A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Eating behaviour;

Fasting is also popular in some cultures.* The consumption of food plays a central role in social interaction: -group identity, in part is created & maintained through food.-types of food are often described as traditional family meal, or the national dish.-cultural differences will determine to an extent what food people in a certain culture will β†’


If more people in America would get out and do physical activities then this could reduce the amount of obese people and they could live happier and healthier. What these people do not realize is what this food is doing to their bodies until they take a look at a scale and see that they β†’

Coronary heart disease

In my research I plan to introduce how heart diseases are caused and also the best prevention techniques to ensure that the number of people affected by Coronary Heart Diseases, specifically Heart Attacks, is falling each year instead of climbing. This article is a published study done by The College of Pharmacy and Drug Topics β†’

Ethical analysis of obesity interventions research paper examples

The paper will then go on to utilize a particular ethical framework to examine a selection of obesity interventions for ethical issues. Specially, Baum, Gollust, Goold, and Jacobson of the University of Michigan School of Public Health have formulated a framework of six considerations for the analysis of public health ethical issues. The present proposal β†’

Essay on obesity tax

Obesity tax Obesity tax is a tax levied on fattening beverages or foods by tax authorities with the objective of discouraging unhealthy diets and internalizing the externalities and economic costs associated with obesity. This paper evaluates the economic reliability of imposing obesity taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages and sugary foods in the United States β†’

Childhood obesity: mental and emotional issues

These types of struggles can cause mental and emotional issues, especially in young children and teens therefore they struggle with self-esteem, confidence, and some even convince themselves that they are not smart or beautiful because of their weight. Parents are the ones in charge of their children's diets.

Ch 10 weight management

Storage and can b lost thru exercise.- metabolism refers to how the body utilizes fuel from nutrients - metabolic rate = total amount of energy the body expends in a given time (ie.number of cal the body burns while resting or being active) - burned engery in body = 10-40% physical activity / β†’

Good essay about public health intervention for obesity in bowie, md

Therefore, a community-based intervention utilizing tertiary health prevention strategies is warranted to decrease the existing rate of obesity while an intervention utilizing primary and secondary health prevention strategies is warranted to maintain low obesity rates and prevent the growth of obesity rates in the future. Current Health Interventions In β†’

Critical argument analysis essay essay sample

I plan to determine the strengths and weaknesses, the effectiveness of evidence presented and determined if the author has proven their thesis statement. Regardless of the lack of evidence the author does provide data to solidify the obesity epidemic in the United States.

Health economies in north carolina case study

The first step on the part of the investigator would be to research on the disease to know what causes it and how it spreads out. It would provide information for the second step as it will give the investigator an idea about the equipment and the supplies that would be needed for the purpose β†’

Example of research paper on cardio respiratory disease

Cardio-Respiratory Disease Cardio-respiratory disease is an umbrella term used to describe various diseases of the cardio-respiratory system which make it impossible for the heart and lungs to supply enough blood and oxygen to the body during sustained physical exercise. Bacterial and viral infection of the cardio-respiratory system, allergens, toxins and diseases such as β†’

Importance of exercise

It may sound unlikely, but the more you exercise, the more energy you will have. You will feel more in control of yourself and your life.

Melissa legault

Exercising regularly and eating an appropriate amount of calories will cause a person to maintain a healthy weight. It boosts the circulation in your body and the delivery of nutrients to your skin, which helps the body to remove toxins.

Running head: the effects of hypertension

On the social capital theory application it involve many members in medical research community to create the networks, norms, and trust needed to cooperate in social situations with trust and reciprocity to complete the study. The research study applied the Health Belief Model for the patients about the state of their health and to take β†’

Free research paper on results and conclusion of the research process to problems in health care

The acquisition of sufficient and varied data helps in the processing and analysis of respondents in order to address the topic satisfactorily. Protection of the rights of subjects The rights of the subjects who were schoolchildren were satisfactorily protected. The CHS had approved the youth food-frequency questionnaire , as being fit for use β†’

Diet control argumentative essay examples

Therefore, the government is not justified in interceding the decisions of the people, even if the decision was on a just course to improving health of citizens. Therefore, the government should not have a say in controlling the diet of its people, this is because the strategy requires a lot of money. The way people β†’

Media representations of race and ethnicity research papers example

For instance, the Bratz has one Black girl in the cartoon, and she may be the only Black character in the entire show. Fat Albert blatantly supports racial stereotypes when it comes to how the Black children speak and in terms of the environment presented in the show.


Hypertension or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated.[1] This requires the heart to work harder than normal to circulate blood through the blood vessels. Combinations of two or more lifestyle modifications can achieve even better results.[50] β†’

My healthy diet

During this assignment I have gained some knowledge on my food behaviors, and I have decided to make a few changes to my diet and exercise. I have learned that eggs are a good source of protein but are high in cholesterol and that I should limit my intake to one to two eggs β†’

No. of servings essay

I have to increase my consumption of fruits and fruit juices too so as to get my required amount of vitamins. While thinking about my diet I naturally started thinking about what I enjoyed eating most. I dislike milk, so I have to look at other ways to supplement the calcium needs of my body.

Fighting against obesity

By doing this a person who suffers from obesity can have a visual of the changes in diet that need to be made. An example of some of the changes that could be made to a person's diet are the inclusion of complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains while eliminating foods high β†’

Natasha essien

Obesity is a major problem in the country, causes of obesity is related to our daily diet and lack of exercise, genetics, and sometimes lack of sleep One of the main causes of obesity is poor diet, specifically, taking in more calories than needed to support an individual's daily activity level. The present manuscript addresses β†’

Personal diet and activity plan

Another important lesson that I have learned in this class is the importance of exercise. The first change that I have made because of this class is my vegetable intake.

The growing concern of obesity and overweighting in the usa

Is not the well being of youth a top priority knowing that they are our future or is there too much nihilism not only in the US but in the world to the point that people stopped caring and considered obesity as a norm in the society. Gunnars suggests that genetics is also β†’

Correlations and confounding variables essay sample

The most significant effect of a confounding variable on the research design is that the researcher might erroneously reject the null hypothesis after analyzing the results incorrectly and thereby establish a false correlation between the independent and the dependent variable. Correlation in research refers to a statistical technique that is used to show whether and β†’

High-fat diets and endurance research paper example

Those in support of the use of high fat diets to enhance the performance of endurance athletes postulate that high fat diets proved a more concentrated form of energy, which is certainly crucial during periods of exercise that are often characterised by the increased energy needs. Therefore, consumption of high β†’

The introduction

The epidemic is obesity and it is sweeping the nation. It is the measurement of choice for many obesity researchers and is the definition used in most data on overweight and obesity.

Keeping fit

Your heart and lungs are able to work longer the more fit you are. To sacrifice yourself in the way of Allah you should be mentally and physically fit.

Jenniffer bonilla

The problem is particularly bad in the South, where in twelve out of sixteen states at least 25% of the adult population is obese" (" Can you afford to eat right? ") Everybody knows that America is a " salad bowl" society, as some of the immigrants call it. It is hard to believe that β†’

Free research paper on profesor

It will also trace some positive effect and impacts of the law and how each school carry out the policies for the good and/or welfare of their students. According to the World Health Organization's 2006 Report , interventions for good nutrition should occur in the period between early childhod and puberty so as to β†’

Child obesety

While child obesity is a growing concern among society, is it an issue that should be dealt with as to who is responsible for the obesity itself, or is it an issue that should be analyzed as to what can be done about it? The problem with this fast food is that it has a β†’

Essay on global obesity

While many complain to their governments and related health organizations for their lack of action to prevent and resolve the problem of obesity, these groups are currently trying various solutions to end the current epidemic of global obesity. In the 2012 report of the World Health Organization, almost 2. Apparently, in contradiction to the Americas, β†’

Geography’s impact on russian politics

Previous to the Napoleonic Wars and Peter the Great's travels to the rest of Europe, Russia was a solitary county. It was due to Russia's geography that it did not fully industrialize until midway through the 20th century, and still has economic problems.

Free essay on how does fiba challenge the nba

This is evident in the current composition of clubs in the NBA that have players from the entire world. Fourth, the rules that are formulated by FIBA have in many cases differed to those that are used in the NBA and the NCAA. Considering that FIBA is the international organization that has the responsibility of β†’

Good example of compensation of africans report

The westerners also believe that the Africans were also involved in the trade; thus, they are also to be blamed. The slave masters should accept that they were responsible for underdevelopment in Africa because of slavery. The idea of compensation to Africans is good, even though, not all Europeans and North Americans were responsible for β†’

Free growth of the american society essay sample

That is not how the developed countries of today encourage their citizens to promote growth in the society. American Indians were the native inhabitants of America. They were oppressing the Natives in their own country. The growth of the American society was at the expense of the natives who had to conform to the new β†’

Global warming in finland

Global warming is caused by the build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, hence increasing the average temperature of the earth. The increasing average temperature speeds the growth of the forests and cultivates the harvest of the farmers.

Example of an unforgettable person in my life essay

It was during a period in which the economy was flourishing; America experienced first the Enlightenment and later the Great Awakening. The Enlightenment The Enlightenment had started in Europe and it was not until over a century later that it made its way to America. Followers of the Enlightenment believed that reason was the β†’

Example of qe3, fiscal cliff and the european debt crisis term paper

This is done by injecting a pre-determined quantity of newly created money in the economy through the purchase of debts from banks. The graph shows what's happening in the bonds market with the QE3 policy of the Central Bank. The increase in the spending behavior of consumers sparks increases in commodity prices. The β†’

Men were by nature polygamous and inclined to sexual snacking( herzog,30) essay sample

The paper looks into how heterosexuality and homosexuality came out in the open during and after the world wars, blurring the line of genders and overlapping sexuality. Female sex reform activists were not sure of men's ability to combine physical passion and enduring affection. There was a longing for stability, β†’

How literature challenges the foundation of our beliefs

During the peak of communism, many took the route of to challenge the religious morals of the public. Russian writers Fyodor Dostoyveski and Leo Tolstoy lived in a dissimilar time than what modern day individuals have come to know. Although religious literature became illegal either after or near the end of the two author's lives, β†’

Free essay on the united states was not the reason the soviet union failed

Because the Russian Government really controlled the Soviet Union, it was not a true union is the same sense that the United States is.. When the Axis nations were divided up after the war the governance of the Eastern European nations was given to Russia and the Soviet Union was created.

History final exam essays example

The Code of Hammurabi is one of the most important sources of the ancient Babylonian law and of the ancient world in general." Code" reveals many issues related to the social and economic situation of ancient Mesopotamia. Axum Kingdom Axum Kingdom was the Ethiopian state that existed in II β†’

Free essay on why are trade barriers so common in the global market how have free trade policies

The establishment of global financial administrations such as the likes of International Monitory Fund and World Bank are two of the contributions and measures undertaken towards the benefit of the states and the people residing within. W.T. Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America: New England and the Middle Colonies.

Rubbish clearance in london: choosing a swift and efficient service

There are a great number of waste removers situated in London, so how does a person get to choose a company dealing in Rubbish Clearance in London? Besides volume loaded in a truck, time quadrants are also assigned to van fillings.

Sample essay on the vikings

The desires for wealth made the Vikings explore extensive partnerships looting across territories and enslaving Christians in the mediaeval Europe. During this time, the cultural distinction was occurring between the Eastern Europe and Western Europe. Although between 10th and 12th century Iceland did not have full democracy or fully a republican in structure, its proto-democratic β†’

Africa and livingstone

Driver argues that " The peculiar power of this myth of the ' Dark Continent' lay in its fusion of " a complex of race, science and religion; the iconography of light and darkness thus represented European penetration of Africa as simultaneously a process of dominion, enlightment and emancipation." The landscape of Africa β†’

Transformation of greece into a great country

Athenian philosopher Aristotle blames the fall of Sparta on the transfership of male controlled property to female controlled property. The Spartan way of life way a culture shock to Aristotle as he had grown up in a patriarchal democracy based on slavery, but slavery was no secret, and the Spartans had the largest slave population β†’

Example of world war ii essay

After the First World War, the winners have established the League of Nations as a collective security mechanism to safeguard peace and contain aggressor-countries. These factors have sealed the fate of Germany, made its military defeat inevitable and led to Nuremberg Trials.

Free personal statement on european business school london

Right after I accomplished Bachelor's degree in Business Communication and English at the University of Economics and Computer science in Warsaw, I decided that the international business process is really something I enjoy dealing with and this is exactly what I would like to learn in detail in the nearest β†’

Example of instance of racism essay

The way I see, it the product of Afro Centrism is not black supremacy, it is not a struggle against Europeans; it is a struggle for Black people's rights across the world. A process that if not stopped, we are going to lose all the pride that is of being African.

Building germanys holocaust memorial movie review example

However, the highest percentage of the people killed was the Jews. It is due to this high proportion of the Jews killed that the holocaust memorial was constructed. A holocaust museum was also started in United States near Washington DC to commemorate the tragedy that occurred in Europe.


Imperialism Imperialism is the domination by one country of the political, economic, or cultural life of another country or region in order to increase its own wealth and power. The new era of imperialism brought about important and farreaching effects.

Political culture and it’s changes within the caribbean

Political Culture and its changes within the Caribbean Political culture: refers to the collection of political beliefs values, practices, and institutions that the government is based on. Changes of Political Culture in the Caribbean | | It is imperative that people have an appreciation of the history of political culture in Jamaica.

Free book review on wolf eric europe and the people without history

The European history has been associated with the industrial revolutions that saw the development of trade and culture of the people. They ked to the formation of trade ties between Europe and other nations and exposed the continent to a multicultural society that had a lot to share in terms of goods and culture. β†’

Essay on impact of jewish americans in popularizing african american music styles

The combination of such musical influences paved the way for the development of a range of music styles such as blues, jazz, gospel, and rap music, among others. The Blues, for instance, came about as heard from slaves' songs that bespoke of love, betrayal, marriage, and bad luck, among others. Later on, Tin Pan Alley β†’

History essays examples

His hopes were fanned by the military victory of the American founding fathers who were in the front line in ensuring that liberation was achieved by all means. Irrespective of the pride that was held by the Americans that they had gotten rid of nobility and royalty, the common people made a move to defer β†’

Example of term paper on a paper prepared for

Although the non-intervention policy does not mean America will remain neutral in the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian conflict, the question is whether the current United States foreign policy and its measures taken in regards to the Ukraine crisis and against further expansion of Russian influence in the area are enough to maintain America's strong position on the β†’

Free future of premier league essay example

This is due to the invention of Television and modernization of media that led to the spread of the ironic sport all across the globe. Here in this research, a thorough study is made on the past and present of football to predict the future aspects of Premier league outside β†’

Free research paper about architecture of 19th century

Besides, in the conclusion I will compare and contrast the peculiarities of architecture of the United States of America and Europe. Europe Eclecticism, entrenched in the 30s of the 19th century, was the architectural and creative method of the century. Starting the post-colonial period., The main features of which are the transition to the β†’

Age of globalization essay sample

Globalization of Europe has tremendously affected the economy of the world in various ways. Education, Globalization, and the State in the Age of Terrorism.

The global economy and the unequal distribution of wealth essay examples

The Global Economy and the Unequal Distribution of Wealth When it comes to discussing global economy and the unequal distribution of wealth, it is hard for me not to consider the advantages the developed, western countries have over developing and under-developed countries in other parts of the world. The Atlantic traders, because of β†’

Free research paper about culture and architecture

However due to the progress of times the description of culture also evolved and diversified and one of the expansion to the connotation of culture includes architecture. The basic characteristics of architecture such as the size and prominence allude to the central notion of creativity is now bannering modern and urban economies to the point β†’

Free international political economy essay example

Globalization Globalization in its simplest definition is an increase on the levels of international trade, communication and investment which is advocated for and fostered by the growth of the internet and new technology developments. There is a great interaction between the growing levels of poverty and the increasing gap between the rich and β†’

The lessons learned from europe’s debt crisis

Based on Europe's debt crisis, there are a number of lessons that have been learned from this mess that will take advantages when this sovereign debt crisis discloses in America. First and foremost, the problem is larger than the " powers that be" acknowledge is one of the lessons learned from Europe's debt crisis. β†’

The islamic dynasty her contribution to the world civilization essay sample

Before the age of Mohammed Muslims said that their people lived in the age of ignorance and the Arabian Peninsula was an archaic place that housed a myriad of religions and cultures some sort of political wasteland. The major traits of the Islamic civilization were - It unified the three great religions that existed β†’

Report on individual economic sustainability report on afl

The argument discussed against the expansion of the league is in terms of salaries and wages for players, financial capability of the clubs and the impact it might have on the environment. In the following analysis we are going to discuss the factors both for and against the expansion of the league and the justification β†’

Was the treaty of versailles a fair settlement?

Lloyd-George was likely the most substance out of the three pioneers since he had needed a bargain between the French and American plans in the first place. The reparations they needed to pay on account of their blame were still moderately little, considering the sum the French would have gotten a kick out of the β†’

Literature and composition essay sample

Most successful agent for the trading company, becomes so entwined in his trade that he breaks the rules of his company and employs savage techniques to get ivory, becomes very ill and before his death, he tries to escape civilization and go into the jungle. Self righteous Europeans, under the name of philanthropy are exploiting β†’

Debt crisis in europe evolved over the period 2013/14 essay examples

Threats of Deficits rate raise amplified inflation increasing the problem of debt in the period 2013/2014. The adoption of the monetary policy in 2014 induced an active narrow banking trend in Europe. In the third quarter of year 2013, the rate of unemployment in the zone was at 12.

Stalin in the second world war

Stalin in World War 2 Winston Churchill provokes Russia: " Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" It was September 1939 World War 2 just started and the Soviet Union was one of the best powers in the world. Stalin the dictator was their leader. The soviets take power β†’

Pathogenia research paper example

The economic changes facilitated the growth of commerce that led to the opening up of national and international trades. The disease is transmitted by inhalation and also from the sores of the infected.

Drivers of globalization essays example

The concept of globalization has been enriched and deepened after years of sustenance since its beginning. The major idea behind globalization across the globe is the ways through which the economies and societies of the world are increasingly becoming close and greatly interlinked. This progress in globalization is driven by β†’

Example of wine ewer and cover/ lacma( write about this object) report

The wine ewer and cover was made to store choice wines and was made around 1712 showcasing some of the most important features which were to make Meissen china one of the most celebrated materials in the world. This work comes from the latter part of Bottger's life where he β†’

Example of essay on ibn battuta and marco polo in world history

He even saw much of northern and eastern Africa, which Marco Polo never visited, and described the customs and cultures of the Muslims in that part of the world. In their time, however, the existence of the Arab and Mongol empires made commerce and travel to the far regions of the earth at least possible, β†’

The socioeconomic integration of migrants in germany and the uk

In fact, the numbers of rejection of that application and the number of the deportation of the migrated people are also connected as chart form with the research article. Introduction Integration of migrant in different fields is not the new term. Besides that, the cultures, language, life styles etc.are influenced through them. Research Aim β†’

Example of essay on historical foundations

The cultures found in the Americas were very different than the culture brought by European conquerors and colonists after the ' discovery' of the New World. The similar structure of the two religions made it easy for the Yoruba and Bantu to combine their religion and that of the Catholic Church.

Women empowerment in germany and pakistan

After passing through different waves and evolutionary process, this movement reaches to the 3rd and 4th transitional waves named He for she and me too which was initially started by Emma Watson but got hype across the globe and it was not only limited to the women but unlike other movements this movement was an β†’

European acquisition of african colonies in the period 1880 to 1914 essay sample

Analyze attitudes toward and evaluate the motivations behind the European acquisition of African colonies in the period 1880 to 1914. Prior to the European takeover of colonies in Africa, Europe had been going through the Industrial Revolution. Many of the European nations had different reasons for wanting to control parts of Africa.

Colonization of the philippines essay sample

Then, several events in the west led to the discovery of the Philippines by the Spaniards. The growing strength of the nation states such as Spain, Portugal, England and France together with the expansion of commerce and industry encouraged European powers to expand their territories in the New World and the East. The new β†’

Free the history of gunpowder in the middle east research paper example

According to Frantz, the principal ingredient of Black Powder which is saltpeter first appears in the writings of Abd Allah in the year of 1200. The purpose of the early cannon and other gunpowder weapons as we can see from the description of the battles of that time was to frighten the enemy's horses and β†’

Good critical thinking on what sparked the columbian exchange

The Columbian Exchange, coined by Alfred Crosby in 1986, refers to the massive movement from the Old World to the New World and back, of crops, animals, and diseases after the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492. The meeting of the Old and the New World drastically changed the fortunes β†’

Free essay on ethics in architecture

This principle stipulates that members should maintain and advance their knowledge in the architectural profession, Respect the accomplishments of architecture and positively contribute to its growth, consider with critical thought the social and environmental impact of their profession and exercise unbiased professional judgment. The second principle ' obligations in the public interest' mentions individual obligations β†’

Christopher columbus

The difference, the way Christopher Columbus worked was he slaughtered many to clear the land, while Lewis and Clark did no such thing. In the beginning Lewis and Clark were seeking new land to inhabit; in the end they found the land without all the killings.

Cross cultural communication between japanese and western businessmen essay sample

Japan's economic boom along with the US impact and the widening business relations with the West certainly introduced business negotiations in Japan, but there are still vast differences between the structure and the mechanism of Japanese and Western businesses. In this paper I am going to introduce the cultural differences that could hinder business β†’

Heart of darkness

The Transformation of Marlow - Conrad's Explication of Europe's Colonial Practice in Africa In " Heart of Darkness" Conrad introduces his protagonist Marlow, his journey through the African Congo and the " enlightenment" of his soul. Marlow's experience in Africa starts with the desire for travel and great journeys to conquer the " blank β†’

Example of hypothesis testing essay

The use of a higher significance level is as a result of having a high chance of 10% of an event not taking place. This is an indication that the chances of rejecting the hypothesis are high as compared to the testing of the hypothesis using a lower significance level of 0.01.

Culture in a multiracial region in reel injun documentary essay

At the same time, the documentary movie has also focused on the origin of various monumental settings and events in America, such as the American film industry. Native Americans in the United States In order to fully understand the organization of North America and the people living in the region in the present day, β†’

The sand creek massacre term paper example

To quell tensions and frequent wars several treaties were signed. One such treaty was the Treaty of Fort Laramie signed in 1851 between the Indian tribes living in the American Plains and the European Americans who were shifting in numbers towards the west of the country. In the Treaty the United States treaty Commissioners and β†’

Crime and law policies of the british colonies

These statutory forms of the crime was not to overturn the common law crime but rather to improve or to add on to it. The most fundamental which precedes the pre-Union statutes was the Larceny Act 1861 of the English legislation. The enactment of the General Law Third Amendment Act replaced the provincial housebreaking offences β†’

Vincor and the new world of wine essay sample

First time they try to be international, first experience. Global Wine Industry new world: U.S., Australia, Chile, Argentina old world: France, Italy, Spain Australia leader of new world wine exporting Top 10 wine exporters accounted for 90% of total exporting France world leader in wine production β†’

Data management research paper samples

This research was intended to uncover factors responsible for child poverty rate in selected number of countries. Research questions - Does the population and maternal employment rate affect child poverty rate? - Is there difference in child poverty rate between European countries and non European countries? Hypothesis - There is significant no significant relationship between the β†’

Major approaches to clinical psychology research paper

This approach in clinical psychology involves understanding of the patient as whole and not fragmented segments of their personality. Hence the main objective of the approach is to integrate self-actualization into clinical psychology.