A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Telstra’s swot analysis

Competing telecommunication companies have constantly accused Telstra of overcharging for wholesale access to their networks the ACCC has often agreed but decisions by the regulator are slow.[1] Current Situation Australia's leading telecommunications and information Services Company, Telstra Corporation Ltd is well poised to deliver a high level of service in the highly competitive communications market β†’

How the use of mobile phones in schools can be beneficial

My genuine opinion on the declaration is that there is numerous ways a mobile phone can assist you on school premises yet this comes with a downside The dominant cause why mobile phones where prohibited from schools was because scholars would regularly prowl around on their mobile phones, phones also agitated scholars but you β†’

Expository: mobile phone and body paragraph

Throughout history, many inventions have been created.[This sentence is a very general statement to introduce the topic.] The Industrial Revolution started in the late 1700s, and since then humankind has been developing at an exponential rate.[This sentence is a less general statement to narrow the topic.] Truly amazing and useful devices, such as the steam β†’

Texting while driving

I think that the number of traffic accidents will not reduce until the ban on texting while driving passed because text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver and if driver just focus on the phone, accident is a grossly result. First, if people admit and follow the law, no texting when β†’

Acquisition of motorola by google

The combination of the two makes sense and will enable faster innovation. Motorola Mobility has a long history of innovation in communications technology and the development of intellectual property.oIts many industry milestones include the introduction of the world's first portable cell phone nearly 30 years ago, and the StarTAC the smallest and β†’

Advantages of the smart phone

Advantages of the Smart Phone Blythe Oade Baker College Smart phones combine the versatility of cell phones, gaming consoles, PDAs, and personal computers into one handheld device. This is very true and shows that there are many advantages to having a smart phone, some of which include; staying in touch via e-mail, YouTube, Skype, β†’

Chapter 5

Summary The overriding purpose of this study was to determine the relative importance of gadgets in the studies of the students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines-Institute of Technology. Today the teachers and students communicate more via gadgets than face to face as it consumes less of time and invests more of fruitful studies.

Mobile phones in our life

For example, a really big advantage is that with mobile phones we can communicate with people all over the world, no matter where we are. We can also text, which is like sending letters in the old days, but text messages are faster to write and you receive them quicker. Actually, I β†’

Texting while driving: is it worth dying?

How many of you are guilty and willing to admit to texting while driving? Which is one of the many organization being formed to raise awareness on the dangers we are discussing state that, 1)." 80% of crashes, and 65% of near crashes, involved some form of driver inattention within 3 seconds of the event." β†’

Melissa washington

When you want the respect and to be acknowledge from the young and the talk and respectful ability is lacked, who wants to speak to the person. The youth of over generation does not have much etiquette but to change must start immediately.

Factors making the game pokΓ©mon go a global phenomenon

Factors leading to its smashing success social engagement, the most critical source of joy in the game that it cultivated, and second, the evoked nostalgia to connect people together. Pok mon Go has become a viral phenomenon as it makes use of social influence which social groups (deliberately or unintentionally) exerts pressure on others and β†’


In the commercial by AT&T, they try to get the message across texting and driving and the serious consequences. It was a sad form of pathos but it was a good message to get across to the audiences that drive and like to use their cell phones.

Advances in mobile phone app development and their relevance for social entrepreneurs

Using thecase studymethod, this study discusses the M-PESA as an example of such social entrepreneurial initiative and affirms that mobile applications can be of significant relevance for creating social, economical value. Introduction Despite the integration of information and communication technologies in our lives, governments and public and private providers of services still β†’

Cell phones and society

Also for some, the cell phone has become so central to their communications needs that they lose track of the expenses associated with their phones. Another student at BFA, Clay Blackwood, said, " I do not feel a need to use my cell phone regularly, because it does not have control over me." Fully two-thirds β†’


When we asked students about using internet on their cell phone, 52% of the students said yes, they use internet on their cell phone. A day without cell phone When we asked the students of IUB that if it is possible for them to pass a day without cell phone.

Compare and contrast

The HTC Evo 4G and Apple's Iphone 4 are leading the way for phones with great designs and features.. The HTC Evo 4G is the Smartphone made from the HTC Company. However, the 4G network is limited in America, and uses a lot of battery life. The next smart β†’

Unplugged: mobile phone and portable music player

I realized that I use my phone mostly just to see what time it is because I always have it on me so it is always the first place I look for the time, instead of running around trying to find a clock. It opened my eyes to my frequent usage and β†’

Mobile phones essay sample

Try to describe how and explain why, in the past thirty years, we have moved from a situation where the mobile phone did not exist, upto to today when almost everyone has one and it has become a necessity This essay will discuss the Mobile phone and look at its origins β†’


How well the company did and what the company will do to be completive in today's changing world of mobile phones. Synopsis of the Situation The situation of the Vertu is how the company can survive in today's world of technology changes.

Nurger king project including pestel analysis

Resources Introduction In this project we would like to look from the insight of the Burger King Company and analyse the main factors which affects the progress and development of the organisation, as well as its business future. The power of the customer - The power of the customer in relation to The Burger King β†’

Sainsbury’s swot analysis

It is obvious to find that the ability of profit taking in Sainsbury's went up between 2010 and 2011. The reason for this might be higher sales from 19, 964 million pounds to 21, 102 million pounds and higher profits. In the financial results of Sainsbury's, it has a slight increase from 184% in 2010 β†’

Pestel analysis brazil

IT is a sector in which Brazil has been improving and is currently one of the top 50 in the world. Brazil is currently one of the top ten textile and denim producers in the world. In fact, there are more than thirty thousand companies in the Brazilian that produce textiles.

Effects of inflation

The main causes of this decrease in aggregate supply is excessive wage growth not accompanied by productivity increase, a rise in the cost of raw materials, and other inputs, or a rise in government taxes or other charges that raise costs for firms. Cost-push inflation may also be the result of imported β†’

Swot analysis of aerotek

SOOT analysis provides a structure for analyzing either your own strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats you face, or in a work context for analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and wreaths a business or event faces. Ideally it is one step in a process which helps you to 1. They place β†’

Swot analysis: british airlines

This could be done through SOOT analysis. Definition of SOOT : A SOOT Analysis is a helpful tool which helps in analyzing the strength, weakness, Opportunity, and threats of any business venture and It helps in giving a direction to planning and assists in taking informed decisions too. Internal Factors: Strengths: It has β†’

Osim swot analysis

Introduction to the segment of holistic lifestyle products and their need in today's market Short intro to brand ism and its heritage A short study on what has been ism's market standing in Asia (this will help ease the soot analysis in the essay) Introducing what the essay will be about - will & How β†’

Pest analysis of leax group

Regulation in the labor market in Sweden, Latvia, Germany, Brazil and China, such as Labor laws, working hours, termination notices 2. Economic conditions in local and the foreign countries, growing or declining 3.

Swot analysis of “nivea sunscreen soap”

Strength With the unique features of the " Nivea sunscreen soap" soap, an aggressive advertising campaign was imperative to inform the target market, create brand awareness and established basis for brand preference in soap market. Efficient and effective management are the main contributors for the achievement of organisationalgoals. " Nivea sunscreen soap" has β†’

Chambray swot analysis

The law obviously is intended to protect house workers in being exploited or from harm. Significance of the Law The Chambray Law aims to improve the plight of the millions of house helps across the nation by establishing sweeping measures affecting several aspects of their employment. These measures include mandated β†’

Swot analysis of curaçao international company

Its Phoenix contact center was next, In 2012. Like its competitors in the industry, Cura ao International Inc.(mentioned here as " Cura ao" or the " company"), is a diversified language services company, operates wrought Its two sections: Cura ao Is for clients In the field of healthcare: healthcare plans, clinics and hospitals, β†’

Swot analysis of walt disney

Such as Paxar, Marvel, and JET they able to increase their profits and revenue 0 Interactive Media- overall unprofitable. THREATS 0 Increase of piracy in movie industry which leads to the company's DVD sales declined.

Analysis “political factors – essentials of marketing”

The political climate is of great significance to the marketing firm and has a direct effect on many aspects of the economy and society. The aim is to remove protective restrictions on operations and to allow greater competition between countries.* Economic factors In Modern Management they describe the economic factors as being shaped β†’

Pest analysis for proton

As a result, the government of the country is expecting a slow economic growth for the country, which can affect the buying behavior of the customers. Furthermore, it had increased the competition, which will impact the performance of Proton. Social The growing population in the country is one of the factors which can β†’

Swot analysis of intercontinental hotels group plc

It is a comprehensive analysis of its strengths and weaknesses in strategy and operations, threats in its businessenvironment, current and future opportunities for growth both financially and in its market. INTRODUCTION Intercontinental Hotels Group Plc.is a global hotels company headquartered in Denham, United Kingdom. This gives the company an additional revenue stream with more β†’

A financial analysis on the kroger co

With the shares of The Kroger Co. being currently traded in the stock market, present and prospective investors have to monitor the state of things, the rate of growth and the progress and prospects of the company. As stated in its 2006 Fact Book, The Kroger Co.is one of the largest retailers β†’

Swot analysis woolworths

Strengths Weaknesses equines boosting the company's top-line growth Multiple retail formats and banners Efficient supply chain management Extensive private label portfolio offering Significant reliance on the Australian market Opportunities Threats Increasing focus on retail data and big data analytics could help Woolworth strengthen its Australian supermarkets business Strategic initiatives may strengthen the β†’

Pest brazil

Political environment Greed and Corruption Increase in government expenditures Political stability and emphasis on consistent economic policies and growth Position of international influence and power Many environmental restrictions and regulations Going into business: High bureaucracy, lack of transparency of rules and slow legal procedures (are hurdles β†’

Psychology paper 6 project

251 TYBA DECLARATION This is to certify that the project entitled ' Psychological impact of unemployment' which is submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the T.Y.B.A.in Organizational Psychology, University of Mumbai, comprises only my work and due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used. INDEX INTRODUCTION β†’

Swot analysis of balagtas

Industries such as ceramics/pottery, furniture, garments, gifts/house ware/decors and metal craft A first class urban municipality in Vulcan 1 Proximity to Manila with Just a few minutes of travel by car The Macarthur Highway bisects the municipality of Ballasts as this national road cuts northward to the 'locos region. There are no β†’

Strategic analysis (swot, pestel and porter) of the co-operative bank

The Bank begun as a study task by Yunus and the Rural Economics Project at Bangladesh's University of Chittagong to ascertain his method for providing scrounging and Banking services to the homeland poor. In 1976, the village of Jobra and other villages surrounding the University of Chittagong became the first localities apt for service from β†’

Malaysia economic analysis

At the very bottom of the income range, the poorest 20 percent of the population controls only 4. Data are the sum of three items defined in the fifth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual: workers' remittances, compensation of employees, and migrants' transfers.

Relationship between inflation and economic growth

There are two aspects to this debate: the nature of the relationship if one exists and the direction of causality. Friedman succinctly summarized the inconclusive nature of the relationship between inflation and economic growth as follows: ? historically, all possible combinations have occurred: inflation with and without β†’

Swot analysis dps

Section 2: External Analysis * An opportunity DPS has is that they are able to keep strong relationships with their direct customers, which are the distributors and the retailers. With the opportunities to sell their syrups directly tofast foodrestaurants they are going to be generating a steady profit for many β†’

Hydraulic water extracted for daily usage and

IntroductionTheadvent of the industrial revolution triggered the use of gas and petroleumproducts throughout the globe, especially the United States. 1 Hydraulic Fracturing Impact onEnvironment TheUnited States is the largest producer of Gas in the world, and the largest userof petroleum and Natural gas.

Swot of parknshop

As a supermarket that have they own mission that the mission, vision, and values tenement of each major retail grocery store and supermarket chain in the HIKE defines their brand, culture, and customer experience. Each mission, vision and values statement is as unique as the merchandise and shopping experience of each individual supermarket. β†’

Swot on japan

World ClassEducationSystem- Japan's education system played a major role in enabling the country to meet the challenges presented by the need to quickly understand Western ideas, science, and technology. Japan has one of the highest standards of education and one of the highest literacy rates in the world. Japan's Automobile Industry- It β†’

The federal reserve essay

When there is too much money circulating in the economy and the supply of goods not adequate enough to fulfill the needs or demand of the people, inflation occurs. Inflation would be a serious problem if the Federal Reserve did not know how to change the monetary policy accordingly. This helps to keep inflation down β†’

Throughout took place in france and russia

This angered the majority of the population in France, thus starting the French Revolution. The immediate effects of the French Revolution was the removal and beheading of absolute monarch Louis XVI. Although one of the causes for change was the the price of bread rising and inflation, the revolution caused it to rise even more β†’

Financial analysis of the anheuser-busch inbev company

The company became one of the nation's leading breweries in 1901 when it broke the one million barrels of beer sales mark. Over the years, the company grew through acquisitions and mergers and became AB InBev. The report is in millions and AB InBev saw a $2, 197m in profit gain from 2010 to 2011 β†’

Business analysis of apple company

Apple has the opportunity to showcase its environmental practices to enforce its brand image as a conscientious individual. Although the company publishes its environmental practices on its website, it could expand the exposure of this information in one of its savvy marketing campaigns (" Apple And TheEnvironment", 2011). This growing threat to β†’

Demographic structure

Leisure activities - since people are reducing their working hours for leisure activities, these reductions could mean more time for most consumers to buy goods and services without time pressures. Means of transportation - the most monumental impact of this relates to the physical capacity to convey passengers and goods and the associated β†’

Whitbread plc swot analysis

Abstract: An analysis of the FTSE 100 company Whitbread Plc, utilising the SWOT tool as a framework to investigate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the company faces in relation to its position within the Leisure industry. Drawing from an internal perspective, the SWOT analysis evaluates the company's operation in both its national β†’

United states dollar essay sample

5% Suppose the goal of fiscal policy makers is to reduce the size of the natural employment deficit to 1 percent of natural real GDP. Compute what the size of the natural employment deficit must be in terms of billions of dollars in order for fiscal policy makers to achieve their β†’

Article summary the pestel analysis

Article Summary The PESTEL analysis provides overview of political, economical, legal, social, technological and environmental factors that affect functioning of UK country hotel. Analysis of environmental factors shows that tourists are not willing to spend holidays in the carbon commission place.

Swot and long pest on kerrygroup persuasive essay

Serology Strengths Wide Range of Pork Products Number of different types of products - Different target markets Consistently top 5 selling in each category Core Technological strengths in savory, sweet nutritional systems (research and Developments Close working relationship with retail customers to successfully develop business relationship One of the leading consumer brands β†’

As a source for increasing the productivity of

While I am inclined to agree with him, I must remark that Slavin puts the majority of his focus on the smaller, more noticeable consequences of the newest curriculum, and neglects to broaden his focus to the outside factors that may have attributed to a student's lack of a learning ability. Slavin brings attention to β†’

Pest analysis of proton

The purpose of this document is towards the center of attention on the matter of proton within conditions of confronting dissimilar quandaries within the Malaysia as well as worldwide automotive business eloped region. Malaysia is mainly a traveler concern market and the trade is well thought-out as a national market- directed.

British sky broadcasting group

The top-down approach begins at the top, by analyzing thehealthof the UK economy and the effect on the performance and profitability of the companies in it. However the UK economy has just recently entered 2009 in recession, on the brink ofdepression, after unlimited bailouts and running a colossal 15% of GDP budget deficit, the UK β†’

Inflation and pestle analysis

Pestle Analysis - Political Political issues as part of the pestle analysis include all sorts of factors that normally derive from the government in the form of policies or legislation. For the purposes of the pestle analysis of a self-employed beautician, there is little in the way of trade restrictions and tariffs β†’

Swot analysis vs pest analysis

SOOT analysis The acronym SOOT highlights the importance of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are present in the microeconomic vicinity of the organization in question. The strengths of a business relate to the internal fortes of the company and can include the skillet of employees or the resource advantages that β†’

Historical cost essay sample

The current cost represents the value of the asset to the firm if the firm is continuing to acquire such assets and if value has not been added to the asset by the enterprise. Reporting current cost in accounting are recommended rather than historical cost as it is the fair value reported in the current β†’

Supervised by: prof. john adams

This Paper will focus on considering these different point of views starting by describing Central bank independence, what central banks do, and who controls them which makes us reach the aim of the argument as to whether the independence help control inflation or not, or in other words, is it necessary or of any effect β†’

Sony swot analysis

Strengths This diversification helps to minimize the impact of adverse conditions that may arise in any one geographic region. Excellenttechnologyand a rich heritage of technological expertise The cutting-edge co-developer of the CD, the DVD and the Blue-ray Disc format, Sony continues to break new ground with innovative products like the[email β†’

Strategic direction and swot analysis

Washwood heathTechnologyCollege has strategic management which manages the objectives of the school for the students and the staff members in there. SWOT - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threat STRENGHTS: The strength can be a new product introduced by the business. There is a large number of community living surrounding the school which means it β†’

How to combat inflation

In order to reduce the inflation rate, government should monitor the growth of GDP. One of the ways to reduce the inflation rate in Malaysia is by increasing the deposit rate so that people will save more and spends less.

Travelodge analysis and pest analysis

According to the ACORN categorization of I-J consumers stated in Dib, S the main category of customers would be in the 'Comfortably Off category. The town and city centre hotels target many demographic variables of the target, with the main customers being families and group holidays on itty/weekend breaks. The Behaviorist's β†’

Pestle analysis factors

This may also include the provision of incentives to produce particular products/services or even to locate in a particular area such as subsidies and tax breaks. Governments are also one of the largest employers in any economy where changes in the level of government spending may influence the level of unemployment in β†’

The role of the government essay

The Role of the Government One of the government roles is to create an environment In which businesses thrive. This Is because businesses create wealth for the nation as a whole and the people who live there. Above the Maltese Government there Is the European Government and since Malta makes part of the European β†’

Qantas pestle

5 Legal The implementation of the carbon tax had a negative affect on the aviation industry, as the airlines could not absorb the higher cost of fuel. This meant to offset costs travelers would pay extra in ticket prices. The airline industry is very competitive and as a result, profit margins are usually β†’

Example of research paper on biological influences – neurotransmitters

The excitatory neurotransmitters are those that cause the brain to perform certain physiological functions while the inhibitory neurotransmitters bring balance to these functions that are designed to suppress or inhibit them. The functions of the neurotransmitters in the body are significant as the neuronal signals transmitted by them influence bodily function. β†’

Lewy body dementia

Mayoclinic.om suggests that " in Lewy body dementia, abnormal round structures called Lewy bodies develop in regions of your brain involved in thinking and movement." Although the specific cause of dementia is unknown, specialists believe that it relates to Alzheimer's Disease, and Parkinson's Disease. Lewy Body Dementia is not preventable, but there β†’

Good fats and bad fats research paper example

Good and Bad Fats Fats can be classified as saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated cis fats have similar structures to saturated fats and are easy to deposit in the body.

Discuss the role of endogenous pacemakers

This study shows that the circadian rhythm persists without the cues of natural light, which demonstrates the existence of an endogenous clock. However the study also shows that external cues are also important to the sleep/wake cycle, because the clock was not perfectly accurate, meaning that without the cues of natural light, β†’

Good essay on conversational analysis

I will analyze not only the utterance of the speaker, but the manner of behavior, body language, as well. The language was flawless. The peculiarity of the conversation was the intonation and the tone of the speaker.

The fashion indistries affect on body image

But how does fashion media impact our body image issues? Celebrities in the media can impact us negatively, but they do not always have to be negative influences, they can be positive too, as well as different types of media may alter the opinions we have on ourselves. The positive side to these β†’

Critical thinking on freezing of gait questionnaire an outcome measure

FOG can be dangerous and is detrimental to the PD patient's quality of life. The Freezing of Gait Questionnaire was constructed by the research of Giladi et al. The researchers were satisfied with the reliability of the NFOG-Q to measure the events but suggested more investigation was necessary β†’

Journal replies essay sample

Having a set of guidelines that political leaders can adopt and follow will help ensure that ethical leadership is maintained in the political leadership. Therefore, employing the use of the political prudence tool is a vital component in ensuring that their ethical leadership.

Research paper on the last days of socrates

On the last days of Socrates, he faces death with courage as he understands the meaning of life and his transition to the other life. In the last days of Socrates, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo give an account of his trial and death. In the years of Socrates, philosophers saw the soul as β†’

Free essay on daily dietary intake

I took a total of about one gram of fruits, half a kilogram of vegetables, seven liters of plain water, two liters of vegetable soup, a handful of Brazilian nuts and one and a half kilograms of meat. This constituted the three daily meals and also in between meal snacks. β†’

Example of essay on the mark of the mental

The Mark of the Mental Part 1 The problem of the mark of the mental is in determining what distinct features constitute the mind itself, what is unique about them, and what unifies them. However, before determining that this special or privileged access is indeed the mark of the mental, Farkas demonstrates β†’

Martian child

The viewer is able to see how both David and Dennis struggle to build bonds and become a family. While David is outside in his car waiting for Dennis to get out of school, Dennis goes to the window and watches him making sure that he has not left.

Virgin group – richard branson

Since the Virgin brand itself is the company's greatest asset, protecting the brand image is critical. A second short-term problem is Virgin's financial information that is fragmented, hard to locate, and even interpret. With the company's different alliances and joint ventures, questions about the financialhealthof the Virgin group were being asked.

Spiritual guru isha judd reveals #10 tips for entrepreneurs to succeed

These she categorizes as elements that are absolutely important aspects of business. Learn To Go Home Without Stress To appreciate that our well being is an important aspect of our success so that we can enjoy our achievements is such an important thing says Judd. We home without stress and we are not projecting β†’

5 entrepreneurial shoves to push you forward

Push all those empty calories off your plate, and you will be able to concentrate on the meat and potatoes. Here are five ways to start. Find a virtual assistant. You can hire a virtual assistant from for approximately $100 per month. It's more efficient to outsource work that drags you away from what you β†’

Why i believe i can be an entrepreneur essay sample

In one of his interviews, Steve Jobs said " When you grow up, you are told the world is the way it is and you are existence is just to live in this world without bashing into the walls too much...to have a nice family life...and to save a little money. The most important moment β†’

A successful entrepreneur essay sample

The PECs of the Entrepreneur PECS of an entrepreneur refer to the desired traits which enable the entrepreneur to do what is expected of them to succeed in business. Systematic planning and monitoring This is the ability to develop plans that will be used in monitoring and evaluating the progress of β†’

Entrepreneurs are born not made – what do you think

He is someone who organize the factors of production and who knows how to spot an opportunity and turn a dream into reality. He is someone who enjoys of skills as vision, motivation and determination and has initiative and desire to take risks in order to benefit from the rewards. They should β†’

7 takeaways in the success of elon musk for young entrepreneurs

No one was convinced to share his/her shop listings on the web when Musk and his brother approached the shopkeepers to list their shops on the web, but they believed in their idea, built it and ultimately sold it to Compaq for $407 Million in cash in coming years. Related: Elon was so obsessed with β†’

Essay on martin luther king jr

At that time, King had already become a strong worker for civil rights fighting for the rights of the blacks and started by serving as a member of the executive committee of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, NAACP, which was at that time the leading organization in the country fighting for β†’

Corporate management of black and veatch construction company essay

Corporate Management Black and Veatch Black and Veatch is a leader in the building and technology sector in both the United States every bit good as the planetary market. Besides being among the most diversified and extremely acclaimed contractors in the sector, Black and Veatch paces in supplying an full spectrum of β†’

Henry ford’s evolution of automobiles

In the mid-latter part of the eighteen hundreds , the United States was still tending its wounds from the aftermath of thecivil war. It was a time of rebuilding, reorganizing and a time to accept change. And above all he was a true patriot to the growth of the human race.