A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Medical career vs. fashion design

Behind a greatdoctor, is a hard and long Medical Career, there's a lot of sacrifices you have to do to success in that area. Medical career requires time and dedication, the length of the career is 7 years and 4 extra depending on the specialty o want, some specialties are 7 years long β†’

The on equal terms in the economic system

Hewanted all non- slave children to get three years of free education, the mosttalented of these children would be selected and educated at public expense, and of these selected group of children, the most talented were to be chosenfor further education. Debateabout equality of opportunity is centered on three major models; Common SchoolModel, Sorting Machine β†’

Career development inventory: evidence for reliability and validity, advantages/disadvantages

This allows for appropriate comparison later on when administering the CDI. According to the CDI manual, although the sample of secondary school students was useful in developing a comparison group for scores and percentile interpretation, the sample is not a representative national sample of all 9th through 12th grade students. It is explained in the β†’

Vocational ideation and management career development

Introduction The calling in contemporary career and management development practice are substantial work has been undertaken to refine the concept, which has resulted in an understanding of vocation as a something that is simultaneously: meaningful in that provides individuals with a sense of existential purpose. This experience should then be honestly accounted for β†’

The manifestation of helen graham, who moved to

In addition, the noun ' angel' refers to a massager of god or a" person of exemplary conduct of virtue"., whilst alluding to unrealistic gender role of the Angel in the House. In addition toJane's subordinated position as a governess, Rochester's legal unavailabilityas a suiter forces Jane to unknowinglyassume the position of a mistress. The β†’

Why i choose mechanical engineering as my career

My entire bachelor program showered light upon " The Laws of Physics "," The Laws of Nature "," The Laws of Friction "," The Laws of Stability "," The Laws of Current " and much more. And my in-plant training at Goodwin Motors partially fulfilled the quench of working with β†’

The poverty and culture which determines our

My prediction of an A in psychology illustrates my commitment to be successful in the subject. I chose particularly to study Psychology and Religious Studies and Sociology because they intwine with each other. Furthermore, my interest in Religious Studies is due to the fact of the relationship between both Psychology and religion which entails the β†’

Inside job critique essay

The financial crisis of 2008 left many of us with many unanswered questions wondering how the most powerful nation in the world ended up with a destructed economy. The documentary Inside Job hunts down the culprits of the major financial institutions that had the biggest effect on the nation's economy. Instead of acting authentically and β†’

Poonam (amrita rao) essay

However, Rama is jealous of her and barely talks to her, since Poonam is more beautiful than her own daughter Rajni , who is lively and friendly. Bhagat-ji , a jeweller, and a friend of Krishna Kant, likes Poonam very much and decides to matchmake her with Prem , Mr. They visit β†’

Kenyon a disease can affect a person’s body

A physical therapist is also has to be positive , caring , and they have to hold their self accountable. Before becoming a Physical Therapist you obviously have to go through basic training and you have to have a minimum degree in order to enter this profession. And all of the characteristics to be a β†’

Go cray essay

It was a success and as I as on my way back to the ground I had this awkward feeling as if the landing was going to be off. The first 4 weeks were strictly bed rest. In these 4 weeks, I thought in my head, " my career was over before it was even β†’

The are solid foundations for my future research

In the near future, the development of quantum computation and nanophotonics willlead to another information revolution, and I am determined to lead this scientific progress. As the leader of a group of four students, I wrote a C program and then designedand set up an optical system to test the properties of the spatial light β†’

How to prevent air pollution

The first step we need to take is that we have to produce less to conserve more energy.second, We see many people throwing things in the roads in our daily life.some of these people forced them to do this with out containers on the road and some others do this by offense?

Essay on hydrologic cycle

Deep ocean water is often cold due to its distance from the water surface, and requires energy in form of heat for it to rise. Penetration of these contaminants in Deep Ocean make it hard to clean up as they are absorbed in porous rocks, and tend to spread into the food chain.

List of environmental problems

The Ozone layer has been damaged because of the use of CFC's which are used in a number of industrial, commercial, and household applications.* Water pollution. Oil and natural gas resources are expected to get over by the end of this century.* Marine habitats are being polluted.

Research paper on nazi medicine

The government took over control of all the institutions in order to brainwash the masses into believing in the effectiveness of racial hygiene, as it was commonly known to the Germans. One of the first initiatives in the development of a genetically-clean community was through the use of state-backed restrictions on intermarriages between hereditably fit β†’

Example of research paper on natural selection and disease

Evolutionary forces therefore to a huge extent play a major role in the development and propagation of diseases because of selective pressures that contributes to the resistance or development of alleles or genes that cause these diseases. Chances are that the mutations will be passed down from generations to generations and if a disease is β†’

Errors in dna replication essay sample

Each strand of the original double-stranded DNA molecule serves as template for the production of the complementary strand, a process referred to as semi-conservative replication. During proofreading, DNA polymerase enzymes recognize this and replace the incorrectly inserted nucleotide so that replication can continue.

Essay on a review of the need for government funding science

However, there are other forms of research funded by the government, which many people feel do not deserve such funding. A research intended to move technology or technological products to whole new heights is considered by many as a research that should be funded by individuals or companies and not β†’

Good ethical question project assignment literature review example

Those supporting the research and even those corporations funding it have proposed their support throwing weight on the fact that unused frozen embryos from in vitro fertility clinics would otherwise be destroyed hence they see the ethics of using them in the research. According to Goodwin , The uses of β†’

Punnet square lab

Each box of the Punnett square is labeled with one of these possible combinations of alleles." So when you look at it that way the offspring have both allies and that a homozygous and heterozygous cane have the same genotype 4. The genetic information that can be obtained from the Punnett square is what kind β†’

Free report on breast cancer the role of genetics

The existence of breast cancer in certain families raises the question; do genetics play a role in breast cancer? Other symptoms of breast of breast cancer include lumps in the armpits, inversion of the nipple, pain, swelling of the nipple, itching, redness of the breast and increased sensitivity.

Critical thinking on ethical considerations in genetics and genomics

This brings out an ethical contradiction since the sister is also a patient in the same hospital and by informing her, there is likelihood that she can be prevented from contracting the disease since she has a probability of one to two in inheriting the disease. As a nurse, it is both illegal and unethical β†’

Example of viruses in genetic engineering research paper

The study of viruses to understand their ability to cause disease led to a recognition by scientists that viruses could be used to transport genetic material into cells (Thomas, Ehrhardt, and Kay, 2003). By using different kinds of viruses, different host cells can be targeted, different amounts of genetic material can be carried, and β†’

Genogram – a pictorial representation of a family

When one is trying to depict the family structure, size, its members, in the form of a structured format, then it is a simple flowchart or a family tree. Making of a genogram: It is extremely easy to make a genogram when one is aware of the basic information of the family members.

Genetic counselor

They will explain the meaning of the medicalscienceinvolved, provide support, confirming a diagnosis in a person who has disease symptoms, and address any emotional issues raised by the results of the genetic testing. Genetic Counseling is the process of evaluatingfamilyhistory and medical records, ordering genetic tests, evaluating the results of this investigation, β†’

Dna: characteristics, history and the importance to forensic science

It is the carrier of genetic information. History of DNA It is a common rumour that Francis Crick and James Watson first discovered the concept and molecule that we know as DNA in the 1950's. It was actually by using the work of the pioneers before them that Francis and James were able to β†’


According to the Oxford Dictionary of Psychology, the role of nurture on personality is " the sum total of all environmental factors that contribute to the physical and psychological characteristics of an individual, including upbringing or rearing". When looking into the nature of personality, there are three elements that contribute to the theory of genetic β†’

Eric lab 2

Long chains of amino acids make up Proteins_ and contain the atom _Nitrogen which is unique to this macromolecule.3. What are the two general categories of carbohydrates?

Genetically modified food: is it acceptable essay examples

This controversy regarding the farming and marketing of GMOs is because many people are fearful that it may lead to health and environmental effects that are damaging, unfavorable and potentially out of control. The process of production of genetically modified food involves the modification of plants in the laboratory for β†’

Genetic testing at workplace case study

From a beneficial perspective, it has been observed that it is possible for the appropriate steps to be taken to prevent the disease that has been uncovered because of the genetic knowledge. This perspective is based on the argument that the selection of the best choice should be based on the fact that is highly β†’

Essay on human genome project

The Human Genome Project has been developed by the collaboration of US Department of Energy and National Institute of Health, in order to determine the basic building pairs of human DNA which exist in a sequence. Speaking concisely, the main objective of this research project is to understand the overall genetics of humans. There β†’

Dna techniques may be used to correct a point mutation essay sample

It is based on the differences in the secondary structure of single-strand DNA molecules differing in a single nucleotide, which also is frequently reflected in an alteration of their electrophoretic mobility in nondenaturing gel electrophoresis. In denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, the double stranded DNA is subjected to electrophoresis in gel that has an increasing β†’

Study guide 3/1/11

Relate the role of the base pairing rules to the structure of DNA. The bases in a strand of DNA relate to the base pairing rule due to the combination of GC and AT, make equal strand, that is held together by a hydrogen base.4.

Ethical debates in biomedical engineering essay samples

It is a combination of expertise in medicine, human biology and engineering in the development of techniques and technologies for patient care and healthcare. This is the use of engineering techniques and technologies in detecting and visualizing biological processes.

Methods of resource allocation and resource leveling

Abstraction This paper illustrates what is the resource, what are the motivations for the direction of resources in undertakings, what is the different between Resource Allocation and Resource Leveling, it explains the attacks used in resource direction which are " the resource constrained scheduling problems" and " Resource β†’

Homology and analogy essay: animal form and function essay sample

Also the analogy between fish and mammals could be wrong as the post-anal tail of quadrupedal mammals and fish is a common trait. Homology and Analogy Essay Animal Form and Function Homology and Analogy Many species share similarities in their structural apperance and behaviour but this can be β†’

The article on polymorphism of the gene critical thinking examples

However, the research background does not use past studies to indicate that there is a correlation between C3435T polymorphism of the ABCB1 gene and susceptibility to peptic ulcers. This undermines the generalization of the study findings to the wider population. Since the research hypothesis investigates genetic susceptibility to peptic ulcers, the control group participants should β†’

Free essay on rett syndrome

The nervous system connects different organs of the body that are critical in the normal functioning of an individual. It consists of sensory organs, the spinal cord and the brain. The brain forms the central organ of the body that coordinates the functioning of other body parts.

Free research paper about dissection of a molecular diagnostic test

The technique of PCR however requires certain components and strict temperature control for proper amplification and analysis of a Particular gene of interest. Principles of PCR (PCR, National Institute of Health website. Fact files) The basic principle underlying PCR is amplification of a single sequence or strand of DNA.

β€œfinding your roots”

Due to this, study of DNA and its applications has become more and more important hovering lot of attention to carry out DNA usages for identification of inheritance, legal issues, study of human behavior and many other medical applications. DNA testing is used in the process of Gene hunting, Genetic profiling, Gene targeting and drug β†’

Efficiency of dna databases as criminal investigative tools

The terms Touch DNA refers to the minute amount of DNA collected and/or extracted whereas low template defines the minute mount od DNA material used during the amplification stage; low copy number relates to the increased cycle number during amplification rather than the amount of DNA material, a profile is referred to as low level β†’


I predict that the most common traits among my classmates are hand clasping, tongue rolling, and hair texture. Research one of the traits that you listed in your prediction.

Brain cancer essay

The article under study is Expression of mutant p53 proteins implicates a lineage relationship between neural stem cells and malignant astrocytic glioma in a murine model. Glioblastoma is referred to as the most cancerous type of astrocytic gliomas and the most commonly occurring chief brain cancer in adults. Finding from the study reveal that β†’

Innovators dna summary

The central question that was proposed to these individuals was, " Do I know how to generate innovative, even disruptive, business ideas? So, one must be mindful of the fact that these discovery skills are critical for creating innovative business ideas, but they do not always ensure success.

Good a research paper on how behavioral genetics studies have reported research paper example

In this article, we will see through various researches conducted in the field of behavioral genetics studies, aimed at analyzing the impact of genetic and environmental factors in shaping the corresponding behavioral differences among individuals. Thus the prime objective of this study is to enlist and elaborate various methods used (in the field of behavioral β†’

Biological evidence essay

When analyzing a scene or an point of grounds it is really of import to be cognizant of any biological grounds. This is because biological grounds is forensically really of import because it can do a direct nexus between a suspect and the scene or point utilizing DNA profiling. This is a utile technique β†’

Free research paper on genetic indicators and variable relationship

This paper will focus on the FVIII gene, the wild type and the mutations responsible for HA, the gene products as while as the interactions of the gene and psychosocial, occupational and environmental factors. Suffice to say that while the deleterious mutations in the FVIII gene result in a reduction of the circulating levels and/or β†’

Course work on genetics exercise

This variation in the diet of the birds affects the depth of the cardinals' beaks in the future generations. Disruptive selection describes the alteration in the genetics of the population where by the extreme attributes of a trait are favored over an intermediate attribute. A classic example is that, in class, one has to put β†’

Some of the techniques used in the human genome project

Many techniques have been discovered throughout the years in the race to be the first research team to code the human genome. The DNA bands can be visualised using auto radiography or UV light method and the sequence is determined. At the time, Sanger sequencing was in rivalry with the " plus and minus" DNA β†’

The theory of being able to

The mouse is embryonic, the sheep is the cloning of adult animals. The problem with this is that it decreases the diversity of the gene pool and makes the herd less tolerant to disease.

Twins: defining nature versus nurture

In the 1980s, 1 in 53 live births bore a set of twins, while in 2009, 1 in 30 births bore twins. The rate of twins being born in the United States has increased significantly, especially over the past 30 years. Identical Twins Identical twins are the twins that are more commonly recognized, however β†’

Specific genes evolving in butterfly wing pattern and development

This paper aims at examining the pigmentation of butterfly colors and the various genes that are evolving in butterfly wing patterns and their development. Background From the beginning of the nineteenth century, naturalists started examining the roles of the design in color of the wing in various types of butterflies. Nonetheless, the nonappearance of β†’

Protein metabolism

This occurs in the nucleus." RNA synthesis transcription is the first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA by the enzyme RNA polymerase. And the mRNA is made from the 5' to the 3' end.

Rhueumatoid arthritis case study examples

The signs of arthritis that Sandy has include early morning stiffness of the small joints of the hands and the recent swelling up of both her knees. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate at 23mm/hr is high and indicates an on-going inflammation. The result is a reduction in the swelling and pain.

Free legal and ethical issues of genetics research essay sample

In essence, this is both an investment and health insurance policy. Legal Issues in Genetics Research I did not know that patients have the right to full information regarding their medical condition. It appeared to me during the research that individuals should have access and control of information regarding their medical condition and how β†’

Diabetes a hereditary disease.

Diabetes is a disease in which the body loses its ability to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Diabetes is a number of diseases that involve problems with the hormone insulin.

Example of essay on historical evolution

The Near East period captures the historical view of Islam in its early development. In the historical setting around the sixth century, two empires controlled Arabia these included Byzantine Empire in the west and the Sasanian Empire in the East. The new Cambridge history of Islam.

Religion essay aisha

She had a large impact on the Islamic faith and contributed to the development and expression of Islam and may be considered an inspiration to Muslim women in today's society. So pulled her to me and told her what the Prophet meant." This hadith showed Aisha's role in the development and expression of Islam as β†’

Essay on islamic dress code

The president Sarkozy of France expresses that the veil is a " sign of enslavement and debasement" and suggests that the veil is the " ultimate symbol of Islam's oppression of women. The Muslim women on their part argue that the assertion of the wearing of hijab and niqab is a sign of oppression is β†’

Psychology, theology, and spirituality essay sample

McMinn offers a template for both the novice and the veteran counselor when determining if and when to introduce prayer and scripture into the therapeutic setting." Which forms of prayer should we use with which clients and under which circumstances ; " In what ways should Scripture be used in counseling which clients and β†’

India of my dreams essay sample

But for all the myriad personal fantasies and dreams, the only common dream born out of the heart of patriotic sensibility is that of the country of our dreams. The compiler expresses the hope that he may not have deviated far from the correctness as well as comprehensiveness of that picture, inasmuch as the attempt β†’

That is why islam must be a religion of the world

As most religions that exist in this world, followers of Islam are also taught that God is the Creator, the ultimate source of life and thus should be worshiped and praised faithfully. As a conclusion, to be a developed and more civilised society of the world, we should always be diligent in what we do.

Analyzing racial and ethnics features of my identity research paper example

How boys and girls are raised in Somali a)Raised as per the norms of Islam religion i) Attend Quran teaching classes ii) Taught Arabic and farming b)Education was for the rich IV. This helps me to grow spiritually in the required ways for any Islam believer. I came to United β†’

Example of essay on jehovah witness, mormonism, judaism and islam

The comparison will focus on the religion's origin, the beliefs on God and the afterlife. With regards to origin, Judaism was the earliest religion among the four religions being compared. Jehovah's Witness was founded in 1879 in Pittsburgh by Charles Taze Russell. On the aspect of a God, both Islam and Judaism are monotheistic religions.

Importance of education

Education is the greatest wealth one can attain in this world and it is a necessity in today's world. Education is the knowledge of putting one's potentials to maximum use.

Free essay on intellectual contributions of islam

In this context, when all people are equal in terms of social status, it creates a powerful basis for the promotion and maintenance of a just social order, and of a safety of society. In general, the aspect of knowledge it is provided as part of the world harmony provided by Islam. Special attention will β†’

The differences in health traditions between cultures essay example

I see myself as blessed and that is generally why I am constantly unassuming in life. My Cultural Perspective I was conceived in the eastern piece of Nigeria; the westerners and the northerners make up whatever is left of the populace. In Islamic custom the contrast in the middle of wellbeing and ailment was, β†’

The misunderstood muslimah

The Misunderstood Muslimah For centuries, women in Islam have been the victims of wrongful misconceptions for either personal or mutual gain to usually denigrate and slander Muslims and the religion of Islam. The Islamic dress code for women can be defined as being modest in order to protect themselves and their reputations as it β†’

Appiahs analysis essay sample

From the article, we learn of the entrance of the missionaries, and this led to the birth of the common assumption that most of the villagers would be converted into Christian. It is, therefore, clear to us, through the help of this article, that emergence of this new religions can cause or result to the β†’

A discussion on islamic militancy

Islam is an age old religion that espouses spirituality, and calls for a life of worship, faith work and submission to the will of a supreme being called Allah by following rules, set forth in the pillars of the Islamic faith, in the teaching found in the holy book the Koran β†’

When punctuation marks are not so ‘punctual’: translating al-waqf marks at the prosodic-orthographic interface

Keywords: Translation, punctuation, speech recognition, prosodic features, sentence boundary. Introduction Relating the prosodic features of the waqf- marks in the Holy Qur'an to the punctuation system in the English translation, is a newly trodden area. In , Sarwar put no punctuation mark for , and rendered the two sentences into a compound β†’

Example of essay on dantes inferno and the book of muhammads ladder

The existence of one is seen as a threat to the other: as the bible says in Exodus 34: 14 that you will worship no other god for the Lord. This essay will explore and analyze the harmonies shared in Islam and Christianity in accordance to literatures of Dante's Inferno β†’


The love of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that he had for his Creator is described in the Holy Quran in the following words: And He found thee wandering in search for Him and guided thee unto Himself.The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had β†’

Free sharia law implementation in indonesia argumentative essay sample

There have been numerous studies conducted to get the views of the people about introduction and application of the law in many of the provinces, and it is observed from the responses and findings of such studies that many people are ready for it. It is important to note that Sharia law pertaining to family β†’

Origins of the world religions essay examples

Some of them are inherent in nature and the others are spirits of our ancestors. Hinduism is a term, which is widely used in order to refer to a number of " philosophical and religious traditions throughout India". At present time, the historians suggest that the evolution of Hinduism can be divided into three main β†’

Status of women in islam

The attitude of the Qur'an and the early Muslims bear witness to the fact that the woman is, at least, as vital to life as man himself. There is a lot of talk about woman's rights in Pakistan and other Muslim countries these days. The Western media is projecting a very gruesome β†’

Issue of women’s rights in islam

Article Summary This article examines the issue of women's rights in Islam by introducing Islam and women's rights in several different Muslim countries, such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Indonesia.-The women in Islam are often viewed as a poor one, having to do whatever her husband, brother or father commands her to do.-This β†’

Qayamat ki nishaniyan

But their hearts will smell and will be dead 29. Ayaats from the Quran will be decorated and calligraphy will become common 35.

Sample research paper on rites of passage

Kurdish Culture and Rites of Passage: The Kurdish people do share the common religion of Islam in the Middle Eastern region, but their traditional and ethnic values are much different than the rest of the Muslim groups. If the first cousin is somehow not married with the man, the other cousins are considered the possible β†’

Example of essay on the mask of religion

The Crusades were a years-long war against Muslims in the Levant in order to secure the holy places surrounding and including Jerusalem; many thousands were killed in bloody conflict, all over the same piece of land.(That land is now the centerpiece for the continually escalating Israeli-Palestine conflict, in which Jewish and Muslim extremists kill each β†’

Reaction to church and mosque visits essays examples

A discussion about the similarities between the religions will be at the commencement of the paper followed by discussion about the entrance to the church, the service itself, literature available and a reflection on the visit. A recent visit to a Catholic Church and a Mosque revealed a number of similarities and differences to the β†’

Islamic stud

lHow Muslims legal experts used Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas to interprete holy Qur'an? " Invite all to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; And consult with them in ways that are best and most gracious".Muslims believe the Qur'an to be the direct words of Allah, as revealed β†’

Human caring variations essays example

The number of visitors is not limited and therefore crowding of the patient's room or rather space in a hospital is not much of an issue in the Muslim community. No matter the efforts shown by the caregiver, little appreciation for the efforts is granted to the caregiver. Caring of patients in a Muslim setting β†’

Islamic feminism

Coming in contact for the first time with Muslim communities the missionary women found that women in those communities were greatly oppressed because of their customs which the missionaries thought, rendered them subordinate status in the society. In this way, the veiling was construed as a symbol of women's oppression. In Muslim societies, safeguarding the β†’

Religious studies: relevant islam research paper example

Islam is meeting the needs of many people spiritually or they would not be joining the religion and becoming worshippers. Maybe one of the reasons for the increased interest and the ability to understand the Islamic religion is because of it has many similarities to Christianity and Judaism. Islam is able to do this maybe β†’

State building essay sample

The process of state building was a result of many transformations with religion, the ability to conquer and rule and political impacts. Trying to formulate a stable economy and political systems were beneficial to the growth of the empire.

Social media about muslims

According to Suzy Ismail " Social Media and networking sites must have and has definitely changed the spread of Islam and the perception of Muslims in the minds of many people around the world", especially and mostly in the US and India. After the 9/11 bombings and destruction of the Twin Towers by Bin Laden, β†’

Characteristic of islamic management

He played a vital role in the Mecca victory at the Battle of Thud against the Muslims. He converted to Islam, and Joined Muhammad after the Treaty of Hideaway and participated in various expeditions for him, such as the Battle of Mouth. Khalid's mother was LULAB al-Sugar bin AY-Hearth, a paternal sister of β†’