroid. Suppose that ABC is a given triangle as shown in the figure below with vertices given as A= , B= , and C=. Figure 1 Let D, E, and F be the β†’

Term paper on geometry of stonehenge

Many of the Neolithic ancestors used the knowledge of geometry in building Stonehenge. This is to imply that the discovery of the knowledge on geometry had many implications especially in understanding the monument.

Assignment: optimism and health

One thing that I found interesting in the article was the significance of pessimism and physical health. We learned from the study that optimism can have a positive effect on physical health but we also learn that pessimism can have a negative effect on physical health. According to the article Optimism and β†’

Review: the grinnies

As she was lost in her thoughts about the good grade she did not realize she was grinning and had to explain what she meant when she told her teacher she had the grinnies. The family all had the grinnies when she graduated as the Valedictorian of her high school.

The happy me essay sample

In conclusion, true happiness is the love and acceptance that a family can provide. My friends are my second family who completes my happiness. In conclusion, with all the love and acceptance received from my friends I can say that they were the key to my happiness. Overall, my friends and my family β†’

Pursuit of happiness in “you learn by living”

The fact that Boethius has fallen under Fortune's spell, and forgotten three important things: his true nature, the end and purpose of things, and the means by which the world is governed , seem to be the bigger issue since they are the main causes of his illness. Throughout all five β†’

Free creative writing on a nosy affair

She was getting all the attention and appreciation she needed from the boys around. Her dad used to pamper her with all the love in the world. I found out at the reception that I was supposed to have a meeting with her, she being a client.

The identification by roger mcgough analysis

When the face of the corpse is revealed, Stephen's father says, " The mask of charred wood, blistered, scarred-could that have been a child's face." I feel sympathetic towards Stephen's father here as he was shocked to see the child's face. I can imagine how dreadful this must have been for Stephen's β†’

Free character analysis of oskar schell essay example

Within the context of the story though, Oskar Schell is a believable character if he is understood within the context of his external and internal environment. When readers are introduced to Oskar Schell, it is obvious that he is different from not only most nine-year-olds, but also most people. Through the loss of his father β†’

Good matchstick men (2003) ridley scott essay example

In the conversations between Roy and Dr. I believe it is the actors and the story-line that surprised everyone, and I consider that other films, such as American Beauty cannot match the theme of Matchstick Men. The sound variation is quite effective as the background music is synchronized with the various scenes in the movie.

Nature vs. nurture essay examples

It is clear that right answer is somewhere between nature and nurture because it is strongly connected and hard to distinct between these two. Genetic is something that is not possible to choose or change so there is no need to put blame on it. What person takes from that β†’

Good research paper on motivation case #3

These set of questions, thereby, force me to work upon my weaknesses and become proficient in my profession. Scrutinizing my problems under the microscopic instruments with the help of Social Cognitive Theory , I have found that I need to take steps to improve my self-determination and self-efficacy in order to help me deal β†’

Free unfolding the oedipus complex research paper example

The boy is Larry and he is the narrator and leading person in the short story ' My Oedipus Complex' written by the well-acknowledged writer O'Connor in 1950 as part of his book ' My Oedipus Complex and Other Stories'. The essay will look into Larry's profile and his process of growing out of his β†’

Free fences by august wilson essay example

The previous life of dread that he experienced at the hand of his father will ultimately cost him the close relationship that he struggled to have with his family. Troy Maxon is like the tragic hero. His family only realized upon his death that this was truly a caring man but he did not know β†’

The kite runner research paper

Since Baba is Amir's father and family, Amir does not want to associate with people who are not family. Towards the south of the garden, there is a little hut made of mud. As Hassan and Amir pass through the barracks, the soldiers decide to insult Hassan since he is a Hazara.

Single fathers versus single mothers

As if to add insult to injury, home visits are scheduled during the daytime and most of them are designed primarily for the mother and children, the father, in most cases is overlooked. He is deemed to be the challenging rather than partner in delivering social work practices. The father's role is β†’

Example of preliminary case formulations case study

Initial Diagnosis-: The initial diagnosis of Kate's case showed that she was expressing acute clinical depression because of her separation with her boyfriend. In case of Kate, she showed various dysfunctional emotions like the crying spells and also maladaptive behaviors like very low self-esteem and neglecting her professional responsibilities. Answer 2: I would choose the β†’

Good war dances literature review example

In his titular story, " War Dances," the slow death of his father and his gradual hearing loss from a hydrocephalic tumor are greeted with the same sense of humor, Alexie attempting to hide his utter fear and his grief at the loss of his father with sardonic jokes and poetry. The effect of white β†’

Example of essay on the myth of donald trump and madonna

Donald Trump, the father of men and gods, had an incomparable power and influence both beneath the sea and on the surface of the earth. After making all the promises in the world, this was the only thing that could make Madonna concede to Donald Trump' plea and he had to take his chances.

Research paper on history the life of charlemagne

After his initial training in said school, he was then sent by the abbot of the monastery, Baugolf, to the palace of the Mayor, the most powerful office of the Frankish people before. Charlemagne was considered to be strong of build and tall in stature. In Einhard's description the top of his head was round β†’

Structural family therapy- minuchin analysis movie reviews example

The son is not as free as it is expected even though the father is making huge steps to make advances towards his son. A major concern that is evident is that the father is making very huge strides in trying to make a connection with his son. The major concern in this case for β†’

Essay on a memorable trip to rio de janeiro

The same thing happened to me when my family and I decided to take a break from our daily life and go to Brazil for vacations. I have a certain memory as well where things were perfect but all of a sudden my curiosity got the better of me and placed me in danger. A β†’

The white umbrella literature reviews example

Their race, culture and family beliefs shape the thoughts and identity of the narrator and her sister as immigrants. At the prospect of owning the umbrella, the narrator gets so excited to such an extent that she jumped up and down in the rain thanking Miss Crosman. But their mom is not ready to let β†’

Sample essay on critique

This could have been her theme, the conflicts it presented her alone, but instead Chung also examines her father's history, her own personal tastes having grown up in the south and how she believes it makes her look, as well as her dead grandmother's past. Instead, Chung decided to explain all of it in a β†’

Mohammed alhammadi argumentative essay examples

The book Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, by Jamie Ford, discusses the parents' role in raising children, and their expectations. However, it is hard for the parents to adopt a new culture due to their age, so they try and live this out through their children, who are naturally more adaptable and β†’

Fiction essay examples

When his father rudely going to the Major de Spain house and does not wipe his feet, and leaves a mark on the rug, this is the pivot point of Faulkner writing. Sarty is amazed about the beauty and of the house. Again, this is where readers seen the elegance of Faulkner's writing because of β†’

Example of essay on divorce and family

The reason is because of the pervasive mention of his children and his cry for a better fatherhood for his children: however because of his love for the nation and for the values that he stands for, Major Sullivan chooses battling for his country over raising his sons. A contemporary version of moral marital stories β†’

Quot;once more to the lake” response paper essay sample

B White, the author of Once More to the Lake remembers his childhood life by revisiting the places he used to go by his parents. After replacing his father's position as a father and his son replacing his position as the son, he takes his son to Lake. B White " Once More to the β†’

Ludwig van beethoven biography sample

But the high calling of musician-artist, love of art, which should sparkle fire from manly soul and through which he could appeal to the millions made Beethoven overcome his feelings of despair. Further period until 1814 was the most productive in the works of Beethoven. Already in 1815 during a conversation he resorted to records. β†’

A person who has had a significant influence on you

My dad has a significant influence on me because he was a hard working man, he did anything to be with me and he always had high expectations of me. My Dad has a significant influence on me because he always told me to study hard, to forget about the boys , to just make β†’

Timothy valente

I am sure it had something to do with the fact I was not the center of attention anymore. My rationality was that if I had physical pain rather than emotional, and I could see it dripping down my arm, I had a reason to hurt.

The theme of wing’s chips essay sample

At the end of the story the different cultures in the small town learn to accept and respect each other. The narrators father lives in this town, and his job is a painter, although he is not that successful of a painter financially, he has great artistic skills and a creative mind. There is β†’

Essay on the bagmans father:happiness in dystopia

Liss's story is a slice of the bagman's life, beginning with dinner with his father which is a prelude and cover for the job in which he is currently involved. Because the story is told from the bagman's point of view, readers have a firsthand view of the dark underbelly of Madras society, revealing it β†’

Story synopsis creative writings example

He is now a man, and the enemy enters his home. He notices the man's lifeless blue eyes, dark hair, and skin are similar to his own.

Brother dear

Greg and his father struggle through difficulty as Greg is caught in the midst of what his father wants him to do as appose to what he wants for himself. What the family does not notice is that Greg does not want to walk a narrow road, but to be free and do what he β†’

Good essay about jacques derridas description of forgiveness

Forgiveness is so vast that it is hard to determine with certainty who and what calls for forgiveness. The idea of forgiveness asserts itself in the language that people try to adopt in search of forgiveness. As a result, they do not find it necessary to ask for the forgiveness of the other party. Granting β†’

Good achieving manhood, under controlling father research paper example

From the poem, it is clearly evident that the author is in a dilemma since he has both feelings of resentment and love for his father, and this is due to his father's actions. It is to say that the actions of the children are usually sanctioned and controlled by the men or papa in β†’

Parental involvement and educational outcomes article review examples

Additionally, African American and Hispanic American single parents are more likely to live in poverty, be less educated, and to have never been married. Only about 5% of children who live in single-parent households live in single-father households. There is also an increased risk of depression and the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs β†’

Good case study about legal research and writing

The issue is that the respondent wants custody of the child. II. WILL THE MIGRATION OF THE PETIOTIONER AFFECT THE RIGHTS OF THE RESPONDENT AS THE CHILD'S FATHER? The petitioner informed the respondent that she is relocating to another state because she is acquiring a new job there.