A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

7 ways entrepreneurs drive economic development

According to traditional models, entrepreneurs create new businesses in response to unmet needs and demands in the market. In this vein, the role of government leaders and public policy is to create conditions that allow more entrepreneurs to start businesses by implementing policies which nurture that environment so those businesses can grow.

9 takeaways for entrepreneurs from bruce springsteen’s autobiography

" I am glad I have been handsomely paid for my efforts but I truly would have done it for free," rocker Bruce Springsteen writes in his new memoir and bestseller Springsteen, one of rock's brightest stars for 41 years , is obviously referring here to his love of themusiche and his E β†’

Steve jobs informative

Transition: The reason Steve Jobs named it apple was because he used to work for Atari and Apple got in the phone book before it. Body To first understand the genius that is Steve Jobs we have to look at his upbringing and his past. Conclusion After all this commotion, going from top, to β†’

Entrepreneurs pitch underwater products for life-changing investments

On the show we put new outdoor products to test as the entrepreneurs behind the creations pitch me, NFL linebacker Dhani Jones, and the Co-Founder of Boost Mobile Craig Cooper to invest in their companies and products. This week we dive into the shark-infested waters of the Bahamas to decide if we want to invest β†’

College entrepreneurs do good and make money

Aaron and Ryan only had a couple of hundred dollars to start their business, but they were able to run their business and start with a small amount of capital. We do not need to start gigantic to create a successful business. We also think that the fact that Ryan and Aaron were young and β†’

Hear these entrepreneurs share their childhood memories of diwali

Niki team is a family, and we celebrate Diwali together in the office, with sweets, snacks, games and laughter". CLIO Retail Founder Hema Vinothini Back in the 90's, Diwali was one big festival. For the entire week before Diwali, my mother assembled all the sugar and ghee to make a mountain load of sweets β†’

The real risk of entrepreneurial strengths becoming addictive weaknesses

And that's their Achilles' heel". Addiction is said to be a crisis of disconnection, and that the way out of unhealthy bonds is to form healthy ones. Powers, who has worked with many business owners as a member of Entrepreneurs' Organization." Changes in weight, sleep and mood can also indicate a substance abuse problem". Related: β†’

Evolution period and the third phase on post-1990

The three banks merged in 1921 to form the imperial bank of India and afterIndia's independence the bank became the state bank of India. The between theperiod of 1906 and 1911 there was the establishment of banks inspired by theswadeshi movement. FIRSTPHASE ON PRE-1951 PERIOD: Indian financialsystem before 1951 had with the theoretical model of β†’

Personal me. in the year 2014 i

For my first year ofuniversity, I explored a variety of courses in search for that one course that wouldchange my life and direct me through the right choices. Searching towards the right motive, Irealized that I had the passion for technology and business, which made a career inInformation Systems the right choice for me.

Research in social entrepreneurship

Structure - The goal of the article is to bridge the gap between the current understanding of social entrepreneurship and an enhanced knowledge that could aid in researching and fostering this emerging field.- The article analyzes the current state of intellectual exchange among scholars and highlights potential areas of improvement.- The β†’

Entrepreneur research report essay sample

His work gives a practical orientation towards entrepreneurship, started by a single man as a small business and growing to touch great heights. As we will see in this analysis, Terret has worked for the Australian Government in the area of mapping, and he moved on from there to start of his own terrestrial β†’

How to connect entrepreneurship and your dream of location independence

When you are in charge of you, when you are your business and you have built it to the point that you are not required to be in a particular place (e.g., digital entrepreneurship), you will have the freedom that many can only dream of. I am writing this from Bali, where I β†’

Ateneo de davao university senior high school e.

Nature of the Business: Body Purge iseasily defined as part of the food and beverage industry. Take a sip and enjoy the taste of their fresh fruit juices with citrus that is rich in Vitamin C.

Principal bulacao

If granted, we will conduct aninterviewwith the key Personnel and distribute survey questioners in order to get vital information about your system and interpret the esult. Any information we may get from the interview will be kept confidential and used solely for the study. The result of this undertaking will not only be β†’

How entrepreneurs can impact on the economy

Realizing both the economic and social contact of entrepreneurship, many countries and local communities have executed antagonistic strategies aimed at taming and nurturing entrepreneurs. In alignment for governments to competently evolve principles that will foster entrepreneurship, they should first realise the distinction between entrepreneurs and little business proprietors, common misconceptions about entrepreneurs, and where entrepreneurs β†’

Curbing unemployment through skills acquisition: a study of the national directorate of employment (nde), kaduna state

As a result of this consequence and the rising rate of unemployment, the Federal Government of Nigeria established a committee in 1986 to proffer solution to the menace. The committee's recommendations formed the basis for the establishment of the " National Directorate of Employment" in 1986 established to curb and reduce the rate of unemployment β†’

7 ways you’re getting distracted as an entrepreneur

You lose sight of your end goals. When you are concerned with what's happening to you right here and right now, you may forget about the endgoalsof your business. You look too far into the future. Conversely, you might also be so focused on your long-term goals that you are distracted from the here and β†’

Significant event/impact on health care organizations: managed care essay

Olsen, MHA Significant Historical Event/Impact on Health Care Organizations " By 1995, managed care plans had become the dominant form of health insurance and enrolled 73 percent of all Americans who were covered by employer-based health benefits (Jenson, Morrisey, Gaffney, and Liston, 1997)" (Mick & Wyttenbach, 2003, p. )." In comparing the development of the U.S., β†’

Getting rich in entrepreneurship begins with just wanting to help people

But those things are not going to make you successful. It's like Jim Carey said: " I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer". It's what you give that counts. How I started giving. At 24, after half a β†’

Is enterpreneurship genetic or learned? essay sample

There are four key theories that I will draw on throughout this essay Frank Knight's risk, uncertainty and profit, Schumpeter's innovation theory, Mark Casson's economic theory and King's psychological theory of mental capacity. Main Body Frank Knight's theory of risk, uncertainty and profit portrays the way in which entrepreneurs and firm owners β†’

Infinite successful elements affecting our lives commerce essay

The combination of internal and external factors has a great influence on Tayub ' s thought of the endeavor and the running of it. Internal factors include Tayub ' s intelligence and cognition. And so, he made a trade with them to provide the hookah stuffs from Bahrain and prove the demand for it in β†’

Supervisor : administrative position in various business areas

A supervisor Is defined as " someone who supervises as In a large business or enterprise," supervise Itself means " to be In charge of : to watch and direct " this means that the Job Is still built and run with the same basic and fundamental Ideas of β†’

Having had us build a website of our

It taught me the fundamentals of web, mainly HTML/CSS and by the end of the workshop the instructor had us build a website of our own and have it hosted on a free server. Fascinated by the power and reach of the Internet or the Web, I thought of honing my skills further and therefore β†’

My understanding of the essence of entrepreneurship

Accordingly, the development of entrepreneurship - one of the main challenges facing the company in the market economy. In other words, the business - it is a dynamic process of building wealth.

The small firm essay

It is of course a triviality to acknowledge that the small firm sector consists of small business, but what is a small business? Initially under the guidance of the west who would further play a large role in both the creation of the The Russian Federation's constitution and teaching the east the rules of business.

Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship. innovation and creativity are evidently

Our economy continues to grow because the market leaders have been able to adjust to the changing times and supply the communities' needs, a business has to maintain itself, by being able to constantly progress to reach the changing demands of the economy and its people. As the French school have considered, management is also β†’

What it takes to achieve sustained team loyalty

In such a world where nothing is sure, creating teamloyaltyor employee stickiness is essential, and an outcome born of many elements that marry people, purpose and process. To scratch the surface, let's look at four of the many factors that I have personally understood to help create sustained team loyalty: Recognizing the best in everyone: β†’

Comment on global entrepreneurship

Aside from small business operators representing thefoodsector, those in the services sector, such as an electrical appliances repair company, also stand to gain a fair share of the market. Based on the market overview on China in the Market Research Library website http://www.buyusainfo.net/adsearch.cfm? search_type= int & loadnay= no, China's rate of consumer β†’

Elon musk says we’re likely living in a video game. are we?

Given that rate, he says, the chance we are not living a simulation is actually quite small. You bet the far-out founder of Tesla and SpaceX has pondered the possibility a lot." I have had so many simulation discussions it's crazy," he told co-founder Josh Topolsky last night at Recode 's Code Conference. Of β†’

Bill gates speech at harvard

President Bok, former President Rudenstine, incoming President Faust, members of theHarvardCorporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduates: I have been waiting more than 30 years to say this: " Dad, I always told you I would come back and get my degree." I β†’

Digitization: entrepreneurs should either get on the bus or get underneath it

The modern, affordable smartphone is experiencing rising penetration; whereas, internet availability in the almost corner of the world is enhancing thetechnologyreach out. Undeniably, digital is the future because of its huge disruptive potential. Only if they could clock few more hours daily, South Korea will rise as the leading nation busy in social media activity. β†’


The monopolist in this situation must be aware profit maximization entails the total cost-total revenue aspect specifically depends on the idea that the business profits are equal to the revenue minus cost hence focusing on maximizing the differences. The main answer to this is because of the total revenue and the total variable costs.

E-commerce within the travel & tourism industry

The traditional method of marketing and acquiring information about the customers in the tourism and travel industry involved the use of travel agents. To increase profitability in the travel andtourism industrymore customers have been captured through the use of internet. The strategy of using technology in the industry β†’

Ebay & paypal

With more than 94 million active users globally, eBay is the world's largest online marketplace, where practically anyone can buy and sell practically anything. Their collective impact on e-commerce is staggering: In 2010, the total worth of goods sold on eBay was $62 billion - more than $2, 000 every second.

E-solution provider in thailand

The PESTEL, five force framework & SWOT tools help in selecting the Strategic choice and identifying the likely Scenarios that might affect the likely future of the company. The other strength is the different types of services which are like hosting the remedies and solution for IT problems and latest IT news on the website β†’

E- commerce

Lethal and Sense argue that there is not enough usage of e-commerce in corporate world of the developing countries. The reason of not using e-commerce is the lack of knowledge about the usage of the Internet. Profiteered et al.point out that there are usually five forms of e-commerce such as: business β†’

Types of e-commerce

One of the most typical examples is AMAZON. COM Information disseminator Company offers up-to-date source of information of a specific nature. Better purchasing prices from suppliers: The nature of the competitiveenvironmentin e-commerce allows for more pricing information and results in lowering costs to producers.

E-commerce: addressing key issues

If I would engage my local Jersey Shore boardwalk clothing store in e-commerce that would mean it would be accessible to people In other countries. Having my business accessible to other countries means that I would need to gain their trust; If I ant to gain their trust, I would have to start β†’

Absract: payment technologies create both opportunities and

11Later will verify our finger print using the sensor and the onetime password then a request will be sent to the receiver from the moneytransmitter to check whether the receiver is in online. The receiver will enterthe onetime password and sends the information to the server that the receiveris also in the online and transfer β†’


E-commerce E-Commerce Most of the advertisements on the Internet about firewalls talk of various firewalls, which are all rated as being the best. In addition, it has also been categorized as the fastest firewall. A scenario of the NetScreen firewall installation is for an organization that I worked for.


The primary reason for this Is that in a typical supply chain there will be many transactions Involving sub components or raw materials, and only one transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end customer. Branding is a term used in marketing. The overall volume of 82 Bar this is that β†’

Big and amongst them the first one

The increase of the storagecapacity, processing power and the availability of data makes the big data'sgrowth rapidly. Themain three reasons why Big Data matters is, New data, unlocking value andShaping the future. A huge amount of data is generated in every second.

Information delivery/transport and e-commerce application

Cable-based: These providers depend on coaxial cable as transport roads and will help to determine which broadband applications and services the viewing public prefers. All leading cable providers are conducting trials with a variety of hardware and software, and most are expected to use fiber optic cable and coaxial wire as the delivery β†’

Benefit of e-commerce

E-procurement, commonly known as supplier exchange comprises of B2B purchase and sales of supplies done through the internet using information systems like ERP. Now if someday, any salesperson wants to make an important sales call for a regional grocery chain. He can check the updated report of current sales order and confirm β†’

E-commerce and social commerce purchasing behaviour and what is the differences between them

DRAFT Topic: E-commerce and social commerce: understanding the difference and an investigation of purchasing behaviors of consumers in the two sectors Introduction This study aims to investigate the key differences between e-commerce and social commerce and further goes on to establish the purchasing behaviors of consumers in these sectors. Perceived usefulness e.

Education, culture and commerce exchange

In 1971, before Chinese open up In 1978, Belgium established the diplomatic relation with China for following reasons. First, France established the diplomacy relation with China In the early 1964, which is because in January of 1959, General De Gaulle advocate its Gluiest, which eave its policies competing with the United States, which β†’

E-commerce website project proposal

The process of ordering involves a customer entering the store, making contact with the store manager to enquire about the facility of customized design. Then a tailor will take the measurements of the customer according to the pattern chosen and then deliver the ordered piece on due time. Business Need The retail store's manual activities β†’

Electronic commerce in hong kong:gold peak industries (holdings) limited

Gold Peak Industries has chosen to take the initiative of introducing e-commerce in its daily activities and this has made it one of the biggest users of e-commerce in the Asian market, within which it has achieved some form of dominance. This is to ensure that the management system of this company is able to β†’

Social media in e-commerce

Social Media in E-commerce Social media has become very popular in the contemporary world and marketers are advised o be on this media if they have to be successful. Social media should be used together with YouTube which can be used to showcase the company products in videos. References Funk, T..


Online shopping takes the experience of shopping to altogether a new dimension and helps in improving the necessary services given to the consumers as well as the vendors and also helps in managing all the required information of the payments of the customers, receipt of products of the new customers, their product and updating of β†’

Frequent shopper program essay

The electronic commerce components of the Frequent Shopper Program are aspects of the Sales and Marketing Department's strategic objectives to increase the loyalty and profitability of its consumers. The IT department is solely responsible for the e-commerce expansion of the website that needs to include the customers' purchases.

What background behind * to separate and document

This gives the look more creative and givingthe image into a new realistic and sensible background. We willfirstly remove the shadow of the light, give the bag a sharp look and keep itreal.

E-commerce and insurance in kenya

Life Insurance 101 History of Life Insurance Understanding Life Insurance Term Insurance Explained Factors That Impact Cost Life Insurance Examples Tips To Improve Your Insurance Health 10 Reasons To Buy Life Insurance 0 Reasons to Buy Life Insurance If you are one of those people who do not think they need life β†’

Competition and collaboration in e-commerce

Amazon.com and eBay.com are two examples of e-companies that also pay attention to increasing needs of protecting personal data of their costumers. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract Table of Contents I. 2 Economic Potential of β†’

E-business model

Moreover, this case study presents the core strengths of eBay's business model in comparison to other business models, as well as its strategic statement. E-commerce and E-business In order to understand eBay's business model and strategy we first need to consider the definitions and uses of e-commerce and e-business. What eBay provides to its β†’

Shop-n-save e-commerce system

Overview of the present Information system: It has an information system connecting point of sale terminals, internal stock systems and barcode scanners. All these combine to be an interface to another for exchange of information and synchronization of activities of the business. It will be able to spread the grocery business over a large domain β†’

The with no one to blame and pay

One of the key futures of the Internetis the anonymity it can provide. This is giving the necessary encouragementsome people need to engage in illegal acts through the Internet as stealingcopyright materials. However, when ISPs meets the conditions that they just goabout as mere conduit, there will be no obligation for ISPs as long as β†’


And it should not be forgotten at this point that there is still a high economic risk in the mobile business and it is not clear who will be the key players in the next decade. How can mobile technology reduce the cost of transferring information to governments?

Electronic commerce and digital information processing

For me E-commerce Is the use of electronic communications and digital Information processing technology In business ramifications to create, transform, and redefine relationships for value creation between or among organizations and between organizations and individuals. So, as lye said e-commerce is for transaction then it is a business tool on any technical aspects β†’

Business plans examples for e commerce business

2 Mission JAVA Looks mission Is to provide the finest In Jewelry and accessories using the Internet to lower the consumer's cost. Products JAVA Looks will market and sell private label (manufactured by a company that laces the retailer's name on the packaging) handmade and customize Jewelry and accessories to individual consumers via the Internet.


On the other hand, short term decisions deal with the short-term balance of current assets and current liabilities; the focus here is on managing cash, inventories and short-term borrowing and lending (such as the terms on credit extended to customers).3. It's a matter of quite subjectivity depending upon the nature and attitude of personnel controlling β†’

Service request for kudler fine foods

The loyalty points will be redeemable for gift items, specialty foods and other products or services. The behavior patterns of customer purchases will directly help Kudler Fine Foods to produce sales events. Kudler Fine Foods must give attention to the legal and ethical aspects of taking customers information.

Accelerating growth of e-commerce market

On the security side, e-cash offers privacy of payment, where the merchants or the third party cannot obtain consumer bank account information. Economic Aspect: One of the drawback of e-cash is that the face value of the digital coin is often set, therefore cannot give change. Secure Credit Card In secure credit card transaction, customer β†’

Seo(search engine optimization)

In simple terms, it is a technique that is uses the page of a search engine such as Yahoo and Google to increase the number of visitors to a web site. Besides, the compliance to the laid standards means that the page is made to be to be legitimate and can not be involved in β†’

Zara case essay sample

Zara's current CEO, Jose Maria Castellano Rios shared Ortega's belief that the use of Information Technology was key in enabling the kind of business they wanted to build. In 2003, there was a debate between Xan Salgado Badas and Bruno Sanchez Ocampo, the technical lead of POS system β†’

Online retailing business model company analysis

In this manner, they are able to maximize their revenue while cutting costs that involve setting up of retail shops. With the vision of inspiring and getting their inspiration from cool girls all over the world, Nasty Gal intends to provide their customers with truly unique items exclusive to their brand. Customers can purchase clothes, β†’

Apple and electronic commerce

According to Swags, electronic commerce has been re-defined by the dynamics of the Internet and traditional e-commerce is rapidly moving to the Internet. With the advent of the Internet, the term e-commerce began to include: Electronic trading of physical goods and of intangibles such as information. On November, 10, 1997, Apple introduced the β†’

Swot whole with almost every household having at

Getting to the main strengths of Microsoft A Massive Global InfluenceMicrosoft as a company has been producing exceptional products and in both software and hardware category for the past 40 years or more this has led to the establishment of the Microsoft Brand due to this the companies' presence is found everywhere in today's whole β†’

E-commerce strategy

Most of their services are online, for example their students account can now only be applied for online, they do not open student accounts in their branches any more. HSBC frequently updates their website, they changed their internet banking interface this summer to a better more user-friendly one and it includes short cuts in the β†’

There where they can sell their products. one

Consumer-to-Business.? Consumer-to-Administration Business-to-Business : B2B E-commerce is simply described as e-commerce betweencompanies.

E-commerce security

Prevention of hacking- E-commerce sites need to be able to prevent hacking so as to keep both business and customer data secure. If customer data is stolen from a business's database then It Is possible for the thieves to steal those customers' Identity, this Is known as identity theft. Identity theft involves a β†’

Ecommerce final paper

I will attempt to provide examples of how, Mr.. Friendlily a mobile catering and food truck enterprise can implement the use of the Internet and World Wide Web to enhance and reinvent their business operations while establishing the company's overall vision and strategy. Moreover, if the company had a website up and running, β†’

Edwin arlington robinson, carl sandburg, gertrude stein. website review

The poem is focusing on the difference between a personality of an individual and the appearance. The color scheme used by the designers, on the other hand, is very dark and the two tones can reflect off the screen. The second website is about Carl Sandburg and can be found at http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/sandburg.htm.

Soft drink companies: web site evaluation

While some of the information is interesting and useful, some of it is merely an obligatory afterthought. The Coca-cola web site reflects its image as the historical leader in the soft drink industry. One of the worst features of the site is its slow response and lack of download speed. The Pepsi web site reflects β†’

Website analysis

The content type of this website was meant to be more of a blog or a website of self-interest since it looks like it was created to send people to other sites by directing to videos. Entry point The entry point of the website is not good. Two of the links sends the viewer β†’

Applying lean to e-commerce business

With such reduced productivity and efficiency, the company will be making more revenue but due to high expenditure, the income does not balance the expenditure and so there are losses. The place of lean in solving the problem The overall aim of lean thinking is to ensure that there is high benefit and value β†’

Hacking attacks on websites and mobile commerce (m-commerce) crime

This has also become a major threat for website owners today who provide enough space for hackers to get in. https://www.htbridge.com/publications/the_growing_hacking_threat_to_websites_an_ongoing_commitment_to_web_application_security.html Topic TWO: Mobile Commerce Crime Likewise cybercrimes, crimes on M-commerce are also on the parallel side of distinction. According to McAfee Inc malwares are approachable to smart phones which are β†’

Shoes a spider is a program within a

Our site will need to be advertised in such away that it will attract a large audience. Meta Tags: A Meta tag is data that included in codeat the beginning of the web page that contains the information to help to determine thecontents of a web page. When the user put a related search information β†’

Midsouth chamber of commerce

Unfortunately, because of the closures of large manufacturers in the area, bursting of the internet bubble and economic downshift Wellingtons found himself in a $330, 000 deficit by 2001. Something needed to be done and done quickly; he needed someone to lead the sales and marketing of is company, thus came Leon Leister. β†’

Website development.the recommended activities. part 4

The purpose of this paper is to read through Lesson 4, and carry out as many of the recommended activities as possible. Core Lessons This particular portion of the tutorial is concerned with building site structure. According to the author, there are four components of building site structure, and they are as follows: metaphor β†’

Covering the ucc

In order to give an answer one must understand that in the world trade industry everything ties together. The UCC might just be a State side regulatory law system, but it has to affect the international world too; this might not be direct, but the effects have to exist. It just means β†’

Wireless technology essay

It's a beautiful day in the park, and you are enjoying the sunshine and the company of your friends. Then you remember. The internet enabled cell phone may also be in a position similar to the telephone, which was initially conceived as a " speaking telegraph". Although PCs abound in industrialized countries, they are β†’

4 questions

The adoption of modern technology in media has given birth to the digital media. Digital media are any form of media whose encoded format can be read by a machine. Value of Digital Media in the Sports and Entertainment industry The digital media has brought tremendous development and changes in the sports and entertainment β†’

E-commerce in u.a.e

Abstract This report examines the prevailing situation of the E-commerce industry in the UAE by determining the current size, key market dynamics of the industry and forecasts growth in the future. The report provides an overview of Business to Consumer E-commerce sector globally, with specific focus on the UAE market.. To β†’

Flat tax

Flat tax is applied on all the tax payers without any kind of deduction or exceptions allowed.Flat tax system's supporters think that it would give an initiative to the taxpayers for not being penalized with higher tax bracket and would give them incentive to earn more. A progressive-rate tax system was used in United States. β†’

Efficiency and effectiveness assessment model for m-government

The justification to undertake this study stems from the fact that the assessment model could be used by government and other stakeholders not only to identify possible gaps in the efficiency and effectiveness of m-government initiatives using smartphone applications but also improve the delivery and uptake of m-government initiatives in the UAE. By enabling the β†’

Mobile commerce

We can also say It Is a mobile electronic commerce. It is similar to electronic commerce the only difference twine mobile commerce and electronic commerce Is In mobile commerce we use mobile mediated networks while In electronic commerce we use computer mediated network. They can do business promotions using mobile commerce. β†’

E-commerce: amazon.com

Further, with a wide variety of sources, sellers need to lower their book prices to make them competitive online. What other advantages does Amazon enjoy? Amazon enjoys the ability to market a host of other products and advertise their site as a venue for other retail opportunities. Should e-retailers be forced to apply sales taxes? β†’

Importance of e-commerce in modern business

With the introduction of multiple payment systems, electronic commerce has greatly improved on the business standards in different countries like UK and USA where the customer are able to buy the available products internationally and this has greatly improved on the various businesses strategies across the globe. Electronic commerce has also minimized β†’

Website development.the recommended activities. part 5

The purpose of this paper is to read through Lesson 5 in the informational architecture tutorial, and carry out as many of the recommended activities as possible. Core Lessons The core lessons that the author wants his readers to learn in this portion of the informational architecture tutorial deal with visual design. Included in β†’

Transport and logistics and e-commerce

of Institute] of Discipline] ' Transport and Logistics' and ' E-Commerce' Submission] The Present day advancements in information and technology are the talk of the town. A very good example of efficient and reliable third party vendors is MRL Logistics. The third party vendors such as MRL Logistics often generally renounced as ' Third Party β†’

What zealand, philippines, singapore, thailand, canada, and the

First of all, the objective of APEC is to sustain the growth and development of the region for the common good its peoples and, in this way, to contribute to the growth and development of the world economy. Second, is to enhance the positive gains, both for the region and the world economy, resulting from β†’

Impacts globalization on the e-commerce

Improvement in telecommunication networks and increased use of the internet are two main globalization features which have, therefore, contributed to my success in the market. One of the major impacts of globalization on the online stores is the enhancement of e-commerce. Chinese business etiquette: A guide to protocol, manners, and culture in the People's Republic β†’

Statement machine learning & computer vision, virtual personal

I did a lot of brainstorming sessions on designing the registration portal and the returns portal with the other founder members who were experts in the field of finance helping me understand the nitty-gritties of the world of finance which I used to blend with my IT skills to deliver what was expected from me. β†’

Take your e-business to the next level

Second, the brick and mortar presence will serve as a showroom to support the products and services online where customers can actually interact with the company's personnel and hold touch and test the products that the company is selling. The brick and mortar stores can also be taken as an expansion. The interaction of the β†’